[HN Gopher] CSS in GitHub Readmes
       CSS in GitHub Readmes
       Author : MH15
       Score  : 271 points
       Date   : 2020-12-08 18:05 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | retox wrote:
       | Please don't turn github into myspace
       | boomskats wrote:
       | If anyone's interested, I'm particularly proud of my SVG
       | animations in this readme:
       | https://github.com/boemska/create-sas-app
         | felixfbecker wrote:
         | If you're interested in adding SVGs that look like truthful
         | screenshots, I wrote a Chrome/Firefox extension that can take
         | screenshots of webpages in SVG:
         | https://github.com/felixfbecker/svg-screenshots
         | It can't screen record an animation though, but it could be a
         | baseline for hand-animating the elements. Accepting PRs for
         | screen recording functionality :D
           | eins1234 wrote:
           | This is really cool!
           | Would be super helpful to have some example screenshots
           | linked in the readme though, to help set expectations.
             | felixfbecker wrote:
             | Here are some examples produced by the tests of the
             | underlying library, including HN, GitHub and the Google
             | homepage: https://github.com/felixfbecker/dom-to-
             | svg/suites/1630896833...
             | The tests take a PNG screenshot of the webpage, then a PNG
             | screenshot of the created SVG and pixelmatch the two. The
             | difference must be below 0.5% for tests to pass.
           | CharlesW wrote:
           | Whoa, if this does what I hope it does I'll be ecstatic!
           | Thank you!
           | (Here's the Chrome extension link for anyone who's
           | interested: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/svg-
           | screenshot/nfa...)
           | chaorace wrote:
           | Similar: emacs can take SVG screenshots of itself:
           | https://gist.githubusercontent.com/alphapapa/65b0b9d4b3f5534.
           | ..
         | jrib wrote:
         | what did you use to create them?
           | arusahni wrote:
           | Based on the SVG markup, termtosvg [1].
           | 1: https://github.com/nbedos/termtosvg
           | [deleted]
         | notretarded wrote:
         | Awfully laggy on slow machines.
           | boomskats wrote:
           | That's the termtosvg animation ruining it for all the others.
           | I'm actually going to replace it with a gif. The UI anims are
           | really smooth.
         | conceptualspace wrote:
         | ah i could have used this. my readme is a simulation of a
         | github profile ;)
         | https://github.com/conceptualspace
           | tomwojcik wrote:
           | Freezes mobile GH app on Android.
           | ggerganov wrote:
           | Cool idea, although with the new Dark mode on Github enabled
           | it was very easy to see what is going on :)
       | axihack wrote:
       | Some useful information about SVG security here
       | https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Security
       | rglover wrote:
       | Wow, you can even do media queries with this. Lots of ideas!
       | jrochkind1 wrote:
       | Ha, there seems to be no way to get github to show you the actual
       | source of this SVB (of any SVG?)
       | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sindresorhus/css-in-readme...
         | programbreeding wrote:
         | Do you mean this: https://github.com/sindresorhus/css-in-
         | readme-like-wat/blame... ?
       | joshspankit wrote:
       | Good lord.
       | What have you done??
       | keyle wrote:
       | I've never understood people that spend so much time making their
       | README pretty with emojis, fancy tables etc.
       | Don't get me wrong, documenting your work is very important, but
       | do it efficiently.
       | Github Readme's are turning more and more into developer myspace.
       | Just keep it text, to the point, start with why someone should
       | care, then once they care, show them how to use it.
       | When I see some kind of video embed, it's a huge turn off, I
       | don't want to watch some animation of your typos at high speed,
       | or your fish terminal.
       | "Show me the money".
         | voxl wrote:
         | You're assuming it takes that long to make these things.
         | You're also assuming your perception of the README is how most
         | people consume it. To that end, I'll offer a counter-anecdote,
         | I very much want a README to convey to me how the project is:
         | built, used, and what I should know about contributing to it.
         | For usage, having images and videos for certain tools is
         | priceless.
         | krimpenrik wrote:
         | I have to disagree, for beginner programmers those videos are
         | really help out, and if it's supported by a good text doc, it
         | is a win-win right?
         | throwaway03857 wrote:
         | Since I develop addons for blender my readmes contain gifs,
         | video embeds and all the things you undoubtedly hate because
         | that's the most efficient way to communicate what the tools
         | actually do and how to use them. Not everyone develops command
         | line tools.
         | tenaciousDaniel wrote:
         | > developer myspace
         | I don't think a better description is possible
           | godot wrote:
           | I feel like GitHub has been taking a direction of a "social
           | network for developers" for a while now, so that description
           | is probably accurate.
         | ulisesrmzroche wrote:
         | I've never understood hn fascination with boring and ugly plain
         | text sites. Reminds me of the infamous Dropbox comment.
           | SoSoRoCoCo wrote:
           | Because they are reliable and consistent. This isn't a place
           | where novelty is appropriate, IMHO.
           | The IETF nails it with their RFCs, e.g.:
           | https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545
             | felixfbecker wrote:
             | RFCs have a terrible reading experience. Especially on
             | mobile or on a wide screen.
           | wongarsu wrote:
           | People who love boring and ugly plain text sites are bound to
           | be over-represented on a forum with an absolutely bare-bones
           | plaintext-like design.
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | > Reminds me of the infamous Dropbox comment.
           | For reference:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9224
         | sam_bristow wrote:
         | It depends on the project for me.
         | If it's a graphical tool a screenshot can help a lot in
         | deciding it of does what I need.
         | If it's a library a quick code snippet can give me a feel of
         | whether it'll be a good fit for my project
         | I do tend to agree about the "Developer MySpace" feel of a lot
         | of repos though.
       | dheera wrote:
       | All I see is an embedded SVG (?) not actual CSS in the readme.
       | I mean for that matter I could just use an iFrame to embed a HTML
       | file.
         | keithnz wrote:
         | you need to look at the svg code, svg can embed html/css/js
       | rhacker wrote:
       | That can be a better way to do terminal sessions in readmes
       | instead of animated gifs.
         | derefr wrote:
         | Sadly, SVG still doesn't let you pause the animation, let alone
         | copy-and-paste embedded text.
         | Given the number of Github projects that want terminal
         | "demonstrations", I'm surprised Github hasn't just provided
         | first-party support for it (with e.g. a fancy renderer for
         | script(1) code-embeds, that would play back the script session
         | by writing regular DOM text nodes; and which would give you
         | transport controls to pause, scrub through, skip around, etc.)
         | While they're at it, they could also allow embedding of some
         | kind of slide-deck format. Using GIFs for slides has all the
         | same problems. (Hopefully nothing as fancy/complex as PPT; more
         | like a basic-PostScript-profile PDF renderer, that would auto-
         | carousel through the PDF's pages, until you begin interacting
         | with it.)
           | runarberg wrote:
           | > Sadly, SVG still doesn't let you pause the animation
           | Not even through `animation-play-state: paused;`? e.g:
           | :hover {           animation-play-state: paused;         }
             | uponcoffee wrote:
             | The termtosvg repo linked by another commentor seems to
             | have a pausable example in their examples gallery, so it
             | appears to be doable.
           | nitrogen wrote:
           | Does :focus or :hover apply to CSS in SVG in an <img/> tag?
           | If so, you could use those to implement a sort of pause by
           | combining with the next-sibling operator (actually I really
           | really like the + operator in CSS selectors, because a lot of
           | things that people think you need JS to do can be done with a
           | combination of :focus and +).
         | runarberg wrote:
         | At the very least support videos. That would make a lot of
         | people happy, from being able to pause and fast forward demos
         | in READMEs to issue filers that record the issue with a screen
         | recorder.
         | Cloudef wrote:
         | There's already https://github.com/nbedos/termtosvg for that
         | purpose
       | 2bitencryption wrote:
       | can you escape the "sandbox" and alter CSS values from the
       | github.com host itself?
       | i.e. make the "login" button invisible, hide some text, etc?
       | slmjkdbtl wrote:
       | DOOM when?
       | vikbez wrote:
       | Fun :D it remembers me when I did this index.svg page like 10
       | years ago: https://vik.io/index.svg
       | I then used svg animation, but still seems to work perfectly
       | today !
         | kdeldycke wrote:
         | SVG seems like a under-utilized method! ;)
       | pickledcods wrote:
       | You can use scripted SVG in combination with github pages HTML
       | using:
       | <embed src="scripted-svg.svg" type="image/svg+xml" width="200"
       | height="200">
       | I couldn't get it working with README.md, so tipping the hat to
       | the author!
       | The only problem and with the experience I got trying using it,
       | is that the concept of viewport is botched. I was hoping that the
       | embedded JS would have working metrics for the viewed
       | width/height, which it does not.
       | That means that mouse events and such have transformed
       | coordinates, not matching the position of the cursor.
       | I have this small project demonstrating the ways embedded JS gets
       | rendered. I think I'm going to revise it and see if both projects
       | can be merged.
       | https://github.com/xyzzy/scripted-svg
       | izgzhen wrote:
       | https://dochost.me Shameless promotion of a tool for hosting
       | fancy rendered CSS/HTML in Github as a permalink w/ comment box.
       | nathell wrote:
       | Neat, but doesn't work in GitHub's Android app.
       | app4soft wrote:
       | For 2021 we need more CPU & power-up cooling system just to read
       | `README.md`
       | mariopt wrote:
       | Isn't this a privacy issue? You can track when someone loads the
       | readme.md on the browser with a remote background image/fonts.
       | pelasaco wrote:
       | Let's see how many days it takes to Samy 2020 reborn
       | Reference: https://samy.pl/myspace/tech.html
         | ehsankia wrote:
         | https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/61/
       | remoquete wrote:
       | Neat, and quite fun, but that's not what essential documentation
       | is for.
       | suyash wrote:
       | clever and cool!
       | felixfbecker wrote:
       | If only this was accessible. All a screen reader will announce is
       | "image" plus the alt text, you cannot navigate any of the text
       | inside the SVG when it's embedded with <img>. I was always
       | surprised that noone ever talks about this with regard to SVG
       | badges in readmes. You can if it's embedded with <object> or
       | <iframe> though, but GitHub doesn't allow that in markdown (just
       | like they don't allow many useful things like <video>, forcing
       | people to use GIFs instead). <iframe> actually being the more
       | secure option here because you can disallow all scripts using
       | <iframe sandbox> (and GitHub could easily enforce that).
       | <iframes> still can't stretch to the content though without using
       | JS even in 2020.
         | TooCreative wrote:
         | I doubt iframes can stretch to the content even with JS.
         | Maybe for special cases, where the content is from the same
         | domain or is actively messaging the size outwards so you can
         | code some interplay between the outer page and the iframe. But
         | neither side can do it alone.
           | matt_kantor wrote:
           | I'm on mobile and can't double check this right now, but
           | couldn't you resize the frame until it no longer scrolls?
           | bacondude3 wrote:
           | There are projects such as iFrame Resizer [0] for this, and
           | you're correct that it does require cooperation from the
           | iframe source.
           | [0]: https://davidjbradshaw.github.io/iframe-resizer/
         | ancarda wrote:
         | Aren't SVG badges meant to be non-essential? Just display some
         | stats to show-off?
         | Edit: To clarify, I'd love to see SVGs become more accessible,
         | but I would hope the lack of support today isn't a problem as
         | far as README shields.
           | felixfbecker wrote:
           | If they are useful for sighted users, they are also useful to
           | non-sighted users. E.g. if it is useful for a sighted user to
           | read the weekly download count of a package to get a sense
           | for how popular it is, to read the latest version, the
           | license, etc (it arguably is) then the same applies to a non-
           | sighted user. They shouldn't be forced to find and collect
           | all that same information elsewhere (if it's available at
           | all).
         | Sephr wrote:
         | Accessibility software absolutely could read text from SVGs
         | embedded using img tags. Just because none do so yet doesn't
         | mean that it won't be done.
           | SahAssar wrote:
           | Having a11y tools read svg's in img's as a part of the dom
           | tree seems like it goes against the spec which says "An img
           | element represents an image", and in basically all other
           | places of the spec an image either has a proper alternate
           | representation (the alt attribute) or is not parsed for a11y
           | purposes.
           | This is a hack to be able to embed design within a tool that
           | was never meant for graphic design. If github readmes where
           | meant to be both accessible and designable they would not be
           | just markdown/rst.
           | Your suggestion means a11y software having a hack that goes
           | against the spec to enable a hack that was used to circumvent
           | a platform that knowingly crippled it's document
           | representation because they thought it would be used for
           | mostly unstyled info.
         | firloop wrote:
         | I imagine the hard part of securing <iframe /> tags isn't the
         | sandbox, but instead maintaining user privacy. GitHub caches
         | and proxies all of the images they render. One of the benefits
         | of this is that a 3rd party can't fingerprint or otherwise log
         | information about the requester. Seems a lot harder to get that
         | right in the <iframe /> case.
       | kodah wrote:
       | Can't SVG's also be used to run code?
       | Yes, you can:
       | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5378559/including-javasc...
       | brb as I write a follow up article.
         | guessmyname wrote:
         | Yes, that's what I am thinking. I can imagine hundreds of
         | security researchers writing a proof of concept to report this
         | "feature" as a security problem to GitHub's bug bounty program.
           | bamboleo wrote:
           | There's nothing to report. For all intents and purposes SVG
           | files are treated exactly like images. All interactivity and
           | even the ability to load other resources is disabled.
           | FYI millions of readmes have had SVG badges for years.
             | jancsika wrote:
             | I'm not sure that's true.
             | For example, what happens when you right-click "View image"
             | on an svg file? Does embedded JS get run in that case?
             | fractionalhare wrote:
             | Pretty sure they're just making a joke that a lot of bug
             | bounty programs get tons of bullshit reports from security
             | "researchers" who don't understand what they're doing.
             | They're not actually claiming there's a legitimate issue.
         | porphyra wrote:
         | I think allowing scripts and stuff in SVGs was a huge mistake
         | that is why they are still not widely supported yet. For
         | example you can't upload or send SVGs as images in typical
         | messaging services or image sharing sited, in part because it
         | would be a security vulnerability.
         | But as a consequence now we (still) have no easily portable
         | vector format :'(
         | frabjoused wrote:
         | I just tried this in a Github readme, it looks like Github
         | removes the JS.
         | Would be interesting to try to find a hole in this.
           | bamboleo wrote:
           | There is no hole. The SVG is loaded as an image. If you find
           | a hole, it would be in the browser's handling of SVG images,
           | which would be a pretty big hole.
         | NiekvdMaas wrote:
         | GitHub uses Camo [1] to serve assets like images and SVG files.
         | It removes any "dangerous" code like JS from the file before
         | serving it from a GitHub CDN.
         | 1. https://github.com/atmos/camo
           | buro9 wrote:
           | Are you sure?
           | Yes they use Camo, but that's a proxy to ensure that you
           | don't serve JS from the same domain as github.com so that 3rd
           | party assets have the JavaScript domain security policy
           | applied.
           | I do not believe that Camo is a sanitising proxy... just a
           | proxy.
             | kebman wrote:
             | Oh my! Never knew SVG was such a rabbit hole lol! Thanks
             | for this info!
           | wruza wrote:
           | Ah svg, reminds me these fine windows metafile days.
           | Seriously, can we stop inventing _formats_ that execute
           | _arbitrary code_ under the hood?
             | colejohnson66 wrote:
             | The problem isn't SVG necessarily. It's a nice vector
             | format with _many_ hidden features available to those who
             | explore (especially with SVG 2 around the corner). The
             | problem is JavaScript. Unfortunately, there's not much one
             | can do if they want interactive images[a][b] short of a
             | Turing Complete language. And if you're going to need that,
             | JavaScript's right there (for better or for worse).
             | [a]: Embedding the SVG directly into the HTML and
             | manipulating it using the JavaScript in the HTML is an
             | option, but not many people do that
             | [b]: We can argue all we want about whether we should be
             | making interactive images in the first place, but the fact
             | of the matter is, either you add it to your format, or
             | someone else will
             | gitgud wrote:
             | Can svg's even do anything malicious with that capability?
         | favorited wrote:
         | One version of the SVG standard had raw socket support, which
         | thankfully was removed.
         | They basically wanted everything that Flash had.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | When you load an SVG file as an image, JavaScript is not
         | executed, but SMIL animations and CSS (which includes
         | animations) are.
         | If you open the SVG file _directly_ , then JavaScript will be
         | executed. But any hosting platforms that hosts your content on
         | their domain should filter out any JavaScript on SVG as it
         | would on HTML.
           | inetknght wrote:
           | > _But any hosting platforms that hosts your content on their
           | domain should filter out any JavaScript on SVG as it would on
           | HTML._
           | That's definitely not a thing that happens. Web servers just
           | serve the file as-is.
             | mormegil wrote:
             | The point is they either need to filter the served content,
             | or serve it from a different domain (e.g.
             | githubusercontent.com), otherwise you have XSS-like
             | problems.
               | michaelmior wrote:
               | My understanding is that things like this are one of the
               | reasons GitHub moved GitHub Pages subdomains from
               | github.com to github.io.
             | [deleted]
             | felixfbecker wrote:
             | GitHub raw endpoints do it. They will either serve the SVG
             | without an image/svg+xml Content-Type, making it not render
             | in the browser, or you have to append ?sanitize=true to the
             | URL which will, as the name suggest, sanitize it.
             | Kiro wrote:
             | See https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25350248
       | antirez wrote:
       | Maybe to focus just on the content, for that special place of the
       | web that Github is, made some sense as well.
       (page generated 2020-12-08 23:00 UTC)