[HN Gopher] Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH
       Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH
       Author : websirnik
       Score  : 425 points
       Date   : 2020-12-08 12:33 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.cloudflare.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.cloudflare.com)
       | phlhar wrote:
       | The title of the article is really misleading. I though of a
       | succesor to IPv6 and not DNS. It shouldn't say "internet
       | protocol", thats technically not correct
       | cannabis_sam wrote:
       | Has Google produced any similar initiatives?
       | Lammy wrote:
       | It bothers me how "privacy" has been redefined in recent years to
       | mean "encrypted" and not "surveillance-resistant". We keep
       | building things that make more requests I can't terminate
       | locally, e.g. to a PiHole.
       | Never forget the lesson in "Using Metadata to find Paul Revere":
       | https://kieranhealy.org/blog/archives/2013/06/09/using-metad...
         | Kalium wrote:
         | As another HN user put it:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25349426
         | > Administering devices with network settings is convenient,
         | but rapidly vanishing because there's no technical difference
         | between you administering your local network and a totalitarian
         | ISP administering their users.
         | Your ability to terminate things locally means that finding
         | Paul Revere with metadata isn't needed. It's a lot of work when
         | you can just directly look at all your country's traffic.
       | [deleted]
       | nalekberov wrote:
       | The more these big corporations involves in this process, the
       | more we are gonna lose our privacy.
       | Centralization and too much power in certain amount of hands are
       | the source of all evil.
       | TimWolla wrote:
       | Probably better source, the blog post at Cloudflare:
       | https://blog.cloudflare.com/oblivious-dns/
       | See also: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25344220
         | dang wrote:
         | Thanks! we've changed to that from
         | https://techcrunch.com/2020/12/08/cloudflare-and-apple-
         | desig....
         | aorth wrote:
         | Thanks. The original post redirects to:
         | https://guce.advertising.com/collectIdentifiers?sessionId=3_...
         | Which is blocked at the DNS level on my network.
           | jessmay wrote:
           | As it should be.
       | benlivengood wrote:
       | Metadata privacy is very hard to solve and traffic analysis of
       | non-Tor traffic is pretty accurate, which is also applicable to
       | CDN traffic regardless of how well DNS is protected.
       | http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1158/paper2.pdf
       | jamescun wrote:
       | Preventing the target resolver from seeing client's IP address
       | breaks GeoDNS. This is already a problem with which
       | doesn't honour the EDNS client subnet extension.
       | Given generally DNS is just the start of an intereaction, usually
       | followed by the connection directly between the client and
       | intended destination, I don't see what kind of snooping these
       | privacy measures are there to prevent.
         | snarf21 wrote:
         | Encrypted DNS only solves hi-jacking, it doesn't provide
         | privacy. DNS _must_ be public. It is trivial to run a DNS
         | server to build a simple reverse lookup table. This is as much
         | privacy as the TSA provides airline security.
         | [deleted]
         | GoblinSlayer wrote:
         | The DNS server is centralized storage of all your browsing
         | habits.
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | Valid points, but...
         | > _Preventing the target resolver from seeing client 's IP
         | address breaks GeoDNS._
         | If the proxy and the target are in the same metro as the user,
         | it shouldn't really matter.
         | > _This is already a problem with which doesn 't honour
         | the EDNS client subnet extension._
         | runs at Cloudflare's edge. Most likely it is recursing
         | DNS from more or less the same location as the user and so ECS
         | isn't really required when in fact it exposes the client
         | unnecessarily to upstream name-servers.
         | > _I don 't see what kind of snooping these privacy measures
         | are there to prevent._
         | The one where DNS resolvers build to sell browsing profile of
         | its users?
           | snarf21 wrote:
           | Aren't these DNS resolvers largely the ISP anyway? They know
           | where any packets are going anyway for each user. Seems to be
           | a trivial hurdle to jump.
           | [deleted]
           | mike_d wrote:
           | > If the proxy and the target are in the same metro as the
           | user, it shouldn't really matter.
           | Having ran one of the largest public DNS resolvers on the
           | internet, I can tell you it is a big problem. GeoIP providers
           | do not have the fine grained data to be able to tell that a
           | resolvers unicast address is in Seattle vs Chicago for
           | example.
           | Cloudflare doesn't care about edns-client-subnet because the
           | only downside is that other CDNs appear slower to their
           | users.
         | judge2020 wrote:
         | > which doesn't honour the EDNS client subnet extension.
         | background: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19828702
         | fulafel wrote:
         | GeoDNS was always a "works most of the time" hack relying on
         | some widespread (but not universal) implementation details in
         | routing and DNS infrastructure, no?
         | jsmith45 wrote:
         | > I don't see what kind of snooping these privacy measures are
         | there to prevent.
         | The point of this is to prevent some cloudflare competitor
         | offering DoH, but logging what dns names each client looks up,
         | and selling that information, or using it internally.
         | Think about the ways that facebook would abuse that information
         | if facebook ran a popular DoH resolver. For example, they
         | detect that you have used a hookup app (based on dns lookups
         | for their servers), and boom, now your facebook feed is full
         | off condom adverts. Or thousands of other scenarios, some even
         | more creepy than that.
         | baskire wrote:
         | Thus increasing the cloudflare value-prop of anycast based load
         | balancing.
         | absolutelyrad wrote:
         | As I see this, this is a very clever move by Cloudflare.
         | It's intentional to force websites to move to their CDN or
         | atleast use a CDN with anycast and prevent you from making your
         | own CDN like you could cheaply before (spinning up DO droplets
         | and doing loadbalancing with geo DNS).
           | jgrahamc wrote:
           | That's a weird take. (a) this is a proposed standard not just
           | some Cloudflare service and (b) you can just use Cloudflare
           | DNS if you want and forget about the rest.
             | ignoramous wrote:
             | It'd have been fabulous if Cloudflare ran ODoH Proxy too.
       | seek3r wrote:
       | I'm good with the Apple's privacy-oriented stance. But I can't
       | stop to think what will happen when advertisers knock on Apple's
       | door trying to get their hands on the users' data that one else
       | can access. Is Apple going to sell it out for more profits?
         | techelite wrote:
         | It's just marketing. Apple has already shown they will sell you
         | out with PRISM.
         | Who knows what other backroom deals are happening outside our
         | knowledge. The only reason we found out about PRISM is because
         | the gigantic scale and Snowden sacrificed Everything to let it
         | be known.
           | saberience wrote:
           | I think there's a big difference between selling data for
           | profit and the government literally forcing you to give up
           | data based on national security laws or else forcing you to
           | close your business. There's almost nothing Apple can do
           | about the latter case (or any other company for that matter).
             | techelite wrote:
             | Didn't twitter survive?
             | Also how would we know if Apple is working with other
             | companies? It's not like they are known to be transparent
             | or Truthful.
               | alwillis wrote:
               | _Also how would we know if Apple is working with other
               | companies? It 's not like they are known to be
               | transparent or Truthful._
               | Apple puts privacy and security front and center as part
               | of their brand. They zig while everyone else is zaging,
               | trying to make a buck on user data, which they don't do.
               | For starters, here's their transparency report:
               | https://www.apple.com/legal/transparency/
               | [deleted]
           | arminiusreturns wrote:
           | One thing I like to remind people of is the fact that the
           | Snowden docs that revealed PRISM were years old at the time
           | of Snowden gathering them, and even older at release... just
           | imagine how much further things have progressed in the 10+
           | years since. (iirc lots of them had 2007 dates on them)
         | nojito wrote:
         | Apple almost never bends over for advertisers. The closest they
         | have done is pushing a privacy change launch date further down
         | the line.
         | https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/3/21420176/apple-ios-14-trac...
         | https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/12/08/advertiser...
         | MrStonedOne wrote:
         | The whole design of this DNS system would mean that even if
         | apple ran a ODOH proxy, they still wouldn't be able to see what
         | the request was for.
         | What data can apple give them?
       | new23d wrote:
       | _> ODoH ensures that only the proxy knows the identity of the
       | internet user and that the DNS resolver only knows the website
       | being requested_
       | Who is the proxy here, and who the DNS resolver?
         | MrStonedOne wrote:
         | This is a protocol, not a product. There is no set proxy, or
         | resolver.
         | new23d wrote:
         | From the CloudFlare blog post:
         |  _> A key component of ODoH is a proxy that is disjoint from
         | the target resolver. Today, we're launching ODoH with several
         | leading proxy partners, including: PCCW, SURF, and Equinix._
       | CyberRabbi wrote:
       | All security theatre while SNI is still universally deployed.
       | Even then most IP blocks are static and easily correlated to
       | source site.
       | A tor-like solution is the only real solution for this threat
       | model
       | ksm1717 wrote:
       | Interesting that apple is increasing its stake in privacy. On all
       | their billboards and advertisements of course they like to
       | present it as a boon to the customer. More importantly, I think
       | it's a negative for personal data hungry competitors while being
       | relatively unrelated to Apples business
         | atonse wrote:
         | Yup I just see this as an alignment of interests. In this case,
         | Apple's interest happens to align with that of their consumers.
         | And I for one am happy that they have taken up this cause and
         | put their weight behind it, whatever their intentions may be,
         | the effect is that it makes the web more private for those of
         | us who deem it important to move away from the "monetizing
         | data" cancer that has spread all over the internet.
           | andiareso wrote:
           | This seems suspicious to me. Apple does most if not all
           | ML/data-mining on the device where-as competitors do it in
           | the cloud. My assumption is they are positioning themselves
           | this way to grab consumers later should regulations hit cloud
           | services collecting data externally. Apple can say it is all
           | on device and don't have access while other companies will
           | have to say they have your data. Ultimately the motives are
           | the same.
       | ajnin wrote:
       | At what point should we just throw out IP out of the window and
       | figure out something new ? OK maybe not IP since all hardware
       | infrastructure is based on it, but the whole idea of associating
       | services to publicly open ports on the target machine. I'm
       | thinking connections should be encrypted at the operating system
       | level and then services would plug in at some higher level in a
       | way that cannot be detected by outside observers.
       | jlgaddis wrote:
       | Even better, IMO, would be if all targets were also proxies and a
       | client could choose -- at "query time" -- any combination of
       | (proxy, target) that they prefer.
       | If you wanted to go a step further, you can even allow "chaining"
       | of proxies, such that the path a query takes might be, in an
       | extreme example, similar to how Tor operates:
       | Client -> Proxy 1 -> Proxy 2 -> Proxy 3 -> Target -> Resolver
       | --
       | Anyways, this is kinda sorta interesting, I guess, but honestly
       | I'm more excited by and looking forward to the (hopefully!)
       | eventual adoption and roll-out of "DNS SVCB and HTTPS RRs" [0] --
       | one of the other I-Ds (linked in the OP) on which ODoH is built
       | -- and I suspect many other HN'ers will be as well (although I'd
       | happily settle for SRV RR support in browsers).
       | --
       | [0]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https-02
         | vanshg wrote:
         | Sounds like Tor/Onion Routing?
       | eh78ssxv2f wrote:
       | What a stark difference between Google and Apple/Cloudflare.
       | Apple/Cloudflare are working on privacy-friendly protocols that
       | reduce the amount of information exposed to them.
       | At exactly the same time, Google is working on proxying browser
       | traffic through them without any consents [1].
       | [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25337995
       | theamk wrote:
       | This seems to require DNSSEC as a key function. @tptacek ?
         | tptacek wrote:
         | It has nothing to do with DNSSEC.
           | theamk wrote:
           | Huh? They say this:
           | > The whole process begins with clients that encrypt their
           | query for the target using HPKE. Clients obtain the target's
           | public key via DNS, where it is bundled into a HTTPS resource
           | record and protected by DNSSEC. When the TTL for this key
           | expires, clients request a new copy of the key as needed
           | (just as they would for an A/AAAA record when that record's
           | TTL expires). The usage of a target's DNSSEC-validated public
           | key guarantees that only the intended target can decrypt the
           | query and encrypt a response (answer).
           | So this looks like relies on DNSSEC as a core part of its
           | security, and that any resolvers willing to participate in
           | this protocol would have to set up one.
             | alwillis wrote:
             | Thank you for the part regarding DNSSEC--I was just about
             | to post the same thing.
             | tptacek wrote:
             | Oh, gross! I missed that; I read the TechCrunch article and
             | thought I understand what they were going for. Thanks for
             | the correction. That's disgusting.
       | aftbit wrote:
       | Can the proxies be (ab)used to proxy arbitrary HTTPS traffic?
       | landerwust wrote:
       | Opened this post expecting to be hating on another power grab
       | dressed up as protocol engineering, but this one seems to
       | actively /reduce/ the centralization of user data collection in
       | DoH. Props to Cloudflare, I'm impressed.
         | eeZah7Ux wrote:
         | """A key component of ODoH working properly is ensuring that
         | the proxy and the DNS resolver never "collude," in that the two
         | are never controlled by the same entity, otherwise the
         | "separation of knowledge is broken"""
         | Essentially this is no better than using an HTTP proxy or a
         | VPN.
           | t0mas88 wrote:
           | A HTTP proxy (or VPN) know exactly who you connect to, even
           | with SSL they know the target name since SNI isn't encrypted.
           | In this proposal the DNS-proxy doesn't know what you've sent
           | to the DNS resolver.
         | syshum wrote:
         | I still have doubts, was a clear power grab and effort
         | to control more of the internet. DoH in partnership with
         | Mozilla was an extension of that
         | So I am still suspect of their motives but maybe the negative
         | PR got to be too much
           | [deleted]
         | Avtomatk wrote:
         | I would like someone to correct me if I am wrong, but I think
         | we can never have 100% privacy because the destination IPs
         | cannot be encrypted or hidden, so as long as the destination IP
         | can be observed, the server that you are connecting at can be
         | obtained (I know a server can host many web pages, but this
         | requires the port, which cannot be encrypted either).
         | So I don't know to what extent this protocol can be useful.
           | bennettnate5 wrote:
           | I think there's still pretty good worth in this protocol. DNS
           | is one of the key areas where we voluntarily give away
           | information on every single website we're connecting to to a
           | third party. This protocol certainly helps that--as long as
           | the proxy and recursive resolver do not collude, neither will
           | be able to associate the websites you're looking up with your
           | IP.
           | It does have its limitations; a MITM can still just as easily
           | see which IP addresses you connect to and determine which
           | websites are associated with those IPs. But ODoH isn't really
           | meant to fix that. A VPN would be better suited to fix that
           | particular privacy concern.
           | throwaway54235 wrote:
           | The only solution is onion routing AKA Tor and similar.
           | cesarb wrote:
           | > I know a server can host many web pages, but this requires
           | the port, which cannot be encrypted either
           | You can host multiple web sites in the same port since the
           | 1990s, using name-based virtual hosts
           | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_hosting#Name-based).
           | It's rare nowadays to use a port other than 80 (for http://)
           | or 443 (for https://) for public web sites.
           | fsflover wrote:
           | > but I think we can never have 100% privacy because the
           | destination IPs cannot be encrypted or hidden
           | This problem is solved in I2P (https://geti2p.net) by adding
           | a few intermediate hops between you and destination. You will
           | know someone is connecting to the network, but you can't find
           | what they're doing.
           | sneak wrote:
           | I'm more worried about persistent, authenticated/ID-linked
           | TCP connections (e.g. APNS) providing the _client_ IP over
           | time to an application service provider (e.g. Apple, Slack,
           | Google, Microsoft, et c), that is, city-level geolocation
           | track history via geoip, than I am the ISP or carrier
           | snooping on what websites I connect to.
           | Every iPhone connects to APNS for push notifications and
           | stays connected, and, last I looked at the protocol, the
           | client certificate was linked to the device serial number.
           | That's quite a geoip tracklog dataset, and AFAIK you can't
           | turn it off.
           | It's to the point now that to keep my city-level location
           | private from Apple, I'm not putting SIMs in any of my
           | iPhones/iPads any longer, and carrying a battery powered VPN
           | travel router (with a SIM uplink in it) for them to talk to.
           | Super annoying that it has to come to this.
           | landerwust wrote:
           | This is "fixed" in DoH the same way it's "fixed" for
           | encrypted SNI: by having a small number of superproviders
           | servicing millions of domains.
           | With current encrypted SNI proposal, your privacy (between
           | you and the superprovider) is /improved/ by talking to a site
           | behind a large aggregating provider. It sucks (since the
           | superprovider still sees everything), but that's how it is.
           | edit: added clarifications in (parens)
         | baskire wrote:
         | All I see is a proxy service and a way for cloudflare to get
         | access to the data
           | diegocg wrote:
           | The proxy sees the client IP, but can't look at the encrypted
           | DNS request.
           | The DNS server sees (deciphers) the DNS query, but not the
           | client IP address.
           | It's a proxy, but with the sensible data encrypted with the
           | server's public keys to hide it from the proxy. Cloudflare
           | never knows who is sending the requests. How can they get
           | access to the data?
             | Sophira wrote:
             | While individual clients may not be easily identifiable,
             | there's still a measure of identification that could be
             | made, if you were to configure the public key DNS server to
             | send a different (but persistent) public key to each IP
             | address which asks for the DNS record. (Probably an ISP's
             | caching nameserver.)
             | You can't tell how many people are going to be covered by
             | that public key, but you could probably make educated
             | guesses, or combine this with other metadata.
             | e12e wrote:
             | They run both, or buy data from the company that runs the
             | other half?
             | I'm not sure I see the point,tbh. If you want to control
             | dns, why not resolve yourself, with whatever cache you
             | need? And if you trust a company to do that for you -
             | assuming the two companies do log "their half" - you're
             | just a data breach, data broker agreement or an acquisition
             | away from a commercial entity having all the data (again)?
           | ksec wrote:
           | I am guessing most if not All future Apple devices / OS will
           | default to use Apple Proxy for DNS?
           | wil421 wrote:
           | Do you want Google and your ISPs to see everything?
           | Cloudflare and maybe Apple (not sure what infrastructure
           | they'd have in this if any)? Another company like Cloudflare?
           | I don't know the answer but I'm curious to hear everyone's
           | thoughts. Personally I'd like to prevent Google and my ISPs
           | but Cloudflare could easily become Google in many ways.
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
       | TimWolla wrote:
       | So, having read the blog post from Cloudflare I don't understand
       | why the proxy (needs to terminate|terminates) TLS.
       | I thought HTTPS proxying (or rather: Any TCP protocol) was a
       | solved problem by the HTTP CONNECT verb or SOCKS proxies.
       | What am I missing?
         | GoblinSlayer wrote:
         | Abuse. The message must be a DNS query, not arbitrary tor
         | traffic.
         | landerwust wrote:
         | The user's IP address is masqueraded by the proxy, and neither
         | the DNS mothership (Cloudflare) nor the ISP get to see both who
         | the user is and what they requested. It's an extremely
         | desirable property DoH currently lacks
           | TimWolla wrote:
           | Yes, I understand that. But I don't understand what ODoH does
           | better than a run of the mill SOCKS proxy, such as Tor.
             | [deleted]
             | landerwust wrote:
             | Tor is not a run of the mill SOCKS proxy, not least in that
             | it inserts arbitrarily high latency into the user data
             | path. On the other hand, an actual run of the mill SOCKS
             | proxy would have visibility of the user's queries and their
             | identity, defeating the purpose of the design.
               | TimWolla wrote:
               | > an actual run of the mill SOCKS proxy would have
               | visibility of the user's queries and their identity,
               | defeating the purpose of the design.
               | Why would it have visibility of the queries? If I send a
               | TLS connection (containing my DoH query) through that
               | SOCKS proxy, then the SOCKS proxy is unable to decrypt
               | that TLS connection without breaking certificate
               | verification and thus can't read my DoH query.
               | landerwust wrote:
               | Very good point! Sorry, I was confusing myself thinking
               | about classic DNS.
       | ignoramous wrote:
       | Key bits from the Cloudflare blog
       | https://blog.cloudflare.com/oblivious-dns/
       | > _The target [resolver] sees only the [DNS] query and the
       | proxy's IP address. The proxy has no visibility into the DNS
       | messages, with no ability to identify, read, or modify either the
       | query being sent by the client or the answer being returned by
       | the target. Only the intended target [resolver] can read the
       | content of the [DNS] query and produce a [DNS] response._
       | > _The whole process begins with clients that encrypt their query
       | for the target using HPKE. Clients obtain the target's public key
       | via DNS, where it is bundled into a [SVCB /HTTPS] HTTPS resource
       | record and protected by DNSSEC._
       | > _Clients transmit these encrypted queries to a proxy over an
       | HTTPS connection. Upon receipt, the proxy forwards the query to
       | the designated target. The target then decrypts the query,
       | produces a response by sending the query to a recursive resolver
       | such as, and then encrypts the response to the client.
       | The encrypted query from the client contains encapsulated keying
       | material from which targets derive the response encryption
       | symmetric key._
       | > _...50% of the time ODoH queries are resolved in fewer than
       | 228ms._
       | BTW, DNSCrypt supports "oblivious" encrypted DNS queries via what
       | it calls _Anonymized Relays_
       | https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki/Anonymized-D...
         | landerwust wrote:
         | DNSCrypt needs meaningful industry support otherwise it's sadly
         | irrelevant. I think by now we can all agree "industry support"
         | basically means the 3 browser vendors. DoH has at least Mozilla
         | and Google on board, and presumably Microsoft are tailing
         | along.
           | gsnedders wrote:
           | > DoH has at least Mozilla and Google on board, and
           | presumably Microsoft are tailing along.
           | Note that DoH (and DoT) shipped in iOS 14 and Big Sur, though
           | aren't particularly easy to enable.
             | 1over137 wrote:
             | Anyone have any idea why they chose to require
             | 'configuration profiles' here?
             | Also, don't 'configuration profiles' require that your Mac
             | have an associated AppleID?
             | xoa wrote:
             | > _Note that DoH (and DoT) shipped in iOS 14 and Big Sur,
             | though aren 't particularly easy to enable._
             | Specifically, you must install a properly configured
             | .mobileprofile with HTTPS/TLS in the DNSSettings >
             | DNSProtocol part of the payload (along with DNS server
             | addresses of course). Merely pointing at a DoH/DoT
             | supporting DNS server in the settings GUI won't do it, the
             | OS doesn't do any probing and automatically use it just
             | because it's available. For applications DNS Settings is
             | covered under the Network Extension framework [0].
             | It's definitely nice Apple now has this built-in, and since
             | they're onboard with Cloudflare/Fastly maybe this new twist
             | will be pretty fast too. But obviously they're going to
             | have to make this more automated for it to really make a
             | widespread difference, ideally it'd simply see if the
             | supplied DNS server (manual or DHCP) could run DoH/DoT and
             | then just use it by default with no interaction required.
             | ----
             | 0: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextensi
             | on/d...
               | throwaway67239 wrote:
               | Also, macOS will not let you enable a DoH profile and
               | Little Snitch (or probably any other tool using the
               | Network Extension framework) at the same time. I don't
               | know if this is a bug or intended behavior, but it's a
               | disappointment.
             | alwillis wrote:
             | _Note that DoH (and DoT) shipped in iOS 14 and Big Sur,
             | though aren 't particularly easy to enable._
             | You can use something like iMazing Profile Editor [1] to
             | create a .mobileprofile (which is just XML) to configure
             | DoH or DoT.
             | [1]: https://imazing.com/profile-editor
               | xoa wrote:
               | Out of curiosity, what's the difference vs Apple's first
               | party "Apple Configurator"? Do you like the GUI better,
               | or does it expose more options?
               | alwillis wrote:
               | I do like the UI/UX better; I've always found Apple
               | Configurator to be clunky and non-intuitive.
           | GoblinSlayer wrote:
           | If they allow to configure DoH server, you can use
           | https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy
       | techelite wrote:
       | I urge people to stop repeating Apple Advertising. Claims of
       | privacy and security are debunked weekly. You put yourself at
       | risk if you believe it.
         | selykg wrote:
         | Do you have actual proof of this or are you just going to make
         | misleading claims yourself?
           | nalekberov wrote:
           | Privacy is a buzzword to boost sales even more. Perhaps the
           | biggest problem with Apple is its nasty monopoly strategies,
           | remember the times you could easily add more RAM, change
           | batteries?
             | GoblinSlayer wrote:
             | This buzzword is actually useful though. It gave us ESNI,
             | Cambridge Analytica, antimonopoly memes and whatnot.
         | xondono wrote:
         | Debunked where? If they were I'd expect HN to be the first to
         | publish
           | techelite wrote:
           | Yes, they are here every week.
           | There are soooooo many examples.
           | You want iphone security? Google iphone security. Hit news.
           | You want Apple privacy? Google, Apple privacy. Hit news.
           | This isn't obscure at all. It's a weekly event.
         | MrStonedOne wrote:
         | Your statement is 100% correct but misses the entire point
         | https://nibblestew.blogspot.com/2020/04/your-statement-is-10...
       | karmakaze wrote:
       | In a nutshell: client encrypts to proxy, which decrypts & removes
       | client info, then asks resolver.
       | > "What ODoH is meant to do is separate the information about who
       | is making the query and what the query is," said Nick Sullivan,
       | Cloudflare's head of research.
       | > In other words, ODoH ensures that only the proxy knows the
       | identity of the internet user and that the DNS resolver only
       | knows the website being requested. Sullivan said that page
       | loading times on ODoH are "practically indistinguishable" from
       | DoH and shouldn't cause any significant changes to browsing
       | speed.
         | nathcd wrote:
         | > client encrypts to proxy, which decrypts & removes client
         | info
         | This is incorrect; the proxy doesn't decrypt. It just proxies.
         | From https://blog.cloudflare.com/oblivious-dns/ :
         | > The target decrypts queries encrypted by the client, via a
         | proxy. Similarly, the target encrypts responses and returns
         | them to the proxy. [...] The proxy does as a proxy is supposed
         | to do, in that it forwards messages between client and target.
       | dj_mc_merlin wrote:
       | Is it not still possible to do a pi-hole kind of setup for DoH or
       | ODoH? All you have to do is setup the server as a proxy for all
       | http(s) connections on top of DNS connections and trust its cert
       | on the client. If we can reliably block all ad networks with
       | uBlock origin, picking out DNS requests from other http requests
       | should be even simpler, right?
       | John_Westra wrote:
       | I would love to see Firefox be an early adopter of this, regain
       | market share and save us all from Chrome!
       | cblconfederate wrote:
       | > Sullivan said a few partner organizations are already running
       | proxies, allowing for early adopters to begin using the
       | technology through Cloudflare's existing DNS resolver.
       | In other words, in order to thwart efforts to make the internet
       | anonymous , US companies are planning to takeover DNS for the
       | vast majority of people.
         | jgrahamc wrote:
         | Oh, please. ODoH is a proposed standard. Use whatever the hell
         | proxy/resolver you feel like, wherever you like.
         | DNS is a shit show of unencrypted data flying around being
         | scooped up by God-knows-who and along comes someone proposing a
         | standard to fix said shit show and this is the response people
         | get.
           | cblconfederate wrote:
           | Decentralized spying > centralized spying
             | judge2020 wrote:
             | Choosing to have google or quad9 spy on you doesn't mean
             | AT&T no longer gets your DNS data when you use plain port
             | 53.
       | akvadrako wrote:
       | If anyone wants the draft RFC:
       | https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pauly-dprive-oblivious-doh...
       | OJFord wrote:
       | What's the advantage of this over specifying a DoH provider (as
       | we do today with plain DNS)?
       | Unfortunately I suppose the only way to really do that is with a
       | resolv file (adlist/blocklist) of DoH hosts (which exist) but
       | instead of pointing to, point to <preferred DoH>.
       | Edit - d'oh! I see it now - that would mean DoH provider knows
       | query and IP, whereas here the ODoH proxy knows your IP but not
       | the query. Nice.
       | izacus wrote:
       | So Google got sued by ISPs which lobbied an investigation by DOJ
       | for trying to encrypt DNS:
       | https://www.engadget.com/2019-09-29-congress-doj-scrutinze-g...
       | Will ISPs be too scared to sue Apple and Cloudflare for this? Or
       | are they giving them an out?
         | floo wrote:
         | If I understand this correctly this was mostly about Google
         | getting an unfair advantage over the ISPs.
         | Which wouldn't be the case if everyone loses access to the IP +
         | DNS request info.
       | MrStonedOne wrote:
       | So I do wonder how such systems can be designed or implemented
       | such that geoip systems can still work.
       | While I'm sure aws route53 and cloudflare's own routing systems
       | can handle this properly, Cloud isn't quite the answer. Not every
       | workload fits on the cloud (see: Discord, which runs on leased
       | servers), and a system that breaks down if your rented
       | datacenters aren't in alignment with Cloud operating regions
       | doesn't make a great solution.
         | notamy wrote:
         | > Not every workload fits on the cloud (see: Discord, which
         | runs on leased servers)
         | As far as I'm aware (don't work there), only bandwidth/CPU-
         | heavy stuff like voice and video live on rented dedis; the core
         | chat services live in GCP.
       | clashmeifyoucan wrote:
       | I'm wondering how they still get good performance with a proxy
       | server in between, the plots seem quite close to each other
       | (maybe because logarithmic?).
       | Also, not sure how useful the Tor comparison is, since Tor does 3
       | hops as opposed to their 1 so it would be a shame if it doesn't
       | beat that.
       | dang wrote:
       | All: We changed the URL from
       | https://techcrunch.com/2020/12/08/cloudflare-and-apple-desig...
       | to the more detailed source, but you might want to read both.
       | TrueDuality wrote:
       | The biggest and most consistent downside I see with these DNS
       | enhancements is that it prevents filtering at the network level.
       | Querying nameservers is being pushed into applications themselves
       | to support these new features (such as Chrome and Firefox), which
       | bypasses any system resolvers configured on the host. In most
       | cases there is no way to signal from the network that it is not
       | desirable to do this (Firefox being the sole exception). There
       | also is no good way for enterprises to centrally manage these
       | settings. DNS is a major source of information when doing threat
       | hunting on a network and having that go dark is a big problem.
       | Enterprises aside, there has been a rise of people using
       | solutions like pi-hole in their home networks to filter out
       | traffic not just for ads, but known malicious domains, and
       | telemetry trackers (which Apple does get filtered by, only
       | calling them out specifically because they have an active
       | interest in not being filtered like this).
       | Yes I think it's also a problem that ISPs are snooping and
       | selling this information, but I think that is a less severe
       | problem than rampant malware infections and the excessive
       | collection of online usage data in the telemetry systems present
       | in every webapp, OS, mobile, or IoT device. This increases
       | privacy in one place, while making it much harder to actively
       | protect yourself from the more aggressive and invasive sources of
       | data collection.
         | wtetzner wrote:
         | I don't know much about the tech, but would it be possible to
         | setup your own local DNS server that your machines point to,
         | and do the filtering within that DNS server?
           | rsync wrote:
           | I run my own recursive resolver (DNS server) in a datacenter.
           | This DNS server gets its upstream resolution from nextdns.io
           | which is configured with several blocklists - including one
           | that is roughly analogous to ublock origin.
           | On my local network, my DHCP server hands out my DNS server
           | to all clients.
           | This means that all clients on my network get fairly robust
           | ad-blocking even if they do not have an adblocker installed.
           | It also means that non-browser clients (Sonos, AppleTV, etc.)
           | get ad/tracker blocking as well.
           | DoH sort of breaks all of this, unfortunately.
           | Individual devices or clients or browsers can now connect to
           | trackers and ad-servers over HTTPS, bypassing my adblocking
           | resolver.
           | I thought that perhaps there was a solution wherein you would
           | pre-query every single new IP you connected to over HTTPS and
           | send it a test DNS query .. and if it answered DNS, you would
           | just refuse to talk to it. I think this falls apart, however,
           | if (for instance) google just queries "google.com" ... now
           | you're denying google.com because it answers DNS queries over
           | HTTPS...
           | Look, back when came online I could _just smell it_
           | ... I knew there was a user-hostile arms race _somewhere in
           | there_ I just didn 't know where. Now we know.
           | zachm0 wrote:
           | Yep! If you have a Raspberry Pi, look into Pihole. Some
           | routers have this capability too.
         | hkt wrote:
         | Applications still have fallback though, right?
         | If so, I foresee blocks on DoH/etc to common resolvers like
         | and I'll be blocking them at home on the
         | assumption that I only want regular DNS lookups so I can point
         | them to my own DNS server etc.
           | salgernon wrote:
           | Trying to do content filtering on the kids chrome books for
           | remote learning, I installed a pi-hole and was generally
           | pleased with it. Then the kids (8 & 12) figured out to change
           | the dns to cloudflare or google directly. I ended up having
           | to add static routes on the router to block those paths.
           | (I need to block distraction sites during instruction time -
           | otherwise it's endless Minecraft videos while in zoom
           | meetings...)
             | remarkEon wrote:
             | Any "how to" recommendations for setting up something
             | similar? I have a pi-hole but after reading this thread I
             | feel like im severely under-utilizing it.
           | 0x426577617265 wrote:
           | Blocking traffic for known DoH services would be trivial. How
           | about blocking unknown, how would you block that?
             | dhaavi wrote:
             | Think out of the box: Just don't let the app connect to an
             | IP it has not resolved a domain name for.
             | That's what we can do with the Portmaster
             | (https://github.com/safing/portmaster). Check it out!
           | rsync wrote:
           | "If so, I foresee blocks on DoH/etc to common resolvers like
           | and I'll be blocking them at home on the
           | assumption that I only want regular DNS lookups so I can
           | point them to my own DNS server etc."
           | I wish it were that easy but it's very predictable that
           | google will start resolving DoH on plain old "google.com".
           | So will everyone else ... it's not going to be
           | malicious.userhostile.resolver.samsung.com, it's just going
           | to be samsung.com ... so you can block it but you'll be
           | blocking more than just the resolver ...
           | TrueDuality wrote:
           | Firefox and Chrome do yes, but none of these standards
           | specify any kind of fall-back behaviour. There are no
           | guarantees that any specific device or application needs to
           | do that or how.
           | There is a cost to firewall rules like that as well. Who is
           | going to maintain a list of all the IPs on the internet that
           | are hosting DoH servers that could be used? What about the
           | potentially more prolific proxies specified in this protocol
           | enhancement? How does a network administrator keep all of
           | those in sync with their edge networks? How does a home user?
           | Since DoH uses HTTPS there is no reason a service can't be
           | multihomed on the same IP just like SNI allows multiple HTTPS
           | servers on one IP. Would you be willing to block a legitimate
           | website just so the applications on your network might fall-
           | back to the name server you want them too?
             | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
             | You can snoop SNI and use that to block traffic, right? In
             | another thread, someone suggested also stripping the keys
             | for encrypted SNI from DNS queries which, when combined
             | with a firewall that attempts to make a DoH query to every
             | new SNI name it sees might potentially work.
           | specto wrote:
           | I have blocked and and noticed some devices
           | behave very badly, often crashing or restarting. Debugging
           | the issue, once I removed the firewall rule they behaved
           | normally. Almost all of the affected devices were google
           | related, Android TV for example.
             | vetinari wrote:
             | You can also DNAT all port 53 traffic to your resolver.
             | Devices will think they are talking to or whatever,
             | but in reality they will ask your resolver and your
             | filtering will apply.
             | Your filtering can still break these devices.
         | josephcsible wrote:
         | It's a good thing that network-level filtering is getting
         | harder. If you can use network-level filtering to block
         | ads/trackers/malware from your own devices, countries and ISPs
         | can use network-level filtering to censor other people's
         | devices. If you want to protect your own devices, do it
         | locally, even if it means configuring Firefox instead of just
         | the OS.
         | saurik wrote:
         | On every single operating system it is possible for this kind
         | of improvement to be installed as a system-wide replacement for
         | the local resolver, whether by a direct plugin or by running a
         | resolver on localhost. This is how these upgrades can be
         | deployed if you don't want to wait for the OS.
         | The problem is that browsers and other applications are just
         | unwilling to let the user see how their products work or decide
         | anything for themselves--or even just architect their
         | installers to involve dependencies on a shared resolver upgrade
         | --and so we end up in this hell of applications actively hiding
         | their traffic from you.
         | And like, "great": now we have a new version of DoH and have to
         | wait for everyone to upgrade their apps that upgraded to DoH
         | before? This is ridiculous bullshit... this should be a single
         | app on your device you now upgrade. Hell: Cloudflare even
         | develops that app for a number of platforms! They aren't even
         | the problem... it is everyone who jumps on "embedding" this
         | behavior :/ :/ :/.
         | (For a more technically-comprehensive rant about this, read my
         | comment from a year ago:)
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21701808
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | iOS and MacOS technically have this (requires a profile[0])
           | but Microsoft will probably drag their feed on this for the
           | next 2 years with the amount of enterprise customers they
           | have to keep happy; and, given that the network adapter
           | config is still based on Aero controls, they're probably in
           | no rush to add more configuration options before upgrading it
           | to Metro controls.
           | 0: https://paulmillr.com/posts/encrypted-dns/
             | JoshTriplett wrote:
             | This is exactly why browsers support doing their own name
             | resolution: because some OSes advance much more slowly.
             | 1over137 wrote:
             | Why on earth is a "configuration profile" required for
             | this?
               | judge2020 wrote:
               | I imagine Apple is weary about having a UI for this since
               | it might cause more bad PR/complaints about people being
               | able to get around (for example) school website filters.
               | Chrome eased its UI rollout by introducing a managed
               | policy that admins could configure before the UI was
               | enabled. https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-
               | enterprise/policies/?po...
         | rubyfan wrote:
         | When enterprises own the devices on their networks they can add
         | whatever root certificate they like and MITM filter whatever
         | they like. This makes over the network traffic more secure and
         | does nothing to really impact threat detection.
         | If you don't own the device then 1) should you be interfering
         | or snooping the traffic at all? 2) if you need to limit threat
         | then subnet clients you don't own.
           | TrueDuality wrote:
           | Adding in root certificates and performing HTTPS MITM even on
           | your own network is a huge risk on its own. You're basically
           | breaking many layers of security such as certificate pinning
           | that just get disabled with any custom root certificate.
           | Those middleboxes will always break client certificate
           | authentication and you're trusting that they are checking the
           | various revocation lists they should be (CRL/OSCP/various
           | built-in blocklists).
           | For your basic premise to work, it also means that the MITM
           | middleboxes will need to support the DoH protocols and
           | support recording, and filtering those responses.
           | Additionally, custom roots certificates will only work on
           | devices that you can actually set a custom root certificate
           | for, a great example is IoT devices. Is your TV suddenly
           | talking to a botnet or was that a legitimate update?
           | We can argue about whether those middleboxes are even sane to
           | deploy (hint: they're not), but what is historically true is
           | that they are known to update slowly to new protocols, if at
           | all and are known to cause compatibility issues for traffic
           | that is inherently expected to be unchanged. They're enough
           | of a problem at the _TCP_ layer that QUIC was explicitly
           | designed that minimal information is available in the
           | protocol headers so middleboxes would have less to mess with.
         | notwedtm wrote:
         | Giving the user the ability to expose these requests by sending
         | an HMAC of the domain to a local resolver could help with the
         | privacy portion, but still allow for custom routing based on
         | context.
         | admax88q wrote:
         | Pi-hole is still very much niche, and outside of that and
         | enterprise network admins, the majority of users are stuck
         | using the trash resolver of their operating system directed to
         | the trash DNS servers of their ISP.
         | If DNS level blocking ever becomes popular enough, malware
         | authors will change their systems to not use the system's DNS,
         | or to use hard coded DNS over TLS/HTTP servers that they know
         | will serve them the data they want.
         | Preventing proprietary applications from doing malicious things
         | is a constant cat and mouse game. Pi-hole works well for now, I
         | would argue, because it's not popular enough to put a big
         | enough dent in the success rate of malware.
           | zamadatix wrote:
           | DNS level blocking is extraordinarily common in enterprise
           | settings though so the cat and mouse game for malware trying
           | to avoid it is decades in the making at this point, pi-hole
           | is just a recent common name in the prosumer space.
           | TrueDuality wrote:
           | pi-hole is the most recognized name on here, but I think
           | you're wrong about DNS level blocking. There are lot of home
           | routers that have started integrating that feature natively.
           | A few examples that I know off hand:
           | - Motorola MH7022
           | - Eero
           | - Disney Circle
           | Basically any of them that say "content filtering" in their
           | product sheet are using DNS level filtering.
           | > ...the trash resolver of their operating system...
           | I'm very curious why you think the well tested, vetted, and
           | constantly updated resolvers built into OS's are "trash". Is
           | it just because most don't have support for DoH or DoT?
         | acdha wrote:
         | The problem is that the things you most want to block can
         | trivially bypass your local DNS filtering - DoH is just
         | standardizing something which has been done for decades.
         | The only effective measure is to block outbound network access
         | and require use of a proxy, possibly optimized by allowing
         | direct traffic only from clients with functioning endpoint
         | monitoring agents.
           | yardstick wrote:
           | DoH is highlighting the security nightmare that is AWS, GCP,
           | Azure, Cloudflare etc with their reverse proxies and virtual
           | hosts, making it impossible to safely restrict a network from
           | communicating with only a specific cloud-hosted service.
           | Also often perfect security isn't required. Doors with locks
           | are good, but useless if the burglar just breaks the full
           | length glass window next to it. They still serve a purpose,
           | but don't need to be an absolute comprehensive solution.
           | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
           | How can they trivially bypass this local filtering? If the
           | router is redirecting all port 53 traffic, there is no way to
           | bypass aside from some alternate name resolution scheme.
             | acdha wrote:
             | If the network allows outbound traffic, they can hard-code
             | an IP list - this is how Cloudflare's works and
             | malware has done this for decades - or they can use local
             | DNS to resolve a single name which will answer or redirect
             | to a service which does further queries. Malware commonly
             | used IRC for this until that started getting blocked on
             | most networks, but imagine how easy it would be to miss,
             | say, a bot which connects on 443 to a major hosting
             | provider, like half the apps you run, searches Google.com,
             | Twitter, etc., or hits an ad network for a keyword selected
             | by the attacker.
             | In every case, once they get the server(s) to connect to
             | you lose all further visibility unless you're blocking 443
             | and forcing traffic through an inspection proxy.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Yeah, it's an arms race, but I suspect it's solvable: at
               | least solvable enough that it's feasible to just not use
               | devices that break your policies. For things like Pi-
               | Hole, the setup I describe will reduce much of the ad
               | noise even without more complicated systems.
               | acdha wrote:
               | The way to solve is either to segregate unmanaged devices
               | onto a separate network and give up on controlling them
               | or to implement the system I described. The same Pi
               | running a DNS server can run a proxy which applies
               | blocking policies on all hostnames.
             | SkyPuncher wrote:
             | Based on this:
             | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33099569/how-does-
             | sock-5...
             | > Firefox, for example, sends hostname to SOCKS proxy
             | without resolving it.
             | So a simple proxy can bypass local restrictions.
             | -----
             | I remember doing something similar back in my IT days just
             | to see if it was possible. It was.
             | chipb wrote:
             | How well does the redirect scheme work for a device that
             | connects to a central DNS server listening on, say, port
             | 5353 instead? What about 80 or 443?
               | jlgaddis wrote:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_is_the_enemy_of_goo
               | d
               | vageli wrote:
               | > How well does the redirect scheme work for a device
               | that connects to a central DNS server listening on, say,
               | port 5353 instead? How about 80 or 443?
               | Just because it is not a silver bullet doesn't mean it is
               | not effective for a large percentage of users.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Well, it's more complicated, but in theory you could do
               | some deep packet inspection that understands the
               | protocols: personally, I'd use this to break DoH
               | connections (for every host name seen in SNI, attempt a
               | DoH query, if it resolves, reset the connection) and
               | attempt to force everything to fall back to plain DNS.
               | Then, whitelist a couple outbound ports (on most
               | networks, maybe just 443 + 53?) and block VPNs.
               | judge2020 wrote:
               | > or every host name seen in SNI
               | Not going to be possible in a few years or so:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25344311
               | dhaavi wrote:
               | meh. The outer SNI and the IP address still tell a lot
               | about what you are doing online.
               | dhaavi wrote:
               | With the Portmaster
               | (https://github.com/safing/portmaster) we're going in
               | that direction, but it will take a couple more years to
               | be able to go that deep. Have a look!
         | JMTQp8lwXL wrote:
         | Can't you do something analogous to editing your hosts file
         | (but for name servers) and then re-centralize all of your apps
         | using a single name server, which you can then control however
         | you like?
           | iso947 wrote:
           | No, because instead of setting your network to give out your
           | DNs server to all of your devices, it's ignored by the apps
           | Instead of setting your devices to use a dns server of your
           | choice it's ignored by the apps
           | Some apps allow you to configure them, so now you're
           | configuring 200 apps on 20 devices rather than just one dhcp
           | setting.
           | (Oh and OSs have generally broken hosts files)
         | yegle wrote:
         | Enterprise can disable DoH in Chrome using a group policy.
           | TrueDuality wrote:
           | You're right, that doesn't help with Apple devices though
           | which has seen a huge market share increase with day to day
           | users in the businesses that I interact with. Same thing goes
           | for mobile devices, even those with enterprise management
           | systems attached.
           | The options are simply not there for consistent management of
           | your network.
           | vinay_ys wrote:
           | Enterprises can also disable direct outbound connections to
           | anywhere. They can insist only way to access anything is via
           | http proxies. You can do the same at home with a pi-hole. On
           | iOS/MacOS you can install content/network filters. If a
           | browser or app breaks these basic functionalities of
           | Internet, then good luck to them.
         | crispyporkbites wrote:
         | why should DNS be handled at the system layer and not by
         | applications? There's zero controls in place to stop this so I
         | don't see why it's assumed that every application developer
         | will want to use system defaults and not override it.
           | gumby wrote:
           | > I don't see why it's assumed that every application
           | developer will want to use system defaults
           | It's the user's machine not the application developer's.
             | kibwen wrote:
             | And users get to decide which applications to install.
             | Tunneling has been a thing for decades; likewise for
             | malicious programs. Vigilance when installing programs on a
             | networked device has always been and remains necessary.
             | crispyporkbites wrote:
             | But it's not under the users control if they install an
             | app- there's nothing hard that prevents the abuse. Now if
             | the OS had a system wide / network level proxy that checks
             | the correct DNS calls are getting made and overrides with a
             | user chosen default, then you'd have something.
             | But we don't, we just have a default
           | j16sdiz wrote:
           | Because, DNS, like default gateway and ip address, are
           | configured by DHCP? Zoned DNS server for intranet is very
           | common.
         | dhaavi wrote:
         | > bypasses any system resolvers configured on the host
         | With the Portmaster (https://github.com/safing/portmaster) we
         | actually tackle this problem by notifying software (eg.
         | Firefox) or blocking their connections, forcing them back to
         | plain DNS, which we can redirect and handle. Take a look!
         | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
         | IMO, the primary benefit of DoH to users is anti-censorship,
         | not "DNS privacy", despite the complete absence of the word
         | "censor" in the DOH RFC 8484. For example, a growing number of
         | ISPs around the world filter DNS, e.g., by port, so, e.g.,
         | anything the user sends to port 53 UDP/TCP is redirected to the
         | ISP's DNS cache. This makes it easy to block web resources
         | based on DNS.^1
         | The Oblivious DoH draft contains a peculiar requirement (cf.
         | option) that oblivious target DNS servers must submit to
         | DNSSEC. They "MUST" only use keys from RRs signed according to
         | DNSSEC. Assuming that means ICANN's DNS, then a third party and
         | not the user is in charge of deciding which domains are
         | "authentic". That poses a risk of enabling easy censorship.
         | "DNS privacy", i.e., hiding origin IP address with proxies, is
         | a nice option to have, however it should never be "mandatory"
         | to use third parties for DNS. The user should always have the
         | option of querying the authoritative DNS servers directly,
         | without using third party caches or proxies. That is the only
         | true source of the DNS data and the only way to avoid DNS-based
         | censorship. I recall in the past seeing some HN comments about
         | chaining open resolvers as a means of achieving increased DNS
         | privacy; this "oblivious target" idea is not new.
         | As for the idea of "encrypted DNS", we will never have fully
         | encrypted DNS until authoritative DNS providers add support for
         | it, e.g., by running CurveDNS. Almost all of what is currently
         | described as "encrypted DNS service" actually suffers from the
         | same so-called "MITM" issue as Cloudflare's free TLS-enabled
         | CDN. Queries are encrypted from user to third party, e.g.
         | Cloudflare, but not from third party to authoritative source of
         | the web resource, or in this case DNS resource record.
         | Perhaps the notion of "DNS privacy" is being used as a ruse to
         | advance certain business interests that are ultimately in
         | direct opposition to user privacy, such as aims associated with
         | supporting online advertising. IMO, the simplest solution to
         | DNS privacy problem is to keep individual DNS queries off the
         | remote network. The simplest analogy I have is Wikipedia. If
         | the user downloads the bulk Wikipedia data and serves it on a
         | localhost httpd^2, then the remote network has no idea which
         | pages the user is viewing or when she is viewing them.
         | Similarly, if the user downloads bulk DNS data and serves it on
         | a localhost DNS server, then the remote network as no idea of
         | what queries the user is making or when she is making them.
         | I use this approach for speed and reliablity, not privacy
         | reasons. It works very well for me. In fact, DoH can be used
         | for downloading bulk DNS data as most servers allow HTTP/1.1
         | pipelining. Thus, DoH can improve DNS privacy, if used outside
         | the browser.
         | 1. A simple solution in some cases would be remote DNS servers
         | also listening on non-standard ports.
         | 2. http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Offline_Wikipedia_reader
         | If applications using DoH pose a higher risk in terms of
         | unwanted ads, trackers, telemetry and malware-serving domains,
         | then it stands to reason the risk-averse user should avoid
         | those applications. I use a text-only browser for recreational
         | web use. I do not need Chrome, Firefox, etc. to enjoy the web.
         | stevepike wrote:
         | As someone who recently set up a pihole, I was shocked that it
         | was possible to redirect all DNS requests on the network (in
         | plain text!) to the pi. I did the method where you set up a
         | network firewall at the router level that redirects all port 53
         | traffic to the pi. It's a nice feature for getting my xbox
         | filtered, but it really felt like an insecure historical quirk
         | rather than a feature we should be praising.
         | Surely it's progress for devices to be able to securely access
         | name servers? I can't snoop on the network traffic going over
         | https but somehow I can get a list of all names queried?
           | iso947 wrote:
           | It's progress if you control your devices, or you don't
           | control your network.
           | I don't. Like most people I can control my network.
           | I have all sorts of crap on my network from Bose and amazon
           | and Nintendo and Apple etc on my IoT vlan.
           | Without going to a monk style digital life aka RMS, the best
           | bet is to segment them into a secure network and limit what
           | they can communicate with. The DOH Culture and the like takes
           | away my freedoms.
             | JoshTriplett wrote:
             | Then complain about devices that hardcode settings and
             | don't allow changing them, rather than complaining about
             | people taking what devices could _already_ do and
             | standardizing it so that anyone can use it in a more
             | uniform way.
           | OJFord wrote:
           | The 'historical quirk' per my understanding is pretty much
           | IPv4 NAT.
           | At least, I couldn't figure out how to do it with IPv6 (no
           | (need for) NAT) - I ended up dropping them if not destined
           | for my desired DNS instead.
           | (NAT lets you Translate Addresses, usually to save IPv4
           | space, but here to redirect to a different DNS. IPv6 fixes
           | the address space problem with more addresses, so the hack is
           | done away with, and everything on the network can 'route
           | itself' to everything else without any translation, as pre-
           | NAT and as always intended.)
             | Denvercoder9 wrote:
             | Any firewall worth its salt can do this with IPv6 as well.
             | There's nothing on a technical level preventing it.
           | TrueDuality wrote:
           | You're definitely right that it is an issue that the traffic
           | is plaintext but there are trade off costs that are not
           | addressed by these standards, mostly in user control and fall
           | back behaviour.
           | You've started using a pi-hole, and presumably are getting
           | value from it. These protocols can potentially make it so you
           | can't use that pi-hole at all.
           | Traffic that is local to a network being unencrypted is not a
           | huge privacy problem. If this protocol was adopted by local
           | resolvers, your pi-hole or network router could use it for
           | any requests it makes while still preserving its ability to
           | filter the traffic. It's basically all win under this
           | scenario.
           | The problem comes back to applications implementing this in
           | ways that can't be managed taking the option away from end
           | users and administrators. Without the protocols specifying
           | control and fall-back behaviours on networks that don't need
           | or want this, it's more harmful than useful.
             | stevepike wrote:
             | Can you explain (or share a link) to some proposal for how
             | to enable my pihole to securely talk to upstream resolvers
             | but force all embedded devices on my network to go through
             | the pihole? Anything that lets my pihole sidestep my ISP
             | seems like it'd also work for my xbox.
               | TrueDuality wrote:
               | I don't have any resources handily available for that. I
               | would be truly surprised if pi-hole's don't support DoH
               | though so I'd just try searching for something like
               | "enabling DoH on a pihole" or similar.
               | Basically sounds like you've already done the hardest
               | parts. Your router is redirecting all DNS traffic to your
               | pi-hole, this will prevent any normal unencrypted DNS
               | traffic from leaving your local network. You pi-hole will
               | be in turn making all the DNS requests. If you turn on
               | DoH for the pi-hole all the DNS requests on your network
               | will be encrypted.
               | hrez wrote:
               | Nothing would prevent DOH to use <randomIP>:<randomPORT>
               | as a resolver. Be it an application or a device. Pi-hole
               | will never see it.
               | RossM wrote:
               | Using Cloudflare with DoH is documented here:
               | https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns-over-https/
               | You essentially run a little proxy server on your pihole
               | setup, and configure pihole to use it as your upstream
               | dns resolver.
               | E.g., a proxy server running at which uses
               | the Cloudflare ipv4/ipv6 DNS over HTTPS endpoints. This
               | can also use other DoH endpoints as desired:
               | /usr/local/bin/cloudflared proxy-dns \           --port
               | 5053 \           --upstream \
               | --upstream \
               | --upstream https://2606:4700:4700::1111/dns-query \
               | --upstream https://2606:4700:4700::1001/dns-query
               | judge2020 wrote:
               | > force all embedded devices on my network to go through
               | the pihole
               | You can only do this for the devices that respect your
               | DHCP-provided DNS config. Even if you redirect all port
               | 53 traffic on your network to your pihole, a device can
               | make its own (DoH or non-DoH) https connection and gets
               | DNS responses via that, bypassing your pi-hole.
               | This was discussed extensively a few days ago on a thread
               | about "72% of smart TVs and 46% of game consoles hardcode
               | DNS settings":
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25315172
         | gumby wrote:
         | > Querying nameservers is being pushed into applications
         | themselves...
         | I agree: this absurd trend will lead to every app essentially
         | including an entire O/S. There are several reason why OSes
         | provide services to applications and one is that the OS manages
         | the user's configuration (e.g. what devices are plugged in,
         | where and how to resolve names, cacheing data, etc).
         | I also find it rather insane the amount of overhead required to
         | resolve a name when an entire http connection needs to be set
         | up and torn down for the process.
           | rusk wrote:
           | I presume there's some kind of connection pooling going on
           | ... but yeah you've still got the needless verbosity of HTTP
           | for a specialised high volume protocol ...
       | teddyh wrote:
       | Sounds promising. Get back to me when it's gotten to the RFC
       | stage. A ready-made solution thrown over the wall like this, is
       | rarely what is ultimately adopted.
       | nuker wrote:
       | Why not DoT? And DoH is mum on http cookies: "Determining whether
       | or not a DoH implementation requires HTTP cookie support is
       | particularly important because HTTP cookies are the primary state
       | tracking mechanism in HTTP." https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8484
       | londons_explore wrote:
       | When you need a log-log plot to make the performance degradation
       | not look so severe, you have issues...
       | freebuju wrote:
       | Misleading title. Apple devices are not anywhere near ready to
       | utilize this dns protocol. Apart from that, yeah let's shift our
       | dns trust to one of the biggest data resolvers! The irony...
       | Encrypted dns might be already in use by government or military
       | agencies, but they know too well the effects of cascading this
       | tech down to the masses. They will never let this reach the
       | public.
         | [deleted]
         | alwillis wrote:
         | _Apple devices are not anywhere near ready to utilize this dns
         | protocol._
         | The latest versions of macOS and iOS already support DoH and
         | DoT; Apple could push an update tomorrow to enable ODoH
         | tomorrow if they wanted to.
         |  _Encrypted dns might be already in use by government or
         | military agencies, but they know too well the effects of
         | cascading this tech down to the masses. They will never let
         | this reach the public._
         | You do know we've had encrypted DNS for years, right? It has
         | some issues, which this new protocol is designed to address.
         | There's no reason to believe "they" can or will intervene to
         | stop ODoH.
           | freebuju wrote:
           | I don't think you understand how DNS works.
           | DoT and DoH should not be confused for encrypted DNS.
           | Encrypted dns is still a myth to most users. Major resolvers
           | do not support it since it directly conflicts with with their
           | data collection business.
           | All forms of Internet communications can be largely
           | encrypted. Dns is the last frontier remaining. It remains so
           | for good reason...
             | alwillis wrote:
             | _I don 't think you understand how DNS works._ I don't
             | think you're in a position to comment on what I do or don't
             | know about DNS.
             |  _Encrypted dns is still a myth to most users. Major
             | resolvers do not support it since it directly conflicts
             | with with their data collection business._
             | Except those users using Firefox or Chrome, which come with
             | DNS over HTTPS (DoH) preconfigured. Or those who've been
             | running DoT on their home networks, which I setup quite a
             | while ago now.
             | From the Wikipedia article on DoH, emphasis mine: "A goal
             | of the method is to increase user privacy and security by
             | preventing eavesdropping and manipulation of DNS data by
             | man-in-the-middle attacks[1] by using the HTTPS protocol to
             | _encrypt the data between the DoH client and the DoH-based
             | DNS resolver_.
             | DNS over TLS (DoT) RFC: "This document describes the use of
             | Transport Layer Security (TLS) to provide privacy for DNS.
             | _Encryption provided by TLS eliminates opportunities for
             | eavesdropping and on-path tampering with DNS queries in the
             | network_ , such as discussed in RFC 7626."
             | The lack of DNS encryption isn't what Apple and Cloudflare
             | are addressing; it's that whoever runs the DNS resolver can
             | still see the websites you're visiting and ODoH fixes that.
       | crumbshot wrote:
       | This is a neat design, but, does this not just shift the issue of
       | trust as to whether the proxy and the target are colluding:
       | > _However, each of these guarantees relies on one fundamental
       | property --_ that the proxy and the target servers do not
       | collude. _So long as there is no collusion, an attacker succeeds
       | only if both the proxy and target are compromised._
       | I'm not sure how an end user would be expected to assess this any
       | more than they could ascertain whether any particular DoH/DoT
       | provider is as trustworthy as they claim.
         | diegocg wrote:
         | Well, this could probably encourage the creation of privacy-
         | oriented proxys (they just have to forward queries, so it
         | should be relatively inexpensive compared to a full DNS
         | server). What is the likehood of someone getting logs from
         | Cloudflare (who promises it does not keep logs, but let's
         | assume it does) and at the same time hacks into some random
         | privay-oriented organization?
         | Of course, one might imagine a State actor using all their
         | resources to do just that. But this would be a very complex
         | attack. At least, it would stop all kind of ad tracking.
         | The worst part of this proposal is that it will further
         | centralize the DNS infrastructure.
         | dperfect wrote:
         | Exactly what I was thinking. It doesn't even really help to run
         | your own proxy on a server somewhere, because although the
         | target wouldn't know for sure what the client's IP address is,
         | queries from just one IP are likely to be easily correlated
         | (statistically or otherwise).
         | So you convince some neighbors to use your proxy... As the
         | number of clients grows, so does the uncertainty that the
         | person running the proxy isn't colluding with the target, so
         | you're back to the same trust issue that you were trying to
         | solve in the first place.
         | wp381640 wrote:
         | Add a few more proxy hops and you've effectively reinvented Tor
           | eeZah7Ux wrote:
           | reinvented Tor, but with extra steps and less security
             | asutekku wrote:
             | But probably faster.
           | theamk wrote:
           | .. but the version of Tor which does not raise alarms on
           | every corporate firewall/IDS system
           | [deleted]
       | jaimex2 wrote:
       | Whats the point?
       | Governments subpoena the information or just block the protocol
       | outright. ( or in China, get it delivered to their door by Apple
       | )
       | Commercial parties have a bag full of tricks from fingerprinting
       | to embeds on the page itself to track you.
       | Privacy seeking users are already tunneling their traffic.
       | That leaves script kiddies at Internet cafes. TLS kind of fixed
       | that already so... Good work?
         | MrStonedOne wrote:
         | As it stated in the article, ISPs tracking and selling the
         | data.
         | Exactly that, no more, no less.
         | alecco wrote:
         | You, the proxy, and the DNS service, can be in 3 different
         | countries. It's not bullet proof but makes it quite hard for a
         | single government. Unless you are a Bond villain I think this
         | is more than you need.
         | If you need more than that use ToR or similar.
           | t0astbread wrote:
           | While I agree that it's a step forward you should proxy your
           | whole traffic anyways if you want to enjoy the benefits of
           | encrypted DNS. Otherwise intermediaries routing your packets
           | can still see what you connect to by looking at the IP header
           | (or SNI, if not encrypted).
           | DoH/DoT is still useful because it allows you to proxy your
           | DNS over Tor (for example) without having to worry about
           | tampering (or surveillance if you also use separate circuits
           | per domain).
       | joshspankit wrote:
       | I understand why Cloudflare wants this (marketing, as well as
       | being able to serve their customer's content through
       | restrictions, thus making them more valuable to those customers),
       | but why does Apple want this?
       | My knee-jerk is that they want to further hide/make unstoppable
       | things like the Gatekeeper network checks, but there has to be
       | more right?
         | simonh wrote:
         | Why would Apple care about hiding Gatekeeper traffic from
         | internet providers?
           | joshspankit wrote:
           | I'm guessing they want to hide it more from users. The recent
           | bypassing of local firewalls shows this, for example.
             | lawnchair_larry wrote:
             | The bypassing has nothing to do with wanting to hide it
             | from users Even if they did care about hiding it, they know
             | how trivial it would be to discover it, as we already saw
             | only hours after the release.
             | And those lookups have nothing to do with DNS, so this
             | wouldn't help nor hurt anything related to that.
               | joshspankit wrote:
               | The bypassing has to do with exerting their control
               | despite user wishes. Hiding "complexity" from users is
               | one method that is at the core of Apple's brand.
               | Yes, very smart people uncover this kind of thing
               | regularly, but the trend feels like Apple is just trying
               | to refine the process until they have a "perfectly
               | secure" device by virtue of the fact that not even
               | legitimate owners are able to enforce their wishes when
               | those wishes are counter to Apple's mandates.
             | simonh wrote:
             | Wouldn't it still show up in netstat?
               | joshspankit wrote:
               | https://twitter.com/patrickwardle/status/1318465421796782
               | 082
           | wlesieutre wrote:
           | Because it's none of Comcast's business what software I run?
             | alwillis wrote:
             | _Because it 's none of Comcast's business what software I
             | run?_
             | There's no way for your ISP to know what software you're
             | running.
             | Gatekeeper checks if your app is malware (or not) and if
             | its been signed with a valid Apple developer certificate.
             | The OCSP look up goes over in the clear currently, but
             | that's how OCSP works everywhere. Your DNS provider can see
             | the OCSP lookup but that's about it.
             | Apple is in the process of addressing this; you can read
             | the details of how the current process works at
             | https://eclecticlight.co/2020/11/16/checks-on-executable-
             | cod...
               | wlesieutre wrote:
               | For most of the software on my computer, the developer
               | certificate is enough information to know what software
               | I'm running.
               | Are they going to think I'm running some other piece of
               | software signed by Slack Inc.?
               | alwillis wrote:
               | _For most of the software on my computer, the developer
               | certificate is enough information to know what software I
               | 'm running._
               | All your ISP can see is certificate _hashes_ , OCSP
               | lookups and DNS queries. It can't know what certificate
               | hash is connected to what developer application...
               | wlesieutre wrote:
               | Presumably that's an unsalted hash so that it can be
               | checked against the list of certificate revocations, so
               | whether it's a hash or not doesn't do anything for
               | privacy. It's the same hash of Slack's dev certificate
               | that every other Slack customer is sending.
               | Anyone snooping the connection can figure that out and
               | see that my computer said "Check the revocation status of
               | Slack Inc.," and the same goes for literally every other
               | software company's certificate hash.
               | I'm glad it's being fixed but it's still bad that it was
               | done this way in the first place.
               | selfhoster11 wrote:
               | It's not hard to match up a certificate hash to the
               | issuer, because most issuers will likely only have a
               | couple of certificates to simplify internal PKI. It's
               | something that can be solved with a rainbow table, there
               | aren't even salts involved.
         | ChrisRR wrote:
         | 2 reasons I can think of.
         | Firstly, Apple loves to act like they are always taking your
         | privacy very seriously (of course that's not always true), so
         | for the cost of a few engineers, they get a massive marketing
         | point. "We take your privacy so seriously that we developed a
         | new protocol to do so"
         | Secondly, Apple has an awful case of NIH syndrome. If they
         | didn't develop it themselves, they would rather develop it from
         | scratch themselves
           | alwillis wrote:
           | _Secondly, Apple has an awful case of NIH syndrome. If they
           | didn 't develop it themselves, they would rather develop it
           | from scratch themselves_
           | Not when it comes to security and privacy. They knew DoH and
           | DoT were good, but not good enough when it comes to privacy,
           | which explains why they didn't just implement it like Google
           | and Firefox did.
           | Instead, the worked with Cloudflare to standardize something
           | that's better.
         | PartiallyTyped wrote:
         | It is part of their marketing. The fact that others sell or
         | actively use your data, e.g. google, facebook, microsoft, apple
         | was handed the opportunity to charge a premium for the absence
         | of such tracking and data usage. If you watch the
         | presentations, they branded/poised themselves as the privacy
         | centric approach.
           | joshspankit wrote:
           | I see your point about how they (will) position it, but I'm
           | still curious about their actual motives.
             | PartiallyTyped wrote:
             | Exactly that. It strengthens their image amidst the whole
             | ordeal with app signatures. It is equivalent to investing
             | for an ad.
             | Kalium wrote:
             | As a preface, I am about to describe something I personally
             | view as _absolutely horrific_. Please, dear reader, in no
             | way interpret these comments as approving.
             | Privacy is a luxury. It's something rich people buy and
             | poor people can't afford to concern themselves with. Apple
             | sells a luxury product, and has no particular stake in
             | invading customer privacy at the moment (iAd was never
             | successful enough to change that). So they add a feature to
             | their status symbol to address the concerns of their
             | customer base and work with a partner company that can
             | actually deploy it.
       | thrwaway2020aug wrote:
       | I'm surprised to see Cloudflare and Apple collaborating on
       | privacy.
       | What does Cloudflare think of Safari's new CNAME-cloaking
       | detection to block cookies? https://webkit.org/blog/11338/cname-
       | cloaking-and-bounce-trac...
       | The reason I ask is because Cloudflare's "orange cloud" DNS
       | mitigates that protection because it prevents Safari from
       | detecting the cloak. On the other hand, I haven't run into many
       | engineers who think CNAME-cloaking actually hurts privacy in
       | light of Safari's other efforts to partition local storage.
       | Does Cloudflare think it would be help privacy for Apple to know
       | the final IPs behind orange cloud DNS?
       | darkwater wrote:
       | Until we get rid of SNI[1] in HTTPS for good there will still be
       | providers (like my ISP) that do deep packet inspection on SNI and
       | kill the connection right away if you happen to visit a forbidden
       | site (and this was western Europe, yesterday, on a site behind
       | CloudFlare)
       | [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication
         | throwaway54235 wrote:
         | No! Solving the SNI problem is far from enough.
         | The server IP address can be easily correlated with the domain
         | for 90% of Internet traffic.
           | acdha wrote:
           | Do you have a citation for only 10% of internet traffic using
           | CDNs? Even things like cloud load-balances and ephemeral IPs
           | make those associations hard and we're in third decade of
           | major web properties using CDNs.
         | judge2020 wrote:
         | Part of the counter-argument that has been so prevalent on HN
         | (most recently: [0]) is that when you prevent middlemen on your
         | network from being able to see what website you're browsing,
         | you're doing exactly that: preventing anyone, even a trusted
         | network administrator, from being able to inspect traffic. I'm
         | all for DoH and ECH since US ISPs have a history of inspecting
         | and logging traffic, but it seems like there should be a way to
         | manage the devices on your network besides being forced to set
         | up MDM on everything.
         | 0: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25314182
           | ReactiveJelly wrote:
           | > a way to manage the devices on your network besides being
           | forced to set up MDM on everything.
           | It's sort of like cleaning malware off of an infected PC from
           | within the infected OS.
           | It was always theoretically impossible, and now we're just
           | seeing the gap of "Well in this case the enemy was imperfect"
           | closing. It was never going to stay open in the first place.
           | mindslight wrote:
           | > _it seems like there should be a way to manage the devices
           | on your network_
           | Administering devices with network settings is convenient,
           | but rapidly vanishing because there's no technical difference
           | between you administering your local network and a
           | totalitarian ISP administering their users.
           | My ways of dealing with the modern world, in order of
           | preference:
           | 1. Use Free software, so that devices develop user-empowering
           | features instead of being locked down.
           | 2. Firewall all general Internet access from a device/VM, and
           | let it talk to local network devices only.
           | 3. Firewall the device/VM from accessing most of your
           | network, allow Internet access (ideally through a VPN), and
           | inspect the hardware to make sure there aren't microphones or
           | cameras.
           | sroussey wrote:
           | Yeah, but that argument sounds like asking people to use
           | "logmein" as a password so they don't need to install MDM on
           | everything.
           | Management of devices without authentication and
           | authorization means anyone can do it. Which is the state of
           | things today (for DNS).
             | Kalium wrote:
             | I think you've nailed the core of it.
             | Managing traffic over your network and the devices on your
             | network are very similar tasks that aim to accomplish very
             | similar things. However, they are not equivalent tasks.
             | Relying on traffic management to accomplish device
             | management eventually runs into conflicts. These may stem
             | from unmanaged devices, guest devices, unmanageable
             | devices, or the consequences of the total lack of
             | authentication and authorization.
             | Ultimately, managing traffic and managing devices are not
             | tasks that replace one another.
           | JoshTriplett wrote:
           | The vast majority of users do not have a "trusted network
           | administrator"; they have a hostile upstream network. That's
           | where the defaults come from. Trusting the network (or
           | anything outside of the device itself) should always be a
           | non-default setting, and nothing from the network should be
           | able to change that setting. You should have the _option_ of
           | configuring a device you own and control to make its traffic
           | inspectable, but that should never be the default.
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | You can bypass SNI inspection [0] with tools like GreenTunnel
         | [1] and Intra [2].
         | [0] https://twitter.com/vinifortuna/status/1304189371688660992
         | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22654737
         | [2] https://getintra.org/
           | d3nj4l wrote:
           | I can't find any source on intra working to prevent SNI
           | sniffing. The page itself only mentions DNS, and Googling
           | doesn't reveal any other source for that.
           | E: NVM, found it. It does like it uses split hellos.
             | [deleted]
           | darkwater wrote:
           | Thanks for the link, just tried Green Tunnel on the use case
           | where my ISP is blocking me and just managed to change the
           | error from PT_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR to PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR.
           | Side note, looks like that if installed by snap on Ubuntu
           | 20.10 it cannot automagically change the proxy configuration
           | in Gnome                 green-tunnel:system-proxy [SYSTEM
           | PROXY] error on SetProxy   (Error: Command failed: gsettings
           | set org.gnome.system.proxy mode manual       green-
           | tunnel:system-proxy /bin/sh: 1: gsettings: not found
           | Enabling proxy manually makes it work but yet, it doesn't
           | circumvent my ISP filtering :(
         | mmis1000 wrote:
         | The correct answer will be reverse, get rid of SNI completely
         | and enforce ESNI everywhere.
         | Most bad entity now only need to block ESNI, and then the
         | client will happily fallback to plain SNI.
         | If everyone enforce ESNI only, then it is not gonna going to
         | work.
         | Just like nowadays, a browser can't view https site is
         | completely useless because most of sites on internet were
         | already encrypted(and the percentage is only going to be more)
         | no matter how useful/useless the site is.
           | josephcsible wrote:
           | We don't need to kill regular SNI to fix that problem. If a
           | site's DNS record indicates that it supports eSNI, and a
           | connection with eSNI fails, then the browser should hard-
           | fail. And middleboxes can't lie about whether a site supports
           | eSNI, since that's protected by DNSSEC (and it should be
           | coming over DoH anyway). This would break the bad actors
           | without breaking every site that didn't upgrade to eSNI.
         | jgrahamc wrote:
         | About getting rid of SNI...
         | https://blog.cloudflare.com/encrypted-client-hello/ Been
         | working on that also.
           | darkwater wrote:
           | I wanted to link CF efforts on this also but somehow I
           | forgot. Thanks for sharing and I really hope you are
           | successful at this because what I experienced yesterday was
           | really infuriating. Even if having everything behind a CDN to
           | avoid ISP spying is still not the optimal solution, but at
           | least is an improvement given what ISPs have already shown.
       | zero_deg_kevin wrote:
       | No hubris here at all.
       | But seriously, fuck this protocol and fuck every other BigCorp-
       | sponsored protocol to remake the Internet. We the People Who
       | Implement Protocols are too busy keeping the lights on to chase
       | incremental, nice-to-have improvements.
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | I suspect that practical matters will interfere with widespread
       | adoption of encrypted DNS.
       | In my state, Comcast is going to start charging heavy bandwidth
       | users extra. After a few people get surprise bills, I suspect
       | that lawmakers will require that internet providers break down a
       | bill by application.
         | selfhoster11 wrote:
         | Mobile OSes already support per-application network usage
         | breakdowns. This is an OS-level feature, and not an ISP-level
         | feature.
         | joshspankit wrote:
         | After seeing similar things throughout the years, I feel like
         | that is _very_ doubtful. When tested, the push for privacy is
         | much stronger than the push for cost.
         | api wrote:
         | I'd just get Starlink. Even if the deal was worse in terms of
         | cost it would be a way to say fuck you to the ISP. Without some
         | way to do that ISPs will not be able to get away with such
         | customer hostile behavior.
           | mschuster91 wrote:
           | > Without some way to do that ISPs will not be able to get
           | away with such customer hostile behavior.
           | I guess it won't take long until the first community or HOA
           | decides to ban Starlink dish installations for faked "optical
           | nuisance" issues.
             | xxpor wrote:
             | The fcc will have something to say about that. They've
             | already banned rules against antennas and sat dishes for
             | TV.
             | lawnchair_larry wrote:
             | Faked? What other reason would an HOA have to ban them?
       | g42gregory wrote:
       | Do I understand this correctly that if DoH is implemented, none
       | of the firewalls will be able to block the web sites? Including
       | the pi-hole firewalls, as an example. If that's the case, this
       | situation can't stand for long. Does this meant that the DoH
       | would need to be extended to allow firewalls to decrypt it?
       | If not, here is a PaloAlto Networks blog advertising capability
       | to block all DoH traffic, presumably at work [0]. It looks like
       | you might not be able to use DoH at work, the way it currently
       | stands. I wonder what would be the right solution?
       | [0] https://live.paloaltonetworks.com/t5/blogs/protecting-
       | organi...
         | DoctorOW wrote:
         | What's stopping your PiHole from just getting its own HTTPS
         | cert?
           | g42gregory wrote:
           | I am still a noob to the networking. I just started using
           | OpenWrt router to manage my home network. OpenWrt has an
           | option to enable DNS over HTTPS. Is this all one would need
           | to do in order for the firewall rules still work with the DoH
           | browsers?
         | 1over137 wrote:
         | >Do I understand this correctly that if...
         | You understand correctly. DoH mostly defeats pihole and the
         | like. Presumably Google and other ad companies love this.
       | throwaway54235 wrote:
       | REMINDER: Research proves that it's easy to correlate IP
       | addresses in HTTP[S] connections with the domain you are
       | connecting to with a very high success rate.
       | You can resolve the websites from the Alexa top 100k list and
       | create a ipaddr -> website map that will successfully apply to
       | 90% of Internet traffic without ambiguity.
       | A lot of research papers also show how easy it is to fingerprint
       | and detect a TLS handshake.
       | Assuming the SNI problem is going to be solved, the other
       | problems are still here.
       | TL;DR: use Tor.
       | mlegner wrote:
       | The basic idea makes sense to me and it's great to see efforts to
       | improve DNS privacy. However, I'm not really convinced by
       | Cloudflare's analysis of the processing overhead:
       | The blog post only discusses how the proxying and encryption
       | affect latency but not the processing at the server. In contrast
       | to plain DoH (or DoT), where only symmetric cryptography is used
       | after the first set-up, ODoH requires asymmetric cryptography
       | (which is several orders of magnitude slower) for _each
       | individual request_. The  "less than 1ms" that they claim for the
       | 99th percentile is no problem for the client but it is a problem
       | for the resolver. Asymmetric cryptography is also used for
       | verifying DNSSEC responses, but this is only necessary for
       | records that are not cached.
       | On the other hand, an ODoH resolver may require to set up and
       | keep track of a lower number of TLS connections as the number of
       | proxies is likely smaller than the number of clients.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-12-08 23:00 UTC)