[HN Gopher] Ask HN: What are you working on?
       Ask HN: What are you working on?
       Hi HN, I'm curious to see what cool things everyone's building.
       What side projects are you developing? What are you applying to HN
       Author : dvt
       Score  : 79 points
       Date   : 2021-01-14 21:50 UTC (1 hours ago)
       | RickS wrote:
       | At home: Experimental tools that connect max/msp(ableton) and
       | arduino (LED control).
       | Think highly general max patches that automatically export
       | realtime audio, midi, and automation data to a central hub, with
       | a GUI that allows you to assign that data to visual properties
       | that are then sent to a neat LED setup I've built. Akin to the
       | mod table in a synthesizer like serum/thor, but with all of
       | ableton's data on one side, and a light show on the other.
       | I started building this in react out of familiarity, and because
       | I really want the visual feedback, but this has introduced 100ms+
       | of round trip latency, which is enough to break the effect. It
       | has to go max -> JS runtime within max -> socket.io listener ->
       | react app -> listener -> arduino, which is goofy as hell. Trying
       | to figure out a lighter, faster stack for this without having to
       | learn both a new language and domain in tandem.
       | I'd love examples of projects in this space, if anyone has
       | favorites.
       | At work: A GUI/IDE/DSL for cross platform design system
       | management, to service one of the largest design systems in the
       | world.
       | We (Adobe) are about to start hiring an additional technologist
       | to work on this. Potentially relevant experience: typescript,
       | cross-platform UI dev, building version control systems, graph
       | DBs?, visual programming (scratch, nodebased, etc), anything
       | related to IDE dev or expansive config management tooling. That's
       | off the top of my head, don't take the list too seriously. My
       | email is psteele@, feel free to drop a line and I'll hang onto
       | your info, but won't promise anything beyond a "we'll see in a
       | bit". I'm not the hiring manager, just the primary IC.
       | dceddia wrote:
       | I'm making a video editor that removes silence from videos. After
       | creating a bunch of code screencasts, I've found most of my
       | editing time is spent manually cutting out chunks of silence, and
       | it's always felt like a job the computer should be doing.
       | So I'm making a native Mac app to do it for me. It's in private
       | beta right now, and feedback has been good so far!
       | I'm hoping to hoping to get it launched in the next few weeks.
       | Aiming for a minimal useful feature set initially - recording the
       | screen, removing silence, and exporting (either an edited video,
       | or the timeline of cuts, to enable editing in
       | Resolve/Premiere/ScreenFlow), and I'll build up from there.
       | https://getrecut.com
       | corytheboyd wrote:
       | A near real-time peer-to-peer piano keyboard visualizer for
       | remote music lessons. Peer 1 plays their keyboard, and the midi
       | data is sent to Peer 2 where a keyboard animates and sound
       | optionally plays.
       | Got the idea after starting piano lessons about 5 months ago.
       | It's all over zoom, which works surprisingly well for music
       | lessons on its own, but it's difficult rigging a camera to show
       | the remote person what you're doing on the keyboard, as well as
       | getting the sound to come through (if you don't have a nice audio
       | interface). There is still the issue of communicating finger
       | position, not quite sure how to solve that one yet, or if it
       | really even warrants a technical solution (again, you also have
       | zoom to just communicate verbally, works okay for fingering)
       | The keyboard I use to animate playback is a 3D model which
       | communicates the flow of playback surprisingly well, it's at
       | least a pretty cool accomplishment on its own!
       | I'll launch it with a Show HN one of these days, within a month
       | or two is the goal!
       | krmmalik wrote:
       | I'm working on building an app via smart contracts that helps
       | people do Qirad. Qirad is finance without collateral or equity
       | stake. It was instrumental in helping to create a flourishing
       | economy during the Italian Renaissance but has since been
       | forgotten.
       | I'm a non-coder that's currently learning DAML and React.
       | twiclo wrote:
       | Me and a friend have been working on a game that I describe as
       | "Factorio but for programming". Essentially you're an AI who's
       | mission is to mine every resource from a planet. To keep things
       | efficient you start out small and have limited processing power.
       | You're only able to run an assembly like language that we've
       | developed. As you get more resources you can research new things
       | like functions, variables, type arguments, whatever. We plan for
       | there to be a tech tree so you can choose to build out a language
       | that's not strict similar to JS or you can go the try hard route
       | and build something like Haskell. You build bots that mine,
       | explore, hunt, etc and each bot is a computer running their own
       | script. We plan on there being battles you have to script around
       | and even things like setting up your own network so you can have
       | robots call home when they're out in the field.
       | I still need to think of a good name for it though.
         | myartsev wrote:
         | This is intriguing! Do you have a website / mailinglist / etc
         | for those wanting to follow along?
         | koeng wrote:
         | Got a link or website? Sounds like a fun game.
       | danaliv wrote:
       | I designed and built an airport weather sensor network. Output is
       | available here: https://davidsen.aero/awas/kgbr/
       | (Still working on vis, sky condition, and present weather.)
       | As you can see by some missing data on the graphs, it's not
       | always available. But the sensors are carefully selected to
       | perform to FAA standards. It's been really fun putting together a
       | high-precision, distributed system (packet radio data links) that
       | can withstand the outdoors.
       | willmeyers wrote:
       | I'm making a job board for local businesses to post listings as
       | well as for people to find jobs working for small businesses.
       | It's mainly for a portfolio piece, but I'm having fun making it.
       | I'm also going through and implementing this paper
       | https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.06610.pdf
       | bambax wrote:
       | I've spent the last two weeks making an Arduino-based "air" MIDI
       | controller. Kind of like a theremin but with cheap sonar modules
       | (distance sensors like they use on toy cars).
       | It's incredibly fun to play. It's not accurate enough to control
       | a pitch with precision but for a controller, to drive filters,
       | modulators, etc. it's perfect.
       | Also, my kids love to play with it -- not in a "musical" way but
       | to control the music while they dance. It's a way of using it I
       | hadn't anticipated and it's super nice to see them do it.
         | AlwaysBCoding wrote:
         | this sounds cool, do you have a video of it somewhere?
           | bambax wrote:
           | Not yet, no but I will! ;-)
       | hoten wrote:
       | A few months ago I spent a week of my vacation reverse
       | engineering Zelda Classic[1], an awesome tool made by Zelda fans
       | which has many awesome custom-made Zelda-like games made in it.
       | I'm a web guy, so that's my medium of choice. I called it Quest
       | Maker[2].
       | The game repo isn't public (haven't figured out what I want to do
       | with this...), but here's the tool I made for converting the
       | binary quest datafiles to JSON[3].
       | Particularly interesting to me was extracting the sound data from
       | the datafile to recreate a MIDI file, and then using a WASM
       | library to play it in on the web.
       | There is also a gnarly encoding to the datafile, so I had to
       | compile the Zelda Classic datafile loading code and employ cython
       | so the bytes aren't just gibberish.
       | [1] https://www.zeldaclassic.com/
       | [2] https://hoten.cc/quest-maker/play/
       | [3] https://github.com/connorjclark/zquest-data
       | flixic wrote:
       | "Obsessively private messaging app", that will be available at
       | silent.app. In many ways a LOT more secure (and much less user
       | friendly, alas) than Signal. I expect that maybe 3 people in the
       | world will need that. If you're interested, reach out to me, I
       | have a private alpha available.
       | crazypython wrote:
       | A multiplayer browser game with a fresh start every time, that's
       | easy to learn and easy to start having fun, doesn't guilt you
       | into playing (healthy long-term relationship with the player),
       | and has lots of replay value: http://vnav.io
       | Last time we got feedback from HN:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25704597
       | 13415 wrote:
       | A virtual 80s supercomputing Lisp machine from a parallel
       | universe, including hi res graphics, P2P-based "Z3S5 Net" with
       | its own markup and browser, and a comprehensive help system:
       | https://z3s5.com/
       | The machine and its Z3S5 Lisp are working fine, but the page is
       | just a placeholder for now. There is nothing to download yet.
       | seism wrote:
       | Tools for campaigns to improve the urban experience through
       | crowdsourcing, ML & HCD.
       | xrisk wrote:
       | Reading a bunch of computational social science papers and trying
       | to figure out whether pivoting into social science halfway
       | through a CS degree was a wise choice :)
       | In general: trying to figure out if academia is worth it or
       | whether I should go join a startup afterwards :P
       | ihinsdale wrote:
       | An app for sharing and discovering culture of all kinds (creative
       | works, events, and places): Giraf (https://giraf.app)
       | jacques_chester wrote:
       | Current main side project is a website, "Theory of Predictable
       | Software". I want to try and pull together a lot of threads of
       | thought I've had piling up over the past few years: engineering
       | psychology, microeconomics with specific focus on public goods,
       | collective action problems and institutional economics generally,
       | statistical process and quality control, systems dynamics and
       | bunch of other buzzwords worthy of tweet-bragging.
       | So expect that to land any century now.
       | tjkrusinski wrote:
       | A file receiving service. I edit videos and more often than not,
       | people don't have space in their dropbox or google drive to send
       | me large files.
       | Madry let's me send people a web page that they can upload files
       | to. I pay for the storage, they don't need an account.
       | https://madry.app
       | h3rald wrote:
       | These days I keep tinkering with min (https://min-lang.org). It
       | is a small but fairly batteries-included concatenative
       | programming language I've been working on for years.
       | Not many people use it of course, and it's not going to ever
       | become mainstream, but I am using it everyday to perform small
       | tasks and also more recently even to build small APIs for other
       | personal projects. Plus I find that working on your own
       | programming language is a very rewarding experience, and it
       | stimulates creative thinking.
       | I actually go through phases... I have a few open source projects
       | I keep coming back to every few months to fix issues, add small
       | (or big) features, tweaks etc. the most notable ones are listed
       | on my personal page (https://cevasco.org) -- it almost feels like
       | I have my own very quirky and opinionated software ecosystem :)
       | [deleted]
       | laurent123456 wrote:
       | I'm trying to get Joplin Server[0] to production-ready status.
       | Mostly doing a lot of refactoring to clean up the code and add
       | test units at the moment, and learning how to best package and
       | distribute a server using Docker.
       | 0: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin
       | polote wrote:
       | A knowledge managment software, much better than Jira, Notion and
       | alike. As being a knowledge base will be the only goal!
       | Let me know if you want to be notified when released
       | RubenvanE wrote:
       | I'm building some projects to slow the internet down.
       | 1. A less addictive Hacker News (https://hackerdaily.io)
       | 2. A brief overview of yesterday's world events
       | (https://abriefoverviewofyesterday.com)
       | masonhipp wrote:
       | I'm working on a game builder to make remote team events more fun
       | -- imagine a trivia or Jackbox-style game customized specifically
       | for your company or team. The UI is mirrored after a
       | presentation/slide builder (e.g. Powerpoint) but you can add all
       | sorts of deeper interactions like multiple choice questions,
       | vote-for-your-favorite-answer games, and even image uploads.
       | It's called Slides with Friends: https://slideswith.com
       | As you might expect this started as a pandemic side project, but
       | it's since turned into a full-fledged company and we've had lots
       | of demand to solve the very real and very difficult problem of
       | creating team connection/cohesion remotely.
       | Message me if you're interested in this space, I'd love to talk!
       | jsherer wrote:
       | I'm working on the next version of JS8Call[1], a digital mode for
       | amateur radio, that enhances the mode by using some of the latest
       | RF research (LTE/5GNR/Turbo Codes/Polar Coding) for sending
       | reliable messages over weak signals/links.
       | [1]: http://js8call.com/
       | fwsgonzo wrote:
       | I am working on ultra-low latency emulation. I have a RISC-V
       | emulator (https://github.com/fwsGonzo/libriscv) that I am
       | creating to fork itself really fast and use almost no working
       | memory. Programs can make do with 64kb memory, which includes the
       | emulator itself and everything it uses.
       | https://cloud.nwcs.no/index.php/s/iP6aYJaoBtXbbqM
       | Those measurements are from a production environment, meaning
       | these numbers are very real! In a synthetic benchmark the fork
       | happens at just ~200 nanoseconds, and it's really a meaningless
       | number.
       | rafaelturk wrote:
       | Instant Payments Pix[1] & Fed Now[2]
       | -[1] https://openpix.com.br/ -[2] http://openfednow.com/
       | momothereal wrote:
       | A social media website for music enthusiasts. Not the first to
       | build this, but we (1 software dev and 1 graphic designer) hope
       | to bring something new to the table that other sites like
       | Last.fm, RYM and Reddit don't. We have 3,500 users and gaining
       | about a dozen per day. ~300 DAU and ~1500 MAU.
       | Right now you can sign up and connect your Spotify account. It
       | will automatically record your listening history to build a music
       | profile, which we'll expand on in the future. You can add people
       | as friends, comment on other people's profiles. We're working on
       | supporting other streaming services and building a reliable
       | revenue model.
       | https://wavy.fm
       | outcoldman wrote:
       | I have decided to work this year more on the macOS applications,
       | started with the tools I always wanted and use all the time.
       | Pretty proud of building a true Open Links, Mails, Files in any
       | apps application, that just combines all the features you need in
       | one.
       | So right now working on the update. SwiftUI can be annoying, but
       | adding support for TouchBar, better keyboard navigation, and more
       | https://loshadki.app/openin/
       | marktolson wrote:
       | A minimalistic web host that supports serverless functions. Just
       | create an account and you have an entire sub domain to work
       | freely in. No projects, no deployments, no git, no cli, just
       | create files, folders / routes and functions and away you go.
       | StriverGuy wrote:
       | Trying really hard to scale a newsletter/resource/community site
       | in the startup space with a former colleague of mine. Some of you
       | may have seen it around here already:
       | https://boringstartupstuff.com.
       | maxmcd wrote:
       | An alternative to Nix that uses Starlark (python syntax) instead
       | of a purely functional programming language:
       | https://github.com/maxmcd/bramble
       | I struggled to climb the steep learning curve of Nix/NixOS and
       | wondered what it would be like with a more familiar (to me)
       | syntax.
       | It's been very rewarding to write. I was able to implement some
       | ideas from the initial Nix paper that aren't present in Nix. Nix
       | is also quite dependent on the use of the /nix/store path, but I
       | was able to allow a user to use almost any path for their build
       | store without sacrificing on the potential for a shared build
       | cache. I also want to have                   - better native
       | support for things like building docker images         - better
       | dependency management         - no build daemon         - etc...
       | I'm currently implementing sandboxing and finalizing some of the
       | build structure, but hoping it'll be usable sometime soon.
       | Kaze404 wrote:
       | I'm making a web app that aims to aid people in crafting on the
       | game Final Fantasy XIV. I wrote a small piece about it here:
       | https://leite.dev/posts/manipulation-app/
       | harrisreynolds wrote:
       | I've been working on WeBase [1] for a year now and am happy with
       | how the platform is coming along.
       | It is a No-code platform for building web applications without
       | writing code. This space is starting to get crowded but there are
       | still relatively few solutions that allow you to create custom
       | data models AND custom views/web pages etc. Most tools do one or
       | the other but not both.
       | WeBase does reasonably well at both. Plus now we can deploy No-
       | code apps to Netlify to give users global infrastructure with a
       | really easy tool to build with.
       | Check it out! :-)
       | [1] https://www.webase.com
       | r34 wrote:
       | I'm working on a Polish dictionary. There are already
       | professional dictionaries online but I miss one feature: to be
       | able to search in definitions. It's also scrabble oriented, so
       | words come with anagrams and so on.
       | franze wrote:
       | _ https://share.securrr.app/ secure document sharing for mobile
       | devices
       | xwdv wrote:
       | Still tinkering with a static blog generator.
       | roboben wrote:
       | https://permapeople.org
       | A platform consisting of a plant database, marketplace and (soon)
       | a garden planner and log to research, grow, harvest, trade
       | surplus and share knowledge.
       | If you are into growing plants for food and other human use and
       | doing this in a regenerative way (for example with Permaculture
       | principles) then you should check it out.
       | Currently working on a concept for the MVP for the garden
       | planner.
       | gyanamo wrote:
       | building a platform/brand where artists can transform their work
       | into apparel, and earn a fair share!: museema.com
       | megzh wrote:
       | Building a URL shortener that looks to do a lot more than the
       | current offerings. I've found it a solid way to use old/random
       | domains I've had and keep shared content up-to-date. Its live at
       | https://fixed.link/ - I'd love feedback (its free to use, even
       | without a registered account).
       | th33ngineer wrote:
       | A C++ implementation of minesweeper (with no assets except for
       | the font used for the numbers). I've been writing C++
       | professionally for 4 years now but I'm looking to familiarize
       | myself with parts of the language I haven't used before.
       | talkinghead wrote:
       | https://www.oceanwaves.io
       | make beats with friends in your web browser
         | arendtio wrote:
         | Looks awesome.
         | I wish there were strings and trumpets available.
           | talkinghead wrote:
           | thanks! will add some string and trumpet samples just for
           | you.
           | been plenty of iterations over the past year or so, has been
           | p cool to see people jamming on it between all corners of the
           | world during the lockdown(s)
           | hope they danced
       | gvido wrote:
       | I'm working for a browser-based app for electronic musicians to
       | jam together online (not real-time, I think I found a compromise)
       | Funny how I didn't anticipate that the biggest obstacles to
       | launching it will be my own mind, in the form of imposter
       | syndrome and insecurity. That, and the lockdowns have been a bit
       | rough. Almost there though, and a lot of lessons learned. I
       | assume there's probably some more lessons in actually getting the
       | first users coming up next, but I'll cross that bridge when I get
       | there I guess :)
         | stevenschmatz wrote:
         | I've been wanting this for YEARS. Can I be a beta tester? :)
         | seism wrote:
         | +1 to the idea, and the obstacles, which I deeply sympathise
         | with. You've got a couple of potential users here already. Rock
         | on!
       | jeppesen-io wrote:
       | Spend the week to learn and build my Nix[OS] environments for
       | full time use. Nix on my Macbook and NixOS on my Asus G14
       | https://github.com/NelsonJeppesen/nix-home-manager
       | kureikain wrote:
       | A service to forward email from your custom domain to your
       | personal domain with some extra features such as webhook.
       | All you have to do point MX records to my service and start
       | forward email. Add webhook and you can have cool thing such as
       | email to comment, email to upload.
       | Right now I'm trying to enhance production setup, improve spam
       | filtering before my public launch.
       | ---
       | https://hanami.run my app if you are curious
         | pryelluw wrote:
         | I like the email as JSON feature. Good stuff
       | moehm wrote:
       | I was curious what HN may find interesting, so I used upvoted or
       | discussed articles from Wikipedia as a proxy and build
       | https://www.mostdiscussed.com/about. All articles are structured
       | and categorized to get a better overview. (Unsurprisingly
       | computing was on the top, but then it might get interesting.)
       | allthingstim wrote:
       | MeetInOne, a Mac app for Google Meet with lots of additional
       | features (dark mode, picture-in-picture etc):
       | https://apps.apple.com/de/app/meetinone-for-google-meet/id15...
       | Launched in December and currently at about ~75k downloads
       | paulryanrogers wrote:
       | Browser Routr to intercept links within a browser to open in
       | another.
       | https://PaulRRogers.com/product/browser-routr
       | lcnmrn wrote:
       | I'm working on new features for https://subreply.com social
       | network/forum.
       | zeroxfe wrote:
       | https://pitchy.ninja -- An online vocal and ear trainer using
       | real-time pitch detection.
         | cinntaile wrote:
         | This doesn't load without disabling ublock by the way, it's
         | blocking Sentry by default.
       | notretarded wrote:
       | Under NDA. Nice try, FBI.
       | ohazi wrote:
       | What the hell, here are a bunch of half-baked ideas that I
       | haven't made time for because I'm lazy and stressed out and
       | exhausted:
       | 1. Designing a protocol and air interface for an amateur radio
       | cellular network. This started out with some spread spectrum
       | experiments and an interest in low-probability-of-intercept
       | (below the noise floor) communication. The idea I have now is
       | sort of a cross between APRS and DMR using modern modulation
       | techniques. The network would consist of amateur rooftop "cells"
       | with internet connections, and mobile transponders that
       | communicate with those cells. There'd be some sort of callsign or
       | key based addressing scheme and IP-like network topology
       | discovery. Everything will be authenticated. I'd love to have an
       | encrypted mode, but unless the laws change, it probably isn't
       | going to happen.
       | 2. Open-source firmware or gateware implementation of a USB PD
       | controller that supports entering/exiting alternate modes
       | properly. Inspired by Kate Temkin's Luna project [1]. I got the
       | impression that PD was out of scope for LUNA, at least for the
       | time being, but it would be really nice to have both a USB and PD
       | stack that could be integrated onto a small, inexpensive chip
       | without the proprietary mess.
       | [1] https://github.com/greatscottgadgets/luna
       | mseo wrote:
       | https://clips.fm - A tool that converts podcast audio to
       | shareable & social media ready videos.
       | The video creation and the transcoding is all done in the
       | browser, so it was quite a technical challenge. It's far from
       | perfect, but it works and it's improving every day.
         | tjkrusinski wrote:
         | Are you using the ffmpeg wasm thingy?
       | Austin_Conlon wrote:
       | Browser extension for shared Apple TV+ viewing, like those
       | Netflix party extensions and the feature that's now built into
       | Hulu. It's for a remote hackathon, so I figure the scope is good
       | for one day, and it's something I'd use myself.
       | LegitGandalf wrote:
       | A web application that teaches Software Engineering Management
       | theory
         | louisstow wrote:
         | Got a waiting list I can sub to? Sounds interesting
       | louisstow wrote:
       | Working on a platform to collect unstructured security data from
       | a variety of sources and aggregate into structured data that can
       | be queried, monitored and used in various different tools like
       | scanners. No link to show right now though.
       | NicoJuicy wrote:
       | Building an e-commerce platform after having an e-commerce for
       | years.
       | The first one in action is https://belgianbrewed.com and sold to
       | my supplier (also a friend) and he has one of the bigger
       | warehouses here for Belgian beers.
       | I'm now building a couple of b2b's on it and continuing to add
       | features ( eg. partial products, using ML.Net for related
       | products, integration with other software, ...)
       | I'm also trying to migrate my own shop from Woocommerce to it,
       | but haven't had the time yet ( no blog functionality for now).
       | Splitting up the code to DDD has slowed down adding new
       | functionality for now ( a lot is migrated, but not everything).
       | But it should improve development complexity in a later stage.
       | TLDR: It's fun seeing the product come to life
       | kasbah wrote:
       | A platform for sharing electronics projects with a focus on
       | replication (actually building the projects).
       | https://kitspace.org
       | kostarelo wrote:
       | https://www.taskeera.com/: Monitoring background and async jobs
       | from start to finish. Half of the infrastructure and coding is
       | done but I didn't find a big audience so I'm in the process of
       | just open sourcing it.
       | https://presentador.dev: Opinionated presentation framework based
       | on MarkDown.
       | nknealk wrote:
       | Like the Sunday crossword but SQL puzzles instead. Currently
       | working on a back catalog of content and hope to launch later
       | this year.
         | koeng wrote:
         | I'm interested! Do you have a sign up page or something?
       | adamtester wrote:
       | Been working on a Social Network specifically for car
       | enthusiasts, I don't really intend to make money from it, just to
       | try out new technology.
       | Built on Ionic 5, Capacitor, Lambda
       | Feedback welcome!
       | http://overtune.io
       | rvin wrote:
       | Hey all! Built out a passion project app to help podcasters find
       | new listeners.
       | Each podcaster is given a channel with a public facing website
       | for their podcast. To give prospective listeners a taste of an
       | episode, post an audio clip with a key moment (has to be less
       | than 5 minutes long). We take these clips and serve them in a
       | feed of posts for listeners.
       | Example Website: https://jointidbit.com/c/startupadvice
       | App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tidbit-snackable-
       | audio/id14656...
       | Thanks everyone!
       | sideproject wrote:
       | I've been working on Newsy for the past ~8 months.
       | https://www.newsy.co
       | Problem - I had lots of domains I've bought over the years which
       | I never used!
       | Solution - I created a tool to automatically turn these un-used
       | domains into a Reddit-like content aggregator. I wanted it to be
       | fully automated with lots of content + social features (voting,
       | members, newsletters).
       | It's been super fun creating it and also sharing with people who
       | are also using it.
       | Some examples
       | https://www.faithfulnews.com
       | https://www.getinfosec.news
       | https://www.heystartup.com
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | The sound for my Game Boy emulator.
       | A play structure for my kids.
       | A large refactor of my GIS software stack at work to scale for
       | the next ten thousand robots.
       | A diet that's not really a diet but more of a lifestyle change:
       | don't worry about weight or "healthy" choices. Just. Count. The.
       | Calories. Hugely successful one month in.
       | bvlaar wrote:
       | https://www.carboninterface.com ----- Carbon Interface is an API
       | to generate carbon emissions estimates. Right now my API can
       | calculate emissions for flights, driving, shipping and
       | electricity generation.
       | In addition to making the estimates more robust, I am working on
       | having the algorithms behind the estimates certified by
       | international bodies to increase the trust of my API.
         | nexuist wrote:
         | WTF. This is unironically exactly what I need for work right
         | now. Definitely looking into this!
       | dewey wrote:
       | I currently have two projects I'm working on.
       | - https://annoying.technology: A blog about...annoying technology
       | - https://lastcast.fm: A tool to automatically collect which
       | podcasts you are listening to. It gives you statistics, a way to
       | discover new podcasts and the possibility to see what your
       | friends are listening to.
         | iamacyborg wrote:
         | Lastfm for podcasts sounds like a great idea!
           | dewey wrote:
           | Thanks! There's still a lot of work to do, currently the site
           | is also a bit slow as it's running on a small instance and
           | the whole ingestion process of new podcasts is pretty heavy.
       | samuelroth wrote:
       | I'm building Career, a mobile-first resume manager. It's in its
       | early stages but I'm already tentatively using it for my own,
       | hoping to add people to a beta soon.
       | https://twitter.com/thecareerapp
       | justhw wrote:
       | I did a Show HN on monday with https://thumbnail.ai/ got some
       | useful feedback and have been working on it every night.
       | lpellis wrote:
       | Working on https://pagewatch.dev , a tool to find all kinds of
       | website issues. Also a nice excuse to play with hasura and
       | graphql.
       | immnn wrote:
       | I'm working on a gaming deals website that scrapes all the deals
       | from console shops (PlayStation, Switch, Xbox) and then tries to
       | get the games rating from metacriric. The clue is, all the deals
       | are ordered by score.
       | It's German-only, but maybe your interested:
       | https://www.konsolen-deals.de/
       | worker767424 wrote:
       | Trying my hand at algorithmic trading, mostly out of regret
       | minimization. I've sunk in a lot of time, and almost none of it
       | has been on trading models. So far, it's all pretty much data
       | mining, data cleaning, and the infra for it.
       | derekp7 wrote:
       | I have an open source snapshot backup system
       | (https://www.snebu.com) that I've been improving over the years,
       | and after adding public key encryption support I posted to HN and
       | I actually made the front page for once (this was on a Sunday
       | afternoon however).
       | Got some feedback, a couple more contributors sent in pull
       | requests, and based on other feedback I decided to submit a
       | package to Fedora (currently working through their review
       | process). Will try for Debian next.
       | What I'd like to do after getting more traction is put together a
       | cloud based service for either sending backups directly or
       | replicating a local repository to the cloud. I think the best way
       | to go here is to partner with an existing provider instead of
       | starting from scratch.
       | One thing I need to do is work on my elevator pitch, as Snebu
       | often gets compared to smaller single-host backup tools such as
       | rsync-snapshot based ones, or Borg or Restic. Whereas it is more
       | comparable to tools that are intended to back up multiple hosts
       | (Amanda, Bacula), with granular access controls, per-host
       | encryption keys (optional) with site-wide skeleton keys (again
       | optional), and a robust data catalog.
         | koeng wrote:
         | Using SQLite seems like a good way to get around some of the
         | limitations that Restic has. Do you have any benchmarks against
         | Borg and Restic?
         | I'm looking for smaller single-host backup tools. I have
         | approximately a ~1Tb Postgres database I need to backup once a
         | month (that's how often genomic data is released) and I'm a
         | little worried about Restic RAM usage, since I have hit it when
         | backing up a few other files. I'm trying to figure out if snebu
         | would be a good fit for my low-ram machines.
           | derekp7 wrote:
           | In the one case I'm backing up about 60 development / testing
           | VMs (they are based on a handful of RHEL / CentOS versions).
           | The backup speed runs at the speed of my network connection
           | (or the disk that I'm pulling from). For each snapshot, it
           | takes about 2 - 3 minutes to transfer the full file manifest
           | from the client to the Snebu server, and typically my backups
           | are only a few minutes of transferring the modified files.
           | Compared to Borg, Snebu can handle dozens of servers going to
           | the same repository, and does file-level dedplication across
           | clients (since many are based on the same base build, there
           | is a lot of space saving there). However, compression is a
           | bit less because I'm using LZO, and not doing block-level
           | deduplication -- on my test setup I see Snebu taking about 5
           | - 10% more space than Borg on an initial backup (haven't
           | tested Borg on much more than that, but will at some point).
           | Also, compared to Borg and Restic, if you are backing up
           | something with large databases or VM image files, Snebu may
           | not be suitable as it is file-level deduplication instead of
           | block level. However I typically back up VMs from inside the
           | VM (not from the bare metal host), and for databases I do a
           | full hot backup once a week and just do archived redo logs
           | daily.
           | There's documentation on how to create plugin scripts for
           | DB's and the like (with a template script in the docs) -- I'm
           | putting together more examples that handle Oracle,
           | Postgresql, and maybe LVM snapshots specifically.
       | garbanzoPDX wrote:
       | https://kindmind.com/ -- a free online journal with a focus on
       | mental health and wellness.
       | Doesn't generate a dime of income (I mean... it's free, at least
       | for now) but it's a fun project to work on, something I care
       | deeply about, and it helps me keep my skills sharp.
       | r2b2 wrote:
       | Owl Mail [https://owlmail.io]
       | * It's like Privacy.com, but for email.
       | * Create anonymous email addresses. * Owl Mail relays messages to
       | your normal email address. * De-activate an Owl Mail address at
       | anytime to reduce spam, phishing, and malware when a company
       | leaks or sells your Owl Mail address.
         | flixic wrote:
         | Do you plan to support custom domains? I'd like to use
         | random_nonsense@my_own_domain.com, so that even if OwlMail
         | disappears, I can do something about all the mail I would be
         | getting.
           | r2b2 wrote:
           | Yes, but that comes with a caveat -
           | If you use a custom domain (without thousands of users), you
           | lose the anonymity benefit of Owl Mail (the domain itself
           | becomes the identifier). Which means BigCoA and BigCoB can
           | still trade tracking / advertising info on you.
       | jrockway wrote:
       | Many things!
       | jsso2: Identity provider and authenticating proxy for your non-
       | enterprise use cases. WebAuthn only, no passwords! I was tired of
       | typing a password for things like Grafana and PGAdmin, and IP
       | whitelisting my home Internet for things that didn't have built-
       | in authentication. https://github.com/jrockway/jsso2
       | If I were starting from 0 today, I'd just use Dex and Envoy's
       | built-in OAuth support. OAuth is overly complicated, requiring a
       | bunch of configuration for each app, and a ton of code in each
       | app... but it won. So use that.
       | jlog: I read a lot of log files in my day-to-day work and really
       | like the idea of structured logs, but found them hard to read.
       | jlog translates timestamps to my local time zone, lets me query
       | them with jq, etc.: https://github.com/jrockway/json-logs Can't
       | live without it, I use it many times every day, and have even
       | convinced other people to use it without writing any
       | documentation. (There are binary releases and a --help though!)
       | "kubectl jq": I wanted to play with writing Kubernetes plugins,
       | so I made one that is just "kubectl get x -o json | jq". I use it
       | pretty regularly, but the Kubernetes client machinery doesn't
       | give you autocompletion for free, so it's pretty painful to use.
       | When they fix that, I plan to write more kubernetes extensions
       | (including one that invokes jlog on the logs, saving a pipe ;)
       | https://github.com/jrockway/kubectl-jq
       | alertmanager-status: How do you know if your
       | Prometheus/Alertmanager is working? If it breaks, it won't be
       | sending you an alert, after all.
       | https://github.com/jrockway/alertmanager-status
       | ekglue: The good parts of Istio, written by someone who read the
       | xDS spec :P https://github.comjrockway/ekglue
       | For my day job, I work on Pachyderm Hub, which you should totally
       | use if you want to run production-quality data science workloads
       | (data provenance, reproducibility, etc.):
       | https://hub.pachyderm.com/ I could write a lot about it, but
       | basically... we have customers that want to use Pachyderm, but
       | the complexity of Kubernetes stands in their way. How do you
       | store logs? How do you monitor things? How do you give your
       | coworkers access? We solve those problems by letting you click a
       | button in a web UI. (As for why you'd want to use Pachyderm:
       | https://www.pachyderm.com/use-cases/)
       | mfi wrote:
       | https://github.com/maxvfischer/Arthur An AI art installation I
       | built from scratch using a GAN network, Samsung The Frame, a
       | button and a PIR-sensor (including, code, images and tutorial).
       | The installation is basically done. The main draft of the guide
       | is almost done, but quite some polishing to do.
       | https://github.com/maxvfischer/shibusa An automatic Zen Garden
       | drawing infinite patterns in sand. Using stepper motors, inverse
       | kinematics and a Raspberry Pi Zero W (including, code, images and
       | tutorial). I'm almost done building the robot, but still have
       | quite some implementation to do. Also, the guide is far from
       | done, I've mostly uploaded images so far.
         | samirsd wrote:
         | wow that's so cool! do you have any videos of this in action?
           | mfi wrote:
           | Thanks! If I'm able to comment tomorrow when I wake up, I'll
           | take a video of the AI art installation in action.
           | Regarding the Zen Garden, it's to early to show it draw
           | anything yet. I've got the SCARA robot to move, but it's not
           | really following the coordinates properly. Still some
           | progress to be made ;)
           | But I have documented a previous project where I built a
           | full-size arcade machine. If you scroll down to the end,
           | you'll find some images and videos :)
           | https://github.com/maxvfischer/DIY-arcade
       | boldslogan wrote:
       | An api for on boarding users with their passport and their phone.
       | I've gotten the ocr and rfid chip reading down to a couple
       | seconds.
       | I have such a good url I can't stop now.
       | https://passportreader.app/
       | kop316 wrote:
       | I have been working to add MMS to the Pinephone/Librem 5!
       | https://source.puri.sm/kop316/mmsd/
       | https://source.puri.sm/kop316/purple-mm-sms
       | I have been logging it here:
       | https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=12491
       | allenu wrote:
       | I released a flashcard app for macOS and iOS around Halloween.
       | I'd been working on it on and off on the side for a year as a
       | side project. I'm continuing to work on new features and tweaks,
       | but need to do more work on marketing it, which, as a dev, is the
       | hardest part. :)
       | https://www.ussherpress.com/freshcards/
       | sharpercoder wrote:
       | Markdown generators, extensions, extension syntaxes, markdown-
       | markdown enrichers.
       | ijustlovemath wrote:
       | Two things:
       | - a distributed simplex downlink protocol for low power
       | satellites. Think torrenting for LEO
       | - my startup, which is building a closed loop artificial pancreas
       | for hospitals. First human trials are coming up early this year!
       | databaseguy wrote:
       | I am building a database for visual data (images, videos, feature
       | vectors, etc). We just landed our first Fortune 50 customer.
       | https://aperturedata.io
       | Jakobeha wrote:
       | I'm trying to get creative because I have nothing else to do, but
       | it's hard :).
       | I'm learning different drawing apps and music production apps. My
       | drawing is like a 7-year old (quoted from someone else) but I
       | used to play piano and my coding skills are decent.
         | ajakate wrote:
         | What drawing apps are you using? Any success with those? I've
         | tried drawabox.com in the past, and try coming back to it every
         | year or two for a stint. It's definitely helped me improve my
         | drawing, but it's hard for me to stay focused with it...
       | aemerson_ wrote:
       | Working on a clothing basics review/comparison site at
       | https://www.typicalcontents.com/
       | Too much choice when it comes to basics like underwear, socks,
       | t-shirts, shirts. So I research the best ones online and pick up
       | a bunch to find the best. I probably would have done something
       | like it anyway, but myself and a couple of friends started
       | publishing our reviews in the hopes others would find it useful.
       | [deleted]
       | alixanderwang wrote:
       | I'm building a autolayout algorithm specifically [0] for software
       | diagrams.
       | The autolayout algorithm will be used for generating pretty
       | software architecture diagrams from text that get you 90% of the
       | way there, and then you can tweek it to perfection via a UI.
       | I have an alpha out of the algorithm on https://terrastruct.com
       | and it's by far the hardest thing I've worked on, and it mostly
       | works, though I'm constantly finding ways to improve it.
       | [0] It needs to handle containers and clusters, its connections
       | should be mostly orthogonally routed (the tree structure with
       | curved routing in default graphviz is mostly unsuitable), prefer
       | symmetrical structures while reducing total edge distance, etc.
         | stevenpetryk wrote:
         | Neat! I love things that help engineers document their stuff
         | better.
       | ngokevin wrote:
       | An app to help couples learn each other's languages
       | (https://learncoupling.com)
       | My wife is Chinese, and I've been learning Cantonese and Mandarin
       | off-and-on on my own for years. For many reasons, I recognize
       | it's extremely difficult to make it work to acquire a language
       | with the help of a romantic partner. I even had a friend who's
       | wife was a doctorate in French language education but completely
       | failed to use her as a resource.
       | I've identified some of the pitfalls and am developing a system
       | to get native speaking partners more involved in language
       | learner's journeys in a fun and encouraging way (not as a
       | teacher).
       | This is my second startup! Went through YC once on my first one
       | (related to VR). Been using YC Startup School this time around.
         | dewey wrote:
         | This looks really neat, just subscribed to the newsletter.
         | enos_feedler wrote:
         | At first glance, I thought you meant languages in the
         | metaphorical sense. I actually thought that sounded cool. Sort
         | of like a gamified way of understanding what makes each other
         | feel loved, etc. Just wanted to add this idea in there.
       | simonw wrote:
       | I've just hit the three year mark with https://datasette.io/ - my
       | open source tool for exploring, analyzing and publishing data.
       | The project is built on plugins which means it keeps on growing
       | in different directions - I have 51 plugins at
       | https://datasette.io/plugins now and 23 more tools for working
       | with SQLite data at https://datasette.io/tools
       | My goal now is to get Datasette itself to a stable 1.0 release
       | (partly to encourage more plugin development by other people) and
       | to get the SaaS hosted version of the project to a point where it
       | can accept paying customers (it's been in beta for quite a while
       | now).
         | koeng wrote:
         | Awesome package! I've been thinking about using datasette for
         | some genomics data for a while. The value prop of "make nice
         | visualization on top of SQLite" was very clear to me. Thanks
         | for making an awesome project
           | simonw wrote:
           | Genomics data would be a fascinating application, I'd love to
           | hear how that works out.
       | gfodor wrote:
       | The video game for work, Jel.
       | https://jel.app
       | (Yes, FTUE needs a lot of work, working on that now!)
       | riyakhanna1983 wrote:
       | Been working on a new hypervisor that can directly run isolated
       | containers (not VMs) to enable secure micro-services without
       | virtualization overhead. Email me if interested in testing or
       | contributing.
         | kjok wrote:
         | Very cool! What's the overhead compared to VMs?
       | iamacyborg wrote:
       | I'm not doing the building directly myself, but working on a
       | product for the tattoo industry.
       | I recently started a Marketing Operations podcast, which is
       | mostly just an opportunity for me to talk with interesting
       | people.
       | Finally, I'm putting together a training course on email
       | marketing for beginners.
       | sean_pedersen wrote:
       | https://github.com/SeanPedersen/HyperTag
       | HyperTag helps humans intuitively express how they think about
       | their files using tags and machine learning. Represent how you
       | think using tags. Find what you look for using semantic search
       | for your text documents (yes, even PDF's) and images. Instead of
       | introducing proprietary file formats like other existing file
       | organization tools, HyperTag just smoothly layers on top of your
       | existing files without any fuss.
       | danskeren wrote:
       | I've been working on-and-off on Ask.Moe, a European non-profit,
       | free and open-source software, privacy-focused search engine.
       | The general-purpose search engine (which is built on top of Bing)
       | is however not ready for daily use, because I haven't figured out
       | how to cover the costs of Bing's API.. so after a certain amount
       | of monthly searches then it will redirect all queries to Google.
       | DDG and Ecosia appear to be relying on Microsoft Advertising, but
       | not sure how to join that, especially when the website has a very
       | limited user-base. Perhaps requiring a paid subscription for the
       | general-purpose search is the best option for now.
       | The initial plan is to launch different categories, such as
       | Podcast, Food, News, Job, Shop, Flight, Code, Sport, etc. since
       | this will allow us to provide superior search results compared to
       | any general-purpose search engine.
       | So far we have implemented support for the categories Search,
       | Math, Currency, as well as the recently launched Domain name
       | finder (https://ask.moe/domain).
       | If anyone is interested in working together to obtain and
       | maintain high quality data for these categories then feel free to
       | reach out (but I'm a quite busy these days so expect a slow
       | reply) :)
       | I'm also working on a gaming/esports website (but not ready for
       | launch), as well as the occasional weekend projects.
       | ar-nelson wrote:
       | A peer-to-peer data sync library for native apps, based on UDP
       | discovery and CRDTs. It's nowhere near done, but the GitHub
       | README describes it thoroughly:
       | https://github.com/ar-nelson/osmosis-js
       | davidwparker wrote:
       | Most of last year I worked on https://www.listenaddict.com/ which
       | is a site in where you subscribe to a person instead of a podcast
       | and get notified whenever they have a new talk on any podcast
       | (and in the future, YouTube and other sources).
       | I'm still tweaking the algorithms on that for autodetecting names
       | and making sure the podcast sources I have are mostly interview-
       | based.
       | I've recently started working on https://www.useproducer.com/ (no
       | site up yet), which will be a project management / analytics tool
       | for YouTube and Podcasts.
       | gradys wrote:
       | I made a tool for visualizing text datasets in 2D or 3D:
       | https://nebulate.ai
       | It runs a machine learning model in your browser to convert the
       | text into points in a high dimensional space, and then it
       | projects those points down to 2/3D.
       | Right now you can tell it to visualize post titles or comments
       | from any subreddit or load an hourly updating snapshot of
       | Twitter.
       | You can also view your own data in it by selecting the New Nebula
       | option. The data never leaves the browser, which also means the
       | ML models are run in-browser (via tensorflow.js). This part might
       | be slow and only works in Chrome unfortunately.
       | If you're interested in this kind of thing, I'd love to hear from
       | you! Here or by email (grady.hsimon at gmail)
       | blue-dragonfly wrote:
       | Overall, working on a CAD/CAM/CAE system using SDF and functional
       | representation. Today flattening a C++ OO scene graph library to
       | a use functional approach. Also today, continuing work on
       | adapting a small Scheme implementation to read models in a Lisp
       | format.
       | AKluge wrote:
       | Just picked up my Schrodinger equation solver again. Working on
       | testing on multiple platforms and improving the boundary
       | condition handling. After this I'll be looking at building some
       | interesting educational content with active simulations. All
       | openly licensed.
       | http://www.vizitsolutions.com/portfolio/webgl/gpgpu/schrodin...
       | bwood wrote:
       | I'm working on an app that turns brokerage accounts into a fully
       | customizable robo-advisor. Create a target portfolio made up of
       | stocks/ETFs, and our app will keep everything balanced and fully
       | invested.
       | We're starting with this simple use case of keeping a balanced
       | portfolio, but really we see brokerage accounts as a financial
       | operating system that's lacking good software.
       | We're already on TD Ameritrade and Interactive Brokers, check it
       | out!
       | https://passiv.com/
         | missedthecue wrote:
         | This is very cool. Well done.
           | bwood wrote:
           | Thanks!
       | sentinel wrote:
       | Mick Tagger (http://www.micktagger.app) - I humorously say that
       | the app contains "the missing Spotify keyboard shortcuts".
       | Besides having keyboard shortcuts for adding songs to playlists,
       | liking songs, automatic queueing etc. it also has a couple of
       | smart playlist features to improve your Spotify listening
       | experience.
       | I'm always looking for feedback, so please let me know if you end
       | up giving it a try.
       | rock_hard wrote:
       | Some friends and I are working over at https://flux.ai on a sane
       | design tool chain for hardware engineers
       | Spent the whole day fixing bugs
       | pzagor2 wrote:
       | https://urlrec.com/
       | Export web animations as mp4 videos.
       | Did you build an awesome Codepen and you want to share it on
       | social media as video. Just send me the URL I'll send you back
       | the video (well the API will).
       | blue-dragonfly wrote:
       | Overall, working on a CAD system using SDF and functional
       | representation. Currently flattening a C++ OO scene graph library
       | to a use functional approach. Also, today, continuing work on
       | adapting a small Scheme implementation to read models in a Lisp
       | format.
       | callmeed wrote:
       | I'm building a DTC ecommerce directory and discovery platform:
       | https://www.shiny.sale/
       | It's sort of a "stumbleupon for ecommerce" and curated
       | brand/product index. It started because I grew increasingly
       | frustrated with Amazon last year, which culminated in my account
       | getting compromised and closed. I had been keeping a spreadsheet
       | of DTC brands I liked so I turned it into this.
       | [deleted]
       | mattivc wrote:
       | https://github.com/matiasvc/Toucan A Computer Vision and Robotics
       | visualization library.
       | It is way to hard and complex to do 2D and 3D visualization in
       | C++. Toucan is my attempt to solve that. It can be called from
       | anywhere with minimal code and gives you interactive 2D and 3D
       | visualization.
       | andersforsgren wrote:
       | After all the buzz about "UnClack" (the type-to-mute thing for
       | mac) people were asking for a Windows version. So I made one.
       | https://github.com/andersforsgren/knatter
       | yawgmoth wrote:
       | I am working on a hex-tile game in which multiple players spawn
       | on a map of some radius. Each tile has a value and a growth
       | function. Each player can select a tile and make a move and
       | accumulate the value of tiles they own, or split the difference
       | with an opponent to try and claim a tile. To knock a player out,
       | claim their home tile and be rewarded with ownership of all their
       | assets. To win, be the last player standing.
       | I played a square-tile version of this game somewhere and can't
       | find it anymore, so I figured I'd build it for myself.
       | koeng wrote:
       | https://github.com/TimothyStiles/poly a modern synthetic biology
       | library written in Go. Aiming at building some awesome stuff
       | (codon optimization, synthesis optimization, RBS calculator, etc)
       | that should really help in forward engineering life.
       | sporenetlabs.com Building a method to do massive amounts of
       | affordable DNA distribution. I'm still working on the backend for
       | that one.
       | aerovistae wrote:
       | A better site to play Magic the Gathering over the web with.
       | Current options are not great.
       | The interface is straightforward enough to implement but syncing
       | game state across multiple clients is something I've never even
       | remotely ever worked on before, being mostly a frontend dev, and
       | I'm having a pretty hard time.
       | icey wrote:
       | Building a better chatbot / automation platform called Abbot -
       | https://ab.bot
       | My friend and I used to do a ton of Hubot scripting but wanted to
       | use a language other than Coffeescript to do it. So, we built a
       | bot that used C#... then we realized there was a lot of other
       | stuff that we had to do to run a bot, so we built a platform to
       | run it (and added support for Python and JavaScript while we were
       | at it).
       | We handle all the annoying stuff about running a bot (hosting,
       | persistence, secrets management, job scheduling) and add a bunch
       | of other cool stuff on top (Triggers, which make it so that Abbot
       | can respond to events from outside chat or on a schedule, a
       | package manager so people can easily share skills, the ability to
       | create some kinds of skills from inside chat, etc).
       | The timing of this Ask HN is perfect -- we've been running a beta
       | for Slack users for the past few weeks and just started beta for
       | Discord yesterday. We handle all the middleware so skills written
       | for Abbot work in both Slack and Discord without any changes.
       | Everything is free during beta, and we'll always have a free plan
       | for basic bot usage (we will probably tier based on the number of
       | custom skills people have running).
       | If you do end up trying it out, please let us know you found out
       | about Abbot from this thread -- just say `@abbot feedback I found
       | this from HN!` or `@abbot feedback I came from Hacker News` or
       | something similar. We're going to do something fun for our beta
       | testers (probably have some fun stickers made). We love feedback,
       | so even if you don't try it out; I'd love to hear why. My email
       | is in my profile!
       | rurban wrote:
       | Yet another glib, a STL for C, which is header-only, complete,
       | tiny and sucks much less.
       | https://github.com/rurban/ctl
         | blue-dragonfly wrote:
         | I've been looking for a map like C++ STL written in C. I need
         | to lookup symbols to get function pointers, among other uses.
         | Part of a general process of replacing C++ with C. Maybe I have
         | found it? Interesting project, thanks for posting.
       | recursivedoubts wrote:
       | htmx and hyperscript:
       | https://htmx.org - a small no-js front end library
       | https://hyperscript - an embeddable scripting language for web
       | pages
       | lytedev wrote:
       | It's an app for churches (or any live performance) to display and
       | manage lyrics.
       | http://alpha.lyricscreen.com:6754/
       | I'm missing accounts and some of the more frilly features, like
       | different fonts and backgrounds.
       | All the info is shared and HN could probably crash it. It's all
       | synced live, so it's very (too) collaborative.
       | mayorpinto wrote:
       | A spreadsheet app which also let's you use APIs/web services as
       | regular spreadsheet functions. This lets you consume data from
       | external sources and/or push data out to automate things, for
       | example.
       | Details at https://rows.com
       | enjeyw wrote:
       | An aggregator ala reddit/hackernews/twitter that uses a market
       | mechanism to better incentivise content discovery.
       | One of the biggest issues with existing aggregators is that:
       | - how well content performs is dependant on the attention it gets
       | immediately after posting.
       | - However, readers aren't incentivised to sift carefully through
       | new content, which is generally of lower quality than "frontpage"
       | content
       | - This means that how content performs is a lottery. Great
       | content is often missed just by chance
       | - This in turn means that there's no platform that encourages
       | unknown authors to create high-effort, thoughtful pieces. Instead
       | it's far more effective to blogspam.
       | I'm working on a platform that uses something similar to a
       | prediction/stock market to incentivise people to search for high-
       | quality content. Instead of upvoting, you effectively buy shares
       | in new content, which you can then sell at a later point for a
       | profit if the content proves popular. Equally you can buy
       | "downvote shares", which act like a short and help dampen rampant
       | speculation.
       | It's early days still, but I'm hoping this could be a great way
       | to encourage higher quality content creation.
       | Draft paper here:
       | https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Hc6wAXlfl8x5C0w11m7ZOEpbjj...
         | skulk wrote:
         | This is the most interesting take on realigning
         | (micro?)blogging incentives I've ever seen. I hope it gets its
         | chance with millions of users, even if it has incorrigible
         | issues like our current standard.
         | thotsBgone wrote:
         | Just make sure "selling" of shares can be automatic, because
         | nobody wants to go back to a post they already read just to
         | sell their shares or whatever.
         | dmingod666 wrote:
         | Haven't used it in a while, but I think pinterest is one of the
         | better ones in this context.
         | whitepaint wrote:
         | This sounds really cool.
       | adamnemecek wrote:
       | IDE for music composition http://ngrid.io. I'm launching soon.
       | brazzy wrote:
       | A minimalist roguelike game (still pretty early).
       | https://github.com/brazzy/Galgenvogel
       | Xixi wrote:
       | https://tomotcha.com ----- a tea subscription service. It's still
       | a tiny side business, slowly growing. It's a great project to get
       | out of my comfort zone and learn about e-commerce, logistics,
       | etc. And I get to drink a lot of different teas...
       | RMPR wrote:
       | https://github.com/rmpr/atbswp polishing up a bit my macro
       | recorder
       | stevenpetryk wrote:
       | A while back I got a React component library for math
       | visualization [0] to a pretty good state. Hoping to continue
       | working on it as I find time.
       | [0]: https://mafs.dev/
       | henning wrote:
       | I am continuing to play around with genetic programming in Rust.
       | Specifically, I am working towards building my own implementation
       | of a recent team-based hierarchical algorithm called Tangled
       | Program Graphs. http://stephenkelly.ca/research_files/open-
       | kelly17a.pdf
       | beatthatflight wrote:
       | Still building out more of https://www.beatthatflight.com.au -
       | travel sure took a hit with covid, but it's given me time to
       | build more automation to find and list cheap flights over say, a
       | 3 month period in a table to find the cheapest date in a quarter
       | for users. Lets me quickly analyse Jetstar or Qantas or Virgin
       | Australia deals and find the few cheapest flights that match
       | their lowest sale prices, AND sometimes I can find it cheaper
       | than the airline itself.
       | But yeah, covid. Travel sucks right now.
       | uberswe wrote:
       | A CMS written in Go. It's still very early and it has the basics
       | of user creation, multiple domain support, themes and user
       | management by default. What will make it really powerful is
       | plugins.
       | Plugins are still being developed and currently use the go plugin
       | package which is really good for performance but can be bad for
       | security and compatibility with versions and operating systems. I
       | plan to either move over to using RPC instead or supporting both
       | options.
       | Everything is available on GitHub under the MIT License.
       | https://github.com/uberswe/beubo
       (page generated 2021-01-14 23:00 UTC)