[HN Gopher] US agency investigating Tesla front suspension failures
       US agency investigating Tesla front suspension failures
       Author : xoxoy
       Score  : 46 points
       Date   : 2020-11-27 20:31 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (abcnews.go.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (abcnews.go.com)
       | mdorazio wrote:
       | This shouldn't be all that newsworthy, except that it's Tesla
       | this time. NHTSA investigations happen fairly frequently for all
       | kinds of issues - you can see them at [1].
       | [1] https://www.nhtsa.gov/search/safety-issues#investigation
         | Animats wrote:
         | Overdid the weight reduction, perhaps?
         | That's very aerospace. But when something bumps an aircraft, it
         | gets maintenance and even slightly damaged parts get replaced.
         | 14 wrote:
         | I guess the only argument I can make is that people who invest
         | in companies like Tesla watch for this kind of thing. I am a
         | backyard mechanic. Honda and Toyota both hold their value and
         | that is for a reason. Tesla is shiny and new right now and
         | popular but if people start to think of them as less then
         | reliable that can cost them greatly. Suspension failing in 4
         | years tells me either poor design or poor material choice.
         | Either way it was a bad choice however it got there. Is Tesla
         | going to become the next Dodge and design everything to fail
         | just outside of warranty? Although maybe not news worthy
         | definitely of interest and being a new company deserve this
         | kind of scrutiny. I remember but can not find the source way
         | back Tesla was talking about a one price car where you just
         | paid "x" dollars and he would worry about the insurance and
         | maintenance I believe it was for 20years. Like a promise you
         | pay us this much and as long as you don't crash will get 20
         | years of driving or they will fix it. That is confidence in a
         | product. Now I really wish I could find the article this was
         | discussed.
           | scoot_718 wrote:
           | Perhaps, I think they just haven't had the years on their
           | cars to have that sort of reliability. They're definitely
           | overvalued, but they're overvalued because of investor
           | madness that isn't going away soon.
         | paulpauper wrote:
         | uber accidents and problems get tons of media coverage. taxi
         | accidents and lawsuits. Ignored completely
       | dharmab wrote:
       | An insightful related comment from /r/cars:
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/k0sbdh/tesla_accused_...
       | toomuchtodo wrote:
       | Associated class action:
       | https://www.classaction.org/media/williams-v-tesla-inc.pdf
       | Disclosure: We own Teslas.
       | Dahoon wrote:
       | Tesla fan horde incoming in 3...2...1...
       | londons_explore wrote:
       | No pictures of the failed joint or even an expert saying "they
       | used the wrong type of metal"?
       | To me this seems like an article missing the relevant details...
         | cheaprentalyeti wrote:
         | I don't have a reference handy, but... I have read in the past
         | that this particular issue with Teslas was reportedly caused by
         | badly cast parts with too many inclusions. Since I've been
         | burned by that particular issue myself, it stuck in my head.
       (page generated 2020-11-27 23:01 UTC)