[HN Gopher] Analyzing the compromised DLL file that started the ...
       Analyzing the compromised DLL file that started the Solorigate
       Author : thejj100100
       Score  : 147 points
       Date   : 2020-12-18 22:24 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.microsoft.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.microsoft.com)
       | danjc wrote:
       | I'd have expected that a catch block with nothing in it would
       | have warranted some investigation
       | MarekKnapek wrote:
       | Did SolarWinds' CA (certificate authority) reworked their code
       | signing certificate?
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | I am curious how this code actually made it in, based upon the
       | following:
       | > The fact that the compromised file is digitally signed suggests
       | the attackers were able to access the company's software
       | development or distribution pipeline. Evidence suggests that as
       | early as October 2019, these attackers have been testing their
       | ability to insert code by adding empty classes.
       | Unless this a compromise of the build machine, it sounds
       | suspiciously like a lack of code review standards to me.
       | In our organization, the only way to get a line of code into
       | master is through a process where a 2nd developer reviews and
       | approves via GitHub. Branch protection rules are really nice for
       | this kind of concern. Obviously, the attacker can hit right after
       | cloning source, but it helps to know your foundations are clean
       | regardless.
         | phendrenad2 wrote:
         | Do you code review the output of your build system? Imagine you
         | had to write Java for a minute. Are you going to open up JAR
         | files and look at strings to ensure no one is inserting code
         | from your build server?
         | Or if Java is a bridge too far, are you inspecting your
         | minified webpack output to ensure no one is inserting malicious
         | Javascript?
         | chris_wot wrote:
         | Can't you just run a git rebase to disguise it?
         | tsimionescu wrote:
         | If we're at the level where we think it's an inside job, it
         | doesn't seem that difficult to have 2 people on the inside
         | "reviewing" each other's malicious commits.
         | For what it's worth, my org also has the same policy, but it's
         | intended to catch mistakes, not to protect against malicious
         | actors inside the company.
         | rossjudson wrote:
         | All you need is to be able to influence the behavior of the
         | build system at runtime. If you have that, you do not need
         | access to the source code, and you do not need to check
         | anything in. This includes scenarios where the tool chain
         | itself is checked into the source control system.
         | Ken Thompson described this a long time ago:
         | https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/thompson/trust.html
         | At runtime, you alter the build system to notice if a new
         | compiler binary is being built. If so, inject code that, from
         | then on, invisibly "injects the injector". Once you've shifted
         | to this new compiler, the compiler binary itself is the
         | attacker.
         | Since you have an injector, you can put other types of
         | detections and alterations in...like watching for the
         | compilation of the initialization of a Solarwinds DLL. Then you
         | inject in what you need. No source code is involved.
         | There are probably lots of ways of getting around this, but
         | unless you're actually _looking_ for it, you won 't see it.
         | eternalny1 wrote:
         | They are claiming that their build system was compromised and
         | the code was not under source control.
         | > Based on our investigations to date, which are ongoing, we
         | believe that the vulnerability was inserted within the Orion
         | Platform products and existed in updates released between March
         | and June 2020 (what we call the "relevant period") as a result
         | of a compromise of the Orion software build system and was not
         | present in the source code repository of the Orion Platform
         | products.
         | mehrdadn wrote:
         | It's not hard to envision code reviews that don't review every
         | single line. Been on both sides of it. Code review isn't a
         | security barrier, it's a (noisy) safety check. It can't even
         | catch every silly bug, let alone deliberate covert sabotage.
           | sorokod wrote:
           | The chunk of code that unzips the Base64 encoded strings
           | looks super dodgy and should jump right out even at a casual
           | reviewer.
             | mehrdadn wrote:
             | Maybe, assuming it's all committed in one shot (rather
             | than, say, a couple lines per review) and the reviewer
             | scrolls through and glances at every chunk of code. It's
             | some 4000 lines of code, so I wouldn't be surprised if at
             | least one of those wasn't the case. (And all of this is
             | assuming the reviewer was a typical one... if they were
             | particularly known to be careless or compromised, then you
             | don't need these either.)
             | P.S. Oh, one more thing: some workflows don't mandate a
             | second review after the code is amended, so the initial
             | code could be benign. And many don't require the merger to
             | be the reviewer either. So this could've gotten in that way
             | too.
         | mekkkkkk wrote:
         | Branch protection settings are also editable by someone. What's
         | to say the attacker couldn't disable it or bypass it for this
         | one commit? Also I don't think it's uncommon to have a way to
         | get a hotfix deployed without going through the normal checks
         | and balances. For those "the service is down" calls at 2 AM.
         | Terretta wrote:
         | > _Unless this a compromise of the build machine ..._
         | Assume compromise of the build machine. Start with, who builds
         | the build machine, and how do they maintain it? Can humans get
         | into it at all, such as in a break glass scenario?
         | Also, GitHub, GitLab, and the like, may not actually guarantee
         | what you are relying on to enforce "the only way".
         | newhouseb wrote:
         | Solarwinds accidentally leaked (via Github) the FTP credentials
         | to the infrastructure used to distribute builds in late 2019
         | [1].
         | I'd be curious to see if the digitally signed bad versions are
         | similar to digitally signed good versions, i.e. if there's any
         | chance the attacker found/developed a hash collision against an
         | otherwise legitimate build. AIUI it'd be a pretty big deal
         | since it would point to a vulnerability in SHA-256 (which is
         | usually how Windows binaries are signed), but this is
         | apparently a nation state we're dealing with? -\\_(tsu)_/-
         | [1]
         | https://twitter.com/vinodsparrow/status/1338431183588188160/...
           | rurban wrote:
           | They did sign it with the key they found there, virus vendors
           | detected fancy bear or such, customer support was in denial
           | and recommended all customer to ignore this warning and
           | disable scanning this binary, whitelist.
           | You don't need the GRU with such a company. Microsoft
           | Defender would not help. Even a 12 year old from mom's
           | basement could have intruded the nuclear arsenal this way.
           | The nation state allegation came from the stealth CC stuff
           | they found. But apparently someone else also took the
           | invitation via writable ftp.
         | nwellinghoff wrote:
         | Spoken like a true dev There are other ways of checking code in
         | besides the official channel. Almost every company on the
         | planet could fall victim to this type of attack. Once a team
         | gets past a certain size and "its not my job" comes into play.
         | All kinds of doors swing open.
           | alkonaut wrote:
           | It's too obvious even for a huge app. The empty catch alone
           | is something I'd immediately "git blame" if I saw it. I work
           | on a 20 year old massive enterprise app and there is lots of
           | "not my job", but _someone_ would see it.
           | Also, it would likely (or hopefully) trigger a static
           | analysis warning in the build as soon as it's added. For such
           | a sophisticated attack this would be too much of a weak
           | point. It would be much better to have access to a point in
           | the build system that enabled you to inject that code in or
           | after the compilation, e.g by tampering with the tool chain
           | on the build machines.
             | slaymaker1907 wrote:
             | I was thinking something similar. My first comment on
             | review or even looking at the code is why the exception is
             | swallowed up without logging or a comment about why there
             | is no logging.
             | That of course leads one to ask what this code is actually
             | doing.
         | raverbashing wrote:
         | I'd be even more curious to know why people saw that code and
         | thought nothing of it.
         | No git blame? No bugs around that area? No one questioning
         | what/how/why is that there?
           | codenesium wrote:
           | They likely put a program on the build server to make the
           | changes after checkout before build. Which would be
           | impossible to detect.
             | raverbashing wrote:
             | "impossible to detect" except for all the merge conflicts
             | and build breaking changes, etc
               | vsareto wrote:
               | Huh? After the build server checks out the code, write
               | malicious code to the source files directly just before
               | the compilation step. No merge conflicts or breaking
               | changes unless the added code failed to compile. It's
               | reasonable to guess they had access to the source from
               | the build server, so they could reproduce this
               | environment themselves and test on their own.
         | Shank wrote:
         | If you view GitHub as a static infallible source, then yes --
         | your analysis is correct. But there are gaps anywhere. If you
         | want perfect 1:1 mappings between source, the developers who
         | make it, and the end builds, you essentially need a "chain of
         | trust" that can be tested at every stage. For example: are all
         | developers pushing code with encrypted SSH keys? Are the
         | commits signed? Are the signing keys hardware backed? Does CI
         | check the signatures? Is the CI server up to date? Are all
         | packages on the CI server signed and trusted? Are all stages of
         | the build pipeline testable for tampering and tamper-proof?
         | You're not curling or apt-getting or running npm anywhere in
         | your build server for some kind of Slack integration, right?
         | The list goes on.
         | The issue is that most developers view "the code pipeline" as a
         | trusted and complete system, for the most part. In the vast
         | majority of cases, that's okay. The issue is that SolarWinds
         | should have known, based on their very own customer list, that
         | they were in an advantageous position in many organizations
         | that are valuable targets. That should have _caused_ all of
         | this thinking to happen, and led to changes internally to
         | accommodate the new risk. That threat modeling/analysis either
         | didn't happen, or the outputs weren't good enough.
         | macNchz wrote:
         | Code review and protected master are certainly important but
         | not infallible. If I were a malware author with code running on
         | an owned dev machine and my goal was to sneak code into a repo,
         | I can think of a bunch of strategies that might increase the
         | odds of slipping past a review.
         | Just running in the background, waiting to amend a big commit
         | with many changed files/lines would probably go a long way. How
         | often does a reviewer glaze over when reading through a diff
         | where someone shuffled some modules around, causing a lot of
         | line changes without any real implementation changes? Perfect
         | opportunity to slip a few new lines into a long file amidst all
         | the other changes.
       | eternalny1 wrote:
       | Interesting tidbit at the bottom ...
       | > In an interesting turn of events, the investigation of the
       | whole SolarWinds compromise led to the discovery of an additional
       | malware that also affects the SolarWinds Orion product but has
       | been determined to be likely unrelated to this compromise and
       | used by a different threat actor.
         | infogulch wrote:
         | This makes me think of a common refrain when dealing with
         | parasite infestations: If you _see_ one, there 's way more than
         | just one.
         | Deterministic builds cannot come soon enough. And really,
         | builds are not enough, we need to be able to extend confidence
         | in the execution of the programs we write much deeper than just
         | builds.
           | Shank wrote:
           | > Deterministic builds cannot come soon enough.
           | This doesn't do anything for people who buy SolarWinds Orion,
           | which is a closed-source off-the-shelf tool that gets picked
           | up everywhere because of a combination of good sales tactics,
           | compliance checkboxes, and ability to remove work from all
           | involved.
           | Going back up the chain, a technical solution probably won't
           | solve the issues inside SolarWinds either. Systemic
           | organizational issues lead to RCE backdoors and implants
           | distributed on official update servers, signed with authentic
           | keys.
             | pnutjam wrote:
             | I haven't paid much attention to the solar winds catalog,
             | but last I looked I did everything they offered on Linux
             | with open source free tools.
             | toast0 wrote:
             | Deterministic builds can be done with closed source too. It
             | doesn't directly help the users, but if they had setup a
             | second build machine and noticed the build output was
             | different, they could have addressed this sooner.
             | Of course, if following best practices, all build machines
             | should be equally compromised. ;p
               | pnutjam wrote:
               | Mdt hashes and signing could have avoided this. Open
               | source stuff always verifies, vote closed source doesn't
               | have that habit.
               | Osiris wrote:
               | An article I read said that they did provide hashes but
               | they also provided instructions on how to install it
               | anyway if the hashes didn't match.
               | Osiris wrote:
               | https://mobile.twitter.com/KyleHanslovan/status/133841999
               | 966...
               | pbronez wrote:
               | I wonder if you could gain security while preserving
               | agility by having build servers with exceptional (and
               | annoying) security maintained offline. Do your CI/CD
               | work, then chop off a weekly release and build it from
               | source on a machine that's been powered off in a secure
               | room the whole time.
               | Still doesn't help you if the attack is sufficiently
               | upstream..
       | smspf wrote:
       | >In an interesting turn of events, the investigation of the whole
       | SolarWinds compromise led to the discovery of an additional
       | malware that also affects the SolarWinds Orion product but has
       | been determined to be likely unrelated to this compromise and
       | used by a different threat actor.
       | Either that one was used to compromise the supply chain (in which
       | case it makes little to no sense to keep it around and risk
       | detection), or at least 2 different groups had the chance to
       | target sensitive US infrastructure.
       | Funny how media coverage of this issue misses no chance of
       | mentioning Russia and nobody else, not even possible suspects.
       | I wonder what happens if the attackers notice each other on the
       | compromised system. Do they get along in exfiltrating data or do
       | they fight quietly?
         | Shank wrote:
         | > Funny how media coverage of this issue misses no chance of
         | mentioning Russia and nobody else, not even possible suspects.
         | There are parts of the intelligence community that know with
         | confidence who the true attacker is. Even if they had no idea
         | they were being exploited, there are many ways to perform post-
         | mortem analysis when you're, e.g., the NSA. So, someone has
         | 100% confidence, or close to it.
         | In terms of what the media says: typically, they report on off-
         | the-record remarks from officials and leaks. That's just how
         | the game is played. It's an unfortunate byproduct of everyone
         | wanting to tell, but nobody wanting to be caught telling. The
         | value of Reuters and AP is that they typically do enough due
         | diligence on their own sources to make sure that they're not
         | just spouting nonsense. "Top of the food chain" sources like
         | them are very regularly correct, but fallible.
           | roywiggins wrote:
           | The secretary of state has said as much, and pointed at
           | Russia. Sure, he could be lying, but given the president's
           | reflexive defense of Russia, that would be a weird lie to go
           | with. If anything, it's an admission against interest, which
           | strongly suggests to me that this is the assessment of the
           | relevant security agencies.
             | chris_wot wrote:
             | Trump said it was China
           | netsharc wrote:
           | But media can just add ", person X says" at the end of a
           | sentence and then the burden of proof is no longer with them.
           | They can report that "Obama is born in Kenya, President Trump
           | claims" and, hey, they're reporting the true fact that Trump
           | claimed something...
           | [deleted]
       | mad_vill wrote:
       | > To have some minimal form of obfuscation from prying eyes, the
       | strings in the backdoor are compressed and encoded in Base64, or
       | their hashes are used instead.
       | ah so base64 is valid encryption after all.
         | yuribro wrote:
         | It says encoded, not encrypted. base64 is an encoding. It also
         | says obfuscation, which isn't encryption either.
         | And finally, it talks about hashes (without even claiming
         | cryptographic hash functions), and but it's not about the
         | base64 strings...
       | chris_wot wrote:
       | I am curious what network detection could be done to detect this
       | sort of thing. Clearly the code needed to make outbound
       | connections to hosts.
       | Some thoughts: if there is an encoded sub domain, flag this as
       | suspicious.
       | Any code that uses a function to decode a base64 encoded string
       | should be a red flag.
       | Any newly created thread code should be detected and checked most
       | carefully.
       | Any others people can think of?
         | allyant wrote:
         | Any decent static code analysers should be able to detect
         | things like this (catch all's statements, base64 encoding etc),
         | I am surprised none seem to be used for production code.
           | derwiki wrote:
           | Is SCA often set up to run on the fully built end result
           | running on the production machine? I've generally seen them
           | as pre-merge-to-source-control.
       | otterley wrote:
       | I would very much like to see prevention advice tacked on to
       | analyses like these. It's very interesting to see how the
       | vulnerabilities were exploited, but I think it would be extremely
       | valuable to understand how to prevent future attacks such as
       | this. What were the root causes of the vulnerability, and how can
       | the community prevent similar ones from being created in the
       | future?
       | (Ideally with some automated tooling, too.)
         | mrtesthah wrote:
         | 1. Don't outsource 18,000 organizations' security to the same
         | vendor.
         | 2. Don't homogenize all the platforms.
         | 3. Reproducible builds; in all likelihood the build server was
         | compromised.
           | frongpik wrote:
           | I like comparing this type of unification with margin
           | trading, in this case with 18000:1 leverage: if stocks go up,
           | you get many multiples of the usual profits, but it takes
           | only a tiny dip in the price to wipe out the account balance.
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | The _root_ cause? It 's that people buy snake oil from vendors
         | to check boxes on meaningless compliance tests.
           | meowface wrote:
           | It can affect non-snake oil from good vendors who provide
           | useful solutions for meaningful compliance tests, too,
           | though. Or just any popular B2B software provider.
           | If one of the big 3 superpowers really wants to backdoor your
           | product, then even a top-notch company might fall victim.
           | Hopefully this increased awareness will make it harder to
           | pull off these subtle compromises without it getting caught
           | sooner, though.
             | robocat wrote:
             | Google banned Windows machines from their workforce a
             | decade ago (due to getting hacked by the Chinese).
             | Has Google relaxed that ban in any way? I.e. does Google
             | believe that Windows 10 is now secure?
             | What other major corporations or government departments
             | have followed Google's example since 2010?
       | er4hn wrote:
       | NOTE: The views I'm expressing here are solely my own and say
       | nothing about my employers views.
       | I think that the tech industry has a severe code supply chain
       | issue. Supply chains are a super hard problem with physical
       | products (Raise a hand if you (a) have tried tracing the supply
       | chain of cocoa (b) Can tell a midnight factory run of luxury
       | clothes from a legitimate one (c) remember the supermicro
       | controversy ) but with software we have the ability to do a much
       | better job on solving it. I find it really disappointing that we
       | have failed to do so. Reading through the comments here I've seen
       | discussions on deterministic builds, code signing, and other
       | practices. I think that they are parts of a unified whole, but
       | all the pieces need to be there and need to be correctly done.
       | Below I outline where I think the industry should be.
       | A complete, secure, code supply chain should do the following:
       | * Validate signatures on all 3rd party dependencies       *
       | Ensure that all internally written code relies on signed commits
       | * Have builds be reproducible       * Sign the output of those
       | builds
       | Taken together all of these form a complete supply chain that
       | applies to both closed and open source software. There is nothing
       | technically infeasible about implementing much of it as well - to
       | me it feels like a culture issue.
       | The gap between where we seem to be and where we should be seems
       | to be:                 * Validate signatures on all 3rd party
       | dependencies       ** Present Day: Many vendors cannot be
       | bothered to properly sign the outputs of their builds. Microsoft
       | updates, openssh releases, and things like that remain the
       | exception rather than the rule. This problem becomes even more
       | egregious when looking at enterprise to enterprise products such
       | as drivers which are either massive sets of source code or
       | precompiled blobs, both of which run with lots of privileges in
       | the context of the product they are integrated into. Even Fedora
       | provides lots of packages from their Koji build system, the
       | majority of which are not signed.       ** Where we could be:
       | Normalize signing these, and normalize validating the signatures
       | prior to any use in a build environment. This is one of the
       | easiest places in the supply chain to insert malware due to the
       | lack of verifications.       * Ensure that all internally written
       | code relies on signed commits       ** Present Day: Outside of
       | git, most VCS systems don't even support signed commits. Within
       | git, signed commits are not popular. I personally blame the
       | tooling. Signing is based on PGP keys which have all sorts of
       | known issues with use, tooling, and a general disdain due to
       | their initial use case for email being broken. Places like Github
       | attempt features like mandatory signing, but that falls short.
       | Keys are still sourced from unknown places, each developer is
       | responsible for their own key, there is no support for validating
       | prior commits once the signing key is rotated, and using the
       | webui totally bypasses the signing requirements
       | (https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-
       | team@latest/github/authenticating-to-github/about-commit-
       | signature-verification).       ** Where we could be: Let's
       | imagine a future where git is used as a VCS. Signing keys should
       | be centrally controlled by an authority with developers issued
       | code signing subkeys that are rotated and can be revoked by the
       | central authority. By having a history of all code signing keys
       | over time, the repository can also be audited at any point in
       | time. Even if malicious insiders directly alter the VCS, it can
       | be flagged! I lead a project to implement such a system at my
       | work ( https://eos.arista.com/commit-signing-with-git-at-
       | enterprise-scale/ ) which I am posting on every discussion here
       | to try and normalize a discussion around how to do this at other
       | companies.       * Have builds be reproducible       ** Present
       | Day: This is probably the biggest gap in having a secure supply
       | chain. Builds today are not reproducible nor are they
       | deterministic. The best which I know of is NixOS which is around
       | 99% reproducible ( https://r13y.com/ ). Debian appears 95% on a
       | specific target ( https://isdebianreproducibleyet.com/ ). Most
       | other products are much lower than that.       ** Where we could
       | be: The first step would be deterministic builds, where building
       | with the same inputs always results in the same outputs. Once you
       | have a way to store what those inputs are, you can then reproduce
       | builds later. Securing build environments becomes much easier at
       | that point. You can build in multiple places, at multiple
       | security levels, and check the same output comes out each time.
       | You can even build at a much later point in time since you should
       | have your whole set of dependencies clearly documented and saved.
       | Validating outputs is super easy later on since you can recreate
       | exactly what it should have been. This is also great for build
       | systems in general since it makes dependency graphs more accurate
       | and reduces problems with building in different environments.
       | With the existence of VMs and containers, this is also a problem
       | that should be super solvable. The devil is in the details here,
       | but there should not be any reason it cannot be solved other than
       | a lack of proper investment.       * Sign the output of those
       | builds       ** Where we are today: This is one of the items that
       | is actually the most popular, since it is so easy to do. There
       | are lots of methods to sign any sort of data and the tooling
       | around them is pretty straightforward. By signing this data, it
       | closes the loop on someone downstream validating that data as an
       | input to their own system.       ** Where we could be: Keeping up
       | the good work and going further to normalize signing build system
       | outputs!
       | breck wrote:
       | Anyone else find it ironic that the country that is responsible
       | for democratizing access to scientific research (via support of
       | SciHub), the country protecting a whistleblower against
       | government overreach (Snowden), the country pointing out how
       | fundamentally insecure closed source, proprietary software is
       | (SolarWinds), is...Russia?
       | How did we get here?
         | DethNinja wrote:
         | I assume huge percentage of this site is IT professionals and
         | software engineers.
         | I'll have to ask then, what proof is there that Russia did this
         | hack? Do you realise how hard it is to track professional
         | hackers? You will have to trace the entire network commands up
         | to a source and hope that it is registered under their name.
         | I genuinely cannot believe people here think that government
         | managed to find the source of the hack in couple of days, that
         | is just pure propaganda aimed for people with little to no
         | knowledge about computer security.
           | cogs wrote:
           | Attribution is not from tracing connections or domain
           | ownership, it's from looking at the coding style, the
           | "Tactics, Techniques and Procedures" and the choice of
           | targets.
             | meowface wrote:
             | It's a complex combination of all of those things, in
             | addition to more "offensive" type intelligence collection
             | (spying on GRU/SVR buildings, communications, and officers,
             | essentially, and compromising their infrastructure).
             | You might be surprised about how even the world's top
             | intelligence agencies sometimes do make simple mistakes
             | with domain and network registration which really are just
             | genuine fuckups rather than false flag subterfuge. This is
             | very rarely a matter of something silly like "Russian IP =
             | Russian intelligence" and more like sloppily re-using an
             | ostensibly non-attributable network or nameserver they
             | didn't realize was already burned.
             | We're still kind of in the infancy of cyberwarfare.
             | Attribution will probably be harder in a few decades.
             | But, yes, it's generally a matter of TTPs, target
             | selection, goal analysis, and style.
               | yread wrote:
               | You can see it in Bellingcat's investigations -
               | carelessly reusing burners, calling from GRU offices,
               | reusing passports, calling from two burners one
               | immediately following the other.
               | meowface wrote:
               | Yep, all enabled by the fact that Russia is so corrupt,
               | anyone can pretty easily buy any data about anything on
               | anyone. So any private citizen with a bit of money and
               | some skills can effectively act like a para-intelligence
               | agency, which is essentially what Bellingcat is.
               | For anyone curious, they have two excellent articles on
               | this from a few days ago:
               | https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/2020/12/14/navalny-
               | fsb-...
               | https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-
               | europe/2020/12/14/fsb...
               | There was also an amazing investigation into this
               | published yesterday by a Russian outlet, interviewing
               | some of the black market data brokers and law enforcement
               | officers (both of whom claim some of the brokers will be
               | hunted and killed by the state, now):
               | https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=ht
               | tps...
             | coolgod wrote:
             | That's just fancy technical terms to justify the
             | propaganda. If these kinds of "hard proof" exist how come
             | they are never publically revealed?
           | breck wrote:
           | A hack this big is bound to have plenty of HUMINT. I think it
           | would be hard for either government to cover that up.
         | ipython wrote:
         | So you're saying that Russia's interests are entirely
         | altrustic? That's quite a stretch. I don't think they hacked
         | SolarWinds to "prove how insecure closed source, proprietary
         | software is". Why don't they prove how "insecure" Kaspersky AV
         | is, in that case? Seems strange to pick a software package that
         | nobody's heard of, but happens to be used by thousands of juicy
         | industrial espionage targets of their primary political enemy.
           | mjevans wrote:
           | OP's comment should likely be read as satiric self criticism.
           | breck wrote:
           | I have no idea what Russia's interests are. I'm just
           | genuinely curious and in the dark. I've never been to the
           | country and grew up in the West during the Cold War, so when
           | I think of Russia I was indoctrinated to think of "the bad
           | guys".
           | The country is an enigma to me--very good at math but from
           | what I read a corrupt place with rule by power and not law.
           | So yeah, I'm just genuinely asking, how are _they_ the ones
           | doing these things which make the world a better place, and
           | why isn 't it us leading the charge in these 3 issues? Maybe
           | it is just a coincidence that those 3 things align with their
           | selfish interests, and their is no altruism involved? Or
           | maybe there's a group in Russia that loves the ideals of the
           | USA, and is able to actually help implement those ideals from
           | there, because if you tried to do those 3 things from here
           | you would be thrown in prison due to some bad laws/people
           | here?
             | efdee wrote:
             | This comment, along with the original comment of the same
             | person, is laughable at best and downright Russian
             | astroturfing in a less favorable reading.
             | Obviously, Russia has a policy to support whatever the US
             | is angry about (SciHub, Snowden, ...). To paint these as
             | altruistic is just silly - there is no chance on earth they
             | would support Snowden if his leaks were about Russia rather
             | than about the US.
             | To paint the SolarWinds hacking as "showing the world
             | proprietary systems are dangerous" is intellectually
             | dishonest at best.
             | You are not genuinely curious. You are not genuinely
             | asking. You do not genuinely wonder if there is altruism
             | involved.
             | GTFO with your doublespeak.
               | danielovichdk wrote:
               | On a side note. I Wonder why Snowden chose Russia as his
               | safe haven, thinking about the politics and rulings the
               | country is known for.
               | Have Snowden ever told why he chose Russia?
               | stevenicr wrote:
               | I vaguely recall that he had chosen somewhere else - but
               | in the midst of the flights from HK(?) to other places,
               | his passport was nulled by the US so he had to stay in
               | Russ, could no longer board int'l flights or something
               | (?)
               | mjevans wrote:
               | As a sibling comment notes; Snowden didn't get to choose
               | much once their passport was revoked (made a non-person).
               | You might recall that for a while (number of months?)
               | they were stuck inside of the border-zone limbo of the
               | International section of some airport in Russia.
               | Eventually Russia decided they'd allow the poor guy
               | inside, presumably to snub the US.
               | larvaetron wrote:
               | > You are not genuinely curious. You are not genuinely
               | asking. You do not genuinely wonder if there is altruism
               | involved.
               | What the hell kind of comment is this? Who are YOU to
               | make that assertion?
               | breck wrote:
               | Big words coming from an anonymous coward.
         | bayindirh wrote:
         | > The country pointing out how fundamentally insecure closed
         | source, proprietary software is (SolarWinds), is...Russia?
         | I think this research was pioneered by US with Stuxnet/Flame?
         | No?
         | tigerBL00D wrote:
         | It's only ironic of you buy into the narrative that Russia is
         | somehow more evil or malicious than your average superpower.
         | DharmaPolice wrote:
         | Not really a new thing. The Soviets would point out the defects
         | in US society as much as the US would highlight defects in the
         | USSR.
         | And granting asylum to persons who have fallen out of favour
         | with an enemy/rival has a been a thing back to at least the
         | time of the Peloponnesian War and probably before.
       | jijji wrote:
       | I wonder how much different this would be had it been a linux
       | application running under apparmor or in a container
       | environment... One would expect from a security perspective that
       | all of these remotely distributed applications would be running
       | under some kind of chroot jail or container to prevent the kind
       | of exposure that is obviously happening here. I think Microsoft
       | is a little complicit in their lack of security in their OS
       | platform allowing these types of issues to proliferate repeatedly
       | year after year with no real changes happening in the ways that
       | applications are locked down.
       | bassman9000 wrote:
       | _This method is part of a class, which the attackers named
       | OrionImprovementBusinessLayer to blend in with the rest of the
       | code_
       | Chuckled at this one.
       | tester756 wrote:
       | What's the thing about adding "-gate" to everything?
         | krapp wrote:
         | it's been a common way to refer to a scandal since
         | Watergate[0]. Don't know if that's actually the case here
         | though.
         | [0]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watergate_scandal
           | tester756 wrote:
           | but why? why cannot it just be "solarwinds hack"
       | mehrdadn wrote:
       | Any GitHub/GitLab/etc. employees here? I think you might be able
       | to help mitigate some of these kinds of attacks:
       | > To have some minimal form of obfuscation from prying eyes, the
       | strings in the backdoor are compressed and encoded in Base64, or
       | their hashes are used instead.
       | There needs to be a quick tool that flags strings that appear to
       | represent binary data before a merge, maybe even decoding them
       | when possible and providing hints of what they might represent,
       | especially inside source-code files. These shouldn't be common in
       | checked code. And we should figure out a way to whitelist them in
       | the repo that's both safe and convenient (I'm not sure how).
       | Is this a feature code-hosting sites like GitHub can add?
         | ronsor wrote:
         | That's just going to cause annoying false positives, and it's
         | not that difficult to get around such detection.
         | I'll bet the only result would be confused developers.
           | katbyte wrote:
           | I presume it would be opt in, would make for a handy github
           | action tbh
             | mehrdadn wrote:
             | Note that it shouldn't be an "action" on GitHub Actions,
             | since those are specified in the repo itself, and can hence
             | be removed in the same commit. It needs to be an external
             | thing.
           | mehrdadn wrote:
           | I can imagine it failing or succeeding depending on how
           | intrusive the UX is. It's worth trying out I think,
           | especially in an opt-in fashion. They can improve it
           | gradually and people can leave it disabled if they don't like
           | it.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | I'm not a GitHub employee, but this is probably something that
         | could be (either today or with some changes) via secret
         | scanning[1].
         | [1]: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-
         | team@latest/github/admin...
         | colek42 wrote:
         | I wrote about some mitigation steps here
         | https://boxboat.com/2020/12/14/safeguarding-the-world-from-t...
         | ThePadawan wrote:
         | The relevant code was (allegedly) not part of source control,
         | but inserted during the build process.
           | Threeve303 wrote:
           | If it was standard to compare a dependency graph of the
           | program architecture pre and post build, then you would catch
           | these sorts of things right away. Supply chain attacks are
           | not new and I imagine at least some companies have a process
           | like this in place already.
             | ThePadawan wrote:
             | What do you mean by "dependency graph" here?
             | Seems to me like this malware might as well have been added
             | to the calling assembly.
           | mehrdadn wrote:
           | Hmm, interesting. I'm confused if that's how I should read
           | this. You might be right. I assume you're referring to this
           | paragraph?
           | > Evidence suggests that as early as October 2019, these
           | attackers have been testing their ability to insert code by
           | adding empty classes. Therefore, insertion of malicious code
           | into the SolarWinds.Orion.Core.BusinessLayer.dll likely
           | occurred at an early stage, before the final stages of the
           | software build, which would include digitally signing the
           | compiled code.
           | They talk about adding classes at an early stage... I assumed
           | that meant modifying the source code in some fashion. Sounds
           | like you took it to mean they inserted binary (MSIL?) code
           | during the build? Or are you referring to a different
           | paragraph that indicates this wasn't part of source control?
             | ThePadawan wrote:
             | I was also thinking of manipulating source code. Let's say
             | there are multiple stages:
             | 1. Source code as available on development machines and
             | version control
             | 2. Source code as available on build machines
             | 3. .dll generated by build machines
             | I would assume (based on the article's language that you
             | quoted) that manipulation happened on (2), not (1) or (3).
               | mehrdadn wrote:
               | Oh interesting. So that would mean it would depend on a
               | compromised build machine. Yeah, that would make sense,
               | and I guess you couldn't prevent it like this in that
               | case. Thanks!
             | eternalny1 wrote:
             | SolarWinds themselves it claiming it.
             | https://www.solarwinds.com/securityadvisory/faq
             | > Our initial investigations point to an issue in the Orion
             | software build system in which the vulnerability was insert
             | which, if present and activated, could potentially allow an
             | attacker to compromise the server on which the Orion
             | Platform products run.
             | Under "With these processes in place how was your code
             | compromised?"
               | mehrdadn wrote:
               | Thanks!
       (page generated 2020-12-19 23:00 UTC)