[HN Gopher] The Piet-GPU Vision
       The Piet-GPU Vision
       Author : adwn
       Score  : 67 points
       Date   : 2020-12-11 08:08 UTC (1 days ago)
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       | nemo1618 wrote:
       | Gotta say, I was hoping this was an implementation of Piet that
       | ran on the GPU: https://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/piet.html
         | boothby wrote:
         | Glad I wasn't the only one! I could probably shoehorn a cuda
         | backend into repiet... but I don't even know where to start on
         | generating optimized code from this horrible stack-based
         | language.
       | 6d65 wrote:
       | I've been playing with OpenCL lately. Is such a shame that the
       | support is so spotty, and even Apple(who I think started it,
       | probably as a CUDA alternative for their AMD cards), are
       | deprecating it.
       | Even with it not being able to squeeze all the perf from a
       | device, it's still handy, especially being a cross device api.
       | It would've been ideal for piet, especially since compute kernels
       | can also be run on CPU on all cores, given a CPU driver. And I
       | think some OpenCL implementations support spirv. So it wouldn't
       | have needed any fallbacks, the same kernels would run either on
       | CPU or GPUs.
       | I'm still going to use it for my project. But, it's a shame that
       | AMD RoCm OpenCL doesn't support running kernels on their CPUs.
       | Also, Rust might benefit from something like SYCL. There is some
       | attractive convenience in having a DSL built into the language
       | for parallel computing. But one can dream.
       | littlestymaar wrote:
       | I have one question in case Raph passes by:
       | Isn't that a bit risky to go this deep? If I understand things
       | correctly, you are currently trying to build a font editor in
       | Rust(runebender). Because there is no good UI library in Rust,
       | and there's good reason to think Rust is a good fit for this, you
       | want to build your own (Druid). So far so good. But, now you are
       | also trying to build your own 2D renderer and not a basic one:
       | you want to advance the state of the art in that field too.
       | Not that I'm not exited, because if all this lands, it will be
       | super great for the Rust ecosystem, but sometimes because you're
       | so deep in the rabbit hole, I'm afraid you get burned-out (or
       | bored) and that everything would be lost because nothing would be
       | polished enough to be usable at that point.
       | Is that a risk you're taking on purpose? Or is it just that you
       | have a plan to avoid it?
       | Thanks in advance.
         | fhars wrote:
         | On the other hand, looking at Raph's previous activities, I
         | wouldn't be too surprised if all those other things you
         | describe are just project management kung-fu to put him in a
         | position where he just hast to continue to do research that
         | advances the state of 2D rendering.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | One thing that Raph is exceptionally good at is building a
         | community around these sorts of things, and guiding it in the
         | right direction. None of these things are being built by Raph
         | alone, though he's definitely still a primary worker in a lot
         | of them.
         | pavlov wrote:
         | I'm not someone of Raph's caliber, but this reminds me of my
         | own career rabbit hole.
         | In 2002 I was a film student with a "new media" side job
         | (that's what they used to call web/Flash development). I had
         | cleared my schedule for six months so I could work on an
         | ambitious animation project mixing 2D and 3D. As I got started,
         | I figured I'd need to write some scripts for a 3D application I
         | was using (Softimage). Looking deeper, I came to the conclusion
         | my needs were complex enough that I should write a small
         | separate application rather than scripts. Then I realized my
         | application would need a little compositing engine to mirror
         | what existed in Softimage. To make that work fast enough, I
         | needed to learn about GPU shaders (brand new at the era). Also
         | I needed to learn about YUV pixel formats and media
         | containers...
         | Flash forward 18 years, I'm still at the bottom of this rabbit
         | hole, sometimes halfheartedly looking for the door to go back
         | up but just finding more glimpses into weirder wonderlands. I
         | wrote another YUV compositor just a couple of months ago, but
         | haven't made a serious attempt at animation in probably 15
         | years.
         | I wonder if other people have this kind of experience, and
         | whether there's some kind of law of "tech stack career gravity"
         | in evidence here. When you become expert in something lower
         | level, it increases the "career delta-v" to move back up.
           | [deleted]
         | raphlinus wrote:
         | This is a good question, and I'm well aware of the broad scope
         | of my projects, especially spanning low to high level.
         | A few things might help put this in context. First, Druid well
         | predated Runebender, though Runebender is now the "hero app"
         | (before, it was xi-editor, now on the back burner).
         | Second, I have a _lot_ of experience doing high performance 2D
         | and font rendering, from libart to working on the PDF 1.4 blend
         | modes in Ghostscript to font-rs. I 've also been curious about
         | GPU for a while, not least because that was what was actually
         | painting the text on Android, and I worked on the Android UI
         | team for almost 5 years. So now that GPU compute is becoming
         | mainstream, I see an almost unique opportunity to apply my
         | skills there.
         | Third, I'm not doing all this by myself. I'm deliberately
         | trying to cultivate open source community involvement and,
         | really, building a team, though it has diffuse borders. Now is
         | also a good time to acknowledge my long-time collaboration with
         | Colin Rofls, who does a huge amount of the day to day work on
         | both Runebender and Druid.
         | Lastly, I published this in advance of a career move, which is
         | becoming a research software engineer on the Google Fonts team.
         | I believe this is a perfect position for me to continue pushing
         | this research agenda forward, and I'm hoping will bring more
         | resources and focus.
         | There is no chance of me getting bored doing this. Burnout is
         | something I'm watching carefully, as I have experienced it (it
         | was the end of my time on Android), but one thing I discovered
         | in my 2.5 years away from being a full-timer at Google is that
         | graphics research is what I love the most, and would probably
         | be doing even if it wasn't also a good career move.
           | jancsika wrote:
           | > a lot of experience doing high performance 2D
           | Is there a good ELI5 about the current state of 2D GPU
           | acceleration?
             | raphlinus wrote:
             | As I posted to a similar request, this is an arcane field,
             | and different things are meant by 2D - in games, it's
             | largely painting sprites from sprite sheets, I think of it
             | as involving vector graphics, and there are other contexts.
             | I think a good blog post that motivates some of the main
             | differences between 2D and 3D in the GPU context is this
             | one: https://blog.mecheye.net/2019/05/why-is-2d-graphics-
             | is-harde...
       | anchpop wrote:
       | I think Rust and Haskell, due to their irrelevance in industry
       | and general "nerdiness", attract a certain type of hacker.
       | Specifically I've noticed that there are some libraries for both
       | languages that are just _so_ good that they make you never want
       | to use anything else. One example in Haskell is Megaparsec [0],
       | by far the best point in the parser framework design-space I 'm
       | aware of. An example in Rust is wgpu-rs, which maybe isn't "all
       | the way there" yet but is already turning into a very ergonomic
       | low-level rendering API. Although I haven't used them, I think
       | piet-gpu and pathfinder may be in this category also. I don't
       | have a link handy but I remember seeing a tweet from the
       | developer of Pathfinder where he was reverse-engineering MacOS's
       | idiosyncratic font rendering so he could generate identical-
       | looking output as the native renderer. That's going above-and-
       | beyond what any reasonable library developer would do and I love
       | it.
       | I'm not saying there aren't any great libraries for other
       | languages (there certainly are, like Halide for C++) but that I'm
       | more often pleasantly surprised by the library quality in Haskell
       | and Rust than I am in other languages (when there are libraries
       | available, anyway).
       | [0]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/megaparsec
       | [1]: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu-rs
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | I'm not sure you can really characterise Rust as irrelevant to
         | industry anymore (with some of the most widely used software
         | written in Rust and FAANG companies hiring core developers),
         | but I do agree that it has an unusually high quality standard
         | for libraries (I'm unfamiliar with the Haskell ecosystem but I
         | hear good things).
         | However, I think that while some of it is certainly cultural, a
         | lot of it is due to the type systems in these languages being a
         | lot more powerful which allows for more expressive APIs and
         | more robust error handling, etc.
         | kvark wrote:
         | Wgpu-rs is also going down the rabbit hole of re-inventing the
         | world: in addition to implementing WebGPU and targeting all the
         | GPU APIs that are available, we are also trying to do all the
         | shader translation ourselves now (project Naga). I hope to not
         | be burned by this.
         | Pathfinder future is unclear. It's not ready to be integrated
         | into WebRender yet, and Patrick no longer works for Mozilla. I
         | see no activity on their projects. Would appreciate if they
         | show up here and clarity.
         | adamnemecek wrote:
         | Rust is gaining traction like nothing else.
       | neolog wrote:
       | What is an introduction to the basic concepts and terminology
       | being discussed here?
       | (I write software but nothing GPU- or graphics-related.)
         | raphlinus wrote:
         | Unfortunately, both 2D graphics and the programming of Vulkan
         | compute shaders are very arcane topics, and the intersection of
         | the two basically maxes out.
         | For GPU programming, I have a list of resources here:
         | https://raphlinus.github.io/gpu/2020/02/12/gpu-
         | resources.htm..., and also a talk here:
         | https://www.janestreet.com/tech-talks/a-taste-of-gpu-compute...
         | Re 2D graphics, a long term ambition of mine is to write a book
         | on the topic (and I have a repo started with a rough, bullet
         | point outline), largely because I don't know of any source that
         | brings the concepts together. I don't think I'll be able to
         | spend significant time on it, though, as I have my hands pretty
         | full. I am hoping to do more explaining and public
         | communication as part of my piet-gpu work.
         | A good snapshot of GPU font rendering work from 3 years ago is:
         | https://aras-p.info/blog/2017/02/15/Font-Rendering-is-Gettin...
         | . The linked papers are quite good and have informed my
         | thinking, though of course I hope to advance the state of the
         | art even further.
       (page generated 2020-12-12 23:00 UTC)