[HN Gopher] Show HN: Scanning the Web for Security.txt Files
       Show HN: Scanning the Web for Security.txt Files
       Author : _wldu
       Score  : 28 points
       Date   : 2021-01-01 18:06 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | BigBalli wrote:
       | Maybe I'm missing something but what's the point?
         | kissgyorgy wrote:
         | I agree, some kind of analysis on the results would have been
         | more interesting.
         | _wldu wrote:
         | Thanks. Someone had done a scan for security.txt files before
         | but were unable to scan the entire Alexa Top 1 million
         | websites. Only the top 1,000. I checked the top 1 million from
         | a 1.5Mbit residential DSL line using Go routines.
         | The blog post has more details and a short overview of the
         | results. It's linked at the bottom of the repo. I was hoping to
         | get feedback on the code.
         | https://www.go350.com/posts/a-survey-of-security-dot-txt/
       | reaperducer wrote:
       | An aside, but it would be nice if the tech industry could move
       | beyond three-character extensions. There's zero reason this
       | couldn't be security.text.
       | It's been at least 35 years since I first saw a non-three-
       | character file name extension (Amiga 1000), there are probably
       | older examples. Computers are supposed to work for people, not
       | the other way around.
         | ffpip wrote:
         | Imagine a .JavaScriptObjectNotation instead of .json. Or
         | .firefox-extension instead of .xpi
         | There are only a few important extensions. just remember them.
         | > Computers are supposed to work for people, not the other way
         | around.
         | Extensions are not for average computer users. They have icons
         | and filenames. Windows also hides extensions by default.
           | chrismorgan wrote:
           | .JavaScriptObjectNotation would be terrible, because of its
           | verbosity and because people call the language JSON: so .json
           | is good.
           | .xpi is a rather poor example: no one talks about XPInstall
           | (and the majority of its surface area is now even obsolete),
           | so .xpi is to most people completely meaningless unless they
           | have encountered it before and know what it is. .firefox-
           | extension would be a vast improvement over .xpi, because it
           | says what it actually is.
           | corty wrote:
           | There actually was a short period where Windows 95 was new
           | and had just introduced long filenames with long extensions
           | to former DOS users. Then, for a short time, stuff like
           | .SomeSoftwaresDocument was actually popular.
           | throwaway201103 wrote:
           | > Extensions are not for average computer users. They have
           | icons and filenames. Windows also hides extensions by
           | default.
           | As far as I recall, extensions became a thing with DOS. They
           | actually had meaning to the OS, e.g. naming a file .exe would
           | make it executable, as there was no other concept of file
           | ownership or permissions.
           | In Unix/Linux systems, filename extensions have always been
           | for the user. Before GUIs and icons, they were a convention
           | that let the user know something about the file contents. As
           | far as the operating system is concerned, "." is just another
           | character in the name and extensions are meaningless. Note
           | that most binary executables don't have an extension at all,
           | and other files have more than one (e.g. .tar.gz)
             | reaperducer wrote:
             | _As far as I recall, extensions became a thing with DOS_
             | CP/M had extensions in 1974, five years before DOS. There
             | may be older examples, but that's the first operating
             | system I ever used.
               | throwaway201103 wrote:
               | Makes sense. I think DOS took a lot of inspiration from
               | CP/M.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _Or .firefox-extension instead of .xpi_
           | That's an excellent suggestion. WTF does ".xpi" even mean to
           | someone who just wants to install a browser extension?
           | remexre wrote:
           | JSON is bad, but as someone who doesn't know what an XPI is
           | offhand, .firefox-extension seems kinda nice?
         | tomc1985 wrote:
         | Please, lets not make computing any more cavemanlike than it
         | already it. Is a world of obnoxious push-button apps with zero
         | options or customizability not enough for you? Learn to love
         | the contours of what you got and it will serve you even better!
         | ivanhoe wrote:
         | Why? Is there a single person in Universe that would ever be
         | looking at these files and not know that txt is short for text?
         | Perhaps in some other cases it makes sense, and perhaps we
         | don't even need extensions at all for many files, they can be
         | misleading (not to mention that what 'text' means is just
         | another convention). Microsoft even hides extensions from
         | average users.
         | But the common extensions that we all know by heart, why
         | change, what's the gain?
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | .txt is an ancient and extremely well-established extension,
         | and so will not cause any trouble anywhere--it'll be mapped to
         | text/plain in all standard servers, out of the box.
         | .text is not a common extension. Some things know that it's
         | text/plain (my Arch Linux /etc/mime.types and
         | /etc/nginx/mime.types both do), but I expect some common server
         | software won't handle it properly out of the box (haven't
         | checked beyond nginx's mime.types), and common OSes won't have
         | a handler for .text files set up (Windows, for example, comes
         | with .text set to PerceivedType text like .txt has, so that
         | it'll suggest the right sort of apps to open it, but it's still
         | not hooked up to any app by default, unlike .txt which is "Text
         | Document").
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | I stand by my previous statement. Computers should work for
           | us. We shouldn't work for computers.
           | Dump .txt for .text.
           | Dump .jsn for .json.
           | Keep .html, .jpeg, etc because they are abbreviations for
           | standards.
           | Sucks for Windows that it can't handle ".text" like other
           | operating systems have since the 1980's.
           | Dumping three-letter extensions will also help avoid all the
           | extension namespace collisions that happen all the time.
             | johnr2 wrote:
             | >Computers should work for us. We shouldn't work for
             | computers. Dump .txt for .text.
             | If my computer expects me to type an extra letter every
             | time I name a file it isn't working for me. The short
             | extensions make for more efficient typing.
             | Minor49er wrote:
             | Speaking from my own experience, I've seen plenty of
             | ".json" in the wild, but have never seen ".jsn".
             | kiallmacinnes wrote:
             | .json is roughly the same as .txt - an abbreviated version
             | of "JavaScript Object Notation". We humans still have to do
             | the translation to the final name.
             | And, I've never seen ".jsn". I've seen ".json" hundreds of
             | thousands of times, but never ".jsn".
       | achillean wrote:
       | Btw Shodan checks for the existence of the security.txt file and
       | shows/ stores the information if it's available. Here's an
       | example of how it looks:
       | https://beta.shodan.io/host/
       | If you have a Shodan account you can also search the contents of
       | the security.txt files using the "http.securitytxt" search
       | filter. For example:
       | https://beta.shodan.io/search?query=http.securitytxt%3Aconta...
       | temp0826 wrote:
       | Definitely felt like wishful thinking whenever I heard that
       | security.txt was a thing.
       | From the blog post-
       | > Of the 666,771 most popular websites on the Alexa list, I found
       | 2,884 security.txt files that were content-type "text/plain" and
       | returned a HTTP 200 status code. Not all of these were valid
       | security.txt files, but most were.
       | Seems I was right?
         | _wldu wrote:
         | Yes, it's not as widely implemented as I expected. Adoption
         | seems to drop quickly. Roughly 20% for the top 10 websites, 15%
         | for the top 100 and about 10% for the top 1,000. It's downhill
         | from there.
       (page generated 2021-01-01 23:01 UTC)