[HN Gopher] Woo for Its Own Sake
       Woo for Its Own Sake
       Author : mwcampbell
       Score  : 81 points
       Date   : 2021-01-09 15:50 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (scottlocklin.wordpress.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (scottlocklin.wordpress.com)
       | ajkjk wrote:
       | I suspect the author has a lot more exposure to the kinds of
       | people who want to write their next web server basically in
       | category theory than most people actually do, and so thinks that
       | kind of person is much more common than they actually are.
       | But I still like the take a lot, particularly because of the
       | perfect truth of the line "[Go] is a boring garbage collected
       | thing that looks like C for grownups, or Java not designed by 90s
       | era object oriented nanotech fearing imbeciles. "
       | xyzelement wrote:
       | There was an article here a few days ago about"incompetent
       | altruism" or something like that. The commonality is whether
       | you're laser focused on solving the problem, versus being
       | obsessed with yourself as the solver.
       | The bit about us not being smart enough for some of the
       | technologies also rings really true. Thinking of a coworker who
       | was "smart" enough to reach for threads right away, and then
       | inevitably spent the next 2 years of any project dealing with
       | thread issues in production.
         | wpietri wrote:
         | Exactly. Over the years I've learned to keep my self-indulgence
         | to my hobby projects. When I'm coding for money, I try very
         | hard to set aside my ego and do the best thing for the users.
         | As much as I am personally motivated by novelty and curiosity,
         | when I'm on the clock I'm a lifetime member of the Boring
         | Technology Club: http://boringtechnology.club/
         | carapace wrote:
         | "Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a
         | program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can
         | be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?"
         | https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Brian_Kernighan
       | jka wrote:
       | It's definitely true, there's a frequent temptation in software
       | engineering to be drawn to novel technologies.
       | That said, the idea of different data types in C could have been
       | considered a fancy addition by BCPL developers.
       | The key is to use critical thinking to determine what
       | developments may be useful longer-term, and also to watch out for
       | any (typically accidental) flaws exist in the novelties that are
       | being proposed - sometimes it takes years, but those can come
       | back to bite us.
       | It may not make business sense to exert effort shifting to new
       | technologies straight away, but encouraging people to learn the
       | strengths, weaknesses and properties of them can be valuable
       | nonetheless.
       | pnathan wrote:
       | It depends.
       | What are you doing? What are the constraints? What is the
       | problem?
       | Do you need innovation? Do you need plumbing?
       | Can you lift your eyes and see the value in a radically new way?
       | Does it look like what you are already doing, or does a
       | beginner's mind really suggest a new approach?
       | The author sounds like a crabby old guy who doesn't want to
       | change. Probably an artifact of the topic. But it *is* a real
       | problem- people get locked into fancy-chasing. This introduces
       | risk into the project delivery: team based (knowledge) and tech
       | (not adequately debugged).
       | I've worked at length in "fancy" languages and some of the fancy
       | tech. My conclusion is you have a limited amount of investment
       | you can do. Some of this is team based (language learning,
       | keeping the employees happy), some is in product, some is in tech
       | stack (FlashyFancypants DB and SparklePants.JS). Good tech
       | leadership includes picking out what to take risks on, judging
       | appropriate ROI. Note this holds true for open source, not just
       | business projects!
       | I work in a Clojure shop, so I interact with the rewards and
       | risks of this strategy right now. My last team/company, we chose
       | Go for the team language. It wasn't as unilaterally good as some
       | might hope. Nor was it as unilaterally as bad! It was just
       | another language.
       | closeparen wrote:
       | The "just solve the problem" attitude also gets used as an excuse
       | to ship the worst code that can get through user acceptance
       | testing.
       | The worst bridge that can stand up to the load is good, cost
       | efficient engineering. The worst code is not. One, because bad
       | code hides bugs that you probably don't have rigorous enough
       | testing to find. Two, because there will be new demands on that
       | code in the future, and bad code is harder and riskier to change.
       | You might look like a responsible adult when you ship it today,
       | but three years later the new maintainers will know you were a
       | child making a mess. And probably end up doing a rewrite, or at
       | least needing to.
       | All this "woo" with languages and frameworks and services and
       | whatever else, is the search for higher quality code.
       | There is a certain myopia about new things vs. getting better at
       | design with old things. There is a certain blindness to iterative
       | improvement, e.g. Rust is much sexier than modern C++ as a
       | solution to the problems of C++98. But rather than condescending
       | to this you can channel the energy into more responsible
       | directions.
       | I work in a team where many people have zero aesthetic
       | sensibility about code. Not like "I know this is ugly but we have
       | to get it done today" or "I know this is ugly but it's the best
       | we could come up with," just zero sense that it's ugly. Grass is
       | not greener.
         | peterkos wrote:
         | Trying to explain that code is more than "well, it works!" is
         | especially hard. Maybe its just the part of programming that's
         | more an art than a science?
       | ilovefood wrote:
       | This was a fascinating and funny read. What a great writing style
       | and strong opinion. I had to agree with most of it!
       | throwanem wrote:
       | > I'm imagining the archetypical unicycle-juggler buying a shop
       | full of solid printers and weird CNC machines and forgetting to
       | buy cutters, hacksaws, files and machinist squares.
       | In 2020 we call this a "makerspace".
       | jfoutz wrote:
       | this is a funny and thought provoking article. There's a bit of
       | texture that I feel is missing, and I feel personally attacked,
       | so I'm going to throw up a weak defense of category theory web
       | servers.
       | Back in the day, in perl I'd bless regexes and use AUTOLOAD to
       | provide the class implementations at runtime, as any good
       | unicycle rider would. Changing the Rube Goldberg machine is hard.
       | grep won't really help. I'd resort to even dirtier tricks to
       | change behavior.
       | Later I worked in java. grep would work, but even better, I could
       | make a class private, create an interface and just chase compiler
       | errors. So much nicer than hunting down the right line of code to
       | hijack in perl. It's pretty good, and I think go provides a
       | similar level of support, but there's still a bunch of room for
       | Class.forName(foo); //haha! grep will never find me! and it's
       | cool, cause you'll only find out about it at runtime.
       | Anyway Haskell is neat because you can throw it all in a do in
       | IO. hack away for days. When it's time to change, just change it.
       | the compiler will help. The compiler will tell you everything you
       | need to know to scope down to the finest level you want. It's
       | super easy to be way too fancy up front, but any mistakes can be
       | fixed.
       | Anyway, Haskell is probably never the right choice but it's the
       | only thing I know of that lets you easily change the design
       | whenever you feel like it.
       | It's Saturday, and I've thought about this too much. Time to put
       | on my silver pants and go unicycling.
       | barnacled wrote:
       | One thing I've noticed in my career is that those who possess a
       | certain kind of 'wow' factor are the ones who are categorised as
       | the 'stars' and thus progress quickly through the technical
       | ranks.
       | I've tended to find that these people don't write particularly
       | good code (not usually bad, just mediocre) and tend to lack
       | ability in software engineering - writing deeply unrobust code
       | that falls far short of their perceived 'rockstar' qualities.
       | I can't tell you the number of conversations I've had with
       | managers or even colleagues where their untouchable genius is
       | extolled to the heavens.
       | Combine this with the fact that those who raise issues and
       | foresee problems are often viewed poorly (possibly even MORE so
       | if those problems actually end up happening).
       | Ultimately you end up with a situation where those who advocate
       | for solid engineering are, while respected, never really raised
       | above the low levels of the career ladder and those who embrace
       | woo rise up.
       | dkarl wrote:
       | I had a few job interviews last year where it was clear the
       | people trying to hire me had plenty of programming talent on
       | board already. They were just looking for a technically competent
       | adult who could look at what was going on and figure out why all
       | the fancy work that was getting done was not doing what the rest
       | of the company needed and expected.
       | One company had several different teams of programmers that were
       | great at building things, but they were all going in different
       | directions with different tech stacks (two in Go, one in Rust,
       | and one in Python) and completely different data models for the
       | company's basic business domain. When a directive came down from
       | above that two systems HAD to be integrated, because a customer
       | paying for one product wanted the other one as well, as sales and
       | product had been hoping and planning since before the products
       | were built, the engineers gave them an estimate of four months to
       | do the integration. The business knew that meant 8+ months. How
       | many programmers did they have to get this disjointed? Less than
       | twenty.
       | Lots of other companies have similar stories. I disagree that it
       | is about lack of financial compensation. These companies were
       | paying good money, and their engineers were living comfortably
       | and abusing the relationship, whether wittingly or unwittingly.
       | Anybody who reads HN can whip up an impressive, Netflix-blog-
       | worthy design for any problem their company has. If their company
       | is unlucky, they might even have the energy and raw hacker
       | ability to get it mostly working. Where we're failing as a
       | profession is in educating people that this is poor engineering,
       | that it's bush league bullshit. It isn't impressive. It doesn't
       | show any ability except a certain amount of shallow raw
       | intelligence, which is necessary and valuable, but which is more
       | like raw material to build ability out of than ability itself.
       | In other forms of engineering, the culture is very clear:
       | simplicity is an achievement. Solving an easy problem with a big,
       | expensive solution is not an achievement. It's unskillful. The
       | best engineers come up with solutions that make you see the
       | problem as an easy one. Solving easy problems with difficult
       | solutions proves you aren't qualified to take on the problems
       | that need those solutions. How do we establish this as a standard
       | belief in software engineering as well?
         | rdiddly wrote:
         | I almost hate to say it, but the answer to your last question
         | might lie in instituting the kind of standards, credentialing,
         | mentorship and licensing that exist in the "real" engineering
         | fields. Stuff that will correctly be called out as
         | unfortunately really "hampering individual freedom" (including
         | the freedom to be a jackass) and being "unnecessary" and
         | "bureaucratic" and (quite intentionally and without quotation
         | marks) gatekeeping.
         | Civil engineering is sort of the oldest and ultimate example,
         | where a bad design puts people's lives at risk. In deference to
         | said lives, senior engineers in that field review every drawing
         | or calculation that goes out the door, and they also mentor the
         | junior engineers, who have to be graduates of accredited
         | schools, and also can't get certified until they've spent a
         | certain amount of time being mentored and passed the exams,
         | etc.
         | The mindset you're talking about is basically all about
         | craftsmanship or elegance of a solution. Formal mentorship or
         | apprenticeship programs do a great job of maintaining and
         | transmitting that. School isn't really enough, and certain
         | fields have recognized that fact.
         | In software however, and I'm not sure whether this is the
         | problem or the symptom, the number of developers apparently (I
         | was told recently) doubles approximately every 5 years. Which
         | means the field is always overwhelmed with new people, full of
         | energy but not experience, who want to do something cool and
         | exciting, but haven't been, for example, burned by their own
         | past decisions to try to do something cool and exciting. They
         | see only upside. Which is valuable in itself, but they need
         | more direction than they're getting, from the older engineers
         | who have the war stories and who aren't especially concerned
         | with being cool (which c'mon let's face it, is essentially a
         | mating display) and who are _boring_.
         | fractionalhare wrote:
         | A lot of what you describe is attributable to resume-driven
         | development, in my opinion. Complex solutions are used to
         | insinuate that the engineers who implemented them are solving
         | complex problems. This in turn improves their marketability by
         | insinuating they've got the razzle dazzle and trendiness under
         | their belt that justifies $500k a year.
         | Sometimes it's also not resume-driven development, at least not
         | intentionally. Sometimes it's because the engineers just want
         | to work on overcomplicated shit. For example I have my personal
         | blog running on half a dozen AWS features - S3, Athena,
         | Cloudfront, Cloudwatch, Lambda, SNS, SES, ...
         | I don't _need_ any of that for a simple blog, and I write on it
         | like once a year. And the site is still slow as shit
         | (relatively) even though it 's static because I haven't
         | optimized the font and script loads to be non-blocking. But it
         | was fun to set up!
           | dkarl wrote:
           | I agree about the resume-driven development aspect, and I
           | think it's great to use a personal project as an outlet for
           | experimentation! Too many people do stuff like that at the
           | expense of unnecessary complexity in production systems.
           | I'll grant that collectively an engineering team might decide
           | to overengineer a simple, noncritical service to get
           | production experience with a technology or two that they are
           | targeting for future adoption. Nothing wrong with that, and
           | there's nothing wrong with making room in the schedule for
           | engineering experiments to test out new technologies.
           | Managers and the rest of the business, for their part, need
           | to understand the need for experimentation so it can be done
           | honestly and not under the guise of other work.
           | m463 wrote:
           | Folks with the outside perspective often attribute some
           | intent to a situation, but if they went through it, it would
           | be obvious and simple.
           | I think engineers try to do the best they can. It's just old
           | guys might do it the mainframe way, slightly younger unix,
           | then windows, then linux.
           | Or folks who've been with the culture do it that way, and new
           | folks from outside the company bring new college grad or
           | last-company-i-worked-for culture along with them.
           | And folks who try something new suffer from the 'fog of war'
           | and your "the docker solution" that got everything started so
           | well makes you a real expert in nested docker configurations
           | and firewall issues. :)
           | tomsmeding wrote:
           | What you describe you did with your blog is, in some sense,
           | resume-driven development: you probably learned stuff in the
           | process, which might be useful in a future job situation.
           | The difference is that nobody paid you for doing all that
           | unnecessary stuff. Doing unnecessary things for learning is
           | good, but not what a company is paying you for, usually.
           | sseagull wrote:
           | There is also an element of each project optimizing to its
           | own minimum. If each project selects the best language, tech
           | stack, hosting stack, etc, for itself, it creates an
           | overarching complexity across projects.
           | Fixing this requires lots of communication and leadership.
           | Each project may need to select sub-optimal components (like
           | language) for itself, but in doing so it can remove overall
           | complexity.
         | ChrisSD wrote:
         | As you ask for simplicity, I think this can be succinctly
         | summed up as a lack of engineering leadership.
         | I know having completely independent teams is the in thing but
         | there needs to be some high level design and coordination. I'm
         | not even against different teams using different tools but the
         | integration story has to be there from day zero if it's a
         | business requirement.
         | Ultimately there needs to be an engineer who has both the power
         | and knowledge to coordinate design decisions.
           | dkarl wrote:
           | I agree with this 100%, and I think the people providing this
           | leadership should be in management. Software engineers need
           | to be managed by someone who can understand and evaluate
           | their work, because of what you said and also because other
           | aspects of management benefit from the ability to cast a
           | critical eye over the work being done as well.
           | EDIT: Going further, I think the people trying to hire me as
           | an engineer to fix their problems should have replaced their
           | front-line management with managers who understood code, so
           | they had some clue what their engineers were doing wrong and
           | how to fix it. The idea that engineers should be able self-
           | manage is a rare best case scenario, not a best practice that
           | can be replicated across the industry.
         | userbinator wrote:
         | _In other forms of engineering, the culture is very clear:
         | simplicity is an achievement. Solving an easy problem with a
         | big, expensive solution is not an achievement. It 's
         | unskillful. The best engineers come up with solutions that make
         | you see the problem as an easy one. Solving easy problems with
         | difficult solutions proves you aren't qualified to take on the
         | problems that need those solutions. How do we establish this as
         | a standard belief in software engineering as well?_
         | My experience with things like foreign automotive components
         | suggsts this is not exactly true in general... but it's true
         | that monsterously complex solutions seem to be far more common
         | in the software world.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | I think part of the difference in mentality comes from the
         | difference in material constraints.
         | If a mechanical engineer designs something that needs a ton of
         | fancy moving parts, those moving parts significantly and
         | directly impact their budget (I assume), because they're going
         | to have to be purchased or made for each widget that gets
         | manufactured. They also unavoidably impact physical properties
         | of the object, like weight and dimensions.
         | Whereas a programmer can spin out as much code as they want,
         | basically without material consequence. There is no constant
         | gravitational force keeping them in check, requiring them to
         | justify each piece of complexity as they go. It's ethereal,
         | weightless, and its disadvantages usually only surface years
         | down the line.
           | dkarl wrote:
           | In my experience, the costs are felt immediately, because
           | there is more code and more complexity. Virtually every cost
           | in software development goes up when there is more code and
           | more complexity. There are more bugs. It takes longer to
           | diagnose and fix bugs. It takes longer to add new
           | functionality. Performance is less predictable, and
           | performance problems are harder to diagnose. Onboarding new
           | programmers is slower. Fewer members of the team can do
           | critical work on the code. Routine library upgrades are more
           | likely to impact the code and take longer when they do.
           | Code is a liability, in other words. It may not be tangible,
           | but you can think of it as weight that the team has to carry
           | everywhere it goes.
             | brundolf wrote:
             | You're totally missing my point, which is that all of those
             | costs are abstract and protracted. They aren't felt as
             | you're literally typing the characters; they can't be
             | listed as concrete numbers in a budget. If an engineer is
             | using a CAD tool and they add a part, they can see the
             | space that's no longer available for other parts. Or they
             | can see that the product would have to be made physically
             | larger to accommodate it. There is concrete feedback to
             | contend with _during_ the development process, not just a
             | vague notion of future reliability.
       | SkyMarshal wrote:
       | Tools should be chosen to match the use case. Haskell is a good
       | choice when you've got:
       | 1) a problem that requires a very high-assurance system with very
       | low tolerance for bugs, errors, and failures, and
       | 2) a large complex system where refactoring and other
       | maintenance-over-time activities are made materially more
       | manageable by Haskell's strong type system and other tools,
       | 3) a need for large-scale parallelization that a purely
       | functional language like Haskell facilitates, and
       | 4) a world class team of engineers who can become productive in
       | it relatively quickly, support new hires doing so too, and won't
       | foreseeably be outsourced to some low cost overseas sweat shop.
       | Rust is also worth considering under those criteria, in addition
       | to embedded systems, hard/soft real-time or constant-time
       | systems, etc.
       | But obviously not all software projects have all those criteria.
       | Other languages like Go, Python, Javascript, Java-ecosystem,
       | .Net, etc may be ideal in other circumstances. You just have to
       | match the tools for the job.
         | paulryanrogers wrote:
         | Article seems to be implying at a big company you probably
         | can't have #4 and may not even need #1.
       | draw_down wrote:
       | Keep it simple, use boring tech, etc. We know. The whole issue is
       | what is boring, what angle we wish to view simplicity/complexity
       | from. These pretty much always boil down to "what I like". What I
       | like is simple and boring, your stuff is shiny and
       | overengineered.
         | JKCalhoun wrote:
         | He gave examples that would be more accurately described as
         | "tried and true" not "your stuff" -- the code that has been
         | battle tested in the field for decades.
       | JKCalhoun wrote:
       | The whole article is genius (and funny) and rings true from many
       | years experience in the biz.
       | > I'm imagining the archetypical unicycle-juggler buying a shop
       | full of solid printers and weird CNC machines and forgetting to
       | buy cutters, hacksaws, files and machinist squares. As if files
       | and machinist squares are beneath them in current year.
       | Of all the things I could have commented on, I have to call out
       | this last line simply because I only just saw a YouTuber last
       | week 3D-print a part for a project he was working on: the part
       | was the exact size and shape of a 4-inch long piece of standard
       | PVC pipe you could pick up from Home Despot for a few bucks and
       | saw the length you wanted in a few seconds.
         | 542458 wrote:
         | In the last few months I've printed a few parts that could be
         | bought OTS because I don't want to go into a store in the era
         | of COVID.
         | More generally, I've also printed stuff you can buy OTS because
         | it can be less labor than going to the store, and occasionally
         | cheaper. Also, sometimes it's just more fun.
           | netizen-9748 wrote:
           | While I absolutely understand the fun factor, is it really
           | less labor to draw something in a CAD program than make a cut
           | or two?
             | 542458 wrote:
             | Less labour than driving to the store, finding the part,
             | buying it, driving home, and carefully making an accurate
             | cut with a hacksaw :)
         | michaelcampbell wrote:
         | > Home Despot
         | So edgy.
       (page generated 2021-01-09 23:01 UTC)