[HN Gopher] Supabase Beta: Auth, SQL Editor, Benchmarks
       Supabase Beta: Auth, SQL Editor, Benchmarks
       Author : kiwicopple
       Score  : 117 points
       Date   : 2020-12-03 14:40 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (supabase.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (supabase.io)
       | throwaway32953 wrote:
       | Nice! Any timeline on Functions? I saw it's marked as "coming
       | soon".
         | kiwicopple wrote:
         | Hard to know an exact timeline - we will first ship Storage,
         | and Functions after that. I think it will be ~Q2 2021.
         | Surprisingly we don't have too many people asking for this at
         | the moment. A lot of Supabase devs are using Next.js/Vercel or
         | Netlify to write their function code, or using Stored
         | Procedures: https://supabase.io/docs/client/rpc
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | Would you consider offering some kind of VM or container
           | hosting (perhaps similar to Heroku - maybe even built on top
           | of Dokku)? Serverless Functions are very popular for some
           | reason but (much like the firebase databases) they seem to
           | have a lot of downsides (cold starts, hard to test locally),
           | and not a lot of upsides (a simple always-on VM is cheap
           | anyway).
       | kiwicopple wrote:
       | Hey HN, Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. We're
       | building the features of Firebase using enterprise-grade open
       | source tools. We're particularly focused on scalability. We take
       | proven tools like Postgres, and we make them as easy to use as
       | Firebase.
       | Supabase had an Alpha launch [1] six months ago. This time we're
       | more stable and feature-full. For the past 2 months we've run
       | benchmarks [2] and security audits and we're confident to take on
       | production workloads.
       | Our current feature-set includes a realtime engine [3] on top of
       | Postgres, auto-generated APIs using PostgREST [4], and Auth with
       | Row Level Security, OAuth, and magic links [5] . We have a full
       | dashboard, with built-in SQL Editor (full Monaco editor) and a
       | Table View (like Airtable) [6].
       | Next we are focused Storage & Functions, as well as the local
       | development experience - making sure developers can go quickly
       | from dev to prod.
       | A few of the team will be here to answer any questions - my
       | cofounder @awalias and @steve-chavez from PostgREST, @inian, and
       | @1_over_n
       | [1] Alpha launch - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23319901
       | [2] Benchmarks - https://github.com/supabase/benchmarks
       | [3] Elixir Realtime engine - https://github.com/supabase/realtime
       | [4] PostgREST - http://postgrest.org/
       | [5] Auth: https://supabase.io/docs/guides/auth
       | [6] Dashboard: https://supabase.io/docs/guides/database
         | nwienert wrote:
         | Really nicely done beta page, and the product is something
         | that's needed to exist for a long time now.
         | I remember talking with the RethinkDB guys before they closed
         | and being worried they were making a bad decision not getting a
         | cloud service in place earlier, so good on doing that.
         | I have two points of feedback:
         | 1. How open source is it? I didn't get a great feel from the
         | beta page, but will you make it as easy as setting up a docker
         | container or helm chart? I'd suggest that if you want to align
         | incentives as best as possible, consider one of those new-
         | fangled OSS licenses that has the most recent updates closed-
         | source, then auto-open sourcing after a time period. That way
         | you can give away a really nice, well-packaged version for
         | free, not worry about Amazon, and still capture a big chunk of
         | revenue from bigger clients who need the newest.
         | 2. What are your plans/thoughts on denormalization [0]? Liron
         | is a friend of mine and we've had interesting discussions on
         | this since way back, I'd encourage you all to reach out to him,
         | and consider it strongly. The "holy grail" for many years now
         | has been obvious: a subscribable DB engine that handles
         | denormalization. I hope you guys achieve it.
         | Good luck!
         | [0] https://lironshapira.medium.com/data-denormalization-is-
         | brok...
           | kiwicopple wrote:
           | These are great questions.
           | > will you make it as easy as setting up a docker container
           | or helm chart?
           | Yes, likely docker-compose in the short term (for our "local
           | emulator"), and then something more prod-friendly later.
           | Licensing is always a tough decision - we build client
           | libraries for every tool we use, which are MIT licensed.
           | Tools we build ourselves (like the Realtime server), are
           | licensed under Apache 2.0. As you point out, we've started
           | with our hosted platform because we feel this is important
           | (as a business). This par is not yet public (also for
           | security) and we may have to license it with a BSD license
           | when we do open source it.
           | > a subscribable DB engine that handles denormalization
           | One of my favourite topics, and something we've been thinking
           | about for months. It's incredibly hard to solve, especially
           | when you add in Row Level Security and conflict resolution.
           | Our current thinking is some sort of client store, using
           | CRDTs that infer types from the database. We have some ideas
           | for this but it's _very_ early days. I 'd love to talk to
           | Liron - I'll reach out.
             | robertlagrant wrote:
             | Just make sure cloud companies can't just host your
             | solution and make easy money from it. The Timescale licence
             | is worth a look.
         | michelpp wrote:
         | Congratulations! As a long time fan of PostgREST I love seeing
         | a well thought out product take flight and support their
         | community at the same time by openly hiring key open source
         | members who have done great work.
         | swyx wrote:
         | excited about Storage and Functions!
         | for storage, a common pain point is whether or not images (or
         | video) hosted in storage will be CDNified for fast delivery. my
         | dream wish is that there'd be an easy option to specify whether
         | an image should be put on that optimized path, so that when i
         | access it i know whether i'm getting the CDN or the origin
         | version. itd also be nice to do things like specify dimensions
         | or compression quality (basically making it an image optimizing
         | CDN)
         | for functions - both scheduling and durable functions would be
         | cool :)
         | both are tricky things to do right for local dev. wishing you
         | all the best!!
       | freeqaz wrote:
       | Are you using Monaco for the SQL Editor in the browser? If so,
       | how did you setup the language server for enabling auto-
       | completion/intellisense in the editor?
       | axbytg wrote:
       | Hello! Emails to work@supabase are getting kicked back. I've been
       | working on something similar for hobby use @ apime.dev since the
       | pandemic started and would love to chat :).
         | kiwicopple wrote:
         | Awesome, thanks for the heads-up @axbytg. Fixed.
         | I think I saw an email from you in my inbox but we've been
         | swamped trying to wrap up the Beta. Let's chat next week?
           | axbytg wrote:
           | No worries at all, would love to! I am available anytime Wed-
           | Fri. I can reach back out via email as well if that makes
           | scheduling easier.
       | snarkypixel wrote:
       | The landing page is great too, congrats on the beta launch!
         | kiwicopple wrote:
         | The landing page was a last minute decision, but we're happy
         | that we did it. No doubt there are a few broken links tying our
         | old and new sites together.
       | tjchear wrote:
       | Congrats on the beta launch! Thoughts on supporting multi-tenant
       | auth?
         | kiwicopple wrote:
         | thanks! Supabase is "just" Postgres under the hood, so it could
         | be used for multi-tenant already. But I assume you have a
         | particular architecture in mind - something we don't offer yet?
         | We're very open to feedback, our roadmap is often guided by HN
         | comments
         | steve-chavez wrote:
         | Supabase team member here. Multi-tenant is already possible
         | with PostgreSQL RLS policies[1]. We provide a nice UI[2] to
         | make them simpler to use.
         | [1]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ddl-
         | rowsecurity.html
         | [2]: https://supabase.io/blog/2020/08/05/supabase-auth#policies
       | ngyekta wrote:
       | Congrats on the launch. Waiting for the realtime API to be
       | capable of filtering based on row level security and I'll
       | definitely try it on some "serious" side projects afterwards.
       | Small suggestion regarding the Firebase comparison: Including a
       | package size comparison for various Firebase packages (realtime,
       | auth etc.) vs Supabase.js might be useful.
         | kiwicopple wrote:
         | > Including a package size comparison
         | That's a great idea. A developer recently tweeted[1]:
         | 3.gkB gziped vs firebase which is 218.2kB
         | > Waiting for the realtime API to be capable of filtering based
         | on row level security and I'll definitely try it on some
         | "serious"
         | We have a solution for this underway, and it's great to get
         | this feedback because it helps us prioritise.
         | [1] https://twitter.com/chiubaca/status/1328654022832758786
           | ngyekta wrote:
           | I have looked at Firebase core + realtime + auth vs
           | Supabase.js and results were very much in Supabase's favor :)
           | Understandable though since Firebase is doing a bunch of
           | other things under the hood. I would still call it a
           | relatively fair comparison.
           | Also, I think the primary buttons on the website has an
           | easily fixable contrast problem. I just created an issue for
           | it.
             | kiwicopple wrote:
             | To be fair to Firebase, they have a lot more functionality
             | in their client libraries than ours. But they are
             | definitely bloated, and I think they are working on
             | reducing their bundle sizes. This is something we are very
             | cognisant of - we will keep our bundles modular and easy to
             | tree-shake (keeping admin functions separate).
             | > the primary buttons on the website has an easily fixable
             | contrast problem
             | Thanks for the fix! We'll merge tomorrow, because the whole
             | team is asleep..
       | awalias wrote:
       | Hey everyone! We put a lot of work over the last few months into
       | performance benchmarking. We're very keen for people to run the
       | benchmarks themselves and report your results:
       | https://github.com/supabase/benchmarks
       | avree wrote:
       | There's something about this company's design and font/logo
       | choice that makes it "feel" exactly like Robinhood.
       | Also, this feels really similar to another project that launched
       | on HN this month, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25059133
       | (although Supabase focuses more on scalability, while Etebase
       | focuses more on privacy?). Might be some interesting discussion
       | there.
         | kiwicopple wrote:
         | That's interesting - we didn't look at Robinhood during the
         | redesign, but the Beta page is inspired by the Stack Overflow
         | surveys: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2020
         | We're quite different from Etebase - I'll copy over the
         | maintainer's comment from this thread[1]:                   I
         | think it's very different to supabase.io. They are focusing on
         | being a Firebase alternative, we are focusing on making it easy
         | to build encrypted applications.
         | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25071545
       (page generated 2020-12-03 23:00 UTC)