[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Was 20% time a good policy for Google's work...
       Ask HN: Was 20% time a good policy for Google's working culture?
       I know the policy doesn't really exist anymore, but I still like
       the idea a lot in principle (for large and financially secure
       startups, say 1k developers and up). Just wondering what Xooglers
       and others think about it.
       Author : swyx
       Score  : 181 points
       Date   : 2020-12-12 10:37 UTC (1 days ago)
       | chamberecho wrote:
       | I have no idea if it was good for their culture since I never
       | worked there... but I reckon a lot of corporate software
       | engineering jobs have the same luxury, informally. I work at a
       | big US bank where you might not expect such freedom, but in
       | reality there is great flexibility to do things outside of the
       | normal day to day BAU, simply because it's not hard to deliver a
       | sufficient amount of work in less time than you're expected to be
       | in the office (or covid equivalent), and nobody keeps that close
       | an eye on what you do anyway. Still, with all that freedom people
       | don't always use it for good, they may actually just bunk off...
         | onion2k wrote:
         | _Still, with all that freedom people don 't always use it for
         | good, they may actually just bunk off..._
         | I imagine no one at Google used their 20% time project to bunk
         | off, simply because it was 20% of their working time, and not
         | 20% of their contracted hours. If you're supposed to do 40
         | hours a week but you actually spend 80 hours working on _work_
         | and 20 hours on your 20% project then you aren 't bunking off.
           | Privacy846 wrote:
           | Why would one do twice the hours that one is paid for? That
           | makes no sense. :)
         | ng12 wrote:
         | > Still, with all that freedom people don't always use it for
         | good, they may actually just bunk off...
         | This is the right call. If you ever actually move the needle on
         | anything important your fun 20% project will assuredly be taken
         | over by middle management and you will get pushed out. If you
         | have free time at a bank either slack off or work on low-effort
         | projects that look good on your performance reviews.
           | fractionalhare wrote:
           | As a counterpoint, I've been promoted so that I could
           | maintain leadership of a successful 20% project before. And I
           | didn't go into it expecting it to get any visibility, it just
           | happened.
           | Not all workplaces are toxic. You generally have to take
           | charge of your own career. But often the politics align such
           | that it'd be strange to kick someone off their 20% project if
           | it's successful.
             | ng12 wrote:
             | Agreed, it absolutely depends on where you work and
             | sometimes your management chain. I'm mostly referring to
             | the finance industry where I've seen this pattern repeated
             | many times.
         | agilob wrote:
         | > don't always use it for good, they may actually just bunk
         | off...
         | Which is good if you're tired, overworked, didn't sleep well or
         | just want to spend some time with family. I usually use it to
         | read books not closely related to my daily work, but related to
         | what my coworkers do. Like about subscription models, devops,
         | scrum master roles.
         | silexia wrote:
         | I worked in a company that did not keep tabs unemployees at
         | all. I was able to eventually reduce the amount of work it took
         | to do my job to about 20 minutes per week. I use that time to
         | learn how to program, then left and started an agency.
           | blackrock wrote:
           | Tell us about your agency.
           | What have you worked on? How did you find your clients or
           | customers or projects?
           | Is it a consultancy? Or did you develop a marketable product?
           | What technologies, programming languages, databases, and tech
           | stack did you use?
           | Keep the information anonymous, of course, if you want to
           | maintain your privacy.
         | one2know wrote:
         | Business siders including HR, marketing, sales, product, execs,
         | managers etc ALL universally don't work Fridays. They (used to)
         | come in for a couple hours then "bunk off" to the bar for lunch
         | and happy hour (starts at 3). I find it ridiculous that
         | engineers actually do work on Fridays, much less Friday after
         | 3pm.
           | zamadatix wrote:
           | Depends on the place for both counts.
         | bobthepanda wrote:
         | > Still, with all that freedom people don't always use it for
         | good, they may actually just bunk off...
         | Working smart and not hard and reaping the rewards is not
         | "bad".
         | The Protestant work ethic and living to work aren't healthy for
         | everyone and I don't really see why we need to assign value
         | judgements to people who do or don't subscribe to it.
           | lanstin wrote:
           | I don't trust software engineers without sufficient laziness.
       | teen wrote:
       | the policy still exists tho
       | WheelsAtLarge wrote:
       | Can someone give us a review how the 20% rule works/worked at
       | Google? What I've read has always been second hand. Not directly
       | from a Googler. I suspect that at the very least the 20% gives
       | high employees a way to decompress for a bit by working on
       | projects they love rather than ones that they have to do.
       | musicale wrote:
       | I do like the idea of being able to spend 20% of your time on
       | work that is worthwhile, meaningful, rewarding, and that you
       | actually enjoy, but I wonder if the percentage could be increased
       | somehow, maybe to 50% time or something?
         | lanstin wrote:
         | The way to do that is to find projects/changes to do that marry
         | the business requirements with what you believe is excellent
         | and right and should be done. Don't just blindly implement
         | requirements and don't just build what you like, but have a
         | compelling technical vision and then find other important
         | things that justify (to others) building the vision.
       | andrewljohnson wrote:
       | In The Reponsible Company (by the Patagonia founder), he credits
       | Googlers doing 20% time to do environmental work. The book is
       | really pro-corporation though, heavily a PR piece IMO.
         | fnbr wrote:
         | I found that to be the case with all of Chouinard's books,
         | especially "Let my people go surfing." Tons of lightly veiled
         | corporate propaganda.
       | [deleted]
       | anonygler wrote:
       | I think it was great. The problem, in my experience, is that
       | everything at Google is just too damn complicated these days.
       | It's really hard to make an impact on a hard problem without an
       | intense commitment. 20% context switching doesn't cut it.
       | Linters, code checkers, automation tools, IDE plugins, etc, have
       | all been plucked. There's not a lot of low hanging fruit anymore.
       | milofeynman wrote:
       | We have a form of it called fix-it-friday and I find it helps a
       | lot with minor UX improvements and tech debt that would otherwise
       | fall in-between the cracks.
         | caymanjim wrote:
         | This is not 20% time for personal projects. This is is
         | scrambling after the fact to fix things that should be done as
         | part of the normal development cycle. Formalizing it is
         | basically saying "we know our process sucks, but instead of
         | fixing it, we're going to sell it as a feature."
         | aerovistae wrote:
         | You're probably downvoted because it's semi-off-topic, but I
         | think it's close enough to be relevant and worth discussing.
         | Where I work, we dedicate 1 day per sprint to tech debt where
         | everyone can just work on fixing whatever they want. It's made
         | HUGE differences to the developer experience. So many of the
         | things that slow us down and annoy us have gotten fixed this
         | way. Sounds about the same as your fix-it-fridays.
           | milofeynman wrote:
           | Yeah, that sounds about right. It's those little things that
           | really help the whole platform long term.
         | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
         | Do you get to choose what to work on? Does it have to be in the
         | backlog or can it be something not tracked?
           | milofeynman wrote:
           | Yup. Some people choose to just do regular feature work,
           | others use it to great effect. Some of the best examples are
           | slowdowns that sort of fall in-between feature teams, or
           | debugging features that help other devs/QA, or tooling that
           | helps debug customer issues. I imagine most of the things
           | fixed come from annoyances that devs run into that they want
           | to improve the product, QA, or tooling experience, customer
           | experience.
         | klyrs wrote:
         | Fridays can be "lame duck" days, and I never start something
         | new over after noon. So Fix it Friday is a good way to allocate
         | smaller blocks of time for smaller tasks.
         | But 20% is about side projects. Meeting Free Monday could be a
         | good policy to foster those.
       | asdfasgasdgasdg wrote:
       | I think it was a great outlet for the people who enjoyed using
       | it. But most people were busy enough with their regular jobs that
       | they did not engage with 20% time.
       | gedy wrote:
       | I work at a company with 10% time, and TBH most people don't do
       | much with it, if at all. A few do and really seem to appreciate
       | it. We get more innovation and ideas from hack days.
         | MattGaiser wrote:
         | The problem is that it is very hard to get something big from
         | little splotches of time, or at least I find it hard, so I
         | focus on little wins.
         | My company informally allows for spending time like this, but
         | if it works out to an hour or two a day in between meetings and
         | Slack requests, I can't really do much with that.
           | Tempest1981 wrote:
           | Does the 20% need to be distributed evenly, time-wise?
           | Or could you combine it into a 5-10 week clump between
           | projects?
       | amf12 wrote:
       | Personally, I think it is a good policy for work culture. 20%
       | does not just mean you have to work on your own idea but you can
       | work on your other passions or to develop your skills. Say you
       | are a backend dev and are passionate about ML, you could do a 20%
       | with another team which is working on ML and develop your skills
       | or just test waters.
       | If that work has impact you can also include it in your perf.
       | iangudger wrote:
       | I used 20% time for things that were related to my work, but out
       | of scope for my team. For example, I wrote a DNS library in Go
       | for work and then I open sourced it [1] and used it to rewrite
       | the standard library DNS client [2] as a 20% project. It actually
       | worked out really well for me. The promo committee specifically
       | called out my DNS project when they approved my promotion and
       | ignored the stuff that I had been doing for my team.
       | [1] https://golang.org/x/net/dns/dnsmessage
       | [2] https://golang.org/cl/37879
       | mdoms wrote:
       | I'm not and never was a Googler but at Atlassian we the same
       | policy of 20% time and I really do think it was super valuable.
       | There are a certain number of developers who will muck around and
       | waste their 20% time and there are certain (terrible) team leads
       | and PMs who discourage the use of the time because they're
       | anxious about their own projects.
       | But for the most part it contributed massively to the happiness
       | of the developers. And the outcomes, in my opinion, were
       | invaluable. It's not always visible from the outside, but
       | Atlassian now has swathes of valuable internal tooling, built
       | with love by developers who were invested in solving their own
       | productivity problems.
       | The quintessential "20% project" is GMail but I think that misses
       | the incrementalism that 20% projects really provide. Developers
       | will absolutely take advantage of the time to improve their
       | personal ergonomics, and everyone around them benefits from that.
       | But this is obviously very difficult to measure.
         | lanstin wrote:
         | Honestly I wouldn't agree to have 100% of my effort dictated by
         | others. I never had a visa situation but even as a fresh out of
         | college worker, I demanded a portion of autonomy. I wouldn't be
         | fulfilling what I could do for my employer otherwise. I get odd
         | looks for some of the things I get enthusiastic but some of
         | them work out. And I learn a lot more about things and in
         | particularly the growth of new things from being fully
         | responsible for some things. If you are a smart person who can
         | code, you absolutely have the labor market power to take
         | partial control of your time and effort. I would say you have
         | an obligation as a thinking worker to cultivate yourself in
         | this way, for the benefit of yourself, your coworkers, and your
         | employer.
           | mavelikara wrote:
           | When you say "100% of my effort", do you include the time you
           | spend outside of work hours, or do you include those your
           | employer pays you for?
         | goalieca wrote:
         | > It's not always visible from the outside, but Atlassian now
         | has swathes of valuable internal tooling, built with love by
         | developers who were invested in solving their own productivity
         | problems.
         | Can we get some of that same love put into the actual business
         | products?
           | mdoms wrote:
           | I no longer work at Atlassian but I spent my last year
           | working on a Jira frontend refresh that no customer ever
           | asked for and few considered an improvement. So..... no? Haha
           | sorry.
             | jay_kyburz wrote:
             | Our beloved Trello now has some critical bugs. Makes me
             | very sad.
             | deviation wrote:
             | A missed opportunity... Seems my team spends more time
             | complaining about Jira card load times & its interface than
             | they do discussing the card..
       | paxys wrote:
       | A broad, sweeping 20% time was never a thing even at Google. Some
       | "rockstars" may have been left alone by their manager to pursue
       | such projects, but the average engineer absolutely did not have
       | this freedom. It was mostly all marketing.
         | monktastic1 wrote:
         | I don't know about that. I was no rock star, but my teams let
         | me pursue it with no issues circa 2008-2015.
       | more_corn wrote:
       | At Google the joke was that 20% time was really 120% time since
       | you still had to do your day job. I never personally saw a 20%
       | time project turn into a product and I never felt comfortable
       | taking 20% time. However, I did feel comfortable taking on what I
       | saw as important work but which wasn't part of my job description
       | --training myself up on it and becoming the go-to person for that
       | work.
       | That part of the culture WAS consciously cultivated and I found
       | it very valuable. It drew me up and made me more than I was. It
       | was bound up with a culture of open sharing of ideas and cross-
       | training. A notion that you could find compelling work at the
       | company and shift your focus to that work/team.
       | There was also an effort to encourage new projects and ideas but
       | they didn't go far enough. If I could give one piece of advice
       | it's to create explicit approval and some serious financial
       | incentives for people who start new products at your company.
       | Treat projects like this in the way you'd treat an acquisition of
       | the company making that product. E.G. if your company adopts a
       | side project as a product, give the creators cash, respect,
       | authority, and support to grow it into something great.
         | nitwit005 wrote:
         | I worked at a different company that had implemented a similar
         | policy (10% I think?), and generally the problem was the same.
         | There was no process to formally accept projects, and no
         | formalized way of having managers ignore the productivity loss
         | when evaluating people.
         | I suspect the management liked the concept of having their
         | smart engineers invent new products, but ultimately preferred
         | buying companies. It somehow seemed less risky even though most
         | of the acquisitions failed.
         | dheera wrote:
         | I'm not a Googler but wasn't Gmail a 20% project? (And maybe
         | other Google products that I don't know?)
         | It seems to me that it would be entirely worth it to Google if
         | 99.99% of 20% projects don't go anywhere, but every now and
         | then, you get a big hit like Gmail whose newfound revenue
         | completely eclipses the lost 20% experimental time from the
         | 9999 other employees.
         | And even for those 9999 other employees, even if their 20%
         | projects don't go anywhere, they are likely still hugely
         | educational in ways that would make them more productive in the
         | other 80%.
           | [deleted]
           | jmchuster wrote:
           | Well, Paul built Gmail in a day, by layering it on top of
           | Groups, and that's 20% of a week, so I guess technically,
           | yes, it was a 20% project? How it came about, though, is more
           | that Paul had been working on email for many years before
           | Google, then the execs decided people needed to be working on
           | more important impactful projects, and Paul suggested he try
           | to build email.
           | jayflux wrote:
           | > I'm not a Googler but wasn't Gmail a 20% project? (And
           | maybe other Google products that I don't know?)
           | I think the parent meant they didn't see a 20% time project
           | come to fruition while they were there, not in general
             | tonfa wrote:
             | Also I don't think gmail was a 20% project (at least
             | according to wikipedia which links to
             | http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2007-07-16-n55.html):
             | > [...] they asked me if I wanted to build some type of
             | email or personalization product. It was a pretty non-
             | specific project charter. They just said, "We think this is
             | an interest area." Of course, I was excited to work on
             | that.
           | paul7986 wrote:
           | Sounds like in the early days it was worth something then
           | Google became like every other massive corporation and lost
           | it's soul!
         | Arainach wrote:
         | To be fair, 20% doesn't have to be a shipping product. I've had
         | coworkers work on things like recruiting projects (running a
         | puzzle/coding competition that ran on campuses around the US),
         | employee resource groups, internal dashboards for various
         | metrics relevant to employees, morale things like massive
         | holiday lighting decorations around campus, and so on with 20%
         | time. Those have all been very real things that contribute to
         | company culture and morale and have "shipped" even if not to
         | customers.
       | spicyramen wrote:
       | We started a 20% project to get stuff done when we were not able
       | to get head count. It was related to ML and people that joined
       | were actually interested to learn the skill to move to a new team
       | or our team. Unfortunately it took a long time before we actually
       | got something that was useful. There was not really commitment
       | not accountability.
       | umaar wrote:
       | Not at Google, but rather Shazam.
       | I've always been a big proponent of 20% time. Shazam is the first
       | place I worked at which taught me about them and I've written
       | about it here:
       | https://umaar.com/blog/lessons-learned-from-working-at-shaza...
       | It was the way in which I learnt what I'm passionate about.
       | sdenton4 wrote:
       | Over the last few years, I've used 20% time to:
       | a) Learn deep learning on audio with a friend, via online
       | courses, reading research papers, and re-implementing things.
       | Then, to put the knowledge to work, I...
       | b) Joined a small bioacoustics project working with external
       | researchers to level up their ML,
       | c) Developed some models and deliver some results to the external
       | researchers, and, finally,
       | d) Got hired onto a new team doing ML on Audio full time, largely
       | on the strength of recommendations from bioacoustics people.
       | e) I've kept hacking a bit on bioacoustics, including launching
       | the birdsong id kaggle competition earlier this year.
       | https://www.kaggle.com/c/birdsong-recognition
       | IMO, 20% time is "just marketing" until you actually put in the
       | personal effort to make something real out of it. Doing so is
       | non-trivial, though.
       | There's a real risk of falling into a 'half-ass two things'
       | pattern. It's difficult to do exactly one day a week on some
       | project, then cleanly drop it until the following week. Context
       | loss is a real problem. This year, I find myself looking out for
       | 'low stress' times during my day job to do some deeper dive on
       | bioacoustics and create a bunch of new stuff in a kind of sprint,
       | rather than consistently setting aside 8 hours a week. It's hard
       | to do a research 'sprint' in two areas simultaneously; it's
       | better to let a research question take over my brain for a while.
       | (I also find that my personal limit for meaningfully tracking
       | experiment outcomes is two model architectures. I tried three at
       | some point this year and it was kind of a disaster.)
       | It's tough to motivate myself to do important-but-boring things
       | like write unit tests in 20% time, which (combined with the
       | context shifting problem) has often lead to pain down the line.
       | All told, it's a hard road, but very rewarding, IMO.
         | rvna wrote:
         | As someone who's interested in this space, could you point me
         | to the resources you used to ramp yourself up?
         | Also, what are you working on w/ Audio ML?
           | sdenton4 wrote:
           | Hard to point at one thing! I started with a deep learning
           | for artists course, and adapted the stuff I saw there to an
           | audio mini project. And then started reading the big papers
           | in neural networks independently.
           | I found it helpful to read the source material (eg, ml text
           | books and academic papers), paired with blog entries (which
           | often have a good basic idea, but skip out get wrong some
           | details), and actually building things for my own interests.
           | On the work side, I'm doing low bit rate speech coding, which
           | is good fun.
         | wpietri wrote:
         | Ooh, I've been doing text-related ML for work, and have been
         | tempted to do birdsong recognition for a hobby project over the
         | break. Aside from that Kaggle competition, do you have any
         | other resources you like?
           | sdenton4 wrote:
           | If you read a bit of the kaggle discussion you'll find a lot
           | of interesting links. The BirdClef competitions have some
           | good write ups which, at the very least, will get you to
           | dinner best practices for augmentation, which seems to be
           | half the problem.
           | Beyond the web, Nathan Pieplow has a couple great guides to
           | birdsong, with excellent introductory essays. There's a
           | British book called the Sound Approach to Birding with some
           | excellent general propose knowledge, as well.
           | If you're looking for a fun project which to my knowledge
           | hasn't been done, 'birdsong asr' or 'phoneme' transcription
           | would be super cool. Feel free to send me an email ($username
           | at gmail) if you're actually digging in. :)
       | jariel wrote:
       | I wonder if '20% time' but on some kind of 'approved' project
       | might make sense?
       | None of us 'fully agree' with the product features set. We all
       | have 'that thing' we feel different about.
       | I wonder if instead of 'work on whatever' - you can just 'work on
       | something else, that you really want to' - but that has practical
       | value. Like XYZ feature, or creating online training, or that
       | researchy thing with the local Uni.
       | So 'in line with company objectives' but still fun.
       | Because frankly, Google has been rolling in surplus since day 1,
       | they have all the money in the world, that's fundamentally a
       | different economic space than companies who are on the line.
       | jboggan wrote:
       | I worked on a 120% project but was advised not to let my manager
       | know about it unless it was successful. Not sure that is an
       | indication of it working as intended.
       | throwaway60011 wrote:
       | The most visible impact was in the company's internal services.
       | Many "scratch an itch" tools such as Google bus schedule lookup,
       | employee tenure lookup, or massage-room booking originated in 20%
       | projects. The "internal social media" of Google such as "moma
       | badges" ("achievements" for e.g. writing 100 CLs or contributing
       | to a particular fixit -- anyone could add new ones) and the
       | internal joke image board "memegen" also originated as 20%
       | projects.
       | This kind of modest, privste service was much lower-commitment
       | than trying to single-handedly kick off a new external-facing
       | service. Having all these volunteer-built projects around created
       | a good vibe of being part of a community of engineers, each
       | building whatever we needed to make our days better and sharing
       | it with our coworkers.
       | axegon_ wrote:
       | OK, never worked at Google, most likely never will for a million
       | and one reasons but... Could someone eli5: What's a 20% time
       | policy?
         | detaro wrote:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20%25_Project
         | > _The 20% Project is an initiative where company employees are
         | allocated twenty-percent of their paid work time to pursue
         | personal projects. The objective of the program is to inspire
         | innovation in participating employees and ultimately increase
         | company potential._
           | axegon_ wrote:
           | Ah, that... Never knew that was the official name. Thanks!
           | Triv888 wrote:
           | Personal projects that google owns...
       | greesil wrote:
       | I have used something like 20% time to help manage technical
       | debt, keeping it from consuming our team in web of pain and
       | complexity. Usually we come up with a week or two of time every
       | quarter to take care of these things, instead of a day a week.
         | gotaran wrote:
         | Shouldn't that be part of your core responsibilities and not
         | "20% time"?
           | bwest87 wrote:
           | Eh, maybe. Your core responsibility is to ship on time.
           | Especially at a startup, it's not only "ok", it's usually the
           | "right" call to ship faster, and accumulate technical debt.
           | This is constant, and never really goes away. So you tend to
           | have to intentionally bake in this time, or else it never
           | happens. And I think this is OK! It's not always clear what
           | is and isn't technical debt at the time it's being
           | introduced. A lot of things seem "gross", but aren't actually
           | much of a problem. Or you think, "oh god, this will never
           | work when we add X feature", but then you just never add X
           | feature, and so it's totally fine 2 years later.
           | But to your point, of "well shouldn't that intentionality be
           | part of normal duties?" Sure, but shouldn't coming up with
           | Gmail? Or fixing bugs or UX improvements also be part of
           | normal duties? Yes, they all should. The truth is it's hard
           | to prioritize small things like that, and it's really hard to
           | get a sense for their value as a centralized management team.
           | They aren't close enough to the code or the product to always
           | know. So I think 20% time is a great way to just decentralize
           | that, and allow the engineers closest to the issues to pick
           | what's important to work on.
       | jasongrishkoff wrote:
       | I did a 20% project for Google Music back its early days, circa
       | 2012. I was working on the Executive Compensation team at the
       | time, but running a music blog called Indie Shuffle on the side.
       | It's a long time ago, but I seem to recall naivly hoping they'd
       | embrace me with arms wide open and invite me to join their team +
       | revamp their strategy.
       | I met with a couple members of their team who were open to
       | entertaining me given my background with a music blog. I remember
       | being really excited about it - and I spent a _lot_ of time
       | preparing a deck about how exposure provided by the Google Music
       | blog could be used as leverage to give the platform legitimacy in
       | the eyes of independent artists (something that SoundCloud was
       | doing really well at the time).
       | A few senior leaders agreed to let me pitch my ideas, and after a
       | fair bit of head-nodding, nothing actually happened.
       | I ended up leaving Google about 3 months later to take my music
       | blog full-time (still up and running at
       | https://www.indieshuffle.com, and eventually started a much-more
       | successful music venture called SubmitHub -
       | https://www.submithub.com). I count myself fortunate to say I
       | have no regrets leaving Google.
       | Reflecting on the idea of 20% projects, I do appreciate that my
       | managers gave me the opportunity to explore alternate
       | opportunities within the company, and that the Google Music team
       | was receptive to me poking my head into their affairs. I think it
       | holds a lot of potential when it comes to retaining top talent
       | that's at risk of jumping ship for something different, and made
       | me feel like I was part of the larger company rather than simply
       | stuck in a silo.
         | ultimoo wrote:
         | Great story, thanks for sharing. What is it like being on
         | google's exec compensation team? I had no idea that was a thing
         | and would love to listen to any more fun stories (only if
         | you're allowed to share).
           | jasongrishkoff wrote:
           | Exec comp is definitely a little-known function of most major
           | companies. Normally folks would outsource that type of work
           | to consultants, but Google was big enough that it needed 2 of
           | us full-time.
           | We helped the CEO and SVPs figure out how much to pay the
           | company's top ~100. That meant we were hands on with
           | performance bonuses, equity packages, hiring negotiations,
           | promotions, and more.
           | The coolest part about it was getting to frequently join
           | Laszlo Bock (head of People Ops at the time) when he met
           | face-to-face with the CEO (first Eric, then Larry) and the
           | SVPs to discuss all of the above. It got to the point where
           | they all began to recognize me, which was pretty darn cool as
           | a 20-something-year-old.
           | A byproduct of all that exposure was that I ended up being
           | privy to a huge chunk of the "corporate drama" taking place
           | in the upper ranks. It's been 7 years since I left, but as
           | I'm sure you can understand, getting into details is probably
           | a bit of a no-no :)
             | specialist wrote:
             | I'm so envious of your experiences. Geek me was completely
             | oblivious to all that practical stuff.
             | Scott Galloway (?) has observed that successful
             | entrepreneurs and CEOs are nurtured, just like all other
             | professionals. So 20 somethings doing leadership stuff are
             | more likely to be pretty good once they're 40 somethings.
             | Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Michael Dell, many others are
             | pretty good examples.
         | beaconstudios wrote:
         | I just wanted to say thank you for creating Indie Shuffle - I
         | discovered some of my favourite songs on there! I've found
         | music discovery to be quite hard, and Indie Shuffle has been a
         | great source for my taste.
         | jldugger wrote:
         | > Executive Compensation team at the time
         | What exactly does that work entail?
         | > A few senior leaders agreed to let me pitch my ideas, and
         | after a fair bit of head-nodding, nothing actually happened.
         | I suspect successful 20% time projects are the ones where
         | permission is not required, and don't need someone else to
         | implement?
           | jasongrishkoff wrote:
           | > What exactly does that work entail
           | We helped the CEO and SVPs figure out how much to pay the
           | company's top ~100. That meant we were hands on with
           | performance bonuses, equity packages, hiring negotiations,
           | promotions, and more.
           | > I suspect successful 20% time projects are the ones where
           | permission is not required, and don't need someone else to
           | implement?
           | Part of my proposal was that they bring me on to help them
           | run their fledgling music blog, so it wasn't so much that
           | they needed to execute much themselves -- more that they
           | needed to decide the music blog was worth having a dedicated
           | employee. At the time I think they were more focused on
           | trying to get all their licensing ducks in a row.
             | Roritharr wrote:
             | Your (former) main job sounds like a treasure trove of
             | valuable career advice!
               | cambalache wrote:
               | Many many years ago I started as a junior employee in a
               | big company together with a close friend. I was in
               | finance, she was in HR. From time to time we had a drink
               | to catch up and while I was doing unglamorous grunt work
               | she was dealing with things like compensation packages
               | for VPs, a short-list for a new regional CEO, the yearly
               | ranking of all employees, etc. From time to time she gave
               | me morsels of confidential information (like the salary a
               | VP was getting or where they were planning to move the
               | offices).It was a totally different ball game. That's why
               | (among other things) it is very very unwise to cross off
               | or even to confess stuff to HR, they are at a different
               | level.
               | A petty thing I noticed with the years is that in HR,
               | even very junior people will treat you with condescension
               | and a sort of disdain. They know your salary and know
               | where you were in the corporate ladder,they deal with the
               | CEO packages so you are just a mediocre fish in the pond
               | for them.
               | Skillful HR people also create a pretty solid network so
               | if they leave the company they usually land sweet gigs in
               | other companies or they can start a consulting agency.
               | Out all the places of a corporation HR must be one of the
               | best to be. (Cue hundreds of actual HR managers refuting
               | me)
         | donbrae wrote:
         | SubmitHub is awesome! Used it to promote my last couple of EPs.
         | jcdavis wrote:
         | Oh shit you created indieshuffle?
         | We're getting way off topic here, but I'm curious what your
         | thoughts on the current state of the world on music blogging
         | is. I was pretty big into following the music blog/hype machine
         | scene in 2010-2014ish, and it seems like the other streaming
         | services (particularly Spotify) have more or less killed that
         | world with the exceptions of the biggest blogs, which seems
         | pretty unfortunate to me.
           | jasongrishkoff wrote:
           | Loaded question! I've done a lot of podcasts/interviews
           | lately where I touch on this subject.
           | Spotify did indeed take away a lot of the "regular listeners"
           | from music blogs, but they're not alone in the downfall of
           | music blogs as a whole. I think a lot of that can be pegged
           | on the way the internet has shifted in general. Music blogs
           | lost a lot of things in that 2013-2015 era, including (but
           | not limited to):
           | - A steep drop in advertising revenue (we used to charge $5+
           | CPM - but folks learned Google/Facebook were far more
           | effective). This wasn't specific to the music blogging
           | industry - pretty much all independent publishers went
           | through this.
           | - Google giving 50% of their real-estate for song searches to
           | a giant YouTube thumb. Killed SEO for music blogs overnight.
           | - Technology: Spotify just does music-listening tech better
           | than any independent music blog could ever hope to.
           | So, in an age where Spotify is king and everyone's buzzing
           | about TikTok, where do music blogs fit? And are they even
           | relevant?
           | Heck yes they are! Thing is, music blogs are where people
           | actually go to _discover music_. Spotify, on the flip side,
           | caters toward  "passive" listening experiences where they
           | make sure you never have to think about it for yourself.
           | Net result is that for artists a targeted blog promotion
           | campaign is still quite important as it can lead to valuable
           | exposure within the industry: A&R teams at labels, Spotify
           | editorial staff, and festival bookers (RIP) still look to
           | music blogs to do the grunt work of sifting through the
           | 25,000+ new songs coming out daily.
           | In 2015 I launched https://www.submithub.com/ to help music
           | blogs deal with the hundreds of music submissions they were
           | receiving daily. That platform has since taken off - recently
           | passing its 16 millionth submission (in less than 5 years).
           | We allow artists to easily connect with blogs, Spotify
           | playlisters, YouTube channels, Instagram/TikTok influencers
           | and more -- and compensate those curators for the time they
           | spend listening to and considering each submission. And
           | believe it or not, one of the most-targeted outlet types on
           | there is still the humble "blog".
           | I could go on for hours, but I'll leave it at that for now :)
             | jcdavis wrote:
             | Thanks for the explanation, make sense.
             | yowlingcat wrote:
             | Love this back and forth. I think I remember submitting a
             | track with a collaborator to SubmitHub years ago and
             | thinking it was neat that it even existed.
         | specialist wrote:
         | Was there an exit interview? Was any one curious about your
         | plans?
         | In my future perfect alternate reality:
         | Google Ventures, GoogleX, or even just thwarted & bored
         | midlevel manager aspiring to become an angel investor, would
         | offer seed capital to any one turning in their badge.
         | "Hey @jasongrishkoff, if you ever need some cash for an idea,
         | please talk to me first."
         | In my mind, that parting offer is central to Silicon Valley's
         | magic. There's an apocryphal tale about a much disliked boss
         | offering seed money to mutinous employees. I thought it was
         | Shockley and the Traitorous Eight, but I can't find a cite.
           | jasongrishkoff wrote:
           | They were very supportive of my departure to pursue my own
           | business, and I've kept in touch with a number of folks there
           | over the years. I was offered a "sabbatical" of sorts
           | (assuming things didn't work out), but I declined that on
           | grounds that accepting it would convey that I didn't have
           | full faith in my ability to make it on my own. Thank goodness
           | it all worked out in the end :-D
       | forgotmypw17 wrote:
       | Are there any companies out there that allow a 20/80 schedule,
       | meaning 80% working on own projects?
         | mcherm wrote:
         | Yes - the vast majority of open source projects are run this
         | way.
         | The down side is that you don't get paid. And I think that's
         | pretty consistent -- no one is going to pay market rates for
         | you to spend 80% of your time on "whatever you like".
       | ceras wrote:
       | AFAIK it still exists. In my several years there, most people
       | didn't take full advantage of it, and that was as true in 2011 as
       | it was in 2020. Most people just didn't come up with anything a
       | technical project they'd rather work on than their core project.
       | (I was one of those.)
       | I think most who took advantage actually worked on improving and
       | facilitating employee training & learning programs. Google has
       | great internal training material -- mostly for internally-used
       | technologies, but sometimes for external technologies people are
       | curious about too, and also for soft skills, and even not-work-
       | related skills (e.g. fitness classes).
       | Overall I think the 20% resulted in more "community" work than
       | most other companies have, and I think it was a positive for
       | company culture.
       | And for the few people that actually worked on technical
       | projects, the existence of 20% time seemed highly motivating for
       | them.
       | justicezyx wrote:
       | 20% when i left Google in 2018-04 is all but gone. It was not
       | practiced widely. In my group, Borg, I don't know personally a
       | single employee does that. During my tenure at Google from
       | 2013-2019, I only know one person did that.
       | corobo wrote:
       | It was great marketing among developers if nothing else. Don't
       | forget the pre-hires!
       | Nobody just let you do passion projects! Get back to your work
         | mondoshawan wrote:
         | It was and still is part of our culture.
         | enneff wrote:
         | Yeah it was great marketing. One of the reasons I so very much
         | wanted to join the company. And here I am still, nearly 11
         | years later.
         | I have done some fun stuff in 20% time. Some relatively serious
         | projects that went somewhere; enough to keep me entertained.
         | It's true that if you have a demanding role it becomes more
         | like 120% time. However it's more the spirit of the thing that
         | matters; the fact that you're encouraged to pursue your
         | interests on work time has led me to learn and experiment more
         | than I would have otherwise.
       | tlogan wrote:
       | The most important thing when building your company is that you
       | encourage individual initiative: it might be via 20% or via some
       | other ways. It is only reasonable to have 20% in certain
       | situations.
       | In short, focus on the reason why google had this: to encourage
       | the initiative. In many corporations showing initiative
       | (inventing things, doing more that required, etc.) is a career
       | ending move.
       | mmcnl wrote:
       | I have trouble appreciating the 20% time. What's the fun in doing
       | something by yourself? Isn't the exciting part about Google
       | working at scale with resources you'd never have anyone else?
       | Personally I feel like I would decline on 20% projects.
       | mensetmanusman wrote:
       | I work at 3M where we have had this policy for about 100 years.
       | It's the only reason we still exist; most of our sold products
       | were side projects a generation ago.
         | jedberg wrote:
         | I feel like at a place with expensive lab equipment, 20% time
         | can go a lot further. Take smart people and give them a free
         | day once a week to use all that expensive equipment they
         | couldn't do on their own, and maybe magic happens.
           | throwaway3699 wrote:
           | I feel like access to Google's infrastructure + data
           | definitely fits the profile here.
             | rightbyte wrote:
             | I don't really think so. Most programming tasks can be done
             | with a 2010 year-model computer. In machine engineering
             | etc. you need expensive equipment.
       | m0zg wrote:
       | There never was any real 20% time. It was, as others are saying,
       | 120% time, at least if you care about actually moving upward on
       | the career ladder.
       | Paradoxically, this makes it a good policy _for Google_: if
       | you're an idiot, you'll put in 120% effort and Google gets more
       | work per dollar from you (and gets to deny promo because you
       | "spent too much time on your 20% project", as well), if you're
       | not an idiot, you will work 8 hours a day, but then spending 20%
       | of time on things unrelated to your next promo completely dooms
       | your chances of getting it. Some people used to take advantage of
       | this, truth be told you're paid pretty well even at the senior
       | level, and Google expects most people stay at that level
       | indefinitely. Although then there's the question of why one
       | wouldn't just take it easy at work and spend their spare time on
       | hobbies instead that Google won't own the output of.
       | OTOH some people are taken in by the Google mythos, and they
       | think spending 20% of their time on semi-random shit is
       | _conducive_ to their career advancement. You get disabused of
       | that notion after applying for a promo even once, which is when
       | any experiments with 20% usually cease.
       | Exceptions are few and far between. To establish this for
       | yourself, try to find if people around you promoted to Staff and
       | above have any real 20% projects that are actually 20% projects,
       | that is, that take substantial time. They don't.
         | joshuamorton wrote:
         | Fwiw I know of more than one person promoted to senior based
         | _primarily_ on 20% work.
         | I'd agree that it becomes rarer at staff+, just because your
         | goal is to make cross Google impact and that's difficult in the
         | context of most 20% work. But even there I know of people at
         | that level who do 20% work. I'm not sure that they're any rarer
         | than 20% at lower levels.
         | ndesaulniers wrote:
         | > and gets to deny promo because you "spent too much time on
         | your 20% project", as well
         | or "while that's extremely important and beneficial to Google,
         | it's not valuable to this PA. Thus you should unmark yourself
         | for promo otherwise our director will tank you in committee."
         | True story. :) Glad I'm out of that toxic group; I was able to
         | turn my 120% project into my 100% day job and am much happier
         | and well rewarded.
       | thesausageking wrote:
       | Gmail supposedly came from Paul Buchheit building it for his 20%
       | time. Likewise, Google News was created by Krishna Bharat for his
       | 20% project when he wanted a way to keep up with news after Sept
       | 11th.
       | Are there examples of successful results?
       | Cederfjard wrote:
       | >large and financially secure startups, say 1k developers and up
       | Sorry for the tangent, but what's the definition of "startup"
       | we're working with here?
         | jmtulloss wrote:
         | My working definition is something like "pre-product-market-
         | fit" or "hockey sticking" growth. Once you saturate your market
         | and have to fight for every percentage of growth (or are so big
         | that new things can't make a big impact even if they are
         | exploding in their niche) then you're no longer a startup
           | jmtulloss wrote:
           | This also implies that linear growth companies aren't
           | startups, they're SMBs. This is probably controversial and
           | definitely valley/VC centric.
         | dnautics wrote:
         | pre-exit, I presume.
       | deklerk wrote:
       | I've been at Google for 3 years and have 20%ed the entire time
       | I've been there on: grpc-go, Drive, and Go tools (gopls, etc).
       | I think it's fantastic. The whole 120% thing is up to the
       | individual: there have been times I've made it a 120%, and there
       | are times when it's been just "take a friday off to work on other
       | stuff". You end up getting less of your "job" done but my
       | managers have always been supportive.
       | It's been great for sanity: some weeks/months feel just, like,
       | meetings and chore work. It's great having that one day a week to
       | work on a rockstar feature request in some fun project. It's also
       | cool to work on your dream projects without the luck/physical
       | move/whatever to get on the actual team. (you can effectively
       | work on anything since no project is going to say no to free
       | headcount)
       | It's also nice because it spreads your professional network in
       | the directions you choose to spread it, rather than the more
       | organic spread that your normal job entails (assuming luck and
       | available are big drivers of where and which projects you "end
       | up" working, rather than 100% your choice). So, maybe I don't
       | work on project X today, but I can 20% on it and build up those
       | connections, and later in my career I have a much better shot
       | getting on the project. That agency is a nice feeling.
       | So, as far as the employee happiness goes, I think it's
       | fantastic.
         | joshuamorton wrote:
         | Similar experience. I 20% on python...things. some python
         | tooling, python3 was a major one, etc. I backed off recently
         | just because most things I was involved in are wrapping up, but
         | yeah, it was an active area for me. And also I am sort of
         | 20%ing on my own project that is greenfield tooling with only
         | dubious management support.
         | It's given me exposure to lots of stuff, I've learned more
         | about a favorite language, met some cool people, etc. Not to
         | mention earned a handful of bonuses directly related to my 20%
         | work.
         | There's also now done tech debt reduction work that I've been
         | tangential to that's clearly a value add, and it's primarily
         | 20%ers.
         | alacombe wrote:
         | > and have 20%ed the entire time I've been there on: grpc-go,
         | Drive, and Go tools (gopls, etc).
         | All Google related projects.
         | serial_dev wrote:
         | What is the company size where you think a 20% policy like this
         | matters? Does it only make sense for large companies like
         | Google?
         | Thank you for your take on these questions, your answer would
         | be very much appreciated.
           | seangrogg wrote:
           | Having formerly worked on 20% projects at Google and now
           | working at a small company, I'd say that 20% time can be
           | valuable at any size.
           | For smaller companies it's easy to essentially always have
           | feature work which means never really having time for code
           | health; anything that wasn't done right the first time will
           | be hard pressed to justify getting done ever unless it's
           | either breaking something or preventing features. 20% time
           | can allow engineers to do something about issues they see and
           | care about which could improve things for everyone else in a
           | way "one more feature" may not.
             | edoceo wrote:
             | We do something like this: Maintenance Monday. The dev team
             | is just working on the bits of code they think need it,
             | cleanup, test case, formatting, all those little things -
             | that have no direct customer facing value.
             | And then we do a Feature Friday so folks can work on the
             | fun new stuff (of their choice). It's all company project
             | related tho - sometimes loosely - we don't yet have a
             | business case for AR/VR or using templates on a Remarkable
             | 2 - but maybe - and they are used to spread knowledge
             | around the team
           | Spooky23 wrote:
           | It definitely has more impact imo in organizations that tend
           | to specialize and get too big to known everyone.
           | I worked in a larger technology/shared services team where
           | the execs set an expectation of "no email Friday" policy and
           | encouraged peer learning and training on Friday afternoons.
           | It wasn't 100% effective, but helped establish a personal
           | development culture, got SMEs talking outside their "turf"
           | and sparked a few good projects and staff transitions. (We
           | discovered we had a change management guy who was passionate
           | about kubernetes)
           | deklerk wrote:
           | I imagine it's not appropriate for startups, since they're
           | burning money fast and mental health appppears to be less of
           | a priority? I've not worked at one, so hard to say.
           | Besides startups, I think it's fair play at companies of all
           | sizes. Employees are the most important thing to companies,
           | and the overhead of losing trained, context-carrying talent
           | tends to be heavy. So, why not let them fulfill that scratch
           | and keep them at your company.
           | I've seen some companies allow 20% on any team within the
           | company (rather than any project whatsoever): that could be a
           | nice middleground for a company that is unsure about the
           | whole thing.
             | kk__ wrote:
             | Twitch was basically a 20% project at justin.tv.
             | Let smart people do what they want.
               | paulryanrogers wrote:
               | Survivorship bias could be at play. I'm a fan of 20%
               | time. Though I think we'd need more data than some
               | anecdotes to draw broad conclusions.
               | dontTango wrote:
               | At my last Engineering job, I would spend slow time
               | working on job automation.
               | That was until my boss flipped his shit one day and
               | wanted me to memorize a bunch of shit in my down time.
               | So instead of automating 6 figure Engineering jobs, I did
               | what everyone else does on their slow Time. Facebook!
         | ma2rten wrote:
         | The myth that 20% time is dead was started by mchurch. He was
         | at Google for six month and was let go. He then went on to bad
         | mouth the company here and elsewhere online.
         | 20% time at Google exists and managers are supposed to adjust
         | the workload - it's not supposed to be 120% time. That said I
         | think it would be hard (but not impossible) to a launch a 20%
         | project to external users that doesn't have people working on
         | it full-time.
           | osipov wrote:
           | Really? So is it a myth that 20% time is dead at Google
           | Cloud? Or are you one of the folks who doesn't consider
           | Google Cloud to be Google?
           | wpietri wrote:
           | And who was later banned at HN:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10019003
             | grenoire wrote:
             | (I love dang.)
           | [deleted]
           | bachmeier wrote:
           | I wasn't aware of anyone saying it was dead, but the
           | narrative has shifted over time from "work on whatever you
           | want one day a week" to "your team might let you spend up to
           | one day a week working on something of your choosing if it's
           | in the interest of the company". I'm not at Google, and never
           | have been, but it's almost certainly the case that the
           | narrative has changed - whether or not there was ever a
           | change in policy.
         | cbb330 wrote:
         | How do the teams working full time on a project onboard
         | contributors who are doing it with their 20% time?
         | Naively, I imagine developers would get annoyed or bogged down
         | having to skill up these contributors rather than viewing it as
         | a "free hand".
           | deklerk wrote:
           | Others have answered this better than I, but I'll tell you
           | what I've seen:
           | - grpc-go and gopls had great "Contributors welcome" issues
           | set up. For both of them, I had to email/chat various people
           | for help getting used to the code, but everyone was extremely
           | pleasant and helpful (and happy to help). - Drive treated it
           | like an internship, where a TL curated a set of low-priority
           | issues and I just went and chatted with folks when I had
           | questions. Again, everyone was very helpful. - Other Go tools
           | I've worked on have had really intuitive codebases, or were
           | quite small, and have been easy to dive right in. That's
           | helpful too, though I do end up chatting with people a lot.
           | If I had to make a general statement I guess I would say:
           | don't allow 20%ers if you don't have the time for an intern.
           | Treat the 20% like an internship: free labour with a little
           | bit of extra onboarding. It's ok to not have that time, but I
           | think most people are usually happy and excited to provide
           | that help! =)
           | Oh, actual tip: having a myproject-users@ / myproject-devs@
           | mailing list, or a #myproject-devs chat channel, goes a long
           | way. Then, chatting and asking questions can be informal and
           | ad-hoc.
           | pcl wrote:
           | I think it's incredibly healthy to encourage that sort of
           | "visitor" committers in an enterprise codebase, for a couple
           | of reasons.
           | The problems of getting an existing employee up to speed with
           | the codebase are a subset of what you need to do to get a new
           | hire up and running. And so you really should have a decent
           | story for this regardless.
           | And culturally, it's super-valuable to have a certain
           | percentage of visitors, since it helps break down the silos,
           | one commit at a time.
           | The counterpoints, of course, are that no team really wants
           | to have to maintain a bunch of crap written by someone who's
           | moved on after a quick stab at something, and it sorta sucks
           | for the sustaining team if all the "rockstar feature
           | requests" (as the GP put it so succinctly) are picked up by
           | folks in their 20% time.
           | The former can be mitigated with a good model for managing
           | incoming pull requests, in my experience. The latter is a
           | tougher nut to crack.
           | singron wrote:
           | Particularly at Google, programming languages, code styles,
           | common libraries, and tools are incredibly similar between
           | teams. There are really low barriers to jumping into someone
           | else's codebase. It's not uncommon to review changes to your
           | team's codebase from people you have never met (on average,
           | maybe weekly?).
           | Anecdotally I also think a lot of code was generally really
           | well documented. There is some effort to document things for
           | a general Googler audience (i.e. you should understand most
           | of the documentation on any given page without having to read
           | all the other docs).
           | All in all, once you have onboarded into the Google
           | ecosystem, it's fairly painless to jump around the codebase.
           | amf12 wrote:
           | Well, Google values independence and so almost everyone is
           | pretty independent. There is also consistency in the internal
           | tools, libraries and infra used, so onboarding to the new
           | team is just understanding their project. The 20% project
           | that you work on is also usually a task that someone can work
           | on independently and isn't hi-pri stuff which makes it pretty
           | easy.
           | TL:DR - nobody has to hand hold anybody onboarding 20% - just
           | answer basic questions and point to the right resource.
           | teen wrote:
           | you only hire 1-2 for your team, and it's a longer term
           | commitment
       | dacracot wrote:
       | I'll caveat my remarks first by admitting that I nearly
       | completely ignorant of Google's 20% policy, but since it was
       | widely advertised, my workplace made a similar statement that one
       | half of each Friday should be dedicated to learning something new
       | to benefit the team and thereby our careers. All I could ever
       | think of after this proclamation was that I was to do as I was
       | told 85% of the time and innovate 15%. As a developer, I offended
       | that my innovations are devalued to a time slot. I was under the
       | impression that I was expected to innovate continuously within
       | the confines of the deadlines given. My two cents.
       | dub wrote:
       | In the heyday of 20% time, Google had more money than they knew
       | what to do with and the engineers were generally overqualified.
       | Remember that in the early 2000s Google was famous for hiring
       | people with PhDs and asking them build web servers.
       | Within that climate, 20% time was a great policy. Nobody needed
       | "permission" to take a day out of the week to write a better
       | source code management workflow or a config file VIM code
       | completion for the internal codebase or improve build times or
       | fix an annoying bug in another team's codebase, or even just
       | generate good will for the company by contributing to open source
       | projects. It was good for the company, and good for morale.
         | yodon wrote:
         | The way I've heard it expressed is "if you want to hire
         | racehorses, sometimes you've just got to let them run"
         | Privacy846 wrote:
         | I don't understand. A PhD is a degree in research. If you have
         | a PhD and are building web servers you sound misqualified.
           | topkai22 wrote:
           | That's exactly the point- Google in that time frame did a TON
           | of prestige hiring, whether or not it made sense for the
           | actual work they needed to fill.
             | Privacy846 wrote:
             | That's not what I got from the original comment.
               | cambalache wrote:
               | How so? That was entirely the point
       | [deleted]
       | whateveracct wrote:
       | At my company (BigCo but not FAANG or SV), we have 20% time, but
       | it's more for personal learning than side projects (and when it
       | is projects, it's fine if those are just to learn, and not to
       | help the company directly.)
       | Execs call it out and focus on it too, so managers will even be
       | happy to hear you're using it (and say "what can we do to get
       | people to feel like they can use it?")
       | Ozzie_osman wrote:
       | I worked at Google 2006-2009. I joined a 20% project with an
       | awesome staff engineer, then recruiting one of my team-mates to
       | join 20% too. We ended up working on it full-time. It didn't end
       | up launching but I think the core code ended up being used as
       | part of other products. It was incredibly rewarding and a great
       | outlet from my typical day-to-day improving Adwords.
       | bwest87 wrote:
       | I never worked at Google, but I did work for a different, fairly
       | well known consumer tech company doing a lot of work around "hack
       | time". While there, they didn't have any such program, and I
       | really wanted there to be one. So I helped implement a program
       | for "hack time", which was pretty close to 20% time. I did
       | surveys of over 100 engineers, put together a presentation for
       | leadership, got directors of various eng departments on board,
       | did a pilot program, then did post-surveys and presentations to
       | gauge impact. We also spent time with managers to make sure they
       | were on board, and made it clear to their direct reports that
       | they were on board, and that it was _OK_ to use hack time. The
       | point is, we really tried to do this right, and get people to use
       | the time, and assess if it was actually valuable.
       | We did this for a quarter across a few different large eng teams.
       | We eventually shut it down. My high level takeaways were the
       | following...                 * Way more engineers *say* they're
       | into doing hack projects than actually ended up doing them. We
       | had huge initial survey response of people saying they wanted to
       | do something, and only ended up having like 5-ish projects that
       | were seen through. And there were probably 20ish projects that
       | started at the beginning of the quarter. So large drop-off.
       | * BUT! That can be totally fine! Many people who actually used
       | hack time were some of the best engineers at the company. Other
       | ones were some of the newest at the company. You're really
       | helping job satisfaction for those top engineers, and really
       | helping mentorship and learning for the new engineers.
       | * I now believe it's better to have regular highly condensed hack
       | weeks (or hack days if you're a small company), rather than a
       | spread out "20% time". Even people who really liked hack time
       | found it hard to actually take the time when deadlines were
       | approaching. But when you just eliminate those things with a
       | condensed period of hacking, then people can focus. You also tend
       | to increase participation considerably through this method. (I
       | know cause we did this method as well)      * Stop trying to
       | create Gmail in your hack time! A lot of the most valuable stuff
       | to come out of hacking was internal tools, refactors, and little
       | things that improved daily quality of life around the company.
       | (ie. someone made a batch upload tool for the customer support
       | team that they *loved*!). Or small UX improvements for customers.
       | Some people did try to create certain new products, but it's
       | super rare that those make it into the main product Not saying it
       | can't, or won't, or even that you shouldn't do it. But as a
       | general rule, the best you can hope for there is you've de-risked
       | a new feature, or gotten your manager excited about the
       | possibility, and they'll slot in time to "do it for real" in the
       | next quarter. Realistically, people tend to have more fun just
       | making stuff that they actually can see the value of the next
       | day. Or when they get to hear thank you emails immediately from a
       | whole other team.      * You get a lot of other value from hack
       | time besides break-through products. Specifically, you get people
       | across teams mingling with each other. You get new and
       | experienced engineers hanging out. You get a feeling of autonomy.
       | People learn new tech or new parts of the company. For example, I
       | made one of my most lasting relationships at that company by just
       | randomly deciding to join his hack team for a hackathon project.
       | I also got to use GraphQL and React for the first time on that
       | project.
       | Overall, I think hack time/ 20% time / whatever you want to call
       | it is very very valuable, and companies of all sizes should do
       | it. But you have to do it right, and you have to go in with the
       | right mindset about _why_ you 're doing it. Do it because it's
       | _fun_. Do it because you help your company meet one another. Do
       | it because you 'll probably improve the daily quality of life in
       | small tangible ways for a lot of people for your customers, or
       | for other employees. Do it to give your engineers some autonomy.
       | Don't do it _in order to get your next Gmail_.
       | mondoshawan wrote:
       | Current Googler -- AFAIK, 20% time is still a thing. You just
       | have to clarify the project with your manager, just like you did
       | before. I utilized it to write the Mendel development tool (mdt)
       | for Coral boards here: https://pypi.org/project/mendel-
       | development-tool/
       | On my current project, I have other Googlers spending 20% time to
       | help the team I lead as well.
       | 20% is very much still a thing here.
         | osipov wrote:
         | Not at Google Cloud
       | khazhoux wrote:
       | From my time there, the most important thing about 20% time, from
       | my POV, was _the message_ to all engineers that innovation,
       | personal growth, and expanding the boundaries of your work, is
       | _important to the company_. It was less important whether you
       | really engaged in a true 20% or not. The point was that the
       | company very loudly endorsed the idea of it -- even if in
       | practice, it was hard to get right.
       | vl wrote:
       | I worked there in 2010s and almost nobody was utilizing it
       | anymore since general incentives were not aligned: it was hard to
       | cut out time from your main project, and on top of the you had to
       | pre-justify your 20% project as useful, which is for 20% project
       | often more work than the project itself.
       | karaterobot wrote:
       | I've always wondered what the accountability for 20% time was.
       | Did you check-in on your project with a manager? Did you present
       | it at some demo meeting? If sufficient progress wasn't being
       | made, did someone "encourage" you to change projects?
         | bwest87 wrote:
         | You can do it a few ways. But in my experience, the simplest
         | and best way is to force people to demo _something_ at a pre-
         | specified time. If you 're doing it "hackathon" style, then it
         | should be at the end of the hackathon. If you're doing it 20%
         | style, then probably end of the quarter? You could do it with
         | zero accountability, but having tried to run these programs
         | (see my other top-level reply here), I think you'll mostly get
         | a lot of people not doing much if you don't have any
         | accountability.
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