[HN Gopher] Cabal: A peer-to-peer, off-grid, community-first, ha...
       Cabal: A peer-to-peer, off-grid, community-first, hackable chat
       Author : yosoyubik
       Score  : 260 points
       Date   : 2021-01-10 14:18 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (cabal.chat)
 (TXT) w3m dump (cabal.chat)
       | londons_explore wrote:
       | Network connections are getting faster... Peoples typing/reading
       | speeds are not...
       | One day it will be feasible for someone's phone to receive _all_
       | messages sent by every other person on earth. They can then try
       | to decode every message till they find one that their private key
       | can decode.
       | You've now made the perfect privacy messaging system - by sending
       | all messages to all users, no quantity of network packet
       | sniffing/timing analysis/evil nodes can figure out who is talking
       | to who.
         | PurpleFoxy wrote:
         | This is exactly how bitmessage worked. The problem was that
         | spammers would be able to flood the network with crap so to
         | counter that it was added that proof of work must be completed
         | to have your message forwarded on. The problem with this is it
         | means you could not send a message from a mobile device because
         | the PoW required was too high.
         | Also a method to reduce the amount of traffic required was
         | called streams. Instead of reviving all messages, you would be
         | able to know what stream the receiver is on and then the
         | receiver would just listen to all messages on stream 5. This
         | scales up infinitely since you can just balance the network so
         | all streams have hundreds of thousands of users on them.
           | generalizations wrote:
           | > spammers would be able to flood the network with crap
           | Would there be a legit motivation to do that? I get that it's
           | a threat, but would it be possible to gain anything from
           | DDOSing that network?
           | Seems like either a) you come up with a system for banning
           | spam IPs, or b) the spammers _improve_ the anonymity of the
           | rest of the network by creating more noise for the messages
           | to hide in.
         | londons_explore wrote:
         | Thought experiment: There are 7e9 people on earth. Say they
         | send 10, 100 byte messages per day, but that compresses 10x
         | (modern text compression using big neural networks is _amazing_
         | ).
         | That works out to 7e11 bytes per day, or 8 Megabytes per
         | second. That is _nearly_ feasible today...
           | generalizations wrote:
           | However, that's also 21 Terabytes per month. It'll be a while
           | before that's feasible. Hopefully the population doesn't grow
           | with our bandwidth capabilities.
             | cmrx64 wrote:
             | the square kilometer array produces a terabyte a second.
             | 21tb/mo is peanuts. we'll get there :)
         | rhencke wrote:
         | You may find https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_station
         | interesting.
       | snvzz wrote:
       | No full forward secrecy.
       | >All traffic is encrypted using a symmetric key, meaning that
       | anybody who has the cabal://abcdef key can read cabal network
       | traffic.
       | If you're even considering this, look at https://tox.chat/
       | instead. That one's been around for a while (thus mature) and
       | actually has full forward secrecy.
         | Multicomp wrote:
         | (never tried cabal, it could be worse)
         | tox was accused of having a poor crypto implementation /
         | playing silly buggers with libsodium. I've tried it on android,
         | works ok but most apps at the time seemed older. not sure where
         | tox stands re community liveliness but its certainly a good
         | start on p2p messaging, my claims notwitshtanding.
           | snvzz wrote:
           | >tox was accused of having a poor crypto implementation
           | The actual flaw: If _your_ *private* key is stolen, your
           | friends can be impersonated to you.
           | Hardly worth the infamy.
           | There's a bug open on this, the solution is known, the
           | opportunity for a fix, and when it will be made live, will be
           | the next time a protocol break ("flag day") is necessary for
           | other reasons.
             | Multicomp wrote:
             | I will be trying tox again after that event then.
         | mempko wrote:
         | Problem with forward secrecy is that it doesn't really work
         | well for a use case like cabal. You want to be able to join a
         | cabal and read all the past conversations.
           | snvzz wrote:
           | That's desirable for _some_ rooms, not on every room and
           | definitely not on private conversations.
           | Matrix handles that well, by having a setting per-room
           | regarding handling of room history.
       | yamrzou wrote:
       | Interesting project. How does it compare to Briar
       | https://briarproject.org/ ?
         | creamytaco wrote:
         | Briar only works on Android so it's inherently flawed.
         | Of course, Cabal being written in javascript is also a major
         | minus. As an oldschool Unix hacker, I don't really get the
         | node.js fixation for command line tools. It's a certainty that
         | they'll never be used by a significant chunk of knowledgeable,
         | expert Unix users that want nothing to do with node.
         | Finally, there is no protocol documentation anywhere that I can
         | see. This is yet another way that these modern tools fail
         | spectacularly. In the golden age of the Internet, published
         | protocol documentation that allowed for multiple clients to be
         | developed was the norm rather than the exception. Which led to
         | robust, long living protocols and services (e.g. IRC).
         | Even though we're being drowned in apps, this isn't happening
         | today and we're worse off for it.
           | tachyonbeam wrote:
           | > I don't really get the node.js fixation for command line
           | tools.
           | It's simply because most developers are web developers. They
           | use the programming language and tooling they're familiar
           | with. I do also wish that there wasn't so much of a move to
           | webify everything, particularly since web dev is so prone to
           | constantly changing fads and dependency sprawl. It tends to
           | lead to code/software that breaks all the time.
             | metadaemon wrote:
             | I'd say that JS desktop/web applications are becoming more
             | prevalent due to most alternative GUI frameworks not being
             | as simple and feature rich. I'd also say that this is most
             | likely a side effect of most UI resources being targeted
             | towards JS and therefore reducing the attention all other
             | GUI tooling receives.
           | efdee wrote:
           | No knowledgeable, expert Unix user I know brushes a Node
           | program aside just because it is Node.
             | swirepe wrote:
             | We've all taken some git precommit hook that a coworker has
             | helpfully provided, and rewritten it in bash so you don't
             | need the entire node runtime to append a ticket number to a
             | string.
             | wizzwizz4 wrote:
             | I don't brush aside Node programs _just_ because they 're
             | Node. I brush them aside because they usually drag in a few
             | MB of dependencies, and melt my (mid-level) computer with
             | compilation (often OOM-killing everything else I'm doing on
             | the machine, before dying to the OOM-killer itself) - but
             | for all that, I then need to keep the _entire thing_ on my
             | hard drive because the compilation was mere caching, and
             | hasn 't given me an executable; I've still got the runtime
             | overhead of Node, and everything that comes with it.
             | There are a few Python programs I also brush aside for this
             | reason, though substantially fewer. Virtually every Node
             | project I've seen is a spidery mess of dependencies
             | bringing in dependencies bringing in yet more un-auditable
             | dependencies; the worst Python tends to get is Tensorflow,
             | and it's ready to run immediately (compiling C modules
             | aside - though pip does that at installation time, making
             | that a one-time annoyance for all but obscure C packages).
               | efdee wrote:
               | Melt your computer with compilation? A Node program?
               | More to the point, did you audit Tensorflow? If no, then
               | what's your point to begin with? If yes, what made you
               | conclude that auditing Tensorflow is doable, but usually
               | simple NPM modules are "un-auditable"?
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | I didn't audit Tensorflow. But I don't install Tensorflow
               | programs, anyway, because I don't have the resources.
               | The point isn't auditing, though; it's auditability. If
               | it's auditable, then somebody's probably done it - but if
               | it's _not_ , you can't rely on just a spot check of a few
               | dice-picked dependencies.
             | Shared404 wrote:
             | > knowledgeable, expert Unix user
             | I wouldn't describe myself as that, but I think I'm a
             | little bit past noob at this point.
             | I don't "brush aside" a program because it's node, but it's
             | definitely a strike against it. I don't like dealing with
             | the massive amount of dependencies that always seems to
             | follow along with it.
               | vertis wrote:
               | <deleted>
               | filleduchaos wrote:
               | I can't speak for Perl or Python, but for Ruby I have
               | never seen a single Ruby tool that pulls in anything
               | close to the same order of magnitude of discrete
               | dependencies that some JS tools end up doing. I of course
               | stand to be corrected.
               | I don't mind installing tools like Rollup and TypeScript.
               | I do very much mind installing tools like Webpack and
               | Babel.
               | Shared404 wrote:
               | On Pop!_OS,                   apt show python3-pip
               | shows six dependencies, while                   apt show
               | npm
               | shows:                   nodejs (>= 6.11~), ca-
               | certificates, node-abbrev (>= 1.1.1~), node-ajv, node-
               | ansi, node-ansi-regex (>= 3.0~), node-ansi-styles, node-
               | ansistyles, node-aproba, node-archy (>= 1.0~), node-are-
               | we-there-yet, node-asap, node-asn1, node-assert-plus,
               | node-asynckit, node-aws4, node-aws-sign2, node-balanced-
               | match, node-bcrypt-pbkdf, node-bl, node-bluebird, node-
               | boxen, node-brace-expansion, node-builtin-modules, node-
               | builtins, node-cacache, node-call-limit, node-camelcase,
               | node-caseless, node-chalk, node-chownr, node-ci-info,
               | node-cli-boxes, node-cliui, node-clone, node-co, node-
               | color-convert, node-color-name, node-colors, node-
               | columnify, node-combined-stream, node-concat-map, node-
               | concat-stream, node-config-chain, node-configstore, node-
               | console-control-strings, node-copy-concurrently, node-
               | core-util-is, node-crypto-random-string, node-cyclist,
               | node-dashdash, node-debbundle-es-to-primitive, node-
               | debug, node-decamelize, node-deep-extend, node-defaults,
               | node-define-properties, node-delayed-stream, node-
               | delegates, node-detect-indent, node-detect-newline, node-
               | dot-prop, node-duplexer3, node-duplexify, node-ecc-jsbn,
               | node-editor, node-encoding, node-end-of-stream, node-err-
               | code, node-errno, node-es6-promise, node-escape-string-
               | regexp, node-execa, node-extend, node-extsprintf, node-
               | fast-deep-equal, node-find-up, node-flush-write-stream,
               | node-forever-agent, node-form-data, node-from2, node-
               | fs.realpath, node-fs-vacuum, node-fs-write-stream-atomic,
               | node-function-bind, node-gauge, node-genfun, node-get-
               | caller-file, node-getpass, node-glob (>= 7.1.2~), node-
               | got, node-graceful-fs (>= 4.1.11~), node-gyp (>= 3.6.2~),
               | node-har-schema, node-har-validator, node-has-flag, node-
               | has-unicode, node-hosted-git-info (>= 2.6~), node-http-
               | signature, node-iconv-lite, node-iferr, node-import-lazy,
               | node-imurmurhash, node-inflight, node-inherits (>=
               | 2.0.3~), node-ini (>= 1.3.5~), node-invert-kv, node-ip,
               | node-ip-regex, node-isarray, node-isexe, node-is-npm,
               | node-is-obj, node-is-path-inside, node-is-retry-allowed,
               | node-is-stream, node-isstream, node-is-typedarray, node-
               | jsbn, node-jsonparse, node-json-parse-better-errors,
               | node-json-schema, node-json-schema-traverse, node-
               | jsonstream (>= 1.3.2~), node-json-stringify-safe, node-
               | jsprim, node-latest-version, node-lazy-property, node-
               | lcid, node-libnpx, node-locate-path, node-lodash, node-
               | lockfile (>= 1.0.3~), node-lowercase-keys, node-lru-cache
               | (>= 4.1.1~), node-make-dir, node-mem, node-mime, node-
               | mime-types, node-mimic-fn, node-minimatch, node-minimist,
               | node-mississippi, node-mkdirp (>= 0.5.1~), node-move-
               | concurrently, node-ms, node-mute-stream, node-nopt, node-
               | normalize-package-data (>= 2.4~), node-npm-bundled, node-
               | npm-package-arg (>= 6.1.1), node-npmlog (>= 4.1.2~),
               | node-number-is-nan, node-oauth-sign, node-object-assign,
               | node-once (>= 1.4~), node-opener, node-osenv (>= 0.1.5~),
               | node-os-locale, node-os-tmpdir, node-package-json, node-
               | parallel-transform, node-path-exists, node-path-is-
               | absolute, node-path-is-inside, node-promise-inflight,
               | node-promise-retry, node-promzard, node-performance-now,
               | node-p-finally, node-p-is-promise, node-pify, node-p-
               | limit, node-p-locate, node-prepend-http, node-process-
               | nextick-args, node-proto-list, node-prr, node-pseudomap,
               | node-psl, node-pump, node-pumpify, node-punycode, node-
               | qs, node-qw, node-rc, node-read (>= 1.0.7~), node-
               | readable-stream, node-read-package-json (>= 2.0.13~),
               | node-registry-auth-token, node-registry-url, node-
               | require-main-filename, node-require-directory, node-
               | resolve-from (>= 4.0~), node-retry (>= 0.10.1~), node-
               | rimraf (>= 2.6.2~), node-run-queue, node-safe-buffer,
               | node-semver (>= 5.5~), node-set-blocking, node-sha (>=
               | 2.0.1~), node-shebang-command, node-shebang-regex, node-
               | signal-exit, node-slide (>= 1.1.6~), node-sorted-object,
               | node-slash, node-semver-diff, node-spdx-correct, node-
               | spdx-exceptions, node-spdx-expression-parse, node-spdx-
               | license-ids, node-sshpk, node-ssri, node-stream-each,
               | node-stream-iterate, node-stream-shift, node-strict-uri-
               | encode, node-string-decoder, node-string-width, node-
               | strip-ansi (>= 4.0~), node-strip-json-comments, node-
               | strip-eof, node-supports-color, node-tar (>= 4.4~), node-
               | term-size, node-text-table, node-through, node-through2,
               | node-timed-out, node-tough-cookie, node-tunnel-agent,
               | node-tweetnacl, node-typedarray, node-uid-number, node-
               | unique-filename, node-unique-string, node-unpipe, node-
               | url-parse-lax, node-util-deprecate, node-uuid, node-
               | validate-npm-package-name, node-verror, node-which (>=
               | 1.3~), node-which-module, node-wide-align, node-widest-
               | line, node-wrap-ansi, node-wrappy, node-wcwidth.js, node-
               | write-file-atomic, node-xdg-basedir, node-xtend, node-
               | yargs, node-yargs-parser, node-yallist, node-y18n
               | efdee wrote:
               | What does that prove? The six dependencies are probably
               | an order of magnitude larger than the NPM ones.
               | If anything, lots of small dependencies is more Unix-y
               | than one big dependency.
               | Shared404 wrote:
               | pip's download size is 47.6 kB, npm's is 579 kB.
               | pip's installed size is 194 kB, npm's is 3,413 kB.
               | All numbers are from Pop!_OS apt.
               | filleduchaos wrote:
               | > If anything, lots of small dependencies is more Unix-y
               | than one big dependency.
               | Of course, as evidenced by much-used programs such as
               | curl and git having 400 dependencies each and OpenSSL
               | being shipped as separate libraries for every single
               | crypto function.
               | necrotic_comp wrote:
               | If all of those dependencies are maintained by different
               | teams, then it widens the surface area for unexpected
               | bugs.
               | For something where you need security (i.e. a
               | decentralized chat platform), this could be problematic.
       | f430 wrote:
       | wow this space is really taking off after the moves by big tech.
       | this is the way of the future.
       | supermatt wrote:
       | How does peer discovery work? Im assuming there must be some
       | central server(s) to handle the bootstrap? I had a quick scan
       | through the github projects, but couldnt see any high level
       | documentation explaining the architecture. Would appreciate some
       | insight!
         | jakswa wrote:
         | "Currently searches across and advertises on the Bittorrent
         | DHT, centralized DNS servers and Multicast DNS simultaneously."
           | Sayrus wrote:
           | Implementations details can be found on discovery-channel
           | GitHub's [0]
           | As far as I can tell Cabal uses discovery-swarm [1] for
           | connection management.
           | [0] https://github.com/maxogden/discovery-channel
           | [1] https://github.com/mafintosh/discovery-swarm
         | nanomonkey wrote:
         | It's built on the Hypercore Protocol [0](previously known as
         | DAT), so I would assume DHT (Distributed Hash Tables).
         | [0]https://hypercore-protocol.org/
       | frob wrote:
       | This site doesn't render properly on mobile. Many of the blocks
       | flow off the screen to the left and right.
       | I was intrigued, but like many projects, the first impression I
       | got was of sloppy development unable to even test one of the most
       | common ways to view their site and it drove me away.
         | oftheoaks wrote:
         | Thanks for letting us know, I filed a bug:
         | https://github.com/cabal-club/cabal-club.github.io/issues/11
         | dgellow wrote:
         | Which browser? Looks fine for me using latest Edge.
           | frob wrote:
           | Chrome on Android
           | gpanders wrote:
           | Not OP but I had the same experience in Safari on iPhone
             | kevdev wrote:
             | Same for me when viewing vertically. Rotating my phone to
             | view horizontally worked better.
           | lukevp wrote:
           | Do you use edge on mobile? I haven't heard of anyone using
           | that before, so was curious if you missed the mobile part of
           | the post or if you do use it mobile.
             | dgellow wrote:
             | You're correct, I did miss the mobile part.
       | jv22222 wrote:
       | For clarification:
       | The 1st amendment ensures that the _government_ may not stop you
       | from saying what you want.
       | This is a separate issue from private companies removing/banning
       | you. Each company has their own right and freedom to be as
       | dickish as they want with regard to deleting your account etc -
       | but that is not related to the 1st.
         | bluesign wrote:
         | Yeah but if they have this freedom (being dickish etc) then
         | they should also be responsible for what they are publishing on
         | their platforms.
         | They want to have their cake and eat it.
         | oh_sigh wrote:
         | Does anyone need this clarification? I feel like this is like
         | trying to stop a discussion on self driving cars and bringing
         | up the trolley problem. Everyone knows it. No one (serious) is
         | saying that private companies have a legal responsibility to
         | host everyone's speech lest they be guilty of violating the
         | first amendment.
         | ravenstine wrote:
         | No, it isn't. There's already precedents for what businesses
         | can and cannot prevent you from doing. If, for instance, you
         | think a business should be compelled to bake a cake with a
         | certain message on it, then you can't make the argument that
         | there should be no regulation on how much a business can censor
         | its users.
         | That's not the only example. There's extensive case law that
         | establishes how both governments and businesses have to either
         | allow or curtail speech under certain conditions. A business
         | can't legally compel you to do say something or wear a piece of
         | clothing in a way that discriminates against you. A sex shop
         | can't just open anywhere because, while it's been argued that
         | they should be allowed as a form of free expression, they tend
         | not to be considered as such under the spirit of the law. A
         | person can be held responsible for the aftermath of shouting
         | "fire" in a crowded room, even though this speech is
         | superficially supported by the first amendment. Point being, we
         | make decisions about freedom of speech that don't necessarily
         | follow the letter of the constitution or stay within the bounds
         | of the government.
         | Freedom of speech isn't just a law. It's a social principle
         | upon which America was founded. If all meaningful communication
         | is dominated by too-big-to-fail businesses with AI that can
         | scour all correspondence, a reality we are rapidly approaching,
         | then freedom of speech becomes meaningless. The situation
         | becomes worse when these companies are all politically aligned
         | with the regime. This is why we can't ignore how private
         | companies regulate communication through their systems.
           | fabianhjr wrote:
           | > a business should be compelled to bake a cake with a
           | certain message on it
           | That is a misrepresentation of the case:
           | > Craig and Mullins filed a complaint to the Colorado Civil
           | Rights Commission under the state's public accommodations
           | law, the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, which prohibits
           | businesses open to the public from discriminating against
           | their customers on the basis of race, religion, gender, or
           | sexual orientation.
           | The complain was under a _state law_ specifically to address
           | sexual orientation discrimination and it has been
           | acknowledged that such law doesn't force a business to make
           | cakes with arbitrary messages.
           | https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Masterpiece_Cakeshop_v._Colorado.
           | ..
           | That said:
           | > If all meaningful communication is dominated by too-big-to-
           | fail businesses with AI that can scour all correspondence, a
           | reality we are rapidly approaching, then freedom of speech
           | becomes meaningless.
           | I agree that monopolies and centralization are a threat to
           | freedom. Though would argue that it should be addressed both
           | via decentralization (and specifically through counter-anti-
           | desintermediation as discussed in the P2P Foundation:
           | https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Counter-Anti-
           | Disintermediatio...) and anti-trust enforcement.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > Freedom of speech isn't just a law. It's a social principle
           | upon which America was founded.
           | Yes, and that principal is specifically that the proper way
           | to advance in ideas is for them to have to compete for the
           | favor of private actors without public authorities
           | intervening, and that the freedom of private actors to choose
           | on their own to promote or relay messages, most critically
           | political messages, including the free choice _to decline to
           | do so_ is essential for free society.
           | chiefalchemist wrote:
           | There's a difference between you saying what you want on the
           | cake (if they had self-service), and the biz having to write
           | what you want written.
           | That said, agreed. Big Tech and Fed Govs working in concert
           | is not a positive. Anyone cheering on FAANG's recent
           | decisions is naive.
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | > Big Tech and Fed Govs working in concert is not a
             | positive. Anyone cheering on FAANG's recent decisions is
             | naive.
             | FAANG's recent decisions are directly against the _head_ of
             | the Federal Government, not taken in concert with "Fed
             | Govs".
         | tetrometal wrote:
         | I agree completely. This is why I fully support Twitter's right
         | to ban Trump, Amazon's right to dump Parler, etc.
         | The left and the right both get freedom of association wrong.
         | The right gets it wrong on Parler, the left gets it wrong on
         | gay wedding cakes. Everyone needs to stop advocating for the
         | use of the government gun against peaceful people, no matter
         | how much of an asshole they consider their political
         | adversaries to be.
         | tonymet wrote:
         | I'd like to address this, since it's a common retort meant to
         | shutdown discussion on censorship. It's disingenuous , because
         | "First amendment" is so essential to American culture, that it
         | means both the literal First Amendment to the constitution AND
         | more importantly, the American principle of free expression.
         | Ether you are aware that people are appealing to free
         | expression as a principle, or you are unaware that free
         | expression is more American than apple pie. That's why I say
         | this retort is disingenuous.
         | So the legal scope of the literal first amendment doesn't help
         | the discussion on what people and companies should be doing.
         | The discussion is about American values and if people,
         | companies and the government should be living up to them. And
         | that's what people are trying to debate when they say "first
         | amendment".
           | revnode wrote:
           | This. The companies are behaving in an un-American manner.
           | What they are doing is deeply selfish and cynical. They
           | should be criticized for their behavior and shamed for it. We
           | should not excommunicate members of our society even if the
           | things they say are reprehensible. And yes, the companies
           | have a right to do it, but there are plenty of things you can
           | do, but should nevertheless be shamed for doing.
             | jonathankoren wrote:
             | > We should not excommunicate members of our society even
             | if the things they say are reprehensible.
             | We do all the time. That's how cultural norms are enforced.
             | steve76 wrote:
             | Who would win in a deplatforming food fight? Google or
             | Apple?
             | Google's union now, right? And Apple fires people in
             | elevators and vowed on their deathbed "I'm going to destroy
             | Android, because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go
             | thermonuclear war on this.
             | So. Not saying you two should fight. If a fight did break
             | out, who would win?
             | And now that I think about it, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook,
             | Twitter, all have their strengths and flaws. Amazon is hell
             | for suppliers. Why should Apple get paid so much for
             | something they can buy out of China? And does the AWS UI
             | "just work"? Does it really?
             | Facebook keeps files on people like some secret police
             | intelligence unit. And Twitter's long term vision just
             | won't work unless you have no mouth and must scream. Tweet
             | for a subway door to open. How stupid do you have to be.
             | fabianhjr wrote:
             | > The companies are behaving in an un-American manner.
             | Those are transnational private companies. What is stopping
             | others from claiming they have been behaving in an un-
             | Chinese manner or an un-European manner or an un-Russian
             | manner so far? How is a naive notion of nationalism of
             | capital an argument of how such entities should behave when
             | they operate in most recognized nations with different
             | ideological and regulatory frameworks?
               | revnode wrote:
               | > Those are transnational private companies.
               | If you're going to sell your services and goods here, you
               | need to comport to the cultural norms HERE.
               | > What is stopping others from claiming they have been
               | behaving in an un-Chinese manner or an un-European manner
               | or an un-Russian manner so far?
               | Nothing.
               | > How is a naive notion of nationalism of capital an
               | argument of how such entities should behave when they
               | operate in most recognized nations with different
               | ideological and regulatory frameworks?
               | They can and do change business practices to fit the
               | region.
               | fabianhjr wrote:
               | > If you're going to sell your services and goods here,
               | you need to comport to the cultural norms HERE.
               | They are also selling their services and goods there so:
               | > They can and do change business practices to fit the
               | region.
               | They have and do change their practices to fit the global
               | region they operate in so the "un-american" critique
               | would be moot.
               | revnode wrote:
               | > They have and do change their practices to fit the
               | global region they operate in so the "un-american"
               | critique would be moot.
               | I'm not sure what this means. They are behaving poorly
               | HERE. I am not criticizing them for the crazy stuff they
               | do elsewhere. That's an entirely different conversation.
               | fabianhjr wrote:
               | > They are behaving poorly HERE
               | That a critique of their behavior should not depend on
               | the locality (an ideological statement) much less a
               | locality that represents about 1.9% of the world area and
               | 4.2% of the population.
           | jonathankoren wrote:
           | > So the legal scope of the literal first amendment doesn't
           | help the discussion on what people and companies should be
           | doing.
           | If you're going to go down this road, then you must address
           | government compelled speech, and the limits on the control of
           | private property. I've found that the "private corporations
           | are censoring me" crowd, don't want to engage with this
           | obvious outcome, or pay lip service by saying, "Make [insert
           | big tech company here] is a utility!", again without thinking
           | through the implications.
           | The compelled speech problem is obvious. Give me your car, I
           | want to put a bumper sticker on it. If you don't let me, or
           | you take it off, you're censoring me.
           | This is an absurd request, it's your car, you can control
           | what goes on it. Same if I demand to have a book club meet in
           | your living room. It's your living room. Just because you
           | invite some people over, doesn't mean that everyone has a
           | right to come in. It's private property, and you can express
           | yourself by who you let in, and who you don't. Twitter,
           | Facebook, etc are no different. They're private property. No
           | one has a right to have an account and demand an audience.
           | Now let's take the utility argument, since a utility would
           | mean that everyone needs to be allowed right? Well, a utility
           | is a highly regulated government monopoly. These regulations
           | increase the barrier to entry into these spaces, and
           | effectively eliminate all competition. In fact, protected
           | monopoly status is often the trade for utility status.
           | These concerns of expression versus private property rights
           | are new, they've existed from very beginning. While the
           | prohibitions on government, but not private actions, may
           | sometimes be frustrating, it's a workable, and consistent,
           | solution.
         | chippy wrote:
         | Are you replying to a comment? This appears to me, right now,
         | as the top one in the thread and is unconnected to any others
         | and seems to me to be orphaned.
         | If it's in direct response to the submission, I cannot find
         | anything in the submission that might give rise to a
         | clarification
         | erichocean wrote:
         | Try duck typing "the government" sometime. I think you'll find
         | the paperwork doesn't match the power centers, and that the
         | most powerful parts of "the government" are completely
         | unaccountable to voters, and in fact, aren't even listed on the
         | founding documents...
         | It's a nice way to be in power if you can manage it.
         | s17n wrote:
         | "Freedom of press" can and should be interpreted to proscribe
         | deplatforming by the big tech companies.
         | nostromo wrote:
         | Freedom of speech is a guiding principle that predates the
         | United States, and the first amendment, by a few millennia.
         | And yet every discussion about free speech online contains a
         | few comments about the first amendment's narrow legal scope.
         | Sure, that's right, but freedom of speech does not have a
         | narrow legal scope; it's a much broader concept, and it is
         | global in nature.
         | In almost every case online, the discussion is about the global
         | ideal of freedom of speech, not about US law.
           | jv22222 wrote:
           | My clarification was just to try to bring clarity to the
           | discussion because a lot of times (as seen in the thread)
           | there is some confusion.
           | I'm curious how what you just said translates into real world
           | application?
           | Not trying to argue I am genuinely interested to hear more!
           | alexeldeib wrote:
           | > In almost every case online, the discussion is about the
           | global ideal of freedom of speech, not about US law.
           | In the recent events in the US, a lot of people have
           | (mistakenly, IMO) cited the first amendment for protection of
           | speech many others don't like. But those protections afford
           | no help against private actors. In that context GP makes a
           | lot of sense bringing up this point.
           | Example: a US senator cites the first amendment when
           | discussing free speech after a publisher refuses to run his
           | book: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/08/josh-
           | hawley-...
             | kova12 wrote:
             | Freedom of speech specifically applies to offensive speech.
             | You don't need any legal protections to talk about flowers
             | and butterflies
               | alexeldeib wrote:
               | Bringing it back to the context of the original reply: it
               | applies to protection from the government, not protection
               | from private individuals when you make speech which
               | offends those individuals.
               | That's why I linked the book case. Hawley cites the first
               | amendment, but he's in a contract with a private entity
               | to publish the book. Barring contract disputes, there is
               | no first amendment case that the publisher must
               | distribute his book.
         | blast wrote:
         | Free speech and censorship are issues that go far beyond just
         | the First Amendment. This has always been the case, and recent
         | efforts to narrow the scope of the term are actually part of
         | the battle to reduce free speech (and increase censorship)
         | that's going on right in the culture now.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | It used to be true that companies could be dickish to you, but
         | now thanks to the 13th amendment (and the courts interpretation
         | thereof), there are specific ways that they cannot be dickish
         | to you. Either way you are right that it's not related to the
         | 1st amendment though.
       | EGreg wrote:
       | Why are there so many threads today about alternative platforms?
         | jhardy54 wrote:
         | MAGA folks looking for platforms for their "free speech".
           | oehtXRwMkIs wrote:
           | I was thinking WhatsApp but maybe you're right
             | EGreg wrote:
             | Okay I'll bite
             | Just posted our free open source platform we were working
             | on for 10 years:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25717417
               | oehtXRwMkIs wrote:
               | Sorry man not interested in non-federated solutions.
               | EGreg wrote:
               | Not sure what you mean by non-federated... Qbix can
               | support many protocols including foaf, matrix,
               | scuttlebutt, DID and so on. You can make it as federated
               | as you wish.
               | jhardy54 wrote:
               | > MAGA folks looking for platforms for their "free
               | speech".
               | This is not a target demographic you should strive for.
               | EGreg wrote:
               | I am not really a big fan of end-to-end encryption for
               | solving society's main communication problems, I think
               | people (pseudonymous or not) should be accountable for
               | their speech. But I do believe in empowering people and
               | uniting communities. If you want to run your own social
               | network out of your own servers, you should be able to.
               | The fact that the software to power user friendly
               | communication platforms is scarce is a big problem. They
               | extract rents. They cut you off if they don't like what
               | you have to say. And worst of all, they concentrate power
               | in the hands of a few people regarding what decisions are
               | to be made. That is actually the source of all this
               | arguing.
               | If you're arguing whether we should have Title I or Title
               | II, or whether we should use Facebook or Google,
               | Microsoft or Amazon, Democrat and Republican, you've
               | already lost. Open source collaboration beats closed
               | source competition every time in the end. Everyone can
               | host their own network and label the map however they
               | want, and so on. No fighting over flags or one size fits
               | all policies!
               | In the 19th century there was a word for this:
               | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributism
               | drdec wrote:
               | >I am not really a big fan of end-to-end encryption for
               | solving society's main communication problems, I think
               | people (pseudonymous or not) should be accountable for
               | their speech.
               | I think there ought to be an on-line analogue to two
               | consenting adults talking in a private room in one of
               | their homes. Unless I misunderstand you, it doesn't sound
               | like that on-line capability is compatible with your
               | statement.
               | dane-pgp wrote:
               | > I think people ... should be accountable for their
               | speech.
               | There is certainly some speech which is and should be
               | illegal, but if you optimize communication systems for
               | "accountability" you might end up in a situation which is
               | worse than what we have now.
               | "There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee
               | freedom after speech." -- Idi Amin
               | jhardy54 wrote:
               | I agree, and that's why I work on Scuttlebutt.
               | But I also think we should do everything in our power to
               | dissuade dangerous folks (example: violent extremists)
               | from using these tools.
           | readflaggedcomm wrote:
           | Which is incompatible with cabal's values, so they'd be in
           | trouble. https://github.com/cabal-
           | club/commons/blob/master/values.md#...
         | the_other wrote:
         | WhatsApp making explicit their data sharing with FaceBook.
       | benbristow wrote:
       | Looks nice. Sorely lacking image uploads though, just seems like
       | a decentralized IRC that looks like Slack at the minute.
         | OkGoDoIt wrote:
         | According to the FAQ there is a prototype implementation of it
         | in one of the clients, and apparently once that stabilizes they
         | will standardize it on other clients. Looks like it's a work in
         | progress, not an oversight
         | lemonspat wrote:
         | Image uploads are nice, but can be overcome through other
         | channels until the feature is added. The page says that the
         | project is "super young"
       | camdenlock wrote:
       | It's incredibly disheartening to see how quickly people are
       | warming to the practice of coordinated top-down gagging of
       | certain individuals and groups.
       | You won't be so happy to cheer on such behavior and policies when
       | in the future the one silenced turns out to be you.
       | The power to censor should be given solely to the individual to
       | curate their own information diet; it should never belong to the
       | medium itself (whether government, private company, autonomous
       | network, etc).
         | deegles wrote:
         | I used to think that way until I learned about the illusory
         | truth effect, which basically states that being exposed to
         | information multiple times makes you more likely to believe it
         | to be true. The consequence of this is that attempting to
         | curate information might "infect" you with ideas that you never
         | wanted in your brain in the first place.
           | nx20593 wrote:
           | If you started in the wrong way," I said in answer to the
           | investigator's questions, "everything that happened would be
           | a proof of the conspiracy against you. It would all be self-
           | validating. You couldn't draw a breath without knowing it was
           | part of the plot." "So you think you know where madness
           | lies?" My answer was a convinced and heartfelt, "Yes." "And
           | you couldn't control it?" "No I couldn't control it. If one
           | began with fear and hate as the major premise, one would have
           | to go on the conclusion." "Would you be able," my wife asked,
           | " to fix your attention on what The Tibetan Book of the Dead
           | calls the Clear Light?" I was doubtful. "Would it keep the
           | evil away, if you could hold it? Or would you not be able to
           | hold it?" I considered the question for some time. "Perhaps,"
           | I answered at last, "perhaps I could - but only if there were
           | somebody there to tell me about the Clear Light. One couldn't
           | do it by oneself. That's the point, I suppose, of the Tibetan
           | ritual - somebody sitting there all the time and telling you
           | what's what." [Doors of Perception, 57-58]
       | ve55 wrote:
       | I like the idea but I think there's probably a few too many chat
       | apps going around already as well.
         | tomcam wrote:
         | Which ones should be eliminated?
           | cpach wrote:
           | Evolution will take care of that. A lot of them will simply
           | fizzle out.
             | wizzwizz4 wrote:
             | Beware evolution's pruning. It optimises for survival (and
             | as a consequence, reproduction and ruthlessness), which is
             | often at odds with what people value.
               | didericis wrote:
               | I get your point, but a product is only bought or used if
               | people value it in some way (whether for good reasons or
               | bad reasons), so product evolution has people's values
               | built into the process.
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | Product evolution has people's _actions_ built into the
               | process. Who, before playing Farmville, would value
               | spending $1000 on digital sheep?
               | didericis wrote:
               | People's actions reflect their true values. The sad truth
               | is that people paying $1000 for digital sheep value the
               | immediate gratification of the game more than other uses
               | of that money at the moment of purchase.
               | Addictive products designed to exploit our baser
               | instincts are dangerous, so again, I get and agree with
               | your point, but I think it's important to remember that
               | voluntarily purchased products are by definition valued
               | by the people who purchase them. The values of the people
               | purchasing products are an intrinsic part of product
               | evolution.
               | orblivion wrote:
               | I picked up The Selfish Gene because I was hoping to
               | figure out how JavaScript got so popular.
               | tachyonbeam wrote:
               | It got so popular because it was the only available
               | language to do web scripting. It's not that complicated.
               | It's easy to "win" when no competition is allowed. You
               | can argue that there's CoffeeScript, etc, but every other
               | language is still a second-class citizen in the web
               | ecosystem. WebAssembly may change that once it's stable
               | and mature enough, though again, you have the problem
               | that the DOM APIs were designed for JavaScript, which
               | will create an impedance mismatch with other languages.
               | swirepe wrote:
               | Any insights?
               | Turing_Machine wrote:
               | IMO, JavaScript became the most popular language in the
               | world because:
               | 1) Everyone with a modern, full-featured browser already
               | has it. There's nothing to install. It's the modern
               | equivalent of the built-in BASIC in the early
               | microcomputers.
               | 2) "View Source" lets you see exactly how something was
               | done at the click of a mouse. This is _invaluable_ for
               | learning.
               | 3) Writing it and debugging it just requires a text
               | editor and the browser mentioned before, not some baroque
               | toolchain. You can even modify it and rerun it from
               | directly within the browser, most of which have fairly
               | sophisticated JS debuggers built in nowadays.
               | 4) Rich text, GUI widgets, networking...all that stuff is
               | already baked into the browser cake. You don't need to
               | fool around with a separate libraries.
               | 5) Interpreted, so iterative development is fast.
               | 6) Forgiving (some would say "sloppy"), so beginners
               | don't get overwhelmed with type systems and similar
               | shizzle ("Why _can 't_ I just add 1 and 0.5? WTF?") Of
               | course, this also brings problems along with it. No free
               | lunches.
               | Some other languages, on some platforms, have some of
               | these features, but none to my knowledge has all of them.
               | For example, Linux systems do come with C, and do have
               | the source code available, but looking up the line of
               | source that produced exactly what you're seeing on the
               | screen in, say, an X program, is a far more involved
               | process than just right-clicking it and choosing "View
               | Source".
               | Node, in turn, became popular because JavaScript is
               | popular.
               | That's my take, FWIW.
               | orblivion wrote:
               | Only about a third of the way through, but I've picked up
               | some great insights in general. Nothing about JavaScript
               | (yet).
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | Probably not. JavaScript's so popular because the web is
               | the universal cross-platform target, and Node.JS has a
               | _slightly_ lower barrier-to-entry to Hello World than
               | learning a new language. You 'll want to study energetics
               | to understand that.
               | jlkuester7 wrote:
               | On the other hand, the chat system that "survives" is
               | probably the best one to use in the long-term.
               | Features, integrations, and a slick UI are great, but
               | without a stable community of maintainers the project if
               | probably not a good candidate for long-term use.
               | An open, federate-able messaging protocol is also a good
               | thing to have! (email, XMPP, Matrix)
             | amelius wrote:
             | Sadly, evolution seems to not converge to a single chat
             | standard.
               | cpach wrote:
               | Indeed.
       | WClayFerguson wrote:
       | I've developed a great social media system that's basically a
       | centralized system, although I added Fediverse capability to it
       | recently. It's here: https://quanta.wiki.
       | I'm looking for a way to leverage Quanta's power on top of some
       | kind of true peer-to-peer architecture to make it censorship
       | resistant, because BigTech has just now gone nuclear in their
       | censorship efforts.
       | So I'm currently trying to find the right peer-to-peer (won't be
       | ActivityPub) infrastructure, to let Quanta instances network
       | better.
         | antris wrote:
         | >BigTech has just now gone nuclear in their censorship efforts
         | Who's being censored? Twitter, Facebook etc. are private
         | platforms and they've been banning users who break their TOS
         | throughout their histories.
           | mandelbrotwurst wrote:
           | Private entities can and do engage in censorship.
             | WClayFerguson wrote:
             | The best analogy to help low-information people understand
             | this is to just remind them that AT&T owns the hardware and
             | can shut down people too. Do we want powerful companies to
             | be allowed to censor Americans at their whim is the
             | question. I say no.
               | deanstag wrote:
               | Does that mean an alternative solution would allow
               | inciting violence?
               | jazzyjackson wrote:
               | So lobby the government to break up AT&T so they don't
               | have monopoly power... (oh wait)
             | antris wrote:
             | Sure, but the parent poster seems to imply that banning
             | people who incite violence on social media is somehow a new
             | thing or "going nuclear" with censorship.
             | Trump got clapped not because of censorship, but because
             | social media platforms decided to no longer exempt him from
             | their TOS because of his position. Any normal person
             | posting similar content would have been banned ages ago.
             | Besides, he is the POTUS who can go on TV any time he
             | wants. Thinking that he cannot get his message out there is
             | ridiculous.
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | Trump never called for any violence. However there are
               | lots of left wing people on Twitter calling for violence
               | and the left-wing operated BigTech think that's just
               | fine, while they will ban any right wing person at the
               | drop of a hat for completely made-up reasons like saying
               | something wrong about gender pronouns. Look the Joe Rogan
               | podcast with Tim Pool and Jack Dorsey, and try to educate
               | yourself.
               | antris wrote:
               | >Trump never called for any violence
               | Alright, so finally after a few seemingly innocuous
               | arguments you took your mask off. A person who believes
               | storming the Capitol was not organized by Trump at this
               | point would be able to find a justification to anything
               | he says or does.
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | This is an example of black-and-white logic, tribalism,
               | and an inability to comprehend nuance. I can state any
               | number of the 100s of lies and hoaxes told about Trump
               | and the only thing Democrats can hear is a "praise" of
               | Trump, rather than a statement of fact.
               | blindgeek wrote:
               | Trump was also great advertising for Twitter, just like
               | he was great for the news media. I'd argue that Big
               | Media, Inc. is deeply complicit in the rise of Donald
               | Trump. He was the goose that laid the golden egg.
               | Additionally, the media mergers of the 80s and 90s gave
               | us right-wing talk radio on the AM band, sewing the
               | spores of hate from which the vile toadstool of Trumpism
               | bloomed.
               | Big Tech, Inc., with its algorithms that promote radical
               | right-wing content, also seems suspect.
               | To me the solution to all of these problems is to break
               | up conglomerates and monopolies. Let's have more
               | decentralization and more "small is beautiful" tech, like
               | the chat system presented here. Let a million flowers
               | blossom, smothering the aforementioned toadstool.
               | (Wandering off to look at installing Cabal).
           | dang wrote:
           | This has been and is being discussed in so many HN threads
           | right now that this is not a great place to re-rehearse the
           | same flamewars. Let's not let the generic drown out the
           | specific--that's the main thing that reduces intellectual
           | curiosity on the site.
           | https://hn.algolia.com/?query=generic%20discussion%20by:dang.
           | ..
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | (Yes, the GP comment started it by including flamebait, but
           | it's not necessary to take the bait, and the guidelines ask
           | everyone to resist that.)
             | antris wrote:
             | Yeah, fair enough. I'm just worried about these kinds of
             | statements going unchallenged.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect
           | WClayFerguson wrote:
           | I started using the term "nuclear" once Amazon Cloud Services
           | decided to terminate the Parler web server hosting.
           | If internet service providers can shut down speech they
           | disagree with, by going after the servers, then we're no
           | longer living in a democracy.
             | dmerks wrote:
             | As far as I know, AWS is not an ISP-- it's a business, a
             | bit like the one not selling cakes to homosexual
             | individuals.
               | antris wrote:
               | It's more akin to "no shirt no service". Parler can
               | continue using Amazon if they moderate their platform,
               | you can put on a shirt to get a cake. You cannot change
               | your sexuality or skin color.
               | aquadrop wrote:
               | You can change your religion. Should amazon be able to
               | tell to scram fx to some scientology church website
               | hosting?
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | You can't moderate a platform if there's millions of
               | people posting and only a handful of moderators.
               | Remember, AT&T is also incapable of stopping criminals
               | from conspiring using text/telephone messages...and based
               | on your logic the Feds could just shut down AT&T and
               | blame AT&T for being "complicit". No obviously that's
               | moronic. Wake up and stop giving our rights away.
               | Eventually you're going to loose your own.
             | jv22222 wrote:
             | I "think" that's a false equivalency because democracy is
             | the government and private companies are something
             | different.
             | antris wrote:
             | >If internet service providers can shut down speech they
             | disagree with, by going after the servers, then we're no
             | longer living in a democracy.
             | You present this as if Parler is being shut down because
             | people there have the wrong opinion on tax rates.
             | People on Parler are planning violent fascist overthrow of
             | government, which is illegal. Why would Amazon be obligated
             | to host sites that cater to terrorists?
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | The social media purge began long before Parler even
               | existed. Yes people _are_ getting banned from Twitter for
               | life for having the wrong political opinions. It you deny
               | that everyone knows you 're either dishonest or
               | uninformed.
               | People on the left are allowed to call for violence and
               | say all kinds of racist things hate filled things, but if
               | someone on the right even says something like "There are
               | only two sexes" that's enough to get banned for life. The
               | only reason the democrats all deny the existence of any
               | double-standard is because MSM and BigTech happen to be
               | in their tribe, so they all dare not call out one of
               | their own.
               | antris wrote:
               | "BigTech has gone nuclear with censorship" immediately
               | after a coup attempt is a wildly different statement than
               | "there is a long-running political double standard that
               | exists in tech companies when it comes to enforcing their
               | TOS". Should I take take it that you have conceded your
               | previous statement?
               | I would like to complete the discussion on the previous
               | point before moving on to another topic of discussion.
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | Trump organized a demonstration. That's the American way
               | of voicing political dissent.
               | If a politician organizes a peaceful rally and violent
               | people show up and do violent things, and you blame the
               | politician for the violence, then I'm curious about
               | something.... Do you hold the Democrats responsible for
               | all the violence of 2020 when we had cities burning down,
               | and the MSM saying things like "Who ever said protests
               | had to be peaceful"
               | The Democrats calling the capitol mob a "coup de tat
               | attempt" is absolutely hilarious and just shows their
               | complete lunacy in their attempt to vilify the other
               | side, even when they're clearly just being absurd. It was
               | a mob who were let into a building. Hell they didn't even
               | damage any of the priceless paintings. If anyone's to
               | blame is was the security who let the doors get breached
               | when their job was to guard the building with machine
               | guns.
             | djtriptych wrote:
             | when the "speech" consists of active planning of mass
             | violence it's obviously no longer protected.
             | The whole point of Parler is to be a safe haven for speech
             | that has already been banned elsewhere, for the same
             | reason. It was doomed from the start.
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | If you really believe the social media purge is about
               | stopping violence then you've been hoodwinked. People who
               | haven been watching this censorship battle for years know
               | this is purely about taking down political adversaries.
           | jb775 wrote:
           | If you broke the TOS of your water company, would it be
           | acceptable for them to cut the water connection to your
           | house?
           | I mean if you don't like it, you could always just go pick up
           | your own water...or install underground pipes to a local
           | water source.
             | antris wrote:
             | Having your message broadcasted through Twitter is not a
             | human right or essential to your survival. Also, what kind
             | of TOS would a water company have that you can break? This
             | example is ridiculous.
               | jb775 wrote:
               | Sorry, but since the water company is privately owned
               | they can do whatever they please. If you don't like it,
               | you can build your own water company. Thanks!
               | ...now you know how it feels for anyone on the opposite
               | side of your argument.
               | fishtacos wrote:
               | Please post a link to the terms of service of your water
               | company.
               | I'm doubtful there is no clause in your
               | city's/county's/municipality's/state's, etc. that allows
               | them to interrupt service without cause. That's why terms
               | of service exist.
               | Now I'm genuinely curious to find out what terms of
               | service you agreed to with the private water company.
               | What type of settlement do you live in?
               | antris wrote:
               | Nah. The water infrastructure at my home isn't owned by a
               | private company. I live in a state that has this radical
               | policy that water is a human right and should not be
               | commoditized.
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | On a related note: The Governor of California was cutting
               | off electricity and water to homes for the crime of
               | "peaceful assembly", recently... so it's not just free
               | speech that's under assault, but probably you could say
               | _most_ rights, at this point.
               | The good ol' democrat mantra: "Never let a good crisis go
               | to waste."
               | astura wrote:
               | What? I have municipal water.
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | The obvious point is that both internet and water are
               | public services, and the minute we let companies start
               | cutting off services for political reasons we no longer
               | have a democracy.
             | orf wrote:
             | I'm sure you can see how patently absurd comparing a
             | provider of liquid essential to human life to... Twitter
             | is.
             | fishtacos wrote:
             | What kind of analogy is that? Tweets vs. water?
             | Also, yes, you would not be provided
             | water/electricity/cable/internet/pudding if you broke their
             | terms of service. Apart from not paying your bill and
             | perhaps willful destruction of their equipment, I'm having
             | a hard time trying to come up with how else one breaks the
             | terms of service for utility services. That sounds
             | completely normal to me.
             | Additionally, people do go without certain utilities in
             | times of economic hardship - this is nothing new. We're not
             | guaranteed access any such services.
               | WClayFerguson wrote:
               | Well if big companies get to just set arbitrary rules
               | that discriminate against one set of political beliefs,
               | what does that say about "Civil Rights" then? I guess
               | you're not a big fan of civil rights...
               | Or, more likely, is it only when companies are doing
               | things you agree with that you'll claim they have
               | absolute power and authority? If you understand history,
               | you might see the flaw in this logic.
       | flal_ wrote:
       | The name clash with Haskell's build tool is unfortunate...
         | rtkwe wrote:
         | The namespace is pretty cluttered at this point. Most posts on
         | HN about a new app/project/library/etc have at least one "name
         | is already taken by ...." post under them.
         | amelius wrote:
         | Yes, but is that name really fitting?
           | orblivion wrote:
           | Yes because it's always conspiring against you.
           | (credit goes to someone else for this one)
         | marcod wrote:
         | Yeah, I installed the wrong package initially ;)
         | allenleein wrote:
         | Should change it to stack
       | olah_1 wrote:
       | Have there been any breakthroughs recently? Or just sharing to
       | share?
         | runawaybottle wrote:
         | Think of it this way, if 4chan wasn't a website, no one would
         | allow it to exist.
         | Web technology has a certain responsibility, so I think all the
         | alternative communication tech is in response to the theme of
         | this week.
           | cutehax wrote:
           | Agreed, context here is timely for sure. Large groups perhaps
           | trying to secretly coordinate online to stage an '' event''?
           | Web technologies for this are abundant; and yet so very
           | easily infiltrated. End to end encryption is redundant if
           | you've no idea who to trust.
         | yamrzou wrote:
         | There has been a number of HN submissions about
         | decentralization and Internet freedom today, probably as a
         | reaction to the deplatforming of Parler:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25706993
         | whoknew1122 wrote:
         | Probably not a coincidence that this gets posted with no
         | context the day that Parler gets kicked off AWS.
         | I presume it's someone trying to offer Cabal as a Parler
         | alternative.
           | bastard_op wrote:
           | My thoughts exactly, the Donald Chumps will take this up.
           | Good news: Massive influx of users. Bad news: It's all
           | American Fascists looking to hold hands. Saving grace is most
           | are probably too stupid to read hacker news.
             | deeviant wrote:
             | Don't be so sure. Trump-Qanon supporters seem to be pretty
             | common around here. They were very active in the "Trump
             | banned from twitter" post.
             | Doesn't surprise me as (Trump|QAnon)'ism seems to be very
             | inviting to the tech bro culture.
               | h2odragon wrote:
               | Does "Free speech applies to Qanaon supporters as much as
               | it does to me and thee." make me a Qanon supporter?
             | dangus wrote:
             | > Saving grace is most are probably too stupid to read
             | hacker news.
             | I wouldn't make this assumption. I have seen plenty of
             | modern conservative opinion around here, and some of it
             | really does align with ideas of white male supremacy and
             | support for fascist authoritarian leadership. It's easier
             | to find on "new" on posts that aren't strictly technology
             | related. They are definitely here.
             | Of course, people are entitled to their opinions. 99.9% of
             | normal liberal or conservative Americans aren't going to
             | get violent or take part in an insurrection. Nothing wrong
             | with a having and expressing opinions.
             | But to me, the concern here isn't even what happened a few
             | days ago at the Capitol. My concern is the mass
             | radicalization of the right wing of politics, and therefore
             | _people_ , in America. This radicalization is mainstream
             | because the media outlets pushing the ideas are themselves
             | mainstream, more mainstream than you think.
             | E.g. my family members, who are not deep down anything
             | truly radical like the Q rabbit hole, but still believe
             | it's okay for Trump to be "joking" about 12 more years,
             | running contrary to elementary school civics lessons that
             | were supposed to be universal common ground. They got these
             | ideas from America's number one cable news channel, not
             | some obscure Internet forum.
               | throwaway80332 wrote:
               | The thing that I find most terrifying about Trump is that
               | he persued every legal option to win, and when that
               | didn't work out he conceded and said he's going to help
               | make sure there's a smooth transition of power.
               | He is truly the most vile authoritarian anywhere outside
               | of the 1930s Germany, and that's not just because he
               | makes jokes.
           | greatgirl wrote:
           | I doubt that https://github.com/cabal-
           | club/commons/blob/master/values.md#...
             | gojomo wrote:
             | But if architected for openness without central censorship
             | chokepoints, such affinity declarations can't alone prevent
             | participation. Mastodon's tech is used by Gab, for example.
             | At best this can:
             | * influence the observable qualities of the closely-
             | collaborating dev community - who'll have to outwardly
             | project these values.
             | * lead to the prioritization of decentralized user-driven
             | moderation features, which still allow the disfavored
             | groups to communicate with other willing audiences, with
             | minimized impact on unwilling audiences.
       | g8oz wrote:
       | Just the place to plan a second attack on the Capitol.
         | ehayes wrote:
         | Cool, we've jumped right into "if you want to be independent
         | from FaceAppAmaGooMicroTwitBookTube, it's just because you're a
         | right-wing fascist plotting an attack." Way to go everyone.
           | api wrote:
           | It kind of is, even if it is not intended to be. Here's how
           | it works.
           | Deplatforming by the major social platforms is actually a way
           | for them to create a moat. The field is now salted with toxic
           | lunatics looking for a platform. Anyone who tries to stand up
           | another social will instantly be inundated by them, and their
           | presence will drive everyone else away and back into the arms
           | of the incumbents.
           | Social is now like a zombie flick. There are walled gardens
           | where it is safe, but outside stalk the walking dead. Trying
           | to build another shelter is an exercise in repelling the
           | undead long enough to get some walls up.
           | deeviant wrote:
           | To be fair, at this moment in time, the vast majority of
           | likely users for a project like this, *are* the Trump/Qanon
           | crowd that feel dejected that they will be held to any sort
           | of accountability for their inflammatory rhetoric, lies and
           | conspiracy theories.
         | colesantiago wrote:
         | open source software at this point is just a pawn for being
         | misused by extremists.
         | someone once said 'the road to hell is paved with good
         | intentions' or something like that.
         | anyway, i'll get some friends on there and organise a attack
         | party.
           | SV_BubbleTime wrote:
           | > open source software at this point is just a pawn for being
           | misused by extremists.
           | This comment makes me question if you know what open source
           | software is.
             | scrps wrote:
             | I wonder if this (baffling) line of reasoning will become
             | the new "Open Source/FOSS is Communism" of the late '90s
             | early '00s...
             | colesantiago wrote:
             | 1. get banned from platform.
             | 2. move to another platform.
             | 3. spew shit.
             | 4. go to step 1.
             | If the above happens for a certain amount of time, think
             | about what the extremists are going to use when they
             | finally realise they need to "build their own" stuff?
             | The next one after Mastodon will probably be Matrix and by
             | then it's already too late.
               | WC3w6pXxgGd wrote:
               | You think Mastodon / the Fediverse is on the way, and
               | Matrix is a replacement?
       | qorrect wrote:
       | I still don't know what's wrong with IRC.
         | based2 wrote:
         | https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/113532/how-is-i...
           | anthk wrote:
           | Meh. IRC now can use TLS/SSL (Freenode), among SASL.
           | On X11 vulns, I use a tty, so I don't care, and even on X,
           | xterm has a secure mode.
         | hu3 wrote:
         | Different goals. IRC needs a central server. This is peer-to-
         | peer.
         | agentdrtran wrote:
         | some people want more than plain text
         | rcxdude wrote:
         | Multimedia, end-to-end encryption, offline chat history, and
         | having all those features actually available and usable by the
         | average user (just having a persistent identity is something
         | IRC makes trickier than it needs to). You may decide those are
         | misfeatures, but most people don't.
         | WClayFerguson wrote:
         | Does IRC have "conversation threads?" To me a conversation
         | thread necessarily entails a hierarchical chain of posts and
         | the replies to those posts as "child nodes". All conversations
         | are inherently "tree structures" if done right, imo.
         | greatgirl wrote:
         | Not user friendly. Not everyone is an internet nerd like us.
         | oftheoaks wrote:
         | Us cabal devs really like irc. Cabal was inspired in part by
         | it. You might enjoy this explanatory zine:
         | https://substack.net/zine/cabal.html
       | rex_lupi wrote:
       | why would I want yet another chat platform when there's already
       | Matrix/IRC/XMPP/telegram/signal, and oh yes, Whatsapp etc?
         | WClayFerguson wrote:
         | Part of what the world needs is not just the "app", but an app
         | that's Open Source MIT License, so everyone has complete
         | freedom, rather than the original authors being able to dictate
         | certain terms going forward, and maintain control.
         | I've done 90% of the difficult coding in https://quanta.wiki,
         | which is MIT License. I just need to add the P2P part. Maybe
         | I'm sounding like Ali G. when he invented the "flying
         | skateboard" and had everything solved except for the "physics".
         | :)
         | Yoric wrote:
         | I should add that Matrix p2p has been demonstrated. My
         | understanding is that it's not ready for prime time just yet,
         | but it works.
           | jlkuester7 wrote:
           | Wait, what? Matrix is working on p2p protocols?
             | amelius wrote:
             | Couldn't the entire P2P part be abstracted away from it, so
             | a chat client could work with _any_ P2P technology in
             | principle?
             | Arathorn wrote:
             | https://matrix.org/blog/2020/06/02/introducing-p-2-p-matrix
             | /
               | jlkuester7 wrote:
               | Oh wow! I must have missed that somehow! Very
               | interesting!
               | I have been a fan of Matrix for a long time and have been
               | very excited by all of the progress made recently!
               | Particularly, the new UI experience for E2E encrypted
               | channels is amazing! You managed to get solid security
               | without sacrificing usability.
               | Thank you for your dedication to Matrix and its
               | community!
               | Arathorn wrote:
               | thanks :) There's still a way to go on E2EE UX and sadly,
               | but we're working on it.
               | Multicomp wrote:
               | this is why i resist new chat apps....signal is tiding me
               | over until p2p capable, e2e by default matrix is ready to
               | go on desktop, android and ios...then i will be ready to
               | use, donate, buy vector hosting, and evangelize oodles.
               | Ericson2314 wrote:
               | I think it's basically hit all of those but p2p?
               | Multicomp wrote:
               | Correct AFAIK. I was speaking more broadly about it to
               | explain my effusive plans
               | jlkuester7 wrote:
               | That seems fair. Though, personally, as long as it can
               | federate, I am less concerned about p2p. Some very nice
               | features are a lot harder (impossible?) to make work in a
               | pure p2p setup whereas federation seems to give you the
               | best of both worlds. (AKA the benefits of an always-
               | available server without the vender lock.)
               | That is actually the big thing I don't like about Signal.
               | If Open Wisper Systems decides tomorrow to turn off their
               | server, everyones' Signal client are broke...
       | lemonspat wrote:
       | This looks promising. Is there a web client, or only a desktop
       | client?
         | oftheoaks wrote:
         | Right now it's desktop and terminal only, but there is a lot of
         | interest in web and mobile clients.
           | WClayFerguson wrote:
           | If you want the best Web App in the world take my codebase
           | (quanta.wiki) and built on top of it. The whole thing is a
           | simple tree structure, on MongoDB, using a 'path-based' tree
           | so you don't even have to learn a specific relational
           | database structuring, and you can put something else on the
           | back end to replace MongoDB. If you like
           | Java+TypeScript+React then I've given you a 250,000 loc head
           | start.
       | ReactiveJelly wrote:
       | Checked the FAQ.
       | Downside: It doesn't support Tor and they don't seem to have any
       | plan for that. So it's trusted-friends-only, IPs are always
       | visible. Which is pointless for me, as a person trying to build
       | healthy online friendships from behind Tor.
       | Upside: I was afraid it's a reaction to Parler being
       | deplatformed. And then I thought maybe it was a side-project of
       | Urbit. But looking at the Values page: "No nazis, no TERFs, no
       | alt-right--or anyone friendly with them"
       | So that's cool.
         | dr_kiszonka wrote:
         | I wish they excluded extremes on both sides of the spectrum.
         | Otherwise, it makes Cabal seem like a Parler for the extreme
         | left.
         | (Maybe it is not; I know nothing about people behind Cabal.)
           | m1sta_ wrote:
           | Obvious conclusion since everything that isn't far-right is
           | far-left. /s
             | snowflake_ptr wrote:
             | More like anyone who's willing to condemn one extreme but
             | not the other is almost certainly supporting the latter.
           | williamtwild wrote:
           | Oh shut up. What a crybaby.
         | eznzt wrote:
         | > as a person trying to build healthy online friendships from
         | behind Tor.
         | As someone who's spent a lot of time on Tor-related IRC
         | channels and other communities, gl lol
         | snowflake_ptr wrote:
         | > or anyone friendly with them
         | This is disgusting - it implies that you should pick and choose
         | your friends based on political affiliation, which not only is
         | extremely (and intentionally) divisive, but also provides no
         | room for guiding these individuals back to a more moderate
         | political stance.
         | Without being friends (or at least interacting with) with those
         | who have been ostracized by society, how, exactly, do you
         | propose to try to get them to change their minds?
         | I'm also curious as to how they plan to enforce this constraint
         | - Cabal appears to be completely decentralized, correct?
       | fortran77 wrote:
       | The word Cabal comes from Hebrew. It probably grew about because
       | outsiders perceived the people who studied Jewish mysticism as
       | being part of some secret society.
       | See Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabal
       (page generated 2021-01-10 23:00 UTC)