[HN Gopher] Computer Science textbooks that are freely available...
       Computer Science textbooks that are freely available online
       Author : MrXOR
       Score  : 249 points
       Date   : 2020-12-29 18:14 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (csgordon.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (csgordon.github.io)
       | blackrock wrote:
       | Fascinating list. Thanks.
       | low_common wrote:
       | Really helped me out when I was getting my CS degree. Some
       | classes I'd use these free copies, but core classes ex.
       | Algorithms I liked having the physical copy of CLRS.
       | ipodopt wrote:
       | In the same vein: https://github.com/ossu/computer-science
       | ljhsiung wrote:
       | Their link to "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
       | (5th edition)"
       | (https://booksite.elsevier.com/9780123838728/references.php) is
       | broken. Here's a couple more [1],[2].
       | I'm also surprised Jeff Erickson's free lecture notes [3] aren't
       | there given 1) its easy to remember domain 2) its incredibly
       | high, practical quality. Practical because I've had interviews
       | that just grab questions from the book, and also because his
       | course is basically just a walk-through of the book. It's also
       | very easy to read, and although I didn't do great in his class,
       | his conceptual lessons still stick with me.
       | [1]
       | http://acs.pub.ro/~cpop/SMPA/Computer%20Architecture%20A%20Q...
       | [2]
       | https://github.com/Seanforfun/Books/blob/master/Computer/Com...
       | [3] http://algorithms.wtf
         | james_white wrote:
         | Couldn't recommend Jeff Erickson's lecture notes more for
         | algorithms, DP, and the like. I too did rather poorly in the
         | class so you're not alone! In a similar vein, Lawrence Angrave,
         | a systems programming lecturer, has a wonderful crowd-sourced
         | "book" [1] on all things systems programming. It is my go to
         | resource for brushing up on these topics. Lastly, David
         | Forsyth, a statistics/applied ML lecturer has a gold mine of a
         | book for diving into ML and difficult concepts that come with
         | it [2]. [1] https://github.com/angrave/SystemProgramming/wiki
         | [2] http://luthuli.cs.uiuc.edu/~daf/courses/AML-18/learning-
         | book...
           | awnguyen wrote:
           | Sometimes I'm wondering why U of I doesn't have a bigger
           | presence in the online learning world, other than net math.
           | The material is great.
       | irateswami wrote:
       | I had a lot of qualms with my CS education, the professors in
       | particular, but I have to hand it to them they always either
       | tried to have the book and material online for free, or would use
       | the international edition of whatever textbook we needed.
       | Textbooks, and higher education in general, are a complete ripoff
       | for 90% of people doing it.
         | ldjb wrote:
         | Nothing worse than courses that require a textbook written by
         | the lecturer decades ago and is now out-of-print, with only one
         | copy in the library that all the students have to fight over.
           | harry8 wrote:
           | Yeah there is. Courses that require you to purchase the
           | lecturer's terrible quality printed and photocopied(!)
           | Unpublished "Lecture notes"
           | At least a garbage textbook damages their reputation in their
           | field.
             | irateswami wrote:
             | I had a garbage math professor in college who did this,
             | total bullshit.
       | ipodopt wrote:
       | In the vein's shadow:
       | [audio books] http://audiobookbay.nl/
       | [books] http://gen.lib.rus.ec/
       | [research papers] https://sci-hub.do/
       | bluenose69 wrote:
       | It strikes me as odd that these resources are listed by title,
       | not by author. In my (natural science) field, it's very much the
       | reverse. I wonder whether this is a disciplinary difference, or
       | just a reflection of Gordon's preference.
       | boblivion wrote:
       | https://toc.cryptobook.us/ A comprehensive introduction to
       | provable cryptography that is comparatively modern.
         | ljhsiung wrote:
         | That exact link is already included.
       | riknos314 wrote:
       | Runestone academy has a good collection of interactive online
       | textbooks https://runestone.academy/runestone/books/index
       | Disclaimer: I helped build this platform as a student
       | amir734jj wrote:
       | Kind of unrelated, I am wondering does anyone know a good CS
       | lecture note websites? There was a one I saw here few months ago
       | but I forgot the URL.
         | treeman79 wrote:
         | https://youtu.be/ywWBy6J5gz8
         | Learn Quicksort via tap dancing.
       | jcynix wrote:
       | Not just CS books, but unglue.it offers various books, e.g.
       | * Paolo Bory: The Internet Myth https://unglue.it/work/442013/
       | * The Digital Public Domain: Foundations for an Open Culture
       | https://unglue.it/work/136338/
       | * Francis daCosta: Rethinking the Internet of Things (APress)
       | https://unglue.it/work/310550/
       | * Shotts: The Linux Command Line (No Starch Press)
       | https://unglue.it/work/136224/
       | * Fogel: Producing Open Source Software UT: How to Run a
       | Successful Free Software Project https://unglue.it/work/135870/
       | * Ryder: Unix as IDE https://unglue.it/work/194054/
       | More at e.g.
       | * https://unglue.it/free/kw.Computers%20/%20Programming/
       | WalterBright wrote:
       | "Programming in D - Tutorial and Reference" Ali Cehreli
       | http://ddili.org/ders/d.en/index.html
       | pron wrote:
       | By no means a textbook, just a barely-edited book-length
       | anthology of primary sources I put together, but let me plug my
       | own:
       |  _Finite of Sense and Infinite of Thought: A History of
       | Computation, Logic and Algebra_
       | https://pron.github.io/computation-logic-algebra
         | bambataa wrote:
         | I enjoyed your introduction to TLA+, so looking forward to
         | this. Thank you.
       | st1x7 wrote:
       | Thanks for sharing, this is great.
       | It's also a bit intimidating and overhwelming. There is so much
       | to learn and there is also a danger of just getting through
       | textbooks that cover the same material that you've read before or
       | covering stuff on a surface level without getting any practice
       | with what you've learned. As a data scientist, it feels like
       | anything from mathematics, computer science, statistics, large-
       | scale systems, software engineering in general is within my
       | domain and there is a real danger of spreading oneself a bit too
       | thin and not getting that good at anything.
       | rckoepke wrote:
       | https://runestone.academy/runestone/books/index has 100% free
       | interactive versions of high quality textbooks. They use a
       | JavaScript implementation of Python which runs in the browser
       | (Skulpt) to provide a REPL.
       | Example Textbooks: Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data
       | Structures using Python (3rd edition)
       | gmfawcett wrote:
       | An obligatory mention of the /r/csbooks subreddit, where we share
       | titles like these:
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/csbooks/
         | mathnmusic wrote:
         | Hoping that it's okay to share LearnAwesome's (my open-source
         | project) computer-science topic page here:
         | https://learnawesome.org/topics/2680f6d5-b662-4cc3-99e5-e748...
       | jagger27 wrote:
       | https://opendatastructures.org/ is quite good.
         | kyawzazaw wrote:
         | I wish this has syntax highlighting
       | aronpye wrote:
       | I wish these lists were better curated rather than just a dump of
       | links with no commentary.
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-12-29 23:01 UTC)