[HN Gopher] Functional programming in C++ (2012)
       Functional programming in C++ (2012)
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 74 points
       Date   : 2020-12-28 20:22 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (gamasutra.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (gamasutra.com)
       | andi999 wrote:
       | Basically he says you can't really do that in c++, because of
       | performance (which is crucial otherwise why u use c++; last part
       | is my addition)
         | nielsbot wrote:
         | Is that what he says? I thought he said "As functional as makes
         | sense, but not more." I haven't read this post in a while, but
         | it's definitely a worthwhile read.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | Your interpretation is correct. He describes things that you
           | _shouldn 't_ try to imitate in C++ (like appending an element
           | to a vector by creating a copy and then appending to that).
           | But also describes other situations where having a pure (or
           | near-pure) functional version can be greatly beneficial. Like
           | a method on vectors (math sense) that return a normalized
           | version, or adding string methods which return a copy rather
           | than mutate in place (think: _upcased_ versus _upcase_ ).
           | andi999 wrote:
           | Yes, that's what he also says, but this works best for very
           | simple parameters. If things get interesting and you have
           | bigger data structures there is (too much) performance
           | penalty. I am a bit cherry picking here, but let me just cite
           | "Actual functional languages are implemented in ways that
           | make this not as disastrous as it sounds, but if you do this
           | with typical C++ containers you will die."
             | neuromanser wrote:
             | I can't tell if your reading comprehension is completely
             | shot, or if you're willfully misrepresenting the drift of
             | the article.
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | He's specifically referring to _one_ thing that shouldn 't
             | be done in a functional style in C++, not saying "you can't
             | really do that" as you originally post. The rest of the
             | article is advocating a move towards pure-r functions in
             | C++ (at least in addition to impure, mutating functions).
       | keyle wrote:
       | That post is on multiple websites and I think it's one of the
       | best written one by Carmack because it hits home directly (it
       | applies to software as well as games). I think it gets posted
       | once a year on HN. No regret though I don't mind an echo chamber
       | of good thoughts.
       | seanalltogether wrote:
       | > A large fraction of the flaws in software development are due
       | to programmers not fully understanding all the possible states
       | their code may execute in.
       | I think about this quote often in my day to day programming.
       | Object oriented programming is so full of stateful objects and
       | it's easy for programmers to add listeners to all sorts of
       | events. Even on the cloud side now you have all these micro
       | services and trigger functions and small changes can have
       | cascading consequences.
       | jimbob45 wrote:
       | "The lack of any language support in C++ for maintaining purity
       | is not ideal."
       | I get that C++ is already bloated and bolted on to C as is but I
       | would have preferred to see changes like these instead of sugary
       | bloat like "auto". Adding a "pure" keyword allows testability not
       | otherwise attainable without modifying the compiler. Adding
       | "auto" is just a me-too to the "var" of C# and Java.
       | Basically, I'm trying to say that C++ needs to have its standards
       | committee fired.
         | thechao wrote:
         | The stds committee is similar to a regulatory capture
         | situation: all the people who really cared gave the fuck up.
           | flatline wrote:
           | I can say this is not true for the general case. C++ has -
           | against the odds, in my opinion - been dragged kicking and
           | screaming into the 21st century. It is not exactly design by
           | committee, because there are a lot of (semi)independent
           | developers driving the design choices. The choice of features
           | for a given release is by committee, however, and reflects a
           | wide variety of opinions and interests. Not the least of
           | which are the people actually providing compiler support.
           | Functional programming in C++ is still not always facilitated
           | by the standard library, but it's miles beyond where it was a
           | decade ago: moving in the right direction.
         | voldacar wrote:
         | D has a "pure" keyword and it works quite nicely. Agreed about
         | the standards committee lol
           | moonchild wrote:
           | D's pure doesn't work very well at all.
           | Because there's no ecosystem of pure functions, a single
           | impure function in the transitive closure of your
           | dependencies can ruin your day. (Unless you depend on no code
           | written by other people.)
           | Compare with haskell, where effects are enumerated and purity
           | is the default: most functions are pure.
       | posharma wrote:
       | I wonder if there's a modern c++ version of this somewhere.
       (page generated 2020-12-28 23:00 UTC)