[HN Gopher] Snebu - Simple Network Encrypting Backup Utility
       Snebu - Simple Network Encrypting Backup Utility
       Author : derekp7
       Score  : 58 points
       Date   : 2020-12-27 13:36 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.snebu.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.snebu.com)
       | Galanwe wrote:
       | The article doesn't go into much details on the atomicity of the
       | backups:
       | Are the backups performed while the mount points are still being
       | written to?
       | If the block device is locked during the backup, does the writes
       | fail or just block?
         | derekp7 wrote:
         | It uses standard "tar" and "find" commands on the client. If
         | you have something like a database, then you should exclude the
         | dbf files and uses the database's tools to put the DB in hot
         | backup mode (using a snebu-client plugin script -- there is a
         | template script in the manpage for snebu-client-plugin(5).
         | You can also create a plugin script that performs a disk
         | snapshot (using LVM snapshot or similar), then mount and backup
         | from that.
       | karmakaze wrote:
       | Catchy name, sounds of a Dr. Seuss creation.
       | I used to use byobu and rsync all the time thinking that byobu
       | was a wrapper script around 'screen' for bring your own back-up.
       | Later learned it's Japanese for those folding room divider
       | screens.
       | Perhaps someone could draw a snebu for the project.
       | candiddevmike wrote:
       | To echo the other comment, please use restic or borg instead of
       | this. For being a "simple" tool, it appears more complicated and
       | with more questionably useful features than restic or borg. Borg
       | and restic have server components that allow clients to send
       | backups, I believe restic also allows the clients to manage
       | encryption/not trust the server.
         | derekp7 wrote:
         | The "simpleness" in Snebu comes from using standardized tools
         | such as find and tar, file storage using LZOP, and the backup
         | catalog in a standard SQLite3 DB, allowing manual recovery of
         | files.
         | However Restic and Borg do have the advantage of writing
         | directly to cloud backups or "dumb" backend data stores such as
         | sftp targets, or API-accessed cloud targets (although Restic
         | doesn't compress and Borg has issues with multiple hosts going
         | to the same repository, they do still have their use cases).
         | Whereas Snebu is more of the use case that would be solved by
         | more complicated to manage tools such as Bacula, Amanda, or
         | commercial backup solutions but with lower setup and
         | administrative requirements.
           | Aachen wrote:
           | > Restic doesn't compress
           | I didn't actually know that, that's kinda weird. It doesn't
           | seem to be vital to deduplication, looking at
           | https://github.com/restic/restic/pull/2441, they just didn't
           | originally implement it and are now wondering how to best
           | introduce this breaking change (can be forwards compatible,
           | but of course not backwards), trying to get it right in one
           | try, keeping the format "robust", adding other breaking
           | changes while they're at it... wonder if this will happen any
           | time soon.
           | To be honest, though, 98% of the time large files (anything
           | over a few hundred kilobytes) is in a format that compresses
           | to a certain extent. Pictures, audio, even text documents and
           | spreadsheets are compressed these days. One person mentions
           | huge XML files which sounds like they really should have been
           | using a different tool (not a text file for starters, if
           | you're not going to read through those gigabytes of text
           | anyway), but there are other use cases like somewhat sparse
           | database tables or disk images or so. Then again, if you have
           | the space for those original files, doubling the space for a
           | reserve copy is usually not a deal breaker, and Restic also
           | deduplicates within and between files so if something were to
           | be very redundant and compressible it is also likely to be
           | caught by that algorithm.
           | I'm not against increasing the complexity to add it, and
           | breaking compatibility of course---it's a clear downside of
           | Restic to not have this---but I also don't really get anyone
           | who considers it a deal breaker (and only to an extent those
           | that find it a big deal).
           | Either way, thanks for pointing this out, I didn't know (and
           | made an incorrect assumption since it seems so standard) and
           | it's good to know about.
           | [deleted]
         | ajsnigrutin wrote:
         | For a simple tool, use rsnapshot ( https://rsnapshot.org/ ).
         | Pull system, which rsyncs (over ssh) the data from machones to
         | folders on a server, then, on the next day, creates a hard-link
         | copy of the backup folders, to get a separate "yesterdays"
         | version, and rsyncs over the "todays", to get the new "todays".
         | ...plus some scripts to do a weekly,and monthly versions and to
         | keep the number of backups at a desired number (config).
         | Only downside is, that it needs root access to rsync whole
         | filesystems, and that you need to manually set the excludes for
         | each machine.
           | derekp7 wrote:
           | That was actually the original inspiration for Snebu (not
           | rsnapshot specifically, but a custom script implementing
           | similar functionality based on the original rsync snapshot
           | paper). Snapshots are so much better than level-based backups
           | (full/differential/incremental) when using disk-backed
           | storage.
           | I ended up running into this problem:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8305283 when I got to 20
           | hosts and a year's worth of backups (14 daily, 6 weekly, and
           | 12 monthly snapshots, so 32 snapshots per hosts). It was made
           | worse in my case because I was using ZFS with compression. So
           | the original implementation of Snebu used shell scripts, flat
           | files for the catalog, and a small utility to burst apart tar
           | files.
           | rsync wrote:
           | "For a simple tool, use rsnapshot ..."
           | Even simpler is to do a dumb, 1:1 mirror, with rsync _and
           | then rotate zfs snapshots on the server side_.
           | Two benefits here over rsnapshot (or rsync snapshots, with
           | hardlinks) are:
           | 1) rsync snapshots diff on a file granularity - if you change
           | one bit of the file, your penalty is the storage space for
           | that entire file. ZFS, on the other hand, diffs on a bits
           | level so your penalty is just the changed portions of that
           | paticular file.
           | 2) Depending on your implementation, ZFS snapshots are
           | immutable/read-only ... so neither a misconfiguration nor
           | ransomware/mallory can destroy those backups if you lose your
           | credentials.
           | Historically, people would create and maintain "rsync
           | snapshots" inside their rsync.net accounts using 'cp -al' and
           | other unix commands run over SSH.[1]
           | After transitioning to ZFS, however, we encourage all
           | customers to just do a "dumb" 1:1 rsync to us and let us
           | maintain and rotate their preferred snapshot schedule
           | (days/weeks/months/quarters/years).
           | [1]
           | https://www.rsync.net/resources/howto/remote_commands.html
             | derekp7 wrote:
             | Just curious, how do you sync file ownership and
             | permissions when going to a ZFS target server with a non
             | privliged account? Or would you have all the files on the
             | target owned by the user ID accessing the target server,
             | then keep the metadata (owner/mode/SE Linux attributes /
             | ACLs, etc) in a separate log file?
             | And do you typically turn on ZFS compression? I tried that
             | years ago with ZFS under Linux, but had major slowdowns
             | after a while. But I'm sure it has improved quite a bit in
             | more recent years. Also how does ZFS stack up against Btrfs
             | in your experience?
             | But for a direct-to-cloud backup, the way you do it is
             | really great -- to me it is much easier than messing with
             | things like S3 buckets and similar technoligies.
               | rsync wrote:
               | Well, if you are using a _sophisticated_ tool like restic
               | or borg or duplicity, the file attributes are bundled up
               | into the encrypted chunks and all is well.
               | However, if you are using plain old rsync, you can use
               | the --fake-super command line switch to maintain those
               | attributes and I believe rsync.net customers are using
               | that successfully.
               | Yes, you are correct - in the old days (2001-2010 or so)
               | we maintained a pair of "permission scripts" which
               | allowed customers to dump all their attributes to a file
               | and then reapply it later. Again, --fake-super seems to
               | "fix" all of this.
               | Generally speaking, you should _always_ enable ZFS
               | encryption. It improves many aspects of ZFS behavior and
               | performance - not just space usage. Unless you have very
               | bizarre workloads or hardware, I think that in 2020 there
               | is no reason to _not_ enable compression. Deduplication
               | is another story and is _very expensive_ to maintain -
               | rsync.net has never run de-dupe on any systems.
               | We (rsync.net) and I (personally) have zero experience
               | with btrfs ...
       | izacus wrote:
       | Can anyone recommend a Linux (preferrably cross-platform) tool
       | like this which is appropriate for use in personal laptops?
       | It needs to:
       | - Handle random sleeps / disconnects properly without corrupting
       | backup,
       | - Resume backup in progress if the process was interrupted due to
       | sync or network issues.
       | - Be resilient to sleeps/wakeups in a way that it won't just fail
       | to backup the machine for months on end.
       | - (Bonus) Be able to skip backup when connected to mobile
       | hotspots or other slow networks.
       | Any ideas? I'm very happy with Arq backup on Windows/macOS, but I
       | just can't seem to find anything on Linux. Everything just
       | assumes a hardwired workstation/server and completely falls apart
       | on a laptop.
         | clankyclanker wrote:
         | Have you looked at git-annex on an anacron-job?
         | https://joeyh.name/code/git-annex/
         | It lets you use git to back up large files. However, it's built
         | for a git-sized number of files and not built for, say, your
         | entire home directory.
         | the-dude wrote:
         | Dropbox?
         | specktr wrote:
         | I'd also be interested in recommendations that meet the above
         | requirements.
         | My current work around for my main linux laptop is setting
         | rclone to run with crontab at a time that I know i'll be online
         | for an extended period (evenings during long homework
         | sessions). I've been doing this for several years and have yet
         | to run into major show stopping bugs, and I frequently do
         | checksum verification on my backups.
           | izacus wrote:
           | Yeah, that's sadly not very useful for laptops I manage -
           | people tend to turn them on and off at random times and I had
           | multiple cases where the backups just ended up in hosed state
           | (because the tool got interrupted at a bad time) or just
           | didn't backup for week because the laptop never ran for
           | enough time without interruption after creating a huge file.
         | derekp7 wrote:
         | What about a split or shadow repository? That is, have a host-
         | specific local cache of the metadata from the main backup
         | server, so that a snapshot backup can be made locally (say to
         | an attached thumb drive or SD card), then have a process that
         | sync's that up periodically when a stable network connection is
         | available?
         | If this is a strong enough use case then I have a couple ideas
         | on how to implement it (I'll throw it in the wishlist).
         | Otherwise, currently if you have an interrupted backup the next
         | one will still re-use the files already on the server, even if
         | it is part of a partial backup.
         | rsync wrote:
         | "Can anyone recommend a Linux (preferrably cross-platform) tool
         | like this which is appropriate for use in personal laptops?"
         | I think you should look into the 'borg' backup tool - it has
         | become the de facto standard for remote backups because it does
         | everything that rsync does (efficient, changes only backups)
         | but also produces strongly encrypted remote backup sets that
         | only you have a key to ... the remote has no access to the
         | data.
         | The borg website is here:
         | https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
         | and a good description of how it works and why you should use
         | it is here:
         | https://www.stavros.io/posts/holy-grail-backups/
           | izacus wrote:
           | Borg has zero scheduling functionality which means that it
           | doesn't fit any of the requirements (at least not without a
           | frontent).
           | It's literally the tool I was thinking about when I said "all
           | tools expect a wired workstation".
           | I don't want to manually write bash scripts to resume and
           | check backup status.
             | rsync wrote:
             | This is _not_ intended to solve your use-case - in fact,
             | what I am about to write is primitive and childish ...
             | however, I have done it myself and seen others do it:
             | You can replace a command like this in your crontab:
             | rsync blah blah
             | with a command like this:                 rsync blah blah ;
             | rsync blah blah ; rsync blah blah
             | See what I am doing there ? I sometimes deploy this hack
             | with very spotty WAN connections but the laptop sleep/wake
             | is basically the same thing ... you wake up the laptop and
             | the running command bombs out and the next one starts.
             | The reason this "works" is because rsync picks up right
             | where it left off on a broken transfer. I believe restic
             | and borg have similar behavior ...
         | beagle3 wrote:
         | resuming backup after network has disappeared for a while or
         | after sleep is problematic and mostly impossible to do in an
         | atomic way.
         | If you have enough local storage, I'd put a local backup
         | process (restic/borg/bup), and then rclone/rsync your backup
         | repository to remote storage.
         | If you don't have enough local storage, you can restic or bup
         | to a remote server reliably as long as you can complete one
         | scan. On my laptop with a 256GB SSD, a common restic scan with
         | cold caches takes less than 15 minutes; an hourly backup is a
         | few hundred megs, a daily backup is often close to 2 gigs,
         | depends on how many files you have, and how many (and how much)
         | of them change.
         | Alternatively, you can do an rsync-based snapshot.
           | izacus wrote:
           | There are multiple Windows and macOS tools that manage to do
           | that - without writing my own bash scripts which can fail in
           | corner cases.
           | I want to avoid writing them - last time I ended up with
           | devices not backed up for months because the backup tools
           | ended up in a partially broken state that caused silent
           | failures.
           | Hence why I want to have a tool designed for this use-case
           | and not a bunch of bash shell scripts in cron.
         | hiq wrote:
         | Can you mention what you've tried so far? I'm happy with
         | borgbackup, but I don't know if it matches your bullet points.
         | Still, I'd be surprised if mainstream backup solutions corrupt
         | your backups in case of sleep / disconnect. That would be a
         | pretty big bug. Borgbackup also handles resumes IIRC. Your
         | third point is unclear, you'd have to try in practice. But if
         | throughput * time awake < size of compressed deduplicated data,
         | you obviously cannot expect your backup to complete. I guess
         | you just rephrased your second point.
         | For the last point, personally I think I'd take care of mobile
         | hotspots / slow networks with a script wrapper rather than
         | expecting the backup software to handle this.
           | izacus wrote:
           | I couldn't find any borg configuration to schedule and resume
           | after sleep. Unless that changed, how does it fit my
           | requirements?
             | [deleted]
             | hiq wrote:
             | Regarding sleep that would be the role of e.g. systemd (or
             | whatever you have on your system) and you'd have to write a
             | service unit handling that (although I'm not sure what
             | you'd want exactly, if you have a program running when you
             | put your computer to sleep, it'll still be running once it
             | resumes, so not much to do).
             | Regarding schedule that could be part of the service, but a
             | simple cronjob can also do the trick depending on what you
             | want exactly.
         | bartvk wrote:
         | Arq does this really good, I know exactly what you mean. It's
         | more or less fire and forget. And unfortunately it looks like
         | you're not getting an answer.
         | mkl wrote:
         | I use Syncthing, which just silently does its job, to the point
         | that I forget it's there. I use that to get files to my Linux
         | PC, where they can be backed up along with everything else.
         | I don't know if Syncthing has your bonus point, as I don't use
         | mobile hotspots much.
       | Aachen wrote:
       | I'm excited to see another tool for off-site encrypted backups!
       | But I'm also wondering why reinvent the wheel when we have Restic
       | (or does this predate a usable version of restic?). How does it
       | compare? It sounds like Restic does everything this does except
       | it doesn't need a local database and this only skips files that
       | are already uploaded rather than actual de duplication, but I
       | might be wrong there.
       | Why was the design decision made to hash filenames with sha1? I
       | don't see a security flaw in this specific use-case, but why
       | dance with the devil? If it's about shorter hashes, it's safer to
       | truncate a sha2.
       | Since it uses a public key to encrypt to, can a malicious server
       | overwrite your data with encrypted but fake data or is the data
       | also signed using a private or symmetric key on the client side?
       | It might seem like an unusual use case, but why trust the server
       | if we don't have to, and for servers the attacker might know what
       | software it runs and therefore what the file structure is. If you
       | can make someone restore software with modifications of your
       | choosing, that would be rather powerful even if admittedly
       | difficult to pull off.
       | How does that local sqlite database grow, e.g. for a regular
       | amount of files for a 1TB drive, do you get a bunch of gigabytes
       | of state like Duplicity? (I gave up on duplicity because it ate
       | too large a chunk of my ssd while restic didn't need local state
       | at all.) What if the local file is gone, can it (albeit slower I
       | guess) still run normally or do you now need to do a full back-
       | up?
       | Edit: Found one of the answers: it signs the data with hmac
       | "using a combination of the RSA Public key and the passphrase
       | used to protect the RSA Private key" as key. Erm, what? The
       | private key is contained on the client? What's the point of
       | public key encryption if not to not be able to decrypt the data
       | unless you have access to the private key? If the client has the
       | public and the private key, it might as well use symmetric
       | encryption. But what's weirder: the passphrase that protects the
       | private key is used for signing?! Why not use the private key to
       | sign the hash if you have access to it?! And mixing in the public
       | key does nothing, as this is known information to an attacker.
       | Might as well store the plain hash if it weren't for the private
       | key's passphrase.
         | derekp7 wrote:
         | To address the question in your edit:
         | When the key file is created, you are prompted for a password
         | to encrypted the private key. That password is used (along with
         | the public key) to generate the HMAC key which gets recorded in
         | the keyfile and is used to sign each file in the backup. The
         | encrypted private key is sent to the server, and gets sent back
         | when you do the restore, but the HMAC secret key stays on the
         | client.
         | Since you need to type in the password to restore the data, the
         | HMAC key gets re-generated at restore time.
         | The reason the passphrase is hashed with the public key (again
         | using an HMAC-SHA-256 hash) is so that if the same passphrase
         | is used on different hosts with unique encryption keys, the
         | HMAC key still ends up being unique.
         | So a compromised key file on the client will compromise the
         | secret HMAC key, but it won't compromise the encrypted data.
         | Which is better than having a single symmetric encryption key
         | laying around for both encryption and authentication
         | (encryption being the more important item). And the key is tied
         | to the backup snapshot, not to the repository so each client
         | can have their own keys.
         | Further information is at https://www.snebu.com/tarcrypt.html
         | which gives the inner workings of tarcrypt (some of the
         | description of the tar file extensions are dependent on a
         | working knowledge of the basic tar format and the PAX
         | extensions, which are documented in the GNU tar documentation).
         | lhoff wrote:
         | Inital commit of snebu was from january 6th in 2013 while
         | restic's alpha release was in 2015. So snebu is older. That
         | probably also explains why sha1 was chosen in the first place.
         | derekp7 wrote:
         | Glad you asked. First, Snebu goes back about 8 years, although
         | the encryption code was developed more recently. That also
         | explains thy it the hash is sha1 (at the time the thinking was
         | "it is good enough for Git"). Right now it is kept for
         | unencrypted backups for backward compatibility with previous
         | versions. But it is something I would like to address --
         | possibly by using sha-256 (or truncated sha256) or make it user
         | selectable on new repositories. This will be on the next
         | version, didn't want to make too many changes at once. However
         | encrypted backups do use a sha256 HMAC.
         | Compared to Borg and Restic, by making the system server-based,
         | it does limit things like being able to add direc-to-cloud
         | backup, but a future capability may be added to efficiently
         | replicate a Snebu server backup to cloud. However what it gains
         | is better manageability, especially if you are backing up a
         | number of hosts to one repository. In my instance I'm backing
         | up about 50 hosts with 14 daily, 6 weekly, and 12 monthly
         | snapshots.
         | Compared to Restic and Borg, it uses public key encryption (so
         | you don't need to leave a sensitive symmetric key on your
         | clients), but with HMAC-256 based hashes. So an attacker would
         | need both your public key and the HMAC secret (only a one-way
         | hash of the secret is stored on the server). The client
         | reconstructs the HMAC key using the public key and the
         | passphrase for the private key. Oh, and you can use multiple
         | keys -- a client specific key, and a backup key (or more).
         | Deduplication will work across all clients that share the same
         | set of keys (the HMAC of all keys is used for the file storage
         | hash). But for this attack scenario (forged data), you will
         | need to keep the client key file safe and stored with
         | appropriate permissions, and you can use a different key (and
         | lose cross-client deduplication) across clients that are in
         | different trust zones.
         | As for the SQLite DB size -- on one of my installs the DB is
         | taking 50 GB, and is storing over 1500 backup snapshots, from
         | 73 hosts (CensOS and RHEL some with Oracle DBs), with a total
         | of 4.5 TB of disk storage used.
         | The SQLite DB is critical as it stores which file belongs to
         | which directory path on which host -- so it should be backed up
         | independently (at the end of the backup script I use sqlite3
         | commands to do a dump of it once a week and run a vacuum
         | command). Todo: add these maintenance commands to the Snebu
         | binary to limit the need to run the Sqlite3 CLI.
         | Other features unique to Snebu -- you can have the server
         | "pull" backups without installing an agent on the clients (the
         | "tarcrypt" will still need to be on the client if encryption is
         | needed). You can have the clients "push" data to the server
         | using a restricted user account that allows backups but not
         | deletes or restores, and have a separate restore ID for
         | example. You can give different administrators IDs on the the
         | backup server access to different groups of hosts in a look-
         | but-don't-touch, etc.
         | Another item I like -- let's say you tell it to expire all
         | monthly backups older than 6 weeks. But then if the host hasn't
         | successfully backed up in more than that time (say it has been
         | taken offline), there is a default to keep the most recent 3
         | backups in a retention schedule, so you won't accidentally lose
         | all you backups in this case (the "preserve" number can be
         | adjusted via command line parameters).
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | > possibly by using sha-256 (or truncated sha256) or make it
           | user selectable on new repositories
           | Honestly I have not found that user-selectability of
           | algorithms has made anything better. It might be convenient
           | for the developer or a maintainer to somehow be able to
           | change it without recompiling the whole thing, but I wouldn't
           | include security parameters in regular config files that
           | users change. In the 90s this made sense with encryption
           | considered equivalent to ammunition (it still is, but laws
           | have been relaxed) and needing to be changed on the fly, not-
           | so-battle-tested algorithms that you want to quickly switch
           | between, updates coming on CDs, etc. These days, we have
           | security updates coming automatically and we know that some
           | algorithms are pretty much rock solid for the foreseeable
           | future. If one person reads up on it properly and then sets
           | good values, a user (even if that user is a knowledgeable
           | sysadmin) should really not have to tweak it.
           | SHA2 sounds like a good choice, I would just stick with that.
           | Do think about upgrade paths, but assume that you (or a
           | future maintainer) will just provide an update when (if) SHA2
           | starts to be weakened in similar ways to SHA1.
           | > a number of hosts to one repository
           | Oh that sounds cool, especially with deduplication between
           | them. Restic would be able to do that as well, but they
           | couldn't run concurrently at all and it doesn't really seem
           | to be meant for that sort of thing even if it does store the
           | hostname with each backup ("snapshot"). This would certainly
           | be an interesting feature to a lot of people, I had never
           | even considered using the same repo for multiple systems!
           | > [the sqlite database] should be backed up independently (at
           | the end of the backup script I use sqlite3 commands to do a
           | dump of it once a week [...]
           | Oh, that is a very important gotcha. I would expect that when
           | I made a backup, it contains whatever is needed for it to be
           | restored.
           | Glancing through the results when searching the page for
           | 'database', it doesn't seem to be mentioned. Am I overlooking
           | the backup script you mentioned, or is that just your own
           | backup script and not on the page?
           | > Other features unique to Snebu -- you can have the server
           | "pull" backups without installing an agent on the clients
           | (the "tarcrypt" will still need to be on the client if
           | encryption is needed). You can have the clients "push" data
           | to the server using a restricted user account that allows
           | backups but not deletes or restores, and have a separate
           | restore ID for example. You can give different administrators
           | IDs on the the backup server access to different groups of
           | hosts in a look-but-don't-touch, etc.
           | Ooh that is really fancy! Especially the second one; how is
           | that enforced, I assume with filesystem permissions?
           | Something like allowing to create files but not change
           | existing ones (chmod +w on the directory and chmod -rwx on
           | the files iirc)?
             | derekp7 wrote:
             | > I would expect that when I made a backup, it contains
             | whatever is needed for it to be restored
             | The normal use case is for the Sqlite DB (the "backup
             | catalog", labeled as the "meta" directory in
             | /etc/snebu.conf), to be on the same external drive array as
             | the rest of the backup data. And I've found that SQLite is
             | extremely robust, esp. when used with a write-ahead log
             | file (which Snebu does by default).
             | However I found that if you use an external 2.5" USB hard
             | drive, they typically have very bad seek times which makes
             | the DB a constraining factor on performance. In those
             | specific cases I either make sure the "meta" directory is
             | located on a separate small flash drive, or on the backup
             | server itself.
             | >or is that just your own backup script and not on the page
             | Just a simple script running on the backup server
             | for host in host1 host2 host3 host4       do
             | snebu-client backup --remote-client ${host}       done
             | cp /var/lib/snebu/catalog/* /var/lib/snebu/vault/catalog-
             | backup/
             | Basically something like that. In reality it reads a list
             | of hosts from a file, on anything that has an Oracle DB on
             | it gets thrown in hot-backup mode first, and there is a bit
             | more logic to rotate the backup directory to keep a week's
             | worth of DB copies, but so far I think I'm just being
             | paranoid (as I mentioned, SQLite is really solid).
             | I run that daily in cron. As a to-do, I really should
             | either put together a general purpose scheduling script, or
             | add scheduling functionality to the DB where you could add
             | host names, ssh private keys, and backup time.
             | >how is that enforced
             | If you have snebu installed and owned by a non-root user
             | ("snebu") and set-uid, and make /var/lib/snebu owned by the
             | snebu user, then only the snebu user can access it. So when
             | a regular user executes it, the program looks at your EUID
             | vs UID -- if they are different, it looks up your UID in
             | the userpermissions table to see if you are allowed the
             | given function on the given client name. If EUID = UID (if
             | you run snebu as the snebu user, or if it isn't installed
             | suid) then extended permissions aren't enforced by the
             | application (standard file system protections are all that
             | apply).
             | BTW, there is one more trick that I don't have documented,
             | but I will put a front end for it in the next version --
             | you can sync a backup from one Snebu install to a second
             | one, by using some additional parameters to "listbackups"
             | to give output similar to the documented "find" (so it can
             | be fed into a "newbackup" instance on a target server). And
             | you can issue a "snebu restore" (not "snebu-client
             | restore") which outputs a tar file of that backup that can
             | be fed into the second Snebu instance. Useful for cleanly
             | syncing your on-site instance to an offsite one. But again
             | it is a bit tricky to explain, so I'm working on how to
             | present the functionality in a simple front-end (along with
             | the ability of having the on-site server not encrypted, and
             | encrypt the data on the way to the off-site server).
             | That should be ready for the next minor release.
       (page generated 2020-12-27 23:01 UTC)