[HN Gopher] StimulusReflex, or LiveView for Rails
       StimulusReflex, or LiveView for Rails
       Author : nanna
       Score  : 179 points
       Date   : 2021-01-15 11:41 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (docs.stimulusreflex.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (docs.stimulusreflex.com)
       | cpursley wrote:
       | I appreciate the work put into this, glad to see SPA alternatives
       | and can understand using this for existing Rails projects.
       | I'm curious why would one would choose this over Phoenix LiveView
       | for a new project? How are the two different?
         | freedomben wrote:
         | I use Phoenix primarily (for web apps) so I of course agree
         | with you, but the obvious answer is "anyone doing rails can add
         | this easily without changing languages/stacks." That alone
         | addresses a massive segment, probably much much larger than
         | Phoenix
         | hpvic03 wrote:
         | The Ruby/Rails ecosystem is massive, and remains extremely
         | productive and pleasant to work with.
         | sodapopcan wrote:
         | I would love it if Elixir grew in popularity but I'm also happy
         | other ecosystems are hopping aboard this ship. I absolutely
         | love working this way and hope it becomes more of the norm.
       | fareesh wrote:
       | Instinctively this looks like something that works great for
       | simple concepts. Does anyone have any experience integrating this
       | for a complex project or UI? Would love to hear more.
       | [deleted]
       | wim wrote:
       | Closing the gap between server and client in terms of app
       | development is definitely the answer. Also agree with the pitch
       | that the currently popular approach of simply moving everything
       | to the client has made tooling incredibly complex (although it's
       | getting better). It's great to see new tools like this being
       | built.
       | Moving everything to the server instead also closes the gap, but
       | the obvious problem is that this introduces a lot of latency for
       | UI interactions. Ajax page loads/Turbolinks works so well because
       | it actually makes things faster with almost zero effort.
       | Introducing a similar method for every UI interaction though is a
       | different matter, and I don't see how the latency won't be
       | noticeable.
       | For instance, The TodoMVC example's server seems to be far enough
       | way from my location that creating a task has noticeable lag.
       | Sure it's just an example, but without introducing some client-
       | side/optimistic rendering, that's going to be hard to avoid (and
       | that would defeat the purpose of having all your logic in one
       | place, on the server). Not sure how this is addressed here?
         | sodapopcan wrote:
         | Even with tooling getting better, you're still faced with
         | creating an API to the backend that has a high chance of your
         | frontend being the only ever consumer of it. You're also faced
         | with duplicating logic on both front and backends in many
         | scenarios (though of course this can be mitigated with a node
         | backend? I don't know... I've never used node).
         | As for latency, this is over websockets. It becomes a problem
         | if you are connecting to a server across the ocean but
         | otherwise, it's incredibly fast and feels just as snappy as JS.
         | I actually also haven't used Stimulus Reflex, just Phoenix
         | LiveView so I'm not sure if they are exactly the same, but the
         | TL;DR is that they are sending VERY tiny payloads over
         | websockets. This video explains it well (though it's also a
         | demo of LiveView): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZvmYaFkNJI
           | nickjj wrote:
           | > the TL;DR is that they are sending VERY tiny payloads over
           | websockets
           | If you have a server in NY and you happen to live in Germany
           | it's going to take about 100-120ms to do a network round trip
           | in a best case scenario (high quality wired cable connection)
           | even with a 1 byte payload. For most websites running in 1
           | datacenter that means a massive population of the world is
           | going to feel that latency.
           | That's why I'm not sold on using LV and websockets for
           | everything (such as transitioning from page A to B, etc.).
           | Hotwire Turbo Drive / Frame uses HTTP which means you can
           | cache responses and send back 304s when the content doesn't
           | change. HTTP feels like the right protocol to do this, and
           | then you can save Websockets for when you need to broadcast
           | relatively small amounts of new / updated / removed content
           | to 1 or more connected clients. That's what the Hotwire model
           | provides.
             | e12e wrote:
             | > which means you can cache responses and send back 304s
             | when the content doesn't change.
             | Unless I misunderstand - that's still a round-trip to fetch
             | and return a 304? Or are you thinking an edge cache closer
             | to the end-user?
             | (I don't disagree that websockets aren't a universal
             | solution - but if used as server push - it's difficult to
             | see how plain http could have lower latency? Long polling
             | would be similar, but probably (even) harder to scale if
             | you want 10k+ open connections?).
             | Existenceblinks wrote:
             | Yeah, am silently on your side on this point everywhere you
             | go! Because I already said once and done a good fight.
             | Stateful (I mean really keep things in assigns) sounds like
             | an inefficient caching. Not all assigns are per user,
             | caching the same things on each process is redundant. And
             | to share these things as one set of data is to put them
             | somewhere else, most likely in a process under the root
             | supervision tree. And there's less point for using LV.
             | Folks forgot how fast Phoenix.View rendered from controller
             | was (a hello page is microsecond!) it's pretty damn good.
             | sodapopcan wrote:
             | I addressed this in another reply but TL;DR, these
             | solutions are totally use-case dependent and they don't
             | pretend to be one-size-fits-all (or at least LiveView
             | doesn't).
           | wim wrote:
           | Oh definitely, totally agree the status quo of duplicating
           | logic is unnecessary.
           | And I realize this is using websockets, and that the payloads
           | are tiny, but you can't fight the speed of light ;), so it's
           | more of a latency concern (vs bandwidth). So in order to
           | truly keep all the state and rendering with the server, even
           | the smallest UI interaction would require a round-trip, and
           | unless you'll have end nodes all across the country, that
           | seems like it will noticeable.
           | With some actions like "search", "save" or "reload" I would
           | expect a spinner and delay anyway, so that's not a problem.
           | But if opening a dropdown menu or adding an item to a list
           | (like in the example) feels slow that might not be the best
           | user experience. But perhaps it's not a problem in practice,
           | I haven't seen too many examples.
             | sodapopcan wrote:
             | Yep, it definitely can be a concern! It takes a lot of
             | distance before latency starts to be noticeable so it all
             | depends on our use-case. These tools aren't one-size-fits-
             | all. Lots of people are building things that aren't going
             | global--at least not right off the bat--so these tools
             | provide a way of moving very quickly out of the gate (no
             | need to build an API for yourself, no need to duplicate any
             | frontend and backend logic). If you do go global, you're
             | probably in a good place to start serving your global
             | customers from servers closer to them--the company I work,
             | for example, for has to do regardless. And that fits under
             | "a nice problem to have" which can be solved after your
             | business has been validated.
             | But yes, there are many cases where this will not work.
             | It's just a verrrrry attractive option when it can.
           | [deleted]
         | benzible wrote:
         | In the Phoenix LiveView world, the solution has been to use
         | Alpine.js for user interactions that don't involve loading data
         | from the server [1]. Alpine and LiveView are the AL in the
         | "PETAL stack" [2]
         | [1] https://dockyard.com/blog/2020/12/21/optimizing-user-
         | experie...
         | [2] https://changelog.com/posts/petal-the-end-to-end-web-stack
       | heleninboodler wrote:
       | I hope their form validation demo is just a toy and not an actual
       | example of real email validation code, because it doesn't handle
       | '+' in the localpart, which is a very commonly used character. I
       | don't see any custom validation code in the demo source, though,
       | so it kind of looks like they have a builtin "email" validator
       | that's broken, which makes me question the production-readiness
       | of this thing.
         | rolae wrote:
         | That was a regression in version 3.4, fixed here:
         | https://github.com/hopsoft/stimulus_reflex/pull/418
       | adenozine wrote:
       | Does python have anything like this?
         | adparadox wrote:
         | More of a port of Laravel's Livewire (so only AJAX calls, no
         | websockets), but I've been working on something similar for
         | Django at https://www.django-unicorn.com/. I also detail other
         | options at https://www.django-unicorn.com/docs/#related-
         | projects.
         | julianrubisch wrote:
         | https://pypi.org/project/django-sockpuppet/
         | It's a SR clone, the maintainers are actually very active in
         | our community :-)
           | shinryuu wrote:
           | or link to actual repo ->
           | https://github.com/jonathan-s/django-sockpuppet
           | (I'm the maintainer).
         | m4r71n wrote:
         | Django does: https://github.com/edelvalle/reactor
         | tbran wrote:
         | htmx [1] (formerly intercooler) is sort of similar, although
         | the server instead returns html fragments.
         | Here's an example [2] of using it for infinite scroll (instead
         | of pagination).
         | I'm pretty excited to try out django-sockpuppet from an
         | adjacent comment!
         | [1]: https://htmx.org/ [2]:
         | https://engineering.instawork.com/iterating-with-simplicity-...
         | rkangel wrote:
         | This comment I have just made applies equally to Python as to
         | Ruby I think:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25791181
           | theptip wrote:
           | What's the missing feature? Native M:N green threads? Seems
           | to me that Python's async is a fair bit more mature than
           | Ruby, so the comparison here is not obvious to me.
             | rkangel wrote:
             | The conclusion I have come to is that the way you interact
             | with the concurrency model is just as important as what the
             | model is underneath. Erlang (and Elixir) have got both
             | levels right - M:N scheduling underneath, and the actor
             | model (with excellent library support) on top to best take
             | advantage of it.
       | Robin_Message wrote:
       | In many ways, this is very cool.
       | But, I have to admit, I don't love it. I would love to have an
       | integrated environment where client/server doesn't matter, but I
       | don't think this gets far enough. Working in a spread of html.erb
       | with special tags plus some Javascript doesn't feel great to me
       | compared to React.
       | I like their TodoMVC app, since that gives a simple, minimal
       | starting point. Getting persistence in that few lines of code is
       | nice.
       | However, it has also at least one bug compared to canonical
       | TodoMVC. I think the problem of this kind of too-clever binding
       | is that it makes this kind of bug easy to introduce; whereas
       | something with clear one-way data-binding like React, for all it
       | can be verbose and annoying, tends to make it easier to get this
       | sort of thing right.
       | (The bug? Click an existing todo to edit it, start typing, then
       | press escape. The edit is meant to be discarded, but instead
       | you'll see a flash of the old value and then the new value is
       | persisted. It's not the worst bug ever, but shows that even in a
       | simple app, experts can subtly screw up important behaviour.)
         | hpvic03 wrote:
         | Here comes the classic HN middle-brow dismissal :)
         | TodoMVC is meant to be a minimalist demo, not a battle-hardened
         | app.
         | We switched from React to Reflex 7 months ago. We have fewer
         | bugs than we did with React, and we ship things about 3 times
         | faster.
         | 5/5 of us strongly prefer Reflex over React. Including one of
         | us who was a big React aficionado beforehand.
         | Just wanted to put that out there for anyone considering
         | Reflex, a bug in TodoMVC is not a harbinger of a bad framework.
           | Robin_Message wrote:
           | That may be fair :)
           | Personally, I enjoy React on the front-end but don't
           | currently like any back-end framework, so Reflux may well be
           | better in aggregate.
           | (FWIW, I have a PhD in computer science and big part of that
           | was on web applications and frameworks for them, combined
           | with ~15 years commercial experience mastering web
           | development, so this wasn't meant to be a middle-brow
           | dismissal. As I said, it is exciting, I'm just not convinced.
           | I think there is some merit in the argument that too much
           | cleverness can be dangerous. Battle-hardened is tricky; I
           | agree TodoMVC is meant to be a minimalist demo, but if a
           | minimal demo can have subtle bugs caused by the cleverness of
           | the data binding, how much more so a real app with a much
           | more complex data model?
           | But I guess it does eliminate whole other classes of bug, so
           | I can believe it works less buggy and more productive better
           | than React+some back end.
           | I certainly find the current front/back split endlessly
           | painful. I am also excited by the new React Server Components
           | which might be another good solution to that.)
           | EDIT TO ADD: I guess what I was trying to say is: I found
           | this interesting, and I looked at it, and then I found this
           | bug in the example, and I wonder if this framework might make
           | a bug like that more likely because the power of making some
           | things easier is obscuring what is happening in some cases,
           | and I don't know if that trade-off is worth it.
             | treis wrote:
             | My experience bears this out as well. Things that "just
             | work" usually don't do that and/or come with a list of
             | significant caveats.
           | sodapopcan wrote:
           | I love hearing this story! I'm not in the job market since I
           | love where I work at the moment (though don't love our tech
           | stack) but I'm really hoping to find something, preferably
           | using LiveView, for my next move. It's really nice to hear
           | about companies having success with this kind of tech! It's
           | the first tech I've been really excited about since learning
           | Rails eight years ago (which was far too late!)
           | k__ wrote:
           | Isn't Reflex a Haskell framework?
           | Switching from React to Reflex isn't just switching a
           | framework, but a whole stack.
         | [deleted]
       | cargoshipit wrote:
       | Has anyone used LiveView and this enough to give a comparison of
       | the dev UX? I've mainly used LiveView for a side project and have
       | quite enjoyed it.
       | thomasjk wrote:
       | Using StimulusReflex in my latest project, been a good experience
       | to work with. The community on Discord is very active and
       | helpful, and the docs are top-notch.
       | Check the StimulusReflex Expo for interactive demos w/ code
       | samples: https://expo.stimulusreflex.com/
         | [deleted]
       | augustl wrote:
       | FWIW, I'd add a word of caution for this architecture. Coming
       | from an SPA, it feels just like your average react/redux app,
       | except you put your redux state on the server. Your server now
       | maintains the state of all active clients, and you get network
       | lag on all stateful UI interactions.
       | Now that Google will index SPAs, I'd strongly consider a SPA
       | where the server just generates meta tags (for SoMe link previews
       | etc)
         | IggleSniggle wrote:
         | > you get network lag on all stateful UI interactions
         | Isn't this kind of a good thing, though? Now your UI can't lie
         | to you about the true application state, making you think
         | something worked or completed when in fact it's still
         | interacting with the server. /s
         | I like SPAs because they can work offline / on spotty network
         | connections. I don't like SPAs because they are often unclear
         | about whether or not they are fully synchronized with their
         | backend. I kinda wish people writing SPAs just wrote totally
         | offline apps _first_ that then had an independent
         | synchronization mechanism with their respective backends as a
         | general rule.
       | lawwantsin17 wrote:
       | The docs are so full of opinions and sales speak it's disgusting.
       | miki123211 wrote:
       | > This entire round-trip allows us to update the UI in 20-30ms
       | without flicker or expensive page loads.
       | A lot of people have much worse ping times than that. Try using
       | this on a satellite connection for example, and your experience
       | won't be very pleasant.
       | On my internet connection, which is pretty average by polish
       | standards, the best ping I can get is 30ms, and that only happens
       | when the server I ping is just one or two hops away. I probably
       | won't be able to go under 100ms when the server is in the US.
       | It seems like this approach sacrifices runtime performance for
       | development speed. I feel like it might often be a good tradeoff
       | to make, but it's a tradeoff nevertheless, and we should
       | recognize that. Separate layers for frontend and backend
       | introduce complexity, but client side code is client side code,
       | you can't go much faster than that.
       | akanet wrote:
       | I can imagine this simplifying the development of B2B SaaS tools
       | that are primarily about presenting and interacting with data.
       | The bit about broadcasting to a large number of clients is harder
       | to see the value of in a Rails application when so many
       | approaches work simply enough already.
       | As for replacing rich frontend rendering libraries in more
       | complex apps - it seems dicey. Part of the virtue of React is
       | that it simplifies the visual presentation of the frontend based
       | on a constellation of data. Things like highlighted elements,
       | hover states, and dragging items. It seems difficult to enable
       | that level of polish while the backend is making dom-level
       | changes based on the explicit data that you have to deliberately
       | send over the network.
         | amoitnga wrote:
         | was looking for this sort of comment to confirm my bias. I'm
         | trying to figure out what is it about how I feel about reflex:
         | the idea that even with this you still have to reach for js
         | libs or am I just being lazy. I guess a little bit of both
         | maybe.
         | But it's true, even though our app is pretty straight forward
         | crud, we still need things like autocomplete, drag and drop,
         | tabs, modals, form validation etc. Just having js being js and
         | ruby being ruby seems easier for me to parse and work with.
       | tra3 wrote:
       | I love that Rails continues to evolve. I've invested so much time
       | in it that it's good to know that Rails is still a viable choice
       | for modern work. If someone's creating new cool stuff like this,
       | then I'm not the only one.
         | joelbluminator wrote:
         | I feel the same. I'm invested and I actually like developing on
         | it (biased of course). I don't see any reason to worry about
         | Rails jobs disappearing, Rails is here to stay. It's soon
         | turning 20 forchrissake!
       | raffomania wrote:
       | To me, this looks like one of the few real ways out of the
       | madness that is modern frontend development. Excited to see the
       | approach gaining adoption!
         | whalesalad wrote:
         | I don't think this holds up anymore. Tooling has come so far.
         | I have never in my life been as productive as I am inside of a
         | Vue/Tailwind code base at this point.
         | One of my clients is a fairly vanilla Rails 4 app (which is
         | arguably a friendly place to be - although slow) and it's not
         | even close. I miss Vue and having a full "app" environment on
         | the front-end side constantly. Jumping back and forth between
         | these projects is like going from a hot and steamy comfy
         | jacuzzi into an icy cold pool.
           | freedomben wrote:
           | I agree with you, but it took a long, long time to get that
           | good and comfortable with react (in my case) years actually
           | since I don't only do frontend.
           | For people who haven't already climbed that mountain and
           | learned a new "language" I agree with GP. This could be a
           | game changer.
           | My only regret is that for a while now JavaScript had
           | basically been the standard. As good a development as I think
           | this is, it will really in more fragmentation and less
           | general purpose devs.
           | Nevertheless I think it's good, and web assembly was always
           | going to do this to JavaScript ecosystem anyway.
             | rorykoehler wrote:
             | The JavaScript framework era always felt like a bandaid
             | while we figure out something better. I'm convinced
             | liveview is the future.
           | sodapopcan wrote:
           | You can certainly still use tailwind here.
           | Otherwise, the point is that you won't have to jump back and
           | forth--you can just stay on the backend. I've actually never
           | used Stimulus Reflex, but in LiveView, I'm writing very small
           | bits of JS maybe 2% of the time.
             | ericb wrote:
             | Speaking of, DHH looks like he's using tailwind with Rails,
             | so the use-case is getting some love! DHH created this gem:
             | https://github.com/rails/tailwindcss-rails
           | porker wrote:
           | > I have never in my life been as productive as I am inside
           | of a Vue/Tailwind code base at this point.
           | For what kind of app? Crud, frontend to a SaaS, something
           | else?
           | I am still finding form-heavy apps needing frontend+backend
           | form validation to be faster to write entirely server-side.
           | Which is painful as more and more I have field types that are
           | best off as JS widgets, and enhancing server-rendered forms
           | is a pain.
       | anonygler wrote:
       | A tiny payload from the world's slowest backend framework.
       | The Rails community has spent years resisting the future. Ember
       | was an attempt to jam Rails into JavaScript and it's been a
       | miserable, confusing, slow mess that every team utterly regrets.
       | Rails has spent years and years pushing server-side rendered
       | partials. Now the Rails community has yet another "new" approach
       | that involves writing yet more Ruby instead of JavaScript.
       | If you adopt any of these Ruby-for-frontend solutions, your
       | future efforts to scale will be severely hampered as you've glued
       | so much stuff down in Ruby. Plus you'll have trouble hiring JS
       | developers, because who wants to learn something so unserious as
       | this?
       | Write your web frontend in JavaScript. Either be a polyglot or
       | create silos.
       | rkangel wrote:
       | It's worth pointing out that the Phoenix Web Framework (which
       | LiveView is built on) came into being because the creator Chris
       | McCord tried to build something like LiveView in Ruby and
       | eventually ran into fundamental limitations due to how
       | concurrency was handled. He looked around, discovered Elixir and
       | the rest is history.
       | I'm very interested to learn what has changed since then that
       | made this possible, or made it work better. Or whether those
       | problems are just being "lived with".
         | bestinterest wrote:
         | There's a project called AnyCable which replaces ActionCable to
         | give Rails the real-time performance equivalent of LiveView.
         | See this https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/anycable-
         | actioncable-on-...
         | Looks like having 20,000 idle clients connected to a server
         | sits at only 380MB and Erlang is at 737MB.
           | deedubaya wrote:
           | I've had good success with AnyCable
           | jakswa wrote:
           | Thanks for posting this. I need to try it out. I'm
           | specifically curious about how it performs when a certain
           | amount of those 20k connections are busy and generating
           | traffic. If I'm understanding, the anycable-go connection to
           | ruby is over RPC? So individual websocket messages generate
           | requests to ruby? I could see this performing better for idle
           | connections, that's for sure.
             | julianrubisch wrote:
             | I'm really excited for Ractors in this content and how/if
             | they could improve the Ruby side
           | ksec wrote:
           | I remember there were still latency issues, with 99th
           | percentile being well over 100ms.
           | Cant find the link to the article though.
           | bpicolo wrote:
           | > Looks like having 20,000 idle clients connected to a server
           | sits at only 380MB and Erlang is at 737MB.
           | That's with Go, versus with anycable itself. Anycable-go
           | looks like 798?
       | PedroBatista wrote:
       | Wish I had the time to really study Phoenix's LiveView and
       | implement the same in Java.
       | AFAIK there's no equivalent for this in Java and I mean the same
       | not kinda-the-same but not really like Vaadin or God forbid GWT.
         | scns wrote:
         | Wish?
           | PedroBatista wrote:
           | thks
         | dnautics wrote:
         | Good luck. Liveview depends strongly on features of the erlang
         | VM that you won't get right without a deeper understanding of
         | erlang (how do you clean up a websocket connection when the
         | actor exits early, say due to throwing an exception - that's
         | zero lines of code in lv), you're probably better of taking
         | inspiration and writing it from scratch.
           | entangled999 wrote:
           | So in your opinion in Java land resources are always leaked
           | when some exception occurs? That's a bit far from the truth
       | pibefision wrote:
       | Russ Hanneman feels positive about stimulus reflex
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utxCm3uLhIE
         | wes-k wrote:
         | Ha that was well worth the watch, ty!
         | bithavoc wrote:
         | How did they get the actor to play this, amazing.
           | [deleted]
           | arusahni wrote:
           | Assuming Cameo?
             | julianrubisch wrote:
             | It's called ,,money"
       | sudhirj wrote:
       | DHH recently introduced Hotwire https://hotwire.dev/ which
       | already does something similar. Any idea what the difference is?
         | julianrubisch wrote:
         | in one word: morphdom (https://github.com/patrick-steele-
         | idem/morphdom)
         | also, StimulusReflex predates Hotwire for 1 year and is already
         | pretty hardened :-)
           | sudhirj wrote:
           | So this receives the full HTML page and does a near-zero-
           | damage "morphing" as opposed to Hotwire which either does
           | full page dumb replacement or asks you to define which
           | sections to replace? Does that sound right?
             | nickjj wrote:
             | > as opposed to Hotwire which either does full page dumb
             | replacement or asks you to define which sections to replace
             | It's not that dumb in practice because for a lot of things
             | Hotwire uses HTTP instead of WebSockets which means you can
             | take advantage of what HTTP has to offer such as caching.
             | That means if you decide to dynamically load a menu's
             | contents with a Hotwire Turbo Frame then it's only sent
             | over the wire once and assuming its content doesn't change,
             | it'll serve a 304 content not modified for future requests.
             | For pushing updates with Turbo Stream which is done over
             | WebSockets, I'm pretty sure it'll push that snippet of HTML
             | (let's say a user's comment) over WebSockets and then
             | either append or prepend it to the DOM based on however you
             | configured it to be inserted. And if you edited that
             | comment later on, it will replace that snippet of HTML that
             | was previously sent (since it's the same ERB template). It
             | won't re-render the full page.
               | julianrubisch wrote:
               | There are a lot of wonderful upsides to this approach,
               | yes.
               | It's just... people think those technologies are
               | congruent but the overlaps are actually minimal.
               | For any rather sophisticated UI you can (and will want)
               | to use both.
               | For example: repaint a data visualization. With Hotwire
               | you can only replace it and start fresh, with SR you can
               | just surgically morph data attributes without
               | disconnecting your stimulus controllers
             | rolae wrote:
             | Exactly.
             | Basically all you to is to call a remote procedure, which
             | you can do by adding a simple `data-
             | reflex="click->Todo#toggle`. In the remote method you
             | change something about the state (for example db, redis).
             | The server rerenders the page and morphs the difference.
             | If you need more control you can get it by defining which
             | elements to render and to morph.
           | joelbluminator wrote:
           | Well Hotwire is running on Basecamp (or Hey?) , its not some
           | half arsed solution...
             | julianrubisch wrote:
             | For sure! It just doesn't really overlap.
               | [deleted]
         | HorizonShadow wrote:
         | They don't really have any overlap.
         | Hotwire is for replacing frames with content when navigating
         | through anchors or form posts.
         | StimulusReflex is performing RPC, then diffs the old page and
         | the new page, updating changed elements.
           | agd wrote:
           | One difference is that liveview / reflex are stateful whereas
           | Hotwire (turbo) is not. This has varying performance
           | implications. Turbo will do repeat work server side and
           | payloads will typically be bigger, however development may be
           | simpler due to lack of state and memory usage server side may
           | be lower.
           | Turbo also has the possibility to gracefully degrade when js
           | is not available (although I doubt this will be taken
           | advantage of much in practice).
             | freedomben wrote:
             | This is a great point. Plus not all platforms, hosts, and
             | proxies for that matter will allow web sockets.
             | Especially for an established rails app, allowing web
             | sockets can require architecture changes.
       (page generated 2021-01-15 23:02 UTC)