[HN Gopher] Oasis: a small statically-linked Linux system
       Oasis: a small statically-linked Linux system
       Author : varbhat
       Score  : 179 points
       Date   : 2020-12-01 15:05 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | dry_soup wrote:
       | I'll never use this but it's cool that it exists.
       | anthk wrote:
       | >Velox
       | Arcan would be interesting on this, too.
       | young_unixer wrote:
       | > No package manager.
       | > Instead, you configure a set of specifications of what files
       | from which packages to include on your system
       | Isn't that a just a declarative package manager?
         | mforney wrote:
         | I suppose you could argue that, but it is not a package manager
         | in the traditional sense.
         | My main point here is that once you build the system, there is
         | no longer any notion of "package", just files that make up your
         | root filesystem. There is no package database tracking which
         | files came from which packages. Instead, if you want to
         | add/remove/update a package, you rebuild the system with a
         | different specification, and then sync the resulting tree it to
         | /.
       | haolez wrote:
       | Is "velox" (mentioned in the article) a display server or a
       | window manager?
         | fbn79 wrote:
         | Window manager I think. Is based on
         | https://github.com/michaelforney/swc that is a Wayland
         | compositor
           | [deleted]
         | herodoturtle wrote:
         | A wayland window manager.
         | chousuke wrote:
         | As far as I understand it, that distinction doesn't really make
         | sense with Wayland. The display server / compositor is also the
         | "window manager".
         | Client applications have their own buffer they draw on, and
         | they negotiate the details of its handling with the compositor
         | which manages the _composition_ of all client buffers (and
         | other data, such as input events) to form the final result.
         | I suppose it's technically possible to write a protocol that
         | involves a third client process (a "window manager") to draw
         | something around another client's buffer and tell the
         | compositor how to position things, but that sounds like a
         | nightmare to synchronize.
       | Subsentient wrote:
       | Honestly, I'm team dynamic linking. I prefer to have things
       | clearly separated in functionality and easily upgradeable.
       | Statically linking all the OS utilities to their dependency
       | libraries, over and over again? Dear god that sounds awful.
         | abainbridge wrote:
         | > I prefer to have things clearly separated in functionality
         | and easily upgradeable.
         | What is your thinking here? Are you talking about a use case
         | where you have an application that uses a library and a bug fix
         | is issued for that library, so you want to just get the new .so
         | for the library and have the application use it? That feels
         | like a niche use case to me. Maybe there is another benefit, or
         | this use case is more common than I realize. I'd be interested
         | in further opinions/info.
           | cestith wrote:
           | That is not at al a niche use case, at least on a general-
           | purpose system. Shared libraries on Linux, like most modern
           | OSes, are also shared in resident memory among programs using
           | them. For very common libraries like TLS, readline, or GTK
           | that can be a big savings.
           | bityard wrote:
           | > That feels like a niche use case to me.
           | I wouldn't call it a niche use case at all, it's exactly how
           | the software for all major Linux and BSD operating systems
           | are packaged and built.
           | For example, when (not if) a vulnerability is found in
           | OpenSSL, package maintainers just commit an update to the
           | openssl package and users only have to download and install
           | one package to patch their system against the vulnerability.
           | Contrast with a fully-static OS and applications: the
           | maintainers would have to update the openssl package, rebuild
           | it, and then also rebuild _every single other program_ that
           | relies on it as well. On my system, that's 123 packages. I
           | don't have all of those installed, but as a user, it means I
           | would have to download new full copies of around a dozen
           | packages to patch one flaw in one package.
           | And of course, the packages themselves are much _much_ larger
           | too. Most software that I can install as a flatpack or
           | appimage are at least an order of magnitude larger than the
           | deb version, take longer to start, and also take up more
           | valuable RAM when running.
           | Proponents of static linking have generally experienced the
           | pain of dynamically-linked software either through container
           | deployment or by accidentally messing up their system with
           | third-party packages and repos and the like. I get it, I have
           | been there too. But even through managing a dynamically
           | linked system is certainly more complex, it brings a lot of
           | benefits to the table.
             | abainbridge wrote:
             | OK, that makes sense. I error in my head was imagining a
             | situation where the user was responsible for knowing which
             | openssl .so file to download and where to put it.
             | jcelerier wrote:
             | > I wouldn't call it a niche use case at all, it's exactly
             | how the software for all major Linux and BSD operating
             | systems are packaged and built.
             | even though I'm typing this on a linux desktop, this is a
             | niche use case. In Windows, macOS, iOS and Android, so
             | 99.9% of all user-facing computing, all the libraries
             | except the OS API are duplicated for each app.
               | tonyedgecombe wrote:
               | I think the license for the Microsoft C runtime dll's
               | precludes bundling although it does allow static linking.
               | It used to cause me no end of problems because the silent
               | install would often fail.
         | mforney wrote:
         | > Statically linking all the OS utilities to their dependency
         | libraries, over and over again? Dear god that sounds awful.
         | Just curious, why does that sound awful to you? Are you worried
         | that it will take a long time to relink the binaries? The oasis
         | build system is incremental, so updates to a library only
         | involve relinking dependent binaries, which is quite fast. Even
         | a full rebuild from scratch only takes a few minutes (assuming
         | you have the sources downloaded already).
         | If it's just the idea of relinking all the dependencies over
         | and over again, note that with dynamic linking you do this at
         | runtime every time you execute a binary.
         | cestith wrote:
         | For a system I'm going to keep and use in multiple ways,
         | dynamic linking is wonderful. Save time building and upgrading,
         | and save memory using the various apps.
         | For a base image for VMs or containers I'm going to build
         | automatically and throw away on demand anyway, a slightly
         | longer build time to statically link things won't hurt. The
         | memory utilization penalty should also be small, because those
         | should only be running one application or a couple at most.
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | There's no reason that there needs to be such extremes as
         | either all statically linked or all dynamically linked. History
         | has proven that dynamic linking causes a large number of
         | headaches, and static linking has drawbacks as well. There is a
         | reasonable middle ground: base system functionality that is
         | utilized by most software (stdlib, cryptography, networking,
         | gui, etc) should be dynamic and everything else should be
         | static.
         | The problem is that Linux userspace has historically payed
         | little attention to backwards compatibility and has no
         | definition of "base system". Consequently, Linux distros tend
         | to be their own little mutually-incompatible worlds where you
         | either play with the package manager/repo combo you have or
         | jump through hoops and dodge conflicts to try to get anything
         | to work.
         | Oasis is interesting in this way: there are no conflicts, there
         | is no package manager, and the binaries should work anywhere
         | provided the arch is the same.
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | > There is a reasonable middle ground: base system
           | functionality that is utilized by most software (stdlib,
           | cryptography, networking, gui, etc) should be dynamic and
           | everything else should be static.
           | But isn't this the exact opposite of what Oasis provides?
             | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
             | Oasis is just the opposite extreme of how most Linux
             | distros work. That's interesting because no one else does
             | it. I did not say it was the ideal.
           | nycticorax wrote:
           | This 'middle ground' you describe is essentially how macOS
           | and Windows work, isn't it?
           | Subsentient wrote:
           | >>There is a reasonable middle ground: base system
           | functionality that is utilized by most software (stdlib,
           | cryptography, networking, gui, etc) should be dynamic and
           | everything else should be static
           | I disagree, I tend to want the opposite. I want big, bloated
           | libraries like Qt or Gtk or Boost to be dynamically linked,
           | and OS facilities like libc to be statically linked.
             | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
             | > I want big, bloated libraries like Qt or Gtk or Boost to
             | be dynamically linked
             | These fall under "GUI" in the "base system" category in my
             | opinion.
             | > and OS facilities like libc to be statically linked.
             | If you're not being sarcastic right now, I'm really curious
             | as to your reasoning.
           | [deleted]
       | AndyKelley wrote:
       | How does graphics drivers work on this distro?
         | mforney wrote:
         | There is rudimentary hardware acceleration for certain older
         | GPUs that I own in wld (intel at
         | https://github.com/michaelforney/wld/blob/master/intel.c and
         | nouveau
         | https://github.com/michaelforney/wld/blob/master/nouveau.c).
         | But, for everything else there is only software rendering via
         | pixman. I started working on a new library called libblit that
         | will support amdgpu, and I managed to draw some rectangles and
         | textures, but there is still a ways to go on that:
         | https://git.sr.ht/~mcf/libblit/tree/master/amdgpu
       | Hello71 wrote:
       | it's advertised as "small". how small is that? an Alpine
       | minirootfs is ~2.5 MB tar.gz and ~6.0 MB on ext4 (4k overhead).
         | yuribro wrote:
         | This looks like a desktop system, with a browser and window
         | manager. So comparing it to the alpine minirootfs is apples to
         | oranges
       | [deleted]
       | pelasaco wrote:
       | build manifests generated by Lua scripts look so elegant and
       | clean.
       | enriquto wrote:
       | This makes me so happy!
       | If static linking was ubiquitous, we could have avoided the
       | complex craziness of docker and the like.
         | remexre wrote:
         | Well, you'd also need to fix Python (, Go, Ruby, JS, ...)
         | packaging and delivery too...
           | enriquto wrote:
           | so it's a step in the right direction, then; bravo Oasis
           | Linux!
       | waynecochran wrote:
       | All README's should begin with some sort of mission statement.
       | What is the goal or reason for the existence of this? I can
       | imagine some, but I am not sure where this is heading.
         | mforney wrote:
         | It exists because I wanted a complete system where I could
         | easily experiment with various minimal/alternative software. I
         | wanted this so that I could easily understand and hack on any
         | component without spending weeks/months familiarizing with
         | massive code-bases and waiting for things to compile.
         | I made it for myself, and honestly that's all there is to it. I
         | tried to describe the things that make oasis unique in the
         | README, and I think some of those are pretty cool, but I'm not
         | trying to market this to anyone. If it doesn't sound
         | interesting to you, then feel free to disregard the project.
           | waynecochran wrote:
           | I definitely do not want to disregard. It think its cool. I
           | just wanted to know what the target was and I think its
           | helpful for README's to include their purpose.
         | warpech wrote:
         | Except that the README of this project answers all your
         | questions. A list of distinctive features and a list of
         | project's principles make up half of the README.
           | waynecochran wrote:
           | I read it. It does not say "why" anywhere.
             | grafelic wrote:
             | Why care about "why" when there is "why not".
               | DoofusOfDeath wrote:
               | > Why care about "why" when there is "why not".
               | Life is short. As I've gotten older, I've seen the
               | importance on focusing my time and attention on what
               | matters.
               | So, personally, I'd want to know "why" so I could decide
               | where the project ranks in my priorities.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | Okay, how about this: _Why_ are you on Hacker News? It
               | clearly doesn 't align well with your self-professed
               | interests.
               | [deleted]
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | This would be 10x faster and smaller if they just built these
       | components into Busybox.
       | Package management, library management, etc are solved problems
       | when it comes to Linux distros. The only practical improvement
       | you can make is containers (or similar).
       | Static binaries cannot deal with external dependencies, and many
       | applications _require_ external dependencies that _cannot be
       | compiled in_. But even by trying to compile-in all the
       | dependencies, you 've only shifted the complexity from the
       | filesystem to the build system, and you still have applications
       | with incompatible features and interfaces across versions.
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | > Package management, library management, etc are solved
         | problems when it comes to Linux distros. The only practical
         | improvement you can make is containers (or similar).
         | To me this basically reads as "we added a bunch of complexity
         | on top of the problem without actually solving it". Package
         | managers are supposed to prevent conflicts and manage giant
         | dependency graphs, but they're so shit at doing that while
         | actually allowing people to use whatever software they want
         | that we've invented containers to keep everything separate
         | again.
       | marttt wrote:
       | I might be mistaken, but is Oasis also somehow related to the
       | suckless [1] community? (Edit: yes, the maintainer seems to be
       | part of it.)
       | Another static distro by the suckless people is stali (static
       | linux) [2].
       | 1: http://suckless.org
       | 2: https://sta.li
       | fmakunbound wrote:
       | Ok maybe this is dumb question and is addressed somewhere: If a
       | security problem is found, e.g. in muscl (the C lib), then is the
       | user supposed to rebuild everything that statically linked it??
         | mforney wrote:
         | Yes, but with the oasis build system this is just a single
         | command to do an incremental build that relinks your binaries
         | and takes a matter of seconds.
         | The user experience is essentially the same as updating your
         | system on a dynamically-linked system. There is no "partial
         | build" where some binaries get relinked but not others.
         | rini17 wrote:
         | Not a dumb question just there is always a catch: dynamical
         | link saves you from rebuild only if the fix is carefully
         | backported (by a distributor), which can introduce issues, too.
         | The upstream has usually moved on in the meantime and the
         | library isn't binary compatible.
         | qz2 wrote:
         | Yep. And also because it's statically linked and optimised,
         | which version of musl that ships in that binary may be
         | obfuscated somewhat. And no, I don't get it either.
       | HALtheWise wrote:
       | This seems to "statically link" binaries in the sense that each
       | program it ships with is a standalone binary. Does anyone know
       | whether it's possible to truly statically link an entire Linux
       | install, in the sense that the whole system is a single
       | statically linked file including the kernel, display manager, web
       | browser, etc so that link-time optimization can deduplicate code
       | across the entire system?
         | Subsentient wrote:
         | Yes, I know that it's NOT possible. Anything that uses the same
         | libraries, e.g. GTK+, will end up calling gtk_init() multiple
         | times. Callback functions with the same names will collide at
         | link-time.
         | Despite the madness of the code that would be generated if the
         | compiler allowed it, since it doesn't, you can expect a list of
         | linker errors so long, that you can go to bed and wake up in
         | the morning and it's still spewing to stderr.
           | nybble41 wrote:
           | It could be done. Obviously you would only run one of the
           | main functions (via a wrapper) per process invocation and you
           | would need to rename conflicting global symbols at some point
           | before the link step, but this is basically how tools like
           | busybox work. If the application uses global constructors or
           | init functions then those would require special handling
           | since they bypass main--C tends to work better than C++ in
           | this regard. Applying LTO to the resulting code for inter-
           | application optimization would be an interesting twist.
             | Subsentient wrote:
             | It could be done if you _heavily_ patched everything you
             | linked in, or developed an entirely new compiler, or both,
             | but as-is, no.
         | dleslie wrote:
         | You're asking for something similar to a Lisp machine, or
         | perhaps even an Amiga. Everything runs in the same address
         | space and has access to all available library functions;
         | "processes", such as they are, are in no way isolated.
         | m463 wrote:
         | > Does anyone know whether it's possible to truly statically
         | link an entire Linux install
         | I think if you give busybox enough time, it might happen.
         | That's if systemd doesn't get there first, of course...
           | ldng wrote:
           | The answer is probably downvoted because of the systemd
           | comment but I think that busybox is statically linkable, is
           | it not ?
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | It absolutely is; busybox is quite happy to be built into a
             | single binary with no outside dependencies. Worked example:
             | https://hub.docker.com/_/busybox
         | birktj wrote:
         | I don't know if this is what you are thinking of, but there is
         | this concept in embedded systems sometimes refereed to as
         | library operating systems [1]. My understanding is that in this
         | model the operating system is implemented as a library and you
         | your system would consider of one application that uses the os
         | library to do tasks usually handled by the operating system.
         | [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system#Library
         | cyphar wrote:
         | This is kind of the idea behind unikernels. There are
         | experimental Linux-based unikernels, but the more mature
         | unikernels are custom.
         | asveikau wrote:
         | I am not sure what you mean.
         | The Linux kernel has dynamically loaded modules but you can
         | build modules as statically part of the kernel. 'Y' instead of
         | 'M' in the config.
         | It doesn't make sense to "statically link" a kernel to a
         | program, or multiple programs together, which I read your
         | comment to suggest. That would be a different thing than the
         | term "statically link" refers to.
           | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
           | > It doesn't make sense to "statically link" a kernel to a
           | program
           | That's kinda what a Unikernel is.
             | [deleted]
           | singron wrote:
           | I think they might be referring to a unikernel.
           | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unikernel
           | In userspace, you can do what busybox does and link a bunch
           | of programs together with a single main function that decides
           | which program to actually run.
       | mittermayr wrote:
       | Would be cool to get a bit of a "why this matters" intro on repos
       | like this. I clicked through the details, but left wondering if I
       | have any potential use for this. Can I compile this onto a USB
       | stick and use it as a throw-away boot Linux for maintenance
       | tasks? Can I cross-compile this for embedded devices? What is the
       | statically-linked advantage here? Not trying to minimize the
       | effort, I would actually love to see more such things, but felt a
       | bit left out as I couldn't figure out why exactly it exists.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | As someone who uses linux casually, I often experience pain
         | when I download a program, try to run it, and it fails because
         | some dependency is not installed or is not the right version.
         | So you try to figure out how to install it and it in turn needs
         | a couple of things.
         | All of this works fine if whatever package manager your distro
         | uses has the program you want, but the package managers don't
         | have evertying!
         | So I'd love an ecosystem where things tend to be statically
         | linked unless there is a good reason not to.
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | > So I'd love an ecosystem where things tend to be statically
           | linked unless there is a good reason not to.
           | Me too, but I'm not sure this project brings us closer to
           | that goal.
           | I don't need the base OS to be statically linked--in fact,
           | that's where static vs dynamic linking matters _least_ ,
           | because it all comes preinstalled. What I want is for
           | everything _else_ which I may want to install on top to be
           | available as statically-linked binaries.
             | an_opabinia wrote:
             | Since most common applications have moved to the web, and
             | the biggest Linux end user deployment by far, Android, was
             | created from fresh beginnings, the idea of the user being
             | concerned with minutia of binaries is already far along a
             | long road to the grave.
               | krageon wrote:
               | This right here is what's wrong with the application
               | space. The idea that this could be true leads to terrible
               | software design and slow, bloated applications. In the
               | current landscape is it perfectly possible (and I'd say
               | even usual) to do most of your work and processing on
               | local system binaries (that aren't a browser or a browser
               | with a different name).
               | an_opabinia wrote:
               | It's no one's fault really. As long as people pirate
               | software, it is economically Darwinian / inevitable that
               | all commercial software will migrate to centrally
               | controlled subscription gated servers. This includes open
               | source software, if you correctly count how much of it is
               | repackaged and sold to people this way.
               | Wowfunhappy wrote:
               | Eh, but if that was completely true I'd be using
               | ChromeOS, or something similar. Perhaps some day I will--
               | but as of 2020, I still find myself popping into a lot of
               | native apps day-to-day.
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | 99% of the apps I use aren't on the web at all
             | 1996 wrote:
             | Check out kiss linux, another interesting project:
             | k1ss.org/install
             | I'm considering trying it: having the simplest distribution
             | baremetal, and keeping the complexity "outside" and
             | "contained" (docker for servers, flatpack for desktops and
             | laptops, etc.) makes sense to me
             | gameswithgo wrote:
             | This is true, though perhaps there is some performance
             | benefit.
           | arendtio wrote:
           | > So I'd love an ecosystem where things tend to be statically
           | linked unless there is a good reason not to.
           | Well, every time there is a bug fix in one of your
           | dependencies you/your distribution would have to recompile
           | everything that depends on it. Which will use quite some
           | resources.
           | So to actually use this you would have to reinstall (nearly)
           | all programs once a week or so (no matter if source or binary
           | distribution). While that is quite possible with modern
           | internet connections, I am not sure if it solves all the
           | problems you might think it solves. After all, even nowadays
           | application authors could provide static packages, but many
           | don't do it.
           | After using quite a few distributions over the years, I like
           | Arch Linux best at the moment, as the combination of binary
           | distribution, with frequent updates, and the source based
           | AUR, with the very large amount of packages, suits my needs
           | very good.
             | CyberDildonics wrote:
             | Letting software have dependencies then making the user
             | manage them in the off chance there is some bug in the
             | foundational mostly frozen libraries should be an obviously
             | bad decision at this point.
             | No other environment forces this kind of complexity on
             | their users and almost no non-enthusiast user wants to deal
             | with this structure.
             | zarkov99 wrote:
             | > Well, every time there is a bug fix in one of your
             | dependencies you/your distribution would have to recompile
             | everything that depends on it. Which will use quite some
             | resources.
             | This is far for more clear cut. Often some dependency bugs,
             | might not impact my program. Even worse, sometimes by
             | fixing a bug my program does not care about, a dependency
             | might break my program in some subtle way. The author of
             | the program is the best qualified person to make the
             | upgrade/not upgrade decision.
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | You won't have to recompile everything if you cache your
             | build artifacts (e.g., object files); you'll only have to
             | _relink_ which is quite a lot better.
             | nmz wrote:
             | So long as I'm not the one building it, its fine. My
             | internet can redownload everything. It also depends on what
             | libraries are being used. musl does generate smaller
             | binaries than glibc. and if you look at the massive project
             | that is sqlite, building software _should_ only take a
             | couple of seconds. Of course, whether anyone actually goes
             | to such lengths for easy compilation is another matter
             | entirely.
             | https://sta.li/
             | gameswithgo wrote:
             | >Well, every time there is a bug fix in one of your
             | dependencies you/your distribution would have to recompile
             | everything that depends on it
             | Well no, I could opt not to apply the bug fix if it isn't
             | affecting me. This again is sort of serve mentality, where
             | of course you want to get a bug fix in as quick as possible
             | in case it is a security issue. A desktop user, maybe you
             | don't.
             | >After all, even nowadays application authors could provide
             | static packages, but many don't do it.
             | Right, and really what I would like is for application
             | authors to just static link more, more often, on linux. Or
             | at the least ship their programs with installers that apply
             | the needed deps if they are not already there! That the OS
             | itself is statically linked doesn't really matter, but
             | perhaps it would inspire an ecosystem that does this.
             | > I like Arch Linux best at the moment
             | Probably suggest arch linux to someone complaining about
             | having to track down dependencies does not make sense,
             | since such a person is more interested in the OS _just
             | working_ rather than making the OS a bit of a hobby that
             | that they want to customize.
             | Which, is why I mostly use windows.
               | pixl97 wrote:
               | >Which, is why I mostly use windows.
               | Oh, Windows can have dependency hell. And even worse is
               | when you have a WinSXS blowout and you're trying to
               | figure out why that subdirectory is using up 80GB of
               | space for an unknown reason.
               | jbverschoor wrote:
               | DLLHell
               | arendtio wrote:
               | > Probably suggest arch linux to someone complaining
               | about having to track down dependencies does not make
               | sense, since such a person is more interested in the OS
               | just working rather than making the OS a bit of a hobby
               | that that they want to customize.
               | Sure, in the beginning you have to spend some time to set
               | it up, but due to the rolling releases it has a great
               | longevity. And talking about application integration, I
               | prefer the package management style (even through AUR)
               | greatly to the chaotic download some binary and execute
               | it way windows does it. Over time your windows always
               | gets so messy because every device manufacturer seems to
               | think that it is cool, to bundle his device driver with
               | hundreds of megabytes of non-sense-ware (last weekend I
               | installed some Logitech driver on Windows, because the
               | default Windows driver didn't work (on Arch I didn't have
               | to install anything extra, just saying... yes, anecdotal
               | evidence)).
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | > Probably suggest arch linux to someone complaining
               | about having to track down dependencies does not make
               | sense, since such a person is more interested in the OS
               | just working rather than making the OS a bit of a hobby
               | that that they want to customize.
               | having used Red Hat, Mandrake, Ubuntu, Debian... Arch
               | Linuxis by far the most "just works" distro I've used
               | boogies wrote:
               | > Probably suggest arch linux to someone complaining
               | about having to track down dependencies does not make
               | sense, since such a person is more interested in the OS
               | just working rather than making the OS a bit of a hobby
               | that that they want to customize.
               | Then recommend Manjaro, not an OS that "just" loads them
               | down with ads, tracking, forced updates, and more unless
               | -- and to some extent still even after -- they customize
               | it.
               | Shared404 wrote:
               | At the risk of starting a distro war in the comments,
               | I'll have to recommend Pop!_OS over Manjaro.
               | Pop has broken itself less often then Windows for me,
               | while Manjaro has broken itself slightly more.
             | retrac wrote:
             | > every time there is a bug fix in one of your dependencies
             | you/your distribution would have to recompile everything
             | that depends on it
             | Back in the dark ages, some mainframe operating systems
             | like MVS normally stored executables as object files, and
             | would link the program every time you executed it.
             | Has the on-disk space savings and updateable libraries of
             | dynamic linking, without most of the complexity. I believe
             | the original motivation was to allow an executable to run
             | at an arbitrary address on systems without virtual memory
             | though.
               | 1996 wrote:
               | I would be surprised if there was not a way to take a
               | dynamic executable, "add in" all the required libraries,
               | and return a fat static executable
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | If you know of such a utility I'd like to see it, because
               | I've looked and never found it. The closest I've seen are
               | things like AppImage.
               | 1996 wrote:
               | Shell scripting and ld tools should allow you to make
               | that yourself.
               | EDIT: people are apparently entitled to solutions for
               | their problems...
               | > Care to elaborate?
               | > Show us a script then! Your internet fame awaits.
               | I'm not interested in fame, or in reinventing the wheel.
               | Apparently, you are unfamiliar with this process, so
               | TLDR: there are basically 2 approaches, in order of
               | complexity: 1. working with ldtools or 2. running the
               | executable to find the various parts then dumping a
               | binary, (3 if you consider putting the libraries in a
               | directory then run with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/thisdir
               | myexecutable)
               | Let me google some existing tools for you:
               | https://github.com/systems-nuts/dynamic_to_static
               | http://bitwagon.com/jumpstart/jumpstart.html
               | http://statifier.sourceforge.net/
               | https://www.ucc.asn.au/~dagobah/things/make-static.html
               | https://web.archive.org/web/20130114222319if_/http://dago
               | bah... with patch and explanation on
               | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17390722/how-can-i-
               | conve...
               | A better approach from 15 years ago is slinky, so that
               | you can "update" the libraries if needed: https://www.use
               | nix.org/legacy/publications/library/proceedin...
               | There's nothing fancy in there. It just requires some
               | effort.
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | Care to elaborate? Because I'm not aware of any tool that
               | could be used to combine a binary and all its .so
               | dependencies (and all of theirs recursively) into a
               | single statically-linked binary.
               | dTal wrote:
               | Show us a script then! Your internet fame awaits.
               | efrecon wrote:
               | I have used exodus to do this in the past.
               | https://github.com/intoli/exodus
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | > Exodus handles bundling all of the binary's
               | dependencies, compiling a statically linked wrapper for
               | the executable that invokes the relocated linker
               | directly, and installing the bundle in ~/.exodus/ on the
               | remote machine. You can see it in action here.
               | That isn't really what is being described, or at least
               | not what I'm referring to. It's more like a self-
               | extractor.
               | throwaway894345 wrote:
               | It exists. I came across at least one such project last
               | year, but I don't recall the name. :(
               | robocat wrote:
               | It was for personal operating systems (and ancient
               | mainframes) that had a multitasking OS but without any
               | MMU support in the hardware. Relocatable executables were
               | required so that you could load multiple executables at
               | different addresses within the single address space of
               | the memory. This is now called Position Independent
               | Code[1].
               | Modern MMUs meant that the OS would define specific
               | addresses for use by a program, so for example all ELF
               | programs in a distribution would have the same starting
               | address in memory hard coded into the executable (one
               | virtual address within a process is mapped to a different
               | physical memory address for each process by the MMU).
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position-
               | independent_code
               | Someone wrote:
               | There's a difference. Position independent means you can
               | move the executable anywhere and run it.
               | Relocatable means the binary has enough information to
               | fix any absolute addresses in the code after that move.
               | That's extra work, and means you cannot have the same
               | physical memory mapped to different virtual addresses in
               | different processes, and that you have to either swap out
               | the relocated memory, or repeat the relocation when you
               | swap in the code again (I'm not aware of any OS doing the
               | latter, and don't see a nice way to do it, but it is a
               | possibility).
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position-independent_code:
               |  _"In computing, position-independent code[1] (PIC[1]) or
               | position-independent executable (PIE)[2] is a body of
               | machine code that, being placed somewhere in the primary
               | memory, executes properly regardless of its absolute
               | address."_
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relocation_(computing):
               |  _"Relocation is the process of assigning load addresses
               | for position-dependent code and data of a program and
               | adjusting the code and data to reflect the assigned
               | addresses."_
           | ChiefOBrien wrote:
           | Hot take: A great tragedy of the GNU/Linux ecosystem is the
           | fact that ABI+API is still not figured out, and the most
           | common interface between programs is the C ABI, which is
           | embarassingly primitive even by 80's/90's standards. Some
           | people in the FOSS community just want to leave things as-is
           | to hinder propiertary software, and it's the same story with
           | device drivers. You can debate the merits rightfully so, but
           | then there's still companies pushing out binary blobs which
           | break every few kernel updates. As a FOSS developer it's an
           | eternal fight between good and evil with no winner in sight,
           | as a propiertary developer it's pain in the ass to maintain
           | old and new software between all the permutation of Linux
           | distros, and as a user I get to cry because of the lack of
           | popular software and backwards compatibility. Snaps and
           | flatpaks are an ugly hack, literal ductape around this very
           | fundamental problem, and clearly not the solution. GNU/Linux
           | should have adopted COM and/or an adequete proglang with
           | stable ABI a long time ago, and should have tried to control
           | wasted effort put into duplicate software ecosystems (KDE and
           | Gnome).
             | Spivak wrote:
             | As a primarily Linux developer I'm super jealous of COM. It
             | reminds me a lot of dbus with more legacy cruft but also a
             | lot better designed.
             | qppo wrote:
             | That's a searing hot take, to be sure.
             | There is no alternative to the C ABI. If you look at stable
             | ABIs in other programming languages, they're either
             | identical to or thin shims around the C ABI! Even COM, with
             | the caveat of calling convention on MSVC.
             | Regardless of ABI stability you also need software to have
             | API stability for stable distribution. The two solutions to
             | this problem are to statically link everything or package
             | your shared objects with your software. Then to launch the
             | software you need a shell script that overrides the loader
             | search path and move on with your life.
             | The ultimate solution is the .app/.bundle paradigm of
             | MacOS. Everything should copy that.
             | The other issues of packaging software like
             | entitlements/capability based security and code signing are
             | similarly orthogonal. If you're shipping big software
             | today, it needs to have everything it needs and to ignore
             | whatever is on the user's system unless they explicitly
             | request an override.
             | The real tragedy of GNU is that the interchangeability of
             | software was always possible, package managers just managed
             | to make it accidental and explicit. Too many foot guns
             | there.
           | tonyedgecombe wrote:
           | Actually that's one problem I've never had with Linux. Even
           | using stuff that isn't in the default package manager seems
           | to just work.
           | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
           | If you need exotic libraries, you install them into
           | /usr/local/lib with GNU Stow for secondary package
           | management. Then point your loader there first when starting
           | programs that depend on them. Your distro stays pristine and
           | the program runs so everything is good.
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | It seems like your definition of "why this matters" is "how can
         | this pick me up as a user" but for some projects "why this
         | matters" is "to see if this works as well as we think it could"
         | or similar more abstract goals. If the goal of the project is
         | to try to be as small and simple of a Linux distro as possible
         | by trying a different take and seeing how it pans out (which it
         | seems like this is) then it's accomplishing it's goals whether
         | or not it tells you how you could use such a distro were it to
         | pan out.
           | breakfastduck wrote:
           | I don't think you're disagreeing with each other - a bit of
           | intro text especially helps if the project is abstract.
           | mrtweetyhack wrote:
           | So this doesn't matter
       | colonwqbang wrote:
       | I find the build system more interesting than the "statically
       | linked" part. Incremental compilation across your whole system is
       | something we should have nailed by now, I think. The best I've
       | seen is something like openembedded, where you get per-package
       | (but not per-file) dependency tracking across the whole system.
       | I was ever so slightly disappointed to see how manual the
       | packaging is, with every .c file listed in each lua script. It
       | looks quite maintenance-intensive. I was almost hoping for some
       | kind of meta-build system which could parse automake etc. files
       | and hoist the dependency graph into the main system build.
         | mforney wrote:
         | > I was ever so slightly disappointed to see how manual the
         | packaging is, with every .c file listed in each lua script. It
         | looks quite maintenance-intensive.
         | I was worried about this, too, but it turns out most of the
         | cost in just the initial packaging. Packages do not tend to
         | change their build system very much in between releases, so
         | updating is usually just `git diff` between the version tags,
         | sometimes adding/removing a couple source files to `gen.lua`,
         | and regenerating `config.h`.
         | I'm just one person, but I've been able to keep these 100 or so
         | packages up-to-date fairly easily, while still spending most of
         | my time developing my own projects.
         | > I was almost hoping for some kind of meta-build system which
         | could parse automake etc. files and hoist the dependency graph
         | into the main system build.
         | This would be amazing, but I think it is too difficult a
         | problem to solve, especially with the huge variety of build
         | systems (which are sometimes used pretty creatively). For some
         | packages I get part of the way there with scripts or command
         | snippets to extract source lists from the upstream build
         | system. Here's an example:
         | https://github.com/oasislinux/oasis/blob/master/pkg/mpv/gens...
         | One of the main motivations for the oasis build system is that
         | it is often very difficult to get the upstream build system to
         | do what you want. It is very common for projects to ignore your
         | CFLAGS or LDFLAGS, ignore special include/lib directories for
         | dependencies, or have automagic dependencies (to borrow a term
         | from gentoo) that can't be enabled/disabled explicitly with a
         | configure switch. Also, most build systems don't work very well
         | for building things statically. libtool will intercept your
         | -static flag, hiding it from the compiler, and libraries which
         | are dependencies of other libraries get left out from the
         | linking command.
       | siraben wrote:
       | Does statically linking everything not lead to much higher disk
       | usage, espcially when you have thousands of binaries? Drew
       | Devault has an analysis[0] that appears to claim otherwise.
       | [0] https://drewdevault.com/dynlib.html
         | mforney wrote:
         | The idea with oasis is to choose smaller software with fewer
         | dependencies that offsets the slightly higher disk usage, as
         | well as to deliberately not have thousands of binaries.
         | tetraca wrote:
         | It might have been a concern long ago when space was a premium,
         | but these days in the world of >=1TB drives you could probably
         | build your entire software library in the most horrifying,
         | space inefficient way, and it would still be completely and
         | utterly dwarfed by the user's media library. Excepting games, I
         | would bet most anyone's software library would likely
         | comfortably fit under 128 GB. The photos, games, music, and
         | video would be what necessitates more. And I suspect even then,
         | a lot of people don't bother to store these things locally
         | besides the games and photos.
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | Having grown up on a static linked world, where dynamic linking
       | was a thing of big iron computers that we dreamt about being able
       | to do in home computers this trend of static linked compiled
       | stuff feels somehow a tragedy of some sort.
       | How bad have we gone, that is now trendy to return to the days of
       | static compiled binaries and process IPC to achieve any sort of
       | dynamism.
         | whizzter wrote:
         | I think dynamic linking one of those ideas that looks neater on
         | paper and therefore feels better but just fails in many ways in
         | the real world (at least for statically compiled languages like
         | C and C++).
         | Personally i think at least half the times i really tried to
         | use Linux i always wanted a new shiny version of some program
         | at some point, this usually devolved into a more or less broken
         | system due to dependencies.
         | I do understand some people who really loves their package
         | managers and knowing that their updated system will be secure,
         | but many people are even more into shiny new things than me and
         | if anything has held back Linux adoption on the desktop I'd
         | probably point to this second to drivers and configuration
         | troubles historically.
         | Am I alone in this? I doubt it if we consider the existence of
         | Docker, Snap packages and similar things.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Containers fulfil other purpose, and have existence in some
           | form on mainframes and big UNIXes, because just using UNIX
           | permissions is not enough to actually secure a process.
           | They just happen to have been misused to workaround
           | deficiencies on Linux software distributions.
           | The only areas where I see a failure of dynamic linking is
           | security, given the possible exploits of the host process.
           | Even IPC comes to IPC hell if not everyone is speaking the
           | same version.
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