[HN Gopher] Radicle: A peer-to-peer alternative to GitHub
       Radicle: A peer-to-peer alternative to GitHub
       Author : dweberz
       Score  : 645 points
       Date   : 2020-12-05 09:13 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (radicle.xyz)
 (TXT) w3m dump (radicle.xyz)
       | LeicaLatte wrote:
       | Very cool!
       | fungos wrote:
       | I'm impressed and I see potential on this one. I tried different
       | ones over time but most fail at on-boarding. This was seamless
       | and really easy. In about 2 minutes I successfully shared my
       | project and followed known projects. This means this mvp _works_
       | and it let me craving for more, I want to use this! I want issues
       | and PR support to prove this can effectively work as a github
       | replacement to me.
       | Now, the downside of this mvp is that there is no project
       | discovery in the client itself. We need to go search for projects
       | in a browser, in this page http://seedling.radicle.xyz/ which is
       | a bit confusing. Considering the client itself is electron, it
       | could at least, open this page for us somewhere. Or, we could at
       | least have a less "noisy" seedling page focused on search and I
       | would not even know it wasn't part of the client itself.
       | Overall, awesome project. I really hope it will grow and add the
       | missing essential features. If I could vote, with priority these
       | would be:
       | - project discovery integrated in the client - issues support -
       | pr support - multiple identities
       | Anyway, great job!
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | Thanks for the feedback! The priorities you mention are very
         | close to our own, and we have already started working on some
         | of them. We will definitely be integrating discovery more
         | closely into the app in the long run.
         | philips wrote:
         | Oh wow. This seedling website needs to be suggested as the next
         | step after creating your device id, etc.
         | geoah wrote:
         | hm, that is interesting, the fact that projects are public and
         | advertised by default was not clear to me while going through
         | the onboarding.
           | erichdongubler wrote:
           | For reference: https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/understanding-
           | radicle/faq/#can...
           | xla wrote:
           | Thanks for flagging that, definitely something we are looking
           | to improve in making it clear but also in how much control
           | the user has over that.
       | nikitaga wrote:
       | What a nice funky design. That front page has a soul, unlike
       | almost everything else I see nowadays.
         | viraptor wrote:
         | There's a post about the design here:
         | https://radicle.community/t/the-journey-to-radicles-new-bran...
           | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
           | The main site page is just awful. It's amateurish,
           | image/animation heavy to no value, almost negligable
           | information. They may have something good but the site's just
           | obscuring it.
             | viraptor wrote:
             | I think it does a good job listing project ideas / features
             | / roadmap and is a pleasant step away from the bland
             | corporate brands. Love the esthetic. You just can't satisfy
             | everyone.
               | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
               | The front page alone is 9MB.
               | Edit: perhaps more importantly, I have to gain a feeling
               | for the product, to work out whether it's worth the
               | perhaps nontrivial time evaluating it.
               | If I'm presented with this what it indicates to me,
               | rightly or not, is that the product is image-led, the
               | project is perhaps childish if the website is (clips from
               | ghost in the shell?), fails to understand technical load
               | (the website's bloated, what does it say about technical
               | competence of the company) and whatever.
               | I don't care about corporate blandness, I need solid
               | info, directly in front of me, and not having my eyes
               | pulled away by flicker.
               | I could be completely getting the value of this project
               | wrong but first impressions suggest I may well be wasting
               | my time with it.
           | nulbyte wrote:
           | I like the sketch of the first design presented there. It
           | seems to fit with the product. Unfortunately, the cult-route
           | they went with produced a busy page with lots of animation
           | that distracts the reader. Also, overlapping headings with
           | animations and changing colors immensely reduces readability.
           | If it weren't overly animated and the headings were legible,
           | this design might actually be pleasantly nostalgic. But in
           | its present state, it makes me wish for old radicle, when it
           | was built on ipfs and had no GUI. The overt use of animation
           | is exactly how I tend to think of unnecesary GUIs.
           | 2bitencryption wrote:
           | this is just me, but I'm honestly way more interested in this
           | design post than I am about the product itself.
           | love the design - it's honestly something I've never seen
           | before (at least, not in the context of software). I love how
           | it rejects the tired old aesthetic of the "software tool
           | front page" and goes in a totally different direction while
           | still getting the point across.
         | messo wrote:
         | I agree, it stirs up feelings of the web that was, but in a
         | modern and functional way. (mobile view)
         | d0100 wrote:
         | Nice design, but I couldn't understand anything. I have a 21'
         | screen and it way to wide. Our peripheral vision was made for
         | motion, if you want human attention, put it in the center!
         | I can only digest the content properly if I stand a couple of
         | meters away
         | bigbubba wrote:
         | I like the GITS gif, but the page in general feels like a fever
         | dream to me.
         | madoublet wrote:
         | Very cool design. Matches well with the name. In my mind,
         | Radicle invokes the design of the 90s (skids, grunge, hip-hop).
         | This isn't quite that but it still works.
         | fungos wrote:
         | At first I thought it was broken as I opened in mobile and it
         | was very confusing. Otherwise, on desktop it looks funky, but
         | fine - not awesome but not bad.
         | theferalrobot wrote:
         | Totally agree, design today takes itself way too seriously to
         | the point that it all looks like it came from the same
         | corporate hell hole. This is a breath of fresh air.
         | yunohn wrote:
         | Especially for a FOSS project! Usually they tend to go with a
         | default theme with the most drab design. As an engineer, I
         | sympathize with the effort needed to make it look good though.
         | thiht wrote:
         | I came here to say just the opposite. The first thing I did
         | when seeing the frontpage was to leave. It just felt
         | overcrowded, unreadable and aggressive to me.
         | It's fun to see how different our opinions can be about this
         | kind of things, I really didn't expect it in this case but here
         | we go :)
           | ljm wrote:
           | I didn't like it at first, but it's grown on me since. It
           | makes a bold statement and feels unique.
           | enriquto wrote:
           | way offtopic, but can you point to a couple examples of
           | websites that "have a soul" according to your personal
           | criterion?
             | arafsheikh wrote:
             | Not OP, but I feel Wikipedia "has a soul". The design
             | doesn't get in the way, is consistent and the information
             | density is just right.
         | studius wrote:
         | the site design is cool. hosting it on GitHub is ironic,
         | though. could it instead just be hosted via radicle? (mirrored
         | to GitLab, GitHub, BitBucket, SourceForge, Savannah, ...)
         | theelous3 wrote:
         | Reminds me of the better aspects of brutalist web design:
         | https://brutalistwebsites.com/ mixed with some actual
         | formatting.
       | simias wrote:
       | I've installed the "upstream" client but I must say that I'm a
       | bit confused. I imported a couple of git repositories that ended
       | up on http://seedling.radicle.xyz/, so I thought I did it right,
       | but then if I try to add projects from that very page it keeps
       | searching and never finds anything (they're stuck in "keep
       | looking" mode).
       | Also I don't see how you can create issues. Is it not implemented
       | yet?
       | It's an interesting project but it feels like very early alpha-
       | grade to me. The client gives very little feedback on what's
       | happening and what you can do.
         | xla wrote:
         | This is really helpful feedback. Especially the part about not
         | getting enough feedback during operations. And yes social
         | features like issues and PRs have not been the focus in this
         | release, as we focused on replication. If you are looking for
         | more help you can join the community matrix and we take it from
         | there: https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/using-radicle/join-the-
         | communi...
           | simias wrote:
           | Thanks for the feedback on my feedback. My recommendation
           | would be to make a very simple tutorial (maybe even a video)
           | walking the user through checkouting a remote project,
           | publishing their own and start hacking while explaining the
           | core concepts. The docs are pretty good from what I see, but
           | when you're just starting and you don't know what you're
           | looking for it's a bit overwhelming I thought.
         | erk__ wrote:
         | It seems that it is sadly only built for AppImage and MacOS
         | neither of work on any of my current machines. Though I guess
         | it just means that I have to figure out how to build it myself.
       | [deleted]
       | fastglass wrote:
       | it would be super interesting to know how private would work
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | Privacy by necessity will use end-to-end encryption, as
         | artifacts will end up being propagated on the network. This
         | isn't however so easy for long-lived artifacts (eg. what
         | happens if your key is compromised sometime in the future), and
         | we will need things such as forward secrecy.
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | It's not 1989 anymore, we have proper cryptosystems now. I
         | don't have a worked example but elsewhere in the thread
         | someone, it sounded like a dev, mentioned it's being worked on.
         | You can encrypt for certain public keys and then only those
         | people can decrypt the contents.
       | dsign wrote:
       | We kind of need this yesterday... what's the point of having a
       | decentralized git if the issues are centralized at Github?
       | (which, not to make too fine a point of it, is owned by
       | Microsoft). Even if you host your own Gitlab, there is always
       | that day when the hard drive of the server fails and the ops have
       | to spend a weekend restoring backups while changing hosting
       | company because who crashes the hard-drive of an expensive VPS
       | anyway...
       | I hope Radicle gets a lot of funding and tons of adoption.
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | We use Github and we are not that interested in the
         | decentralized aspects of git itself.
         | The low-friction UX and integration of issues/PRs/code makes it
         | lightyears easier to ramp new developers than if I had to sit
         | down and also explain Jira & Jenkins to them. The fact that git
         | is centralized or decentralized crosses our minds precisely
         | zero times per week.
         | In the absolute worst case where Microsoft somehow loses
         | everyones' issue/PR/project data (assuming non-enterprise cloud
         | hosted account), we could still rebuild with whoever has the
         | latest master copy on their local. Presumably, one of our
         | developers must have made the latest commit so this should work
         | out always. We have a process where we include the issue
         | numbers in our commits, so it would be possible to reconstruct
         | a large portion of these with inference across commit history.
         | Personally, I trust Microsoft to safeguard our business data
         | more than I trust our 7 person team w/ a $2000/m AWS budget.
         | Ultimately, I think the objective of making all things around
         | your source control technology look & talk like your source
         | control technology is a huge mistake. Issues and code are
         | completely orthogonal things that intersect in very narrow
         | ways. These intersections are hugely valuable, but we are not
         | interested in aligning the planes of functionality.
           | indymike wrote:
           | Disclaimer: I love Github. From a commercial development
           | standpoint (ie. my day job), it's fantastic.
           | BUT: What a lot of developers, myself included, feel like is
           | the source control in git is great. The project management
           | tools (issues, actions, etc...) require centralization of
           | certain processes, that for some projects (open and closed
           | source), don't fit well. Sometimes the 'how it works' is a
           | bad fit. Other times, it's where it has to be to work. For
           | example, running CI on a container on Azure from actions. Yes
           | you can move where it runs. But for some projects, localhost
           | is where that should happen. I'm really happy to see people
           | working on this, because it will be just as transformative as
           | git and Github has been.
             | bob1029 wrote:
             | I argue that centralization of certain processes is the
             | entire point. How the hell are you going to manage a
             | complex software project if everyone has a different
             | version of the issues pertaining to it? Simply seeing an
             | issue comment instantly update in GitHub as I am scrolling
             | through has saved me tons of aggregate hours in wasted time
             | on changing requirements.
               | indymike wrote:
               | First, I'm not arguing :-), just sharing. If I'm using
               | fossil, I just do. Fossil is built by the people behind
               | sqlite, and issues, wikis, etc... all of the pm stuff is
               | baked in. Tickets that are referenced in check-ins are
               | synced. This improves on github: if another dev has
               | worked on a ticket and their branch hasn't merged yet,
               | the ticket update is visible. Fossil also allows for
               | heirarchal management structures, and so on.
               | Incidentally, fossil's timeline is incredible.
               | Not saying that fossil is going to replace git/github.
               | Probably not, but there are ways to solve simple
               | information management problems that don't require a
               | centralized, subscription service. By eliminating that,
               | you open the door to much innovation... In the meantime,
               | I've got a pull request or two to review over on Github.
               | gfody wrote:
               | i think fossil has the better architecture and it would
               | probably take off if the baked in webapp were as polished
               | as github. somebody should fork fossil and make a github
               | clone.
           | p5a0u9l wrote:
           | this is naive. the problems being addressed do exist,
           | independent of whether this particular solution will work.
           | that's great that the status quo is working for you, but it's
           | silly to then assert that progress cannot be made.
             | bob1029 wrote:
             | Well maybe our "naive" approach might be worth
             | investigating. Because we put so little time into
             | ridiculous missions like "distributed issues because git is
             | also distributed", we are able to focus more on the
             | product, customers, and processes. You know, things that
             | actually drive business value and pay out everyones' bonus
             | checks at the end of the year.
             | We have actually considered doing a complete in-house
             | implementation of the things that GitHub handles, because
             | we do already have an in-house management system that
             | integrates with GitHub's API. But, we realized that we
             | would then be in the business of maintaining what is
             | effectively the GitHub product for a market size of 1
             | customer.
               | goseeastarwar wrote:
               | The nerds (I say that will all due respect) will fight
               | your stance on this until the end of time, but of course
               | you're correct. There have been discussions of
               | distributed GitHub since the day the website launched,
               | but the concept will never take off. 99.99% of developers
               | understand the tools are a means to an end, not the thing
               | worth focusing on.
               | p5a0u9l wrote:
               | i'm saying it's ok to be pragmatic and fully accept that
               | you are Microsoft's target demographic. they're solving
               | the annoying bits so you can focus on what's important to
               | you.
               | but, that's not the end of the story. there may likely be
               | gains found with new innovations.
               | companies like github are not incentivized to
               | revolutionize "what works". they're incentivized to get
               | you to rely increasingly on their services. and as long
               | as that works for you, great!
               | i'm just saying, don't discount efforts made to make
               | github obsolete.
         | fn1 wrote:
         | Can't you just serialize all issues into the repository and
         | then write scripts/hooks to sync them in/out of textfiles in
         | the repo?
           | m4rtink wrote:
           | Pagure does something like that: https://pagure.io/pagure
           | All the issues, wiki, PR review are stored in Git as well.
           | You still need a Pagure instance (that you can self host if
           | you want) to provide the web ui, but you can easily just
           | clone the repo and put it to a different instance, keeping
           | all your metadata.
           | masklinn wrote:
           | This was attempted multiple times in the past. None
           | succeeded, in large parts because at a fundamental level
           | issues are a synchronisation point, making issues part of the
           | repository adds overhead and complexity but doesn't really
           | give you anything, and furthermore it increases complexity
           | for reporters.
           | dm3 wrote:
           | I know of an attempt to implement an approach to track issues
           | and code in a decentralized manner with SIT[0].
           | Unfortunatlely the project seems to be dead.
           | [0] https://github.com/sit-fyi
           | hamaluik wrote:
           | I've used git-bug[1] successfully in the past for something
           | similar but more ergonomic.
           | 1: https://github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug
         | Frost1x wrote:
         | I always find it comically ironic how the industry basically
         | centralized a version management system (git) that was
         | inherently designed to be decentralized. "Git is so great!
         | Let's add these higher level project management features but
         | let's do it in a centralized model!"
           | neurobashing wrote:
           | the industry aggressively seeks centralization. One browser
           | always ends up taking huge amounts of market share. A small
           | number of sites end up being hubs for large amounts of
           | activity. We then spend forever trying to put the toothpaste
           | back in the tube - federated social networks and chat, stuff
           | like this.
           | ehejsbbejsk wrote:
           | Physical infrastructure itself needs to be federal. I believe
           | that's the most economical solution. But it could be
           | virtually decentralized.
           | mistercow wrote:
           | I don't think that's any more ironic than it is to point out
           | that LLVM is backend agnostic, yet we always end up hooking
           | it up to backends that lock the end result to a specific
           | architecture. It's not ironic; it's the advantage of the
           | design.
           | In git's case, its decentralized nature ends up being an
           | advantage because it decouples centralization from the VCS
           | itself, which has allowed the centralized aspects of code and
           | project management to evolve independently and be tuned to
           | specific use cases.
           | dangoor wrote:
           | I think the centralization comes from convenience. Building a
           | good, decentralized UX is a lot harder than making a
           | centralized one (evidence: almost every attempt at P2P
           | networks.)
       | blargmaster42_8 wrote:
       | Drop the crypto scam angle pleas
       | flas9sd wrote:
       | at the end of the LPC2019 talk "Reflections on kernel development
       | process, quality and testing" by Dmitry Vyukov there's a slide
       | with some Radicle examples. The following slide he links to a
       | post by Konstantin Ryabitsev "Patches carved into developer
       | sigchains" that shows Securescuttlebut on IPFS as an alternative
       | to Email as decentralized system (search for git-ssb).
       | 18af219e wrote:
       | Interesting idea, but 'peer-to-peer'? Is water wet?
       | jakry wrote:
       | Is this based on Matrix?
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | It isn't, no. It's based on a protocol we've developed called
         | Radicle Link, which provides a gossip layer on top of git.
       | nnn1234 wrote:
       | like other folks who have said this before, the question is who
       | is this for and what is it that github doesnt provide but radicle
       | does?
       | I can have git installed on my device, work locally and instead
       | of pointing to github, have a scuttlebutt like updates for PRs
       | Question is who wants this? and what does this do to open source
       | code?
         | geranim0 wrote:
         | youtube-dl?
       | a-dub wrote:
       | i think this is technically interesting, but i'm curious in
       | practice what it gives project maintainers over hosting their own
       | gitlab instance or similar...
         | viraptor wrote:
         | I've got a number of tiny projects. Realistically if they're
         | not hosted on GitHub, they won't get contributions. "Setup
         | another login on my gitlab instance" would close to ensure
         | nobody collaborates on it. This allows me to both disconnect
         | them from a centralised service and remove the "you need a
         | separate identity" step.
           | pferde wrote:
           | Oh come on. It's not like making an account is overly
           | difficult or demanding. You are not required to send two
           | forms of ID or a blood sample by mail.
           | Anyone who really wants to contribute to the project (and
           | scratch their itch) will not have a problem with entering a
           | username, password, and perhaps use a validation link from an
           | e-mail. It might discourage people with just fleeting
           | interest.
           | And as a hypothetical FOSS project maintainer, I know I'd
           | rather have one of the first kind of contributor than ten of
           | the second kind. Especially if the alternative is to be
           | beholden to the likes of Microsoft.
           | Of course, the best solution would be something like
           | ForgeFed, but I can't see that meaningfully taking off
           | (there's no way Github will ever adopt it). I'd love to be
           | wrong, though.
             | viraptor wrote:
             | The step is not difficult. The step exists and that's
             | enough. Search through HN comments and see how many people
             | see creating a new account as annoying.
             | And I understand it - If I have a one line fix but the
             | relevant system requires a new account, I don't bother. If
             | it's a significant fix, but the project requires extra
             | signed document (CLA?), they're getting a description in an
             | issue instead.
             | There's a reason for a recent trend where new services let
             | you jump right in and start using them. Then require amount
             | creation only when you do something significant.
             | And for a small project that potential drive-by fix is
             | valuable. It's not like I get to throw away most people to
             | select the best ones. I get one potential fix a year -
             | either it's a seamless experience or they disappear.
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | Good question. I know of a few projects hosting their own
         | GitLab instance, the problem is that this requires me to create
         | a new account/identity for each of these instances. This is a
         | far cry from what GitHub brought, which was a single "place"
         | and social network where you could browse and contribute to all
         | projects with the same account.
         | Radicle attempts to take back control (just like running your
         | own instance), but without giving up network effects.
         | alkonaut wrote:
         | I guess for projects that run a risk of being shut down by RIAA
         | or a government, this removes that single point of failure
         | rather than moving it?
         | I can't see the point for projects that don't run this risk
         | though.
       | [deleted]
       | jeanlucas wrote:
       | If it's free forever I'll give four years and check it.up again
         | t0astbread wrote:
         | It's P2P, so "free forever" isn't unrealistic.
       | rarestoma wrote:
       | cool! I really love the design!
       | jwmoz wrote:
       | That design is amazing.
       | hanklazard wrote:
       | Would you consider linking a white paper off the homepage? (If
       | there is one, I'm not finding it). I like the sound of this
       | project but I really would like to understand it more fully.
         | lftherios wrote:
         | docs here https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/what-is-radicle.html
       | isaacimagine wrote:
       | Tried out radicle a while back with a recent project - it's
       | really cool!
       | tyrion wrote:
       | This seems really cool!
       | I am wondering if it can host private repository as well, or is
       | it just meant to host public repositories?
         | xla wrote:
         | For now the focus is on public collaboration on public
         | projects. Features for private/encrypted repos are definitely
         | on the roadmap.
       | casi wrote:
       | This looks fun, will give it a go. The inbuilt funding sounds
       | interesting, is that like bounties on issues? Or more like
       | Patreon sponsorships?
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | More like the latter. The first funding feature we are
         | launching will allow you to set a monthly budget and have it
         | split amongst a set of users/maintainers of your choosing.
       | dijit wrote:
       | Not to be confused with Radicale; an Open-Source CalDAV and
       | CardDAV Server
       | https://radicale.org/3.0.html
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | The shameless plug we all needed
           | kiwidrew wrote:
           | I read the title of this link and thought "Hmm, Radicale...
           | not quite sure how a CalDAV server can be a Github
           | alternative".
           | enedil wrote:
           | Shameless plugs are when you talk about your product
           | specifically, while this just mentioned _some_ product of
           | this name.
       | Aeolun wrote:
       | How and why is literally everything peer to peer in the tech
       | community also somehow connected to ethereum?
         | b_fiive wrote:
         | quick hand raise for the IPFS community, which is yes p2p, no
         | blockchain. I'm working a "git for data" project atop IPFS and
         | aren't hawking a coin.
         | I'll readily admit there are _very_ few yes-p2p and no-
         | blockchain projects out there, but we exist
           | JJJollyjim wrote:
           | In fairness, filecoin is linked on the IPFS homepage (though
           | it is less prominent than I remember)
           | Taek wrote:
           | quick reminder: the team behind IPFS raised over $200 million
           | selling tokens.
         | simias wrote:
         | My first reaction when I read "peer-to-peer" in the title was
         | "cool" followed immediately with "oh it's going to push some
         | cryptocurrency crap, isn't it?"
         | But honestly after reading the page it look fine to me. Oddly
         | enough they seem to use cryptocurrencies as... currency. They
         | don't bullshit you by saying that you're going to store your
         | code on the blockchain.
         | Besides, while I long ago became tired of the cryptocurrency
         | crowd reinventing squared wheels every other month, the problem
         | of rewarding open source developers is still very much an open
         | issue, so I'm willing to give it a chance, even if I'm not
         | holding my breath.
         | This seems like a cool project frankly, at least on paper, I
         | don't think it's fair to discard it just because it bundles
         | some optional Ethereum support.
         | Actually after downloading the upstream client my only
         | complaint so far is that it's yet an other bloated Electron
         | app, but such is life in 2020...
           | OJFord wrote:
           | Also I actually think it could be used pretty effectively -
           | not saying it does this today or would ever - but it _could_
           | let you offer a bounty for  'whoever submits a PR that closes
           | this issue; that the maintainer accepts; that is not reverted
           | within 30 days' in a trusted but decentralised way.
         | studius wrote:
         | Without an external entity assisting with proof-of-stake like
         | Kraken, etc., Bitcoin (the system) is dependent on not just
         | peers connecting to each other to have merry time with
         | financial transactions, but on something called proof-of-work
         | (https://www.kraken.com/en-us/learn/proof-of-work-vs-proof-
         | of...).
         | That proof-of-work in the Bitcoin system itself (without use of
         | an external entity to handle proof-of-stake) is today largely
         | handled by workhorses like those getting cheap electricity from
         | thermal vents in Iceland (https://www.wired.com/story/iceland-
         | bitcoin-mining-gallery/) verifying more and more transactions
         | for less and less benefit. They're reliant on Moore's law and
         | cheaper and cheaper energy, with more and more trust overhead
         | processing by validating transactions, which doesn't
         | necessarily scale, creating a need for proof-of-stake entities
         | to substitute.
         | Etherium (the system) contains within it proof of stake, but
         | external entities (e.g. Kraken, etc.) can still validate proof
         | of stake, if desired. Personally, I'm unsure if Etherium's
         | proof of stake on its own is enough, because I think blockchain
         | can be compromised
         | (https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/02/19/239592/once-
         | hail...).
         | So, that's essentially why they choose Etherium (proof of
         | stake).
         | Global equity and inequity revolves around those that
         | essentially "hold" the value (proof of stake), and banks hold
         | the money in our current financial system, largely based on USD
         | (https://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/11/popular-
         | curre...). Large banks have the ability to basically "re-use"
         | debt multiple times, creating debt from debt (via Fractional
         | Reserve Banking) as well as other means (https://www.investoped
         | ia.com/articles/investing/081415/under...). Wherever you are
         | and whatever chaste you're in, if you can sell your potential
         | for paying a bank back, they can create money out of debt for
         | you. Yes, this devalues the currency, but if you do well with
         | it, you come out on top, you give back in interest, and the
         | overall value is greater than the inflation of the currency,
         | and outsiders investing in those companies can be important. If
         | investment, etc. fails or the market fails, that system fails.
         | Otherwise, it kind of works ok.
         | The proof-of-stake entities will hopefully continue to generate
         | value similar from nothing/debt to help those that can help
         | others until this world is done and we move on.
         | Of course, if there were no money and we all just did work for
         | each other, I think that could work also. While money was still
         | made from work, there is some element of communal living /
         | working for each other in Christianity (https://www.reddit.com/
         | r/AskBibleScholars/comments/ah5850/di... https://www.pbs.org/wg
         | bh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/maps...).
         | But, 1960s hippie communes tended to get corrupted by drugs,
         | relationship problems, abuse, etc.
         | (https://www.nytimes.com/1998/08/03/us/excesses-blamed-for-
         | de...) And countries that adopted Communism and Socialism have
         | tended to include leaders that really mistreated their
         | population or performed other atrocities, or it just didn't
         | work (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_Soviet_
         | Uni... https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/asia-and-the-
         | pacific/ch...
         | https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/three-
         | nati...).
         | I'm not an expert in these things, so let me know what I'm not
         | understanding.
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | Because you want a way to move money around eventually. Eg. How
         | do you do GitHub sponsors p2p?
         | hobofan wrote:
         | Because the cryptocurrency hype funds/funded most of those
         | projects and/or the prospect of adding a cryptocurrency to the
         | projects causes VCs to fund those projects.
         | In this particular case Radicle came out of OScoin (or is the
         | new incarnation of it?) and was funded by BlueYard.
           | amself wrote:
           | Right. I was surprised to see they chose to implement social
           | coding after integrating with Ethereum, but it makes sense
           | considering all the hype.
             | lftherios wrote:
             | we are actually working on both problems in parallel. it's
             | just that the skillset required and complexity is very
             | different.
         | ffpip wrote:
         | Peer to peer AI Machine learning with blockchain on AWS cloud.
         | Taek wrote:
         | Ethereum (and blockchain tech in general) genuinely open new
         | doors to development and make it possible to do things that
         | were not possible before. Especially now that we're several
         | years further along, the tooling is a lot better and the design
         | space is significantly more thoroughly explored.
         | Yes, there's a lot of shady activity, a lot of scams, a lot of
         | broken technology, and a lot of people with visions they can't
         | deliver upon, but the same was true in the early days of the
         | Internet and blockchain is starting to move past the 'dotcom
         | bubble' phase and onto 'this tech is actually useful' phase.
         | It's not there yet, most of the tech is still nascent, but it's
         | a lot less nascent than it was in 2017, and there are more
         | people working on it than ever.
       | LockAndLol wrote:
       | Is there a CLI? I can't download yet another Electron app and
       | waste 90MB on another Chromium instance.
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | I feel you. A CLI is on our roadmap, as well as moving to a
         | lighter-weight app container[0]
         | [0]: https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri
       | anonymousDan wrote:
       | Looks cool. Has anyone actually used it?
         | viraptor wrote:
         | Just kicking the tires. The beta was released just a couple of
         | days ago. The very basic features seem to work just fine, and
         | the rest is an obvious WIP.
         | The team behind it seems super responsive and engaged.
       | NoelJacob wrote:
       | Gooyz, Windows?
       | nrvn wrote:
       | I would like to see a comparison with Sourcehut.
       | rational_indian wrote:
       | Isn't git peer-to-peer already? Why would anyone need this?
         | Taek wrote:
         | GitHub's primary value add to the world isn't that it's a web
         | interface to git. It's also a social network, an issue tracker,
         | a workflow management system, a code review tool, a wiki-
         | builder, a frontend for your CI, and plenty more.
         | If github disappears tomorrow, all the code will be safe and
         | decentralized already, yes, but most of the workflow of the
         | software world would be significantly stunted for a good while,
         | because everyone would need to migrate to something else (like
         | GitLab) and then take the time to rebuild all of the data and
         | flow that is on Github but isn't captured within the actual git
         | repository.
           | xla wrote:
           | This comment is spot on, people who jump to the conversation
           | with the argument that Git is already decentralised don't
           | understand where the most value is captured when it comes to
           | collaboration. It's the social artifact, issues, PRs, etc.
           | And the cost of migrating the community of a
           | project/organisation and their social artifacts is a massive
           | cost, carrying the risk of splitting the community and or
           | stifling any other progress to stay relevant.
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | Have you used GitHub? It adds a bunch of functionality on top
         | of git.
       | varbhat wrote:
       | I don't understand how using Radicle will free my code as they
       | say in the site.
       | So,how is using Radicle better than:
       | 1. main repo on https://github.com
       | 2. mirror repo on https://repo.or.cz
       | 3. mirror repo on https://codeberg.org
       | 4. local backup on my device and hard-disk.
       | peer-to-peer is beautiful concept but note that git is already
       | distributed VCS. you can have many remotes and mirrors. Just that
       | p2p is not necessary here in git and using Radicle doesn't free
       | my Code.
         | GuB-42 wrote:
         | GitHub is more than just a git host.
         | It has an issue tracker, pull request manager, manages releases
         | and users,... All this cannot be replicated with a simple "git
         | clone".
         | What Radicle seems to do is to offer some sort of social
         | network on top of git. The novelty here is not the
         | decentralized nature of git, in fact it is what radicle relies
         | on to make its social network decentralized.
         | LockAndLol wrote:
         | So you need 3 accounts on 3 different services to achieve what
         | radicle does.
         | OK, let's say you use your Github account for all of them
         | instead, now you have centralized your accounts and if you're
         | another youtube-dl, Popcorn-Time or just happen to be unlucky
         | enough have the nationality of a country that the USA likes to
         | hate against, that account is gone.
         | As for updating all those mirrors, how do you do that? `git
         | push --all` ? `git push --mirror` ? Is git configured to so
         | automatically? Or are you going to configure push hooks on one
         | of those services?
         | What about your issue/ticket and PR/MR management? Where will
         | that be? Are you going to use an in-git solution like
         | https://github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug, somehow sync everything
         | using custom scripts or wait for
         | https://forgefed.peers.community/ to be finalized and
         | implemented by all code hosts?
         | How are you going to collaborate with others?
         | How are you going to introduce newcomers to all these options?
         | Do you know of a tool that solves most (or all) of those
         | issues?
           | Proven wrote:
           | In order to keep it simple I'll just use Github, sit out
           | their downtime and spend no time to educate users because
           | everyone knows how to use it or can find answers in seconds.
           | This use is the same as for other distributed services - own
           | your data, resist censorship, increase resilience, bla bla,
           | but in reality there's 5 cases (out of 5 million) where this
           | mattered. This would work better without crypto and
           | decentralization B.S. but how to compete with a service and
           | the deep pockets of Gitlab and Github...
           | Put simply, if you care about your project, you won't bother
           | with this stuff because you lose users and contributors (as
           | long as Github and Gitlab censorship is limited as it
           | currently is).
           | Right now your total addressable market is like 5 projects
           | deemed illegal in the US.
         | half-kh-hacker wrote:
         | If your main repo lives on GitHub, your (primary) issue
         | tracking is tied to GitHub.
           | varbhat wrote:
           | Actually, it's not fault of git. Workflow of git takes place
           | through email and patches.
           | But,github wanted to make this process easier for the
           | people,hence they included issues,fork and PR model. It was
           | easily done with intuitive interface without necessity of
           | email for workflow, but if you have asked me, i would have
           | issues,wiki,etc. integrated within repo just like Fossil VCS.
           | p2p is cool but not solution to this . gitea/gitlab/etc.
           | already provide importing of issues with repos and if
           | not,they must provide that feature.
             | xwvvvvwx wrote:
             | > if you have asked me, i would have issues,wiki,etc.
             | integrated within repo just like Fossil VCS.
             | This is exactly what radicle does.
             | phoe-krk wrote:
             | > Actually, it's not fault of git. Workflow of git takes
             | place through email and patches.
             | This invokes the "it's not a bug, it's a feature"
             | mechanism. E.g. Fossil has no problem integrating issues,
             | merge requests, and wiki pages _inside_ its repositories.
               | varbhat wrote:
               | Actually, Gitlab and Gitea allows mirror of Github repos
               | with Issues/wiki/PR etc. So, having issues in Github is
               | not at all problem.
               | I just gave you example of Fossil VCS which has
               | issues,PR,etc. baked into VCS itself.
               | Actually,what Radicle is doing is to extend git with p2p
               | and not inventing new VCS with issues,etc. baked in.
               | What i am telling is that p2p doesn't solve this unclear
               | problem and p2p isn't much beneficial to git.
               | And will there be enough peers to guarantee availability
               | of repo ?
               | viraptor wrote:
               | > Actually, Gitlab and Gitea allows mirror of Github
               | repos with Issues/wiki/PR etc.
               | But GitHub does not mirror the issues/PRs from anyone, so
               | it's a very one-sided connection.
               | varbhat wrote:
               | That's problem of GitHub.
               | viraptor wrote:
               | Yes, but that's a problem for the users which GitHub has
               | every incentive to never solve. It is a problem of github
               | and projects like radicle are a solution.
               | phoe-krk wrote:
               | And, by extension, all of its users.
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | So when GitHub is down, how do users know to pull from your
         | mirrors? How about push?
           | scoopertrooper wrote:
           | Notes in the readme? How long are you expecting one of the
           | biggest websites in the world to be down?
             | cloudhead wrote:
             | A couple of hours[0]? One entire day[1]?
             | [0]: https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/6/29/213066
             | 74/git...
             | [1]: https://github.blog/2018-10-30-oct21-post-incident-
             | analysis/
             | FpUser wrote:
             | For some people like forever. Developers can be banned
             | because their country/area happen to fall under US
             | sanctions.
               | berkes wrote:
               | Or because a German law firm (ab)uses a US copyright
               | directive that Github, a US company has to follow?
           | Proven wrote:
           | When you repo is on Radicle your users cannot find it to
           | begin with.
           | What about push? How many projects can't wait 15 minutes
           | until Github or other service resumes normal service?
       | meibo wrote:
       | Why do I have to give them my email to even download the client?
       | Is this a product or not?
       | Sure sounds nice though, hope it turns out. Hope they are
       | considering a web frontend for the network as well.
         | dweberz wrote:
         | you don't need to give your email to download the client no.
           | rudolfs wrote:
           | https://radicle.xyz/downloads.html
             | viraptor wrote:
             | Not sure why they started the what practice, but you can
             | see the download link in the website repo:
             | https://github.com/radicle-
             | dev/radicle.xyz/pull/145/files#di...
             | Specifically: mac https://releases.radicle.xyz/radicle-
             | upstream-0.1.4.dmg Linux
             | https://releases.radicle.xyz/radicle-
             | upstream-0.1.4.AppImage
             | Release bucket listing https://releases.radicle.xyz/
       | adsweedler wrote:
       | "Work securely offline"
       | Is... is that a problem with GitHub that stops you from doing
       | that?
         | dutchmartin wrote:
         | Well, reading issues is something you cannot when you are
         | offline from github. Unless you downloaded them beforehand of
         | course.
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | The design of GitHub means that your canonical upstream is only
         | accessible through the internet, and so are your issues, PRs
         | etc. If you're offline, you can't access it, and if GitHub is
         | down, same story.
         | Radicle, on the other hand, keeps all of this replicated
         | locally, so push/pull works offline, and the code/social
         | artifacts are replicated asynchronously, when you are online,
         | but you don't need to be online to work with your project(s).
           | arp242 wrote:
           | GitHub has a pretty extensive API; it's not hard to write a
           | simple script to clone all that data if you want to, or
           | publish it somewhere else. I'd be surprised if there aren't
           | already a dozen of those scripts floating around already.
             | cloudhead wrote:
             | That's not the same. You're talking about copying the data
             | locally, but this still doesn't let you create issues for
             | eg. offline.
           | alkonaut wrote:
           | How does push/pull work off line? That sounds impossible.
           | Just scheduling a push doesn't actually push anything. That's
           | like commuting to my local GitHub repo and having a scheduled
           | push/pull every 10 minutes then?
             | xla wrote:
             | The reason you can push/pull works offline is that the
             | database of radicle lives on your machine. Once you are
             | online it will gossip with other peers to exchange updates
             | of projects. This means that your workflow stays the same
             | no matter connectivity and eventual the network
             | convergences to communicate all relevant data. If you are
             | interested in the details check out the docs:
             | https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/understanding-radicle/why-
             | radi...
         | YetAnotherNick wrote:
         | You need internet for pull and push. I think(hoping) that they
         | meant within a LAN it could work without internet.
           | rsa25519 wrote:
           | (I'm not shooting the messenger here) If so, that would mean
           | pushing/pulling within the LAN only... which Git supports
           | already
             | toyg wrote:
             | If Github is unreachable, you don't have a bugtracker, wiki
             | etc. - you are working "blind".
             | cloudhead wrote:
             | You can't push within LAN and then have that automatically
             | available when online to the wider network, unless you have
             | some form of continuous replication to some public-facing
             | host. This is what Radicle does for you.
           | cloudhead wrote:
           | No, the full feature-set is available offline. You can browse
           | your repos and any other repo you replicated, and push/pull.
           | What offline means is simply that your changes won't
           | immediately be replicated to peers. But the full app
           | experience (Read and write) works offline.
       | fireattack wrote:
       | This doesn't look like "alternative to GitHub" to me; you don't
       | need to download any client to use GitHub and having a nice web
       | interface is one of the most defining feature of GitHub.
         | thruflo22 wrote:
         | GitHub is a "social coding" platform that provides
         | collaboration features (access control, issues, etc) on top of
         | Git.
         | This is a social coding tool that provides collaboration
         | features on top of Git.
         | It provides a desktop app because it's peer to peer. That's an
         | advantage over a web UI for developers looking to avoid a
         | dependency on a centralised third party.
         | You are free to continue to play in walled gardens but this is
         | very much an alternative to that.
           | fireattack wrote:
           | Well the disadvantage is it doesn't even have a Windows
           | client.
             | viraptor wrote:
             | This is a first announced beta release. It doesn't have a
             | few planned features. I'm sure windows build will happen at
             | some point too.
             | tpoacher wrote:
             | Surely that's an advantage. :p
               | fireattack wrote:
               | I knew you're joking, but gatekeeping isn't what got
               | GitHub this far.
       | dessant wrote:
       | Awesome project, though the perpetuation of open source software
       | needing to be free is regrettable.
       | > Software as it should be.
       | > Free forever
       | Mostly all popular projects need some form of funding, and
       | setting the expectaction of a free lunch forever for new users is
       | not healthy. Btw, do you remember who used the tagline "It's free
       | and always will be"? It was Facebook.
         | xla wrote:
         | Important to note that "Free" here doesn't refer to "for free".
         | You rpoint about funding of popular projects was at the heart
         | of radicle from the beginning. We believe that FOSS as backbone
         | of the digital infrastructure needs to be sustainable, which
         | includes the resources/funds to maintain it and keep it free
         | and open. If you wanna find out more about the philosophy we
         | follow, here is the original research and premise:
         | http://oscoin.io/
         | merelydev wrote:
         | I think it is Free as in Freedom.
           | saberd wrote:
           | So free as in open source, why is this called free and not
           | open then?
             | cowsandmilk wrote:
             | Free is a term used by the community for decades, literally
             | in the name of the Free Software Foundation. I guess you
             | could argue that their need to explain what free means
             | indicates it was a bad choice to use, but it is pretty
             | standard now.
             | https://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software
           | dessant wrote:
           | That's possible, but they also mention "Completely open
           | source" in the same list, and that would make "Free as in
           | Freedom" redundant.
             | zeusflight wrote:
             | I don't know what 'free' means for the project, but open
             | source and 'free as in freedom' are not redundant these
             | days. While open source is legally indistinguishable from
             | free software, time has proven that open source software
             | can be designed in non-free ways. Examples:
             | - Bloating codebase so much that it can't be audited,
             | extended or forked easily
             | - Tightly controlling the development
             | - Open shims for opaque blobs
             | - Hiding documentation and troubleshooting information
             | Freedom is more about intent than definitions.
         | samatman wrote:
         | The unfortunate conflation of libre and gratis in the English
         | language is... not a new observation on your part.
         | Taek wrote:
         | I've been back and forth with members of the open source
         | community a few times on this, and it seems like a battle that
         | isn't going to be won. Software that has a price tag attached
         | to it is unlikely to be accepted as open source, from what I
         | can tell.
         | Which makes me wonder: should we come up with a new
         | name/classification for software that is 'free as in freedom'
         | but not 'free as in beer'?
       | htrap wrote:
       | We are building https://gitopia.org
       | - Permanent Data Storage provided by Arweave
       | - Works from within git with the help of git-remote-helper `npm
       | install -g git-remote-gitopia` so no need to learn new tooling
       | - Built-in incentivization to token holders who also take part in
       | the governance of Gitopia
       | - Token holders share revenue made by the platform
       | - You can mirror your GitHub repositories now using the Github
       | Mirror Action. Follow step by step from here
       | -https://thetechtrap.com/posts/push-your-code-to-gitopia/
       | - We are now working on the governance and collaboration
       | workflows that will enable transparency in open source
       | development and provide the stakeholders to have a say in the
       | direction of the project.
       | You can reach out to us on
       | https://twitter.com/gitopiaOrg
       | https://discord.gg/mVpQVW3vKE
         | olah_1 wrote:
         | > - Permanent Data Storage provided by Arweave
         | This kind of thing always makes me sweat. Are deletes at all
         | possible? What if someone accidentally pushes keys to the repo?
         | On regular github, at least you can nuke the whole repo and
         | start over if need be.
           | jasonpeacock wrote:
           | Those keys absolutely need to be rotated, regardless of
           | whether you delete the commit or repo after accidentally
           | pushing them.
           | At which point you may as well leave them there...
             | olah_1 wrote:
             | I agree, but is it possible to delete at all on ARWeave?
             | Let's say someone accidentally puts their full name and
             | address in a repo.
             | labawi wrote:
             | Keys probably aren't the best example. What about PII,
             | accidentally committed "test" data, documents, nudes,
             | whatever..
               | jasonpeacock wrote:
               | If repos are public, then you must assume that once
               | something is pushed then someone has copied it.
               | You may get lucky and remove/hide it fast enough, or
               | think you did...
               | This is an with Github today, all public repos are being
               | watched by bots reviewing all commits for accidentally-
               | pushed credentials.
               | The only solution is to not use a public repo.
               | olah_1 wrote:
               | You're not answering the question. Is it possible to
               | delete or not?
               | On GitHub yes someone might be watching, but deletes are
               | still possible.
               | jasonpeacock wrote:
               | I don't know. You can always clean the Git history &
               | force-push it, but the developers would have to explain
               | if there's any backups or archive kept anywhere...
               | htrap wrote:
               | Since data is stored permanently on Arweave, there's no
               | way to remove it from the blockchain. However, you could
               | force push your repo which would remove your concerned
               | commit from Gitopia repository view.
         | htrap wrote:
         | Link to git-remote-gitopia source hosted on Gitopia:
         | https://gitopia.org/#/z_TqsbmVJOKzpuQH4YrYXv_Q0DrkwDwc0UqapR...
         | lftherios wrote:
         | Thank you for sharing your work and great to see more attempts
         | on the same problem. I am one of the maintainers of the Radicle
         | project.
         | The main problem we encountered with similar systems that rely
         | on blockchains / dht for storage is the problem of 'blockchain
         | poisoning'.
         | This is when someone deliberately adds illegal content to an
         | append-only source in hopes to make the sole act of replicating
         | the project legally problematic, as correctly pointed out by
         | Konstantin Ryabitsev of the Linux foundation with regards to a
         | previous version of Radicle that was relying on IPFS. see
         | https://radicle.community/t/the-radicle-social-model/317
           | Taek wrote:
           | I think you could add moderation to a project like this much
           | the same way you can add moderation to a centralized project.
           | You don't need to be as heavy handed as "community voting",
           | you could just have each client nominate a moderator who is
           | able to append instructions to ignore content that the client
           | would follow.
           | Under this model, every user (or project) can choose their
           | own moderators, which means you don't have to worry about
           | other parts of the community having different ideas for ideal
           | moderation - each project/user can subscribe to the
           | moderation feeds that they like, and ensure that they get a
           | clean experience.
           | This type of moderation is actually an upgrade from
           | centralized systems, because it is much easier to nominate
           | new moderators if you don't like what the old moderators are
           | doing.
           | htrap wrote:
           | Considering the illegal content is added by someone who has
           | access to the repository. The right way to address that would
           | be via community voting, which then can decide to hide it
           | from the platform since the data is permanent on Arweave.
           | This governance workflow will enable the community to make
           | such content policies.
             | enw wrote:
             | I just want to publish some code.
             | Now I need to worry about blockchains and tokens and
             | voting?
         | SamuelAdams wrote:
         | Hey FYI your landing page gave me this error, Firefox ESR
         | 78.5.0. Right now it's a big blank screen with no content.
         | {...}
         | code: "EACCES"
         | errno: 13
         | message: "Error: EACCES: Permission denied."
         | path: undefined
         | stack: "n@https://gitopia.org/main.js:277:55609\non/<@https://g
         | itopia....
         | syscall: ""
         | <prototype>: Object { constructor: n(t, n, r), toString:
         | toString(), toJSON: toJSON() , ... } main.js:339:94885 c
         | https://gitopia.org/main.js:339 configure
         | https://gitopia.org/main.js:277 store
         | https://gitopia.org/main.js:277 on
         | https://gitopia.org/main.js:277
           | htrap wrote:
           | Thanks for flagging this. We'll look into it. Meanwhile you
           | can try from a different browser.
           | ape4 wrote:
           | The "push" icon looks like he's pulling
         | okokok___ wrote:
         | what blockchain are you using?
           | okokok___ wrote:
           | nvm found it. It's something I've never heard of called
           | `arweave`
         | simias wrote:
         | I'm not sure I see the point of building a complex platform
         | with governance and whatnot. What I want is an easy way to
         | publish my projects and for other people to contribute, I need
         | something more like email (independent, self-hosted servers
         | with a well defined protocol to communicate between them) than
         | Facebook.
         | I don't care about the governance of my git remote, or getting
         | money out of it. I care about it being reliable, fast and
         | simple. If I'm unhappy with it I want to be easily able to
         | switch to a different host, or create my own.
         | Frankly I would be perfectly fine with the current situation
         | where you have a bunch of effectively centralized code hosting
         | solutions (github, gitlab, bitbucket etc...) if you could
         | trivially move your project from one to an other. For the code
         | it's easy, git is built that way. For issues, PRs and the like
         | it's trickier.
         | For me that's the problem that needs solving, I don't need an
         | ultra complicated blockchain-powered solution where people can
         | vote for the font of the UI with cryptotokens.
         | At a glance, and if I understand it correctly, Radicle seems
         | more pragmatic in that way. Cryptocurrency is used for donation
         | and securing entries in the global namespace in a decentralized
         | way, the rest is just a bunch of standalone servers. Then you
         | can decide to host your code on an existing instance or spawn
         | your own. A bit like how Mastodon works for instance.
           | whichquestion wrote:
           | The best solution from my perspective for the community would
           | be to have a standard that handles issues/prs and the like
           | that could be taken from one code hosting solution to
           | another. Just like how you can take your code with ease from
           | one solution to the next by cloning.
           | It's the same idea that we already use for our code but
           | applied to all the other bits that are necessary for
           | maintaining projects.
           | There are some pretty obvious problems with actually
           | implementing this, however. One of which comes down to
           | getting all the existing code hosting solutions to agree on a
           | standard. As they could simply create ancillary standards to
           | differentiate thenselves. Not to mention all the work
           | involved in implementing this when most people are accepting
           | of what we have now (until it bites them somehow).
             | Taek wrote:
             | We've been building a platform called Skynet which makes
             | this possible. It has a user-oriented data model: all of
             | the application code is run client-side, and all of the
             | data is stored under the user's control.
             | That means that someone can create a new application at any
             | time which has access to all of the data - because all of
             | the data is accessed client-side and owned by clients in
             | the first place.
             | This doesn't solve the standards problem, but on the other
             | hand I think what would likely happen is the first project
             | to become successful would also become more or less the
             | standard, with other people building extensions to that
             | data standard over time.
             | fabianhjr wrote:
             | There is a project working on that over ActivityPub:
             | https://forgefed.peers.community/
             | There are some established forges participating (like
             | sourcehut)
           | htrap wrote:
           | I feel that there is a real need for permanent Storage with
           | respect to Open Source.
           | Code breaks when old packages are unpublished or repositories
           | deleted. Push once and fetch forever solves this.
           | Also Centralized solutions are providing open source
           | collaboration tools for free, storage for free, because of
           | their revenue from enterprise customers.
           | What happens when they decide to shut down? or change their
           | policies? or just comply with wrongful takedown notices?
             | berkes wrote:
             | Would IPFS or DAT not suffice there? How is 'another
             | permanent storage, that is a piece of a larger project,
             | better than one that has the sole purpose and focus?
               | Taek wrote:
               | The challenge with IPFS and DAT is that you have no
               | guarantees around the data reliability. The DHT style of
               | p2p sharing pretty much only works for popular content.
               | Incentivized storage networks can onboard any type of
               | data and guarantee high uptime.
               | It's also been my experience that IPFS has significant
               | performance issues. If you use a professional gateway
               | like ipfs.io or cloudflare it runs at good speeds but as
               | soon as you switch to being fully peer-to-peer it's
               | almost unusable.
               | I don't have much experience with DAT, it may not have
               | the same performance issues.
               | disclaimer: I work on an incentivized storage network
               | called Skynet
             | simias wrote:
             | With git it's rare for a project that's actually in use to
             | go completely memory-holed, every contributor effectively
             | having a local copy of the resource.
             | Using git (generally github) repositories for dependency
             | management is, IMO, a hack and so it's not surprising that
             | it often breaks. I like the way buildroot handles it (I'm
             | sure they're not the only ones, but that's the one project
             | I'm most familiar with):
             | - The buildroot buildbot fetches third party packages
             | dependencies and archive them.
             | - When you build your buildroot image locally, it attempts
             | to fetch from the third party directly. If the file doesn't
             | exist anymore, it falls back onto the buildroot cache
             | instead.
             | You could also easily add your own caching layer in there
             | if you wanted too. I think that's distributed computing at
             | its best: simple and robust, with a clear and easily
             | understandable architecture. No blockchain-based proof-of-
             | stake distributed storage, just a series of wget. And of
             | course since everything is authenticated with a strong hash
             | it's always perfectly safe.
           | StavrosK wrote:
           | How about hosting your own Gitea instance? It works quite
           | well.
             | adkadskhj wrote:
             | I think that works - but what GP mentioned is where it
             | fails:
             | > Frankly I would be perfectly fine with the current
             | situation where you have a bunch of effectively centralized
             | code hosting solutions (github, gitlab, bitbucket etc...)
             | if you could trivially move your project from one to an
             | other. For the code it's easy, git is built that way. For
             | issues, PRs and the like it's trickier.
             | Maybe there's a nice way to Gitea distribute this
             | information among Gitea instances, though it doesn't seem
             | advertised as such - as this would basically make Gitea
             | some neat Federated tool i think.
             | Ultimately i'd like Git[ea|whatever] to be just a frontend
             | for a database that behaves like Git. In the way same way
             | that Github's Source Viewing is just a frontend for Git.
             | You don't worry about moving your Source data between
             | Github and Gitlab, so why are we worrying about universal
             | data like Bug tickets, Feature tracking, etc.
             | I'm a massive fan of systems that behave like Git and
             | Scuttlebutt. Which is to say, they're dumb - simple. Git
             | can be pushed and pulled from basically everything. There's
             | no complex suite of nodes around the world that are
             | expected or assumed to operate for any Git functionality.
             | In the same way Scuttlebutt - which offers P2P layers, is
             | similarly dumb _(though less so, unfortunately)_ when
             | compared to more complex P2P offerings like IPFS.
             | In my ideal world we'd have a database to pair with Git
             | that would have some very basic schemas to complement Git.
             | Possibly even baked into Git. Such that when you move from
             | Github to Gitlab to Gitea - everything truly essential
             | comes with. Some things might change, like your CI if it
             | was bound to Github - but still. Losing some things vs
             | losing everything.
             | I personally am less concerned about using Github/etc. Ie
             | i'm not dying for someone to give me a new Github. I'm
             | seeking a way to reduce lockin.
             | NOTE: I'm working on a distributed database that fits my
             | needs on my above design goals. Really it's just Git + some
             | additional data structures which allow for more data types
             | being stored, such as binary and structured data to build
             | foundations for SQL layers and etc. It's not intended for
             | general use, but i'd love to see someone pick up the idea
             | and run with it. "Git for Data" has been done a couple
             | times, NomsDB and DoltDB namely, but they still felt like
             | they weren't Git-like in that they wanted to centralize -
             | probably for SaaS reasons.
           | doublerabbit wrote:
           | Would recommend OneDev.
           | https://onedev.io
             | bachmeier wrote:
             | They need to remove some clutter from that landing page.
               | badgerivy wrote:
               | Just read between the lines.
           | xipho wrote:
           | > I need something more like email (independent, self-hosted
           | servers with a well defined protocol to communicate between
           | them)
           | The problem with email servers is you need a special type of
           | sys admin to maintain them properly, they are not for the
           | light at heart when used anywhere beyond the most trivial
           | case. Any server that grows to some well-used size has a
           | myriad of problems (getting outright blacklisted, etc).
             | djsumdog wrote:
             | Well, that's e-mail. Modern federated systems don't have a
             | different server for sending and one for receiving.
             | ActivyPub implementations are usually a single application
             | with a database (like Pleroma) or a single app plus
             | db/reddis/elasticsearch(optional) like Mastodon. Mastodon
             | has official Docker containers, and it's not difficult to
             | build one for Pleroma.
             | So you can make something "like e-mail" that isn't as bad
             | as SMTP/IMAP/SPF/DKIM/etc... I've been considering hosting
             | my own Gogs or Gitlab or one of the other locally hosted
             | git platforms. I'd like to see something that allows
             | pull/merge requests between them (you'd need some spam
             | prevention of course; maybe require a message and a follow
             | before people are allowed to push an request to your
             | server).
             | This project ... doesn't seem like it does that at all.
             | It's a desktop application .. with no real web view into
             | your projects. I feel like it's missing a component, a
             | service run in a docker container that you can program with
             | your Device ID and push your public repos to for others to
             | see.
             | StavrosK wrote:
             | The analogy broke down before that, you don't have
             | reputation problems hosting a Gitea instance.
           | vicek22 wrote:
           | You might be interested in
           | https://github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug. It stores issues
           | directly in the git repository so the whole issue tracker is
           | as distributed as the rest of your code. I can't speak to the
           | UX though.
             | dastx wrote:
             | This seems pretty cool, is there a demo of the Web UI?
       | withPurpose9973 wrote:
       | No thanks.
       | Setting up git repos on a local machine is easy enough.
       | Sorry/not sorry web-heads, but distributed ephemeral everything
       | on a magical network no one can intuit is going backwards.
       | Importing yet another pie in the sky idea is a non-starter. It's
       | humans doing human wanky nonsense. Not much of a revolution at
       | this point.
       | sdan wrote:
       | It's weird to think P2P is becoming all the craze for "privacy"
       | while it's the backbone of the internet: it is p2p. It's just
       | nowadays its more of P2(big cloud servers)2p; which could be a
       | good thing depending on who you ask and your usecases.
         | sktrdie wrote:
         | I always thought maintaining servers was silly since BitTorrent
         | already proved we can achieve higher bandwidth throughput using
         | lots of clients communicating together.
         | But p2p is more about the network connectivity than whether the
         | node is an Amazon server or a mobile phone. The normal Web for
         | instance does not build on this network nodes capabilities. We
         | need more apps that build these kind of collaborative and self-
         | sustainable networks
           | skohan wrote:
           | I mean it works in the use-case where you have a single file
           | version everyone is hosting, but it gets a lot more
           | complicated when you're talking about dynamic content doesn't
           | it? For instance how would you synchronize all the content on
           | a hacker news thread between all the clients?
       | gitweb wrote:
       | Look into how the Linux Kernel and other projects do development.
       | I think a larger issue is why do we need a platform like GitHub
       | when SCM can be done through email?
       | MartijnBraam wrote:
       | This seems so unnecessary, replace the blockchain stuff with
       | email and you have git as it was originally intended. no custom
       | software needed.
         | arp242 wrote:
         | There are so many issues with email that I'm not even sure
         | where to start, and they've been repeated many times in
         | previous HN threads anyway. Suffice to say that clearly it
         | doesn't work for a lot of people, because otherwise we'd all be
         | using it.
         | dweberz wrote:
         | I believe you didn't even read the text. Ethereum is used to
         | send money to maintainers. not sure how email does that...
           | CryptoPunk wrote:
           | To add to that: there are several major stablecoins on
           | Ethereum: USDT, which is backed by BitFinex and has $12
           | billion in circulation, USDC from Coinbase/Circle with $3
           | billion in circulation, GUSD, from Gemini, BUSD from Binance
           | with $700M in circulation, and DAI, which is decentralized
           | and has $1 billion in circulation.
           | These are all ERC20 tokens so easy to integrate into Radicle,
           | and offer a way to allow developers to get paid peer-to-peer
           | while completely avoiding the price volatility of typical
           | cryptocurrencies.
         | t0astbread wrote:
         | How can email alone replace GitHub? Email with something like
         | GitHub (like sourcehut) maybe but "no custom software"
         | definitely not.
       | snvzz wrote:
       | Trying to read the website drove me away.
       | There's a time and a place for this sort of web design. I feel
       | strongly that presenting some software to technical minded people
       | is not.
       | ryanar wrote:
       | I spent a lot of time watching the GIFs on repeat rather than
       | reading the text on the web page. It is quirky, I like the style,
       | but it is a distraction from the message.
       | ilaksh wrote:
       | I wonder if they started on an Ethereum 2.0 L2 implementation.
       | Maybe it can actually be almost the same thing?
         | cloudhead wrote:
         | Almost the same thing as what?
           | ilaksh wrote:
           | As L1
             | cloudhead wrote:
             | Yeah, we will eventually move to L2 if it is able to
             | deliver what L1 does at a cheaper cost. Currently this
             | isn't the case, as only token transfers are possible on L2.
       | NickRRau wrote:
       | Is it possible to self host this and isolate it on your own p2p
       | network? Would be really cool to handle the decentralized part on
       | my own computers without needing to hook into the global p2p.
       | Gonna keep an eye on it.
         | xla wrote:
         | That's absolutely possible. Everyone is empowered and
         | encouraged to run their own seed nodes. Which would allow you
         | to have an isolated network. Check the docs to find out how to
         | run your own: https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/using-
         | radicle/running-a-seed-n...
       (page generated 2020-12-05 23:00 UTC)