[HN Gopher] That's not how 2FA works
       That's not how 2FA works
       Author : edent
       Score  : 231 points
       Date   : 2021-01-17 12:45 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (shkspr.mobi)
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       | sneak wrote:
       | You don't need a $50 Yubikey token to do U2F, there are ones in
       | the $10-15 range.
       | Most sites that support U2F support enrolling multiple tokens, so
       | just have one in each machine.
       | Theft of a machine still needs your password to access the
       | accounts, so it's not "keys to the kingdom" as the article
       | suggests.
       | I feel that this article is... wrong.
       | hehehaha wrote:
       | Not sure why the author is so negative on Yubikey. His only
       | reason is that an attacker can steal his laptop with the key
       | plugged in. That's a user error.
       | I much rather have Yubikey over all other forms of security
       | because it simply forces the attacker to be physically present.
       | Why is that important? Because even if your laptop is stolen with
       | your Yubikey at a local Starbucks, you're more likely to catch
       | that person versus a completely remote attack. Security isn't
       | just about attacks. You also need to think about mitigation and
       | recovery following the attack.
         | zimbatm wrote:
         | Another issue not mentioned by the author is what happens if
         | the Yubikey is lost or breaks. The story around this type of
         | event is sort of ignored and not understood properly. AFAIK
         | it's not possible to duplicate a key (by design), meaning that
         | the user will have to update all their websites' 2FA (hopefully
         | there is a recovery method available).
           | hehehaha wrote:
           | Yes. You must have at least two keys registered. However it's
           | worth noting that most services do not offer priority.
           | Meaning you can use either one. I think it makes sense to
           | designate back up keys and only to be used when user reports
           | lost/stolen primary key.
             | thatnerdyguy wrote:
             | But what is the story there? You have a backup key,
             | hopefully stored "off site", now you want to enroll in
             | another website. You have to get that backup key before you
             | do that? Or bookkeep which sites you have on the backup key
             | and which you don't?
               | taeric wrote:
               | Actually, this is one area where pgp's use in pass works
               | really well. You use your public key to encrypt
               | passwords. So, adding a new one doesn't need the physical
               | key.
               | hehehaha wrote:
               | This is a very good point and perhaps something Yubikey
               | and similar services should consider: paired keys. Once
               | paired the backup can always replace original if user
               | reports it missing or lost regardless of when they were
               | paired.
           | PeterisP wrote:
           | While it's not possible to duplicate an existing key, it is
           | possible to create duplicate keys in the first place - you
           | can't get the secrets out, but you can write identical
           | secrets to two or more keys if you want to.
           | This adds some convenience, though it also does add some
           | risks e.g. in case of breach you can't tell which token was
           | misused, you can't invalidate a lost key without invalidating
           | others at the same time.
         | signal11 wrote:
         | Also, Bluetooth based keys exist that don't have to be plugged
         | in.
         | edent wrote:
         | Author here. I did provide a few other reasons - mostly around
         | usability of YubiKeys. Try observing a non-techie set one up
         | and tell me if you think it is as easy as it could be.
         | Realistically, you're probably not going to catch a mugger.
         | Otherwise robberies like that wouldn't occur. Snatching a
         | laptop with a key physically plugged in it is probably easier
         | than snatching a laptop and a separate phone.
         | Regardless of my opinions on tech, if you think being mugged is
         | "user error" then may I suggest spending a couple of days
         | volunteering for a local Victim Support charity.
           | pg_bot wrote:
           | Speaking as an author of a webauthn library who helps users
           | set up their security keys as part of their training, it's
           | about as easy as it can be. We give each of our customers 2
           | yubikeys for each user when they sign up, tell them to keep
           | one on their keychain and the other in a safe location only
           | accessible to them. If you lose/destroy your main key revoke
           | its access use your backup and buy/setup a new one. No one
           | has had difficulty understanding the process for our site
           | since we show them all the steps up front and describe what
           | to do in common scenarios. If your customers have a problem
           | setting it up, it's a reflection of poor user experience not
           | protocol design.
           | hehehaha wrote:
           | Hey I understand but didn't think other reasons were valid. I
           | apologize if my comment came out curt. I know how that feels.
           | However, I think you should reconsider your opinions on
           | Yubikey. They're significantly better than all other
           | commercially available security solutions at the moment.
           | Edit: your comment also gave me an idea. Perhaps there should
           | be a phone-based service that you can dial that locks out
           | your account for a predetermined time period? Or it could
           | even be tied to someone else that you can trust.
           | nwotnagrom wrote:
           | I agree on the idea around usability of YubiKeys. I have them
           | also and believe they are great, but I never seem to have
           | them when I need them. Of course, maybe its on another floor
           | or another room and I am being lazy not walking over there,
           | but it is an added inconvenience on a process that needs to
           | be balanced between security and convenience.
             | proactivesvcs wrote:
             | Adding a rotating 2FA to a password database, for one.
           | ahmedalsudani wrote:
           | _> may I suggest spending a couple of days volunteering for a
           | local Victim Support charity._
           | Please try being less condescending.
           | Losing the keys, due to whatever reason, means losing one
           | factor. If the user loses the key, the "mugger" still needs
           | to get the users' passwords.
           | 2FA = something you know + something you own. Having one
           | factor compromised should not compromise your accounts if the
           | service you are using is configured correctly.
             | Closi wrote:
             | What's the second factor with yubikey? The site seems to
             | say it's passwordless.
               | growse wrote:
               | A yubikey doesn't replace a password.
             | IncRnd wrote:
             | > 2FA = something you know + something you own.
             | That's not exactly correct. Another factor is something you
             | are, such as a fingerprint or eye. There are three classes
             | of factors from which drawing any two is called 2FA.
             | There is also a 1.5 factor auth, used for example by many
             | banks, in which there is a server challenge for the very
             | vulnerability stated in the article.
           | lrvick wrote:
           | I have helped literally hundreds of people setup Yubikeys
           | across several companies.
           | Your take is just not my experience at all. Tapping a
           | blinking light it is much easier than fussing with a 2FA app
           | and works when someone's phone is dead. Yubikeys in
           | particular are near indestructible. They even work after you
           | soak them in acetone overnight and melt the plastic off. I
           | tried.
           | When it says "plug in your device" you plug it in. When it
           | says tap you tap.
           | Also the mugger comment is not part of a typical threat
           | profile. Yubikeys and similar devices are meant to protect
           | you from remote attackers which is the class of attack
           | 99.9999% of people need to defend against.
           | If a mugger points a gun at you, no form of 2FA is going to
           | save you.
           | Also my Yubikey has a pin enabled and fingerprint enabled
           | WebAuthn devices exist. I have several. If you are carrying
           | things so valuable you are worried about being mugged, you
           | can probably afford a higher end model with a fingerprint or
           | pin.
           | Edit: yes I know random muggings happen, but a hit and run
           | mugger that knows what a Yubikey is and already has your
           | password is a hiiiiighly targeted attack. -That- pretty much
           | never happens unless you are walking around with a $1,000,000
           | in Bitcoin in which case it has happened a total of 5 times
           | that are public.
             | screamingninja wrote:
             | > If a mugger points a gun at you, no form of 2FA is going
             | to save you.
             | https://xkcd.com/538/
             | fjiizrsdfjjj wrote:
             | If my Yubikey gets stolen, how do I log in into my
             | accounts?
             | Serious question; never understood how that works.
               | mwarkentin wrote:
               | This was confusing to me until I realized a couple of
               | things:
               | - you can still have TOTP enabled on the site as a backup
               | 2FA method - you can configure multiple yubi keys for a
               | single site - so I have one on my keychain that does NFC
               | + USB-C for my MBP, and another "Nano" key that is left
               | in my home imac - they are both registered with most of
               | the sites I've configured
               | If my keychain is lost/stolen then I can still login from
               | home or with my TOTP code as a fallback.
               | andrewnicolalde wrote:
               | Second yubikey ;)
               | corty wrote:
               | Depends. Some have a bunch of magic numbers you can use
               | as alternative "second factor", basically another
               | password for the special purpose of bypassing a real 2nd
               | factor. That's of course stupid and dangerous.
               | Then there are those where you can register another 2nd
               | factor, e.g. another Fido-Key, SMS-Codes or recovery
               | email. Those might be better or might be worse, depending
               | on the method and circumstances. E.g. SMS is vulnerable
               | to all kinds of SIM-Cloning and redirection stuff, email
               | is vulnerable to whatever your email might be vulnerable
               | to.
               | The only thing I would accept as really idiot-proof and
               | secure is "go someplace, show a government-issued hard-
               | to-fake ID" (like a passport, not your drivers
               | license...) like banks do. But that only works with
               | physically present businesses and accounts that are
               | strictly tied to one person. And even there, "Joe Smith"
               | might impersonate "Joe Smith"...
               | taeric wrote:
               | This is akin to asking how do you start your car if you
               | lose your keys? Enter your house? You have backups or
               | other recourse to get things rekeyed.
               | scott00 wrote:
               | Some other responders have given you the answer as it
               | currently exists. They are all either inconvenient,
               | weaken security, or both. For that reason, I would only
               | suggest using a security key for a small number of
               | critical services, where it's worth the extra effort to
               | deal with the backup mechanisms.
               | However, a good solution for this issue is finally in the
               | works: https://www.yubico.com/blog/yubico-proposes-
               | webauthn-protoco...
               | cbsmith wrote:
               | Having two keys, one of which you keep in a secure place,
               | seems pretty simple and intuitive to me.
               | scott00 wrote:
               | What does your workflow look like when you set up new
               | credentials?
               | andrewnicolalde wrote:
               | If you mean when registering for a new account,
               | annoyingly you need to physically have each key with you
               | to register it with a new service. Biggest flaw in the
               | spec IMO.
               | proactivesvcs wrote:
               | The last time I've used the configurators on Windows and
               | Linux they provide the private key material for one to
               | backup.
               | wyager wrote:
               | I have a backup U2F device. You can register multiple
               | with any account.
               | If I somehow manage to lose both, I assume I'll have to
               | talk to a customer support rep or something.
               | growse wrote:
               | This depends on the service supporting it though, and not
               | all of them do (e.g. AWS).
               | ahmedalsudani wrote:
               | That's how 2FA works. It's a physical token.
               | You either have other 2FA devices or backup codes.
             | ajcp wrote:
             | If it's so easy why did you have to help hundreds of people
             | across several companies set it up?
               | tialaramex wrote:
               | You have to (well, I guess if it isn't your job you don't
               | _have_ to but it 's polite) help people set up anything.
               | Doesn't mean it isn't easy. Helped my mum set up Zoom (so
               | she could attend virtual church apparently), is Zoom not
               | easy?
               | Two (three?) jobs back I had to set a bunch of people up
               | on one time passcodes. Those seem pretty easy right?
               | Still had to go there in person and show them.
           | cbsmith wrote:
           | Being mugged isn't "user error", and the good part about
           | YubiKeys is that the consequences of being mugged are much
           | more intuitive (it's just like I had my keys stolen).
           | The "I left my keys in my coat" problem you have seems like
           | it has a pretty obvious solution: don't keep your YubiKey on
           | your key chain. Do you have a wallet or cell phone that you
           | carry with you at all times? Put it in the wallet or cell
           | phone case.
           | gnufx wrote:
           | I've spent a lot of my life around Toxteth and Moss Side, and
           | that doesn't affect my threat model relevant to phishing and
           | FIDO. Mugging is probably less of a threat than break-in
           | anyway, as far as compromised hardware goes. You separate the
           | token when it's at risk, and the setup procedure claimed for
           | FIDO, to the extent it exists, seems about as easy as it
           | could be. It's a key. People can understand physical security
           | to a reasonable degree, and typically not abstract computer
           | security.
           | drivebycomment wrote:
           | Your opinion is in this case based on your ignorance and
           | misunderstandings. The main threat model U2F key protects
           | against is phishing, and phishing is the largest threat
           | currently. The password is sufficient to protect you for
           | opportunistic offline attacks like theft or loss.
         | Ottolay wrote:
         | Fully agree that a physical attack is much less likely.
         | Also, the use of a PIN or fingerprint[1] to authenticate the
         | yubikey itself and not sent over the network, mitigates the
         | stolen key scenario. [2]
         | [1] https://www.yubico.com/blog/getting-a-biometric-security-
         | key... [2]
         | https://developers.yubico.com/WebAuthn/WebAuthn_Developer_Gu...
       | 2Gkashmiri wrote:
       | https://www.amazon.in/Auto-ePass-2003-FIPS-Token/dp/B00S7LUL...
       | does anyone know if its posible to reuse these fips pki tokens?
       | they are cheap enough.....
         | vaduz wrote:
         | It's essentially a smartcard (certificate storage) in a more
         | convenient form factor for most users, so you could use them to
         | store your RSA keys - though personally I would not trust them
         | - but they are not FIDO/FIDO2 so they are almost useless in the
         | context of the article.
       | tommywg7 wrote:
       | What about certificates? The fake GitHub almost certainly does
       | not have a valid certificate. Isn't that our one defense against
       | these things?
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | The problem that a certificate just assures us this is indeed
         | https://githubverification.com/ which it is
         | This leaves a _human_ to try to make deductions about whether
         | githubverification.com is github.com which is something humans
         | are terrible at, so game over.
         | If you have WebAuthn then your browser also takes
         | responsibility for only letting you use your github.com
         | credentials on github.com and not even bothering you with any
         | other possibilities that you might think could be safe and are
         | not. That's why WebAuthn prevents phishing.
       | latopedej wrote:
       | fido2/webauthn, adds MFA and a anti phishing protection!
         | latopedej wrote:
         | more convenient than yubikeys, is simply your phone, which is
         | really often near you
       | md_ wrote:
       | Mostly agree with a lot of this, but it's a little unfortunate to
       | lump all WebAuthn authenticators together.
       | WebAuthn keys--physical dongles you plug into the USB port--are
       | indeed problematic for the reasons the author notes. (A small--
       | but user-visible--cost; the requirement for a spare USB port of
       | the right form factor; loss.)
       | However, authenticators that are built into the client device
       | (e.g. Apple's support for a TouchID-verified WebAuthn
       | authenticator) solve these problems, to varying degrees: the user
       | doesn't see a marginal cost (it's built into the computer!) and
       | doesn't have to worry about loss, USB ports, etc.
       | The principle challenge with using (as an example) Safari's
       | WebAuthn support is what how the relying party should support
       | loss of the device. (If you lose your Safari--or claim to--how
       | does your bank authenticate you?)
       | Ultimately, the lost-device--or new-device bootstrapping--problem
       | is currently what stands in the way of a truly secure ecosystem,
       | but with platform providers increasingly supporting WebAuthn, we
       | can at least _reduce_ phishing risk to  "phishing of the platform
       | provider credential." Your iCloud password might get stolen, but
       | at least that's the _only_ thing an attacker can steal to gain
       | access to your other accounts.
       | For most services, delegating authentication (and anti-phishing)
       | to someone like Apple is a big plus.
         | drcongo wrote:
         | I use Krypton [0] as a virtual YubiKey, I like it a lot but
         | they got acquired by Akamai and the GitHub accounts have gone
         | worryingly quiet.
         | [0] https://krypt.co
           | md_ wrote:
           | That's cool. Either I haven't seen this before or I've
           | forgotten. :)
           | I do think (as I said elsewhere here) that ultimately people
           | will adopt WebAuthn via their browser/OS vendor. Support is
           | widespread! But for relying parties, there are still
           | challenges to solve.
           | dane-pgp wrote:
           | > Krypton is built on top of an end-to-end verified and
           | encrypted architecture. This means zero trust. We, Krypt.co,
           | cannot access your keys or see where you're authenticating.
           | The keys only live in the Krypton app on your phone.
           | Sounds great, except one of the "ends" is likely the Secure
           | Enclave (iOS) or Keystore (Android), over which the user has
           | basically no control. So while the architecture might require
           | "zero trust" of Krypt.co, it still requires complete trust of
           | Apple or Google.
           | Perhaps completely trusting one of those companies is already
           | the reality for nearly everyone, in terms of using a mobile
           | device to access online data, but hopefully WebAuthn-
           | supporting sites don't put extra restrictions on the devices
           | you can use, via the "feature" of attestation:
           | https://www.imperialviolet.org/2019/01/01/zkattestation.html
             | judge2020 wrote:
             | Trusting your HSM vendor is a requirement if you don't want
             | your keys to be exportable, and there's much less risk in
             | doing so compared to trusting Apple for other things like
             | secure communications (iMessage is e2ee but doesn't tell
             | you when your peer changes/adds keys, plus unencrypted
             | backups are on by default).
             | Also, a lot of people who use Krypton don't know that SSH
             | keys actually don't use the secure enclave because it
             | doesn't support rsa or ed25519:
             | https://github.com/kryptco/krypton-
             | ios/issues/73#issuecommen...
         | edent wrote:
         | I think that's a fair comment. It would be great to see more
         | device come with built in support for this.
           | md_ wrote:
           | Platform support isn't exactly the problem.
           | Apple, Microsoft, and Android all support WebAuth
           | (https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2019/03/19/passwordless-
           | we..., https://webkit.org/blog/11312/meet-face-id-and-touch-
           | id-for-..., https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
           | us/windows/security/identity-p..., https://developers.google.
           | com/identity/fido/android/native-a...), so most (??) users
           | are in fact covered.
           | eBay, for example, offers a passwordless experience using
           | WebAuthn--so it can be done, even on a major consumer site.
           | The problem is really that until relying parties can trust
           | that
           | 1. Platforms will backup and restore key material from
           | authenticators 2. Users will figure out how to use those
           | backups (including if they e.g. switch from Mac to Windows)
           | they will have to provide some fallback. (Realistically, that
           | means "for the foreseeable future.")
           | This relegates WebAuthn, unfortunately, to a "neat trick"--
           | eBay's "passwordless option"--and not a security guarantee.
           | (Phishers can always downgrade the user to passwords or
           | similar.)
           | What's needed in the interregnum is probably a way to make
           | that fallback option more secure by, at minimum, conveying to
           | users that it's not _normal_--so that phishing attempts
           | targeting that phishable backup are less likely to succeed.
           | Unfortunately this requires a lot of good UX design and
           | unilateral action on part of the relying parties, which I
           | think is tough.
         | 3np wrote:
         | I also think the most of the issues they bring up I understand
         | as adoption (which gets improved by increased adoption on the
         | user side), tolling maturity, and habits.
         | TOTP and U2F actually has achieved pretty wide adoption, so I
         | have hopes for WebAuthn.
       | sigmar wrote:
       | > Buy a device, register it, install the app,
       | What u2f app is this referring to? I've never needed anything
       | more than chrome to use u2f on windows or ubuntu. Also seems
       | weird to complain about setting up an app, when a few sentences
       | before that they recommend installing a password manager...
         | edent wrote:
         | YubiKey recommended that I install Yubi Auth
         | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yubico.yub...
         | and YubiClip
         | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yubico.yub...
         | Should I not have?
           | tytso wrote:
           | If you had used one of the $10 USD Webauthn (aka U2F) tokens,
           | it wouldn't have asked you to install any applications.
           | The "problem" is the expensive Yubikeys that you were whining
           | about has lots of extra functionality that has nothing to do
           | with U2F, and that's what the extra applications are all
           | about.
           | I happen to use a Yubikey because I _want_ that extra
           | functionality, including using it to secure the keys I use
           | for ssh and for digitally signing git tags so I can securely
           | push git pull requests. But that 's because I'm a developer,
           | and it's why I'm happy to purchase multiple Yubikeys (one for
           | my desktop, one for laptop, backups including one that is on
           | a keychain, etc.) Perhaps you were reading web sites that was
           | giving advice for developers as opposed to for consumers?
             | wyager wrote:
             | OpenSSH >= 8.something natively supports U2F. No need for
             | extra functionality.
               | tialaramex wrote:
               | However, to use native FIDO the SSH _server_ must accept
               | it (GitHub does not for example)
               | Whereas if you have RSA keys on the "full fat" Yubikey,
               | they can be used regardless.
           | Ottolay wrote:
           | For U2F specifically you don't need apps except support in
           | the browser. The apps you listed are used for other types of
           | functionality provided by the yubikey, like OTP and TOTP.
       | nrvn wrote:
       | I have a question: if a website is clearly involved in phishing
       | how does one report such a website and what is the process of
       | blocking the domain name and chasing the owner?
       | ahmedalsudani wrote:
       | _> Risk. YubiKeys have no password lock of their own. At least my
       | crumby Android has a fingerprint lock to prevent people getting
       | my 2FA tokens. But if you've stolen my laptop and the YubiKey is
       | plugged in, then you've got the keys to my kingdom._
       | The key is only the second factor. You need to lose the key *and*
       | have your password stolen in order to have your accounts
       | compromised. At that point, think about what you're doing wrong
       | as a user.
       | swinglock wrote:
       | So almost nothing can be done because
       | > The top result on Google is invariably an advert for a scam
       | site.
       | No, use an adblocker. It's the modern antivirus and you should
       | use one.
       | lrvick wrote:
       | The Yubikey/WebAuthn comments are really ignorant and
       | discouraging people from the best defense against this sort of
       | attack that exists.
       | First of all you can get WebAuthn devices for as little as $10
       | now.
       | Second, there is no app to configure. You plug it in when it says
       | register and tap it. Done.
       | Third, if the WebAuthn device gets stolen the attacker presumably
       | lacks a password. You can't use the device by itself. Also the
       | vast majority of attacks are remote, not IRL.
       | Fourth: fingerprint or pin authenticated WebAuthn devices exist
       | if your threat model worries about physical access.
       | IRL attacks are a radically different threat profile.
       | I can't even with this article.
         | wyager wrote:
         | Plus, iPhones already support webauthn via Face ID, and I
         | assume MacBooks will support it via Touch ID at some point.
           | justincormack wrote:
           | It is disappointing that touch id doesn't support this yet,
           | it would be great. I put my ssh keys on touch id but my
           | webauthn and gpg are on the yubikey and I have to remember
           | which to touch. And the yubikey with finger print reader isnt
           | out yet and I already have pretty much the right hardware in
           | the mac...
         | easterncalculus wrote:
         | Disappointed but not surprised when reading this. To be really
         | honest, I can't remember the last time I read something that
         | criticized so called "techbros" and actually said something
         | reasonable.
         | As for the U2F devices, the idea of just leaving them in, the
         | small yubikeys and all that, seem to just be a bad idea from
         | the get-go.
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | Found the techbro.
           | Freak_NL wrote:
           | You can leave them in, but you still have to tap/touch them
           | for every authentication action (user interaction); the small
           | YubiKey Nano included.
           | wyager wrote:
           | What is your objection to just leaving a yubikey plugged in?
           | It eliminates most of the ways an attacker could impersonate
           | me besides literally stealing my laptop, which is a high bar.
           | Most people are valuable enough targets to phish or infect
           | with malware or something, but not to plan a computer heist.
             | kps wrote:
             | If stealing the computer is enough, someone's seriously
             | screwed up already -- it's supposed to be 2FA, not 1FA.
               | aidenn0 wrote:
               | Stealing the computer is usually enough, as a browser
               | cookie serves as proof of authentication all on its own.
               | Some destructive operations require extra auth, but in
               | terms of data exfiltration, stealing a laptop gives you
               | everything you need.
               | izacus wrote:
               | What exactly does that have to do with YubiKeys though?
               | Every time you use one you need to enter password. And
               | you can also immediately revoke it as soon as you notice
               | its stolen.
               | aidenn0 wrote:
               | I kind of omitted that part. Having a YubiKey in or not
               | in the laptop won't really affect things (other than the
               | fact that you will need to get into your account somehow
               | without the yubikey if the yubikey is stolen).
         | latopedej wrote:
         | most people have a phone that can leverage webauthn, so you
         | don't even need to buy anything. On top of that, webauthn can
         | be configured to prevent phishing as well
         | edent wrote:
         | Could you let me know where I can buy a well supported WebAuthn
         | key for that price?
         | Looking at Amazon UK - https://amzn.to/3oWGYe4 - the cheapest
         | appears to be about PS30. Unless I want to risk my security to
         | some no-name brand with zero customer support.
         | When I got my YubiKey, it told me I had to download an Android
         | app to make it work. So, perhaps better documentation is
         | needed?
         | I'm sorry you didn't like my post, I'll try to do better in
         | future.
           | _wldu wrote:
           | Conor sold U2F Zero's for less than 10 dollars (years ago)
           | and has a kick starter now to fund his new Solo keys:
           | https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/conorpatrick/solo-
           | the-f...
           | https://u2fzero.com/
           | I have a few U2F Zeros and they have been working fine for
           | years. These are simple devices. You don't need to overpay
           | for them.
           | Edit: Conor was building the U2F Zero tokens for $2.26 USD
           | per unit. Read more here:
           | https://www.conorpp.com/u2f-zero-year-in-review/
             | gnufx wrote:
             | I don't think the kickstarter is relevant now. You just buy
             | them from solokeys.com. There's been Somu since that, and
             | Solo2 is in the offing, with plenty of storage, apparently.
             | I bought Somu partly for convenience, and partly for the
             | promise of PGP support, which unfortunately hasn't been
             | added yet (though there is a development version).
             | In answer to the expense question, two Solo keys appear to
             | set you back 38 quid at the current exchange rate. I don't
             | know how they compare with HYPERFIDO, which I don't think
             | I'd come across before.
               | bsder wrote:
               | > I bought Somu partly for convenience, and partly for
               | the promise of PGP support, which unfortunately hasn't
               | been added yet (though there is a development version).
               | It is sad that with PGP being so horribly broken, it
               | still casts its shadow over security products.
               | PGP should have been dead and buried eons ago.
               | ecesena wrote:
               | I can confirm what you and _wldu are saying and yes, the
               | latest project is https://solokeys.com/v2 and is
               | launching end of this month.
               | From an economic perspective, unfortunately, it's really
               | hard to focus on reducing the cost, there's simply no
               | incentive.
               | First, consider that the biggest cost in the customer
               | getting a security key is basically shipping + packaging.
               | Imagine a key that costs <$3... even packaging with a
               | polybag + printed label + padded envelop gets to a cost
               | that has a significant % of the production cost.
               | Next, it's features. To stay on par with competition,
               | people expect the same features (see, e.g., openpgp
               | mentioned above - the code currently doesn't fit in the
               | stm32l4 flash), both firmware and hardware. As a result
               | we have to look at the latest & greatest micro, but of
               | course that alone has a significant cost.
               | And finally, there's the overall viability. We all know
               | that open source projects die without a business model.
               | The numbers in the U2FZero review simply don't add up,
               | that was clearly unsustainable and that's why we made
               | SoloKeys. A business has expenses other than
               | manufacturing and if you don't account for that, the
               | business dies together with your dream project.
               | Anyway, thank you both (and all others) for the great
               | support. One step at a time, we'll get to a stronger and
               | eventually also cheaper product!
               | gnufx wrote:
               | Ah, I didn't know about the PGP code size. Point taken
               | about the cost, and I hope you can sell to organizations.
               | I'm surprised I can buy a competitor for PS8, but then I
               | can't run the proprietary programming software or, I
               | assume, re-flash it. I'm happy to support a free software
               | project anyhow. I wish I could register my Somu with the
               | work Duo system rather than the display-a-number-you-type
               | HOTP keys they reluctantly issue as the expensive
               | alternative to expecting us to use personal phones for
               | such purposes. Phishing, we've heard of it.
           | captn3m0 wrote:
           | The HYPERFIDO Mini keys (8 GBP[0,1]) are certified by the
           | FIDO Alliance: https://fidoalliance.org/showcase/hyperfido-
           | mini/.
           | [0]: https://www.amazon.co.uk/HYPERFIDO-MINI-FIDO2-HOTP-
           | Security/...
           | [1]: https://www.hypersecu.com/products/hyperfido
           | avipars wrote:
           | AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK. Please delete....
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | The HyperFIDO is basically fine, it's obviously your choice
           | to insist on the expensive famous brand products, but it
           | seems a bit crazy to on the one hand insist those are too
           | expensive and then reject perfectly good cheap options.
           | If I had a corporate budget to spend maybe I'd order trays of
           | Yubico Security Keys or Google's Feitian rebrand. But I just
           | wanted to have more than one vendor so I have this product
           | (well not this one, but it's the same product under different
           | branding) and it works fine.
         | DecoPerson wrote:
         | For the reasons listed in the article and more, Yubikeys and
         | similar devices aren't likely to ever be popular.
         | To give future security devices along the same vain a better
         | chance at gaining popularity and being widely adopted (which
         | will hopefully bringing us a more stable, less stressful
         | society), the designs of these new devices must solve or
         | workaround the issues the author describes.
         | It's really annoying when individuals such as yourself respond
         | so very negatively and unconstructively while others are trying
         | to discuss the issues with existing designs -- an act necessary
         | for us (collectively) to develop new designs.
         | The author may not provide strong evidence for their claims,
         | but neither do you provide strong evidence (or extensive
         | reasoning) for yours. The net gain here is negligible, expect
         | for showing that contrary opinions exist, but that's not
         | particularly helpful as for every opinion held it is inevitable
         | that someone holds the polar opposite.
         | I'm not a moderator, but I ask you to please try to better
         | further the discussion with future comments.
           | hehehaha wrote:
           | I think Yubikey (and similar physical solutions) will
           | eventually gain popularity. Carrying a key is pretty much a
           | standard practice across the globe and benefit is more than
           | negligible because it forces physical attack versus
           | remote/virtual.
             | RajBhai wrote:
             | I've long thought that U2F should be incorporated into
             | phones, since everyone has one of those. Even not well off
             | people in third world countries. In order for U2F to
             | proliferate, everyone should have access to it. A $10 FIDO
             | key probably won't be given a consideration if they think a
             | free password is good enough.
               | tialaramex wrote:
               | WebAuthn is the modern replacement for U2F. Do not deploy
               | greenfield U2F, it's a legacy technology only.
               | A modern iPhone or high-end Android phone already does
               | WebAuthn secured with your fingerprint or (on some iPhone
               | models) facial recognition, like your lock screen or
               | contactless payments.
             | MrStonedOne wrote:
             | Until keys become cloneable they will never gain
             | popularity.
             | Nobody wants to re-setup every site ever because they lost
             | their laptop that they kept it plugged into, so they won't.
             | either this means using their backup until they lose it
             | without even revoking the original and then swearing off
             | the entire concept while telling all their friends to do
             | the same, or just not using hardware tokens after the first
             | lost of keys.
             | Also the "back up code" they will also get, guess where
             | thats going! save as -> downloads or print2pdf ->
             | downloads.
             | When it comes to personal account security by end users,
             | hardware tokens will never take off, and this is why they
             | get so much hate.
             | There is a real problem here that really needs to be really
             | solved, wrt to end users and phishing/hack resistant
             | credentials, and as long as we legitimize the lie that
             | yubikey solves it, we gimp progress towards actually
             | solving it.
               | rstuart4133 wrote:
               | I don't think cloneable is a good idea. If some 3rd party
               | clones your token and uses it to commit a crime there is
               | no way to prove that happened.
               | There are other solutions. Being able to make one key a
               | proxy for another is one. That allows you to keep your
               | master identity in a bank vault, and then use it to
               | "sign" the one you keep on you during the day. Should you
               | lose your daily driver, just sign another one. This still
               | suffers from the "one true name" problem though - if
               | someone steals that bank vault ID, you're gone.
               | Another approach is servers allowing a client to register
               | multiple ID's, and later delete them. Since there are
               | multiple ID's, there isn't one true name any more. If one
               | is lost you cancel it, and replace it with another. The
               | approach is already built into the FIDO2 protocol, so
               | they've already thought about your concerns and solved
               | them, and IMHO solved them in a better way than you
               | propose.
               | A more robust approach still would be a combination of
               | the idea above: FIDO2 multiple ID's solution, plus
               | proxies. One key could then provide multiple ID's to
               | every server you log into, signed by different masters
               | that are stored in different places. Keys can't be
               | copied, but a lost key can be replaced by signing it with
               | the master. A compromised master can be have all it's
               | ID's dropped by logging in with an ID proxying other
               | master. You could think of it as RAID for 2FA's.
               | hehehaha wrote:
               | I am not understanding your concern. You definitely don't
               | want the keys to be "cloneable". You need at least two
               | keys, sure, but I don't see that as an inconvenience. And
               | you should be using a password manager (with passwords
               | cycled on a periodic basis) that is bound to your
               | physical key.
             | cxr wrote:
             | Instead of a hardware authenticator to be carried on a
             | keyring, they should be put into rings, i.e., the things
             | meant to be worn on your fingers, i.e., the things that
             | most people use for providing input to their computing
             | devices, whether they sit on a desk or are held in one's
             | hands.
               | hehehaha wrote:
               | This is actually brilliant.
               | tilsammans wrote:
               | I had one twenty years ago, a Java Ring. Apparently they
               | are still being made today.
           | nightski wrote:
           | I use a Yubikey daily and the OP is greatly exaggerating the
           | issues in my opinion. Vanguard for example it took less than
           | a minute to set up. I don't have an "application" installed
           | locally for the Yubikey, it was plug & play. No special
           | software needed.
           | I honestly think Yubikey type devices' largest problems are -
           | 1. Marketing. People simply do not know they exist or how
           | they work (simple or not). 2. Support - Many websites do not
           | support Webauthn yet. We really need developers and
           | businesses to consider this a priority.
           | I have bought some keys for my family members and they love
           | them once I demonstrate how they work.
             | guenthert wrote:
             | Price. Yubikey's "best seller" goes for $45, that's
             | grotesque. I would be surprised if the hardware costs
             | exceeds $2 per unit and the software (or similar) can be
             | had for free.
               | bsder wrote:
               | It's not about the hardware. In spite of the fact that
               | they can nominally be broken into, most modern USB
               | microcontrollers can easily implement being a security
               | key.
               | The expense is that the security world hasn't converged
               | on anything remotely approaching a single standard. So, a
               | key has to support ... PGP, OpenSSH, FIDO, FIDO2, U2F ...
               | For example, you couldn't use some of the older YubiKeys
               | with AWS because AWS only supported time-based TOTP.
               | That's a _LOT_ of software work, and you can 't be
               | "Startup Sloppy" with your code or someone will break it.
           | ak217 wrote:
           | > I'm not a moderator, but I ask you to please try to better
           | further the discussion with future comments.
           | Please don't go there. You're both adding to the discussion,
           | maybe some strong words here and there, but this turn of
           | phrase you used is a huge conversation destroyer.
       | m4tthumphrey wrote:
       | Slightly OT: Odd timing but one of my services sent me a push
       | notification earlier about setting up a "personalised code" which
       | would be included in all emails. I thought this to be a novel way
       | that could _help_ with the email phishing problem, if adopted and
       | implemented properly.
         | unilynx wrote:
         | The user still has to notice that the personal code is missing
         | in the phishing emails.
         | If you could trust users with "always check for this personal
         | code in the emails, ignore emails without it" we could also
         | trust them with "your bank will never email you a login link"
       | scottmcdot wrote:
       | Is there potential for a simple popup in, say, 1Passwordx Chrome
       | extension that, if the base url doesn't exist in any key chains,
       | that reminds us to watch for phishing sites?
       | Tomte wrote:
       | > A second factor allows a site to better authenticate you. It
       | does not help you identify the site.
       | That's correct. On the first visit (or enrolment).
       | All subsequent visits (many more!) do identify the site, or
       | rather they tell you that you're logging in to the same site as
       | all those times before.
         | lkbm wrote:
         | With an email link or a Yubikey it might, but with SMS or an
         | Authenticator app it doesn't add any extra way for me to
         | identify the site.
           | gregoriol wrote:
           | Email is not really a 2FA though if it can also be used to
           | reset your password.
             | lkbm wrote:
             | Interesting point. I hadn't thought about that. Helps that
             | access to my email is 2FA, but it does make for a single
             | point of failure.
           | Tomte wrote:
           | That's true, I was talking about a Yubikey.
             | louis-lau wrote:
             | But the tweets this article was written in response to,
             | weren't.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | > All subsequent visits (many more!) do identify the site, or
         | rather they tell you that you're logging in to the same site as
         | all those times before.
         | I don't understand what you mean. Something about 2FA does
         | this? How?
           | brazzy wrote:
           | The U2F protocol (that Yubikey and others use) is based on a
           | cryptographic challenge-response mechanisms, and it includes
           | the domain of the service you're logging into, as supplied by
           | the browser.
           | The details are complicated, but basically: If you register
           | the key at github.com and later get phished to visit
           | githubverification.com, then the authentication will fail no
           | matter what the phisher does.
             | tialaramex wrote:
             | Specifically, the phisherman's options for a typical
             | Security Key (a physical authenticator device you buy and
             | maybe plug into a USB port) are:
             | * Spew random crap claiming it is your
             | githubverification.com key ID, ask you to sign in with this
             | ID. Your authenticator won't recognise this ID and it
             | doesn't work
             | * Proxy your real ID from github.com and present that from
             | githubverification.com asking you to sign in. Your
             | authenticator won't recognise this ID because it's for the
             | wrong site, though it doesn't know that's why. It doesn't
             | work.
             | * Proxy the ID from github.com and insist _this_ is
             | github.com. Your browser says  "Er, no? This isn't
             | github.com fool" and the UX doesn't fire.
             | Notice that the attacker not only doesn't get working
             | credentials for signing into GitHub, they don't even get
             | broken failed credentials that don't work, they just get a
             | Javascript error at best.
       | ajross wrote:
       | The linked article is correct, but uncharitable. It correctly
       | states the behavior of two-factor auth systems but incorrectly
       | understands their _value_.
       | Yes, 2FA won't protect you from being phished by a site if you
       | aren't careful. 2FA absolutely will protect you from a phishing
       | site using the password it stole.
       | So no, when someone says "Use 2FA if you might be phished" you
       | shouldn't be replying "That's not how 2FA works", you should
       | reply "That's right! But let me explain why you are still at risk
       | of password theft and should still be careful."
         | u801e wrote:
         | > 2FA absolutely will protect you from a phishing site using
         | the password it stole.
         | That's assuming one used a different password for the email or
         | mobile provider.
         | [deleted]
         | 8ytecoder wrote:
         | If it's a website which supports API key or any token of sorts
         | (without expiry or long expiry), they could do some real damage
         | even if they can't use the 2FA again. Another thing would be to
         | disable 2FA.
         | All they have to do to achieve this is to use the phished
         | credentials to immediately login with the original site,
         | trigger 2FA and then show a field to capture it and pass along.
         | Then capture all the cookies.
         | The best defense against phishing is to use a password manager
         | that does domain matching.
           | cutemonster wrote:
           | Any such password manager you like? Didn't know they could do
           | domain matching
         | dheera wrote:
         | Also, I'm a big fan of U2F keys including Yubikeys.
         | I don't use SMS, deprecated it 10 years ago in favor of e-mail,
         | and would never use SMS for 2FA. I still have a virtual SMS
         | number that forwards to my e-mail for the idiot sites that
         | still insist on it.
         | For most people, SMS is hackable, tied to a single battery-
         | powered device, easy to steal (after which for most people in
         | the default phone configuration the SMS verification codes will
         | happily pop-up on the lock screen without unlocking the phone),
         | and hugely inconvenient if you are in front of a desktop
         | computer all day and have to go find your phone (at home for
         | example I pretty much never have my phone next to me). SMS also
         | famously locks people out of their accounts when they go to
         | another country and have to use a different SIM card. Also, if
         | you have a giant desktop in front of you, it's ridiculous to
         | not use that as your 2FA device. You should NEVER have to pick
         | up a 6" handheld device for 2FA when you have a massive
         | immobile, hard-to-steal device in front of you that in my case
         | is also physically locked down to furniture.
         | Yubikeys and other U2F keys do exactly this.
         | The article is wrong about one thing:
         | "But if you've stolen my laptop and the YubiKey is plugged in,
         | then you've got the keys to my kingdom."
         | No. My preferred way to use Yubikeys is to buy one for each
         | immobile device (home/office desktops) that stays plugged in,
         | and ONE mobile key that lives in my wallet. Register all keys
         | with critical services. If any device gets stolen (highly
         | unlikely for the immobile devices, the mobile device is the
         | only one I need to worry about really), go home, log in with
         | another key and remotely disable it.
         | My main gripe is websites that don't allow multiple Yubikeys.
         | AWS is at the top of my hall of shame.
           | jacksonkmarley wrote:
           | > I still have a virtual SMS number that forwards to my
           | e-mail for the idiot sites that still insist on it.
           | Really? How? Last time I tried to do this it turned out that
           | apps/sites would not send to these virtual SMS numbers.
           | sulam wrote:
           | I would love to be a fan of Yubikeys, in fact most people
           | would say I _am_ a fan of Yubikeys, I think I have like 10 of
           | them (due to product evolution and always buying a few when I
           | buy one).
           | Unfortunately most of the sites I use do not have anything to
           | do with them.
         | rdiddly wrote:
         | _2FA absolutely will protect you from a phishing site using the
         | password it stole._
         | Not if it also steals the 2nd factor. My response would be more
         | like "2FA is good but not for this problem." This problem is
         | about going to the wrong site. The solution is to go only to
         | the right site.
           | smoyer wrote:
           | I bought my whole family Yubikeys last Christmas for exactly
           | this reason ... you can't trick someone into a hardware token
           | authentication. Now I tell people to use something with U2F.
           | I find myself using software U2F and include the secret key
           | in my password manager so that I don't need a hardware key
           | from my laptops.
             | 8ytecoder wrote:
             | How many websites allow U2F as the only 2FA? Every website
             | I tied it wanted a backup authentication app added.
               | dathinab wrote:
               | Normally you can create backup hardware recovery keys (or
               | alternate fallback 2F). (EDIT: Keys as in e.g.
               | alphanumeric on time use tokens lie "23430240392")
               | This is necessary as you would else wise be permanently
               | be locked out if you lose your U2F key.
               | That is assuming you can't reset your U2F key using mail
               | password recovery. But your mail being a single point of
               | failure is something U2F normally tries to prevent.
               | Through I guess for not relevant services. I would still
               | want U2F but allow mail recovery and maybe even U2F
               | _only_ login (or FIDO login without PIN).
               | Given that people have different opinions about what is
               | important I guess this should be an option for fallback
               | recovery, maybe with some warning around it.
               | The "workaround" to have no fallback for U2F is to
               | generate recovery keys and then not store them anywhere
               | ;=). But I would not recommend this, except if they have
               | a insecure mail based password/U2F recovery anyway.
           | pc86 wrote:
           | > _Not if it also steals the 2nd factor._
           | Sure, but isn't that the point? There's now a second thing
           | they have to steal, and if they only get the first it's
           | pretty worthless, especially if there's monitoring/alerting
           | in place that prompts a password change and/or locks your
           | accounts pre-emptively.
             | ascar wrote:
             | As phishing usually includes impersonating a website and
             | making the victim believe they are giving their credentials
             | to the original service, I think it is implied that most
             | victims would willfully provide their second factor, when
             | asked for it.
             | So, in case of phishing that's not the point. If you're
             | actively logging in yourself a second factor doesn't
             | prevent the attacker from gaining access.
           | kevin_nisbet wrote:
           | > Not if it also steals the 2nd factor.
           | In Webauthn/u2f the 2nd factor is a proof that is unique
           | against the particular site. So stealing the 2nd factor is
           | significantly more difficult since it requires compromise of
           | the computer/endpoint used to access the site to pass the
           | wrong site to the hardware token, or cloning the physical
           | device which should be tamper resistant (but not totally
           | unheard of to clone some devices).
           | Your statement is true for HOTP/TOTP based 2nd factor like
           | google authenticator on a phone, although the stolen
           | credentials shouldn't provide persistent access.
           | And password re-use is still a problem if every service isn't
           | covered by Fido2, but we need to start somewhere.
             | np_tedious wrote:
             | > persistent access
             | Given a successful login and session, perhaps on some sites
             | this is enough for passwords reassign via some backend
             | (likely intended for mobile apps) API?
           | lisper wrote:
           | > The solution is to go only to the right site.
           | i.e. blame the victim. This generalizes to: the solution to
           | user error is for the user not to make errors.
           | So no, that is not the solution.
             | rdiddly wrote:
             | Well, name one error that persists despite not making the
             | error, and you can definitely say I'm wrong. But that
             | wasn't the point. The solution is to go to the right site.
             | You were supposed to use your imagination to come up with
             | ways that might be caused to happen. The article and
             | commenters here suggested password managers that
             | discriminate between the right site and the wrong site,
             | that's an example. "OH SURE BLAME THE VICTIM FOR NOT
             | INSTALLING A PASSWORD MANAGER!" If you're looking for a
             | solution that doesn't whatsoever require the participation
             | of the user, you may meet with some degree of
             | disappointment.
             | There may be viable solutions that include still going to
             | the wrong site, but I know for a fact that going to the
             | wrong site does not happen if you go to the right site.
             | It's a tautology just like your disingenuous Twitter-style
             | reductionist accusatory re-interpretation of my comment
             | suggests. Speaking of which, if you want to blame the
             | victim, go right ahead (that was your idea), but I don't
             | think the computer cares who gets blamed, unless and until
             | it affects what gets typed in or clicked.
             | scottLobster wrote:
             | Actually better education and training is often the only
             | real solution. It isn't "victim blaming" if the situation
             | is at least theoretically within the victim's control. If
             | some random "plumber" that I didn't call for shows up at my
             | house, asking to be let in to replace some of my pipes, and
             | I say "okay", then he robs me, is it victim blaming to say
             | perhaps I should have been more suspicious of strange
             | plumbers randomly showing up at my house to do work?
               | lisper wrote:
               | > education and training is often the only real solution
               | No. That is _never_ the real solution. At best it is a
               | necessary evil, but generally resorting to this is a
               | reflection of a failure of imagination.
               | The reverse authentication problem in particular is
               | easily solved by the right UI design plus some improved
               | infrastructure behind the scenes. Certificate pinning,
               | for example, would help a lot. The hard part is not
               | coming up with a solution, or even implementing it, but
               | convincing everyone to adopt the solution because it
               | doesn't help unless it is widely deployed.
               | alisonkisk wrote:
               | Explain how any solution prevents the user from opting
               | out of yubikey and typing self-XSS into Dev console to
               | get owned.
               | Unless you have a 100% vendor controlled system, (more
               | than Apple + ChromeOS combine) you have to rely on the
               | user not breaking their own security.
               | rdiddly wrote:
               | If the easy part is the implementation and the hard part
               | is convincing people of its value then I can say one or
               | more of the following are true:
               | - Your solution is not sufficiently great as to be self-
               | evidently great.
               | - People (i.e. the victim) must be faulted (i.e. blamed)
               | for their inability to be convinced of its inherent
               | majesty.
               | - Given convincing's similarity and overlap both with
               | educating and with training, you are having a failure of
               | imagination. (Source: Your comment.)
               | lisper wrote:
               | The problem is that the people who need to be convinced
               | are not the people who are being harmed by phishing. The
               | people who are being harmed by phishing (non-technically-
               | savvy end-users) are powerless. The people who need to be
               | convinced of the merits of the solution are browser
               | vendors and web site operators. Both groups would need to
               | work together to solve the problem. Getting _that_ to
               | happen is the hard part. It 's a very real problem, but
               | it's a political problem, not a technical one.
           | dathinab wrote:
           | Not all 2nd Factor solutions allow stealing the 2nd factor.
           | Mainly U2F incorporates the domain and (should) only work if
           | an TLS connection with a valid certificate for given domain
           | is used. Furthermore it uses a key exchange. This means:
           | - The attacker needs a valid certificate for the applications
           | login domain, which wrt. web security is normally assumed to
           | not be possible but tbh. might be possible in case of an
           | state actor or similar.
           | - The attack needs to be live in the sense that password and
           | 2FA auth needs to be directly forwarded to the attacked web-
           | application and there it needs to trick any bot detection to
           | make it believe it's not a bot. This also means even if they
           | phish your authentication they only can use it once at the
           | moment they phished you. But to e.g. then to disable U2F they
           | often need to enter another password, so they need to phish
           | you twice in a row, which is harder, but only slightly
           | harder, tbh.
           | - Alternatively they might hack the service and get their
           | hands on the private webcertificate and clients private key
           | if the service doesn't use a HSM for that. But that is
           | normally much harder and for many attacks unfeasible (and
           | there is normally little reason to phish if you can hack a
           | server that deeply).
         | shawnz wrote:
         | The attacker could proxy the 2FA request from the real site
         | using the password you enter and therefore you wouldn't be
         | protected.
           | cortesoft wrote:
           | Right, they could have access to your account, but not full
           | access. A good website will ask for 2FA again if a user tries
           | to do something destructive (like change password, email, or
           | disable 2FA). They wouldn't be able to do those things.
             | [deleted]
           | Spivak wrote:
           | Yes, that's basically the author's point. But it does protect
           | you against someone trying to use your password on another
           | site.
           | FeepingCreature wrote:
           | Yes, you can MITM 2FA, but you can't timeshift 2FA.
         | kube-system wrote:
         | > 2FA absolutely will protect you from a phishing site using
         | the password it stole.
         | The author is pointing out that they will steal _both_ the
         | password and your 2FA token.
           | valvar wrote:
           | While this is possible, it does require significantly more
           | effort on the part of the attacker and there are many more
           | points of failure. So I'm guessing most phishing sites don't
           | actually do that, even though of course some do.
             | ascar wrote:
             | If you look at the context of the article, you should
             | assume that phishing attack is sophisticated enough and
             | responding to that attack with "you should use 2FA" is
             | missing the point (which is exactly what the author
             | claims).
             | 2FA (at least the simple OTP variants) don't protect
             | against phishing, they just protect against sloppy phishing
             | attempts.
             | kube-system wrote:
             | All that is required is that they phish in real-time or
             | automate the attack. These attacks are not uncommon in the
             | wild. MITM'ing three fields in a login page is not much
             | harder than writing two fields to a DB. And it's basically
             | trivial to do it over the phone.
             | bostik wrote:
             | Phishing has been commoditised, the criminals don't write
             | their own pages anymore.
             | In fact the phishing toolkits have been doing TOTP
             | passthrough/relay for a few years now. For the attacker,
             | it's a nice feature: victim could be using SMS,
             | authenticator app or even an out-of-band delivered token
             | book - they are all captured and passed along equally well.
             | U2F and FIDO2 with hardware keys are the only realistic
             | safeguards. On the other hand, I do subscribe to the stated
             | problem, because for most people they are a usability snag.
             | The NFC variant has the potential to address this, though:
             | instead of plugging a key in and touching the blinky
             | button, you just wave your keyring next to the device. Too
             | bad NFC readers are not universally available on phones,
             | tablets or laptops.
       | jfrunyon wrote:
       | > The average YubiKey is PS50. There are a few around the PS30
       | price point. That's a huge expense given the small number of
       | sites that support them.
       | A wide variety of sites support them. I'd estimate around 1/3rd
       | of the services I use daily (both personally and for work)
       | support them. (That said, I got mine for $30 by signing up for a
       | magazine subscription, and wouldn't have paid significantly more.
       | And, of course, some of my services have been chosen because they
       | differentiated themelves from the competition by Yubikey
       | support.)
       | > Buy a device, register it, install the app, configure it, find
       | the setting in the website, enable it, hope your machine has the
       | right sort of USB ports, press the button at the right time.
       | Except, with U2F, that's not true. It's just "buy a device, plug
       | it in, find the place on the website, wait for a prompt, press a
       | button".
       | > Convenience. My YubiKey is on my keyring. My keys are in my
       | coat.
       | That's a pretty personal problem. For me, my keys are either on
       | my belt loop or on my desk, which means it's always handy. Of
       | course, you can also get one of the models which is designed to
       | stay plugged in, if that is compliant with your threat model.
       | > Risk. YubiKeys have no password lock of their own. ... if
       | you've stolen my laptop and the YubiKey is plugged in
       | True, which is why they're not generally suitable for standalone
       | use; only as a second credential. Also, if your threat model has
       | you worried about them being stolen together, simply don't leave
       | them plugged in together.
       | > Support. WebAuthn is a great standard - but only a few sites
       | support it.
       | That's still as false it was when it was your first point.
       | > If fake-github.com said "Hmmm we're having problems with our
       | WebAuthn backend - please use a one-time code from your
       | authenticator app for added security" would you be fooled?
       | At the very least, it would probably cause me to double-check
       | that I was on a legit site.
       | Overall: I don't think you give enough credence to the fact that
       | it's real, secure, convenient 2FA. No more digging your phone out
       | of your pocket, unlocking it, navigating to the app, and then
       | setting your phone down so you can type in the code. And then
       | locking your phone and putting it back away.
       | Personally, my Yubikey goes into my laptop at the start of the
       | work day (the first time I use it), and it doesn't come out until
       | I'm done working (well, or if I need to use my keys). All I have
       | to do is tap the button after I put my password in.
       | niftich wrote:
       | This is a good article about the weaknesses of the trust models
       | of navigation on the web. The author uses a password manager that
       | also fulfills the role of a personal 'have I seen this site
       | before?' database, which helps them associate a URL to its
       | conceptual entity, in their quest to determine if the site they
       | visited was the site they intended to visit.
       | In this exact form, this is a feature that's absent from
       | mainstream browsers today. Because browsers do not have this,
       | people instead turn to all sorts of other signals to judge the
       | site's identity, but each one of those signals is designed for
       | another purpose, and ought to not to be used directly by the user
       | to make such determination. But no other signals are available,
       | so they get used nonetheless.
       | Some people look at the URL before clicking it, or the URL bar in
       | the browser after they've already navigated to the site, and try
       | to judge from the URL whether the site belongs to the entity they
       | intended to visit. This is fallible for a bunch of reasons,
       | including: (1) people often read visually instead of comparing
       | codepoint-by-codepoint, so reading errors or homoglyph attacks
       | are possible, and browsers can only meaningfully mitigate against
       | the latter; (2) very few people keep a computerized allow-list,
       | so they check against expectations in their head; and (3) some
       | organizations will make use of domain names that greatly differ
       | from their own name, which works contrary to the instinct of a
       | URL-judging user who consider themselves 'cautious', and it's
       | difficult to stay aware of all this.
       | Some people look at the TLS certificate, and try to judge from
       | the information displayed by the browser about the cert whether
       | the site belongs to the entity they intended to visit. This is
       | fallible for a bunch of reasons, including (1) DV certs only
       | prove that someone (i.e. anyone) had control of the domain at the
       | time near the cert's issuance, so its value as a trust signal to
       | the user ought to be zero and immediately reduce to the prior
       | case of mentally validating the URL by its character content; (2)
       | EV certs validate against a legal entity in some jurisdiction,
       | but as the 'stripe.ian.sh' stunt has demonstrated, jurisdiction-
       | by-juristiction registries of legal entities are a tool for a
       | different use-case and were never intended to collectively ensure
       | globally unique Organization names; and (3) in their rush to
       | ensure widespread TLS deployment on all sites, and their
       | involvement with efforts to bring short-lived cost-free DV certs
       | to everyone, browser-makers began de-emphasizing the UI
       | distinctions between DV certs and EV certs some time before the
       | true shortcomings of EV as a user-facing trust signal were widely
       | demonstrated.
       | Some people look for the visual design of the website. This is
       | trivial to fake.
       | Some people will rely on browser-resident bookmarks, browser
       | history, or 'top sites' tiles to navigate to common sites they've
       | visited before (or to sites the browser-maker pre-loaded into the
       | listing). This is a great way to preserve the trust chain and
       | reduce the likelihood that the user arrives at an unintended site
       | by mistake. But these features do not directly address the case
       | of a person navigating to a URL they were linked or provided from
       | an arbitrary source, such as the example raised in the article.
       | Building blocks exist today that could be used by publishers and
       | browser-makers to aid users in judging URLs. Some of these will
       | require past UX decisions to be undone.
       | For example, top sites could become their own Root Certificate
       | Authorities [1] and be listed in browser trust stores; these
       | companies would be expected to issue certs for sites associated
       | to themselves. This would eventually reshape the cert landscape
       | so that a parent-child relationship between issuer and subject
       | could be meaningfully distinguished from a 'provider and
       | customer' relationship. Companies that provide services to
       | others, such as payment processors, could also become root CAs
       | and sign for their customers. These changes, and a browser UX
       | that once again shows the cert issuer, would go a long way
       | towards reducing the likelihood that users are fooled by sites
       | trying to impersonate top sites.
       | If this were to come to pass, other CAs would be expected to
       | pivot to minting certs that play the role of a trustmark, by
       | conferring a degree of ongoing assurance that's useful to the
       | user (which, in fairness, was the original point behind EV
       | certs). They would do this by establishing strong brands around
       | their trustmark, issue certs for a short lifetime, and monitor
       | the site on an ongoing basis to see if it's still deserving of
       | their trustmark. This would result in a business model similar to
       | those of EV certs, but a trust model that's based on the user's
       | trust in the CA's exercise of good judgment befitting their
       | brand.
       | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13495262
       | nyanpasu64 wrote:
       | "Security Key by Yubico" is significantly cheaper than YubiKey,
       | and supports open-source protocols ("U2F and FIDO2/WebAuthn") but
       | not corporate 2FA protocols. It doesn't address the
       | keychain/password issues though.
       | underdeserver wrote:
       | The author recommends BitWarden, but it seems like it's run by
       | one guy. How do I know he doesn't go away? Get hit by a bus?
         | t0astbread wrote:
         | You don't but any good password manager should have an option
         | to migrate away from it quickly.
         | yumraj wrote:
         | run your own instance of Bitwarden.. there's a nice dockerized
         | server available written in Rust
       | lifeisstillgood wrote:
       | >>> The top result on Google is invariably an advert for a scam
       | site.
       | Wait what now?
       | _wldu wrote:
       | Nice blog post with interesting views.
       | I leave my YubiKey plugged in all the time. It's basically a
       | permanent part of the computer.
         | nijave wrote:
         | Same, and many websites have support for multiple keys so
         | enroll a couple of the cheap $10 ones (per device) and then you
         | can use TOTP or just printed codes as a backup.
         | Even if your device is stolen 1) it's unlikely by a technically
         | savvy bad actor (and if you're at risk, you probably have had
         | special data security training anyway) 2) you're still only
         | stealing one factor. Your device should also be encrypted with
         | a password which would protect any passwords [managers] on the
         | device
       | cordite wrote:
       | I recently experimented with the Yubikey OTP feature. Like TOTP,
       | it can be proxied through as there's no challenge that includes
       | signing the website name like FIDO. Also.. The Yubico OTP feature
       | types using QWERTY with letters and no numbers. As I use dvorak,
       | this resulted in considerable confusion as two yubikeys behaved
       | the same.
       | Interestingly, copying the credentials between Yubikeys will not
       | result in an accepted yubikey OTP. The serial seems to be used
       | somewhere in the calculation.
       | A yubikey, using the CLI tool, can have TOTP credentials stored
       | inside. This can be used in conjunction with grep and sed for any
       | CLI scripts that may interactively request a TOTP.
       | bombcar wrote:
       | 2FA prevents harvesting of passwords - but it just means that
       | they have to be actively (or programmatically) attacking
       | I suppose if they AlSO have protections against proxying (forbid
       | more than X login/login attempts from a given IP) it might help -
       | but certainly not against spearphishing. Honestly don't see how
       | you can protect against even moderate level spearphishing
       | reasonably.
       | Some banks have a "word" or picture you select that they'll show
       | you durning login - never understood how this can't just be
       | proxied.
       | Certificate based authentication in theory allows both sides to
       | Authenticate the Other.
         | edent wrote:
         | > Some banks have a "word" or picture you select that they'll
         | show you durning login - never understood how this can't just
         | be proxied.
         | It can, simple as that. Some make it moderately more difficult
         | by showing you, say, 9 pictures and asking you to pick the one
         | that's yours. But, again, dead easy to proxy.
           | isbvhodnvemrwvn wrote:
           | Others also ask you to put in only some characters of your
           | password, which is even more troubling because at best they
           | hash them in various configurations when you change password,
           | at worst - they keep it in plaintext.
           | jameshart wrote:
           | The original version of this pattern relied on local storage
           | on your device to ensure that only the real site or app could
           | show you the right image.
             | bombcar wrote:
             | That makes a lot more sense - I wonder if any are left that
             | do it.
         | PascLeRasc wrote:
         | That's a really good idea, we should be asking sites to verify
         | themselves with a second factor. Do you know if that's in use
         | anywhere?
           | MayeulC wrote:
           | With PAKE schemes such as OPAQUE, you verify the site as
           | well, IIRC, and that can be used to derive a shared secret, I
           | think.
           | It is my understanding that U2F and Webauthn can't be proxied
           | either, but I forgot the specifics and would appeciate if
           | someone could enlighten me.
           | Conceptually, you just have to generate a keypair using
           | Diffie-Hellman, and sign a challenge after the session has
           | been opened, so that the server can double-check you have the
           | right key (it already has your public key).
             | tialaramex wrote:
             | In WebAuthn (and U2F but that's obsolete and you should
             | just implement WebAuthn on a green field system) your
             | credentials are inherently tied to an FQDN yes.
             | There are two tricks involved. Firstly, your web browser is
             | co-opted to do this work. It knows this is
             | news.ycombinator.com much better than you do. If this
             | wasn't in fact news.ycombinator.com, but looked correct and
             | behaved as expected, you likely would not notice, but the
             | browser checks the name matches for every single individual
             | HTTP transaction.
             | So if the site fakebank.example tries to do a WebAuthn
             | validation for realbank.example it just plain doesn't work.
             | Next, for a Security Key or similar FIDO1 device, where you
             | can enroll an unlimited number of sites on a single
             | authenticator since they aren't actually stored on the
             | authenticator - the keys used are encrypted with that FQDN.
             | So if bad guys stole your real authentication database
             | enties at Real Bank (maybe from a backup) they not only
             | can't use them, they can't even play them back to you and
             | have you use them - they only work at all on the real site
             | they were for, they're just random garbage on any other
             | site.
             | This relies on a two encryption technologies. 1. Public Key
             | Signatures (mostly using elliptic curves but that isn't
             | essential). I can pick two related numbers, tell you one,
             | and then in future you can challenge me to prove I know the
             | other one on different occasions, and you'll know I do even
             | though you don't learn the number. Your Security Key can
             | prove to GitHub that it is still the same Security Key that
             | visited before, despite GitHub not knowing which one that
             | is.
             | 2. AEAD Authenticated Encryption. Modern symmetric
             | encryption not only keeps your data confidential, it can
             | also simultaneously authenticate it, your Security Key
             | knows when given back an encrypted "ID" that it's a real
             | one it issued to this web site, because random IDs will
             | fail the authentication step.
             |  _Either_ of these tricks would arguably achieve our basic
             | security goals, but they are both adding further strengths
             | to the system, so why not have both.
             | [Edited to clarify some details]
           | _wldu wrote:
           | This is called a site key and was made popular by Bank of
           | America. I'm not sure if they still do it.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SiteKey
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | > Honestly don't see how you can protect against even moderate
         | level spearphishing reasonably.
         | WebAuthn. The article author dismisses it as basically too
         | inconvenient (they apparently keep their Security Key somewhere
         | out of reach and they struggle to remember the complicated user
         | interaction of... pressing a button)
         | But WebAuthn is completely effective against phishing.
         | The closest to plausible attacks are: The bad guys take over
         | the target servers (no reason to phish you); The bad guys
         | persuade you to physically send them your authentication device
         | (truly not everybody can be helped...); The bad guys persuade
         | you to install software under their control on a general
         | purpose PC (this won't work on a Phone) and then you follow
         | their bad instructions to "use" your authenticator with their
         | software to get them in.
         | Mutually authenticated TLS is in principle viable, and I have
         | used it in machine-to-machine systems, but the UX is atrocious
         | and it has grave privacy problems.
           | guenthert wrote:
           | I think the conundrum is that such a device uses either a
           | simple UI (like pressing the button), which then is unable to
           | convey to the user which transaction is to be signed off on
           | (the desktop/laptop/phone might be compromised) or the device
           | has its own display and multiple-choice input that'll be too
           | expensive and cumbersome for all to carry around all the
           | time, everywhere.
       | dgudkov wrote:
       | They author makes a few good points, but I find the author's
       | critique of Yubikey weak:
       | >Cost. The average YubiKey is PS50...
       | If that's too expensive for ensuring your internet security, then
       | either you underestimate the risks, or undervalue your
       | information. If a Yubikey cost 10 times more it would still be a
       | bargain.
       | >Usability. Buy a device, register it, install the app, configure
       | it, find the setting in the website, enable it, hope your machine
       | has the right sort of USB ports, press the button at the right
       | time.
       | Pressing the button at the right tight was a joke, right?
       | Although, I admit it may be challenging for people with
       | disabilities. Websites making it hard to find 2FA settings is not
       | a Yubikey's problem, it's a website problem. Setting up a Yubikey
       | is rather straight forward too. The main issue is the inability
       | to clone a Yubikey programmatically, but that's the price of
       | security.
       | >Convenience. My YubiKey is on my keyring. My keys are in my
       | coat...
       | That's can't be serious too. I won't even elaborate on this.
       | >Risk. YubiKeys have no password lock of their own. At least my
       | crumby Android has a fingerprint lock to prevent people getting
       | my 2FA tokens. But if you've stolen my laptop and the YubiKey is
       | plugged in, then you've got the keys to my kingdom.
       | That's actually the only valid point I somewhat agree with.
       | Again, this is largely mitigated by developing the right habits.
       | You don't leave your car keys hanging in your car's lock after
       | leaving the car in a parking lot, right? Then why do it with
       | Yubikey? If developing a new _minor_ habit represents a problem,
       | then either you underestimate the risks, or undervalue your
       | information.
       | An additional password/fingerprint protection would be nice
       | though. I agree on that.
       | >Support. WebAuthn is a great standard - but only a few sites
       | support it...
       | Again, this is not a Yubikey's problem. It's a website problem.
         | csydas wrote:
         | I mean, you say all this, but more or less these are the same
         | complaints I hear from even seasoned IT professionals every
         | single day when it comes to security.
         | Even the "the key is in my coat" is not a joke at all -- I've
         | had clients who got compromised by a malicious insider because
         | some admin wrote passwords on a sticky note simply because
         | "password managers are cumbersome".
         | I get what you're saying on each point, but understand that
         | security is as much about discipline as the actual security you
         | implement. You can have the best of the best, but it doesn't
         | mean anything without the discipline to use it, and I suppose
         | that's what the author is trying to convey.
         | You even touch on it in your response about developing the
         | right habits, and that's the author's port -- without
         | discipline, the Yubikey means nothing.
         | >Again, this is not a Yubikey's problem. It's a website
         | problem.
         | On this point I can't really agree at all; Yubikey might have a
         | solid solution for a problem, but if no one is implementing it,
         | then it's a solution looking for a problem. The mythical
         | "average user" won't be persuaded to drop any amount of money
         | on a dongle that does nothing; if it doesn't work for a large
         | majority of their most common sites, then it's just a waste of
         | money.
         | I'd suggest it __is__ Yubikey's problem as they're not
         | promoting their value to sites in a way that implementation is
         | a no-brainer. Checking on their compatibility list fo common
         | chat-applications, common forums, common message
         | boards/imageboards, and common shops world-wide, the adoption
         | is very limited. Surely the admins of popular sites are aware
         | of Yubikey, but at some point there was a decision not to add
         | functionality -- Yubikey needs to make the efforts to promote
         | adoption and figure out where there resistance comes from.
         | Of my daily sites that I might expect to be aware of/implement
         | some hardware security, only reddit is on the list of "works
         | with Yubikey", and I pretty rarely use reddit. Listing sites my
         | friends and family use on a day to day basis, only Google
         | Accounts comes up.
         | That's what the post is talking about. Yubikey does not have
         | the penetration to be viable to "average users", and even for
         | tech persons, the device is useless without the discipline to
         | adjust habits in the first place, which most people just don't
         | have.
           | dgudkov wrote:
           | >security is as much about discipline as the actual security
           | you implement
           | Totally agree on that. The author's main ranting about
           | Yubikey is that it requires developing new habits, but that's
           | exactly the point.
           | >they're not promoting their value to sites in a way that
           | implementation is a no-brainer.
           | That's a good point. Although, poor adoption of hardware
           | tokens even by banks (e.g. no bank in Canada supports
           | Yubikey) is surely not because it's hard to implement. It's a
           | "chicken-or-egg" problem. Organizations don't support
           | hardware tokens because few people use them, and few people
           | use tokens because many organizations don't support them
           | anyway. Yubikey and other hardware token vendors could've
           | done a better job promoting and simplifying using hardware
           | tokens.
         | xondono wrote:
         | Just because it's _a website problem_ , it doesn't stop being a
         | problem.
         | Usability is important if you want adoption outside of the HN
         | crowd.
           | dgudkov wrote:
           | It is a problem anyway, I agree. It's incorrect to attribute
           | the problem specifically to Yubikeys.
         | acupofnope wrote:
         | > YubiKeys have no password lock of their own
         | I don't know if the author of the blog post means something
         | else but if you're using 2FA tokens (i.e. Yubikey
         | Authenticator) you _can_ put password protection for additional
         | security.
           | mynameisvlad wrote:
           | In some scenarios, Windows 10 will also require a PIN to use
           | a key:
           | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-
           | directory/user...
       | TACIXAT wrote:
       | This is a weird post. Yubikeys are absolutley the solution here,
       | also a password manager. A decent password manager will check the
       | URL for you.
         | chungy wrote:
         | There are many legitimate situations in which a login domain is
         | changed and a password manager no longer works. So then you
         | manually open the password manager, look for the password,
         | copy+paste, and save the new entry.
         | How can you be completely confident that this isn't an
         | attacker?
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | Right. One of the _good_ decisions in WebAuthn is that this
           | type of nonsense simply isn 't possible. It's designed so
           | that you can't do this. When the big boss absolutely insists
           | that ourcorp.example must rename to xp4ifis.example because
           | of whatever nonsense, there's nothing to argue about, it
           | won't technically work, it can't be done. Like if they
           | decided it would be better branding if up was down, too bad.
           | In almost all cases these were just about vanity (e.g. the
           | university where I studied and had some of my first jobs
           | renamed itself and gave every web site new URLs, purely out
           | of vanity, at considerable cost with no benefit) and so when
           | they discover it can't be done technically they just give up
           | and continue to use the old name for authentication, meaning
           | your security posture is intact. In the few other cases
           | you're now going to have to have a conversation with your
           | users about why you broke everything and need to begin over.
           | I sure hope the gain to your organisation was worth it.
             | guenthert wrote:
             | Not too long Scottrade (2 or 3 't'?) got bought by
             | Ameritrade. All Scottrade accounts are now accessed
             | exclusively under the new domain name.
             | Recently Ameritrade and Charles Schwab Corp. merged ...
           | TACIXAT wrote:
           | In that rare case you just check the URL. Contact the company
           | if it is a high value login. You can also verify by searching
           | for the site and clicking through to see what their webpage
           | offers as ground truth.
       | smokey_circles wrote:
       | No.
       | 2FA is designed to authenticate that this _is_ you logging in.
       | Wrong off the bat.
       | The "they just use your login token" is akin to "they just hacked
       | the CIA's database". _Just_.
       | I also don't see how the author thinks that the same users who
       | struggle with yubikey won't simply search for the github.com
       | login on githud.com in their password manager. Bitwarden and co
       | are great but the default domain creates a problem where
       | login.signup.domain.com does not match login.domain.com and so
       | users are used to searching.
       | The bit that completely lost me was the lamenting of convenience
       | with the YubiKey.
       | Security and convenience are polar opposites.
       | Coupled with the "tech bros" comment, I am not sure this is in
       | good faith at all
         | paraknight wrote:
         | > The "they just use your login token" is akin to "they just
         | hacked the CIA's database". Just.
         | He's saying that they can basically MITM you, which is true.
         | GitHub asks attacker for token, attacker asks you, attacker
         | gives token to GitHub on the spot, presto.
           | smokey_circles wrote:
           | Ah, I did overlook that one.
           | That said: I remain unconvinced that 2FA is a trivial thing
           | to beat. Now we're talking about an active attempt to
           | impersonate _you_ , as opposed to a general catch-all-
           | the-2fa-less-logins
           | Put another way: If you ran this phishing site, would you
           | focus your time on the logins with 2FA enabled (which if I've
           | understood correctly means you'd have to catch them in the
           | window the token is valid for) or the logins without?
             | TheGeminon wrote:
             | If you use your phished credentials immediately (e.g.
             | inline with it being phished), then it doesn't make a
             | difference if they are using 2FA. You use the credentials
             | they entered to login from a backend system automatically,
             | and then if that ends up with a 2FA prompt, you show the
             | victim the 2FA phishing page next, instead of redirecting
             | them to the real app/whatever.
             | This obviously does have its own downsides (you have to
             | maintain a login infrastructure, as well as your phishing
             | infrastructure), but this was even seen before 2FA became
             | common to detect if an incorrect password was entered into
             | the phishing site.
             | It is definitely an improvement, but TOTP doesn't provide
             | much protection from phishing, and as it becomes more
             | popular more phishers will need to accomodate for them in
             | their campaigns, further reducing their effectiveness here.
         | sulam wrote:
         | > 2FA is designed to authenticate that this is you logging in.
         | Wrong off the bat.
         | Pretty sure you are in agreement with the post here. IOW, 2FA
         | _isn 't_ to authenticate the site.
         | Most of 2FA I use won't help you assuming the credentials I
         | just gave the phishing site are immediately forwarded to the
         | real thing. I will see a login verification, just like I
         | expected, from the site I expected it to come from. Maybe, just
         | maybe, I might notice that the login _location_ is not where I
         | am, for 2FA implementations that tell you that.
           | smokey_circles wrote:
           | I might be, I took the article at it's title to mean "2FA
           | does not protect you from your password being leaked"
       | GolDDranks wrote:
       | Let's say I've got 2FA enabled. I get a confirmation link to my
       | e-mail. I click the link. Because the e-mail is sent by the real
       | site, the link leads to the non-phishing site. The scammer has my
       | password, but is still unable to access the site. How does that
       | not help?
       | Of course if it's a 6-digit code or something, then they are able
       | to stole my it like they did with the password.
         | jakelazaroff wrote:
         | I wouldn't call sending codes by email "true" 2FA, though,
         | since your email address can also be used to reset your
         | password.
       | goodpoint wrote:
       | Another aspect that people always forget is that 2FA protects
       | only the _login_ process.
       | Any successful attack against your browser (or any other
       | application on your workstation) allows the attacker use existing
       | and future browsing sessions.
       | The attacker can simply wait until you log onto your bank account
       | and remotely control your browser.
       | janwillemb wrote:
       | +1 for bitwarden as password manager. It did indeed save me a few
       | weeks ago from a phishing attempt. After reporting it to my
       | employer and warning all my colleagues it turned out to be the
       | tech department doing a white hat test to educate the employees
       | :)
       | yangwuzrite wrote:
       | The author of this article has no idea how 2FA works or why it's
       | used.
       | 2FA is used to prevent or mitigate the impact of phishing or
       | other attacks where a password is compromised (password reuse,
       | random guessing, keylogger, etc.). The author does bring up one
       | hypothetical attack -- a man-in-the-middle attack -- where
       | someone can trick a user into providing their 2FA or triggering
       | an authorization (like with a Duo push). This requires the
       | ability to execute a real-time attack.
       | FIDO/U2F/Webauthn (I still haven't figured out exactly what
       | you're supposed to call them) security tokens solve that use case
       | by allowing the website to authenticate directly to the token.
       | That can't be phished -- even if you're tricked into a fake
       | website and given a fake webauthn prompt, AFAIK there's no known
       | way to proxy or otherwise intercept that second factor
       | authentication to allow a phishing attack to succeed.
       | His complaint that the token doesn't have a password is largely
       | pointless -- the token is the second factor, the password on the
       | site is the first. If you're using passwordless FIDO2 logins,
       | then it does have a PIN.
       | Long story short, this guy is full of crap.
       | fastball wrote:
       | > The top result on Google is invariably an advert for a scam
       | site.
       | Um... no?
         | edent wrote:
         | Try browsing the web without an ad blocker. The top results on
         | Google search are always adverts. And, quite often, they link
         | to scam sites.
         | There are loads of copycat websites which appear in the top
         | slot - especially for government site.
         | https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/advice/how-to-spot-a...
         | It's particularly prevalent in the UK, where you see companies
         | proxying legitimate services and charging premium rate for
         | phone calls -
         | https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/feb/04/beware-call-co...
           | fastball wrote:
           | Can you give me an actual example of this with a google
           | search right now?
             | iso1210 wrote:
             | I just did an ingonito search for "!g ETA",
             | I got 3 results on the screen
             | CanadianTravel - ETA Ad*www.canadaonlineapplication.org/
             | CanadianTravel - ETA Ad*www.canadatravelvisa.com/
             | CanadaETA - for UK citiziens - canadian-etavisas.com
             | Ad*www.canadian-etavisas.com/
             | Which all look the same, and seem to charge $99 for the
             | 'service' of filling in a form the Canadian government
             | charges $7 for.
             | After that there is a wikipage for the Spanish terrorist
             | group, two more wiki pages, then finally
             | The official site: Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA):
             | How to apply - Canada.ca
             | Searching google for "Canada ETA" gives the above 3 adverts
             | and also a link to https://www.etatocanada.com/ which
             | charges PS69 for the service.
               | fastball wrote:
               | So.... not a scam, in that you get exactly what you pay
               | for. And certainly not phishing, which this article was
               | talking about.
             | DanBC wrote:
             | In the UK there was a problem of commercial companies
             | setting up look-alike websites and charging a fee to do
             | stuff that is free to do via the correct gov website. It's
             | not as common now, partly because UK orgs put pressure on
             | Google to fix it.
             | Here's an example:
             | [change name deed poll]
             | https://www.google.co.uk/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00J9KQR_SH1ZlvHg
             | i...
             | For me the top four links are clearly marked ads. (Although
             | some people may miss that [ad] marker). After the ads there
             | are two links to the proper gov.uk website. Then there's a
             | link to a commercial site called "Deed Poll Office", who
             | charge for a services that's free.
             | In the past that TheDeedPollOffice link ranked higher.
             | Similar things used to happen for passports and tax self
             | assessment.
           | Blikkentrekker wrote:
           | How can this pass through _Google_ 's quality controls that
           | scam sites can get advertising?
             | proactivesvcs wrote:
             | ...quality controls? They're paying customers, Google has
             | no incentive to prevent scam sites, which is why the
             | results and adverts are infested with them, and have been
             | for decades.
               | Blikkentrekker wrote:
               | It seems to be against _AdSense_ 's rules, however.
               | Apparently they aren't so enforced.
               | Good thing that Google is still going after you if your
               | website has nudity on it it, however. -- 'tis very
               | important.
               | jeffbee wrote:
               | That is quite incorrect. Google has more incentive than
               | anyone else to deliver only the best results and ads to
               | searchers. Delivering them to scams harms their
               | reputation and would eventually erode the CTR.
       | as300 wrote:
       | Correct me if I'm wrong but I've seen oauth implementations that
       | require you to be redirected to the site you're giving
       | credentials for to finish the flow of authentication. Wouldn't
       | this make it a lot easier to determine that you're being phished,
       | if you have to go to a whole different web site that warns you
       | that you are giving external parties access to your credentials?
         | anticristi wrote:
         | Indeed, using OAuth everywhere would make the success of such
         | an attack less likely. However, I feel strongly about not
         | letting a single organization act as my identity provider. I
         | don't like putting all eggs in the same basket.
       | anticristi wrote:
       | Time to implement Password Authenticated Key Exchange, e.g.
       | Secure Remote Password, in the browser?
       | Here is what I suggest. Let there be a field <input type=pake
       | challenge=blah />. Whatever is typed into that field is
       | unavailable to the front-end code. Instead, the browser computes
       | a one-way function of the password, challenge and origin, and
       | makes _that_ available to the front-end.
       | The devil is in the details, but I'm pretty sure that a robust
       | security analysis could eventually produce a solution that allows
       | any user to type any password in a "super-password" field, and
       | rest assured that the phishers are out.
       | The next issues would be: - How to prevent "downgrade" attacks,
       | i.e., the user should immediately notice if a legacy password
       | field is used. - How to convince the Internet to adopt this.
       | flas9sd wrote:
       | for one, html email is vicious, terminal email clients can help
       | to not fool you with visual alignment.
       | I like the feature `From: <> via <>` in the view, maybe this
       | tipped her off - "palette.cloud" is an unlikely envelope-sender
       | for github mail. Reactivating an old gmail account, I can't see
       | how to enable the feature.
       | In a muttrc, you can get context with showing you more headers.
       | ignore *       unignore from: to: cc: date: subject: user-agent:
       | x-mailer: return-path: authentication-results:       hdr_order
       | date: from: return-path: to: subject: user-agent: x-mailer:
       | authentication-results:
       | A client could by default show "unverified" and use spf+dkim to
       | get to verified. The "unverified" could be signal enough to
       | enable spidey sense
       | dathinab wrote:
       | I think password managers are the first step you should take and
       | FIDO/U2F hardware keys are the second similar important step.
       | With that even if your password manager get hacked you still have
       | a secure account as they didn't got the U2F at the same time a
       | password manager is a must have as it's prevents a lot of
       | phishing attacks from even getting any chance and is quite
       | convenient, too.
       | The problem with hardware keys is that for many people they are
       | not so easy:
       | - You MUST generate and safely store recovery keys, storing them
       | in your password manager is suboptimal, but better then not
       | having them. (Not having them means potentially losing account
       | access permanently.)
       | - You often need to enable it.
       | - You should store it with your keys, which dependent on habit
       | might not be around your PC (in my case they always are in my
       | pocket so :=) ).
       | - If your site doesn't support U2F/FIDO you might need an
       | additional phone + app, or laptop app to get the numbers out of
       | your key.
       | So while I think it's a must have for every developer to have a
       | hardware security token lie a Yubikey it's not something I could
       | convince e.g. my Dad or Sisters to use.
       | slaymaker1907 wrote:
       | 2FA can actually prevent phishing, though it requires close
       | integration with the app and the authenticator. It's actually
       | quite similar to CSRF prevention. On the site itself, display a
       | random nonce to the user for confirmation then send an request
       | for authentication to the authenticator with said nonce which the
       | user can confirm. The battle.net authenticator does this.
       | For added protection, you can prompt the user to select which
       | nonce is correct to force them to verify it is correct. The
       | Microsoft authenticator does this sometimes.
       | The downside of this approach is that it requires a constant
       | connection between the second factor the service. It also relies
       | on the fact that the service authenticates itself via TLS or some
       | other means, though that is a relatively minor issue.
       | yumraj wrote:
       | There is another issue, I think, with Cloudflare serving in the
       | middle.
       | For many websites the Cert is owned by Cloudflare and shows
       | Cloudflare as the _Organization_ and not the website owner. In
       | that case there is no way for me to figure out whether I 'm on
       | the actual site or a phished site.
       | For example see this (it is the Visa opt-out website that was
       | posted a few days ago on HN):
       | https://marketingreportoptout.visa.com/OPTOUT/request.do
       | Supposedly the above it authentic, but the Cert is showing
       | Cloudflare as the Organization. Now unless the claim is that
       | Cloudflare will never serve phished websites, which I doubt
       | unless Cloudflare is doing a human validation for each client,
       | this is a problem.
         | invokestatic wrote:
         | This is an issue with any domain-verified TLS certificate,
         | which make up the overwhelming majority of certificates in use.
         | Only CAs which offer organization-verified (OV) or extended-
         | verified (EV) certificates, typically at exorbitant prices,
         | does the TLS certificate attest the publisher of the website.
           | yumraj wrote:
           | > Only CAs which offer organization-verified (OV) or
           | extended-verified (EV) certificate, typically at exhorbitant
           | prices, does the TLS certificate attest the publisher of the
           | website.
           | Even so, I'll expect financial institutions to have that.
           | Note: I'm not saying the above is a Cloudflare issue, perhaps
           | someone at Visa was being stingy - I'm just saying it's an
           | issue and would be bad if that becomes the mainstream.
       (page generated 2021-01-17 23:00 UTC)