[HN Gopher] $100 robot kit running ROS2 and Navigation2
       $100 robot kit running ROS2 and Navigation2
       Author : jackp510
       Score  : 83 points
       Date   : 2020-12-11 18:56 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.hadabot.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.hadabot.com)
       | blt wrote:
       | Re: the "what is ROS?" question asked by many on this thread:
       | Like others have said, ROS includes a serialization protocol with
       | codegen, a pub/sub and RPC messaging system with discovery, a
       | build system, a configuration file system, logging system, and a
       | repository of packages using them.
       | You might ask: why is it popular? One reason: it was started
       | before the current ubiquitous solutions for those things were
       | ubiquitous.
       | But I think the main reason is: in robotics, we use a lot of
       | semantically complex data like high-dimensional sensor readings,
       | probabilistic models of the world, representations of rotation
       | and angular velocities, etc., and we need to do a lot of things
       | with that data. For example, suppose we use a vision system to
       | identify objects from a camera. We don't just display that
       | information to a user -- it becomes the input to the high level
       | planner, which is its own complex system.
       | If your object recognition library and your planning library are
       | both pure C++ libraries, then they probably each define their own
       | classes for the datatype "list of (bounding box, object name)
       | pairs". You need to write glue code to use the libraries
       | together.
       | However, if those libraries are both ROS packages, the idiomatic
       | thing is to publish a package containing only message definitions
       | (like vision_msgs [1]) and have both libraries produce / consume
       | that. This makes it easier to put together complex systems that
       | pass around highly structured data, because you don't have to
       | constantly write glue code to get your libraries to work
       | together.
       | TL;DR: ROS is popular because it's like a big collection of
       | .proto or .thrift files for complex robotics datatypes that
       | everyone agrees to use in their libraries.
       | [1] https://index.ros.org/p/vision_msgs
       | lxe wrote:
       | I'm trying to figure out what ROS2 is -- judging by the docs and
       | tutorials it seems like a very low level and abstract piece of
       | complex software but I'm struggling to understand its
       | practicality.
       | Can someone provide an ELI5 or like a few sentences of a "pitch"
       | style overview?
         | richmattes wrote:
         | ROS isn't really one thing. Per the "about"[1] it's really made
         | up of several pieces:
         | Plumbing:
         | ROS is centered around a publish/subscribe messaging framework,
         | with a central broker that ROS processes (called nodes)
         | register with to advertise their publications and request
         | subscriptions. Message definitions that are passed on the
         | pub/sub "topics" are specified in language agnostic Interface
         | Definition Language (IDL) files. There's an RPC service layer
         | built on top of the messaging infrastructure, and the central
         | broker also hosts a 'parameter server' database that nodes can
         | use to query or update named values. ROS client libraries that
         | provide APIs for topics/services/parameters are provided for
         | several languages, primarily C++ and Python. A set of commonly
         | used message definitions and conventions, which form de-facto
         | standard interfaces, are used to establish interoperability and
         | substitutability between ROS nodes.
         | Tools:
         | ROS provides build tools for individual software packages based
         | on CMake and custom metadata embedded in an xml file. Packages
         | can be grouped into workspaces, built with ROS tools, and
         | workspaces can be layered on top of one another. Other ROS
         | tools exist for process management (the launch system),
         | introspection of running ROS processes, interaction with
         | topics/services, and visualization of message data published
         | with well-known message types. This list is by no means
         | comprehensive
         | Capabilities:
         | Building on the concepts of publication/subscription with
         | shared interface descriptions, and the package abstraction,
         | various packages are publicly available that use ROS interfaces
         | to accomplish various functions. These could include reading
         | data from a sensor and converting the data to a ROS message,
         | implementing robotic navigation algorithms, providing a
         | visualization or UI, or controlling the behavior of a
         | simulation. It's possible to build on and modify a lot of
         | existing capabilities to build a system, which arguably speeds
         | up the
         | Ecosystem:
         | ROS is widely used across industry and academia, and there's
         | lots of people familiar with its workings. These people work
         | together to advance the state of the art of the ROS framework
         | and the capabilities implemented with it, the
         | standards/conventions for interoperating with various
         | components, and
         | ROS 2 is an evolution of ROS. It keeps a lot of the same
         | concepts, but replaces the bespoke pub/sub messaging protocol
         | with an abstraction to plug in lower-level messaging libraries
         | (DDS is used by default). The reasons and motivations for
         | starting over with ROS 2 are outlined here[2], but may require
         | some familiarity with ROS 1 to get all of the nuance.
         | [1] https://www.ros.org/about-ros/ [2]
         | https://design.ros2.org/articles/why_ros2.html
         | stefan_ wrote:
         | ROS itself is basically a glorified message bus, and the
         | ecosystem around it allows you to quickly cobble together a
         | robot from disparate parts (use one thing to publish frames
         | from your specific camera model, feed it into some other module
         | that does SLAM).
         | Very popular in research, so in practice little of it really
         | works together, much is abandoned and most stuff barely
         | compiles. Lately there have been "smart" people thinking they
         | can just install ROS and presto robot AI startup. These people
         | are in for a harsh lesson.
           | a_t48 wrote:
           | > Lately there have been "smart" people thinking they can
           | just install ROS and presto robot AI startup. These people
           | are in for a harsh lesson.
           | Oh, but they can. The "presto AI" part is easy. Making a
           | working product after ROS collapses under its own weight is
           | the tough bit.
         | ethbr0 wrote:
         | ROS is a helper framework, for people who would otherwise be
         | implementing low-level embedded interfaces to arbitrary
         | hardware, so that they can share more of their work.
         | It's like Rails, if instead of targeting the web your
         | deployment platform were an unmanned autonomous submarine
         | vehicle.
         | And you needed to support a donated Russian sonar, some second-
         | hand one-off logic boards, some sensors you soldered together
         | in your lab, and implement a navigation algorithm you only have
         | in research paper form.
         | ska wrote:
         | Basically ROS is a collection of libraries, mostly for and by
         | researchers for interfacing with and controlling robots.
         | Libraries exist at different levels of abstraction, but it is
         | for the most part not exactly plug-and-play.
         | It's super useful if you are for example building robots in an
         | academic lab, say, or re purposing existing hardware &
         | software. The further you get from that environment, the less
         | obvious the fit will be. But if you are playing around with
         | robotics, ROS can help you avoid reinventing a whole bunch of
         | wheels just to get started.
         | jackp510 wrote:
         | The short elevator pitch in my "unofficial" over-simplified own
         | words - "ROS is framework to program complex robotics
         | applications that encourages modularity and shareability of
         | modules. ROS is to robotics development what Django/Rails is to
         | web development."
         | ROS2 is version 2 of the original ROS framework.
         | As a results of the ROS framework, a number of modules
         | (packages in ROS-talk) for complex robotics algorithms,
         | functionality has been implemented by companies / the community
         | and shared among each other.
         | For instance, Hadabot reuses the Navigation package (along with
         | many others) that has been pre-impremented which allows me to
         | employ many robotics functionalities without having to re-
         | invent the wheel.
       | ducktective wrote:
       | I'm really struggling in learning ROS in a _systematic_ way. The
       | tutorials are all over the place and somehow unorganized IMO.
       | When trying to replicate stuff on my machine, all kinds of weird
       | errors pop up.
       | Honestly, I don't even __get __what ROS is about? Like it seems
       | it is an "amalgamation" of tools and scripts to create a general
       | API with some ideas of robotics application in mind. Also the
       | naming of its stack seems weird to me: tf2, MoveIt!, the over-
       | loading of terms like joint controller, robot controller, etc...
       | If anyone can point me to a free, coherent and hands-on study
       | plan or guide with exercises that actually build and run fine
       | that would be awesome.
         | qchris wrote:
         | I have this exact same problem. I'm not exactly sure why, but
         | finding _useful_ examples has been a serious pain point for me.
         | It seems like there 's a serious dearth of material between the
         | "here's the absolute smallest thing you can do" and "now we're
         | going to built the F-35, but with ROS!". Like, I want to
         | subscribe to and manipulate the value in a topic. Fine. But how
         | about _two_ topics in the same program? All of a sudden my code
         | won 't compile and the tutorials aren't helpful.
         | Especially with the release of ROS2 (which, frustratingly,
         | seems to be rarely stand-alone, in that the learning process
         | often references or links to ROS(1) code through things like
         | rosbridge), it's just been a frustrating experience. If someone
         | were to release a paid textbook walk-through that actually
         | explains it in a systematic, stand-alone, way with linked
         | repositories, I'd buy it tomorrow.
         | Which, I suppose, is sort of exactly where this kit is aimed!
         | jackp510 wrote:
         | This is exactly what I'm trying to address with Hadabot. A
         | systematic / opinionated way to learn ROS (specifically ROS 2),
         | understand its significance, in a hands-on manner, with a real
         | robot. The next milestone for Hadabot is a very simple
         | introductory ROS robotics curriculum / syllabus that is not as
         | intimidating as a MOOC, requires low mental load to get started
         | and reach various milestones. Lots of hard work ahead to get
         | this right! Don't hesitate to reach out w thoughts and opinions
         | - jack AT hadabot DOT com - Jack
         | ethbr0 wrote:
         | I can't offer any modern links, but some background and framing
         | that might help a bit.
         | Disclaimer: Everything to follow circa-2010. Modern ROS* may be
         | substantially different.
         | First, and most importantly, "Why ROS?" To which one might
         | reply "To run robots," but that's not _really_ why.
         | Historically, ROS' purpose is so that researchers can avoid
         | rewriting boilerplate linking / low-level code, and reuse high-
         | level components developed elsewhere.
         | To that end, ROS provides two main functional components: a
         | standardized message bus, and a somewhat-structured framework
         | into which one can plug arbitrary modules. So yes, closer to an
         | API/spec than an OS.
         | So the easiest way to think about ROS (the base framework) is
         | as a no-batteries-, no-motor-, no-X-included kit. Bring your
         | own everything. And for values of everything, where there is
         | likely some component out there that does X... but that
         | component isn't ROS.
         | So you (as it sounds like) essentially end up with the
         | JavaScript ecosystem problem, except moreso. Do I use X or Y
         | for this purpose? Does X integrate cleanly with A? Does Y?
         | When you look at ROS as something useful to a PhD student
         | pursuing their robotics dissertation on SLAM, but who doesn't
         | want to write all the other bits, it makes a bit more sense.
         | mikepurvis wrote:
         | I've been doing ROS professionally for ten years and have
         | presented twice at ROSCon. I would argue that part of the
         | difficulty with this is that ROS is many different things to
         | different people. I'm a low level platform/OS/firmware guy, so
         | I tend to care most about the build system, dependency
         | management, the relationship with the host OS, the standardized
         | sensor messages, and the approach to logging (rosbag).
         | People in the perception space may care more about all the
         | standard camera drivers, the publicly available SLAM datasets,
         | and the zero copy nodelet system for passing image date through
         | a pipeline.
         | People in controls care about the simulator integration, and
         | the flexibility of move_base and its successors through a rich
         | plugin system.
         | Then there are people doing stuff with manipulators, people
         | doing realtime industrial stuff, people doing quadcopters,
         | people doing academic research, people trying to build a
         | product, people doing web frontends.
         | It's a lot of use-cases, so it's hard to recommend any one
         | "getting started" path because it depends a lot what your
         | interests are and your expected end goal. But generally
         | speaking a safe option is to get a robot like Turtlebot up in
         | the simulator, get it map-making and navigating autonomously,
         | and then start mutating that-- add more sensors to it, or write
         | your own planner, or make an rviz plugin that does something
         | interesting, etc. Maybe swap out gmapping for cartographer, or
         | set it up to explore on its own.
         | These kinds of tasks will familiarize you with a lot of the
         | tools that _almost every_ ROS person uses, so that you 'll have
         | more of a sense of what the potential next steps are.
         | DoctorDabadedoo wrote:
         | > Honestly, I don't even get what ROS is about?
         | You can think ROS as a framework aimed at developing robotic
         | applications (similar to what a REST framework would be for
         | developing a web API). With it you get access to a lot of open
         | source packages and tools out of the box (simulation via
         | Gazebo, native process communication using pub/subs, autonomous
         | navigation, joint transformation, etc.). There is a lot of
         | dependence handling to make a robot work (component drivers,
         | real time comm, planners, SLAM, the list goes on), if you are
         | able to abstract something of the pipeline, it's worth it.
         | The whole thing might not seem very concise, but looking back,
         | it was released aiming to facilitate research development, all
         | these packages are maintained indepently. ROS2 is an attempt to
         | tackle some architecture and scope issues brought up by the
         | industry.
       (page generated 2020-12-11 23:00 UTC)