[HN Gopher] Ray Tracing in pure CMake
       Ray Tracing in pure CMake
       Author : networked
       Score  : 237 points
       Date   : 2021-01-09 13:04 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (64.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (64.github.io)
       | savant_penguin wrote:
       | This is an ode to how much you can do with the four arithmetic
       | operations and not much more
       | unnouinceput wrote:
       | I remember writing a ray tracing in 1994 in Turbo Pascal 7.0
       | running on 286 under DOS 4.0 at the time. I did it with floating
       | numbers, pure mathematical implementation. When it came to
       | usability was something like 1 frame every 30 seconds for
       | resolution of 640x480 with 256 colors only.
       | The problem with ray tracing isn't writing one, the problem is
       | its usability, to get the most realistic AND fast enough. Mine
       | was very realistic for that resolution but the snail FPS was
       | something unbearable. Despite my best efforts at the time,
       | hardware was not ready. I remember the talk between us (prof.
       | assistant, basically a master student and rest of wanna be
       | programmers) and we're so sure it would take maximum 5 years for
       | ray tracing and photo-realism to become every day commodity. We
       | were wrong only by 20 years. Good times.
         | pixelpoet wrote:
         | 640x480 256 colours on a 286? With only 30 seconds for an
         | image, even though it doesn't have a floating point unit? Sorry
         | for being a doubting Thomas, but that seems very implausible
         | (having spent my life writing ray tracers).
         | dahart wrote:
         | > we're so sure it would take maximum 5 years for ray tracing
         | and photo-realism to become every day commodity. We were wrong
         | only by 20 years. Good times.
         | Yeah that was a very long running joke about ray tracing:
         | "real-time ray tracing is only five years away... and always
         | will be". ;)
         | > The problem with ray tracing isn't writing one, the problem
         | is its usability, to get the most realistic AND fast enough.
         | Times sure have changed eh? 640x480/30s is ~ 10k rays/sec. Now
         | we have ray tracing GPUs that can do well over 10B rays/sec
         | with full floating point. More than a million times faster, not
         | even counting precision & scene size, crazy right?! I'm working
         | in the field and still blown away by what people are doing in
         | real time in the last few years, fully path traced scenes with
         | global illumination that are hard to distinguish from
         | photographs...
       | bawana wrote:
       | Please clarify for me the part about the set exec command. You
       | create n workers but you pass the whole image size to each. Why
       | isn't the image size divided by the number of workers?
         | slezyr wrote:
         | See the source code, it uses worker_index to find which part of
         | the image it needs to process.
       | iab wrote:
       | Every day we stray further from god's light
       | Iwan-Zotow wrote:
       | very good porno
       | lasagnaphil wrote:
       | Oh no... so far the most terrifying title I've seen in HN this
       | year. By the way, it's impressive how they even managed to
       | multithread this.
         | usrusr wrote:
         | Someone might be working on an article even worse: list of
         | things that raytracers haven't been written in (yet, regularly
         | updated)
           | kortex wrote:
           | Well, if you can store data in icmp packets, I bet you can do
           | math, too.
           | https://github.com/yarrick/pingfs
           | acka wrote:
           | When someone manages to write a raytracer in COBOL I will be
           | truly impressed.
           | 0-_-0 wrote:
           | There are even Excel ray tracers out there
             | Sharlin wrote:
             | In fact that's not even difficult, given how both a
             | raytracer and a spreadsheet are basically functions that
             | assign a value to every cell of a grid.
           | dev_tty01 wrote:
           | Next thing you know someone will suggest HN with hierarchy
           | for repeated and unrelenting topics. Linux ports on home
           | appliances, ray tracing, vi vs. emacs, launchd vs systemd,
           | walled gardens, .... Oh no, say it isn't so!
             | prox wrote:
             | Those darn Hackers on hackernews! :)
               | master_yoda_1 wrote:
               | Hackers works on things which are not trivial.so
               | certainly not a hacker
               | prox wrote:
               | Darn those non-hackers who don't work on non-trivial
               | things! :)
           | Uehreka wrote:
           | To pick from a recent HN thread: A raytracer has probably not
           | been written yet using only printf. Who wants the glory?
           | Niktator wrote:
           | MySQL raytracer: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=83222
           | usrusr wrote:
           | (PS: would that eventually count as "raytracers, written in
           | provocative blog post meme"?)
           | amelius wrote:
           | Or how about: an LLVM backend for CMake.
             | snarfy wrote:
             | Calm down Satan.
               | kroltan wrote:
               | You calm down, we haven't even brought in WebAssembly
               | yet!
       | turing_complete wrote:
       | They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they
       | didn't stop to think if they should.
         | klyrs wrote:
         | Funny comment from somebody named turing_complete, innit? The
         | fact that they "shouldn't" is what makes this abomination fun.
       | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
       | I refuse to even look at this. I've seen ray tracing in a PDF
       | before but this is too far.
         | Someone wrote:
         | IMO, this isn't that impressive. Turns out that CMake has a
         | scripting language that can be used to implement a ray tracer,
         | and do that multi-threaded. The model being rendered also is
         | hard-coded in the ray tracer.
         | I expected a monstrosity that had multiple targets for every
         | pixel ("ray arriving at (x,y)", "ray arriving at (x,y) after
         | one bounce", etc), with some magic to merge all the outputs of
         | the last bounce into an image, say by generating a huge html
         | table, with each cell having a different background color.
         | tgv wrote:
         | Let me tell you one detail: since cmake doesn't have floats,
         | they use fixed point arithmetic. LOOK AT IT. You know you want
         | too!                 function(sqrt x res)
         | div_by_2(${x} guess)                foreach(counter RANGE 4)
         | if(${guess} EQUAL 0)                   set("${res}" 0
         | PARENT_SCOPE)                   return()               endif()
         | div(${x} ${guess} tmp)               add(${tmp} ${guess} tmp)
         | div_by_2(${tmp} guess)           endforeach()
         | set("${res}" "${guess}" PARENT_SCOPE)       endfunction()
       | fouronnes3 wrote:
       | CMake is by far the worst language I have ever worked in.
         | Leherenn wrote:
         | I think modern cmake mostly has the right ideas, but the
         | overall implementation is poor, mainly due to legacy.
         | discardable_dan wrote:
         | Agreed. I will never understand how a group looked at overly-
         | complex Makefiles, determined it was hard to write complex
         | build scripts, and concluded: "I should write a Makefile meta-
         | language that can generate these." That would be like looking
         | at a complex Java codebase and concluding that the best
         | solution to simplify it would be to write a Java meta-language
         | for generating your classes...
           | aidenn0 wrote:
           | If you only ever generate makefiles with cmake, then you
           | probably don't need cmake.
           | kortex wrote:
           | I'll tell you exactly how: trying to maintain cross platform
           | ITK builds on tons of bespoke HPC clusters and academic
           | workstations using the existing build tools became a
           | nightmare.
           | Writing makefiles is extremely repetitive and tedious and
           | error prone: precisely the kind of thing to automate. Not
           | just makefiles mind you, cmake is designed to automate all
           | sorts of build parameters.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | I bet you never tried to write large scale Makefiles across
           | several OSes, even POSIX ones.
         | TheRealSteel wrote:
         | Oh thank god, this thread is making me feel much better about
         | myself.
         | I've been trying to integrate OpenCV's C++ library with my own
         | C++ code (not involving Python), _with_ the additional contrib
         | modules (meaning I have to compile OpenCV myself), for multiple
         | platforms, and I got stuck on CMake for so long it made me
         | question if I was just a total idiot and should give up on
         | programming forever.
           | jcelerier wrote:
           | to give another data point: I was given a project a couple
           | weeks ago that was using visual studio solutions and opencv +
           | contrib modules - I fighted 3 hours with making the .vcxprojs
           | work on my machine before porting the whole shit to cmake in
           | 15 minutes.
           | Using OpenCV was just a matter of
           | find_package(OpenCV 3.3.1 REQUIRED)
           | target_include_directories(theApp PUBLIC
           | ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS})
           | target_link_libraries(theApp PUBLIC ${OpenCV_LIBS})
           | and everything worked, so I'm curious about what failed for
           | you
             | TheRealSteel wrote:
             | Thanks for your reply.
             | Will this include the contrib modules even for Android? And
             | iOS?
             | Once I sat down and read the Cmake basics, yes, it was easy
             | enough to get OpenCV working with basicallly the code you
             | posted, except I couldn't find a way to include the contrib
             | modules in an Android version, it would always complain
             | Aruco wasn't there.
             | Until I went and compiled OpenCV myself, and _that_ was the
             | part that was a massive pain in my ass - CMake failing to
             | include architecture information in the library files
             | unless you specify it on the command line _before_ running
             | Cmake GUI, even tho it _is_ an option in the GUI. Tho
             | perhaps that 's more of a failing of the OpenCV build
             | script than Cmake itself?
             | I did just recompile OpenCV myself, so I did get there in
             | the end and it's all working now, but I'm sure I'll be
             | tweaking all parts of this project for months to come so if
             | there's an easier/proper way, I'm happy to learn.
             | It also needs to be statically linked.
             | Note: I'm not a real programmer, I don't know enough to
             | have even been able to get an entry level job in the
             | industry yet, I'm an idiot that doesn't belong on this
             | website. I'm just trying to learn as I go.
               | seabird wrote:
               | Humility is good, but it's important to acknowledge that
               | CMake very often feels awful. I consider myself a
               | competent developer and it's still pulling teeth trying
               | to get what I want out of it.
               | Some things will get easier with time, and a lot of other
               | things are going to suck shit forever. Keep on truckin'!
               | kortex wrote:
               | > Tho perhaps that's more of a failing of the OpenCV
               | build script than Cmake itself?
               | That is exactly what that is. Cmake is extremely
               | powerful, and it lets library authors make build
               | configuration that is quite often too flexible. Combine
               | that with no standardized package manager for c or c++
               | for decades, and much cmake evolution over that time,
               | means you encounter many different ways to solve
               | problems.
               | Opencv is up there for most complex cmake projects. Only
               | behemoths like VTK, ITK, and ROS beat it in complexity of
               | the build.
               | Also, don't beat yourself up too much. :)
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | > Once I sat down and read the Cmake basics, yes, it was
               | easy enough to get OpenCV working with basically the code
               | you posted, except I couldn't find a way to include the
               | contrib modules in an Android version, it would always
               | complain Aruco wasn't there.
               | If this worked on desktop, I would assume this to be a
               | bug in the OpenCV cmake files, there's no reason for
               | aruco not to be in OpenCV_libs if my understanding of the
               | OpenCV build system is correct (but then I did not really
               | have to fight it)
             | jpm48 wrote:
             | plus 1 for this, I have been using CMake with my students
             | for a year (moving from qmake) and this in conjunction with
             | vcpkg to install stuff has been a breeze. This book is
             | great too https://crascit.com/professional-cmake/
       | physicsguy wrote:
       | Simultaneously love and hate this
       | tuankiet65 wrote:
       | Here's a performance figure on my i5-3210m (2 core, 4 threads)
       | when using 4 processes:
       | * 64x64: 14.561s
       | * 256x256: 226.28s, 15x compared to 64x64.
         | pizza234 wrote:
         | > * 256x256: 226.28s, 15x compared to 64x64.
         | Basic ray tracers compute one ray for each pixel (without
         | reflection/refraction), so that this increase in time is
         | expected, as it's roughly 2562/642=42. This is also due to the
         | fact that each ray is independently computed.
         | I don't know if sophisticated ones can save some (rays)
         | computation by interpolating.
       | Blikkentrekker wrote:
       | I must say that completing this article leaves me with a feeling
       | not too dissimilar from that mixture of awe and disgust when I
       | finished reading _Uwa-Koi_.
       | knorker wrote:
       | Well well well, we finally found something CMake can actually do.
       | Please, everyone, stop using CMake. It doesn't do its one job.
         | skohan wrote:
         | What's wrong with CMake?
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | The language is _extremely_ error prone. It 's like they
           | looked at Bash and thought "hmm, too safe".
           | Everything is a string, even lists are just semicolon-
           | separated lists. The argument expansions rules for calling
           | functions are literally impossible to remember. All variables
           | are implicitly defined as empty strings. Typos silently break
           | things. `if` is completely broken. The separation of the
           | configure step from the build step is needlessly confusing
           | and makes some things impossible. This is just scratching the
           | surface.
           | It does have a couple of redeeming qualities: they have a
           | pretty great versioning mechanism which allows them to make
           | breaking changes. Though inexplicably they haven't used it to
           | fix any fundamental flaws, only little tweaks. And most
           | importantly it has been around for ages so loads of the many
           | many weird C++ compilation knobs have been solved.
             | dev_tty01 wrote:
             | > It's like they looked at Bash and thought "hmm, too
             | safe".
             | One of my favorite comments in a while. :-)
             | cycloptic wrote:
             | >The separation of the configure step from the build step
             | is needlessly confusing and makes some things impossible.
             | I'm confused. How do you propose CMake supports all those
             | build generators without doing this?
             | (PS. I really don't think the syntax is that bad, aside
             | that it is jarring for C programmers, most complaints are
             | overblown and you get used to it once you learn the rules.
             | It might be interesting if someone made a CMake variant
             | with a less obscure syntax but I don't see much motivation
             | for that to actually happen)
               | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
               | The syntax has improved slightly in recent releases with
               | the target family of commands. You just have to know what
               | legacy parts to avoid which is itself a burden. Still it
               | beats digging into the bowels of autotools.
               | I do fantasize about a new Cmake frontend implemented
               | with Tcl scripting. That would be far more consistent and
               | flexible and you can disable much of the language by
               | default to minimize footbullets then allow commands to be
               | reenabled for times they're needed.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | I guess I just don't see where there are footguns and
               | unsafety here. Build scripts are intended to operate on a
               | known, fixed set of inputs.
           | bluGill wrote:
           | The syntax is weird and inconsistent. Built ins are case
           | insensitive, but user defined functions are sensitive. No way
           | to return values from functions, except by jumping to the
           | scope of the caller and changing its variables unexpectedly.
           | (Better hope you know what the caller does)
           | That isn't a complete list .
           | Despite the above cmake is your best choice of build system
           | for C. Though some competitors could overtake it.
             | jmagoon wrote:
             | My least favorite part is how completely impossible it is
             | to discover all the implicit variables set by other cmake
             | files, and there's no common convention, so some libraries
             | are like ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR} and some are
             | #{zLib_INCLUDE_DIRS} and you have to just manually try a
             | bunch of combinations to finally find what works because
             | the scripts themselves use weird string based
             | metaprogramming to build the variables themselves.
             | andi999 wrote:
             | On top of that I found the documentation and the book
             | terrible. I thought it might be easier to understand what
             | it does by reading the source code (didn't try yet)
               | ahartmetz wrote:
               | The documentation is "complete" in the way that some
               | manpages are - the biggest problem with it is the lack of
               | best practices guidance. About books, I believe that good
               | ones exist now. The official CMake book is not among the
               | good ones - last time I checked, it was ridiculously
               | outdated (and IMO not even very good at the time it was
               | written).
               | I _have_ extracted some knowledge from the source code.
               | It 's more underdesigned than overdesigned and I think
               | that's the better side to err on. Kinda awkward but you
               | can figure it out.
             | appleflaxen wrote:
             | which competitors?
             | any thoughts on why are build tools so hard to get right?
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | I agree that CMake is pretty awful, [0] but I'm not convinced
         | that we'd be better off using its immature competitors,
         | especially considering the fragmentation that would bring.
         | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24203172
           | mhh__ wrote:
           | I'm increasingly convinced that a script in a real
           | programming language is the way forward.
           | The D compiler used to have a bunch of fairly flaky makefiles
           | (different make vendors => pain), but now there's a shebang
           | script written in D that not only does it's job well but also
           | handles args properly and to top all that off is actually
           | readable by people who aren't used to building software on
           | Linux
           | ajconway wrote:
           | There seems to be a kind of "network effect" here with CMake,
           | considering how popular it is among C/C++ projects.
           | Meson is more or less equivalent in the functionality it
           | provides. There is also Gradle, but it doesn't seem to have
           | gained much traction outside of Android development.
           | My personal favorite is Bazel (and others from the Blaze
           | family of build systems). It uses a python-based language for
           | describing build rules, an extensive documentation and
           | developers that respond to issues. Among the downsides is the
           | lack of proper dependency management which is critical for
           | public, open source projects.
           | There is also Nix which takes it even further, but it
           | requires much more involvement from the developer.
             | jcelerier wrote:
             | > Meson is more or less equivalent in the functionality it
             | provides.
             | but meson needs everything to be quoted which is frankly a
             | gigantic PITA - like, look at that, there's more quoted
             | stuff than anything else:
             | https://mesonbuild.com/Generating-sources.html
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | I've not used it, but that wouldn't bother me too much.
               | It's far preferable to a language like Bash where you're
               | permitted to omit quotes, but consequently it's a
               | minefield to write scripts that can robustly handle
               | strings containing whitespace (e.g. arbitrary file
               | paths). The Ada philosophy has it right: readability and
               | correctness far outweigh writeability.
             | milanove wrote:
             | Waf is another interesting build system I've seen used in
             | production. It's config is done with Python scripts, which
             | is cool.
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | There's also Premake, [0][1] Buildout, Ninja, SCons, and
               | no doubt there are others. qmake was recently deprecated.
               | It would take a _lot_ to persuade me to move away from
               | CMake and to use something  'non-standard' that few
               | developers are familiar with:
               | * Excellent support for command-line builds on Unix
               | * Excellent support for Visual Studio
               | * Excellent cross-platform package-detection. (Acid test:
               | Can it detect and link against OpenCL without me having
               | to write my own cross-platform OpenCL-detection script?)
               | * Excellent documentation, including clear and consistent
               | best practices and design patterns
               | * A sensible language, whether a scripting language or a
               | declarative language. Must follow the principle of least
               | astonishment and be relatively free of foot-guns. (CMake
               | fails tragically on both counts.)
               | [0] https://premake.github.io/
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premake
               | knorker wrote:
               | I can't speak for MSVC support, but to me CMake fails all
               | other bullet points. _especially_ cross-platform package
               | detection.
               | I haven't seen anything except autotools get this right.
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | > especially cross-platform package detection
               | I disagree here. CMake has working _FindXyz_ modules for
               | most major libraries. To write one of those modules is an
               | exercise in soul-destroying tedium, but there 's a pretty
               | impressive body of existing modules out there, many of
               | them officially bundled with CMake.
               | When used correctly, both CMake and Autotools are capable
               | of robust package-detection.
               | Regarding point 1: CMake works pretty well on Unix, but
               | it's a pity there's a runtime dependency on the CMake
               | package. Autotools is much better in that particular
               | regard: just about any Unix system can run a _configure_
               | script, as it 's just a plain old shell script.
               | CMake certainly falls short on the final 2 points, as I
               | rambled about at
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24203172
               | It's too late for me to edit my earlier comment, but
               | here's another alternative to CMake for the list: Bazel.
               | slavik81 wrote:
               | I used Waf before I tried CMake, and I found the latter
               | much easier to understand. The CMake language is a mess,
               | but the compilation model is simple.
           | kortex wrote:
           | What we could really use is some new declarative syntax that
           | interoperates with existing cmake projects.
           | There is already talk of such a system and even some
           | implementations. I am sure many people have thought to
           | themselves "This is so complicated! So much legacy cruft! I
           | bet I could build a way cleaner c/c++ build system! " only to
           | run into all of the complexity of cross platform c++.
           | I highly doubt there will be a cargo for c/c++, because it
           | simply isn't rust.
           | https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/19891
           | https://gist.github.com/stryku/4c69aa510711c9da6705fa4df4545.
           | ..
             | humanrebar wrote:
             | I like declarative approaches, but there's such a long tail
             | of weird things to support. I'm skeptical something
             | declarative can do the job on its own.
             | Maybe some time after modules become available and then a
             | known quantity.
         | discardable_dan wrote:
         | I still don't understand why cmake/autotools are seriously
         | considered. If you have a tool that is hard to do complex
         | things with (i.e., complex Makefile operations), the solution
         | should _not_ be a tool to generate input for that tool (i.e.,
         | CMake/autotools generating makefiles). We shouldn't use a build
         | system whose artifacts are scripts in a cruftier build system;
         | we should replace the universal build system whole-cloth. Even
         | the portability argument fails: if any modifications to the
         | build system require installing the respective meta-tool
         | (cmake/autotools), the generated Makefile is nearly-useless for
         | anyone trying to modify that codebase in any substantial way.
         | We need tools that do the actual building, not Makefile meta-
         | languages.
           | knorker wrote:
           | Well, first let me say that I agree that neither cmake nor
           | autotools is perfect.
           | I _am_ saying that cmake is fundamentally broken and unfit
           | for purpose even in addition to what you mention. I 've
           | mentioned some in another comment here, but really why cmake
           | should be thrown in the garbage is too long a rant to fit
           | into a comment field.
           | I am VERY interested in hearing new ideas. If you have a
           | truly better way, then I want to use it.
           | Though I'm not sure why you say generating code is so bad.
           | Code gets compiled to machine language, and (especially with
           | optimizations and all the new fancy instructions) are not a
           | thing that most people usually look at anymore.
           | Yes, actual developers need automake/autoconf installed. Of a
           | sufficiently recent version. But what exactly is your
           | suggestion? Autotools at least makes this an issue only for
           | the developers (and not even all of them, since they may not
           | need to change things), not for the orders of magnitude more
           | users.
           | But this is not a unique thing to developers. There may be
           | other generated code. E.g. they need to have protobuf
           | compiler installed, with all the plugins required. End users,
           | even those who build, don't. Developers who don't modify
           | those parts don't.
           | But here's the main thing though: Any portable build system,
           | that _already requires EVERY user to have that build system
           | installed_ , is DoA for being a viable portable build system.
           | It's incredibly frustrating to download a package, only to
           | find that the build system the author in their infinite
           | wisdom chose to use, has not been ported to your platform (or
           | if it has, you have to yak shave for a few hours to get it
           | and its dependencies installed). So you can't compile the
           | thing.
           | The beauty of autotools is that it "compiles" to a "virtual
           | machine" (shell) that will truly run anywhere. Nowadays even
           | on Windows, which now ships bash.
           | CMake too fails on this aspect, in addition to all the other
           | aspects this box won't be able to fit.
           | But please, I truly mean that if you have a better way, then
           | I do want it. It's incredibly hard to build something
           | portable though. Hence the minimal dependency of "just a
           | POSIX shell" for autotools.
             | kortex wrote:
             | > Any portable build system, that already requires EVERY
             | user to have that build system installed, is DoA for being
             | a viable portable build system.
             | I've voted this post down for this in particular. It is
             | truly an absurd criticism, especially when you refute it
             | yourself when you admit bash on Windows is a relatively new
             | phenomenon (and I still struggle with bash env on Windows).
             | If you use a build system, you need a build system
             | installed, full stop. Cmake is pretty easy to bootstrap on
             | a new host with minimal assumptions. Literally just
             | `./bootstrap; make` on basically any 'nix.
             | Cmake is designed to run truly anywhere, with many backing
             | generators, not just make. It doesn't even assume a posix
             | shell iirc.
             | Sounds like many of your complaints are with the library
             | authors not writing with portability in mind.
             | cycloptic wrote:
             | >Any portable build system, that already requires EVERY
             | user to have that build system installed, is DoA for being
             | a viable portable build system.
             | Why? I don't see how it's different from requiring a user
             | to install a compiler to build a particular language.
             | Operating systems don't have every compiler installed by
             | default. To fulfill your requirements, one would have to
             | re-implement every build system and compiler in POSIX
             | shell. Honestly the "better way" that I see a lot of
             | projects going with is to just support multiple options for
             | build systems, because there is no one perfect solution
             | that is going to work on all platforms.
             | The elephant in the room here is windows, and at this
             | current point in time, CMake is about as portable there as
             | autotools because Visual Studio has built in support for
             | it.
               | knorker wrote:
               | > Why? I don't see how it's different from requiring a
               | user to install a compiler to build a particular
               | language.
               | The various build systems I've seen, including CMake, are
               | portability projects in themselves. Yes, to build a C++
               | program you need a C++ compiler. But if it's using CMake
               | then you need CMake. Oh, but you don't have that. Ok, now
               | you have to install that.
               | Oh, it requires Python X.Y (I'm not saying CMake does,
               | but I've seen others that do, and CMake has other similar
               | things)? Oh, this system doesn't have that. So now I need
               | to build Python from source. Does Python have any
               | dependencies, perhaps? (or worse, you have to use
               | backports, which pull in 1000 dependencies so that now
               | you have a frankensystem)
               | If you've ever been at the point where two steps down the
               | dependency chain you have to build something as
               | fundamental as Python, then you probably know that this
               | is not a fun experience. And in fact you may run out of
               | disk space, several gigs of source and object code later.
               | (not every system is a 100TB server)
               | The whole thing about portability is that it should
               | actually work even on systems the original developer does
               | not have access to. If all you need to support is Ubuntu
               | 18.04 (or newer) and Windows, then why not just have a
               | Makefile and a MSVC project file? That would be much
               | easier than CMake or autotools.
               | Oh, and I've also been hit by dependencies of the build
               | system being too NEW. E.g. CMakeList.txt using features
               | removed in newer versions.
               | And that's how autotools is different. The ONLY
               | dependency is a POSIX shell. Do you have that? Then you
               | can build.
               | The number of times I've seen CMake try to link with
               | "-llibfoo" (it's "-lfoo") or be entirely confused about
               | how I'm not running the exact same system the developer
               | is, I can't even count. (e.g. failing to build because
               | "this is not an amd64 system"... uh, yes it is, with zero
               | logs about why it thinks that)
               | > The elephant in the room here is windows, and at this
               | current point in time, CMake is about as portable there
               | as autotools because Visual Studio has built in support
               | for it.
               | Well that just means CMake has nothing at all going for
               | it, if they are as portable.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | I've built cpython, it's about as inconvenient as
               | building the compiler and runtime for any other major
               | language. What OS ships binaries for gcc/clang but not
               | python? I can't say I've seen any Linux distros that
               | don't have it.
               | >Well that just means CMake has nothing at all going for
               | it, if they are as portable.
               | Sorry, just to be clear, Visual Studio does not have
               | built in support for autotools. (Unless they added it
               | recently and I wasn't aware) But, there are a number of
               | other less convenient ways to get that to work on
               | Windows.
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | > But if it's using CMake then you need CMake. Oh, but
               | you don't have that. Ok, now you have to install that.
               | you don't, CMake is able to bootstrap from nothing, it
               | only requires a C++ compiler
               | > The whole thing about portability is that it should
               | actually work even on systems you do not have access to.
               | If all you need to support is Ubuntu 18.04 (or newer) and
               | Windows, then why not just have a Makefile and a MSVC
               | project file? That would be much easier than CMake or
               | autotools.
               | having been in that exact place it's definitely not true
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Windows is not the only non-UNIX OS around.
         | mxcrossb wrote:
         | I absolutely despise cmake. But autotools is even worse, so
         | it's what I end up using. I haven't found another approach
         | which handles my needs.
           | andi999 wrote:
           | What are the needs
         | thebruce87m wrote:
         | If you're going to tell us what not to use then at least
         | suggest an alternative.
           | knorker wrote:
           | autotools. You may not like it, but it does work.
           | If you like CMake more, that would be a good argument if
           | CMake worked. But it doesn't. So in the choice between the
           | thing that works, and the thing you may like more, please do
           | go with the one that works.
           | E.g. this comment I just wrote:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25702345
             | jcelerier wrote:
             | if CMake works for LLVM, Qt, KDE, ReactOS, OpenCV and all
             | the other projects in vcpkg there's some chance it's
             | working for whatever your project is
               | knorker wrote:
               | Yes, it could be that project after project after project
               | using cmake is just "holding it wrong", and that's why it
               | doesn't build on aarch64, openbsd, intel x32, MIPS, with
               | some dependencies in nonstandard locations, etc... etc...
               | It could. But it's an incredible coincidence that it's
               | always cmake projects.
               | Generally on nonstandard installs the others (e.g. scons)
               | won't even run, so portability of the conf is not
               | relevant.
         | flohofwoe wrote:
         | The scripting language is bad, most cmake scripts are much more
         | complex than they should be, but cmake does a lot of things
         | under the hood that make multi- and cross-platform development
         | easier (for example: being able to build with the Visual Studio
         | compiler without running in the "Visual Studio Developer
         | Command Prompt").
         | A lot of fancy new build tools don't even have proper Windows
         | support.
           | knorker wrote:
           | I keep running into CMake based things not being portable,
           | and being broken. And pretty much every single time cmake
           | fails, it does not have ANY log AT ALL of what it did, and
           | why it thinks libfoo is not there.
           | Take autotools. You get EXACTLY what it did, and you see why
           | it failed. With CMake it just goes "you don't have X
           | installed". But I do. It's right there. CMake refuses to say
           | under what cmdline or whatever it tried, and what the error
           | was. Just "X IS NOT THERE!".
           | And then it depends on some version of cmake being installed,
           | which it may not be.
           | I don't do windows coding, but shouldn't autotools be more
           | viable now that Windows ships with bash?
           | But even if not, CMake stuff _as a rule_ is not even portable
           | between different flavors of Unix, so why even use CMake if
           | it 's only going to work on Ubuntu more recent than 18.04 or
           | whatever? It's not a silly suggestion. OpenBSD generally just
           | has raw Makefiles.
             | linkdd wrote:
             | I never managed to get CMake to work out-of-the box on
             | Windows.
             | I always end up vendoring the dependencies, because it's
             | too tedious to find the correct installed libraries in a
             | cross-platform way.
             | autotools are great, but at the same time it's a
             | monstrosity, and easy to misuse (you should never commit
             | the configure script, because it's the autotools that are
             | supposed to generate it according to the platform it's
             | running on).
             | For C++ dev, I did take a look at buck[1], but it doesn't
             | really support Windows platforms.
             | I wish we had something like cargo (IMHO, the tooling is
             | one of the top reasons of Rust's success), in the meantime
             | simple Makefiles do the job perfectly.
             | 1 - https://buck.build/
               | admax88q wrote:
               | > autotools are great, but at the same time it's a
               | monstrosity, and easy to misuse (you should never commit
               | the configure script, because it's the autotools that are
               | supposed to generate it according to the platform it's
               | running on).
               | The configure script is not generated according to the
               | platform it is running on. The whole reason tbe configure
               | script is such a monstrosity is because its supposed to
               | be portable, its written in the lowest common denominator
               | of shell. You are supposed to distribute it. Its also
               | fine to check in if you want end users building directly
               | from VC rather than from tarballs. Just dont modify it by
               | hand.
               | linkdd wrote:
               | From my experience, `autoreconf -i` is responsible for
               | generating the configure script from a configure.ac file,
               | so I assumed some platform-specific logic was happening.
               | I always wrapped it up in a autogen.sh script that I did
               | commit. Also, end users generally prefer prebuilt
               | binaries, if one wants to compile the software
               | themselves, I expect him to have autotools installed, and
               | mention it as a requirement in the README.
               | knorker wrote:
               | I would say that best practice is to NOT commit the
               | generated files, but DO include them in release tarballs.
               | Because release tarballs are exactly what need to be
               | portable to all your users.
               | vlovich123 wrote:
               | You probably may want to use Bazel. Buck's Windows
               | support at Facebook was fine (most all the PC oculus
               | stuff is built with Buck) but I don't know what state the
               | OSS version is in (maybe technically has support but the
               | internal pieces that make it work well don't have OSS
               | equivalents that are decoupled from other FB-internal
               | things).
             | yongjik wrote:
             | Everyone's experience is different, but that's very
             | different from my memory of autotools - a Turing-complete
             | macro processor which generates several thousand lines of
             | pre-modern shell script with embedded C source codes. When
             | anything goes wrong, it's pretty much impossible to match
             | it to the original macro definition. Just so that one can
             | hypothetically build the project in an ancient UNIX system
             | which is so old that its shell doesn't even have functions.
               | admax88q wrote:
               | Its difficult to match the origibal macro, but dead easy
               | to match into the shell script.
               | If youre just trying to get something to build as a user,
               | its actually quite easy to read the configure script and
               | see why its failing. The accompanied config.log is also
               | quite detailed.
               | Autotools are not the best, but i always prefer building
               | autotools packages over cmake. Worst case i can modify
               | the configure script directly.
               | knorker wrote:
               | While I've not had that problem, I can see that it's
               | nonobvious. But it's years between me looking at the
               | actual compiled output. I look at assembly output more
               | often, and most people never even do that.
               | What I mean though is that ./configure outputs a
               | config.log that says exactly what was done. Exactly what
               | command line was run and exactly what the error was.
               | I guess I'm confused why you're even looking at the
               | compiled scripts. Would you not look at logfiles and
               | stderr output before you start looking at assembly?
               | CMake doesn't. The logs are completely useless, even when
               | I get a CMake expert to come and agree, yes that's
               | useless.
               | With autotools you can see that it failed to build
               | because it couldn't find library foo when building with
               | "gcc blah blah blah", and you go "well yeah, you need
               | -L/opt/foo/lib", so you just add that. (or pkg-config
               | equiv).
               | CMake, on the other hand, seems to force you to look at
               | CMake "source code" (CMakeLists.txt), which is a horrible
               | mess. I'm not saying autotools isn't (yay, m4 :-( ), but
               | the point is you don't have to, because it actually logs
               | what it does.
               | So this is one of the many many reasons CMake sucks.
               | yudlejoza wrote:
               | I just spent some time searching for m4 opinions on HN
               | and it's more like a love-hate than hate-hate.
               | It looks like if you dive head first into learning
               | autotools, then m4 is going to look like nuisance.
               | But if you allocate time to learn m4 for what it is,
               | instead of just something you have to put up with as part
               | of your autotools adventure, then you'll hate m4.
               | m4 is the only (or one of a very few) well-known general-
               | purpose language-agnostic macro processor I know of.
               | knorker wrote:
               | I don't hate m4. Could be worse, could be better.
               | I used to build websites using m4 back in the 90s. Back
               | when static site generats were popular, before the latest
               | slight resurgence.
               | To misquote Mitch Hedberg: People either love it or hate
               | it, or they think it's ok.
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | > What I mean though is that ./configure outputs a
               | config.log that says exactly what was done. Exactly what
               | command line was run and exactly what the error was.
               | ... so does CMake ? you get log of the errors in
               | CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log, and you can trace what happens
               | line by line in a very verbose way with cmake --trace (or
               | cmake --trace-expand if you want variables to be
               | expanded)
             | fbkr wrote:
             | Could you explain how cmake stuff isn't portable or broken
             | between different flavors of Unix? I comfortably maintain
             | CMake builds that work on linux (with centos, ubuntu and
             | arch), macos and windows without much trouble.
             | If you mean cmake versions, I'm not sure what you expect,
             | should cmake just freeze in time and stop adding features
             | so someone gets to use cmake from 5 years ago?
             | Also, the bit about autotools on windows is silly. If it
             | can't build native windows stuff, it's not at all viable
             | for windows.
             | I also dislike cmake (particularly dependency management)
             | and wish for something better, but I think our criticisms
             | should be well-founded.
             | kortex wrote:
             | > But even if not, CMake stuff as a rule is not even
             | portable between different flavors of Unix,
             | Not sure what your experience has been but I've had zero
             | problems with cmake portability on nixes.
             | Raw makefiles are so much worse from a maintainability
             | point of view.
             | I find it kinda fascinating to be honest. Two devs come to
             | totally opposite conclusions.
             | Also to get more logging try this:
             | https://stackoverflow.com/a/22803821/3988037
             | flohofwoe wrote:
             | I've never seen an autotools- or make-based project which
             | builds out of the box on Windows in cmd.exe. Telling people
             | to install cygwin just to build a project simply isn't
             | viable when the default compiler toolchain on Windows is
             | Visual Studio. Also it's not about building projects alone,
             | cmake is also a project file generator for IDEs (in my case
             | that was the actual reason why I switched to cmake from my
             | own project file generator for Visual Studio and Xcode).
               | knorker wrote:
               | Interesting. Why do they fail with autotools?
               | flohofwoe wrote:
               | I don't know, I guess each project fails in a different
               | way (my experience was mostly with libcurl before it came
               | with cmake support), but IME projects which come with a
               | Makefile or use autoconf don't care about non-UNIX-y
               | operating systems, while (again: IME) a CMakeLists.txt
               | file is often a sign that the project will also build on
               | Windows with MSVC.
         | asddubs wrote:
         | I'll agree CMake is pretty rough to get into, but what makes
         | you say it doesn't do it's one job?
           | knorker wrote:
           | It doesn't produce portable projects. If all you wanted was
           | Linux (or often "Ubuntu compatible") then why not just have a
           | raw Makefile?
           | It doesn't log what it attempted, or why it failed.
           | It can't find out how to link binaries (always awesome to set
           | up som execsnoop (because no logs, remember) only to see that
           | it tries to link with "-llibfoo". In what world could that be
           | correct?. And again it doesn't log how and why it chose that)
           | I could go on, but it's too much for a comment field.
         | mkl95 wrote:
         | I have mixed feelings about CMake. Non trivial scripts look
         | like an spaghetti ball, but it's an extremely powerful
         | spaghetti ball.
       | chubot wrote:
       | This is cool, someone should port this to bash, which also only
       | supports integers.
       | Then I can use it as a benchmark for https://www.oilshell.org :)
       | Also bash can do the multicore part very easily with processes,
       | like cmake.
         | gumby wrote:
         | > This is cool, someone should port this to bash, which also
         | only supports integers.
         | With a little bitfield support (you could always call out to dc
         | but you can do boolean arithmetic directly in bash) you can
         | simply implement IEEE 754 in bash.
       | dgellow wrote:
       | Wow, the implementation doesn't even look that horrible!
       | Fascinating, crazy project.
       | hzhou321 wrote:
       | I think this is a demonstration why CMake is bad.
       | Unless it's a general purpose programming language, being Turing
       | complete should always be listed in the "Con" side. It literally
       | means the effort needed to understand its complexity can be
       | unbounded.
         | kortex wrote:
         | Cmake isn't the problem, it's a solution to the complexity of
         | building huge c and/or c++ projects such as VTK such that you
         | can run on many different OSes, arches and platforms, with
         | hundreds of different build options.
         | That is just what you get with legacy build systems.
         | Disclosure: I work at Kitware.
           | vlovich123 wrote:
           | I think Skylark (the language for Buck/Basel) represents an
           | interesting compromise here that I like better, even though
           | in the past I was a huge Cmake advocate.
           | The majority of rules are declarative and easily understood.
           | Python (or at least a dialect extremely close to Python) is
           | how you extend and write new rules. The two live in very
           | different files (declarative rules are in BUCK/BUILD files,
           | .bzl files contain the imperative definitions of rules, and
           | various other conventions control how you deal with platforms
           | (ie select rules).
           | gumby wrote:
           | I think of CMake as a coin with two faces: on one side is a
           | cool engine that manages dependencies and can somehow wrangle
           | Make/xcodebuild/ninja et al. On the other side is a dreadful
           | interface (presumably due to legacy constraints) that you
           | have to gingerly manipulate in the hope that it will cause
           | the proper state changes on the other side so that it can
           | generate the result you want...when I don't actually know
           | what the internals of say Xcodebuild are.
           | It's sort of like using Italian to correspond with someone
           | when you know Latin but not Italian.
           | If the code base really looks like that it might be
           | interesting to implement a different front end. Even XML
           | would be better.
           | On the other hand I couldn't imagine working without it and
           | would be happy if it supported more languages (I only use it
           | with C and C++).
       | tdiff wrote:
       | So far the funniest bug with cmake I've fixed was when we were
       | accidentally setting a variable with name '0' to a value '1'.
       | Later on, in other module, we were checking if some other
       | variable was equal to '0' which was interpreted by cmake as a
       | variable reference so the actual check was with '1'.
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