[HN Gopher] Little Things That Made Amiga Great
       Little Things That Made Amiga Great
       Author : eitland
       Score  : 168 points
       Date   : 2020-11-29 14:14 UTC (8 hours ago)
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       | burlesona wrote:
       | I got really into computers in the mid-late 90s by which point we
       | were mostly down to Wintel and Apple hanging on by a thread.
       | What I remember from that era is that nothing was compatible with
       | anything else. It took a lot of work to interoperate between two
       | PCs, let alone cross the gap between OSes. So for a long time, I
       | have kind of taken the current world of few OSes that are highly
       | interoperable as being a great thing: you can build your own
       | Linux machine and still do real work with people on Windows and
       | Mac, etc.
       | But the more I learn about computing in the 80s and early 90s,
       | the more I'm impressed by the variety and diversity of ideas that
       | came out of that era. I see now that today's standardization has
       | a real cost, which is that we don't really see new ideas or new
       | paradigms.
       | For the HN crowd, especially those who are older than me and can
       | remember the earlier era of computing, what do you think about
       | that trade off and where we've ended up today?
       | Are we better off living in a world where all computers can work
       | together with minimal fuss? Or would it be better if we still had
       | a wide range of vendors taking significantly different approaches
       | and innovating at a much faster pace - albeit in incompatible
       | ways?
         | Ekaros wrote:
         | What I'm personally bit horrified with is that "Unix" is the
         | end all of OS design and so on. With some fundamental designs
         | going back to 70s... Like everything being text. Which seems
         | quite a mess in current world with multimedia and increased
         | networking. Yes we have spend decades hacking to get it to
         | work... But maybe more options and different designs would
         | enrich us lot better.
         | And really we do have layer that can connect all of the
         | different systems together. Namely IP. So even if we had
         | fundamentally different systems, there is no reason why
         | intercommunication wouldn't be possible at this point.
           | TheOtherHobbes wrote:
           | Yes, it's not either/or. The web is a kind of meta-OS with a
           | very minimal and simple API, and as far as the web is
           | concerned everything in userland operates as a thin-client.
           | The OS is only of interest locally.
           | By the mid-90s I was _furious_ with both Microsoft and Apple
           | for setting computing back by at least a decade.
           | You could - with extreme effort - make an Atari ST multitask.
           | And of course with the Amiga it was built in.
           | So why did we throw that away and go backwards to DOS and
           | then single-process Windows - which eventually reinvented
           | multitasking nearly a decade later and sold it as if it was
           | the most astounding development in the history of computing?
           | Of course there were technical challenges - protected memory,
           | protected processes, and so on. But the earliest versions of
           | Windows didn't have those either.
           | So it was a disappointing and frustrating time - an
           | alienating difference of philosophy between consumer
           | computing designed for creativity and exploration, and box-
           | shifting commodity computing designed for form-filling and
           | bureaucracy, which _might_ allow you to have some fun after
           | hours if you behaved yourself and the machine didn 't crash.
           | Considering how smart the Amiga team were, it would have been
           | very interesting to see what they could have done with
           | ubiquitous fast networking, high-res graphics and video, and
           | pocketability.
           | I suspect the result would have been far more open and
           | inspiring than the corporate sand trap we have today.
           | mixmastamyk wrote:
           | Good enough, cheap, source code available wins in the long
           | term. Also worse is better. But even worse was a lot better
           | than DOS.
           | swiley wrote:
           | IMO Unix hasn't taken over as much as people think it has. If
           | you look at an OS more closely they typically have a POSIX
           | API layer on top of whatever unique ideas they have. Even
           | Linux does quite a lot of its own thing.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Most of the "new" Linux ideas you will find them in the
             | mainframes world.
               | mixmastamyk wrote:
               | I think this is largely a factor of PCs getting more
               | powerful and the lag to libre implementations. Trying to
               | build container infrastructure during the pentium 90 days
               | wouldn't have succeeded.
               | See "the innovators dilemma" for the process.
             | njharman wrote:
             | People don't know or underestimate how much Unix has taken
             | over. From cellphones to super computers. From consumer
             | devices to industrial control. Unix servers made and
             | continue to run the internet, aka everything.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | POSIX more than anything, many of those IoT OSes aren't
               | anything UNIX related although they support some form of
               | POSIX.
               | ithkuil wrote:
               | This! Also, we take now many unix abstractions so much
               | for granted that when they occur in different places we
               | assume it's just convergent evolution.
           | patterns wrote:
           | This reminds of Robert Pike's "Systems Research is
           | Irrelevant" speech [1]. Now, 20 years after his speech, we
           | are still stuck with the same notions (such as everything
           | being a string). It's not that there are not plenty of
           | alternatives around, however, expectations are so high that
           | it's almost impossible to make a new computer system
           | economically viable. On the other hand, the hacker and maker
           | scene is very active, some of them building operating systems
           | and hardware such as tiny Lisp-based machines [2] and OSes
           | [3]. (My only gripe is that most of the new "avant-garde"
           | systems are still text/file-based.)
           | I'd love to see a next wave in personal computing, starting
           | with a clean slate, building on the research, insights and
           | learning from the mistakes that have been made. I have no
           | doubt that it will happen, the question is only when.
           | As for interoperability: Even on the same platform there are
           | countless problems getting software to talk to each other, so
           | I don't think that a new system will make the situation any
           | worse.
           | [1] http://www.herpolhode.com/rob/utah2000.pdf
           | [2] https://www.tindie.com/products/lutherjohnson/makerlisp-
           | ez80...
           | [3] https://mezzanos.herokuapp.com/
         | simonh wrote:
         | I think the issue is that, from a user perspective, the
         | implementation details of the kernel and base OS doesn't
         | matter. As long as it's sanely implemented and doesn't impose
         | onerous limitations, it should just get out of the way. The
         | vendor can implement it however they like, with whatever
         | technologies they like, and as long as it supports featureful
         | applications users shouldn't need to care.
         | The reason Unix was so successful was precisely because it was
         | simple and portable a d designed to get out of the way. It was
         | as unremarkable as possible, by design. All the interesting
         | stuff is left to application developers. You want to implement
         | a relational file system, go ahead. You want to develop your
         | own GUI layer, fine. Compared to the other major OSes of the
         | day like VMS, Pick, PrimeOS, etc it's as unoppinionated as
         | possible. Likewise with C, which is intended to be as low level
         | and paradigmless as they could. Just an abstraction over
         | assembler just as Unix is a thin abstraction over the hardware.
         | mattmcknight wrote:
         | Whatever got us the Internet was worth it. To generalize, it's
         | fine to have a variety of components, as long as the interface
         | between them is roughly standardized, and the innovation can
         | come in the components. That we can have a Playstation and an
         | iPhone use the same network is a good thing, and they can do
         | whatever they want with the rest of the stack.
         | A computer pre-internet felt a lot more like an island. I had
         | an Amiga, but I wasn't aware of 90% of the stuff that was out
         | there, and could barely afford to buy a compiler.
           | ddingus wrote:
           | I was in a similar scenario during those times. I did end up
           | with internet gateway access in the very late 80s, which
           | helped a lot.
           | Speaking of islands though, check out this FujiNet thing!
           | https://fujinet.online/
           | Turns out, Atari 8-bit computers have device independent I/O.
           | Suddenly, all those little islands are connected, and people
           | are writing games in basic, playing together online.
         | alexisread wrote:
         | I think there have been many missed opportunities in computing,
         | however I'd suggest that the Internet and GPL (open source
         | licencing in general) would have come regardless of the
         | diversity of operating systems. Both these two innovations have
         | really bound the software world together - compatability these
         | days is really at the TCP level (eg. docker and APIs) and
         | allows for a massive diversity of architectures (kafka, istio,
         | materialize.io, IFTTT, Macrometa etc) - the bar has moved in a
         | way.
         | Having said that, some of the missed opportunities of note are:
         | MINT: Gem and Tos weren't really developed much by Atari, but
         | they did buy in MINT which has preemptive multi tasking and
         | memory protection. With the Aes being retargetable (graphic
         | cards), gdos vector fonts and postscript printing, tcp and lan
         | networking stacks, shell, global shortcut system, posix
         | compatibility and multi-user capabilities, it managed to evolve
         | Tos to effectively a unix with usable desktop aka a standard
         | OSX or linux-on-the-desktop well before now.
         | Secondly, choosing A2 instead of Android would have been huge.
         | A compiled multithreaded, multitasking self-hosted OS with GC,
         | zooming UI, 3x faster than Linux and small enough for one
         | person to understand (250k kernel).
         | https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/bitstream/handle/20....
         | One other benefit here would have been no Google-Oracle lawsuit
         | to mess with API copyright :)
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Personally I prefer the plethora of OSes approach, and I never
         | been a big UNIX fan to start with.
         | Yes it does have a couple of nice ideas, and it was much better
         | to use than Windows 3.x + MS-DOS, but that is about it.
         | All the UNIX based OSes that I really appreciate, have moved
         | beyond it, namely NeXTSTEP, Solaris/NeWS, Irix, Plan 9/Inferno.
         | Thankfully only BSD and GNU/Linux are stuck into being a
         | continuum of UNIX clones without much to add, when you see
         | their conferences it always boils down to kernel features or
         | filesystems.
         | GNU/Linux has the ingredients to make an Amiga like desktop
         | experience, with D-BUS, GNOME/KDE, but the fragmentation and
         | love for POSIX CLI applications just doesn't make it worthwhile
         | to try to make it work.
         | Look at iOS, macOS, Android, Windows (UWP), GenodeOS, Fuchsia,
         | Haiku, Azure Sphere for the pursuit of modern ideas in OS
         | research. The fact that some of those have a POSIX like kernel
         | (or deeply customise Linux kernel) it is just an implementation
         | detail of the overall architecture.
           | otabdeveloper4 wrote:
           | Looks like you missed the whole systemd and cgroups thing.
           | The two are huge and novel developments in OS design, and
           | much more significant than the GUI flimflam you pine for.
           | (Yeah, Linux is a server OS, not news.)
             | tsm_sf wrote:
             | The older I get, the more our devotion to the CLI feels
             | like gatekeeping.
               | otabdeveloper4 wrote:
               | Gatekeeping from what? Linux is a server OS.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Finally given up on "Year of Desktop Linux"?
               | the_af wrote:
               | The year of Desktop Linux arrived for me about a decade
               | ago. Now I work, game, watch movies, edit graphics and
               | photos, all on Linux.
               | I like and want the powerful combination of the CLI and
               | GUI applications.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Finally met one of the happy 1% from Steam surveys.
               | 7thaccount wrote:
               | I don't see it that way. My first computer used Win95 and
               | I didn't get into CLI until college and then seriously at
               | work. I'm not a Unix expert, but am blown away by how
               | much more powerful it is than Windows in many uses. I
               | even push files to a Linux server for analysis at times
               | as I can tear through a file with grep/cut/awk/sort/uniq
               | and some pipes very quickly and efficiently. There are
               | many other technologies I know, yet the simple terminal
               | is still the best approach for many of my uses. The
               | design has stood the test of time for a reason and the
               | compositional approach is nice. Nobody is gatekeeping
               | here.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Systemd is nothing new, Linux copying comercial UNIXes and
             | Windows/VMS, with the community dumping hate left and right
             | on the authors.
             | cgroups has been a thing on mainframes for decades.
               | anthk wrote:
               | SystemD is like Solaris service manager, but far worse.
               | And, on cgroups, I think AIX has something like that but
               | much, much, MUCH better.
               | otabdeveloper4 wrote:
               | Systemd does a lot more than just manage services. The
               | underlying architecture is a generic resource and
               | dependency management system.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | It is called LPAR.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | It's called WPAR. LPARs are hypervisor level
               | partitioning.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | You're right, I stand corrected.
               | qz2 wrote:
               | It's even worse. Systemd, dbus and journald are basically
               | service manager, DCOM and Event Log from windows, but
               | worse!
               | It's not the wrong type of solution but systemd is
               | somewhat stinky compared to what we could have had.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | D-BUS ideas actually trace back to ToolTalk on Solaris.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ToolTalk
               | mixmastamyk wrote:
               | What made Solaris sm better? Curious as I never used that
               | one.
               | otabdeveloper4 wrote:
               | Everything "has been done before" in computing. The
               | difference is a matter of degree and attention to detail.
               | And your comment about it having been a thing on
               | mainframes underscores my point.
               | The server story for Linux is evolving (and maturing)
               | greatly, and very quickly. The Linux of today is not at
               | all like the Linux from 2010. To say that Linux is stuck
               | in some sort of legacy UNIX quagmire is just silly.
         | jl6 wrote:
         | This is the way of the world in microcosm. When globalization
         | has smeared all cultures together, and the only languages left
         | are English, Spanish, and Mandarin, the world will be far more
         | interoperable - but at the cost of every other independent
         | niche society. I'm not actually saying it's not worth it.
         | an_opabinia wrote:
         | Prior to the iPhone we were "standardized" on resistive touch
         | screens, which sucked compared to the iPhone's capacitive
         | screen. Not because a stylus was a good way to use a portable
         | device, and not because capacitive touch screen technology was
         | unknown - it was invented long ago. It's because of cost.
         | You're just conflating standardization with cost cutting.
         | If there was a cheap and easy to install OS in that era they'd
         | all use it. Oh wait that was DOS & Windows, that was the whole
         | point, that's what happened, it was adopted because 999/1,000
         | vendors are interested in cost cutting not innovation.
         | It's hard to celebrate cost cutters. History never celebrates
         | the crummy cost cutters. I feel no nostalgia for that.
       | EvanAnderson wrote:
       | Arexx ports for scripting IPC / automation, the standardized
       | installer ( _especially_ the  "Pretend to install"), and
       | datatypes (which _sort of_ exist in Windows at MacOS, but aren 't
       | exactly the same thing either) are the three features I'd love to
       | see in current OS's.
       | All three would need buy-in from application developers, and
       | since using them would tightly-couple applications to the host
       | platform I can't imagine that any developers would take advantage
       | of them anyway.
       | We've ended up in this world where a vaguely POSIX-flavored
       | feature set is about the best we can hope for if a developer
       | doesn't want to go "all-in" on a given platform.
         | zmix wrote:
         | Oh, yes!                   Sys:> mount IMAP:
         | or the no-brainer Ram Disk.
           | vidarh wrote:
           | My favourite is FrexxEd (co-authored by the author of curl) -
           | a text editor - that exposed all open buffers as files, so
           | you could run script directly on the contents of the open
           | buffer.
             | zmix wrote:
             | That's pretty cool and innovative! I didn't know that
             | (though, I remember hearing about FrexxEd). I was a GoldED
             | guy ;-)
       | zozbot234 wrote:
       | One unique feature of the Amiga that I've not seen referenced
       | here is that programs, scripts etc. could reference removable
       | media by label and if the media was not in the drive when needed,
       | a Kickstart-managed requester would pop up asking for it to be
       | inserted promptly. This made it very easy to manage even a
       | single-floppy-drive system. Linux could support this even now, as
       | all the required pieces are there (e.g. automount support) and it
       | would be quite useful for a number of things; however it doesn't,
       | AFAICT.
         | rob74 wrote:
         | To be fair, this feature was more useful in the nineties than
         | today :) And for the ones not familiar with Amiga jargon, a
         | requester is what you would call a dialog box on other OSes...
         | toyg wrote:
         | _> it would be quite useful for a number of things_
         | Would it really, though? CDROM are basically dead, what are you
         | going to ask: "please connect another internet cable?"
           | kitotik wrote:
           | Prompting to connect to a remote server, insert a thumb
           | drive, enter an encryption key, attach a backup drive would
           | all be useful.
       | StanislavPetrov wrote:
       | >And we were fierce: if you think Apple fanboys are annoying
       | today, be very happy you didn't meet an Amiga zealot in 1995.
       | I was an Atari 8-bit guy, but I have a friend who was an Amiga
       | zealot, and to this day every time we have a conversation he make
       | an Amiga reference.
         | timbit42 wrote:
         | > to this day every time we have a conversation he make an
         | Amiga reference.
         | The Amiga was so far ahead of its time that there hasn't been
         | anything else comparable. I lived through that time and I
         | reference it a lot as well because so many things today are
         | based on the Amiga or still aren't done as well as they were
         | done on the Amiga.
       | sebastien_b wrote:
       | Was quite fond of my Amiga - this blog post even taught me a
       | couple of things I didn't know.
       | ARexx was pretty cool - I had written up an AmigaGuide glossary
       | (index) maker; was quite slow, but became quite speedy when I
       | rewrote it in C.
       | I'm surprised it still has some advanced features that some OS's
       | lack (like system-wide desktop customizable fonts, which macOS
       | still lacks)
       | Freaky wrote:
       | > Any command that evaluates to a valid path will automatically
       | change the current working directory to that path
       | You can get similar behaviour on Unix shells with options like:
       | * zsh: `setopt auto_cd`
       | * bash: `shopt -s autocd`
       | * tcsh: `set implicitcd`
       | I think fish has it by default but only for paths prefixed with
       | tilde, ., /, etc.
       | smcl wrote:
       | I just can't get over how those original Amiga screenshots always
       | look stretched vertically. That would have driven me insane.
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | The font is tall and a bit ugly but could be easily improved.
         | It was the late eighties after all.
         | timbit42 wrote:
         | I don't see what you mean by stretched vertically. The square
         | icons are square.
         | LeoPanthera wrote:
         | It's because the default screen resolutions are PAL (or NTSC),
         | so they have double-height pixels to avoid interlacing.
         | Regular progressive screen modes are also available (some may
         | require the installation of a graphics card), and if you're
         | using a much higher resolution, increasing the workbench font
         | size also makes all the widgets bigger.
         | High-DPI before high-DPI.
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | You can create a ramdisk in Linux by using "tmpfs" as the file
       | system.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tmpfs
       | Sometimes you can mount /tmp as tmpfs to have an extremely fast
       | /tmp partition. You can make the change permanent via /etc/fstab
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | In the old days this was a big performance boost. Now with nvme
         | ssds barely noticeable. Still most distros set up a few by
         | default.
         | timbit42 wrote:
         | Can you create a RAD: device and reboot instantly from it, like
         | the Amiga could?
           | LeoPanthera wrote:
           | Only by cheating, you can save the contents of a tmpfs to
           | disk on shutdown, and then restore it on boot. This can be
           | done with a systemd unit or an init script.
             | josteink wrote:
             | But then it's not a RAD disk but just a HDD boot which
             | preloads things into RAM.
         | floatboth wrote:
         | Usually it's not really about speed, you usually want tmpfs on
         | /tmp /var/tmp /var/run etc. to just specifically _avoid
         | persistence_.
       | reaperducer wrote:
       | One little thing that I always liked about the Amiga was that it
       | could show human dates.
       | I never owned one, but my friend had an Amiga 1000, and I
       | remember the directory listing had dates like "Last Thursday," or
       | "Christmas, 1990," or "An hour ago."
       | I don't know if that was part of the stock Amiga OS, or an add-
       | on, but it was awfully cool.
         | timbit42 wrote:
         | "Last Thursday" and "An hour ago" were part of the stock Amiga
         | OS but it didn't include "Christmas 1990".
       | adamnemecek wrote:
       | Was Amiga ever big in the United States? I had this realization
       | the other day (which might be completely wrong) but it feels like
       | US computing industry is a lot more business focused than the
       | European computing industry. E.g. most DAWs are built by European
       | companies (Ableton, Logic (before Apple acquisition), FL Studio,
       | Reason, Bitwig).
       | Same goes for the demo scene. The demo scene was really big in
       | Europe, but it feels like it was never that big in the US (but I
       | might be wrong).
       | I legit wonder if part of the reason is due to the popularity of
       | Amiga in Europe.
         | jandrese wrote:
         | In the US Amiga was a niche player. Video production nerds went
         | crazy for it and some people got them for games, but PCs were
         | so clearly the way forward that you had to be something of an
         | iconoclast to go for the Amiga. Macs were another niche player,
         | although some businesses went for Macs which gave them a bit
         | more of a "you can justify this by saying you'll work from home
         | sometimes" purchase. In the US it's harder to convince people
         | to spend thousands on a machine that's only going to be used
         | for games.
         | LeoPanthera wrote:
         | It wasn't big, but it did exist. While in Europe Amiga was the
         | "default" games computer, the US adopted games consoles much
         | faster, so most Amigas sold in the US were used for
         | productivity purposes, and mostly video, due to the popularity
         | of the Video Toaster.
         | socialdemocrat wrote:
         | Yeah that is my impression too. Always got the impression that
         | PCs, Macs and Nintendo was bigger in the US.
         | Growing up in Norway in the 80s I remember the Commodore 64 and
         | Amiga really dominated the home computer scene. We used to read
         | computer magazines from Sweden, so it must have been big there
         | too.
         | Pretty much nobody used Macs. Schools used a home grown
         | Norwegian computer system called Tiki, with these odd keyboards
         | with round orange keys.
         | I had the impression that Macs where much more prevalent in the
         | US due to school usage. My American wife has fond memories of
         | playing Nintendo games as a kid. But for me it was all about
         | Amiga.
         | It was really sad that it died. It was a really enabling
         | system. I compare to people who used Nintendo and we learned so
         | much more. I learned to do Basic programming on the Amiga.
         | There was even this Game making Basic called AMOS which as
         | really ahead of its time.
         | Using Deluxe Paint to draw was amazing. I learned so much about
         | colors and shading from that. Then there was Assembly
         | programming which was actually kind of nice on the Amiga.
         | But before all that I remember making things like bootable
         | disks with menus where you could select preferred program.
           | mrwh wrote:
           | AMOS! I swapped my copy of Easy AMOS with a school friend's
           | copy of AMOS Professional. It set me on a path to becoming a
           | professional software engineer. (Later, I swapped AMOS for
           | Amiga E. Anyone remember that?)
           | timbit42 wrote:
           | The Amiga was somewhat popular in the US but I think it was
           | mostly with people who had Commodore 8-bit systems and
           | remained with Commodore when upgrading to 16-bit systems.
           | There were a lot of Atari and Apple II systems in the US
           | besides the C64 and Atari and Apple II owners likely upgraded
           | to Apple Macs, the Atari ST and IBM PCs and not the Amigas.
           | Beyond home computing, the Amiga got quite a bit of use in
           | the video industry in the US.
           | In contrast, Commodore systems were huge in Canada, where I
           | live. All the schools here had 8-bit Commodore systems from
           | the PET to the C64 era. This meant a lot of homes had the
           | VIC-20 and C64. I only knew 1 person in my school with an
           | Apple II and one with an Atari 800XL. Many of the Commodore
           | owners upgraded to Amigas, especially once the Amiga 500 came
           | out. Of course, Canada had 1/10th the population so there
           | weren't as many Amigas as in the US, but a higher percentage
           | of the population had them.
       | gdubs wrote:
       | I very badly wanted an Amiga as a kid, primarily for the Video
       | Toaster which included Lightwave. It was out of reach
       | financially, but also on its way out with the Commodore corporate
       | problems. My parents drove me to B&H Photo in Manhattan to take a
       | look at one, but they were pretty honest about it being near the
       | end of the line for Amiga, sadly.
       | The closest I got was a subscription to Amiga World and a NewTek
       | magazine if I recall correctly. I must have read and re-read the
       | same articles on the visual effects for Babylon 5 about a
       | thousand times.
       | Despite the cost, the Toaster plus Amiga was insanely inexpensive
       | compared to the alternatives of the time.
         | 7thaccount wrote:
         | It is pretty crazy to think that Babylon 5 had better special
         | effects than TNG (in my opinion) and did it for cheap on the
         | Amiga compared to Industrial Lights and Magic that TNG used.
           | CyberDildonics wrote:
           | You might want to go watch that stuff again before you make
           | your mind up.
           | It is still impressive however that some of these amiga +
           | lightwave effects were done with 12MB of RAM.
             | jacobush wrote:
             | But for the time it looked OK, especially on the typical
             | bedroom 14" CRT.
               | CyberDildonics wrote:
               | He wasn't stating how it looked for the time, he was
               | comparing it to star trek: the next generation, which
               | used models and was shot on film while even high budget
               | CG was still in its infancy.
             | 7thaccount wrote:
             | I rewatch B5 every few years. It still looks great with
             | some exceptions (Vorlon planet killer looks like it didn't
             | get much time).
               | CyberDildonics wrote:
               | Originally you made a comparison to Star Trek.
           | LeoPanthera wrote:
           | It's a weird comparison. Babylon 5's special effects were
           | very early CGI, but TNG has almost no computer graphics at
           | all. (Nearly) everything was done practically, and with
           | models. Personally I think TNG stands up better, and the fact
           | that it was done practically and shot on film now allows a
           | high-definition version to exist, which can never happen for
           | B5.
             | mixmastamyk wrote:
             | B5 was done mostly in HD, they lost a few shots IIRC.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | Their effects weren't, which is the point the parent was
               | making I think.
       | mixmastamyk wrote:
       | There was one version of Python ported to the Amiga. I believe it
       | was 2.4 perhaps.
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | The Amiga has a very impressive demoscene...
       | Two Amiga demos that I like from The Black Lotus (TBL):
       | - Eon (2019): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD9xk3SDSYc (4:16
       | is my favorite part)
       | - Starstruck (2006): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPdB_zdyMbM
         | WillFlux wrote:
         | Both great demos. I recommend watching Eon from the Revision
         | 2019 Amiga compo stream:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwoyfH7TgEQ&feature=youtu.be...
         | Hearing the crowd react definitely adds to this one!
         | masterofmisc wrote:
         | Don't forget the Jesus on E's demo by the LSD group.
         | https://youtu.be/0MjNsNW8DvM. If I remember rightly, the LSD
         | group also did the scene Grapevine magazine and also Dox disks.
       | cutitout wrote:
       | I love how the circuit diagrams were part of the manuals.
       | Admittedly, an Amiga 500 was vastly less complex than a modern
       | computer, but still: what today companies like Apple want to keep
       | under wraps, so not everybody can just repair anything easily,
       | everyone got whether they wanted/needed it or not.
       | Amiga nostalgia isn't just nostalgia, the Amiga was great. From
       | age 10 to 14 most of my life revolved around my Amiga 500 and
       | then Amiga 4000, and while it was great then, too, I feel doubly
       | blessed in hindsight, considering what tech has become and where
       | it's heading, to have been allowed to catch a brief glimpse of
       | what could have been. And the music. All that music.
       | bhauer wrote:
       | A big "Yes" to proportional scroll bars. I didn't have an Amiga,
       | but rather an ST. The ST also had proportional scroll bars and
       | for years, I could not understand why the major platforms
       | (Windows, MacOS) did not. It was a pet peeve that really bothered
       | me when I would sit down to use someone's Mac or PC of the time.
       | I should have realized it could be worse. With the modern era's
       | "mobile first" UX regime, we now have many desktop experiences
       | that hide the scrollbars entirely--revealing them only on
       | interaction--wholly removing any at-a-glance utility we enjoyed
       | from proportional bars.
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | It's even weirder when you realize how much more resolution we
         | have now.
         | A favorite implementation of mine was 4dwm on SGI. You could
         | middle-click on the trough and it would go directly there,
         | rather than the normal paging by left-click. Still try to use
         | it everywhere and am disappointed.
           | twic wrote:
           | In Cinnamon on Linux, the scrollbars in Firefox, Terminal,
           | and Xreader are all proportional, and jump directly on left-
           | click. Shift-click moves one page.
           | masswerk wrote:
           | Option + click on Mac...
             | justforyou wrote:
             | Command + click.
           | abrowne wrote:
           | Chromium does this on Linux (at least I assume a three finger
           | trackpad tap is middle click). IIRC, Qt apps show a menu with
           | a "scroll to here" option.
         | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
         | > revealing them only on interaction
         | but you can't interact with them except by bringing the mouse
         | over the right side, and you can't see them so you literally
         | have lost a visual cue of the very thing you want to interact
         | with. It's just amazing.
           | ithkuil wrote:
           | Yes, but the fact that so few people actually complains
           | probably tells you a lot about the input devices that people
           | use.
           | Touchpads with two finger scroll and mouse with scroll wheels
           | have turned scrolling into a gesture that doesn't necessarily
           | require UI element, in pretty much the same way that a
           | physical keyboard is just there for you to type on and
           | doesn't pop up in existence when you have a focused input
           | field
             | bhauer wrote:
             | But this is partially missing the original point about
             | _proportional scrollbars_ , which is that they illustrate
             | how large the scrollable content is at a glance. With
             | hidden scrollbars or, as I believe you're describing,
             | simply not even looking at the scrollbar, there's no
             | indication of where you are in the content or how large the
             | content is. I would argue this is one of the chief
             | grievances I have when consuming content on a mobile device
             | (among an armada of other grievances with mobile
             | consumption, at least on the web).
             | Those of us who like knowing contextual information such as
             | document size at a glance are sad to see (proportional)
             | scrollbars go.
             | EvanAnderson wrote:
             | Few people complain about them because there are so many
             | new-to-computers users who don't have enough experience to
             | appreciate the value of default-visible, proportionally-
             | sized scrollbar thumbs. We're in some kind of awful
             | eternal-September of user interfaces world where
             | experienced users get to suffer through new developers,
             | eager to leave their mark by making "modern" user
             | interfaces re-learn all the old lessions.
             | Jedd wrote:
             | > Yes, but the fact that so few people actually complains
             | ...
             | I'm curious where you're getting your numbers for that
             | claim.
             | In Microsoft Word, f.e, there's a lot of questions around
             | how to disable the auto-hiding, and I believe the only
             | remedy is to disable auto-hiding of all scrollbars within
             | Windows 10 itself (it's under the accessibility setting
             | hierarchy, weirdly).
             | There's myriad native & web applications that choose to
             | hide these, and they're an endless source of frustration
             | for people that would like them present, but find they are
             | not, and subsequently find there's no convenient way to
             | disable the auto-hide, and then lose interest in filing yet
             | another bug / feature request.
             | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
             | I think you're right about the touchpad, it's my
             | understanding they removed scrollbar visibility because of
             | that input style, however ATM I'm using windows and and I
             | have a trackball with a scroll wheel and I very regularly
             | look at the scrollbars when I'm doing C#, or looking at
             | browsing in palemoon, my two main activities. It tells me
             | where I am (heavily looked at in vis stdio), which us part
             | of the reason some people (not me) like minimaps.
       | rodgerd wrote:
       | > While certainly not a UNIX clone
       | Yeah, that's why it was great.
       | For me, ARexx and Datatypes still stand out. A standard scripting
       | language with standard interfaces into all your desktop software
       | is a magnificent tool, and one that common desktop OSes still
       | don't have.
       | Datatypes meant that every program could open relevant data;
       | again, something you can't rely on even 30 years later on your
       | desktop OS.
       | s4n1ty wrote:
       | I had an Atari 800XL, then a 520STfm, then a Falcon 030.
       | Back in those days there was quite a bit of tribal rivalry
       | between Atari and Amigas - but I have to admit that the Amiga's
       | OS was way ahead of Atari's, which didn't even get true
       | multitasking until the Falcon (which almost nobody bought).
       | hvs wrote:
       | As expected, most of the features were rare on home computers at
       | the time, but have become ubiquitous (or unnecessary) on modern
       | computers. HOWEVER, the `Datatypes` feature is really cool and
       | would actually be a nice feature that still doesn't exist in
       | Windows, macOS, or Linux.
       | https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/Datatypes_Library
         | mrob wrote:
         | My favorite feature from the past is RISC OS's "adjust"
         | feature, bound to the third mouse button. This had three
         | functions:
         | Selecting menu items without closing the menu.
         | Toggling selection status of selectable icons (same as
         | control+click in modern GUIs).
         | Changing the length of text selections (same as shift+click in
         | modern GUIs).
         | Sadly, modern GUIs seem to limit themselves to two mouse
         | buttons. Adding "adjust" would improve productivity if you had
         | a three button mouse, and you could ignore it if you lacked
         | mouse buttons and not be any worse off. Maybe there are other
         | good features from early OSs we have forgotten.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | It does exist in Windows,
         | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wic/-wic-lh
         | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions//dd443207...
         | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/customi...
         | and in macOS,
         | https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Gr...
         | https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Mu...
         | Although, yes I do concede it is more complex to implement, the
         | way to do it depends on what kind of data type we are talking
         | about, and it only works properly if the applications actually
         | make use of the OS frameworks instead of doing their own thing.
         | And as expected with the GNU/Linux "desktop", nothing does
         | exist that comes close to it.
           | zimpenfish wrote:
           | I'm possibly missing something but that Image Unit thing
           | seems to be a filter rather than a decoder?
           | The Core Audio stuff is definitely datatypes though -
           | converting things to a common backend format for apps to use.
           | vidarh wrote:
           | That seems limited to specific types of media, though.
           | Datatypes is a general purpose framework for creating a
           | hierarchy of parsers for file formats.
           | It can be images or sound, but also text, or anything else.
           | E.g. here's a small sample of datatypes from Aminet,
           | excluding anything sound and graphics related:
           | * Datatypes for transparent decompression
           | * Datatypes for syntax highlighting
           | * Datatypes for parsing document formats (word etc.)
           | * Assorted hypertext datatypes
           | * Assorted datatypes for showing debug information and
           | structure of various binary formats, like executables.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | I just didn't want to list everything, hence why I added
             | the remark "the way to do it depends on what kind of data
             | type we are talking about", and yes I do not mean it was as
             | exhaustive as DataTypes, as I don't know all use cases.
           | richardjdare wrote:
           | Wow, in 24 years as a Windows user I never knew about Windows
           | Imaging Components, nor did I come across Image Units in the
           | 4 years or so I was doing iOS dev on a Mac. I've never seen
           | an end-user application that used them, or told me as a user
           | that I could expand its functionality with them.
           | In contrast, on the Amiga, I knew about Datatypes out of the
           | box as they were written up in the user manual, and pretty
           | much the whole developer community got on board with them. If
           | an app used DataTypes it was a feature that the user knew
           | about.
           | The Amiga community seemed much more unified than today with
           | respect to using all the latest features of the OS. Even the
           | smallest public domain utilities provided AREXX ports so the
           | user could script them.
             | paulryanrogers wrote:
             | Unity among a much smaller group is easier and more likely
             | than a larger group
         | tyingq wrote:
         | I'd always hoped that extended attributes (xattr) would be used
         | for something like that. Nobody seems to use them, though,
         | since they are optional and no standard naming scheme exists.
         | smallstepforman wrote:
         | BeOS (and by extension Haiku) has Translators:
         | https://www.haiku-os.org/legacy-docs/bebook/TheTranslationKi...
         | Supports image, text, sound, streaming, etc.
         | pjc50 wrote:
         | The Windows equivalent is/was COM and in particlar OLE ("object
         | linking and embedding"). With appropriate DLLs you can make a
         | new file format and drag-and-drop a file into Word and open it
         | inside Word.
         | The peak of this was ActiveX; in Microsoft's world around 2000,
         | they _really_ wanted you to be able to embed controls and
         | programs in web pages and then put those web pages everywhere,
         | including on the desktop background ( "active desktop").
         | The problem of running third-party code inside your application
         | is not just security but it tends to crash bady and put the
         | name of the _hosting application_ on the crash. Eventually
         | Microsoft got so fed up with that, especially in the kernel,
         | they built a system where video drivers could crash and restart
         | while the OS kept on trucking, and use of COM has faded.
           | toyg wrote:
           | _> The Windows equivalent is /was COM and in particlar OLE
           | [...] it tends to crash badly_
           | The mistake was implementing this stuff in C++, which is way
           | too fragile on its own. Had they built a separate VM to
           | manage requests for these objects, it would have been no
           | problem: VM crashes, host app just restarts it. But Java did
           | not exist yet and VMs were not really a thing, resources were
           | too scarce.
           | I do think the ideas behind COM/OLE were pretty good,
           | unfortunately real development on desktop OSes basically
           | stopped mid-'00s so we might never know what it could have
           | been.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | UWP is COM + .NET type system, and the basis of modern
             | stuff like WinUI and React Native on Windows.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | For those not following up with Windows development, all
           | major new Windows APIS since XP are ActiveX aka COM aka WinRT
           | aka UWP.
           | COM is pretty much alive and was modernised with .NET type
           | system.
       | codevark wrote:
       | I started programming in the 70s, on Z80s and a PDP-11. Then I
       | moved to the Apple IIe. Also got a bit of early exposure to MS-
       | DOS in the early 80s. When I first was able to get my hands on an
       | Amiga 1000 (my friend got one as a graduation present), it
       | completely blew my mind. The Amiga is still my favorite, and I
       | have several that still boot up and work fine, even though they
       | are quite a bit older than my kids, who do not always boot up and
       | work. :) There are a bunch of things I still miss when working
       | with Windows (for "work"), even though it is well documented that
       | Microsoft ripped off a bunch of ideas and features from the Amiga
       | (and early Macs). There are, of course, some things I've gotten
       | used to in the intervening years, like increased CPU speeds, but
       | the UI of my old Amigas is actually sometimes more performant
       | than a brand new machine running a modern OS with thousands (or
       | millions) of times the available resources. Go figure.
       | BruceEel wrote:
       | Anno 2020, I still miss ASSIGN ... ADD.
         | stutonk wrote:
         | export VAR="$VAR:whatever else"
           | BruceEel wrote:
           | Yes, for things like PATH. But ASSIGN did more, you could
           | essentially create a "device" (combining all ADD'ed things)
           | that could be transparently accessed as such by other
           | programs. It worked like a version of the Windows SUBST
           | command accepting multiple arguments.
             | stutonk wrote:
             | Like a union mount?
               | BruceEel wrote:
               | No direct experience with union mounts (I'm on Mac) but
               | it sounds like those would do the trick.
               | stutonk wrote:
               | If it is indeed a union mount mechanism, then that's
               | truly a remarkable feature. Reading the documentation
               | makes it sound like something akin to an symbolic link
               | but perhaps not in the actual filesystem; I still can't
               | tell if it's implemented in the kernel/FS or just the
               | shell (or to what extent the two are integrated). If it's
               | just the shell then this seems to be a shining example of
               | where the POSIX interface is holding us back. In Linux,
               | they've tried to implement union mounts a number of times
               | (as UnionFS, aufs, and OverlayFS) because it's almost too
               | complicated to get right for Unix-style filesystems and
               | you need a bunch of kernel-level code. Do you happen to
               | know if it was possible to create the ASSIGNs
               | programmatically? Does deleting/renaming files in the
               | ASSIGN work like you'd hope?
               | BruceEel wrote:
               | Yes, it was indeed implemented at OS-level, you could
               | point at the assigned name/alias from, say, a paint
               | program and find the files/dirs you'd expect to see.
               | Changes to files/dirs too worked as expected as far as I
               | can recall (disclaimer: most recent Amiga experience ->
               | 1994). It was also possible to create assigns
               | programmatically with calls to the Amiga DOS library, see
               | "dos.library/AssignPath" in http://amiga.nvg.org/amiga/re
               | ference/Includes_and_Autodocs_2...                   NAME
               | AssignPath -- Creates an assignment to a specified path
               | (V36)                     SYNOPSIS          success =
               | AssignPath(name,path)          D0                    D1
               | D2                   BOOL AssignPath(STRPTR,STRPTR)
               | FUNCTION          Sets up a assignment that is expanded
               | upon EACH reference to the name.          This is
               | implemented through a new device list type
               | (DLT_ASSIGNPATH, or          some such).  The path (a
               | string) would be attached to the node.  When          the
               | name is referenced (Open("FOO:xyzzy"...), the string will
               | be used          to determine where to do the open.  No
               | permanent lock will be part of          it.  For example,
               | you could AssignPath() c2: to df2:c, and references
               | to c2: would go to df2:c, even if you change disks.
               | The other major advantage is assigning things to
               | unmounted volumes,          which will be requested upon
               | access (useful in startup sequences).
               | INPUTS          name - Name of device to be assigned
               | (without trailing ':')          path - Name of late
               | assignment to be resolved at each reference
               | RESULT          success - Success/failure indicator of
               | the operation                     SEE ALSO
               | AssignAdd(), AssignLock(), AssignLate(), Open()
               | sime2009 wrote:
               | Yes, a lot like a union mount except that it was read
               | only and easy to modify.
               | Assigns were often used for things that we today would
               | stuff into an environment variable to represent an array
               | of paths. Instead of an environment variable for setting
               | the search path for shared libraries, on the Amiga you
               | would just setup `LIBS:` and an application could find
               | its libraries by opening `LIBS:MyFoo.library`. Similar
               | story for $PATH. Amiga has `PATH:` which "contained" all
               | of the executables in your path. Unlike unix style
               | environment variables, assigns were system wide. (Amiga
               | was a single user system.)
         | ithkuil wrote:
         | Eerily similar to openvms logical name search lists
           | mixmastamyk wrote:
           | Netware had named volumes as well, aka SYS:
           | Felt like a good compromise between DOS drive letters and
           | Unix single root.
             | ithkuil wrote:
             | That's only half of the story. The interesting part is when
             | assigning multiple targets to the same logical name and
             | effectively creating virtual "collections"
       | urbandw311er wrote:
       | I sold my very first piece of software (aged 13) leveraging the
       | Amiga RAD disk.
       | It was called 'RADBench' and essentially installed a mini version
       | of Workbench into the recoverable RAM disk, so you could work
       | better with floppy-based files by having key executables in
       | memory.
       | It's still out there somewhere on the Internets.
       | Ah happy memories dear old Amiga.
       | Yuioup wrote:
       | _No CD_
       |  _While AmigaDOS does have a CD command, it 's usually not
       | needed. Any command that evaluates to a valid path will
       | automatically change the current working directory to that path_
       | How is that useful?
         | antiterra wrote:
         | It just means you don't have to type cd before the path to
         | change directories. It's not a big deal at all, especially in
         | the context of the DOS shells of the day or modern *nix shells.
         | eg: > Quarantine/Trojan
         | Will dump you into the Trojan directory relative to the current
         | path. Unless....
         | Trojan is a binary, then it will run it. Oops.
           | mixmastamyk wrote:
           | The second is no different than any other shell.
             | antiterra wrote:
             | The point is that you might mean to change directories but
             | accidentally execute a file instead.
         | [deleted]
       | rektide wrote:
       | Speaking for the Dead is something I really really hope we can do
       | more for computing. There's so many pasts that we forget.
       | I want condensed good & bads of CORBA, SOAP, NeXT, ESB, & so many
       | others. It feels like there's only dwindling folklore of so many
       | of these things. At least I can point newcomers to C10K and
       | Apache forking models to discuss some of the webserving systems
       | architecture work that emerged around 2000, that gives a fairly
       | broad view of the challenges & was afoot. But I've found few
       | clear stories, clear tellings for so many of the faded
       | technologies. Nice to see Amiga here somewhat avoiding that fate,
       | having some stories told.
       | mhd wrote:
       | Note that a lot of the "shell"/AmigaDOS details were inherited
       | from Tripos[1], along with BCPL to implement that (the BCPL that
       | begat first B and then C at Bell Labs). IIRC, that was a
       | temporary solution until they got their own design running, but
       | as usual, nothing lasts longer than a stopgap.
       | [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIPOS
       | socialdemocrat wrote:
       | After Switching from Amiga to PC, I missed the RAM disk for a
       | long time for some reason. It has been so long ago now that I
       | cannot remember my workflows that well anymore. But I seem to
       | remember that the RAM disk was a really natural part of my
       | workflow.
       | I also remember how us Amiga users got really used to that you
       | could set the layering of Windows specifically.
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