[HN Gopher] WebAssembly Studio
       WebAssembly Studio
       Author : joubert
       Score  : 292 points
       Date   : 2020-12-31 13:31 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (webassembly.studio)
 (TXT) w3m dump (webassembly.studio)
       | bavell wrote:
       | Seeing gulp being used in the examples for the build step is
       | strange... I wonder why it was chosen. Nothing wrong with it per
       | se but gives me flashbacks to the horrors of my past exposure to
       | it as an inexperienced webdev.
         | andrew_ wrote:
         | I'd bet this was a "I already know this" decision, even as
         | unnecessary as it is. I find it more bizarre that the tooling
         | is written in TS, the WebAssembly source is Rust/C, and the
         | test use file is plain JS. Some serious language personality
         | disorder there. Some continuity would aid the DX here.
         | halfmatthalfcat wrote:
         | Gulp is still widely used for more general build-related tasks
         | like moving files around but sometimes you have a more complex
         | build pipeline where you need to invoke bundlers/babel/etc via
         | Gulp.
           | bamboleo wrote:
           | To move file around I use CopyWebpackPlugin or whatever other
           | CLI tool called from npm scripts.
           | The promises of gulp (streams) fell short pretty quickly and
           | we were just left with verbose spaghetti code that was no
           | better than just a bash script. I went into gulp head first
           | and honestly I'm glad that Webpack can deal with most of what
           | I did back then, especially when paired with other reasonable
           | CLI tools.
         | k__ wrote:
         | I only did one Gulp project and read it was a drastic
         | improvement over Grunt, which I didn't use.
         | But most of my projects were done with Webpack and NPM scripts.
           | bavell wrote:
           | As much as people bemoan the complexity of Webpack, it's far
           | superior to the (IMO) spaghetti code of gulp that inevitably
           | results. I'll choose Webpack and npm scripts every time.
             | k__ wrote:
             | Today, I would probably choose something higher level than
             | meddling around with Webpack directly.
               | hombre_fatal wrote:
               | Check out https://parceljs.org/.
               | It's how I start every project. I can always move to
               | Webpack if I need more customization and complexity.
               | k__ wrote:
               | I was thinking about more integrated solutions like
               | Next.js or Expo.
               | bavell wrote:
               | For smaller projects I agree. For larger projects, it's
               | worth spending an hour or two on a custom Webpack config
               | tuned to the project's needs IMO. In most cases it
               | doesn't even take nearly that long.
       | gravypod wrote:
       | I hope wasm gets serious attention by the Bazel team. I've
       | personally been thinking of it as "the JVM done the right way".
       | Still lots of progress needs to be made but it's very exciting to
       | have another cross-platform multi-language VM.
       | [deleted]
       | skrebbel wrote:
       | Something similar but also totally different is
       | https://makepad.nl/ - a graphics programming IDE in Rust, for
       | Rust, targeting the browser.
       | It's a totally different use case but there's some similarities,
       | somehow, anyway.
       | Unlike this app, its actually all WASM and the author frequently
       | tweets about how he feels more productive building a web UI in
       | Rust than he would HTML+CSS+JS. And you can say what you want,
       | the thing is damn snappy.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Interesting, thanks for sharing.
         | bestinterest wrote:
         | Is it just me that finds all the text rendering on this page
         | really bad?
           | sgzfx wrote:
           | Definitely not, it does not look pleasant to me either. At
           | first I thought it was just the small font size, but I
           | noticed it on the "Edit" page as well.
           | Alexendoo wrote:
           | Everything is rendered directly to a canvas, at the very
           | least it lacks subpixel rendering
         | [deleted]
       | imaginenore wrote:
       | I open the "Hello World" project in C.
       | I change                   printf("Hello World\n");
       | to                   printf("Hello Worlds\n");
       | I build and run, still outputs "Hello World".
       | I delete main.wasm, build and run again, still outputs "Hello
       | World".
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | I find it a nice experience, but as far as I am aware it is
       | pretty much dead, the website just happens to keep running.
         | Kyro38 wrote:
         | Yep, it's not actively developed :
         | https://github.com/wasdk/WebAssemblyStudio/commits/master
           | chrisweekly wrote:
           | Bummer. Seemed like a decent tool, too. :/
       | blunte wrote:
       | It would be nice if there was a no-javascript fallback - at least
       | a message saying "This site only works with javascript enabled."
       | If you have noscript, this site is completely blank until you
       | enable a couple of things and reload.
         | dboreham wrote:
         | Perhaps a missing browser feature?
         | "You loaded a page with JS but you also disabled JS execution,
         | so it probably won't work"
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | > "You loaded a page with JS but you also disabled JS
           | execution, so it probably won't work"
           | Plenty of websites embed JS but work fine with some (or
           | sometimes all) of it disabled.
         | CyberDildonics wrote:
         | You thought a web page webasm ide would work without
         | javascript?
           | blunte wrote:
           | No, but NoScript approaches each new site with javascript
           | disabled. You have to manually allow it after you arrive. But
           | when you arrive to a completely blank content area, you may
           | be left wondering if the page simply hasn't completed
           | loading.
           | Obviously once I realize it has loaded, but it's blank, I
           | assume it's because it requires javascript. So I enable it
           | and reload, and it works as expected.
           | mrspeaker wrote:
           | How would you know it was a webasm IDE if it's just a blank
           | page? (I thought it was going to be a music DAW when I
           | clicked the link)
             | CyberDildonics wrote:
             | The url is webassembly.studio and the title is WebAssembly
             | Studio
               | Shared404 wrote:
               | I thought it was going to be an article about a tool, not
               | a tool itself. I figured it out, but would've appreciated
               | a "This only works with JS" note.
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | Even if you correctly pick up on the implications of
               | "studio", it could also be a page about WebAssembly
               | Studio or the page where you download it.
       | themihai wrote:
       | Go support would be nice
       | dr-detroit wrote:
       | Meme technology invented for snowflakes who insist react and
       | angular are replaced by new frameworks every month and therefore
       | web development should resemble 1980s computer science class.
       | intrasight wrote:
       | I just get a black screen.
       | htk wrote:
       | I love it. Every tool that reduces friction for people to create
       | is a valid effort.
       | iKlsR wrote:
       | I love dark mode as much as the next guy but only when it's done
       | right. This is borderline unuseable for some people [1]. An
       | example of dark mode done right is the default theme for
       | monkeytype [2]. I know it's a default theme but a light
       | alternative would be nice.
       | [1]: https://jessicaotis.com/academia/never-use-white-text-on-
       | a-b...
       | [2]: https://monkeytype.com/
         | rikkus wrote:
         | Yes I can't look at it. It should be interesting though so I've
         | bookmarked it to come back to. I'll use a browser plugin to
         | 'fix' it if necessary.
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | Question for anyone with real WASM experience: what are your top
       | recommended entry points / reference materials? AssemblyScript
       | seems pretty approachable at 1st glance...
         | dboreham wrote:
         | I've played around with Haskell via the Asteruis project :
         | https://github.com/tweag/asterius
         | Also emscripten of course, for C/C++.
         | the_duke wrote:
         | Rust has the best tooling for wasm and is easiest to get
         | started with, in my opinion.
         | `rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown`
         | `cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown`
         | Is all you need to compile a Rust library to a `.wasm` file.
         | (almost, you also need a setting in Cargo.toml: [lib] crate-
         | type = ["cdylib", "rlib"] )
         | In the browser you can get access to DOM apis via web-sys.
         | The documentation has quite a lot of examples and info:
         | https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-bindgen/web-sys/index.html
         | wasm-pack (https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack) makes
         | building code for the browser easy.
           | McGlockenshire wrote:
           | > In the browser you can get access to DOM apis via web-sys.
           | Wow! The last time I looked, doing anything remotely like
           | this was a gigantic pain, in any language.
           | I guess it's finally time for me to get around to learning
           | Rust.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | AssemblyScript is one of the best options, because if the only
         | thing you care about is some high level language that outputs
         | WebAssembly, then you are still using Web related tools.
         | Then D is quite easy to use (LDC alongside betterC mode,
         | runtime is still not fully ported).
         | Followed by TinyGo, Rust, C#, Nim.
         | I would leave Emscripten, C and C++, only for porting existing
         | code into the Web, as even with the sandbox memory corruptions
         | of data allocated in the linear memory blocks are susceptible
         | to occur.
           | benjaminjackman wrote:
           | > corruptions of data allocated in the linear memory blocks
           | are susceptible to occur
           | I don't know if I quite understand this. Is this a web-
           | assembly specific thing, or just the standard C / C++ are
           | "unsafe by default" languages which can cause memory
           | corruption etc because e.g. of off by one errors in pointer
           | arithmetic and so on.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | The usual stuff with C and C++.
             | WebAssembly doesn't do bounds checking, besides being in
             | bounds of a linear memory segment.
             | Basically the access is still in bounds of the allocated
             | memory, but not the cells that one actually wanted to
             | access.
             | From security point of view, while the WebAssembly module
             | is sandboxes, such corruptions can be triggered from the
             | outside, changing the behaviour of the public API.
         | yodalf wrote:
         | Embedded engineer here.
         | We used it to implement a complex, browser-accessible debugger
         | interface for an industrial analyser device. Fast real-time
         | graphs, buttons, menus, etc...
         | It typically loads in a few seconds in your browser. Works
         | wonders.
         | We used emscripten + imgui + implot ... All C++ and zero
         | interaction with the low-level WASM itself.
         | Recommended.
       | tom_mellior wrote:
       | Huh. I created a C project, added #include <stdio.h> and
       | printf("hello world") to the skeleton. "Build & Run" doesn't seem
       | to do anything but compile and print the not very useful message
       | of "[error]: TypeError: second argument must be an object".
       | tomasreimers wrote:
       | Jokes about the [Birth and Death of
       | JavaScript](https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-
       | and-death...) aside, I love the concept of WASM and that we're
       | making the web a more robust compile target.
       | One of the big limitations in my mind is that I still don't know
       | of that many people using it in production at scale. Is there a
       | list, or well known set of examples (other than Figma), who are
       | using WASM in prod?
         | colesantiago wrote:
         | Shopify is using WASM in production [0]
         | [0] https://shopify.engineering/shopify-webassembly
         | suprfsat wrote:
         | Google Duo's web client has some wasm code cached under the
         | name 'wasm-clips'.
         | texodus wrote:
         | Perspective is developed at JPMorgan
         | https://github.com/finos/perspective/
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Autodesk.
         | https://www.infoq.com/presentations/autocad-webassembly/
         | https://blogs.autodesk.com/autocad/autocad-web-app-google-io...
         | https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/load-encrypted-model-data-we...
         | BabylonJS plugins
         | https://babylonjs.medium.com/marker-tracking-in-babylon-js-c...
         | Blazor
         | https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/web-apps/blazor
         | Uno
         | https://platform.uno/
           | Yuioup wrote:
           | The 90s called. They want their RAD tools back.
             | paulgb wrote:
             | Let's get them on the phone and negotiate a joint-custody
             | deal, then, because I feel like RAD has only gone downhill
             | since then.
             | Thinking back to how easy it is to open up VB5, drag-and-
             | drop a UI, and ship an .exe that anyone could run (yes,
             | because of MS's OS monopoly, but still), the current mess
             | required to build a similarly complex app for the web feels
             | like a serious regression.
               | tomphoolery wrote:
               | what about https://www.animaapp.com/ ?
             | sbarre wrote:
             | Hi 90s, this is 2020... OP can't take your call right now
             | because they are busy building low-code environments to
             | help companies keep their dozens of bootcamp hires
             | productively building in-house line-of-business tools that
             | will be a nightmare of maintenance and technical debt in 3
             | years.
             | Did you want to leave a message? Perhaps some kind of
             | cautionary tale?
         | zo1 wrote:
         | Side note: Does anyone know why that video isn't on Youtube?
         | I've tried to find it, but alas I can't. Copyright? Moral
         | reasons? What?
         | https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gary+bernhardt+...
         | konaraddi wrote:
         | Additional examples of WebAssembly being used at scale that I
         | haven't seen others mention yet:
         | Microsoft - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/garage/wall-of-
         | fame/calc-ts-...
         | Adobe - https://medium.com/adobetech/acrobat-on-the-web-
         | powered-by-w...
         | Fastly - https://www.fastly.com/blog/announcing-lucet-fastly-
         | native-w...
         | austincummings wrote:
         | Twitch also appears to be using it, although I don't know what
         | for.
         | maxgraey wrote:
         | There site which aggregate prod use cases:
         | https://madewithwebassembly.com/
         | jayflux wrote:
         | I know the Birth and death of JS gets mentioned quite a lot in
         | WASM context (even as a joke) but I really don't see that being
         | the case. Most web applications/sites are simple, and won't
         | need to be compiled at a lower level in order to work. On
         | average JS developers will be cheaper than C/C++/Rust
         | developers to hire, so I don't see shops changing their
         | personnel or stack anytime soon, especially if the job is to
         | knock up a website that's a bit interactive.
         | It simply won't be viable to have low-level engineers do things
         | like "build a dropdown nav" or "make an interactive carousel",
         | and these sort of tasks will always be around.
         | WASM is there to augment JS in places JS isn't suitable for,
         | rather than outright replace it. JS will definitely still
         | exist.
         | To answer your Q there's also a comprehensive list of projects
         | using Web Assembly on this site:
         | https://madewithwebassembly.com/all-projects
         | maxgraey wrote:
         | Ruffle - A Flash Player emulator over WebAssembly:
         | https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle
         | TazeTSchnitzel wrote:
         | Unity, the very popular 3D game engine, can "export" games to
         | run in the browser. WebAssembly is undoubtedly involved.
         | echeese wrote:
         | Google Earth: https://earth.google.com/web/
         | kowsheek wrote:
         | We release a web-based ray tracer built with WASM that's
         | integrated into our existing 3D/AR/VR platform:
         | https://twitter.com/ksqio/status/1334962197324320768?s=20
         | brundolf wrote:
         | The problem is that it's hard to use as a primary language
         | because of a lack of direct Web API access. So basically right
         | now it's not a casual decision to say "I prefer X over JS, so
         | I'll just use that instead because it targets WASM!" Because
         | there's this enormous cost of crossing that API barrier (which
         | means you'll be using some JS regardless, directly or
         | indirectly).
         | So for now the value-proposition only really makes sense for a
         | fairly narrow subset of projects: mostly ones where client-side
         | pure-compute is a bottleneck. Theoretically API access is being
         | worked on, but I think it's still a ways out.
           | postalrat wrote:
           | Direct access seems improbable and even undesirable.
           | Libraries can be written and shared to expose what you want
           | to the wasm you need to run.
             | brundolf wrote:
             | Lots of people would like the web to become a language-
             | agnostic platform. I don't hate JS the way some do, but
             | even I'd be excited about that prospect. That can never
             | really happen until WASM has direct API access.
             | That said, I tried just now to find where I read that this
             | was on the long-term roadmap and I'm having trouble finding
             | it. So maybe you're right that it isn't currently planned.
         | arconis987 wrote:
         | Figma is written in C++, compiled to WebAssembly. Probably the
         | most advanced web-based design tool in the world.
         | I think they have like 4-5M users, and a $2B valuation.
         | https://madewithwebassembly.com/showcase/figma/
           | stopyellingatme wrote:
           | Figma is an actual tool, written for the web. Lots of great
           | engineering happening over there.
         | dboreham wrote:
         | I'm also intrigued by the possibilities of WebAssembly. However
         | I also have a nagging feeling "didn't we already do this with
         | Java, 20 years ago?". Wondering what's different this time, or
         | is this just a MySpace vs Facebook second-times-the-charm
         | thing.
           | novok wrote:
           | It starts immediately, while any embedded java applet took
           | forever and looked really ugly. We've also done this with
           | flash apps
           | TheRealPomax wrote:
           | For one, no one needs to install WASM, nor are they going to
           | run into versioning issues because the OS has a hard
           | dependency on it. Every single person with a computer, from a
           | smart phone to render farm workstations, will have WASM
           | support because those devices will have a browser. The only
           | browser that doesn't support it is the legacy IE line of
           | browsers, of which only 11 is still supported, and which only
           | runs on systems that will happily run Edge, instead.
           | Devs can rely on the fact that users won't need to install a
           | single thing, and users can rely on the fact that they're not
           | going to have to go through the insanity that is "trying to
           | install the right version of Boobletech(tm) Meep(r)" or,
           | hell: "trying to get their OS to even acknowledge that the
           | preinstalled version of java is over a decade old and it
           | needs to stop using it instead of the new version you
           | installed".
           | If your compiler can target WebAssembly, and your users are
           | on computers with operating systems that are still supported,
           | your WASM application will work for them, because everyone
           | has a browser.
             | worik wrote:
             | Unless your user is using a iPhone.
               | austincummings wrote:
               | Safari has support for WebAssembly.
           | tadfisher wrote:
           | The difference is that wasm is designed to be sandboxed,
           | instead of the JVM which was designed to normalize disparate
           | computing environments. In practice, this entails a lot of
           | work to create runtimes to do anything interesting in wasm,
           | but the behavior is secure by default (ignoring side-channel
           | attacks, of course). Java applets run in a sandbox by
           | default, of course, but the JRE itself has unmitigated access
           | to the host system, so the security boundary isn't as well
           | defined. Users can also be tricked to trust malicious
           | applets, which is a built-in mechanism to escape the sandbox;
           | browsers hopefully will not provide this feature for their
           | wasm runtimes.
             | WalterGR wrote:
             | > the JRE itself has unmitigated access to the host system
             | As does the browser in which WebAssembly executes.
             | > Users can also be tricked to trust malicious applets
             | But the ability of applets to be trusted could have been
             | eliminated entirely. To rewrite OP's question, then:
             | "If we had entirely gotten rid of trusted applets, couldn't
             | we already do this with Java, 20 years ago?"
             | Of course, we _didn 't_ get rid of them, but that's still a
             | valid question vs. inventing another technology.
               | codeflo wrote:
               | Interesting thought experiment. However, you have to
               | realize that Sun wasn't a charity. At the time, platform
               | vendors were were hoping to target intranet applications
               | for the enterprise. Microsoft had a similar concept for
               | trusted applications with IE's "Active Scripting", with
               | very similar results in terms of (non)security.
               | Closi wrote:
               | Can't we just do this in sandboxed regular assembly
               | running inside a virtual machine?!
               | /s
           | codeflo wrote:
           | I'm not sure either. There are some technical differences.
           | WASM is more low-level than JVM bytecode, which is important
           | for some applications and makes it a more normal compiler
           | target. It's more integrated with the rest of the browser: it
           | doesn't come with its own rectangle like Flash and Java did,
           | but instead manipulates the DOM just like (or at the moment,
           | only through) JavaScript. And it's a true open standard, not
           | a corporate-controlled platform.
           | Do these differences really matter, or is it mostly just the
           | timing?
             | brabel wrote:
             | WASM is definitely more low-level than JVM byte code right
             | now... but I'm not sure it'll remain that way given the
             | many proposals that are very likely to be implemented in
             | the future (even though it's taking a long time for even
             | simple ones, like multi-value returns, to get into the
             | standard). For example, with WASI and GC, which will
             | finally enable direct access to the DOM, how much lower-
             | level will WASM be compared to JVM? Not much, I would say.
             | The big difference is that WASM, from the beginning, is
             | supported by all the browsers natively (a consequence of it
             | not being a proprietary technology, but an open standard),
             | not as a plugin... If Java had started that way, the story
             | would've turned out quite differently (but we know that at
             | the time, the browser everyone was using was made by
             | Microsoft, and Sun was a competitor so this would've never
             | happened).
         | [deleted]
       | taivare wrote:
       | Anyone have a guess as to when WebAssembly will be able to
       | directly access the DOM?
         | Jasper_ wrote:
         | Despite all the hype, I don't think this will ever
         | realistically happen. interface-types is (supposedly) here but
         | it can't really hold onto DOM objects, it can only reference
         | them, and nobody has made DOM bindings for interface-types yet.
         | GC is an extraordinarily hard problem, and they've talked about
         | scoping out "mini-mini-MVPs" for about a year now, with
         | basically no progress.
         | I wrote an essay about this a few years ago but never decided
         | to publish it because I felt it was too harsh, but I think it
         | gives a better overview of the challenges involved:
         | https://gist.github.com/magcius/8959ca1f5bbde4bd66b98b6d5dc7...
         | city41 wrote:
         | This is the proposal tracking this:
         | https://github.com/WebAssembly/proposals/issues/16
         | No recent updates unfortunately.
       | mwcampbell wrote:
       | The "Create New Project" dialog has serious accessibility
       | problems when used with a screen reader. The buttons are
       | clickable divs, not actual HTML buttons or even marked up with
       | proper ARIA. I haven't yet ventured any further into the app.
       | Given that the app is a WebAssembly development environment, my
       | first guess was that it was built in WebAssembly itself, with a
       | custom UI framework. But in fact, it's plain React, using its own
       | home-grown components for basic things like buttons.
       | It breaks my heart that when this project was started in 2017,
       | some 20 years after web accessibility advocacy had started in
       | earnest, the developer was still uninformed enough about
       | accessibility that they would create a custom button component
       | with no ARIA support. I suppose we could also blame the web
       | platform for making it hard enough to customize the look of a
       | standard button that the developer would reach for the div tag.
       | What do we do about this?
         | k4rli wrote:
         | Do development tools really need a11y? I haven't come across
         | anyone with this need before.
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | There are, in fact, blind programmers, and programmers with
           | other disabilities.
         | clickness wrote:
         | I read your comment as unnecessarily abrasive, self-entitled
         | almost.
         | > "It breaks my heart that when this project was started in
         | 2017, some 20 years after web accessibility advocacy had
         | started in earnest, the developer was still uninformed enough
         | about accessibility that they would create a custom button
         | component with no ARIA support."
         | You're assuming ignorance and malice, when in all actuality
         | this most likely comes down to priorities, and a painful lack
         | of clear standards and tooling. By all means - please submit a
         | patch with what you deem is the right solution here, instead of
         | just expecting things get done your way on day one.
         | > "The buttons are clickable divs, not actual HTML buttons"
         | What's an "actual" HTML button we can all safely use to replace
         | simple divs (which are just about the only way to get content
         | to show up and behave uniformely across browsers and platforms,
         | using as little js/css hacks as possible)?
           | [deleted]
           | joshjhargreaves wrote:
           | It's almost as if some people get off on the feeling of self-
           | importance they get for 'calling people out' in this manner-
           | the neckbeards of accessibility. In an ideal world,
           | accessibility would come for free - but unfortunately it does
           | not.
           | Yes I would argue that morally projects should do their best
           | to support it - but even at well established companies it
           | takes significant resources to maintain accessibility. Yes in
           | this case it may be as simple as using native Buttons, as the
           | above comment said, 'that's as far as I got'. Just pretending
           | that accessibility isn't a significant time an resources
           | doesn't make it any less so. If this wasn't true then there
           | wouldn't be legislation to essentially address this market-
           | failure.
             | curryst wrote:
             | It's an intractable problem; most people believe software
             | should be accessible to people with different needs, and
             | most people also believe that other people shouldn't be
             | able to force you to do work for free.
             | Which one you decide on seems like a value judgement to me.
             | Is it fair that instead of shipping that feature you really
             | want this month, you have to do accessibility features? I
             | don't think the answer is black and white.
             | FWIW, accessibility seems hard. I am not a good web dev,
             | and the conversations that spin out from these
             | accessibility conversations frequently go right over my
             | head. I can build a pretty basic React site, but I have no
             | idea how to add accessibility components to that, or how I
             | would test whether my site is accessible or not.
             | Part of this problem is probably lack of exposure. I know
             | what a screenreader is, but I don't know how they work. I
             | don't know what makes it easy to traverse a page with a
             | screenreader and what makes it hard. It would probably help
             | a lot if we forced devs to have experience with
             | accessibility tools so they know they work.
               | clickness wrote:
               | > "FWIW, accessibility seems hard."
               | Exactly.
               | Changing <div> to <button>, passing your website through
               | an "accessibility validator" or adding an accessibility
               | toolbar don't guarantee your website is actually usable
               | on a screen reader (as an example).
               | Getting accessibility right takes non-trivial effort.
         | corytheboyd wrote:
         | I agree that building an accessible internet should be
         | everyone's goal, but let's be real here and assign blame
         | correctly.
         | The openness of the technology and the internet itself is what
         | killed accessibility for the masses.
         | Point 1: HTML, assuming an at-least-okay following of
         | semantics, should be accessible by default. Add the planes of
         | JS and CSS though and it's insanely easy to create non-
         | accessible content.
         | Point 2: There is no education about accessibility tech. I
         | don't just mean about how to create accessible content, I mean
         | about the devices themselves. I'm speaking for myself, I hardly
         | know anything about these devices to be honest. Without an idea
         | of how they work, it's that much harder to keep them in mind
         | when making design considerations.
         | Point 3: It's insanely easy to create and host content. With
         | such a low barrier of entry you're going to get more low
         | quality content. In the real world, there are strict
         | requirements for businesses to make themselves accessible.
         | There is no version of that for web content. Well, for the most
         | part, until you "make it" at which point I believe you CAN
         | actually be fined for having inaccessible web content. Take
         | that with a grain of salt I'm recalling from shaky memory of
         | reading HN comments.
         | So, what do we do about this? Honestly I think the only thing
         | we CAN do is solve the education part. As children we should be
         | required to be exposed to and educated about these amazing
         | technologies that assist people with disabilities. Because all
         | of us should know, not just us people in the software business
         | (though in this case of course, ESPECIALLY people in the
         | software business)
         | There is no way to fix the technology stack itself. It's just
         | been dug into such a deep hole. We can try to add things to it
         | to make building accessible content easier... but that will add
         | to the problem of there already being a million and one
         | different ways of doing the same thing (where a couple of them
         | are accessible)
         | CyberDildonics wrote:
         | There is a github link at he top right, you could start there.
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | I was talking about the general problem of new inaccessible
           | apps being developed, not this specific project.
             | skrebbel wrote:
             | What do you think is a good starting point for developers
             | who want to get better at this?
             | For example, do you know of a good way for developers with
             | no disabilities to get an impression of how a site works in
             | various screen readers?
               | spicybright wrote:
               | The accessibility mode in the firefox debugger is a good
               | start.
               | skrebbel wrote:
               | Wow nice! I feel pretty stupid for just having looked
               | over that all the time. It comes pretty close to what I
               | hoped to get.
               | I do see some surprising behavior though, eg I ran it on
               | WhatsApp Web, where it complains about image links that
               | have no `alt`. But these links do have a `title`.
               | Wouldn't every screen reader fall back to the `title`
               | when there's no `alt`? What I mean is, is that an actual
               | issue or just a "satisfy the tool" level thing to fix?
               | I'm not sure how people build up an intuition for stuff
               | like this, any suggestions?
               | crisnoble wrote:
               | If you are using a mac, try using the web for a few
               | minutes with the built in screen reader turned on. It is
               | actually pretty fun, and definitely helps get a feel for
               | what a non sighted user would be dealing with. Your
               | example with alt is a good one, but they should still
               | have an empty alt if it is not needed/applicable. Here is
               | an intro to voiceover
               | https://webaim.org/articles/voiceover/
         | abellerose wrote:
         | ..
           | ratww wrote:
           | You can use the ARIA _role= "button"_ attribute [1]. You also
           | should make it focusable using _tabindex= "0"_ and allow
           | keyboard input, although some screen readers might be able to
           | get around those limitations...
           | But like another reply mentioned, you can get it all from
           | free using a normal _< button>_, which isn't really hard to
           | style even compared to a _< div>_, and provides it all for
           | free...
           | [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/Accessibility/A...
           | scotth wrote:
           | I mean, this is exactly what aria attributes are for, right?
             | [deleted]
           | detaro wrote:
           | This already exists, and many developers don't use it.
           | Nicksil wrote:
           | > There should be a way to signal to browser a div will be
           | used for a button or whatever and I believe people would be
           | happy to use such a solution.
           | That solution already exists: replace "div" with "button"
             | [deleted]
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | I'm sorry if I made you feel that you should be ashamed of
           | your lack of knowledge in this particular area. That wasn't
           | my point at all. I'm just sad that we accessibility advocates
           | have somehow not yet been able to reach you and other
           | developers. I'm sorry you felt the need to retract your
           | comment.
             | aspaviento wrote:
             | There is some progress though. EmberJS has lint rules to
             | notify the developer when the using a div without
             | role="button" among other things :)
         | drevil-v2 wrote:
         | Jesus F Christ mate... take it easy. You sound like you have
         | been personally attacked. Gathering up the mob and sharpening
         | your pitchfork to tear down someone else's work is easy.
         | Why don't you start with opening an issue on their Github
         | first? And maybe contribute the code yourself since you feel so
         | strongly about it.
         | david_dan wrote:
         | All the greatest products/services in the world started
         | targeting the healthy, the rich, or the white.
         | May be a11y, l10n are the premature optimization equivalent of
         | product design?
         | cassetti wrote:
         | > It breaks my heart
         | This is all a little dramatic, no? It's a cool app that can be
         | easily updated to fix button accessibility.
           | chrismorgan wrote:
           | > _It 's a cool app that can be easily updated to fix button
           | accessibility._
           | Well... no, not really, because it's not just about the
           | buttons. I invariably find that things like this are
           | systemic, so that individual symptoms may be fixed fairly
           | easily, but that there are just _lots_ of basic problems with
           | the markup employed, all of which need to be fixed, and some
           | of which are actually _hard_ to fix because of bad
           | assumptions.
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | Yes, on second thought, that one sentence was probably
           | melodramatic.
         | pickpuck wrote:
         | > What do we do about this?
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBcz_bGcHgk
         | After watching this video from Google, I think the future is
         | web components + AOM[1].
         | This makes sense to me because:
         | 1) Most web developers are already using frameworks (such as
         | React) which can render web components.
         | 2) We can't expect all web developers to be ARIA/WCAG/ADA
         | experts -- they're always going to be trying to write code that
         | quickly/efficiently expresses their intent.
         | Once we get full buy-in and implementation in all browsers and
         | screen readers, most web developers probably won't be using
         | <button> much anymore.
         | Instead, they'll be using <framework-button>. The <framework-
         | button> sets up all the appropriate ARIA properties/attributes,
         | can restrict what slot content it accepts, and can present
         | remaining issues as errors in the console.
         | Perhaps under the hood <framework-button> does indeed include a
         | <button> in its Shadow DOM, or maybe it's a <span>.
         | Coupled with Houdini and some other emerging standards, I think
         | AOM will finally make web components a viable option for most
         | developers, and can solve the vast majority of accessibility
         | issues we see today.
         | [1]: https://wicg.github.io/aom/explainer.html#motivating-use-
         | cas...
         | bavell wrote:
         | I'm guilty of this more often than I should be. I think the
         | reason I sometimes reach for divs over buttons or other
         | semantic elements is because I've been burned by default
         | browser behavior treating them special when I just want a dumb
         | box with a dumb click handler - no default styling that I need
         | to override, no need to call .preventDefault(), no need to
         | worry about the matrix of OS+browser+device that each treats a
         | button slightly differently, etc etc...
         | Some of this fear may be unfounded or now obsolete but years
         | ago it wasn't fun fixing bugs clients ran into due to silly
         | issues caused by these kinds of things.
           | ddevault wrote:
           | You should fix this attitude, becuase it's making your
           | applications worse. The browser is _the best_ at doing the
           | things it does, and any control that you implement yourself
           | is going to be worse. If the browser can do something for
           | you, you ought to _let_ it do that for you. If you insist on
           | writing your own controls, its behavior will differ from how
           | the browser 's own UI works in subtle ways, repeated
           | indefinitely for each combination of OS and browser and user
           | input paradigm. People who rely on muscle memory to use these
           | features, people who perhaps cannot percieve whatever UI
           | hints you come up with to teach your custom control, or
           | people whose needs you have forgotten about, will all
           | struggle to use your UI. And for what? It looks prettier? No
           | thanks.
             | chrismorgan wrote:
             | To those disagreeing with Drew here: he's expressing it
             | very bluntly, but what he's saying is absolutely correct.
             | People keep on reimplementing what browsers already
             | provide, and they seldom do a good job of it. In fact,
             | often it's _impossible_ to do a flawless job of it--e.g.
             | you can't get a custom dropdown to behave (not look,
             | _behave_ ) like a native <select> without some fairly
             | detailed user-agent and platform matching (I mean things
             | like whether selection is focus or not, and what Tab does
             | when the dropdown is open and selection is not focus),
             | quite apart from the other details that people often skip
             | over (see https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#Listbox
             | for a summary); and scrolljacking is _always_ bad because
             | the primitives exposed are insufficient to reimplement
             | scrollable areas.
             | This _is_ an attitude problem with a large fraction of web
             | developers that causes trouble for users. You should _very
             | strongly_ prefer to use a native element and technique for
             | something if you can. And buttons... well, buttons are a
             | great example of something fundamental that the browser has
             | a good implementation of, which is often reimplemented
             | annoyingly incorrectly.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | I don't disagree with this, the main issue I have is that
               | the browser controls are stuck in the 90s/00s: browsers
               | should implement new controls so we have less need for
               | custom work here.
             | corytheboyd wrote:
             | I didn't downvote because I can agree to a certain extent.
             | Are you suggesting a completely unstyled web or something?
             | Maybe if you fleshed out that idea you would be met with
             | less criticism.
             | There is a good lesson here though, native browser controls
             | should ALWAYS be your first consideration when building UI
             | for the web. Try everything under the sun to stick as close
             | to these as possible before you give up. You will thank
             | yourself for having less code in which something can break.
             | Your users will thank you for already knowing how to use
             | the controls.
             | An example that drives me crazy is when dropdowns that
             | could have been a select/option group of controls are not.
             | Because most of the time the subtle but insanely helpful
             | keyboard controls are completely missing. Being able to
             | type with the menu selected to jump to items is insanely
             | helpful when the creator insists on jamming too many
             | options into it. Think about that, it's not exactly trivial
             | to implement, and by the time you have the dozens of lines
             | of JavaScript to implement it correctly... pretty hard not
             | to ask yourself "what the hell am I doing..."
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Dropdowns are frustrating because the select/option is
               | only really good for simple cases and browsers block
               | restyling: as soon as you get a requirement like
               | "Dropdown with multiselect", you have to rewrite the
               | whole thing: and, for visual consistency, this usually
               | means rewriting all the dropdowns.
               | ddevault wrote:
               | "Dropdown with multiselect" is addressed by adding the
               | "multiple" attribute to your select tag. Which has been
               | possible since the 90's.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Nope, per MDN:
               | > When multiple is specified, most browsers will show a
               | scrolling list box instead of a single line dropdown.
               | This is not "dropdown with multiselect" because it
               | doesn't "drop down"
               | ddevault wrote:
               | Tough shit? It does what you want. It doesn't have to
               | look like what you want.
               | mwcampbell wrote:
               | Your extreme stance is not helping the cause. I
               | recognize, for instance, that the HTML select element,
               | with its current limitations, is unsuitable for some
               | real-world use cases. We shouldn't tell application
               | developers that they're wrong to need something more
               | complex than what the NCSA Mosaic team (edit: or maybe
               | Netscape) defined in the 90s. We need to meet developers
               | where they are and make it as easy as possible for them
               | to do the right thing.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Yeah, I do html/css whenever I can: part of the issue is
               | just that html has been neglected compared to css/js over
               | the last ten years or so: the form controls are mostly
               | just what we had in the 90s and they haven't really
               | developed into a comprehensive set of the controls we
               | need to make applications. It'd be amazing to have
               | something like react-select or a datagrid/Google Sheets-
               | style table as an element but, instead, we mostly are
               | getting CSS and JS improvements, which means that people
               | are going to tend to use divs with CSS/JS for behavior.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | It doesn't do "what I want", it's completely unsuitable
               | for most of the use cases I've run into. Additionally,
               | this sort of response will never work with a product
               | manager or ux designer.
               | ddevault wrote:
               | It's your job as the engineer to tell the product manager
               | or UX designer "no" when they ask you to build interfaces
               | which lock disabled users out of the product. Take some
               | responsibility for the code you write. And if you really
               | cannot use <select multiple>, then have the discipline to
               | read the AIRA guidelines and make sure that whatever you
               | come up with works for everyone.
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | Not really, the point of having these people is for them
               | to make product and ux decisions. It's my job to
               | implement the use case they come up with (or quit): I can
               | provide technical advice and suggest easier/better ways
               | to solve their problems but, ultimately, it's their call.
               | ddevault wrote:
               | That's a really shitty way to think about your job. If
               | you don't have the courage to advise your peers (which is
               | what the product manager and UX designer are, your
               | _peers_ ), then you aren't worth your salary as an
               | engineer. Thinking for yourself and pushing back against
               | bad designs is part of your job. Do your job.
           | mwcampbell wrote:
           | Thanks for sharing your perspective on this.
           | Does anyone know if the web platform now provides a foolproof
           | way to clear all default styling on a button or other
           | standard control?
             | no_wizard wrote:
             | Yes. This is a good article from _CSS Tricks_ on the
             | subject matter, which describes it all better than I could.
             | https://css-tricks.com/custom-styling-form-inputs-with-
             | moder...
             | crisnoble wrote:
             | `appearance: none;` gets you a long way
               | plussed_reader wrote:
               | But muh ableist design preferences....
               | mwcampbell wrote:
               | Please avoid this kind of unconstructive snark. I'm prone
               | to it myself when discussing this subject, but I try to
               | avoid it when discussing accessibility with a broad
               | audience like HN. I want to meet mainstream developers
               | where they are, figure out what prevents them from making
               | their applications accessible, and do something about it,
               | not just guilt-trip them.
               | crisnoble wrote:
               | I actually use <button> with appearance:none specifically
               | for accessibility. You get all of the benefits of a
               | button's accessibility, focus, click events, normal
               | tabbing, etc, and can use them for things like toggling
               | an accordion of content or showing/hiding a mobile menu.
               | Better than a div because you don't need aria-role, and
               | better than a link because it is not taking you anywhere.
               | As pointed out up thread, developers and designers often
               | skip using <button> because it is hard to style just
               | right. Using appearance:none resets the style but not the
               | accessibility behavior.
           | Vinnl wrote:
           | Interesting - I would have expected the reverse to be true,
           | i.e. if you often reach for divs first, you'd often be burned
           | by e.g. enter-to-submit not working, or the wrong keyboard
           | showing up on mobile, etc.
             | chrismorgan wrote:
             | The trouble is that it's _users_ that are burned by this,
             | and only a subset of them, so the developer doesn't notice
             | unless it affects their particular usage patterns.
             | But if you have things like "I put my button inside a form,
             | and now when I click on it the page reloads" (because it's
             | now a submit button, so you need to either change it to
             | type=button or add event.preventDefault() to your click
             | handler or form submit handler, according to taste),
             | that'll affect everyone, and thus you'll notice it
             | immediately, and thus it's you as a developer being burned
             | by it, and so you notice it.
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | Why assume ignorance/difficulty when the reality is not
         | everyone is going to focus on adding/maintaining accessibility
         | when they haven't even built out their beta MIT licensed side
         | project? It'd certainly be nice if everything just
         | automagically worked about accessible UI but we're not there
         | yet (getting anything to automagically work in UI is a pain
         | still).
         | As far as what we can do about it I suppose outside of somehow
         | translating thoughts into perfect UI automatically we can try
         | to add coverage to these projects as we can prioritize it.
         | After all that's why they are being built in the open with an
         | open license, so others can help add functionality.
           | ddevault wrote:
           | Users with accessibility needs deserve to be able to use
           | software as much as any of the rest of us do, and we should
           | pride ourselves in making time to address their needs. Try
           | reading your comment from the perspective of someone who is
           | unable to use this software because of the choices you've
           | made. Someday, perhaps sooner than you think, you might find
           | yourself in their shoes.
           | In this case, mwcampbell refers to a specific problem which
           | is entirely avoidable and endemic of a flagrant disregard for
           | the needs of accessibility - it would have been EASIER to
           | make it accessible in Matt's example.
             | zamadatix wrote:
             | I agree that if we make something we intend for others to
             | use it should aim to be accessible to others. Nobody here
             | is saying others shouldn't be able to use software the
             | problem is software is never complete and for a project
             | like this getting the thing working may reasonably happen
             | before you add ARIA attributes without the cause being
             | enmity to others.
             | I might be missing something, how would it have been easier
             | to make by adding additional ARIA markup to the UI?
               | pegasus wrote:
               | They could have just used off-the-shelf components for
               | the first iteration.
               | zamadatix wrote:
               | Using the builtin browser button element isn't without
               | other things to then fix in the software either,
               | "(getting anything to automagically work in UI is a pain
               | still)".
               | Would it have been accessible though, sure. But I'm going
               | to assume that the developer didn't spin a wheel and
               | decide to add React to the project rather it was
               | intentionally chosen for some reason. Similarly in their
               | React button version they could have added ARIA
               | attributes. The problem statement was never "is there a
               | way it could have been made accessible" it's that there
               | isn't going to be a fullproof automagical way to make it
               | accessible without having to do additional work in the
               | project be it styling the default button or changing it's
               | handlers or adding accessibility to a custom button.
               | i.e. it's not a matter of technical exercise for how it
               | could have been accessible it's being realistic about why
               | it wasn't.
               | xingyzt wrote:
               | The clickable divs should be focusable and have the aria
               | button role. <div tabindex="0" role="button">...</div>
               | chrismorgan wrote:
               | This is necessary but insufficient. If you use
               | role=button, it needs to behave like a button, which
               | means that Space and Enter must also activate it.
               | Things to read:
               | https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#read_me_first
               | https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#button
               | zamadatix wrote:
               | Agreed they should to have accessibility support.
               | ddevault wrote:
               | You don't add ARIA tags to the UI - you use UI elements
               | which are already accessible. You should never, ever make
               | a button out of a div. The JavaScript community needs to
               | grow up and stop chasing shiny things, because they're
               | leaving huge numbers of people behind in their wake.
               | zamadatix wrote:
               | Bikeshedding about the best approach to making it
               | accessible aside I think we all agree there was no out of
               | the box button with the exact functionality and styling
               | the project needed. Many ways to build such a thing but
               | all of which require someone actually making the software
               | that way as part of the project scope. Difficult? Not
               | really. Priority to implement from day 1 in this project?
               | Well that's what started the conversation I suppose.
               | danShumway wrote:
               | > I think we all agree there was no out of the box button
               | with the exact functionality and styling the project
               | needed
               | We don't agree on that. Styling a real button to look the
               | same way this does would require basically the same
               | amount of work as styling a div. The only difference for
               | most people is that you would need to search for a style
               | clear for buttons, which will be the first result in
               | DuckDuckGo: https://css-tricks.com/overriding-default-
               | button-styles/
               | And it's a little bit debatable if you even want that
               | style clear, because you should be using some of the
               | stuff that buttons give you for free like graphical
               | changes when the button is pressed, visual indication of
               | focus, etc... That's all stuff that the final developer
               | didn't even know they were missing from the final
               | project.
               | So it's not even really a question about "does the button
               | look exactly like what I want." Many times, 'exactly what
               | the dev wants' is explicitly the wrong choice to make.
               | Most developers don't know every graphical effect and
               | interaction that a button should have, and they shouldn't
               | have to. The point of native components is to make this
               | stuff easier; you don't have to think about every
               | interaction and use case that every non-typical user
               | might require.
               | ----
               | In Firefox, I opened the dev tools, changed the div to a
               | button, and added one line of CSS:
               | border: none;
               | And the button looks exactly the same as the div, except
               | now it's visually focusable and accessible. Same is true
               | in Chrome. And those are likely the only two rendering
               | engines that the original developer cares about, it's not
               | like IE11 is worth supporting for a WASM IDE.
               | No bikeshedding needed here, I didn't even need to look
               | up a button reset style.
               | jablan wrote:
               | How do you know what styling the project needed? What
               | styling requires a button to stop being a button?
           | folkhack wrote:
           | > Why assume ignorance/difficulty when the reality is not
           | everyone is going to focus on adding/maintaining
           | accessibility when they haven't even built out their beta MIT
           | licensed side project?
           | Yep as someone who's done a significant amount of front-end
           | development ARIA and accessibility is more billable hours,
           | more time involved into project, and more testing. When it's
           | my own consulting I literally add it as a line-item to the
           | bill and let customers take it off if they want to save cost,
           | and when it's for professional work the only industry that
           | has actual regulation around it is education/government.
           | Truth is most companies are pushing the cost of development
           | down however they can, and to cater to the accessibility
           | market you're sinking significant dev/testing time into doing
           | it right. Also, you can't blame me in a capitalist society
           | for dropping this on the floor when my customer/employer
           | wants me to... _in most situations_ the hours invested into
           | accessibility will never turn around into profit.
           | The other problem is I do accessibility right. And most devs
           | don't... I'll actually go through and do UIX experiences on-
           | screen, then replicate it "blind" using a screen reader. This
           | testing/tuning takes _real_ time. Like - I can go through and
           | do best practices with ARIA tags, well thought out HTML5, etc
           | and still it 's a total cluster once you _actually_ use the
           | application.
           | It very much may not be "ignorance/difficult" - looking at
           | what this dev has accomplished with this editor I'm going to
           | give them the benefit of the doubt and say it was just extra
           | time for a _tiny_ fraction of their audience that they haven
           | 't invested yet. Harsh reality is they may not have that
           | budget of time to go the extra steps for something as complex
           | as this.
             | danShumway wrote:
             | > I literally add it as a line-item to the bill and let
             | customers take it off if they want to save cost, and when
             | it's for professional work the only industry that has
             | actual regulation around it is education/government.
             | Take note, the takeaway from this comment is that if you're
             | building a platform for applications and you want to make
             | it accessible, it has to be required. You can't give
             | engineers the choice or they won't do it. They will not
             | prioritize equal access unless either the law or the
             | technology literally forces them to. This kind of stuff is
             | how you get regulated.
             | This is also why I don't have a ton of sympathy for the
             | people who want to get rid of HTML and use exclusively
             | lower level APIs. They'll tell you they can replicate
             | accessibility features, but they're not going to. They're
             | going to open up the floodgate for interfaces that can't be
             | used with a keyboard. Like, I'm not _seriously_ suggesting
             | this, but maybe divs in HTML shouldn 't be clickable at
             | all. Maybe you should be forced to use a button. Maybe the
             | escape hatches that allow people to ignore semantic markup
             | should go away.
             | I want to live in a world where I can trust developers when
             | they say that the web is for everyone and that equal access
             | is important, and I want to trust them to make educated
             | decisions about what is and isn't possible to make
             | accessible for each project. But if we can't even get
             | people to use buttons instead of divs, if even that turns
             | into some kind of controversy... I don't know, maybe
             | developers shouldn't get to make that choice, maybe the web
             | should force you to use buttons.
             | The whole point of the web is that it's a universal
             | platform, as much as possible we should be striving to make
             | it universally accessible.
             | > The other problem is I do accessibility right
             | We're not talking about something like adding professional
             | captions to every single video you produce or making sure
             | that there are shortcuts to quick-navigate through menus,
             | we're talking about building buttons using the element
             | named "button".
             | Accessibility isn't binary, we don't have to decide to
             | either do professional testing or to render everything to
             | canvas. It really doesn't take firing up a screenreader to
             | know that a clickable div with no aria roles is not
             | accessible, you don't have to do advanced testing for that.
             | I'm not going to jump on the shame train for the original
             | author, not everyone knows this stuff and I don't blame the
             | author for making a mistake. I don't expect every web
             | developer to know everything, and shaming people over
             | accidentally breaking accessibility isn't helpful for the
             | cause. Instead we should focus on education and positive
             | reinforcement. We don't want new developers to be scared of
             | accessibility, we want them to feel like we're here to
             | help.
             | But outside of the original developer, I am absolutely
             | going to jump on the shame train for everyone who's talking
             | about very basic web accessibility features like they're
             | some kind of complicated tradeoff. They're not. Using a
             | button _is not hard_.
           | pickpuck wrote:
           | > > The buttons are clickable divs, not actual HTML buttons
           | > It'd certainly be nice if everything just automagically
           | worked about accessible UI but we're not there yet
           | OP's suggestion is that the author should have used native
           | HTML <button>, a simple solution that has worked since the
           | beginning.
           | But you're right that it's not so elegant in reality:
           | You must remember to add type="button" attribute, otherwise
           | clicking it could trigger page reload accidentally.
           | Most browsers still force <button> to retain its default
           | display property. Within flowing text, it can never break
           | naturally onto the next line, whereas an <a> link can.
           | It also can't be a flex or grid container in certain
           | browsers, so you often need an inner element for proper
           | spacing/positioning.
           | Note that the inner element would need to be a <span> not a
           | <div> because <button> can only contain phrasing elements.
             | chrismorgan wrote:
             | I quibble over a few of your points:
             | (a) type="button" only does anything if the button is form-
             | associated--otherwise it's the default. And even then, if
             | your button within a form is semantically submit buttons
             | (as the Create button here is), the semantically-best
             | technique is instead to leave the button as a submit
             | button, and instead of using a click handler on the button,
             | to use a submit handler on the form and do
             | event.preventDefault() within it.
             | (b) That buttons don't wrap externally is a feature, not a
             | bug. Links should wrap. Buttons should not. The point here
             | is that it _is_ a button, so it should use  <button>, and
             | this is just one of the reasons why.
             | (c) <button> not supporting `display: flex` was Firefox-
             | specific and fixed almost four years ago in Firefox 52. I
             | believe the last fiddly alignment corner cases were fixed
             | over two years ago also. So you can safely forget about
             | that limitation now.
             | (d) You shouldn't _want_ to put a div inside a button, any
             | sort of button (whether  <button> or any other technique).
             | That's not what buttons are.
               | Stratoscope wrote:
               | > _if your button within a form is semantically submit
               | buttons (as the Create button here is), the semantically-
               | best technique is instead to leave the button as a submit
               | button, and instead of using a click handler on the
               | button, to use a submit handler on the form and do
               | event.preventDefault() within it._
               | This is my biggest pet peeve with so many modern websites
               | and web-based desktop apps. It's not just a matter of
               | being semantically correct in some abstract sense, it
               | completely breaks the user experience for a keyboard user
               | like me.
               | If you have a form with, say, two text fields, I expect
               | to be able to type into the first field, hit Tab to the
               | second one, type into that one, and press Enter to
               | submit.
               | All too often, when I press Enter, nothing happens! This
               | is because of the very problem you described: the
               | developer used a click event handler on the submit button
               | instead of a submit handler on the form as they should
               | have.
               | It's such an easy thing to get right; why do so many get
               | it wrong?
           | wffurr wrote:
           | How hard is it to just use a damn <button> For a button on a
           | web page? Basic HTML already works perfectly in a screen
           | reader with no effort. It _requires_ effort to screw it up.
             | rhencke wrote:
             | Perhaps you could open a pull request to fix this.
               | Vinnl wrote:
               | That would presumably be roughly equivalent to send a PR
               | to translate a single dialog to English when the entire
               | interface is in French.
               | Sure, if an app is not fully translated and there's a
               | lingering French string somewhere, submit a PR. But in
               | this case, I don't see how this can be a serious
               | suggestion.
               | josephg wrote:
               | Based on what other commenters have said, it sounds like
               | the button is implemented in a custom react component. In
               | that case ideally it should be as simple as changing the
               | component to output a button instead of a div, with some
               | css to remove the default button styling. Which would be
               | the equivalent of translating a decent chunk of a website
               | to French with one tiny change.
               | rhencke wrote:
               | It was a serious suggestion.
               | By working to understand and solve the problem that seems
               | easy on its surface, either:
               | 1. It ends up harder than it seems. The original poster
               | gains a better understanding of what is preventing the
               | originally proposed solution from working, and is in a
               | better place to judge what needs changing, and generally
               | everyone wins.
               | 2. It ends up as easy as it seems. Not much time is
               | spent, the original poster makes a valuable suggestion in
               | the form of a patch/PR, and generally everyone wins.
             | zamadatix wrote:
             | I think https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25593536 from
             | the larger comment chain said it pretty well. I also just
             | commented something that may be relevant to these thoughts
             | as well https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25594659. The
             | child comment by pickpuck is also quite informative.
             | The tl;dr is it's not about there being a way it could have
             | been accessible it's that there was no out of the box
             | answer that both did what the project needed and what was
             | needed to have the button be accessible. If you are here to
             | point out there is a way it could have been done well of
             | course, so could everything else on every backlog of every
             | open source project but things get taken off of the backlog
             | by people planning work and putting the time in to do them
             | not by people mentioning there are easy ways it could be
             | done hence why this wasn't done (and also why this/any
             | piece of software isn't perfect as everyone would like).
           | simonh wrote:
           | What does being MIT licensed have to do with it? And please,
           | don't anyone dare chime in with the the standard "if people
           | want a feature in open source they can 'simply' implement it
           | themselves".
           | UI technologies that don't include accessibility are simply
           | not good enough. It's not like accessible options don't
           | exist.
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | > And please, don't anyone dare chime in with the the
             | standard "if people want a feature in open source they can
             | 'simply' implement it themselves".
             | Indeed, how dare anyone call you out on demanding that
             | others invest time and effort that you won't.
             | zamadatix wrote:
             | > What does being MIT licensed have to do with it
             | It's a non commercial non government project.
             | > And please, don't anyone dare chime in with the the
             | standard "if people want a feature in open source they can
             | 'simply' implement it themselves".
             | Already talked about it in the parent comment, would be
             | interesting if you could respond to that instead of asking
             | nobody mention it.
             | > UI technologies that don't include accessibility are
             | simply not good enough.
             | Agreed, most software is not good enough. Especially beta
             | versions of personal projects.
             | > It's not like accessible options don't exist.
             | It's not enough for something to exist it has to be
             | pervasive and perfect to not be caught in a project task
             | list for something like this. This point is the topic of
             | conversation.
               | simonh wrote:
               | >It's a non commercial non government project.
               | Yes I know that, what's that got to do with not having
               | accessibility?
               | And no it doesn't have to be perfect, it comes down to
               | what we consider acceptable.
               | brabel wrote:
               | I am thankful to the author for not thinking like you, as
               | if they did perhaps there would be no WASM Studio at all
               | as they wouldn't have the time/knowledge/perseverance to
               | continue writing the app far enough to be accessible and
               | perfect for everyone. Luckily, they did the really hard
               | work of getting something that's usable to at least a few
               | of us! And it's been really useful to me as I am trying
               | to write a language targeting WASM.
               | zamadatix wrote:
               | > Yes I know that, what's that got to do with not having
               | accessibility?
               | Many (most?) will have different accessibility
               | expectation for software from each of these categories,
               | particularly since in many jurisdictions government and
               | commercial have accessibility laws to follow or
               | expectations on service because of payment/funding. In
               | this case the question is what does accessibility have to
               | do with the project not the other way around and the
               | answer is "whatever people want to contribute to the
               | project" not "what simonh finds acceptable of the
               | project".
               | > And no it doesn't have to be perfect, it comes down to
               | what we consider acceptable.
               | But you don't decide what's considered acceptable for
               | someone else's freely available open source software they
               | do. It's also not translated into every language and
               | won't run well on every device. A very large portion of
               | the world can't use it but it's just someone sharing what
               | they've managed to make not someone saying everyone in
               | the world will find the software acceptable or that they
               | owe any functionality out of it to anyone else.
           | spicybright wrote:
           | Exactly this. Yes, accessibility is very important, but as of
           | right now, it takes non-zero effort to implement correctly.
           | So you must balance that with other priorities depending on
           | the goals of the project.
             | thwarted wrote:
             | The goals of the project includes "custom buttons"? There's
             | so much functionality that you get for free/low effort if
             | you don't feel the need to customize everything to the
             | nines.
               | Wowfunhappy wrote:
               | When I decided to make myself a personal website this
               | summer, my goals were:
               | * It has to have lots of custom animations, because
               | animations are fun.
               | * It has to work well in weird text-based browsers like
               | Links, because being able to load my site up in those
               | feels cool.
               | * It has to support Safari 6, because that's the last
               | version of Safari that works in Snow Leopard.
               | If it's a non-commercial project, the goals can be
               | whatever the fuck the author wants them to be.
               | iratewizard wrote:
               | I don't understand this entitled attitude. The OP can
               | build things however they want. If their style of
               | building makes it hard for the 0.05% of internet traffic
               | that uses a screen reader, it's not open season to be a
               | shitty person. If I were the OP and received feedback
               | like this, I'd personally start aria describing how you
               | all need a better mix of anti-anxiety and
               | antidepressants.
               | josephg wrote:
               | Do you think buildings shouldn't be wheelchair
               | accessible, because not many people are wheelchair bound?
               | Most western societies have made the decision culturally
               | that even though its disproportionately expensive, that
               | the cost is worth spending to (as much as is reasonable)
               | make things accessible. (Legislators are on board in many
               | countries too.)
               | I see your point - this website is really cool and its
               | classic HN to have the top comment complain about a minor
               | point. But also, because accessibility and security are
               | invisible to most of us, vigilance is the only way it'll
               | happen.
               | gregmac wrote:
               | There are about 100 ways to do any given thing when
               | building web apps, and it's a constantly shifting
               | landscape where "the way" you do a bunch of things is
               | different every time you start a new app (at least it
               | feels that way to me).
               | Being really good at front-end (to the point you know
               | when to use a native control or not, which "standard"
               | features you can rely on, how to think about
               | accessibility+responsive+dark mode+ad blockers+low
               | bandwidth+seo etc) is an entire discipline that takes a
               | _lot_ of effort to stay current in.
               | If you use pure, standard html with default styling you
               | still end up with a page using bad colors and Times New
               | Roman that looks straight out of the 90s. If that's not
               | the look you're going for, you need to do _some_
               | customization (via CSS) and the difference between
               | "some" and "to the nines" is not exactly a clear line --
               | even to people that have specialized their careers in
               | front-end dev.
               | thwarted wrote:
               | If the decision comes down to "I can't get the exact
               | shade of cornflower blue I want on this button unless I
               | make it a div, but that will hurt accessibility" and you
               | chose the exact shade of cornflower blue, your priorities
               | are wrong. And not just because you hurt accessibility,
               | but because you probably made more work for yourself.
               | We went through this 15 years ago with custom scroll bars
               | that didn't look like scroll bars, didn't operate like
               | scroll bars and didn't interact like scroll bars, all
               | because it could happen. An Ian Malcom quote comes to
               | mind.
               | gregmac wrote:
               | I don't think that's a conscious decision though. What
               | happens is:
               | - I can't get this exact shade of cornflower blue
               | - Oh, here's a solution that works! Oh, it doesn't work
               | in all browsers
               | - Hmm, here's a stack overflow answer that says use a
               | div. It's 5 years old, is that current? Dunno but it has
               | 457 up votes and works
               | Some people are concerned about accessibility but the
               | JavaScript doesn't work in iOS. Others have iOS support
               | but they screwed up cache headers and it's super slow on
               | any low bandwidth connection.
               | Balancing _all_ those things (and that 's a very
               | incomplete list) is _hard_ and it 's not fair to expect
               | side/hobby/oss projects to do it 100%.
               | josephg wrote:
               | Huh? You can get whatever shade you want. Just use a
               | reset stylesheet for buttons and then you can style them
               | like you would any other div. They work in every browser,
               | too. I understand the argument that a decade ago this was
               | trickier, but that time has long since passed. Style your
               | button with css.
             | [deleted]
             | kevingadd wrote:
             | Replacing <div class="button "> with <button> is basically
             | zero effort. it's fewer characters and less JS code to
             | construct!
         | alpaca128 wrote:
         | Other tools like Vim browser plugins suffer from this issue as
         | well, making those UI components impossible to interact with.
         | Meanwhile other sites often have 5 clickable buttons bunched up
         | within each other or very close together for no reason.
         | The way many modern sites are frequently built is broken once
         | the user takes a closer look.
         | [deleted]
         | hobby-coder-guy wrote:
         | "Hey, here are some tips on making your site more accessible"
       (page generated 2020-12-31 23:00 UTC)