[HN Gopher] Writing Rust the Elixir Way
       Writing Rust the Elixir Way
       Author : bkolobara
       Score  : 216 points
       Date   : 2020-11-30 12:29 UTC (10 hours ago)
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       | FpUser wrote:
       | >"Even though the threads don't do anything, just running this on
       | my MacBook forces it to reboot after a few seconds. This makes it
       | impractical to have massive concurrency with threads."
       | That is a problem of your MacBook. I can run thousands of threads
       | when testing some servers sustainably and with no problems on my
       | Windows and Linux laptop, never mind desktop and real servers. So
       | it is pretty much practical. Whether it makes sense pretty much
       | depends on what are you doing in particular. Your conclusion
       | means zilch without context.
         | lalaithion wrote:
         | Running this test on my Linux desktop takes 9.9 GB of virtual
         | memory (although very little is actually resident) and 42% of
         | my CPU. So, it doesn't crash my computer, but this seems like
         | it's way too much resource usage.
           | FpUser wrote:
           | Reserved stack space that can be adjusted
       | anonymousDan wrote:
       | Can your runtime handle non rust wasm code?
         | bkolobara wrote:
         | Yes! I only provide a higher-level library for Rust, but you
         | can use the lower-level host functions from any WASM code if
         | you run it on Lunatic.
       | bausano_michael wrote:
       | The submitted link does no longer for me, here's a link to the
       | original article: https://dev.to/bkolobara/writing-rust-the-
       | elixir-way-2lm8
       | akhilcacharya wrote:
       | To me, this looks _extremely_ promising from a performance and
       | developer ergonomics point of view and a fantastic use case for
       | WASM and WASI - only limiting factor seems to be the rollout for
       | WASI networking support.
       | toast0 wrote:
       | > Now you can write regular blocking code, but the executor will
       | take care of moving your process off the execution thread if you
       | are waiting, so you never block a thread.
       | This is super important and awesome. It's a big part of what
       | makes Erlang simpler to write code for than other highly
       | concurrent environments.
         | anthony_doan wrote:
         | Yeah it because the Erlang VM have a preemptive scheduler and
         | each process have a mailbox which gets a designated amount of
         | time to access cpu.
         | You can do a for(1) for loop and it won't hog the cpu because
         | it get premptive. The problem is when you have large amount of
         | problematic mails in the mailbox....
           | lostcolony wrote:
           | So having written production Erlang, I have literally never
           | had an issue with large amounts of problematic mails in the
           | mailbox. It's like, yeah, technically it's possible, since
           | there's no forced constraints around what kinds of messages a
           | given process can be sent (which is intentional; after all,
           | the process may enter a later receive statement that knows
           | how to handle those kinds of messages), but it's really easy
           | to do correctly. And you can always program defensively if
           | you want to limit the kinds of messages you respond to by
           | having a wildcard pattern match at the end of a receive.
             | toast0 wrote:
             | If you're not running into overfull mailboxes, you're not
             | trying hard enough! :D
             | Usually, it's some process that's gotten itself into a bad
             | state and isn't making any progress (which happens, we're
             | human), so ideally you had a watchdog on it it, to kill it
             | if it makes no progress, or flag for human intervention, or
             | stop sending it work, cause it's not doing any of it.
             | But sometimes, you get into a bad place where you've got
             | much more work coming in than your process can handle, and
             | it just grows and grows. This can get worse if some of the
             | the processing involves send + receive to another process
             | and the pattern doesn't trigger the selective receive
             | optimization where the current mailbox is marked at
             | make_ref() and receive only checks from the marker, instead
             | of the whole thing.
             | If you miss that optimization, the receives will check the
             | whole mailbox, which takes a long time if the mailbox is
             | large, and tends to make you get further behind, making it
             | take longer, etc, until you lose all hope of catching up,
             | and eventually run out of memory; possibly triggering
             | process death if you've set max_heap_size on the process
             | (although where I was using Erlang we didn't set that), or
             | triggering OS process death of BEAM when it can't get more
             | ram because allocation failed or OOM killer, or triggering
             | OS death, if it has trouble when BEAM sucks in all the
             | memory and can't muster its OOM killer in time and just
             | gets stuck or OOM kills the wrong thing.
             | filmor wrote:
             | Overfull mailboxes can be problematic even with a wildcard
             | `receive` and can happen if some branch of the control flow
             | is slower than expected. We have some places in our code
             | that essentially do manual mailbox handling by merging
             | similar messages and keeping them in the process state
             | until it's ready to actually handle them.
         | ibraheemdev wrote:
         | async-std has been doing this for a while. The runtime detects
         | blocking tasks automatically and offloads them to a seperate
         | thread.
         | EDIT: The automatic blocking detection of async-std was
         | abandoned after further discussion
           | bkolobara wrote:
           | There is an important difference here. In Lunatic all
           | syscalls are non-blocking, they are not just offloaded to a
           | separate thread. However, they look like regular "blocking"
           | functions from the developer's perspective. Under the hood
           | Lunatic uses async-wormhole[0] to make this work.
           | [0]: https://github.com/bkolobara/async-wormhole
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | Did that actually go into a release? The last I heard was
           | that they tried it on a branch about a year ago and then
           | abandoned it.
             | ibraheemdev wrote:
             | I though it had been merged but it looks like they remove
             | the auto blocking detection and merge a revised version of
             | the runtime [1].
             | 1: https://github.com/async-rs/async-std/pull/733
       | IshKebab wrote:
       | > but I will call them processes to stay close to Elixir's naming
       | convention.
       | That seems like an extremely confusing mistake given that there
       | is already a very closely related concept called a "process"?
       | I would consider calling them "workers" or "isolates" since
       | unless I'm mistaken, you have basically recreated WebWorkers (AKA
       | isolates in V8/Dart)?
       | Presumably this also means you can't share memory? Very neat idea
       | anyway!
       | stepbeek wrote:
       | Is this the perfect Hacker News title?
       | bkolobara wrote:
       | Author here! I will take some time to answer any questions.
         | faitswulff wrote:
         | So must the `crashing_c_function()` in your example be compiled
         | to WASM before it can be used in Lunatic? Another comment
         | elsewhere asked:
         | > Well then that is not comparable to NIFs at all. In fact it
         | is an extremely misleading example...A lot of the time you can
         | not compile the C code to wasm and what do you do then? How do
         | you interface with OS libraries?
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25255955
           | bkolobara wrote:
           | Yes, it must be compiled to Wasm to work.
         | qw3rty01 wrote:
         | Is there a reason you used threads in the rust example instead
         | of tasks? I think it would have been more useful to compare
         | against proper rust async concurrency: I ran 200k sleep tasks
         | over 12 threads using `async-std` and each thread only used up
         | ~30% cpu (~60% on `tokio`), and <10% with 20k tasks.
         | What is the proper way to call `Process::sleep` in your
         | example? I don't see it in the lunatic crate or documentation,
         | and I can't compare results without running the same test in
         | lunatic.
         | Edit: I guess async rust is mentioned, but it doesn't really
         | explain in detail what lunatic is solving that async rust
         | doesn't provide, besides a vague "more simple" and "extra
         | features," which the example doesn't really show.
         | jimbokun wrote:
         | What do you see as the advantage of using these Rust + WASM
         | running on Lunatic processes, versus developing in Elixir?
           | bkolobara wrote:
           | Using C bindings without fear would be a big one. If you use
           | NIFs in Elixir you may bring down the whole VM with a
           | segmentation fault. While Lunatic limits this failure to only
           | the affected process. WASM was designed to be run inside the
           | browser so the sandboxing capabilities are much stronger.
           | Another would be raw compute power, WASM comes close to
           | native in many cases.
             | nahuel0x wrote:
             | Other advantages over BEAM: Static typing, multiple
             | languages with a WASM target available, live migration of
             | process to the browser.
         | dwoot wrote:
         | Recently started my journey with Rust having worked with Elixir
         | in production for about two years, but I keep an ear out on
         | Rust and Elixir/Erlang development
         | My question: are you familiar with the Lumen project?
         | https://github.com/lumen/lumen#about. Both projects appear to
         | have some overlap. Secondly, what, if any, will be the primary
         | differentiators here? (I've not looked at either projects in
         | too much detail)
         | One of its creators, Paul Schoenfelder (Bitwalker), you're
         | probably familiar with as he's authored a few popular libraries
         | in Elixir and the other core developer, Luke Imhoff, is
         | ensuring that WASM is taking players like Elixir/Erlang into
         | account being a part of one of the organizations or committees
         | if I recall correctly
         | caust1c wrote:
         | Coming from Go which introduced me to the concept of
         | lightweight threads, I really miss goroutines and Go's
         | concurrency model with channels/select/cancellation/scheduling.
         | However, targeting WASM seems like a pretty huge compromise to
         | doing this natively in Rust. Conversely, it looks like what
         | you're trying to do wouldn't currently be possible without the
         | WASM/WASI stack. Curious what your thoughts are about not
         | implementing it as a Rust runtime target? Did you investigate
         | this and why did you rule it out if so?
           | latch wrote:
           | Go's concurrency model seems like a compromise:
           | https://play.golang.org/p/DAoobz43yud
           | OR
           | https://play.golang.org/p/m0VntGBORBw
           | Also, I can't think of what scheduling capabilities Go's
           | concurrency has?
             | nkozyra wrote:
             | I'm not sure I understand your second example qualm. That's
             | logical described-on-the-box behavior.
           | bkolobara wrote:
           | I don't see it as a compromise. Using Wasm allows for some
           | really nice properties, like compiling once and running on
           | any operating system and CPU architecture. Lunatic JIT
           | compiles this code either way to machine code so the
           | performance hit should not be too big.
           | When you say "implementing it as a Rust runtime target", I
           | assume you mean targeting x86/64. In this case it would be
           | impossible to provide fault tolerance. The sandboxing
           | capability of Wasm is necessary to separate one processes
           | memory from another.
           | nahuel0x wrote:
           | Note, the Go model falls short against the Erlang/Lunatic
           | one. You can't externally kill a goroutine at arbitrary
           | points (you need to cancel them with a cancel chan / context
           | with manual checking). You can't prioritize a goroutine over
           | others. You can't serialize a goroutine state and send it
           | over the network. You can't fork a goroutine. You can't
           | sandbox a goroutine. Etc.
           | Using WASM is a tradeoff, but WASM is very fast, surely
           | faster than BEAM process.
             | didibus wrote:
             | > You can't externally kill a goroutine at arbitrary points
             | Why not? Isn't that just an artifact of Go's
             | implementation, or is there fundamentally something in CSP
             | that prevents this?
               | skybrian wrote:
               | It's essentially cultural. A fundamental assumption of
               | the Go language, implementation, libraries, and community
               | is that goroutines share memory. You don't write
               | concurrent Go code assuming that a Goroutine could
               | arbitrarily disappear, so breaking this assumption will
               | break things.
               | Lunatic is not like that:
               | > Each Lunatic process gets their own heap, stack and
               | syscalls.
               | Similarly, Rust code that uses threads and/or async isn't
               | going to work in Lunatic (or at least won't get the
               | advantages of its concurrency model) without being
               | rewritten using Lunatic's concurrency primitives. The
               | concurrency model is more like JavaScript workers or Dart
               | isolates, though hopefully lighter weight.
               | I'm guessing that the Rust _language_ might work well
               | because move semantics assumes that values that aren 't
               | pinned can be moved, and that's a better fit for
               | transmitting messages between processes. But there will
               | probably be a lot of crates that you can't use with
               | Lunatic. If it became popular, it would be forking the
               | community at a pretty low level. You'd have some crates
               | that only work with Lunatic and others that use async or
               | threads.
         | nahuel0x wrote:
         | I think the Lunatic architecture can enable shared memory
         | regions between processes and between processes and host in
         | addition to the erlang-like shared nothing approach. That would
         | be an advantage over (non-NIF) erlang for some use-cases. Do
         | you plan something like that? Can you easily map a data
         | structure in Rust? (I think is doable between WASM process but
         | not sure about between WASM and native host).
         | Another question: What about sending code between process? Like
         | sending a fun between Erlang process.
         | IMHO this architecture has the potential to go beyond BEAM,
         | good work!
           | bkolobara wrote:
           | Thank you! This is something I want to support and there is
           | some WIP code for it. Currently I'm only waiting on Wasmtime
           | (the WASM runtime used by Lunatic) to get support for shared
           | memory.
           | Regarding the question about sending code, this also can be
           | implemented. Wasm allows you to share function indexes
           | (pointers) and dynamically call them.
         | asimpletune wrote:
         | One question that I have is at what point do you call something
         | a VM?
         | Also, I haven't looked at your code, so maybe this is not
         | understanding things correctly, but wrt targeting wasm, could
         | your work ever make it into the actual rust runtime?
           | steveklabnik wrote:
           | > into the actual rust runtime?
           | Rust has the same level of runtime as C, with no plans to
           | expand it. So, regardless of how awesome this project is,
           | this is unlikely.
           | (Notably, there is no "Rust runtime" for async, you have to
           | bring your own if you want to do it.)
         | toast0 wrote:
         | This is a bit out of left field, and perhaps more to motivate
         | others to try, but...
         | Have you considered making this a port driver for BEAM? Then
         | you could call some function from Elixir to launch a wasm actor
         | (that happens to be written in rust)?
         | Your BEAM would still be imperiled if the Lunatic? layer
         | violates conventions, of course; but it may (or may not) be
         | simpler than reinventing the rest of OTP?
         | ibraheemdev wrote:
         | > working with async Rust is not as simple as writing regular
         | Rust code
         | Working with async Rust is very simple if you are not writing
         | futures yourself. Tokio and async-std provide api's that mirror
         | std except for the fact that you have to add `.await` to the
         | end of the operation and add the `async` keyword to your
         | function. With proc-macros, `async main` is just a matter of
         | adding a small annotation to the top of the function. Async
         | functions in traits are blocked due to compiler limitations,
         | but `async-trait` makes it easy. What part of async Rust is
         | more complicated than synchronous Rust?
         | > and it just doesn't provide you the same features as Elixir
         | Processes do.
         | Can you explain this? How is tokio's `task` different then
         | elixir processes? From the tokio docs:
         | > Another name for this general pattern is green threads. If
         | you are familiar with Go's goroutines, Kotlin's coroutines, or
         | Erlang's processes, you can think of Tokio's tasks as something
         | similar.
           | _flux wrote:
           | And what do you do with functions from external crates that
           | take callback functions but are not async themselves?
           | You are now limited to non-async functions and if the
           | operation of the crate depends on the return values of those
           | functions, you will need some extreme measures to make it
           | work.
           | akiselev wrote:
           | _> What part of async Rust is more complicated than
           | synchronous Rust?_
           | The Rust part, of course :) Seriously though, the compiler
           | error messages alone make it a major pain - although I can't
           | figure out if it's an issue of maturity (language and
           | ecosystem), a fundamental tradeoff with Rust's borrow
           | checker, or me just getting way ahead of myself.
           | I can rarely go a few days of async programming in Rust
           | before running into some esoteric type or borrow checker
           | issue that takes hours to solve because I borrowed some non
           | Send/Sync value across an await point and the compiler
           | decides to dump a hot mess in my lap with multi-page long
           | type signatures (R2D2/Diesel, looking at you).
             | estebank wrote:
             | Those subpar diagnostics are _a bug_. The underlying
             | reasons are that
             | - The async/await feature _is an MVP_
             | - async/await desugars to code you can write yourself that
             | leverages a bunch of relatively advanced features, namely
             | trait bounds and associated types
             | - It also leverages a nightly only feature (generators)
             | - Async programming is inherently harder :)
             | - We've had less time to see how people _misuse_ the
             | features to see _where_ they land in order to clean up
             | those cases and make the errors as user friendly as they
             | can be
             | Put all of those together and the experience of writing
             | async code in Rust is similar to the experience of writing
             | regular Rust code maybe two or three years ago. When you
             | encounter things like this, please file a ticket at
             | https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues so that we can fix
             | them.
           | masklinn wrote:
           | > Working with async Rust is very simple if you are not
           | writing futures yourself.
           | > Tokio and async-std provide api's that mirror std except
           | for the fact that you have to add `.await` to the end of the
           | operation and add the `async` keyword to your function.
           | There are absolute pain in the ass problems with `async`
           | currently, in large part due to async closures not being a
           | thing, which means it's very hard to create anything other
           | than an `FnOnce` unless you desugar the future entirely.
             | ibraheemdev wrote:
             | Async `Fn*` traits are possible on nightly with the
             | `unboxed_closures` and `async_closure` features.
               | estebank wrote:
               | I don't consider things enabled by nightly features to be
               | "possible" today, only "potentially possible at some time
               | in the future". The days of using nightly because of a
               | single needed feature in a popular crate are (in my eyes)
               | gone.
               | masklinn wrote:
               | Yes, by "not being a thing" I meant "not being stable", I
               | thought I'd edited before posting but apparently I only
               | thought of doing so, sorry 'bout that.
           | romanoderoma wrote:
           | Erlang processes are not green threads.
           | Green threads can share memory while Erlang processes cannot,
           | they are strictly forbidden to do it.
           | Also Erlang scheduler is highly optimized to work as a soft
           | real-time platform, so they never run for infinite amount of
           | time, they never block and never (at least that's the goal)
           | bring down the entire application, the worst thing that can
           | happen is that everything slows down but it's still
           | functional and responsive.
           | I don't know about Tokio.
             | ibraheemdev wrote:
             | > Erlang processes are not green threads. Green threads can
             | share memory while Erlang processes cannot, they are
             | strictly forbidden to do it.
             | So message passing is the only way to communicate between
             | proccesses? I guess that makes sense with elixir being a fp
             | language. This was not clear in the article:
             | > Lunatic takes the same approach as Go, Erlang and the
             | earlier implementation of Rust based on green threads.
               | svrtknst wrote:
               | Basically only message passing. As another poited out,
               | you can use FFI calls and Erlang Term Storage, possibly
               | some other means to communicate, but the central feature
               | is that each process has an ID, and then you send() a
               | message to it.
               | each process also has a receive() block where you
               | essentially listen to everything that ends up in your
               | mailbox and pattern match on it to take action.
               | dnautics wrote:
               | > So message passing is the only way to communicate
               | between proccesses?
               | There are escape hatches. Obviously, you can do something
               | really heavy like open a network port or open a file
               | descriptor, but it also provides you with use ets, which
               | is basically "really fast redis for intra-vm stuff" and
               | you can transact over shared memory if you drop down to
               | FFI.
           | sa1 wrote:
           | In general thinking about concurrent code in terms of threads
           | is easier than thinking in terms of async code(it's a lower
           | level abstraction).
           | > Can you explain this? How is tokio's task different then
           | elixir processes?
           | Tokio's tasks and go's goroutines and kotlin's coroutines are
           | cooperatively scheduled, i.e a infinite loop can block other
           | tasks from running.
           | Erlang and lunatic have pre-emptive schedulers(similar to a
           | OS scheduler) that schedule processes fairly by giving time
           | slices to threads.
             | ibraheemdev wrote:
             | I'm not familiar with erlang/elixir so I assumed that
             | processes were similar to goroutines:
             | > In other languages they are also known as green threads
             | and goroutines, but I will call them processes to stay
             | close to Elixir's naming convention.
               | dnautics wrote:
               | they're similar, but the developer ergonomics around
               | processes are way better. It's difficult to mess up,
               | coding in the BEAM feels like bowling with those rubber
               | bumpers in the gutter lanes, especially around very
               | difficult concepts like concurrency and failure domains.
               | Go makes it easy to mess up because the abstractions are
               | superficially simple, but it's a pretty thin layer that
               | you punch through.
             | jolux wrote:
             | The BEAM scheduler is not quite preemptive as I understand
             | it, but in practice it gets close because instead of yield
             | points being defined manually with "await" they are
             | inserted automatically when you return from a function or
             | call a function or do some number of other fundamental
             | operations, and the pure functional nature of the language
             | means that functions are short and consist almost solely of
             | other function calls.
               | k__ wrote:
               | lol, so BEAM is for schduling like Rust is for memory
               | allocation?
               | sa1 wrote:
               | That is how haskell's scheduler works, but I was not
               | aware that it was the same with BEAM. Makes sense.
               | jolux wrote:
               | https://blog.stenmans.org/theBeamBook/#_reductions
               | dmm wrote:
               | A favorite HN comment that discusses this:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13503951
               | Go read it all but here's a relevant quote:
               | """ So how does Erlang ensure that processes don't hog a
               | core forever, given that you could theoretically just
               | write a loop that spins forever? Well, in Erlang, you
               | can't write a loop. Instead of loops, you have tail-calls
               | with explicit accumulators, ala Lisp. Not because they
               | make Erlang a better language to write in. Not at all.
               | Instead, because they allow for the
               | operational/architectural decision of reduction-
               | scheduling. """
               | jolux wrote:
               | That is a fantastic comment. I also recommend the BEAM
               | book to those who want to go deeper:
               | https://blog.stenmans.org/theBeamBook/
               | I haven't finished it yet but the chapters on scheduling
               | are great.
               | dmitriid wrote:
               | There's also BEAM Wisdoms: http://beam-
               | wisdoms.clau.se/en/latest/
         | codetrotter wrote:
         | Lunatic seems very enticing to me. I remembered it, but not its
         | name, when I read the intro to this blog post and my question
         | was going to be if you'd tried it and what you thought of it
         | but then a couple of paragraphs further into the blog post I
         | learned that you are the author of Lunatic :P
         | But instead I would like to ask about the future of Lunatic.
         | What is you vision for it? Like, is it a hobby project that you
         | are doing for fun or is it an endeavor that you intend for to
         | be powering big systems in production?
         | Furthermore, how will you fund the development of Lunatic? And
         | where will other contributors come from? Will they be people
         | scratching their own itches only or will you hire people to
         | work on it with a common roadmap?
           | bkolobara wrote:
           | I started working on Lunatic around a year ago in my free
           | time. Until now I just wanted to see if it was even
           | technically possible to build such a system. Now that I have
           | the foundation in place and you can build some "demo" apps,
           | like a a tcp server, I'm starting to explore options for
           | funding. From this point on I think that the progress is
           | going to be much faster, especially if others find it useful
           | enough to contribute to it.
             | scns wrote:
             | Maybe you can apply at https://prototypefund.de/en/
             | mwcampbell wrote:
             | Here's a possible funding idea: See if you can get one of
             | the big cloud providers or CDNs to notice the project, so
             | they can hire you to build something that goes head to head
             | with Cloudflare Workers.
               | daxfohl wrote:
               | We're hiring....
               | https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en/job/915502/Senior-
               | Softwa...
               | And definitely looking at doing something like this next
               | year.
       | ema wrote:
       | I'm extremely surprised that creating 2k threads makes mac os
       | reboot. Sure that's a lot for one application but not a totally
       | crazy amount.
         | JoeAltmaier wrote:
         | It's probably about system resources - VM reservations for each
         | stack and heap etc. Not a lot of checks inside kernel thread
         | creation code; and not a lot to do about it if anything fails.
         | My friend Mike Rowe said it this way: its like having an
         | altimeter on your car so if you go off a cliff, you know how
         | far it is to the ground. When hard limits on system resources
         | are exhausted, it can be very hard to write code to recover.
         | Imagine if the kernel call fail recovery code needed to create
         | a thread to handle the exception!
         | toast0 wrote:
         | I'm not too surprised. mac os isn't tuned out of the box for
         | high loads, and in some areas really can't be (there's no
         | synflood protection, since they forked FreeBSD tcp from months
         | before that was added, for example)
         | Not that 2k threads is really that high; but it's probably high
         | enough to break something.
           | DerDangDerDang wrote:
           | You'd expect it to kill the offending user space process
           | rather than the OS though, right?
             | toast0 wrote:
             | If you hit an explicit limit, I'd expect the thread spawn
             | to fail, and most processes to panic if thread spawning
             | failed, sure.
             | But if you run below the explicit limit, but above the
             | implicit limit of whatever continues to work, it's not
             | surprising to me that the OS just freaked out.
             | You could report it to Apple, but their reporting process
             | is pretty opaque, especially if you're not a registered
             | developer (because why would you be, if you're just using
             | mac os because you like the desktop environment, or
             | whatever). Who knows if they'll fix it, but it's not worth
             | making a big deal over, because you weren't _really_
             | wanting to run 2k threads on mac os anyway, because it
             | would suck, even if it did work.
             | From the other message on the thread; it looks like too
             | many threads is causing a watchdog timer to fail, leading
             | to the panic.
               | DerDangDerDang wrote:
               | Sure, it just seems odd that the OS lets itself get into
               | a situation where it can't recover - even in a corner
               | case like this.
               | Like, can I just start 20k threads in WebAssembly and
               | reboot anyone who visits my site?
               | Obviously I'd expect the browser to guard against that...
               | but I expected the OS to as well, so my expectations may
               | be way off!
         | bkolobara wrote:
         | I believe that this is related to the operating system being
         | overwhelmed with waking up every 100ms on 2k threads. This
         | example is not that great though. Depending on the OS and CPU
         | you should be able to run much higher amount of threads.
         | Twirrim wrote:
         | A quick stab on my linux laptop has it hitting at most 25% CPU
         | utilisation, and consuming almost zero memory. Seems really odd
         | that this would nuke a Mac somehow.
         | OskarS wrote:
         | Yeah, me too, I found that pretty shocking actually. So
         | shocking that I basically didn't believe it, so I tried myself
         | (in C++, but it doesn't really make a difference). With 2000
         | threads, the computer had no problem whatsoever, the process
         | only took around 16 megabytes of memory and not very much CPU.
         | So I bumped it up to 20,000, thinking that would probably work
         | as well: the computer immediately crashed and rebooted. I
         | didn't even get the "kernel panic" screen, it just died (this
         | is on a 2018 mac mini with a 3.2 Ghz Core i7). When it turned
         | back on, this was the first line of the error message:
         | Panic(CPU 0, time 1921358616513346): NMIPI for unresponsive
         | processor: TLB flush timeout, TLB state:0x0
         | Weird. I really thought that this wouldn't be an issue at all.
         | And: if it was an issue, that the OS would be able to handle it
         | and kill the process or something, not kernel panic.
           | DerDangDerDang wrote:
           | Yeah, that's pretty worrying that the OS just punts. I always
           | thought limiting the potential damage a user space process
           | could do was one of the main jobs of an OS.
           | If you have any more OSes laying around to run the test on,
           | I'd be interested to hear how well windows and Linux handle
           | the same thing.
           | Because on the face of it this seems like a serious bug in
           | the OS. I'm only used to seeing this sort of thing with bad
           | drivers
       | rapsey wrote:
       | Wait why does calling a crashing c function not crash the
       | process?
         | nahuel0x wrote:
         | the C code is compiled to WASM bytecodes, they are interpreted
         | in a WASM VM. If the C function crash, it does it inside the
         | VM, so the crash is contained.
           | akashakya wrote:
           | I don't know much about WASM, but how does this work with
           | shared libraries? Is it even possible to call a shared
           | library without any safety guarantees?
             | brabel wrote:
             | WASM runs in a sandbox, it's not possible to call a shared
             | library directly in the same way as you do in C... all sys
             | calls are "imported" functions that a host exposes to the
             | WASM code running... this host has the ability to do
             | anything around a sys call, which is likely how they manage
             | to forbid access to network/filesystem for example.
             | The host can be the browser when running on the browser, or
             | it can be one of the WASM runtimes (wasmtime, wasmer,
             | Lucet)
           | rapsey wrote:
           | Well then that is not comparable to NIFs at all. In fact it
           | is an extremely misleading example.
             | identity0 wrote:
             | Agreed. It's not a "foreign" function if everything is in
             | WASM. All the VM sees is WASM code; it doesn't make a
             | difference if it was originally written in C or Rust.
               | kibwen wrote:
               | "Foreignness" is an incidental property, the actual goal
               | is interoperation. Being able to interoperate with C code
               | from within the sandbox is both useful and something that
               | BEAM doesn't do. In the meantime, there's nothing
               | preventing anyone from doing regular FFI from within the
               | part of the Rust program that lives outside of Lunatic,
               | if for whatever reason the sandbox is insufficient.
             | kibwen wrote:
             | Why is it misleading? If BEAM could isolate crashes in
             | NIFs, it absolutely would. Either way the point is that you
             | are able to leverage C code (though in Rust's case the
             | point is just to leverage existing code, since you don't
             | need to drop into C for performance).
               | rapsey wrote:
               | Because you are not actually calling a native compiled C
               | lib you are calling wasm code. A lot of the time you can
               | not compile the C code to wasm and what do you do then?
               | How do you interface with OS libraries?
               | kibwen wrote:
               | You may be focusing too closely on the C aspect; the
               | point of the demonstration in the OP is to show that
               | Lunatic can gracefully sandbox and interoperate with any
               | code that can be compiled to WASM, of which C code is
               | just one example. Ideally you wouldn't need to access any
               | OS libs from within the sandbox (indeed, much of the
               | point of the sandbox is to provide alternatives to OS
               | facilities), and even if you did you could still access
               | those libs in an un-sandboxed form from within your
               | ordinary Rust code (and yes, crashing at that point would
               | take down the process, but it's still strictly better to
               | have an option to run C code that doesn't take down the
               | process when crashing).
       | yetkin wrote:
       | Hi, can you please explain the Wasm part? Is there any particular
       | reason to use Wasm? I don't know wasm but does it use a specific
       | threading/concurrency mechanism in it?
         | kibwen wrote:
         | Looking at the Lunatic readme: https://github.com/lunatic-
         | lang/lunatic#architecture
         |  _" Lunatic treats WebAssembly instances as actors. Using
         | WebAssembly in this context allows us to have per actor
         | sandboxing and removes some of the most common drawbacks in
         | other actor implementations."_
           | yetkin wrote:
           | And it would be something more lightweight then a
           | process/thread/green thread I presume?
       | didibus wrote:
       | Love Erlang and Elixir and Beams concurrency model is quite
       | interesting. This Rust variant seems very interesting as well.
       | But I wanted to discuss this part:
       | > In most cases it's enough to use a thread pool, but this
       | approach fails once the number of concurrent tasks outgrows the
       | number of threads in the pool
       | I think something has been lost from all the dialogue about
       | concurrency. The only way the number of concurrent task can
       | outgrow the number of threads is when you're handling IO. What I
       | see rarely discussed here is forms of non-blocking IO and why
       | those haven't become the norm. Why are we all trying to work
       | around models that involve blocking on IO? I feel I almost never
       | hear about using non-blocking IO as an alternative?
       | For all other tasks which involve computation, thread pools are
       | needed to improve throughput and performance, only threads can be
       | executed in parallel. Yes you can still multiplex many more small
       | compute task over many threads, if you wanted a really responsive
       | but overall slower program, that could be an option, but I think
       | most people going for a concurrent approach aren't doing so for
       | that, but really just as a way to leverage their IO cards to the
       | fullest.
       | So my question is, what's wrong with having a thread pool
       | combined with non-blocking IO ?
         | hosh wrote:
         | There were some great articles posted recently about async I/O
         | (in context of modern storage hardware) recently here:
         | https://itnext.io/modern-storage-is-plenty-fast-it-is-the-ap...
         | https://thenewstack.io/how-io_uring-and-ebpf-will-revolution...
         | mwcampbell wrote:
         | > What I see rarely discussed here is forms of non-blocking IO
         | and why those haven't become the norm. Why are we all trying to
         | work around models that involve blocking on IO? I feel I almost
         | never hear about using non-blocking IO as an alternative?
         | Maybe I don't understand what you mean by non-blocking I/O,
         | because it seems to me that it _is_ the norm in many
         | environments, for better or worse. Async /await syntax is now
         | available in C#, JavaScript, Python, Rust, and possibly others.
         | And before that we had callbacks in JavaScript and in Python
         | frameworks like Twisted and Tornado. So it seems to me that
         | non-blocking I/O has been widely used and discussed for quite a
         | while now.
           | didibus wrote:
           | I think I don't often hear it in the context of C# and Rust
           | maybe, or what I mean is, in the context of a multi-threaded
           | environment, so in combination with a Thread Pool.
           | Say you used the thread pool model. And you receive 100
           | requests, and you have a thread pool of 50. Your first 50
           | requests go to your 50 threads, and the other 50 get queued
           | up. After any of the running 50 requests make non-blocking
           | IO, they release the thread back to the pool, and they yield
           | themselves into an IO waiting queue. Then the scheduler takes
           | from either the request queue or the IO waiting queue
           | prioritizing one over the other as see fit. If any of the
           | queues are full, then the system blocks and waits, dropping
           | requests that'd come in during that time.
           | Or some similar models.
           | Is this just async/await that I described?
             | DylanDmitri wrote:
             | At least for C# ASP.NET it's basically what you described.
             | There's a few optimizations, for example the threadpool has
             | pretty smart autoscaling to maximize throughput.
             | mwcampbell wrote:
             | Yes, this is how async/await typically works in Rust, and
             | in C# when using a server-side framework like ASP.NET Core.
         | toast0 wrote:
         | You can do non-blocking IO (and, of course, that's what's
         | happening behind the scenes here, and in Erlang). The thing is,
         | a program written with non-blocking IO has a lot different
         | structure than with blocking IO.
         | It can feel clearer and easier to reason about what happens on
         | a single connection if the code is like:
         | accept, read, process, write and somewhere else handles the
         | concurrency
         | Especially if the one system does a lot of different things,
         | but they're all related enough to be in one OS process, mashing
         | together a lot of isolated non-blocking IO can be pretty
         | tricky, and hard to keep track of.
       | jowi-dev wrote:
       | So I am very fascinated by both languages and work in Elixir
       | professionally, with a pretty minimal knowledge of Rust. I was
       | just wondering what the motivation for creating this project was
       | rather than just writing the application in Elixir with NIFs in
       | Rust whenever higher performance is needed?
         | bkolobara wrote:
         | If a NIF fails it takes down the whole Erlang VM, so you loose
         | all guarantees that make Elixir great once you resort to NIFs.
         | There are many other gotchas, like if you spend too much time
         | inside the NIF it will affect the stability of your whole
         | system. This is eliminated by some design choices taken by
         | Lunatic.
         | But as I mentioned in the blog, if you can use Elixir/Erlang do
         | it! It's a great language and runtime.
           | jowi-dev wrote:
           | Very interesting and good to know! I've been keeping a closer
           | eye on Rust lately as its beginning to look more and more
           | like it would be foolish to ignore. Rust and Go have really
           | made it hard to conceptualize where Elixir fits into the dev
           | world these days. Go just seems to be a faster Elixir in a
           | lot of ways. I'll keep an eye on this project and if you need
           | any help - feel free to tag me on github (same username as
           | this one)
             | dnautics wrote:
             | > Go just seems to be a faster Elixir in a lot of ways
             | If you haven't worked with both, you just don't know. The
             | developer experience in go is nowhere near the developer
             | experience in Elixir. It's just so much easier to write
             | scalable code in Elixir than Go. Sure it's not as fast, but
             | it's not god-awful slow (speedwise, you're doing better
             | than python django, for example), and for 90% of people
             | shopping for what elixir and go offer, the network is the
             | bottleneck.
               | jowi-dev wrote:
               | I've only worked in Elixir. I think I just recently
               | experienced some Go "fomo" because it seems to be more or
               | less attempting to solve the same problem. I can't quite
               | justify moving to Go from Elixir + Rust, but I'm always
               | interested in hearing the community at-large take. Thanks
               | for the response!
               | dnautics wrote:
               | I've done both (Go first, actually), and I hated Go. And
               | all of my dev friends who are still in goland have
               | nothing but complaints. Small sample size (n ~ 3), but
               | still.
               | sdfin wrote:
               | I'd find it interesting to know what those complaints are
               | about.
               | mwcampbell wrote:
               | To expand on that, the Go runtime is nowhere near the
               | BEAM. To see why, check out this rant by a developer who
               | has done a lot of work with Erlang [1], particularly
               | starting at "Where it got really ugly for me".
               | [1]: https://vagabond.github.io/rants/2014/05/30/a-week-
               | with-go
           | rch wrote:
           | I haven't used it professionally, but it seems like the
           | Rustler project mitigates some of the problems with NIFs. Is
           | that an accurate impression?
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | Yes, that is why Discord is doing it:
             | https://blog.discord.com/using-rust-to-scale-elixir-
             | for-11-m...
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