[HN Gopher] SBCL: New in Version 2.1.0
       SBCL: New in Version 2.1.0
       Author : susam
       Score  : 116 points
       Date   : 2020-12-30 06:40 UTC (16 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.sbcl.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.sbcl.org)
       | newusertoday wrote:
       | off topic: can anyone recommend good solution for text templating
       | like https://handlebarsjs.com/ with full power of common lisp? i
       | have checked the one's mentioned in cliki
       | https://www.cliki.net/templating%20library .
         | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
         | There is a cl-mustache library: I end up just using spinneret
         | for html and postmodern' s-expression syntax for SQL
         | fmakunbound wrote:
         | Yeah, I'd just be using templating in code using cl-who and
         | whatnot. Text template languages like handlbars and are just
         | not a popular choice in Lisp circles.
           | WalterGR wrote:
           | (To save others the time googling, "whatnot" is not a Lisp
           | templating library.)
           | There's a third way, though: text templating libraries that
           | support the full language. Does that exist for Common Lisp?
         | alaaalawi wrote:
         | Just curious. I went and skimmed through the handlebarsjs link.
         | I'm used to cl-who and can not see what the js lib does have
         | that is not possible or harder in cl-who. Side note: with a
         | small macro you can start defining your own streamlined
         | components and special tags. akin to having your abstractions.
         | Also l'm taking a course in HTML5+CSS and use this additionally
         | to avoid being drawned in the usual characteristic boilerplate
         | text.
           | newusertoday wrote:
           | I am actually using handlebars along with helpers
           | https://github.com/helpers/handlebars-helpers to
           | automatically generate sql, golang, json and jsx. cl-who is
           | only for markup. What i found useful in handlebars is ability
           | to define inline function templates and use them in template.
           | I am missing cl macro's which would automate my workflow even
           | more so asking if something like this is available in cl.
           | WalterGR wrote:
           | _Just curious. I went and skimmed through the handlebarsjs
           | link. I 'm used to cl-who and can not see what the js lib
           | does have that is not possible or harder in cl-who._
           | They are very different styles, though. With cl-who you write
           | code that mimics the structure of HTML and that code outputs
           | HTML. With Handlebars etc. you write your HTML in HTML and
           | embed code in it. Some prefer one over the other.
       | gautamcgoel wrote:
       | Anyone here use SBCL or Common Lisp? Curious what you guys think
       | of it.
         | susam wrote:
         | I do. I post about it often here, so instead of repeating
         | myself, I will add a few links to my earlier comments and posts
         | here:
         | * Recommendations on learning Common Lisp:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25442155
         | * On Lisp communities on Reddit r/lisp and Freenode #lisp:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25543565
         | * Observations on State of Common Lisp Survey 2020:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25291780
         | * Lisp in Vim with Slimv/Vlime:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21735148
         | * Emacs4CL (a tiny quick starter ~/.emacs):
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25440690
         | Like many others commenting here, I too use SBCL because of its
         | good performance. I keep CLISP around mainly for nostalgia's
         | sake. I began learning Common Lisp in Sep 2007 during a long
         | layover at an airport using CLISP 2.41 on Debian 4.0 (Etch).
         | Also, having another implementation helps me to test that my
         | code is portable and does not rely on any SBCL-specific
         | features.
           | threatofrain wrote:
           | Is there a story of a Common Lisp workflow on VSC by any
           | chance?
             | zerr wrote:
             | Atom + SLIMA seems quite nice.
             | phoe-krk wrote:
             | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rheller
             | ....
         | submeta wrote:
         | Just started learning Lisp (Emacs Lisp), and I am planning on
         | doing a deep dive in Common Lisp. Using Python and Pandas for
         | my day to day scripting. Common Lisp does not have the
         | ecosystem in terms of packages compared to Python (or JS /
         | NodeJS), but hacking Lisp feels extremely good. I intend to use
         | it for prototyping, for all kinds of hacking that does not
         | involve using available packages.
           | _ph_ wrote:
           | There are quite a lot of packages for Common Lisp, though the
           | selection certainly is smaller than for Python.
             | [deleted]
         | _ph_ wrote:
         | I do. Feel free to ask any questions, I will try to answer them
         | if possible.
         | In summary: I think SBCL is the most sophisticated Lisp
         | compiler around and it is even free :). It is not as polished
         | as some commercial solutions, which also come with IDEs, but in
         | the setup of SBCL+Slime+Emacs, you have a professional Lisp
         | setup which will go a long way. (I have done professional work
         | with this setup).
         | core-questions wrote:
         | I don't write Lisp myself, but I support SBCL-based apps
         | running in production, and it's a very interesting beast. The
         | REPL and the debugger/inspector are amazingly powerful.
         | I still find Lisp itself very hard to read, though. I
         | understand the whole homoiconicity thing, and how S-expressions
         | are one of the simplest implementations of that, but it's
         | things like "car"/"cdr" instead of some reasonable memorable
         | name (say, "first"/"rest") that kill me. Just don't seem to
         | have the brain space for it.
           | rvense wrote:
           | I've done quite a bit of Scheme in the past, but I've been
           | playing with Common Lisp a little recently, and I often find
           | myself thinking things like "how do I convert a string to a
           | list of characters" or "how do I check if this thing is in
           | this list", like simple standard library stuff that I could
           | implement myself but expect to already be there, and then I
           | go look in the Hyperspec, and sometimes it's hard to find
           | thing when you don't have a name to look up.
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | FWIW, "first" and "rest" are literally aliases for "car" and
           | "cdr" (and there's a bunch more, see [0]), so it may be that
           | the code you're working with isn't following a good style.
           | The general style rule for more modern code is that you use
           | "first"/"rest" if you're dealing with regular lists, and
           | "car"/"cdr" if you're doing something more peculiar with cons
           | cells - though it's not universally followed, and I guess at
           | this point "car"/"cdr" & friends are too established in the
           | history of Lisp.
           | --
           | [0] - http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/f_firstc.htm
         | guenthert wrote:
         | I use Common Lisp for 'exploratory computing' as they say. It's
         | my go-to language if I want to quickly evaluate an idea. Took
         | me a while to learn, but since acquiring at least modest
         | familiarity, I have less patience with ad-hoc syntax (syntactic
         | sugar) found in in-fix languages and the churn found in many
         | currently popular languages.
         | SBCL might be the best (in terms of correctness, adherence to
         | the standard, performance of the compiled code, compatibility
         | with existing libraries, tool support) open source compiler for
         | CL. The compiler itself can be compared with commercial
         | offerings (those seem to focus rather on additional libraries
         | and external tools).
         | On ARM32 however, I do use CCL, as SBCL doesn't support multi-
         | threading on that architecture.
         | fmakunbound wrote:
         | SBCL is one of those exceptional free software projects IMO.
         | It's compiler which includes type inference and optimizations
         | is world-class among Common Lisp implementations.
         | juanre wrote:
         | I use it to write the star-mapping software behind
         | https://greaterskies.com many years ago. I did it as a fun
         | project after reading PG's essays, but now it is supporting my
         | family and two employees. In the few occasions I need to touch
         | something or add a new feature I feel like coming back home.
           | gglitch wrote:
           | Thank you! Do you have an end-to-end write up for the
           | experience? Tooling, libraries, deployment, etc?
             | juanre wrote:
             | I have never written it down, but it's very simple. I don't
             | use any external libraries. I converted the input databases
             | to lisp and compiled them in, and the output is simple
             | postscript. When I want to deploy I dump a core with the
             | compiled functionality, then run sbcl with that core. At
             | some point I was using hunchentoot[1] to provide an http
             | point of entry (great library, as all the ones written by
             | Edi Weitz) but I am not bothering anymore, as most of the
             | processing time is consumed by ghostscript and convert in
             | the post-processing of the images.
             | [1] https://edicl.github.io/hunchentoot/
         | TeMPOraL wrote:
         | I do. Currently only in hobby fashion, but I also used it
         | professionally when contracting for a company that was building
         | a computation-intensive web platform on a Common Lisp (SBCL)
         | backend. AMA.
         | Personally, I really like SBCL, it's my go-to implementation. I
         | originally picked it because of performance considerations
         | (hobby gamedev), as it compiles to native. But over time, I've
         | learned to also appreciate the type inference and overall
         | embracing the use of (optional by standard) type declarations
         | to provide compile-time typechecking (as well as further
         | performance benefits).
         | phoe-krk wrote:
         | Yes, I use SBCL daily. The fact that SBCL (like most CL
         | implementations) is image-based makes CL _the_ language for
         | interactive and incremental programming and live debugging the
         | program as it runs. (Shameless plug: I wrote a book about the
         | last point and about how CL achieves it.
         | https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484261330)
         | lisper wrote:
         | Yes, I use it professionally, and have for over 30 years, since
         | before it became Common Lisp. It is far and away my favorite
         | programming language (hence my HN handle :-) for two reasons:
         | macros allow me to capture any design pattern and seamlessly
         | add it to the language as a programming construct, and the
         | generic function model of OO built in to CL is vastly more
         | powerful than the C-based single-dispatch object.method() model
         | that is ubiquitous in the rest of the programming language
         | world.
           | gautamcgoel wrote:
           | Can you expand on the second point? What can you do with CL
           | OO that is hard in C/C++?
             | lisper wrote:
             | The big win is not so much in the actual underlying power,
             | but rather in the syntactic uniformity. In traditional OO
             | languages there is a semantic difference between f(arg1,
             | arg2) and arg1.f(arg2) and as a programmer I have to
             | _remember_ which one is the right one for any particular
             | operation I want to do. In CL the syntax for a regular
             | function call and a generic function call is exactly the
             | same, so as a programmer I don 't have to worry about it. I
             | just write (do-something arg1 arg2) and let the compiler
             | figure it out. It removes a tremendous amount of cognitive
             | burden.
             | But there are lots of examples where it really makes sense
             | to be able to dispatch on multiple arguments. Arithmetic
             | operations, for example. It's really nice to be able to
             | add, say, arrays using the same syntax as adding numbers,
             | or to be able to do array-array multiplication and array-
             | scalar multiplication using the same syntax as multiplying
             | numbers. Or, if you're doing graphics, to be able to
             | specialize on both the object being drawn and the target to
             | which it is being drawn.
             | There are loads of other things as well. The meta-object
             | protocol allows you to do all kinds of wizzy things. Using
             | EQL specialization lets you define special-case handling
             | for a privileged object without cluttering up the rest of
             | your code. BEFORE and AFTER methods let you tweak arguments
             | on the way in or results on the way out.
             | Here's an example from a real-world project I'm working on:
             | it's a 30-year-old legacy system and it's chock-full of
             | hard-coded path names, literally thousands of them. We had
             | to port it to a new environment where those paths don't
             | exist. Normally this would have been a huge project to go
             | through the source code and manually find and change all of
             | the paths. Instead, I was able to define a BEFORE method on
             | the OPEN function [1] which translated the incoming hard-
             | coded path name to the correct value in the new
             | environment. What would normally have been a multi-day
             | headache was instead a five-minute tweak.
             | [1] Yes, I know OPEN is not actually a generic function,
             | and so this is not actually possible in portable CL. But
             | this was in ACL which provides this feature as an
             | extension. And even in portable CL you can always shadow
             | OPEN and redefine it. This is now getting away from the
             | advantages of the OO system and into other parts of CL, but
             | the bottom line is that many, many things that are a PITA
             | in other languages are easy in CL.
             | remexre wrote:
             | I like the Circle-Ellipse Problem [0] as an example of
             | something CLOS / multimethods are good at that C++ isn't.
             | In general, Expression Problem-like [1, 2] problems are
             | much much nicer to solve in CL.
             | [0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle%E2%80%93ellipse_p
             | roblem [1]:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expression_problem [2]:
             | https://wiki.c2.com/?ExpressionProblem
         | gibsonf1 wrote:
         | SBCL is a great production common lisp that we use for our AGI
         | system - incredibly fast and reliable. https://graphmetrix.com/
         | heisig wrote:
         | I use Common Lisp for most of my daily programming, and SBCL is
         | a big reason why. Once you get over the initial hassle (getting
         | used to the Emacs+SLIME tool chain and learning to read the
         | compiler diagnostics) it really gives you the productivity of
         | Python with the performance of C++. And a lot of that
         | performance is thanks to the tireless effort of the SBCL
         | developers, who have been churning out a new release every few
         | months for the last decades.
         | Kudos to all SBCL contributors!
           | watermelon59 wrote:
           | Do you mind sharing in what space you work on? Just curious
           | about where Common Lisp finds professional usage. It's not
           | something you see every day.
           | Also, do you have any tips on landing a Common Lisp job for
           | someone who's already in the middle of their career (30s,
           | senior dev)?
       | guenthert wrote:
       | Congrats and big thanks to all contributors!
       | clircle wrote:
       | Does common lisp have any great libraries for working with data?
       | I've been reading some books over the holiday and I'd like to
       | start getting my hands dirty, but my background is R, and my day
       | to day is statistical analysis and graphics.
         | hipparcos wrote:
         | It's not something I'm familiar with but I saw a similar
         | question [1] on r/lisp a few days ago. u/digikar mentioned the
         | Teddy library [2] which itself refers to numcl [3] in its
         | readme. Both are available on Quicklisp.
         | [1]
         | https://www.reddit.com/r/lisp/comments/kburda/is_there_a_goo...
         | [2] https://github.com/40ants/teddy [3]
         | https://github.com/numcl/numcl
         | patrec wrote:
         | Not really. But you might want to check out what Gabor Melis is
         | doing, e.g.
         | https://github.com/melisgl/mgl
         | He's won several ML competitions and works at Deep Mind now, so
         | as far as Common Lisp fans with strong street cred in up-to-
         | date machine learning go, he's probably a good starting point.
         | phoe-krk wrote:
         | https://github.com/sirherrbatka/vellum is maturing and already
         | usable as a data frame library.
         | gibsonf1 wrote:
         | We're using cl-containers [1] and cl-graph [2] and to make it
         | very fast lparallel [3] and rtg-math [4] (among many others)
         | [1] https://github.com/gwkkwg/cl-containers [2]
         | https://github.com/gwkkwg/cl-graph [3] https://lparallel.org/
         | [4] https://github.com/cbaggers/rtg-math/
       (page generated 2020-12-30 23:01 UTC)