[HN Gopher] 10 years-ish of Elixir
       10 years-ish of Elixir
       Author : 1_player
       Score  : 346 points
       Date   : 2021-01-14 14:21 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (dashbit.co)
 (TXT) w3m dump (dashbit.co)
       | borski wrote:
       | Elixir was largely the reason our API scanner is not only super
       | robust and fast, but also super fun to work on.
       | josevalim wrote:
       | Author here!
       | The article was published earlier this week and I have a quick
       | addendum: regarding Erlang/Elixir, my goal has always been to
       | bring _new_ developers to the platform. After all, Erlang
       | developers already have the most important part of Elixir, which
       | is the Erlang runtime!
       | There are also key people in both communities working hard to
       | make sure the tooling is consistent across all languages. A lot
       | of this effort happens under the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation
       | (https://erlef.org/) too.
       | All to say, regardless if you pick Erlang or Elixir (or Gleam,
       | LFE, etc.), I hope you will fall in love with the platform as
       | much as I did 10 years ago!
         | d3ckard wrote:
         | Thanks from me as well. It's been more than 5 years since
         | switching from Ruby and I have never regretted it. You did and
         | continue to do great work(and whole team as well). Can't wait
         | for the big thing at Lambda Days!
         | samgranieri wrote:
         | Thank you very much fir creating Elixir! It's an absolute joy
         | to program in and it's something I foresee using for a very
         | long time.
         | rglover wrote:
         | Congratulations on the anniversary and thank you for all of
         | your efforts and contributions, Jose.
         | Kototama wrote:
         | Thanks for creating Elixir. Before using it and going through
         | the website and docs I thought it would be good but once I
         | started to use it, I discovered it is excellent.
         | [deleted]
         | frakkingcylons wrote:
         | Just wanted to say thanks for your work on Elixir. It's been
         | very useful and fun to use for my home grown projects.
         | jon-wood wrote:
         | I'm going to shamelessly take advantage of your being here with
         | a question if that's ok. Do you have any recommendations for
         | reading material that covers Phoenix as it's used today?
         | Back in the early 0.x days I read the Phoenix book, which was a
         | great introduction to building an application and using Ecto,
         | but trying to pick it up again recently I found that nothing
         | really seems to cover using Contexts in the real world.
           | sodapopcan wrote:
           | Contexts are loosely (maybe a little more than loosely) based
           | on the Bounded Context concept in Domain Driven Design. As a
           | good introduction, I would recommend reading Domain-Driven
           | Design Distilled by Vaughn Vernon. It's sort of like the
           | Cole's Notes version of the full Domain Driven Design which
           | is a monster of a book.
           | 1_player wrote:
           | You probably have seen it already, but recent Phoenix docs
           | have a section on contexts and what is their intended use
           | case: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/contexts.html
           | The way I see it, context are just the public API to access
           | your data model. Your Ecto schema is a piece of data, which
           | in a functional language has no behaviour attached. The
           | (business) logic to deal with this piece of data lives in the
           | context. That's it.
           | It's nothing particular and specific about Ecto or Phoenix,
           | it's just a good design practice that's applicable and
           | recommended in any language.
           | Gary Bernhardt at https://www.destroyallsoftware.com has a
           | few screencasts and talks about this very topic.
             | freedomben wrote:
             | Thanks, I'm not GP but have the same questions.
             | What about access control? That's often directly tied into
             | business logic, but it's so elegant and convenient to do it
             | in the controllers or even the router using the pipelines.
             | In fact a ton of the examples (I think even the Chris
             | McCord Phoenix book) does exactly this, presumably for that
             | reason.
             | However I did that with an app and haven't been very happy
             | with it because while the bulk can easily be done in the
             | router/controllers, there are things that are totally
             | inappropriate to do there and so it ends up in the context.
             | Then your logic is distributed and messy, which is awful.
             | But putting _all_ access control in the context also bloats
             | and complicates a ton of otherwise very clean, elegant API
             | functions. I try to keep the Repo query building code clean
             | and separate but that often leads to inefficiencies (such
             | as filtering fields in the caller instead of in the
             | generated SQL, which is vastly preferred for obvious
             | reasons).
             | Anyway, interested in thoughts on that.
               | andy_ppp wrote:
               | There's already an article on this you can find here:
               | https://dashbit.co/blog/a-new-authentication-solution-
               | for-ph...
               | The GitHub for the generator is here:
               | https://github.com/aaronrenner/phx_gen_auth
               | Basically if you need something different it might be
               | worth forking the generator. I might look at passwordless
               | login at some point.
               | 1_player wrote:
               | phx.gen.auth has been merged and will be part of the
               | upcoming Phoenix 1.6
               | freedomben wrote:
               | That's phenomenal, thank you! I added the link to my "to
               | do" list and realized it was already there :doh:
               | This is wonderful, exactly what I need.
               | josevalim wrote:
               | Personally, here is what I do: if access control is part
               | of the business model, then I put it in the context and,
               | almost always, I raise. Otherwise, continue doing it in
               | plugs. That's it!
               | For web apps, you should almost never be triggering these
               | invalid access control state, because it means the UI is
               | allowing users to do something they are not really
               | supposed to do. If the user cannot delete a resource,
               | then the button most likely shouldn't show up (or it
               | should be disabled with a comment) etc.
               | Raising actually helps us find these bad UI paths too
               | because I get an error I can act on.
               | Now let's say you do want to handle some of these errors.
               | You have three options:
               | 1. Continue raising and rescue in the controller (meh)
               | 2. Continue raising and implement Plug.Exception for said
               | exception so you control how they are shown to the user
               | (great if they are still general exceptions)
               | 3. Return {:ok, _} | {:error, ...} and handle it in the
               | controller (or in the FallbackController for APIs)
               | freedomben wrote:
               | That is incredibly helpful. Thank you!
           | josevalim wrote:
           | This may be a non-answer answer, but given you are versed on
           | the Phoenix front, may I suggest a book on the design aspect
           | of things? For example, Domain Driven Design Quickly:
           | https://www.infoq.com/minibooks/domain-driven-design-
           | quickly...
           | It has been a while since I have read it, so it may be dated,
           | but hopefully others can provide suggestions too!
             | jon-wood wrote:
             | Thanks :) I started reading the original DDD several years
             | ago, but bailed out due to quite how dense it is, hopefully
             | this summary will be a little more approachable.
           | Storm-Bringer wrote:
           | Have a look at this - https://pragmaticstudio.com
           | They have courses on Elixir, Phoenix and today have just
           | released a LiveView course.
             | acoustep wrote:
             | Just to add to your comment: I've been running through the
             | free LiveView course and it's been really great. I'm
             | excited to finish it and continue with the pro one!
           | bennyp101 wrote:
           | Not Jose (obviously), but I have a copy of
           | https://pragprog.com/titles/phoenix14/programming-
           | phoenix-1-... which I think is still fairly relevant.
           | Of course, there is always https://elixirforum.com and a good
           | search :)
             | mwcampbell wrote:
             | The book Programming Ecto [1] also has a chapter on
             | application design which talks about contexts.
             | [1]: https://pragprog.com/titles/wmecto/programming-ecto/
               | freedomben wrote:
               | I have that book too and it's great. Will have to check
               | out that specific section. I mostly used it to see
               | examples and explanations of how to do things in the Ecto
               | DSL (which it is great for).
             | strzibny wrote:
             | Yes, I read and can recommend that book as well. I wanted
             | to get the little OTP guide too, but people say it's
             | outdated.
             | Apart from books and forum though, there are many posts
             | online! You can check ElixirStatus[0] or a new initiative
             | called Beam Bloggers Webring[1].
             | [0] https://elixirstatus.com/ [0] https://beambloggers.com/
         | rekoros wrote:
         | I started with Elixir last year, after ten years of Erlang -
         | definitely an upgrade!
         | My favorite improvement is the existence of Ecto - what an
         | amazing piece of software.
         | Thanks for all your work and vision!
           | AlchemistCamp wrote:
           | I've also realized in this past year that the first thing I
           | miss when going back to Node or another stack is Ecto.
           | That doesn't diminish anything about the Elixir language,
           | either. In many languages, Ecto's DSL wouldn't be performant,
           | practical or even possible.
         | crad wrote:
         | Great Post Jose!
         | I remember early presentations on Elixir (I think first at
         | Erlang DC in 2011?) and it's been great to watch Elixir mature
         | and develop.
         | While I'm strongly in the Erlang camp, I do appreciate the work
         | you and the contributors to Elixir have done for the ecosystem
         | as a whole.
       | news_to_me wrote:
       | Congrats to Jose and the team! Elixir was a wonderful discovery
       | for me a year or two ago -- it's the closest I've found to my
       | "ideal" language. You can tell, from the documentation and by
       | using the language, how much thought went into each design
       | choice.
       | Good luck on the next ten :)
       | syamilmj wrote:
       | Celebrating my sixth year with Elixir! The adoption rates here is
       | still quite low (Malaysia) but I'm glad to say that onboarding
       | new Elixir developers has always been a breeze.
       | 40four wrote:
       | Learning Elixir and starting to use is in projects is at the top
       | of my TODO list for 2021. I tried to get into a while back, but
       | being unfamiliar with functional programming concepts at the time
       | really got me. Learning a new language and trying to grep FP at
       | the same time was too much for me :)
       | Now, I'm more well versed in FP in general, and I'm excited to
       | give it another go! Everyone I've talked to who uses Elixir on a
       | regular basis or professionally absolutely _gushes_ with
       | excitement and joy when they talk about it!
       | Well done, and thank you Jose!
         | ch4s3 wrote:
         | Come by and check out https://elixirforum.com/ and slack
         | https://elixir-slackin.herokuapp.com/ everyone is super
         | friendly and helpful.
         | * edit: fixed link
           | 40four wrote:
           | Cool I'll check it out thanks
           | mcintyre1994 wrote:
           | I'm getting an error on that Slack link - https://elixir-
           | lang.org/ links to https://elixir-slackin.herokuapp.com/
           | which I think is the right one?
             | ch4s3 wrote:
             | The one from https://elixir-lang.org. I think I incorrectly
             | copied it from slack.
       | jpbutler wrote:
       | Congratulations to Jose and the whole core team!
       | I've been working exclusively with Elixir and Phoenix for the
       | past four years, and it's been a delight.
         | enraged_camel wrote:
         | Same here. Our Phoenix backend and VueJS frontend have been a
         | magic combo for us.
       | nudpiedo wrote:
       | it looks really awesome! Can someone point out the negative sides
       | (or drawbacks of any kind) ? What about finding elixir
       | experts/freelancers? What about integration with .Net and the
       | xamarin forms ecosystem?
         | cactus2093 wrote:
         | Drawbacks I see are:
         | 1. no static typing. With typescript having taken off, and now
         | even python and ruby becoming more and more feasible to use in
         | production with static typing, switching to a new dynamic
         | language is a hard sell for me.
         | 2. limited ability to take full advantage of some of its unique
         | features in many cases. The runtime and the included OTP
         | library/paradigm has some really cool features with its
         | approach to processes and concurrency with the actor model, and
         | features like hot code reload. But IMO the industry and popular
         | best practices have evolved in a different direction that make
         | these things less compelling. Code deploys are a solved problem
         | in any of the major vm/container runtimes, with blue/green
         | deploys, canary builds, feature flags, etc. all quite easy to
         | use, so hot code reloading isn't that compelling as a language
         | feature anymore. There are tons of ways to orchestrate multiple
         | instances of a services from Heroku to Kubernetes, and APIs
         | built on Protobuf and GRPC, GraphQL, or json REST APIs, are now
         | pretty standard for communicating between different services,
         | or using message queues, kafka, cloud pub/sub, etc. Also the
         | paradigm most developers are familiar with is stateless app
         | servers that store any state in database or cache layers, which
         | has a lot of benefits.
         | Erlang and OTP seem to kind of mix all of these paradigms
         | together, and if you use all of its built-in ways of doing
         | things you are really striking out on your own from the common
         | "best practices" that more developers these days will be
         | familiar with. A lot of common tooling and cloud hosting
         | providers don't support Erlang OTP style programming natively.
         | It can certainly be used successfully, I believe Whatsapp as
         | one famous example was originally all written in Erlang, but I
         | personally don't see a whole lot of justification for most apps
         | to do this. Of course you don't have to use any of these
         | features, but then why use a language if you're not going to
         | lean into its unique strengths?
           | amattn wrote:
           | static typing is what drew me to go, Elixir isn't a static-
           | typed language, but there are plenty of guardrails in the
           | language that make up for it. Pattern-matching, guards, good
           | compiler messages, casting, etc.
           | You've also got fantastic testing framework, and good
           | conventions like tagged tuples {:ok, x} vs {:error, y}.
           | On top of all of that, you've got the Erlang underpinnings:
           | immutability, crash-fast, app umbrellas, etc.
           | It's a very safe language to develop in. I don't miss the
           | strict static typing at all.
           | joelbluminator wrote:
           | Ruby really isn't becoming static though. Most code used by
           | Rubyists (e.g Rails apps) is likely to remain dynamic.
             | cactus2093 wrote:
             | Yeah, I can't really tell if the overall community will
             | adopt it or not, but you may well be right. Last time I
             | commented something about ruby not having static typing I
             | got downvoted by people claiming Sorbet is already used
             | heavily in production.
             | But either way if I'm switching off of ruby, I don't really
             | want to go to something else that doesn't have static
             | typing.
           | jolux wrote:
           | Elixir has @spec and Dialyzer and we enforce using it where I
           | work.
           | realusername wrote:
           | > 1. no static typing. With typescript having taken off, and
           | now even python and ruby becoming more and more feasible to
           | use in production with static typing, switching to a new
           | dynamic language is a hard sell for me.
           | While it's true that Elixir is a dynamic language, there's
           | much less "magic" compared to Ruby or PHP, the language
           | server has good autocompletion and warnings.
             | conradfr wrote:
             | There's not a lot of magic in php nowadays with strict
             | typing and unions.
             | Warnings at compile time are a plus yes.
           | josevalim wrote:
           | > limited ability to take full advantage of some of its
           | unique features in many cases
           | Honestly, this shouldn't count as a downside. :) The way I
           | frame it is "in the worst case scenario, you can deploy
           | Erlang/Elixir as you would any other language".
           | You don't need to use distribution, you can still build
           | stateless apps, etc. And yes, almost nobody uses hot code
           | swapping!
           | However, whenever you need a specialized solution, such as
           | quick messaging between servers, proper concurrency so a slow
           | upstream server doesn't kill your app, etc... you have that
           | at your fingertips!
           | Even if you are not using any of that in production, you are
           | still leveraging concurrency when compiling code, running
           | tests, etc. It really makes a large difference! And if for
           | some reason you cannot leverage any of that either, the
           | languages are still great on their own. Pattern matching and
           | immutability are a joy, developers feel productive within the
           | existing frameworks, and so on.
           | My car can go 260km/h but I never went past 140km/h (speed
           | limit where I live) and I still love it (the best car I ever
           | had).
           | strzibny wrote:
           | > limited ability to take full advantage of some of its
           | unique features in many cases. The runtime and the included
           | OTP library/paradigm has some really cool features with its
           | approach to processes and concurrency with the actor model,
           | and features like hot code reload. But IMO the industry and
           | popular best practices have evolved in a different direction
           | that make these things less compelling.
           | Think about it this way. You already reap a lot of benefits
           | by just handling requests with Phoenix. Pre-emptively
           | scheduled light-weight processes that does not have to run GC
           | in most cases is already a huge win. Don't you think?
           | You certainly don't have to be 100% buy-in in every single
           | OTP or Beam feature. Really. Actually, it makes sense to do
           | things "the old" way when you feel more confident about them.
         | amattn wrote:
         | Elixir and the broader ecosystem have the following traits:
         | - It's a bit quirky, there's much else like it. Ruby is the
         | closest.
         | - It's got a learning curve. It's not a particularly hard
         | curve, but it is longer than a small language like go.
         | But on the other side of that curve is a very elegant,
         | productive development experience.
         | No idea about the .Net ecosystem. It seems unlikely as
         | Phoenix/LiveView is fairly self-contained.
         | adsfoiu1 wrote:
         | I have been using it for the past ~1yr and really like some
         | aspects, but these are some negatives that come to mind:
         | - I really wish it had type safety.
         | - The ecosystem isn't as mature as other languages.
         | - IDE tooling in particular seems like it has a ways to go from
         | my experience.
         | lawik wrote:
         | I've been involved in interviewing for Elixir positions and
         | found that we got more senior candidates than I've ever seen
         | before. Part of it might have been pandemic displacement. But
         | I'm not seeing a lack of work in my freelancing and I'm not
         | seeing any particular skill shortage.
         | .Net and Xamarin integration. No clue. Samr as for any other
         | non-.Net language I imagine.
       | jbhatab wrote:
       | Great post, Elixir has come a long way but more importantly had a
       | great foundation to build on out of the gate. One of the best
       | maintainer communities I've seen for a language + framework in a
       | while. Such a strong + clear open source vision set on building a
       | flexible and robust platform/language. Ty Jose + Chris!!!
       | Very proud to have been using Phoenix + Elixir for our startup,
       | https://www.distru.com, since day 1 and it was one of our best
       | stack decisions. The language is so pleasent to code in, brings
       | functional programming concepts, can do powerful things with
       | GenServer, has great default performance, and enables us to
       | tackle concurrency problems in a way rails just wasn't built for.
       | Not to mention the constant surprises from Elixir!! There's a
       | built in scalable nosql database in the VM
       | (https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/specifics/mnesia/)!?!? And a
       | key value store
       | (https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/specifics/ets/)?!? It's so
       | fun to experiment with!
       | Can't wait to continue meeting great Elixir devs as we grow :).
       | If any devs are interested in working on a cannabis startup built
       | on Elixir since day one, I'd love to talk. blaine@distru.com
       | tg3 wrote:
       | Great read. Two days I wrote about my own experience learning
       | Elixir to build Xkit[1]. As I wrote there, the language guide is
       | one of the best I've ever seen and is pretty much all you need to
       | get started.
       | There are drawbacks of course (typing, deployment) but the pros
       | far outweigh the cons for me so far. Here's to the next ten
       | years!
       | [1] https://xkit.co/post/pivoting-with-elixir-how-i-learned-a-
       | la...
       | cyberpunk wrote:
       | Congratulations to Jose and the entire elixir team, I find elixir
       | to be a language which makes me incredibly happy as a developer,
       | and I look forward to using it for another 10 years.
       |  _clinks glass_
       | s3cur3 wrote:
       | Happy Elixir user here. At work we have a use case that isn't
       | covered by Jose's high-level overview of the domains Elixir's
       | used in: we run a massive multiplayer game server on it.
       | This is actually a really good fit. (It kind of rhymes with the
       | original use of Erlang, being telecoms infrastructure.) We get
       | _outstanding_ concurrency support, high reliability, and really
       | efficient development times. I can 't imagine shipping this
       | feature with a server written in C++ (the language I'm most
       | comfortable in), and I can't imagine scaling it the way we need
       | to if we'd gone for a traditional web language like Node, PHP,
       | etc.
       | If you're interested, you can see the RakNet (game networking
       | protocol) implementation we use on the server here:
       | https://github.com/X-Plane/elixir-raknet
       | The README gives a good overview of the full MMO server's
       | architecture, too: each client connection is a stateful Elixir
       | process (not to be confused with a heavy-weight OS process!),
       | acting asynchronously on a client state struct; clients then
       | asynchronously schedule themselves to send updates back to the
       | user.
         | stevbov wrote:
         | Do you use it for server side game logic too?
         | It's not as ambitious as an MMO, but I like to use MUDs to
         | learn new languages. I've been (slowly) working on one to learn
         | Elixir and I'm actually finding the concurrency model somewhat
         | difficult to use for the MUD - especially the single world that
         | every player connects to.
         | I ended up writing my own kind of software transactional memory
         | library to help me out: https://github.com/stevbov/stm_agent
         | But altogether my design feels fairly un-Elixir-like. It seems
         | like the language would shine more in a problem space with more
         | process isolation. When it comes to the game world, pretty much
         | any process could potentially depend upon any other process.
         | Especially once you get into scripting NPCs.
           | QuinnWilton wrote:
           | You'd likely be interested in the work done by Eric Oestrich
           | in building MUDs with Elixir.
           | Kalevala: a world building toolkit for text based games,
           | written in Elixir [0]
           | ExVenture: a text based MMO server written in Elixir [1]
           | Grapevine: a MUD chat network [2]
           | [0] https://github.com/oestrich/kalevala
           | [1] https://github.com/oestrich/ex_venture
           | [2] https://github.com/oestrich/grapevine
         | AlchemistCamp wrote:
         | I'd love to learn more about this! Have you been involved in
         | the project from the start?
           | s3cur3 wrote:
           | Yep! I was actually the sole dev working on it, both server-
           | and client-side. I'm working on a post for our public dev
           | blog talking about why I chose Elixir and what my experience
           | has been. It'll eventually be available here:
           | https://developer.x-plane.com/blog/
       | supernintendo wrote:
       | Nice little retrospective. I've been using Elixir and Phoenix
       | both for personal projects and in production at Househappy since
       | 2015. It's been nothing short of wonderful and to this day it
       | remains my favorite programming language and ecosystem to work
       | in. Congratulations to Jose and the rest of the core Elixir team
       | for this milestone!
       | sysashi wrote:
       | I've picked up Elixir in 2016 and have started freelance work
       | around 2017 doing Elixir and Phoenix exclusively. For me it is
       | the best platform for web development and I'm very grateful to
       | everyone involved (erlang/otp, elixir, ecto, phoenix teams and
       | everyone else).
       | Happy Birth Day Elixir!
       | sodapopcan wrote:
       | I'm building my first non-toy app in LiveView. I'm blown away by
       | how quickly I can move with it and love how Phoenix encourages
       | DDD practices.
       | I'm a bit saddened that Elixir isn't bigger than it is. It's such
       | a great entry into the world of BEAM and functional programming
       | yet I've read more than once that people aren't interested
       | because "it looks like Ruby and I don't like Ruby". There are
       | some more legit reasons as well like it's dynamic, but I wish
       | people would stop getting so hung up on syntax and actually focus
       | on what the technology can do.
         | Areading314 wrote:
         | What turned me off about elixir was not the syntax, it was the
         | flexibility in designing new syntax. It felt like each library
         | had its own idioms and syntax rules, which just adds a huge
         | amount of variety and difficulty in a codebase. It was hard to
         | have consistent architectural patterns across a team. I've seen
         | an elixir/phoenix backend rewritten completely in python/django
         | and it was a big improvement in developer productivity. I think
         | elixir may work better for small teams. The learning curve and
         | the "consistency enforcement" of languages really does make a
         | difference on big teams.
           | jbothma wrote:
           | Yeah, my first job was in perl. Its "there's more than one
           | way to do it" is harmful to productivity in a team.
           | Once I got into erlang's relatively obscure syntax, I could
           | read just about any erlang at a glance.
           | I now mostly use python since it fits the use case better,
           | and I love its "there's preferably one, obvious way to do
           | it".
           | rattray wrote:
           | Does elixir have good equivalents of JS's prettier and eslint
           | tools?
             | jswny wrote:
             | Yes there is a formatter built into Mix, the Elixir build
             | tool. There is also https://github.com/rrrene/credo which
             | is not as extensive but does the same thing as ESLint.
           | jswny wrote:
           | Can you give an example of what you mean by "idioms and
           | syntax rules"?
           | I've been using Elixir for a long time and I don't know what
           | this could refer to. Even with macros, all code still has to
           | follow the same Elixir syntax. You can't actually change that
           | syntax nor can you extend it for the most part unless you are
           | using libraries that are somehow writing their own control
           | structures they are forcing you to use or something? I've
           | never heard of that.
           | Also, if you are just talking about enforcing consistency
           | style wise, there's https://github.com/rrrene/credo which is
           | very popular, and the build tool Mix comes with a formatter
           | by default which can standardize your codebase.
           | dwoot wrote:
           | > Designing new syntax As in a DSL?
           | > It felt like each library had its own idioms and syntax
           | rules This sounds like the way software should be. No?
           | Domain-driven design? Or are you saying that they don't
           | follow industry nomenclature?
           | > It was hard to have consistent architectural patterns
           | across a team Is this a symptom of everyone being new the
           | language on the team or the language itself? Elixir is a very
           | simple language compared to Python and Ruby in my experience.
           | There are certainly way more people that have done the latter
           | two. What's comfortable isn't always better.
           | I'm wondering how aware of the trade-offs you are in using an
           | imperative language as compared to one that's functional. If
           | the nitpick/gripe you're having is around readability and
           | syntax, I'm sure there are enough counters in other languages
           | that you've worked with where the code was just spaghetti and
           | hardly testable
           | Have you considered that productivity comes more with time? I
           | get the sense that you've worked in a team with very few
           | experienced developers that have either worked with
           | Elixir/Erlang or functional languages. My experience has been
           | that those with extensive experience in OO or imperative
           | languages w/o ever treading into FP have had a much harder
           | time adopting Elixir and it has resulted in slower
           | development early on, but those willing to learn, march much
           | faster after ramp-up.
           | But if you value correctness, less bugs, and easily testable
           | code, it's hard to beat functional languages in this area,
           | and I'm not even talking about just Elixir
           | > I've seen an elixir/phoenix backend rewritten completely in
           | python/django and it was a big improvement in developer
           | productivity. Is this really a better idea? If you're
           | mentioning "consistency enforcement", why not use Golang?
           | Elixir also has a formatter built into its toolchain.
           | Take my responses with a grain of salt -- because if you're
           | just doing a CRUD app and not buying into what the BEAM gives
           | you from an operational perspective, it's probably not that
           | worthwhile?
           | sodapopcan wrote:
           | As in the whole project was rewritten in Django or some kind
           | of transpiration going on there?
           | I haven't gotten to the point where I'm adding a lot of libs
           | yet and certainly can't speak to using it in a big team.
           | In terms of syntax flexibility, Ruby has a similar issue
           | where a lot of popular libs implement their own DSLs. I've
           | never fully bought that that is a problem--a library is going
           | to have an API that will require reading documentation. Maybe
           | the one example that goes off the wire is RSpec (I'm really
           | used to it now but I'm really enjoying going back to good ol'
           | `assert` in `ExUnit`). In terms of keeping it idiomatic with
           | the business logic, library can (and in my opinion always
           | should) be wrapped. I may be missing the point or being
           | reductive here, though, and I would be interested to hear
           | more about your particular pain if you're willing to share!
           | ...and of course if you are talking about using meta-
           | programming to write business logic, that's not a thing
           | anyone should ever do for any reason ever, period (IMO).
           | For me the raw speed of writing a highly interactive app in
           | LiveView is unlike anything I've ever experienced. My primary
           | experience is with Rails and React.
             | jrochkind1 wrote:
             | > In terms of syntax flexibility, Ruby has a similar issue
             | where a lot of popular libs implement their own DSLs.
             | Of course in ruby, nobody is actually adding _new syntax_ ,
             | although that's a common misconception. Ruby DSL's are
             | still just ordinary syntax for method calls and block
             | parameters, there's no new syntax at all. Sometimes it can
             | look like it, maybe because ruby method calls don't require
             | parentheses? But no library truly adds syntax to ruby, they
             | just define methods that can be called.
             | I am not familiar with elixir, I am curious if what we're
             | talking about is an ability in elixir to truly add new
             | syntax, or something more like Ruby so-called "DSLs".
               | josevalim wrote:
               | Correct. You can't add new syntax to Elixir either.
               | FWIW, the meta-programming models are very distinct.
               | Elixir's is based on AST and it works at compile-time
               | (like Lisp but without reader macros). For example,
               | imagine you want to do your html markup in Elixir, you
               | could do this (but don't!):                   html do
               | title "hello world"                body do
               | ...           end         end
               | In the above, `html` would be a macro that looks at the
               | structure of the code and transforms it into something at
               | compilation time. The macro must exist before being
               | invoked and it has to literally surround the code it
               | changes. Once the code compiles, you can't change it.
               | Ruby's meta-programming is runtime-based. So the same
               | example above would likely be implemented by calling
               | methods on an object, either pre-defined ones or using
               | method_missing, as you execute the code. In Ruby you can
               | also define (or redefine) methods at any time and it
               | affects the whole runtime.
               | Both languages also have a similar ability to meta-
               | program a class (in Ruby) or a module (in Elixir). Think
               | Rails' resource macro in a router. But Elixir modules are
               | closed, in contrast to Ruby classes. Many times this is
               | what people refer to as DSLs, even though the term DSL in
               | itself is more general. Python has similar abilities too.
               | PS: you are certainly aware of the Ruby bits but I went
               | for completeness to be a reference for others. :)
               | sodapopcan wrote:
               | > Of course in ruby, nobody is actually adding new
               | syntax, although that's a common misconception.
               | This is the argument I usually use for anyone who has a
               | problem with it yet if they've already decided they don't
               | like it, it doesn't do much to pursued them. On the other
               | hand, being able to rewrite operators in Ruby does take
               | it a bit in that direction--While not strictly new
               | syntax, changing the meaning of an operator can really
               | throw people off. As an example in the standard library,
               | there is `Dir[]`. `Dir[]` is a shortcut to `Dir.glob`.
               | Sure, it's technically doing some kind of access, but
               | everyone knows it as hash access and certainly aren't
               | accustom to passing a pattern to it. Elixir libs do stuff
               | like this.
               | And I'm sorry, I don't know if can actually add new
               | syntax in Elixir, but you can certainly change the
               | meaning of existing syntax (as in Ruby).
       | emerongi wrote:
       | Last year, I deployed a system consisting of 4 Elixir
       | applications, and recently added a new one built with LiveView,
       | which took 2 days to write (1 of which was more of a learning
       | day). I also built some helper services that are used in other
       | projects. Phoenix nicely fits the microservice as well as the
       | full-stack use-case.
       | LiveView is a bit of a game-breaker for me. Most of my job is
       | writing CRUD apps and you just can't beat LiveView on that turf.
       | Unless you have some super complex interactivity in your app or
       | are a unicorn planning to scale to infinity, I don't see a reason
       | to use another stack. If the web weren't so terrible and just
       | plain old, we could have even better solutions, but this is the
       | best for now.
       | chasers wrote:
       | Thanks Jose! I picked up Elixir as my first language and have
       | really enjoyed it.
       | hbiden2020 wrote:
       | Hunter Biden is a child rapist and deserves to be shot in the
       | fucking head!
       | likortera wrote:
       | Meanwhile te company I work for is moving away from it. We cannot
       | find enough people with enough knowledge to be already productive
       | in it. Not many want to learn it because it is considered pretty
       | niche, and the ones willing to learn will need many months or
       | years to be productive and build with some level of quality, and
       | once they learn they move away to bigger companies which pay
       | more. We end up paying to people to learn to then "graduate" and
       | we end up with a platform built by people that were learning.
       | Some people here say the tooling is great. Compared to what? The
       | editor plugins are terrible, slow, and blow away your CPU doing
       | god knows what kind of indexing. Compilation is slow and takes a
       | lot of time (in CI for example). Libraries for things you give
       | for granted in other platforms (java, javascript, python, ruby)
       | are non existent, implemented in erlang, unmantained, poorly
       | documented, not popular enough, or a combination of these.
       | People are using it for creating traditional CRUD apps, and it is
       | totally overkill. Something you would do in a day with django or
       | ruby on rails takes a lot of time. Ok, you have tons of
       | concurrency and scaling and.....but... unless you are facebook or
       | google or amazon you won't need this anyway.
       | Probably all of these things will be solved in the future, but at
       | this moment, using Elixir for real production code in product
       | focused companies is just a terrible mistake in my opinion.
       | Certainly the ideas, the technology, and the BEAM are
       | awesome...and it is technically superior to everything I've seen
       | out there. But from a business perspective, it makes no sense to
       | use it unless you're building the next whatsapp or similar.
         | didibus wrote:
         | Hey, thanks for providing your personal feedback.
         | Could you provide a little bit more context around where it's
         | coming from so I know how to interpret it?
         | Are you someone who recently joined this company and is now
         | having to learn Elixir? If so, are you finding it difficult?
         | Has it been taking you months or years to learn it and still
         | feel like you don't know it well enough? How long have you
         | spent trying to learn?
         | Or are you someone who knows Elixir very well and has worked at
         | the company for a long time doing Elixir work and you're
         | observing the struggle to find new junior hires that are
         | willing to learn it and finding it hard to teach it to them? It
         | be nice if you could tell us the number of years of experience
         | you have with Beam and Elixir as well.
         | Thanks
         | [deleted]
         | cpursley wrote:
         | > once they learn they move away to bigger companies which pay
         | more
         | Maybe consider paying your people more or moving to a better
         | company?
           | likortera wrote:
           | > Maybe consider paying your people more
           | Salaries are actually pretty good. Not facebook salaries, but
           | good enough and certainly above average. The company can
           | already get very proefficient, experienced developers in Ruby
           | and JavaScript.
           | > moving to a better company?
           | I certainly could. But how does this solve the business
           | problem I'm talking about?
           | The reason I'm not moving to another place and instead
           | helping transition back to normality is because I actually
           | like the company, and my coworkers, and I like to focus on
           | building our product and solve the real problems the company
           | was created for.
           | Elixir can be a great tech (the best) for certain kind of
           | problems. In our case (and any other "CRUD" like web
           | application like 80% of the internet) is an expensive,
           | distracting toy.
             | conradfr wrote:
             | So, totally disinterested question, can you name those
             | companies paying well for Elixir in Europe? :)
             | Otherwise I agree with a good part of your post. For CRUD
             | work I feel way more productive with PHP/Symfony than with
             | Elixir/Phoenix, especially for outputting HTML. Part of it
             | is the DX with the templating and type hinting but also the
             | unbeatable amount of libraries and manpower behind the
             | language and framework.
             | Otherwise the plugin for Jetbrain's IDEs works OK for me
             | (but again it can't beat the Symfony plugin with PHPStorm
             | features).
         | jswny wrote:
         | > and the ones willing to learn will need many months or years
         | to be productive
         | That's interesting. I've been doing Elixir for a while and
         | found it almost overwhelmingly simple. As in, I'd do something
         | in a very simple way which would usually take me a lot longer
         | and have to think whether it was actually right because I'm not
         | used to that.
         | I recently learned Go and I think it was only slightly more
         | difficult to learn than elixir. I could see having trouble if
         | you have never done functional before, but that's kind of a
         | separate issue. The language itself is tiny.
         | OTP is one thing that can take a bit of getting used to. But
         | again, I think that's only for people who are only used to
         | traditional threading methods of concurrency, which is again a
         | separate issue. OTP and the actor model themselves are dead
         | simple in terms of how to use them.
         | > The editor plugins are terrible, slow, and blow away your CPU
         | doing god knows what kind of indexing
         | Without even looking I already know what this is. You are using
         | ElixirLS and you are hitting the Dialyzer PLT generation which
         | is needed for type assistance. Elixir LS gives you a pop-up (at
         | least in VSCode) telling you that it's building the PLT and it
         | might take a while. You can disable this if you really want.
         | Most importantly it ONLY RUNS ONE TIME. So, if you've already
         | generated the PLT for a project, it will NEVER run again until
         | you upgrade Elixir or something major. Other than that, I
         | rarely ever see Elixir LS taking up any noticeable CPU.
         | > Compilation is slow and takes a lot of time Yes it does.
         | However, you can just cache the _build/ directory in CI. Then
         | it will act like it does locally, only recompiling what has
         | changed and doing it very quickly. Usually, dependencies will
         | not need to be recompiled if they haven't changed.
         | Also, testing in Elixir is crazy fast and everything runs
         | nicely async by default, even database tests with Ecto.
         | mwcampbell wrote:
         | Just curious, what is your company moving to, and are you far
         | enough into the transition to verify that productivity and
         | retention are better with the new language?
         | s3cur3 wrote:
         | I don't say this to dismiss your experience, but just to share
         | a counterexample:
         | I found Elixir _extremely_ easy to learn (despite having no
         | Ruby experience, nor any significant experience in any
         | functional languages). I went through the (excellent) official
         | tutorial in a couple days, skimmed parts of Sasa Juric 's book,
         | and felt reasonably confident diving in to actually writing
         | code. Within a couple weeks I felt like I "got" OTP and
         | idiomatic Elixir.
         | I do agree that, at least for somebody who uses Intellij IDEs
         | exclusively, the lack of good first-party support sucks. I do
         | most of my debugging via unit tests and "printf" because the
         | Intellij Elixir plugin's interpreted mode is just too slow for
         | the debugger to be useful to me.
           | wmock wrote:
           | I have found Elixir as a whole to be amazing, but the
           | debugging process to be painful. Maybe its because I'm used
           | to using Chrome's developer tools (since I mostly debug
           | JavaScript), but I really wish that debugging on Elixir could
           | be simpler. Using printf's is just too painful and feels
           | backwards.
             | strzibny wrote:
             | Debugging in IEx is actually quite nice
             | (https://nts.strzibny.name/elixir-interactive-shell-iex/),
             | but I agree that GUI-wise there is nothing I want to use.
         | dimgl wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing your experience. I love Elixir, but I have
         | yet to find a way to be truly productive with it. Funnily
         | enough I had a very similar experience with Go.
         | * It was very hard for our startup to find any Go developers.
         | * The Go language server would very often cause massive CPU
         | spikes.
         | * At the time I was using it, the community support in Go was
         | really, really bad.
         | I'm sure things have changed a bit, but there are always
         | growing pains when choosing a niche technology.
         | desmondmonster wrote:
         | It sounds like you're recruiting from a pool of junior
         | developers and convincing them to use Elixir instead of
         | attracting folks who are already interested in the language.
         | Not only is that community sizable, but it's experienced-
         | surveys of attendees at my conference (https://empex.co)
         | consistently show that 50% have >5 years and 30% have >10 years
         | in the industry.
         | Elixirists really are senior developers and Elixir is usually
         | their fourth or fifth language. If it's taking your hires years
         | to get up to speed, then I would look at your hiring practices
         | before blaming the community.
         | As for libraries, I challenge anyone to name an unmet
         | dependency in Elixir that is 1) trivial to implement and 2) not
         | for some niche application.
         | My company has built a scalable platform with 3 engineers. I
         | don't even think about maintenance, I just think about
         | delivering new features. So business wins are higher velocity +
         | lower hosting costs + less downtime + senior team. You don't
         | need to be WhatsApp to appreciate those benefits.
           | likortera wrote:
           | The folks you're talking about are a lot more expensive (in
           | Europe at least) than the equivalent folks for more
           | traditional platforms.
           | Again, and without centering ourselves in pure technical and
           | our own careers and CVs. How does that help the business?.
           | Regarding to libraries, there's not much to discuss.
           | Just look at the number of available packages as right now:
           | rubygems: 164,235 (source: https://rubygems.org/stats) NPM:
           | millions (source:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Npm_(software)) PyPI: 283,519
           | (source: https://pypi.org/) HEX:: 12 252
           | I'm pretty sure I can find more than one package I'll miss.
           | > My company has built a scalable platform with 3 engineers.
           | I don't even think about maintenance, I just think about
           | delivering new features. So business wins are higher velocity
           | + lower hosting costs + less downtime + senior team. You
           | don't need to be WhatsApp to appreciate those benefits.
           | Hosting costs are a lot cheaper for us than developer's time.
           | Downtime has never been an issue given "cloud" (docker based)
           | infrastructure. The productivity part is something we're not
           | seeing to be any better than with more traditional
           | technology, and the reason we're moving away.
           | I wonder if what your team of 3 people is building couldn't
           | have been built with just one engineer and ruby on rails at
           | the expense of paying for two more servers.
             | desmondmonster wrote:
             | Ironically, Europe has a higher concentration of Elixirists
             | given Erlang was invented there. My hiring attitude is that
             | paying for senior developers is cheaper in the long run
             | given their ability to make better decisions.
             | > I wonder if what your team of 3 people is building
             | couldn't have been built with just one engineer and ruby on
             | rails at the expense of paying for two more servers.
             | Emphatically no. Having more servers costs more than just
             | hosting, there's maintenance, orchestration, and
             | communications complexity.
             | While other package ecosystems certainly have _more_
             | packages, the question is: how many of those will you
             | actually use?
               | sodapopcan wrote:
               | Ooo, I'd also mention that there often isn't a need for a
               | lib. For example, as outlined in The Little Ecto
               | Cookbook, it's trivial to build a small fixtures
               | framework--the API is two one-liner functions! Sure, it's
               | missing a few things, but I've been using it on my own
               | project and have not missed anything provided by
               | dedicated fixtures lib.
               | sodapopcan wrote:
               | > While other package ecosystems certainly have _more_
               | packages, the question is: how many of those will you
               | actually use?
               | Exactly. Saying NPM has millions of packages is
               | completely misleading. There will be 20, 30, 40 packages
               | that all do the same thing.
               | Elixir is also a very stable language with no current
               | plans for a 2.0 release. This means that while a lot of
               | Hex packages may not have been updated in a while, they
               | are still rock solid. I agree that this is a very hard
               | thing to get used to since the first thing I always do is
               | looked at the last commit date and then the number of
               | stars. While this is still useful, it doesn't hold the
               | same weight it does in other ecosystems. Personally, I
               | think this is how it should be.
               | I won't say that the Elixir ecosystem is perfect, though.
               | There has been trouble with maintainers leaving projects,
               | but to knowledge someone always steps up.
               | gangstead wrote:
               | > Exactly. Saying NPM has millions of packages is
               | completely misleading. There will be 20, 30, 40 packages
               | that all do the same thing.
               | And the one with the obvious name hasn't been updated in
               | 18 months. Maybe it's complete. Maybe the developer has
               | moved on. Then there are a couple half hearted forks. All
               | of these dependencies bring in 1 to 100 dependencies each
               | and you have to spend a days on the treadmill every month
               | or two to keep things updated.
               | I loved Node development despite the packaging mess but I
               | really appreciate how the Elixir community tends to
               | coalesce around key libraries/frameworks/methodologies
               | and focus on making them the best possible.
               | sodapopcan wrote:
               | And of course so many packages are just adding basic
               | functionality to JavaScript that is available in most
               | other languages' standard libraries.
               | KallDrexx wrote:
               | Is that a Node specific problem though? I have elixir
               | packages up on Hex that I haven't maintained or looked at
               | in years. In fact, I'm pretty sure they are buggy but
               | since no one is using them I'm not worried about it.
               | sodapopcan wrote:
               | There are packages on Hex that haven't been updated in a
               | long time but still work perfectly (Canada, for example:
               | https://github.com/jarednorman/canada). Elixir itself
               | doesn't change much... in fact there's no plans for a 2.0
               | on the horizon, so the fact that packages don't change
               | often isn't a big deal if they still do what they say
               | they do and aren't hurting for more features.
         | amattn wrote:
         | Anecdotally, having managed elixir teams and talked to other
         | managers of elixir teams:
         | - The learning curve is real. but 2-6 months for us, not years.
         | It's not particularly hard, just longer than a small language
         | like go.
         | - Having Ruby and/or functional programming experience shortens
         | that learning curve.
         | - Developer experience/satisfaction is very high. This helps
         | retention
         | - Some devs will just never "get/grok" Elixir. They may have 20
         | years of java experience or a new dev better suited to a FE
         | role. This doesn't mean they are bad, just not a great fit.
         | - The devs that do get it? They are quite productive. Feature
         | velocity is high.
         | I disagree that Elixir/Phoenix isn't a fit for CRUD apps. I'm
         | seeing high feature velocity across small and large scale
         | products.
         | In particular, feature velocity per engineer is quite high. A
         | smaller team in Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView can outpace a similar
         | full stack team.
       | mattcantstop wrote:
       | Elixir's tooling is so good. The documentation is readable by a
       | human, you can jump in and get information at any time. They
       | focus on the developer experience, and it's one of the most
       | compelling reasons why I love the language/ecosystem so much.
       | strzibny wrote:
       | Sometimes I think to myself, why bother to submit things to HN?
       | Everytime I submit something (and recheck twice I am first),
       | nothing happens... until someone else resubmits the same thing.
       | I submitted this one 2 days ago when it was fresh.
       | Can anyone tell me how this works here?
         | conradfr wrote:
         | Luck, timing, friends...
         | Kototama wrote:
         | You need to submit when california takes its breakfast!
         | 1_player wrote:
         | (I'm the submitter)
         | There is an art to it, and I just got lucky. I saw someone had
         | posted it yesterday and it got no attention. I reposted it in
         | case it went better and it did.
         | Usually HN doesn't let you repost, but in some cases it does if
         | the original article flew under the radar and didn't get much
         | attention.
         | As an Elixir fan, I wanted this important milestone for the
         | language to get more than a couple points.
       | rrosztoczy wrote:
       | Congratulations on the anniversary, and thank you for such a
       | wonderful language and community!
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