[HN Gopher] Show HN: NoteCalc
       Show HN: NoteCalc
       Author : bbodi
       Score  : 174 points
       Date   : 2020-12-21 14:50 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | sanity31415 wrote:
       | Very nice, reminds me of "literate programming":
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literate_programming
       | In a similar vein - a few years ago I built an open source REPL
       | calculator called LastCalc (http://lastcalc.org/), which supports
       | some advanced ideas from functional programming including pattern
       | matching.
       | jarym wrote:
       | This is soooo nice. I wish there was a +10 option on HN - it'd be
       | the first time I'd use it!
       | mattweinberg wrote:
       | This looks great! The README says:
       | > Honestly, it just tries to be a free Soulver alternative in
       | your browser.
       | For people on macOS, Soulver is excellent and worth checking out:
       | https://soulver.app . I almost always have a Soulver window open
       | on my screen.
         | 32bitkid wrote:
         | Just wanted to also drop a recommendation for soulver, but I
         | have been split between it and Calca (http://calca.io/) which I
         | think is _also_ worth checking out, if you like this kind of
         | hybrid notes/calculator like interface.
         | The ultimate interface _for me_ would be somewhere in between
         | Calca (which I think has superior support for
         | functions/graphing/logical calculations) and Soulver (which I
         | think has better usability/readability) and a graph-based note-
         | taking system like Obsidian/Zettlr. I'm sure somebody will say
         | "there is a Vim plugin that'll do that" but... yea.
           | frereubu wrote:
           | Calca does look like a really nice mix of note-taking and
           | calculations. The screenshots made me realise I was missing
           | variables in Soulver... until I looked at the Soulver docs
           | and realised that it _does_ have variables, I just hadn 't
           | thought to look. Thanks for the prompt!
           | tesseract wrote:
           | Love Soulver and Calca looks great too, thanks for pointing
           | that out! Personally I would love a tool like one of those
           | but with built in unit handling/dimensional analysis
           | capabilities equal or better to the Google search bar...
       | chrisofspades wrote:
       | This is pretty cool. Reminds me of https://instacalc.com/
       | waynesonfire wrote:
       | wow, love it.
       | wongarsu wrote:
       | Link to the public instance:
       | https://bbodi.github.io/notecalc3/notecalc
       | It took me a couple clicks to find, a link in the readme would be
       | useful.
       | It's an awesome tool, I think I will use this a lot. It cover 95%
       | of my WolframAlpha use, with an interface that's both more
       | responsive and let's me keep track of context and streams of
       | thought.
         | dvtrn wrote:
         | _a link in the readme would be useful._
         | It's there, already. The direct link in the OP are to the
         | release notes
         | https://github.com/bbodi/notecalc3/blob/develop/README.md
       | chaoxu wrote:
       | This is pretty good soulver replacement.
       | I found all these similar tools has the problem that there is
       | _exactly one expression per line_.
       | Is there any exploration of this feature: have the computed
       | number shown next to the expression.
       | I had this problem while using soulver, too. I had a lot of
       | artificial line breaks. For calculations it is pretty good, but
       | it is pretty horrible when I present it to someone else.
       | skulk wrote:
       | Something like this exists for emacs as well:
       | https://github.com/sulami/literate-calc-mode.el
       | chedine wrote:
       | This is great. I have always wanted to build this for myself ever
       | since i read Bret Victor. Good work
       | FpUser wrote:
       | Very nice app, I really liked it
       | xixixao wrote:
       | You should link the website instead:
       | https://bbodi.github.io/notecalc3/
       | Awesome work!
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | That's really nice!
       | Looks like a labor of love.
       | Thanks for sharing it!
       | himujjal wrote:
       | Great work.
       | Is there a Terminal UI for this? Many users love to have simple
       | programs in the Terminal itself.
         | bbodi wrote:
         | Hi, Not yet, it is on my list, but unfortunately with a low
         | priority.
         | But fortunately, the whole architecture was designed with the
         | terminal in mind: - 99% of the functionalty is implemented as a
         | lib, and just a tiny part is responsible for input and
         | rendering, so it is very easy to write new frontend for it. -
         | both the rendering and the input uses characters as a basic for
         | coordinates, so it is easy to translate the render commands
         | generated by the lib to the terminal.
         | leejoramo wrote:
         | A version to use within VSCode would be very useful too.
           | SamBam wrote:
           | I was just thinking, turning this into a VSCode plugin would
           | be awesome. Would save me from opening up the browser console
           | every time I wanted to do some simple math.
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | Very nice. I end up using google search more frequently for
       | simple calcs and have been wanting something to take that to
       | another level but not as far as a full blown Juypter notebook.
       | This could fit that sweetspot for me and others I imagine.
         | w0m wrote:
         | I usually use Alfred's build in Calc for simple stuff; and
         | ipython when i want _more_ (or reproducibility to play with
         | numbers better)
       | krick wrote:
       | Nice. What I really want, though is a CLI calculator (something
       | like bc or ipython) that would be clever enough to handle stuff
       | like 1000!/999! (increase the number of digits if python will be
       | able to do that: I hope you get the idea). I cannot treat
       | seriously a calculator in 2020 that actually tries to evaluate
       | expressions numerically, while representing numbers as floats or
       | int32.
       | Multiplying matrices and stuff is nice, but I don't think I
       | really ever needed that. But simple combinatorics and other
       | calculations that involve large numbers and lots of simple
       | operations (like powers), but are perfectly calculatable without
       | losing precision on a piece of paper -- plenty of times. It's
       | annoying that I can calculate on a piece of paper something my
       | calculator cannot.
       | Other than that, maybe some operations over physical units/unit
       | conversion and some embedded city/timezone DB, and I don't think
       | I can ask more of a calculator.
         | bbodi wrote:
         | Originally NoteCalc used a library for handling arbitrarily
         | large numbers. Unfortunately, some operations were so slow that
         | as a quick fix, I replaced the library with a lighter one
         | without dynamic allocations (which is 96 bit integer with
         | 28scale).
         | This serves well the primary goal of NoteCalc so I did not
         | spend more time on it yet, but I am on the same page as you,
         | and if NoteCalc will be feature-complete, I will give an other
         | shot to arbitrarily large calculations/precision.
         | muizelaar wrote:
         | Have you tried isympy? It handles your factorial expression
         | easily.
       | minxomat wrote:
       | Alternative for linux (especially great on eOS): NaSC
       | (https://parnold-x.github.io/nasc/)
       | [deleted]
       | Epskampie wrote:
       | Some feedback: it fills my browser history with a lot of entries.
         | bbodi wrote:
         | Thanks, you are right, I did not notice but yes it could be
         | annoying.
         | The reason is that the content of the note is stored in the URL
         | so it is easy to share it by sending the url to friends. So the
         | URL changes basically on every modification.
         | I add it to the fixlist.
           | wccrawford wrote:
           | If you aren't interested in the history, perhaps you should
           | be replacing the state instead of adding to it? Without
           | looking at the code, it seems like an easy fix.
             | bbodi wrote:
             | Yes this will be, thanks :)
       | triangleman wrote:
       | Wow, so this is rust compiled to JS? Or I guess WASM which is a
       | subset of JS? Is this the future of the web?
       | Also I noticed the base64/deflate URL fragment storing the entire
       | text content, a la flems.io ... nice!
         | simlevesque wrote:
         | Yeah it's Rust to WASM with JS for the startup.
       | smusamashah wrote:
       | This is amazing. Doesn't feel like a web based tool at all. Can
       | even do bitwise operations that's just great. Can there be a
       | programmer mode where I can use & and | instead of AND and OR?
       | Not a deal breaker though. It's going to help a lot in day to day
       | bitwise stuff
         | bbodi wrote:
         | yeah why not :) I added it to my todo.
       | gregoriol wrote:
       | On macOS, there is the excellent Numi app
       | Sadly I haven't found any equivalent for iOS (iPhone and iPad):
       | it would definitely get my money!
         | filleokus wrote:
         | Numi would be my favourite of all these kind of calculators on
         | macOS, if it wasn't for the lack of unit calculations[0], e.g
         | density = 2 kg / 3 l, mass = 10 dm^3 * density
         | [0]: Not sure of the actual term in English
           | asimpletune wrote:
           | I think the term in English is dimensional analysis
       | adrianmsmith wrote:
       | For those using note-taking apps, I've found that OneNote has a
       | similar very useful feature. If you type 1+2= into a note and
       | then press the space bar, it'll insert the answer. It can
       | understand thousand separators and large expressions with
       | brackets etc.
       | BOOSTERHIDROGEN wrote:
       | is there a docker image ?
       | niklearnstodev wrote:
       | Exciting to see an open source Rust WASM project as reference for
       | us folks who are interested in playing around with it. Thanks for
       | the cool work!
       | djbeadle wrote:
       | This is very cool! The project description says that it is
       | inspired by Soulver [1].
       | A similar (but different) application for iOS is Tydlig [2] which
       | can also generate some simple x-y plots.
       | [1] https://soulver.app
       | [2] http://tydligapp.com/
       | gen_greyface wrote:
       | This really looks great.. props to you.
       | just a nitpick.. changing the theme resizes the panels
       | automatically to adjust to the first panel's width
       | SamBam wrote:
       | Very cool, though I find there's a lack of discoverability as to
       | what I can do with it, and no help is provided if there's an
       | error.                   pi() => 3.14...         sin(3.14 rad) =>
       | 0.00..         sin(pi() rad) => err
       | No idea why there's that error.
         | bbodi wrote:
         | Thanks for noticing it!
         | Unfortunately it seems units cannot be applied to function
         | results. It must be fixed, I noted down, thanks!
       | bitexploder wrote:
       | This is really cool. I am always in Org mode which lets you do
       | "literate" programming as well. I think NoteCalc is a little more
       | streamlined, but I am very used to throwing a little Python or
       | elisp into my notes when I need to do math. Great to see more
       | options on this front. Org-babel is a nice package, though it
       | does have some limitations.
         | b3n wrote:
         | Any reason you don't use calc-mode to insert mathematical
         | results into your Org buffer? Calc-mode is extremely powerful.
       | lxe wrote:
       | Wow I didn't even notice this wasn't HTML until I tried pasting
       | stuff...
         | bbodi wrote:
         | I take it as a huge compliment :)
         | Pasting should work with simple texts, what was the issue?
         | Don't hesitate to open an Issue in GitHub if something does not
         | work. https://github.com/bbodi/notecalc3/issues
       | enos_feedler wrote:
       | I wish this was built into the iOS notes app. So many notes are
       | just number calculations like this.
       | gorkish wrote:
       | Love this, but the lack of interpretation of prefixed currency
       | symbols is absolutely maddening! That it simply ignores the
       | number and operand with no indication that these elements are
       | ignored could easily lead to problems. I don't think I could in
       | good conscience trust myself or those I might consider to be the
       | target audience of this app to notice parsing errors in every
       | case. Consider:
       | "$400 / 20" => 20 (ERROR)
       | "$400 / 25" => 25 (ERROR)
       | "400$ / 20" => 20 $ (OK)
       | "400$ / 25" => 16 $ (OK)
         | vageli wrote:
         | Your comment made me realize that most unit notation I'm
         | familiar with has the unit as a suffix, with currency being the
         | only standout that comes to mind.
           | [deleted]
           | gorkish wrote:
           | Binary, ocatal and hexidecimal literals often are indicated
           | with prefixes: 0b, 0 and 0x respectively. There are probably
           | other esoteric cases that I can't think of off the top of my
           | head. "Qty" is often prefixed, for instance. It's a
           | complicated problem for a natural language calculator, to be
           | sure. Here are a couple examples of ways to represent four
           | thousand Canadian dollars that you might encounter and have
           | no trouble interpreting as a human. This could be a good
           | target for an ML tokenizer...
           | -$4000CAD
           | CA$-4,000.00
           | 4.000,00CAD$
           | roywiggins wrote:
           | It depends on the currency / country, too. Lots of countries
           | put the currency afterwards, even "C/" comes after. $ and PS
           | come before, but EUR ends up moving depending on the
           | language.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_and_the_euro#Written_.
           | ..
         | jannes wrote:
         | It would also be nice to support other currency symbols. In
         | Europe there are EUR and PS, for example.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_currencies_in_Europe
         | bbodi wrote:
         | In your case syntax highlighting helps. Everything which is not
         | part of a calculation is rendered as a simple text (greyish):
         | [image](https://trello-
         | attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/558a94779b3b3c5d...)
         | But yes I admit it takes some time to get used to the colors
         | and their meanings.
         | Currencies and exchange between them are on my feature list
         | btw.
           | gorkish wrote:
           | Awesome; this is great to hear.
           | An idea you might consider is to display some kind of warning
           | symbol or message if the input contains digits or operands
           | which are not interpreted as part of the calculation that
           | produces the output. This would have made the semantic
           | meaning of the syntax highlighting immediately more evident.
       | codeful wrote:
       | notepad + calculator is a really great combination. i'm using
       | this time to time:
       | http://notepadcalculator.com/
       | nsajko wrote:
       | I'm not quite sure what's the purpose of either NoteCalc or
       | Soulver, but I am currently getting acquainted with TeX - and
       | from that perspective NoteCalc seems comically under-powered
       | compared to what's achievable through plugging into the
       | Lua(Meta)TeX engine with Lua, or with the Lua C API.
       | I'm not criticizing NoteCalc, rather I think somebody should
       | create a lightweight note taking tool like that, I don't think it
       | would be very difficult by leveraging the already existing
       | TeX/ConTeXt/LMTX/LuaMetaTeX machinery, and it would blow the
       | Soulver-like stuff out of the water. The main design problem
       | could be deciding exactly where between ConTeXt and Soulver
       | should the new tool/language lie power-wise, i.e., how much
       | should it expose.
       | I'm not proposing using TeX directly, rather I'm proposing basing
       | a new, simpler language on the Lua(Meta)TeX TeX engine, and
       | probably also on ConTeXt/LMTX.
         | bbodi wrote:
         | One of my primary design goal was something like that: "My
         | mother should be able to use this tool to calculate/plan her
         | vacation expenses". (My mother is older and not a tech guru you
         | can guess :)) So the primary focus are on simple calculations
         | with meaningful context and immediate feedback. Nothing fancy.
         | Though, beside that, I think it provides some nice features.
         | E.g. the matrix creation/editing functionality was born because
         | I could not find a simple tool to double check my rendering
         | calculations with.
           | nsajko wrote:
           | Yeah, I guess NoteCalc will be useful to many people, it's
           | just that I'm noticing the sad lack of utilization of LuaTex
           | (probably because people don't know it exists and exposes the
           | power of TeX through Lua).
           | The targets of NoteCalc vs. the tool I'm proposing would be
           | somewhat different, too, because LuaTex outputs primarily to
           | PDF, and I don't know if it can produce HTML.
       (page generated 2020-12-21 23:00 UTC)