[HN Gopher] You Should Write a User Guide
       You Should Write a User Guide
       Author : opsgal
       Score  : 115 points
       Date   : 2020-12-22 14:08 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (boringstartupstuff.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (boringstartupstuff.com)
       | intrasight wrote:
       | You should not have a popup asking for my email.
       | intrasight wrote:
       | I do wholeheartedly agree about user guides. But I'll rephrase
       | the statement as "Your documentation team should write a user
       | guide". If your big enough to need a user guide, you're big
       | enough to have a documentation team. That can be a team of one
       | for starters. Comparative advantage. Programmers should program.
         | MattGaiser wrote:
         | I don't think you read the article. "User guide" is not what
         | you think it is in this context.
         | [deleted]
         | intrasight wrote:
         | In addition, I'll say that your documentation team should use
         | real technical writing software like FrameMaker and not some
         | lame ascii markup thingy like Markdown, RST, etc. Programmer
         | written documentation should be embedded in their code.
         | Just joking. Do whatever you want - it's a free country
         | (mostly).
       | madamelic wrote:
       | Every time this is posted, I go against the grain and agree with
       | something like this.
       | I think having general principles written down and available for
       | your team or especially your manager is good.
       | - How do I like praise?
       | - How do I like criticism?
       | - What makes me feel appreciated?
       | etc.
       | Your manager's job should be to keep you happy and productive.
       | Knowing what makes you productive and happy at a company is their
       | job.
       | Maybe I am just a weirdo Millenial who hates corporate places but
       | if my manager or colleagues laughed at this or anything in that
       | sort, I would leave since that signals a poor environment that is
       | not about teamwork and being caring of others.
         | bonoboTP wrote:
         | I like my praise without the p.
           | onei wrote:
           | I enjoyed the wit of this but I think there's an important
           | point. Employees provide a given amount of value to an
           | employer and if they aren't recognising when that value
           | increases, I'm sure someone else will. Words are nice, but
           | money speaks more.
         | Taylor_OD wrote:
         | As a former manager I felt like the first 90 days, even as long
         | as the first 6 months, after onboarding a new employee was
         | spent trying to figure out what motivates them, how to
         | communicate with them effectively. One of the hardest parts of
         | manager is managing someone who likes their praise/criticism
         | presented in a drastically different way than you.
         | Most managers I've had in the past don't make the effort or
         | make a pretty small effort to adjust based on the individual.
         | I've spent a lot of time managing up in the past to mitigate
         | this.
         | AtlasBarfed wrote:
         | Just seems like something from a far more ideal world that
         | isn't cutthroat capitalism and information warfare.
         | This exposes way too much personal information.
         | For hiring it may flag HR paranoia.
         | The level of detail suggests self-awareness that psychology has
         | shown to not exist in practically all people, or it will be a
         | platform for career posturing like your resume and linked in.
         | So you're either lying to yourself, or lying to other people.
       | fullshark wrote:
       | A colleague did this at a job of mine, I honestly found it
       | obnoxious and presumptuous, this idea that it's on me to
       | consciously change my behavior to work with them instead of on
       | them to deal with the tiny inconveniences and pet peeves that
       | come from collaboration with someone. Maybe it helped and
       | coworkers aren't your friends so who cares as long as it does but
       | beware if you do this that I don't think everyone will appreciate
       | it.
         | unabst wrote:
         | It's this.
         | The developer mindset almost enjoys documentation because you
         | can absorb it fast, in detail, and get on with the problem in
         | the window next to it.
         | In the real world (TM), problem solving is often a matter of
         | responsibility and a delegation issue and resolved socially.
         | And often for non-developers, the software they are given is
         | suppose to be the solution to all their other problems. So when
         | there's a problem with the software or they can't understand
         | it, a standard reaction is "which number do I call", "train
         | me", or "can you fix this".
         | For client facing shops, the developer needs to document for
         | customer service. Customer service needs to handle client/user
         | communication. And customer service benefits most from detailed
         | documentation, to allow them to answer user questions without
         | asking the developer.
         | If this is a mixed collaboration environment, then
         | communication needs management. There are people that want open
         | channels. There are people that don't. And there are people
         | that are offended when their preferences are not met or
         | violated. Management is a requirement.
         | opsgal wrote:
         | OP here - I actually agree with this sentiment to some extent .
         | There's a thin line between "here's a shortcut to all the
         | things you might learn about me over time anyway" and "I think
         | my preferences are more important than yours."
         | Ultimately the exercise was helpful for me because of what I
         | learned about myself and not because of what others could learn
         | about me.
       | gk1 wrote:
       | If pointing colleagues to a "Gk1 User Guide" feels self-centered
       | or weird for any reason, call it "Operating Principles" and keep
       | it internal.
       | Then adhere to these principles strictly and consistently. Others
       | will notice and change the way they interact with you
       | accordingly.
       | For example, with a few exceptions, I don't answer emails on
       | weekends. It only takes one or two weekends for someone to
       | realize this, and either stop emailing me on weekends or learn to
       | not expect an answer until Monday.
       | As another example, if an important request, decision, or
       | question is sent to me on Slack or text, I kindly ask them to
       | send it to me by email. A few instances of this and people figure
       | it out. This is, I think, a much more friendly way of changing
       | people's behavior than pointing them to a user guide.
       | boringcomment wrote:
       | you SHOULD write a user guide! If you liked this article, please
       | share!
       | the_cramer wrote:
       | My experience as a developer is
       | - people don't care about my status (e.g. "busy", "dnd")
       | - people don't care about my communication preferences
       | -- if i'm not blocked they will call, no matter the priority
       | - they are not interested in any priortization not done by them.
       | And last and the most related to this approach:
       | - They do not read any documentation I write about me or my
       | software. They hardly read the contents of mails.
       | I shoud remark that i do not work for a software-house but in
       | medium scale distribution. Still did not find a way to
       | communicate to my peers on how important phases of concentration
       | and defined communication channels are. In my opinion, another
       | documentation is not gonna work...
       | edit: formatting
         | hnarn wrote:
         | > They do not read any documentation I write about me or my
         | software.
         | It's a vicious cycle. If you have bad documentation, people
         | won't read it, but without people reading the documentation no
         | one wants to spend time writing it.
         | Even when you have good documentation (which by the way is
         | decided by the readers, not the writers) you still need to
         | educate users constantly that it exists and should be referred
         | to.
         | I refer customers to documentation that is well written and
         | almost always correct on a daily basis, and as soon as they
         | understand where to look and know there aren't gaps, they'll
         | start using it (because if there's gaps and they need to
         | contact support anyway, you might as well skip the doc step
         | completely and get a correct response instead).
         | Documentation is one of those things that aren't obviously
         | necessary enough for most stake holders behind the scenes, and
         | it only starts to hurt when you're at the point where you wish
         | someone started documenting a year ago.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | Even if they don't read (software) documentation at first, it's
         | good to have something to point them to when a question or
         | issue comes up. After that happens a couple of times, some may
         | even learn that consulting the documentation is a useful thing
         | to do.
           | pc86 wrote:
           | Speaking from experience, if you're working with
           | professionals (not always the case, of course), if 4/5 times
           | your answer is just a polite link to a piece of
           | documentation, over time they will start checking that
           | documentation first.
           | Like someone else said though, a lot of times the
           | documentation just isn't any good. And just because it's
           | great for a developer doesn't mean it's even _useful_ for a
           | VP Sales (for example).
             | mindhash wrote:
             | I had a similar experience. It does reduce the calls after
             | a while. Some people will still not get it, thats ok.
             | I also tried posting video walkthroughs for those who don't
             | read. Okish response.
             | musingsole wrote:
             | I'll echo this from my experience managing development
             | tools for a 40 person team. At first, someone is asking you
             | questions because the tool is new, no one knows where
             | resources on it might be, but they do know you work on it.
             | If this continues, it's because whatever non-you resources
             | that are available aren't answering questions adequately.
             | So change/update the docs until they can answer the
             | questions for you.
             | /That said, there's always someone who develops the
             | heuristic that asking you is faster. So, don't be.
         | dkersten wrote:
         | I've interacted with teams that would commonly get messages in
         | their slack channel asking to review PR's or whatever and the
         | team would simply point at the channel status which was a link
         | to their ticket submission page and the expected turnaround
         | time, with a message like "Hi, please open a ticket and we'll
         | get to it within the SLO", and then they strictly stuck to
         | that. They also always linked the documentation if it might be
         | in there, but with the note that if its not covered in the
         | docs, to let them know. Usually it was in the docs.
         | Sure, people don't like it, but after a few attempts to bypass
         | the system, they learn and stop doing it. (This is in a
         | software company)
           | alexchamberlain wrote:
           | I really appreciate when someone takes a few minutes to
           | answer my question on a public (rather than 1-1 chat), so I
           | endeavour to do the same for others. Treat others as you'd
           | like to be treated.
             | dkersten wrote:
             | Well, in this particular company, everything was public.
             | Even the 1-1 discussions tended to be threads in the public
             | slack channel. Or at least comments on the ticket.
             | The main point was if you want the other team to do
             | something, you create a ticket so that they can schedule it
             | in, rather than interrupting them demanding they drop
             | whatever they might be doing to do your thing. And if your
             | question is already addressed in the documentation, then
             | its a waste of the teams time and energy to answer the same
             | thing over and over.
             | If you have a legitimate question that isn't answered in
             | the documentation, then you can absolutely ask and get an
             | answer. The main goal is to reduce interruption with
             | needlessly (everyone is busy!) and to reduce low quality
             | low effort questions. Answers then often also made it back
             | into the documentation.
             | So its not about treating the requester badly, but rather
             | that its easy and low effort to ask someone to do or answer
             | something, while it can be incredibly disruptive for the
             | team being asked. This is a means of managing that, and in
             | my opinion it worked great. It also pushed me to put enough
             | effort into questions when I did have them (what am I
             | trying to achieve, what have I tried, where have I looked
             | for answers, what problems am I having).
               | alexchamberlain wrote:
               | This is why you should ask on a public chat; if I'm
               | really too busy to read the Slack channel, I won't read
               | the Slack channel. If, on the other hand, I need a
               | breather or "I'm waiting for the compiler", I might be
               | able to give you some pointers in the right direction or
               | encouragement with what you've already discovered.
               | I'm not encouraging lazy questions per se; I want people
               | to demonstrate effort (what have you tried?) and ask the
               | right question (X-Y questions), but equally, I appreciate
               | that documentation takes a long time to digest and maybe
               | my opinion is what you want rather than discrete facts.
           | AtlasBarfed wrote:
           | Ticket walls are an unfortunate outgrowth of continued
           | management incompetence in software development.
           | Unfortunately, once it starts it spreads like the plague, and
           | combined with defensive internal service monopoly empire
           | building, results in anything being done taking 10x more as a
           | task passes through a half dozen first layer and who-knows-
           | how-many second layer ticket walls/SLOs.
             | malwrar wrote:
             | What competence would make ticket walls go away? I've only
             | ever had dayjobs with large orgs and ticket walls have been
             | a useful defense against folks who insist on sending low-
             | quality help emails or DMs the moment they encounter a
             | problem. Sometimes I consider taking a massive paycut to
             | work in a smaller company specifically to lessen the
             | probability of needing to work with those sorts of people.
             | If there's some alternative model for dealing with these
             | people I'm excited to hear about it.
               | phkahler wrote:
               | >> What competence would make ticket walls go away?
               | I dont mean this as snark but how about making quality
               | software that is easy to use and has good documentation.
               | More jokingly: Take down the walls and let some users
               | actually bother developers with their problems until the
               | developers fix those recurring annoyances just for their
               | own sanity. This is probably going too far.
               | dkersten wrote:
               | The "ticket wall" I was talking about in my original
               | comment had nothing to do with quality software, but
               | rather getting a team handling a different competency to
               | do or answer something. The example I gave was actually
               | for the "cloud automation" team, they handled such things
               | as AIM roles/policies, cross-account AWS permissions and
               | various other AWS/cloud services that other teams used.
               | Other teams had similar "go through tickets" ways to
               | interface with them, for example the team that handled
               | the servers that CI got provisioned on. Developer-
               | services teams that provide services to development teams
               | internally, basically.
               | So making quality software would not eliminate the need
               | for them or the need for them to manage incoming
               | requests.
               | xapata wrote:
               | Don't change jobs for that. Same problem everywhere.
             | jasonpeacock wrote:
             | What's the alternative to ticket walls? What would
             | competent management look like in this case?
             | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
             | 'Ticket walls' _can_ be used as efficient pipelines for
             | work. The problem is the teams who are asking for tickets
             | aren 't managing them correctly or don't have a good
             | working agreement with the users. This is unfortunately
             | very common with internal service providers.
             | But it can be changed. The users have to have a
             | conversation with the service provider about what's wrong
             | with the process, how it's affecting the users (& the
             | business), and how they'd like it to change. If the service
             | provider stonewalls them, they can go up the management
             | chain. Often upper management has no idea what's going on
             | and will get something done if they hear enough people
             | complain.
             | dkersten wrote:
             | I liked it though because you could track the progress on
             | the ticket instead of pinging people periodically to see
             | what the status is. Once I got used to it, I found it was a
             | much simpler way to get things done across teams.
         | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
         | You are 100% right, documentation can't fix it. Having been
         | involved in onboarding acquisitions into a larger parent
         | company, it's been eye-opening to see how much of this is
         | driven by culture.
         | The parent company's culture may be patient, contemplative,
         | considerate, and proactive. They know it takes a long time to
         | get things done and that everyone is busy. They open tickets,
         | do research, seek advice from multiple groups. They double-
         | check that they did something correctly, having learned that
         | entering something incorrectly leads to it taking longer to get
         | done. They check your slack status, and follow up after a few
         | days if they don't get a reply e-mail.
         | But sometimes an acquisition's culture is quite different. A
         | lot of 'drop everything right now, I need you to do something
         | for me'. Using '@here' a lot and directly pinging people for
         | non-urgent things. Or leaving a comment in a ticket like 'the
         | backend team needs to fix this' but not going to the actual
         | team to tell them they need to fix it and how. If they don't
         | get a reply to an e-mail, they might wait forever.
         | None of this is due to good or bad people. The acquisition
         | culture can be changed over time to the parent company's
         | culture. But there needs to be a concerted effort to teach and
         | exemplify the culture, though cooperation, trust, and leading
         | by example.
         | Rather than a 'user guide', you can have informal discussions
         | with groups and agree on some common communication strategies.
         | You can discuss how different forms of communication affect you
         | and build empathy within your team. And if the team ends up
         | wanting varying ways of communication, _then_ you can write
         | user guides and publish them somewhere. The agile approach is
         | more about building culture collaboratively and informally, and
         | documenting what comes out of that as a de-facto standard.
         | ironchef wrote:
         | Maybe the documentation you've written hasn't been good?
         | I've found well-written documentation to be a good way to avoid
         | having folks bother me. I tend to treat it as a first class
         | citizen artifact of my work (along with tests). Have it be as
         | auto generated as possible. The above being said, I've also
         | sometimes struggled to put myself in the user's shoes to
         | understand what are the things I should emphasize in the
         | documentation.
         | im3w1l wrote:
         | Maybe beans should be assigned to unwanted contact attempts.
         | Then the bean counters can count them at the end of the
         | quarter, and see if the phone calls were a net gain or loss of
         | beans.
       | Sodman wrote:
       | In my opinion this is unnecessary for small teams, and doesn't
       | scale to big teams.
       | Either your team is small enough that this should just be a
       | conversation you have when you'd rather team members change their
       | behaviors - OR - your team is too big to read and remember
       | everyone's preferences.
       | Also, at the end of the day, the two people trying to communicate
       | are either going to have similar preferences (Both morning
       | people, both prefer talking over real-time video chat, etc), or
       | they're going to have vastly different preferences (night owl,
       | prefers async communication, etc). These user guides don't change
       | anything in either situation, the person with more leverage is
       | most likely going to "win" any decisions over how something
       | ultimately gets communicated.
       | caminmccluskey wrote:
       | I went back and forth on whether it was a good idea. In the end I
       | wrote one and it was well received by my team. Indeed, most of
       | the team wrote one and we collated them in our documentation
       | space. This was pretty helpful in the first few months of
       | lockdown, when people's work preferences and constraints were
       | quite varied.
       | I also decided to write up a short piece on the pros and cons +
       | some advice if you are considering writing a User Guide (or
       | README or Personal User Manual) - https://medium.com/better-
       | programming/personal-user-manuals-...
       | [Edit: Grammar]
       | matthewh806 wrote:
       | You Should Stop Telling People What To Do
       | saddlestrap wrote:
       | The idea of a "User Guide" sounds nice for a small team or
       | company, as the author mentions. I would caution against the
       | approach for anything larger.
       | In my experience, well-behaved colleagues will be considerate of
       | my preferences. If I would prefer they change in some way, it's
       | easy enough to have a quick conversation about how _they_ prefer
       | to be contacted/scheduled and then, in turn, communicate my
       | preferences as well. I'm sure they would read and follow my user
       | guide, but I'd rather take the opportunity to spend a few minutes
       | of facetime to build the relationship.
       | For poorly-behaved colleagues, I can't imagine them reading a
       | user guide like this. If they don't care for my preferences, why
       | would they spend time reading my user guide? They have already
       | established that they are less considerate of my preferences. In
       | that case, I've had success giving them a firm but very polite
       | "no".
       (page generated 2020-12-22 23:01 UTC)