[HN Gopher] Encrypted Client Hello: The Future of ESNI in Firefox
       Encrypted Client Hello: The Future of ESNI in Firefox
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 51 points
       Date   : 2021-01-07 18:47 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.mozilla.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.mozilla.org)
       | corty wrote:
       | This is extremely ugly. They got rid of ESNI because it was an
       | incomplete solution possibly exposing the connection target
       | anyways. So they decided to encrypt the whole client hello
       | message, calling it ECH (encrypted client hello).
       | However, to make it work, they need the server's public key out
       | of DNS. To get that, they didn't rely on preexisting TLSA records
       | intended for this purpose (partly because it wouldn't work in
       | some cases, TLSA can either contain fingerprints or pubkeys).
       | Instead, they defined a whole new DNS record type to publish
       | those keys. But those records, called SVCB, don't just publish
       | keys. They are an amalgamation of SRV records (this service
       | called "something" is actually at that host and port), CNAME
       | records and a list of key/value-properties with associated
       | priorities. If you think you might know that one, yes, it looks
       | almost like all of DNS inside DNS again. Just another Meta-DNS,
       | because all those RRs aren't fancy enough already. Or maybe
       | Cloudflare just wants a way to put all their internal routing
       | info into DNS somehow.
       | Anyways, I'll wash my eyes with soap now...
         | Koffiepoeder wrote:
         | In that case, wouldn't it have been more logic to use eDNS OPT
         | query fields instead?
         | Nullabillity wrote:
         | Aren't SRV records CNAME-ish as well? So it kind of makes sense
         | to see SVCB as SRV 2.0, I guess.
         | LinuxBender wrote:
         | If it depends on DNS, does that not expose the name being
         | requested via DNS and defeat the point of ESNI? I guess I need
         | to go read up on this. Reading Cloudflares blog, it appears
         | they assume people are using DoH or DoT.
           | shawnz wrote:
           | Since you need DNS to get the IP address in the first place,
           | it's already true that ESNI is nearly useless without
           | encrypted DNS.
             | LinuxBender wrote:
             | True. I guess I assumed incorrectly that the original
             | design of ESNI would not require DNS be in the flow for the
             | validation, meaning that if I had local DNS, or /etc/hosts
             | entries, then nobody would see the name. But if special
             | record types are required, then /etc/hosts or local DNS
             | won't suffice. Just my opinion, but it feels like this was
             | made unnecessarily complicated. Feels like some concepts
             | from SSH (host keys, caching host keys) and web servers
             | (default _server_ name) could have been used for this,
             | since I don't really need to validate _who_ I am talking to
             | for passing the name.
               | shawnz wrote:
               | Hopefully, browsers and operating systems will add
               | capacities to store the records locally.
               | They allude that this could be possible in the spec.
               | > This document defines the format of the ECH encryption
               | public key and metadata, referred to as an ECH
               | configuration, and delegates DNS publication details to
               | [HTTPS-RR], though other delivery mechanisms are
               | possible.
           | Fnoord wrote:
           | Not if your DNS is encrypted (e.g. DNSCrypt, DoH, DoT, ...)
           | I suppose it does if you run your own resolver?
           | ameshkov wrote:
           | > it appears they assume people are using DoH or DoT
           | Things changed since then, now plain DNS is also allowed.
           | w3ll_w3ll_w3ll wrote:
           | If the DNS query is done with DoT or DoH the server name is
           | not exposed.
             | LinuxBender wrote:
             | That is what I took from their blog as well. For some
             | reason I thought the original intent of ESNI was to do some
             | type of opportunistic or self signed handshake for the
             | (E)SNI portion to hide the requested name, then validate
             | the actual site certificate. They must have run into a
             | problem.
               | ameshkov wrote:
               | I've been loosely following ESNI/ECH drafts, and I am not
               | sure this approach (double handshake) was ever seriously
               | considered despite that it sounds perfectly fine to me.
               | It'd make the handshake heavier, but on the other hand,
               | it'd also make it much harder to distinguish from the
               | regular TLS traffic. On the contrary, ESNI/ECH seems to
               | be easy to detect and block, and some countries (China,
               | for instance) have already announced that they're going
               | to do that.
           | [deleted]
       | ameshkov wrote:
       | Can anyone explain why is it designed this way? Why was it
       | necessary to involve DNS into this? Was it unavoidable or is that
       | all in the name of keeping 0-rtt possible?
       | Tbh, with the current implementation, ECH setup seems rather
       | complicated to me. It benefits CDNs like CloudFlare since they
       | control both DNS and the handshake process, but those who would
       | like to setup ECH on their own are in trouble.
         | unilynx wrote:
         | You need to know if you're talking to the server you think
         | you're connecting to, otherwise a man-in-the-middle could
         | impersonate the server and intercept the handshake to see the
         | hostname you're trying to connect.
         | So you need another channel to pull a public key (or something
         | comparable), and they picked DNS for that
           | ameshkov wrote:
           | As someone suggested in a different comment: handshake with
           | one certificate, then send a new ClientHello that contains
           | the desired hostname and "re-handshake" with the real cert?
             | shawnz wrote:
             | How do you validate the authenticity of the first
             | certificate without revealing any hostnames?
               | ameshkov wrote:
               | If we're keeping this simple, then I'd say have IP
               | address in subaltnames. Obtaining such certs shouldn't be
               | a problem for CDNs, and possible for others as well
               | (regarding free options: Let's Encrypt doesn't support
               | that, but ZeroSSL does)
             | MathiasPius wrote:
             | How do you know that the first certificate was not produced
             | by the MitM?
         | corty wrote:
         | The client initiates the connection and must know a key to
         | encrypt the client hello with before the first packet. Unsigned
         | DH is out because that would allow MitM and involve another
         | roundtrip, cached certificate is only known on the second
         | connection and hardcoded keys would be stupid. That leaves DNS.
       | unilynx wrote:
       | HTTPSSVC might, as a side effect, finally solve the problem of
       | not being able to point the root of a domain (eg 'google.com') to
       | a CDN.
       | (although the rollout of HTTPSSVC to all DNS servers and domain
       | hoster APIs will probably take even longer than the phase-out of
       | IE..)
         | _wldu wrote:
         | Isn't that because CNAMES may not be combined with other
         | records and SOA and NS are required on whatever.com?
         | https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2181
           | unilynx wrote:
           | Yep. There was talk of ANAME records at IETF but that doesn't
           | seem to be really going somewhere
           | Some DNS servers implement something they often call ALIAS,
           | but it's basically the equivalent of having a crontab mirror
           | the settings of the records you're referring to, and breaks
           | eg. geo-dependent address resolving (so not that useful for
           | referring to a CDN, which is why you'd most likely want this)
         | corty wrote:
         | SRV records would already support that is browsers would look
         | them up. But unfortunately they don't.
       | jagger27 wrote:
       | OpenSSL doesn't support this yet, so neither does nginx.
       | darkhorn wrote:
       | ESNI is the only reason why I use Cloudflare in some of my web
       | sites.
       | superkuh wrote:
       | So... the attack on this would be to take over the local
       | nameserver (or even just system DNS resolution) of the clients
       | trying to get to a domain and then serve your own public key?
       (page generated 2021-01-07 23:00 UTC)