[HN Gopher] Show HN: I built an online interactive course that h...
       Show HN: I built an online interactive course that helps you learn
       vim faster
       Author : CoffeePython
       Score  : 433 points
       Date   : 2021-01-20 13:46 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.vim.so)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.vim.so)
       | ehershey wrote:
       | It would be nice if you at least listed what the exercises are
       | before asking for money.
         | geordigeordi wrote:
         | I agree to a degree. Listing a bit more about Vim itself for
         | someone that might be coming from a development background but
         | does not specifically know about Vim and it's benefits could be
         | good, and maybe what TYPE of exercises will be involved (What
         | will I be be able to do at the end) - but keeping the exercises
         | a little secretive is great to keep interest :)
           | buzzerbetrayed wrote:
           | Wow, this is incredibly scummy. Basically your logic is, "If
           | they knew what I was selling, they wouldn't buy my course.
           | But if they don't know then I might trick a few of them in to
           | buying something they don't want".
           | edit: Note, I realize this isn't OP that I'm replying to. Not
           | sure if what I wrote makes that clear.
         | tomwojcik wrote:
         | Couldn't find it anywhere either. Here is the list from twitter
         | https://twitter.com/KennethCassel/status/1351916897823059970
       | 488pista wrote:
       | Thanks for this I always used nano or pico because it was easy
       | and always wanted to use vi but found it really strange like to
       | exit & save you have to do :w! or something like that.
       | zappo2938 wrote:
       | Make it multi player via websockets and a server
       | rav wrote:
       | Nice trial exercise on the front page. While trying it out, I
       | wanted to use the backspace key, which in Vim moves to the last
       | character on the previous line (when used on the beginning of a
       | line, that is), but that didn't work - backspace on the start of
       | the line doesn't seem to move the cursor at all.
       | I was pleasantly surprised that cw and D are implemented
       | correctly though, so props on that!
       | mr-wendel wrote:
       | Want to learn vim and make it stick?
       | 0. Learn the basic movements and UI interactions. Do NOT use the
       | arrow keys. Your future self will thank you tremendously.
       | 1. Search DuckDuckGo for "vim cheatsheet" and find one that
       | provides a good summary of commands thats organized to your
       | liking.
       | 2. Print it out and post it somewhere easily accessible to your
       | working space.
       | 3. Each-ish day, review the cheatsheet a bit and pick one one new
       | kind of command that looks useful. Try to integrate that command
       | into your workflow throughout the day. It'll be clumsy at first,
       | but after you do it a few times you'll be surprised at how much
       | faster this gets.
       | Focus on movement and editing first. Take note of sequences that
       | seem to take a lot of work, as almost guaranteed there is a
       | faster way you can integrate in later.
       | Once you've got a small core built up, do another review and
       | research more specialized topics:
       | - .vimrc, colors, and customization
       | - plugins
       | - buffers, windows, etc for quick workspace organization
       | - macros ... and macros within macros!
       | - visual blocks
       | - various useful commands for advanced editing (e.g. regex based
       | find in replace in an entire doc or visual block is epic)
       | Give yourself time and try not to be too loud when you have your
       | first "A ha!" moment when you randomly try a completely new key
       | combo that you think _should_ work and it actually does exactly
       | what you hoped.
       | Tepix wrote:
       | If you want to internalize the vi cursor keys hjkl a good and fun
       | way to do it is to play "hunt" (part of the "bsdgames" debian
       | package, man page at
       | https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/bsdgames/hunt.6.en.html ).
       | Hunt is a text based 2d multiplayer labyrinth deathmatch game. It
       | even has a unique feature: Labyrinth walls that you can shoot and
       | that will eventually regrow (sometimes different than before).
       | varbhat wrote:
       | Before trying these courses , Please try _vimtutor_ that comes
       | bundled with vim . After practicing with _vimtutor_ , you can try
       | these additional courses.
         | kkoncevicius wrote:
         | first _vimtutor_ and then _:help user-manual_
         | rjvir wrote:
         | Looks like "vimtutor" is primarily text explaining the hotkeys.
         | For me, the bottleneck to picking up vim has not been merely
         | knowing the hotkeys, but more internalizing the commands and
         | building muscle memory.
         | The interactive game format of this website could possibly
         | solve that, so it appeals to me.
           | pksebben wrote:
           | vimtutor is designed for you to use it regularly to train
           | muscle memory
           | baconsteakey wrote:
           | It says this in the 3rd or 4th paragraph:
           | > It is important to remember that this tutor is set up to
           | teach by use. That means that you need to execute the
           | commands to learn them properly. If you only read the text,
           | you will forget the commands!
           | And it's free, not 15 USD or whatever this site is charging.
         | mhaberl wrote:
         | For anyone wondering, you use it by executing vimtutor in
         | terminal (not in vim).
         | Also, you exit by pressing ESC and then typing :q (hit enter)
           | libria wrote:
           | How fitting that the tutorial for vim needs its own pre-
           | tutorial for exiting.
             | alfiedotwtf wrote:
             | Having seen machines that have hundreds of Vim sessions
             | opened because "system integrators" didn't know how to exit
             | Vim, it should be the very first thing taught
             | Izkata wrote:
             | It's also in the tutor, lesson 1.2
             | But there's actually nothing special about vimtutor here:
             | all it does is write a temporary file and then open it in
             | vim.
             | samstave wrote:
             | Before replying to your post I upvoted, I had to hit a link
             | called [REPLY]
         | CoffeePython wrote:
         | Yep I'd definitely recommend the same, vimtutor is great.
       | asciimov wrote:
       | What does $15 get me? I don't see any listing of the lessons.
       | Why is this better than vimtutor?
       | xalava wrote:
       | I know that vim is particularly enjoyed. The site looks nice and
       | I wish you the best luck with this.
       | But for beginners, I now recommend micro as a console text editor
       | (https://github.com/zyedidia/micro). It's a one line install with
       | all the shortcuts and display that have become a standard across
       | editors.
         | patrec wrote:
         | Does anyone know who had the bright idea to replace vi with
         | nano as the standard text editor and why this became some sort
         | of standard?
         | I really don't get it. Vi is unintuitive and unfamiliar to unix
         | newebies, but at some point every even half-competent person on
         | unix could use it enough to at least do simple config file
         | changes. Plus, if you took time to learn it properly, you
         | actually knew a quite capable editor. And the beginner
         | unfriendliness could presumably have been mostly fixed, without
         | much cost to existing expert users. For example by defaulting
         | to some helpful status message how look at help and insert text
         | (and have cursor keys and Ctrl-S etc. work as "expected" in
         | insert mode). Or maybe a message "press Ctrl-D to enter newbie
         | mode" that experienced vimers could just ignore but would
         | provide CUA style keybindings and modeless editing to everyone
         | else.
         | Instead now everyone has to deal with a new (and for proficient
         | users really quite worthless) editor with its own set of
         | completely bizarre keybindings (not emacs, not readline, not
         | vi, not CUA), but none of the upsides that come with emacs or
         | vi's idiosyncracies. Ctrl-O to save? WTF? Literally the only
         | advantage over vi is that it displays some instructions at the
         | bottom, albeit not in a form any real newbie would understand
         | at all.
         | Nano (and by extension this) feel like the worst of all
         | possible worlds -- what am I missing?
           | easton wrote:
           | The logic I always thought was that if you are working at the
           | console on a server and dealing with the default $EDITOR, you
           | most likely are doing some kind of emergency maintenance. In
           | this scenario, you want to throw the most gentle/easy-to-use
           | editor at the user to ensure they don't accidentally
           | overwrite a file or something else because they've been
           | trying to bring prod back up all night and can't see
           | straight.
           | If you use the box for more than 5 minutes a year, you'll
           | probably change it to vim or whatever you prefer anyway.
       | windexh8er wrote:
       | I think some (maybe vim experts) jumped a bit too quickly to
       | _vimtutor_. In some regard, I agree. But I tried the initial
       | exercise on my 8 year old and was impressed, so I purchased to
       | have access to the rest. I 'd say I'm a sub-par intermediate vim
       | user - knowing enough to know that I don't know or use the true
       | power of vim day to day, but have memorized a few "tricks" that
       | seem to impress basic vim users. Hoping I can leverage this to
       | break a few bad habits I've gotten into. Nice UI and I think the
       | pricing is fair. Hopefully the content expands, but even if the
       | service isn't around more than a few years I feel like the $15
       | will have been worth it. Nice work!
       | Edit: question for Kenneth - do you plan on expanding the
       | content?
       | chapium wrote:
       | There is no way I'd spend money on this. It looks like every
       | tutorial on vim, but with a stopwatch. It would be more
       | compelling if a TOC or summary of lessons were provided.
       | tyingq wrote:
       | I do like the idea, but it doesn't seem to support some expected
       | features.
       | Like <esc>:5d doesn't delete line #5. I get "Not an editor
       | command"
       | Edit: Looked into it, and it's using the Ace Editor[1] with vim
       | key bindings. Which seems like an odd choice for a Vim tutor,
       | since Ace doesn't really try to be a true Vim workalike.
       | [1] https://ace.c9.io/
         | gnubison wrote:
         | Implementing a full vi clone seems like a nightmare -- the
         | POSIX specification makes me lose hope in humanity :) For
         | instance, what does :delep parse to? I would never have guessed
         | that it was the :delete command with the "p" flag (because
         | :delete p deletes into "p).
           | tyingq wrote:
           | There's a WASM port of Vim: https://rhysd.github.io/vim.wasm/
           | You can even do _" <esc>:e tutor"_ to run vimtutor. Also, _"
           | <esc>:export"_ does an http download of the current buffer
           | contents.
       | maddyboo wrote:
       | /%<cr>qqnxq@q@@@@...
       | fctorial wrote:
       | Another useful resource:
       | http://vimcasts.org/
       | brazzy wrote:
       | See also https://www.openvim.com/
       | _jcrossley wrote:
       | Enormous vim fan here. I've been toying with the idea of 1:1
       | "tutoring" of beginner vim and other Unix tools. If anyone might
       | be interested in a free 1st lesson, send a DM!
         | andreilys wrote:
         | I've started dabbling in Vim and Unix tools. Would love to try
         | out a first lesson, what's the best way to reach you? No dm
         | feature on HN unfortunately
       | billars wrote:
       | now it is time to brag on how gets the best scores in Vim I think
       | :) :
       | Your average time was 0.32s. Click below to share your time on
       | twitter and compete with your friends.
         | julianlam wrote:
         | /%x
         | Perhaps? haha
           | jimmar wrote:
           | Yep. Then nxnxnxnxnxnxnxnxnxnx.
       | _steady wrote:
       | nice site
       | could do with taking out your console.logs
       | ```export default function KeyChar(props: any) {
       | console.log(props); return ( <span className="text-gray-800 bg-
       | gray-100 text-xl leading-5 py-0.5 px-3 border shadow-md border-
       | gray-300 rounded-md text-center"> {`${props.keyChar}`} </span> );
       | } ```
       | CoffeePython wrote:
       | Hey y'all!
       | I built this interactive course after a year of learning vim and
       | finding it to be extremely useful in my day to day development
       | experience.
       | The course is designed to give you lots of interactive practice
       | so you can develop the muscle memory needed to effectively use
       | vim.
       | Would love to hear what you guys think about it :)
         | alfiedotwtf wrote:
         | Well done on building this.
         | For some meta-advice: ignore all the salty comments in this
         | thread... it must be a full moon
         | enriquto wrote:
         | I just see a gray screen (after enabling javascript).
         | EDIT: with another browser, it seems to work, and it looks very
         | cool! But I wonder, what is the interest of learning vim
         | _outside of vim_? What are the advantages with respect to the
         | similar tutorial  "vimtutor" that comes with vim itself?
           | CoffeePython wrote:
           | Awesome, glad you got it working :)
           | I use vim inside of vs code and it's been awesome for my
           | workflow.
           | vimtutor is a fantastic resource and I'd definitely recommend
           | using it for anyone interested in learning vim.
           | vim.so gives you more interactive exercises and helps to show
           | you real life examples of where and how vim would be useful.
           | Thanks for checking it out!
             | drKarl wrote:
             | If you use vim inside vscode check Onivim 2 out
         | ahussain wrote:
         | I purchased the course but was disappointed that it doesn't go
         | much beyond the basics. For example, there is no tutorial on
         | the dot (.) command, which is one of the main productivity
         | hacks for vim users.
         | There's also no mention of the slash '/' command, moving to a
         | particular line number with 'Shift-G', 'dw' for deleting words,
         | or any number of things that are essential to know if you want
         | to use vim effectively.
           | cassepipe wrote:
           | Thanks for the feedback
           | arthurcolle wrote:
           | What does the dot command do?
             | flaviuspopan wrote:
             | Repeats the same command previously run. So if you used
             | 'ci"' for (change text in quotes) and entered a new string,
             | you can jump to a new line and hit . to replay your last
             | series of commands.
               | arthurcolle wrote:
               | I only ever made it to running searches within vim with
               | forward slash, but thanks this is useful to know. I love
               | only using the keyboard but can never easily internalize
               | all the useful macros that can be used.
       | akho wrote:
       | I don't want to spend $15. Does it just tell you to run vimtutor?
       | It should just tell you to run vimtutor.
       | fingerlocks wrote:
       | Can someone please explain to me _why_ I should learn vim? I 've
       | made several attempts in my lifetime because I thought there
       | would be some magical "ah-ha" moment, but it never came.
       | Separate modes for command & insert just feels inherently clumsy
       | and slow to me. Is there some other killer feature that can't or
       | hasn't been reproduced by modern editors?
         | dbrueck wrote:
         | Speed of editing files (especially code, but not just code) is
         | unparalleled. Anytime I have to use something besides vim, it
         | feels like trying to run in knee-deep water - so sluggish.
         | webo wrote:
         | For me, it's mostly the key bindings rather than the program
         | itself. I use vim key bindings on whatever the latest $editor
         | is rather than learning its keyboard navigation. I got
         | introduced to vim very early on though.
         | fao_ wrote:
         | > Can someone please explain to me why I should learn vim? I've
         | made several attempts in my lifetime because I thought there
         | would be some magical "ah-ha" moment, but it never came.
         | It's faster. I've been using vim motions for almost 9 years at
         | this point, 8 years in vim, vi, ex-vi, neovim, etc. Most
         | recently I've moved to Doom Emacs (Which feels like an editor
         | I'll be using in whatever forms it takes, for the next 20+
         | years). The experience of when you get used to it is
         | essentially that you are so practiced with the motions that
         | they become sub-concsious, muscle-memory. I don't have to think
         | about where to place the cursor, figure out where the mouse
         | cursor is, deal with a bunch of weird pasting tricks. To delete
         | a line I just have to will myself to delete it (using 'dd'),
         | just like I don't have to think about the complex action of
         | getting up off the bed, I just do it (At least, on days when Mr
         | Depresso isn't visiting). Eventually, it feels like the editor
         | is part of you. And at this point I can't give up vim motions.
         | Editing in anything else is uncomfortable and painful because
         | the ease and speed with which vim allows me to do complex
         | motions and actions is so convenient.
         | I can't speak for your experience, but for me I had to struggle
         | through it a bit until I found the 'ah-ha' -- that might not
         | come for you, or maybe you haven't found it yet, unfortunately.
         | I would look into using more motions, don't see it as a
         | replacement for Gedit, or Atom, or any of the mouse+keyboard
         | text editors -- it's not. Trying to use it like those will lead
         | nowhere.
         | The trick that worked for me is to find motions that are
         | convenient, and move ESCAPE to a more palatable key -- I
         | swapped it with CAPS LOCK, since I pretty much never, ever have
         | to use that key (I can always highlight 2 words with `v2w` and
         | press `~`, which will swap the case of it, anyway). The
         | 'finding of the motions' is important. I spend 90% of my time
         | in a text editor moving, and cutting text, rather than typing.
         | A motion like `}` allows me to move the cursor down a
         | paragraph, `d}` will delete said paragraph, `v}y` will copy it,
         | etc. Often I find myself deleting `t`o a place. So I can do
         | `dt#` to delete to the comment at the end of a line. ^O will go
         | to my previous cursor position, etc.
         | I would also recommend looking up Practical Vim -- it's
         | probably the best Vim handbook out there (Easily accessible via
         | genlib if you want to try before you buy), and there are still
         | things in there I haven't learned and integrated into my
         | workflow yet (For example, `vi)` to fast-edit bracket
         | sequences, that I haven't bothered with much).
         | ---
         | Regardless of all of that you need to decide if that effort is
         | worth it _for you_. I know an extremely skilled programmer who
         | writes and deals with extremely complex code just using Gedit
         | (previously Geany).
         | gnubison wrote:
         | In vim, most commands take the form "[count] operator [count]
         | motion". When you learn a new operator, you can use it with any
         | motion that you know and vice versa; and you can add a count to
         | either. To give a few examples:
         | - gqip to format (gq) a paragraph (ip).
         | - g?g? to ROT13 a line (doubling the operator makes it operate
         | on the current line -- in this case, g?? also works).
         | - y2w to copy (y) the next two words (2w) -- this requires you
         | to be at the start of the word, but you could use y2aw if you
         | were in the middle of a word.
         | - dj to delete (d) two lines (j); see ":h linewise".
         | - dt. to delete (d) until a period (t.), not including the
         | period.
         | - y% to copy (y) until the matching parentheses (%). If you
         | aren't already on one, vim searches until a "(", which means
         | that you can use this to copy a C-like function call.
         | Additionally, a subset of these operators and motions are
         | available in plain vi, which is available on any POSIX system
         | (Linux, macOS, *BSD, ...)
         | It should be possible to do this with a "regular" type of
         | editor, where you have a keyboard shortcut to, for instance,
         | select to the matching parentheses; there just aren't any
         | editors (that I know of) with the same range of motions and
         | operators as vim.
         | Not moving to the arrow keys or using ctrl-, alt- far outweighs
         | the cost of switching between insert and normal mode.
           | rossmohax wrote:
           | > but you could use y2aw if you were in the middle of a word.
           | Wow, how does it work? Why y3aw doesn't fully work for 3
           | words (it captures space before the word I started with)?
             | vbrandl wrote:
             | y2iw should copy without enclosing spaces. My mnemonic is
             | "inner word" vs. "a word".
               | gnubison wrote:
               | Playing around with this, [count]iw seems to have some
               | really strange behavior -- I need to do 3iw to select two
               | words, 5iw to select three words, etc.? I'm not sure if
               | I'm missing something. (I normally don't use many text
               | objects; bdw is in my muscle memory instead of daw, for
               | example.)
           | fingerlocks wrote:
           | I appreciate the tutorial, but I probably do already "know"
           | vim, but it's not part of my muscle-memory. Context switching
           | to something like writing an email or filling out a web form
           | really makes it not worth getting too comfortable with all
           | these esoteric shortcuts. Do you write all of your emails in
           | vim and browse the web on the command line as well?
           | From reading the rest of the replies, it sounds like the real
           | answer is "because it's everywhere", which isn't really
           | satisfying. I don't work on lots of machines that aren't my
           | own (embedded/mobile space, which _don 't_ have vi
           | installed!), so I don't actually encounter it everyday
           | despite living on the command line.
             | sigil wrote:
             | > Do you write all of your emails in vim and browse the web
             | on the command line as well?
             | Yes! I use mutt + vim. Composing emails in a textarea is a
             | terrible experience by comparison. (Respect to emacs mail
             | mode users, that's a great option too.)
             | I also use w3m for browsing technical stuff, and use tmux
             | for copy & paste into vim.
             | gnubison wrote:
             | Sorry -- I never know when to assume a large amount of
             | knowledge or a small amount of knowledge. The worst for me
             | is "ctrl-w" to delete a word backward in Insert mode, and
             | to delete a tab in the web browser :) Vim is in my muscle
             | memory and it's faster for me, so that's why I use it. It
             | might be faster for you and it might not be faster for you,
             | and if you don't need the portability for POSIX machines
             | it's probably not worth the time.
         | bmurphy1976 wrote:
         | If you live and breath the command line it's a great skill to
         | have because it's available everywhere and it's a very powerful
         | editor. If you're not a heavy command line user, you are
         | probably fine sticking with whatever you already know.
         | ttt0 wrote:
         | Modern editors often implement a vi mode, so technically
         | everything already has been reproduced in modern text editors.
         | Aside from just decades of experience in efficient editing of
         | plain text files over slow connections plus all the modern
         | stuff on top, I'd say text objects, which is one of the first
         | things you learn about vim. And it's not a web browser.
         | Fellshard wrote:
         | Higher precision in intent for many standard operations. These
         | aren't perfectly Vim commands, but from the Vim-like 'evil
         | mode' for emacs, I have some examples of common idioms I use
         | frequently:
         | - 'I want to change the name of this variable. <cw> (Change
         | Word)'
         | - 'I want to copy the contents of this braced block. <yi{>
         | (Yank Inside Matching-braces)'
         | - 'I want to surround this word in parentheses. <vaws(>
         | (Visual-mode (region selection) Around Word Surround-with
         | Matching-parens)'
         | You get used to the separate modes fairly quickly. Your
         | existing editor already works that way when switching between
         | 'region' and 'insert' modes; it's just the command mode that
         | throws people off initially. It's not that rough, especially if
         | you have a reasonably placed key to return to command mode.
           | fao_ wrote:
           | > - 'I want to surround this word in parentheses. <vaws(>
           | (Visual-mode (region selection) Around Word Surround-with
           | Matching-parens)'
           | Holy shit, thank you. I've been looking for something like
           | this for half a decade and never found it (I don't even know
           | how I missed it!)
             | Fellshard wrote:
             | I believe Vim-proper needs a plugin for that behaviour, so
             | keep that in mind.
               | fao_ wrote:
               | Do you know what plugin it is? I will try to search for
               | an evil version (Or I could just write my own, but my
               | task list is large and my energy very low these days)
               | benjaminogles wrote:
               | https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround
             | mellavora wrote:
             | ysiwb yank-surround-in-word-brackets also does it. If you
             | have https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround/ installed.
               | Fellshard wrote:
               | Thanks for the translation! I'll keep that around for
               | future reference.
         | cartoonfoxes wrote:
         | Having worked both as a sysadmin and a developer, vim is more a
         | benefit to the former by virtue of its ubiquity. Learn vim if
         | you know you will be encountering vim.
         | jeromenerf wrote:
         | > why
         | There is no reason really, you either hear the call of the wild
         | or you don't and it's perfectly fine if you prefer emacs, acme,
         | nano or vscode.
         | The simple fact that the choice is so large is that people
         | "click" in many interesting ways.
         | Tepix wrote:
         | If you work a lot on the command line on UNIX and Linux
         | systems, vi is the best choice for many because it is extremely
         | widely available and it is also very powerful once you have
         | mastered it.
           | fingerlocks wrote:
           | Sorry, but this is the same non-answer I have heard my entire
           | life.
           | I do primarily work on the command line and I can assign
           | $EDITOR to anything I want. So what makes it so much more
           | powerful than the plethora of other editors in the space?
             | gnubison wrote:
             | If you deal with many machines, it's very possible that
             | they don't all have your preferred editor (unless it's vi).
             | vi is on _every_ POSIX system.
         | tasuki wrote:
         | > Separate modes for command & insert just feels inherently
         | clumsy and slow to me.
         | Interesting, I have the opposite experience. In normal mode, I
         | can do a lot using very few keystrokes. In editors without
         | modes, there's always a lot of keyboard shortcuts which are
         | difficult to remember and hard to execute.
         | bdamm wrote:
         | Because the text motions, once learned, are extremely powerful
         | and will cause your relationship to textual data to
         | fundamentally change. All while avoiding wrist injury, because
         | some critical keys (f, t, g, j, q) are so lettered due to the
         | location on the keyboard. Think of your keyboard as more like a
         | piano than an alphabet.
       | ystad wrote:
       | Any similar course for tmux ?
       | Twisell wrote:
       | Well I think the nice point of doing excercise in a web browser
       | is that you can quickly switch to another tab and search for
       | daring questions such as " by the way why on earth does this
       | monstrosity want me to use hjkl? That don't make any sense!!!!"
       | https://catonmat.net/why-vim-uses-hjkl-as-arrow-keys
       | For a mostly data/SQL guy wanting to learn more about coding it
       | still don't make much sense but at least I know why and I can
       | move on. When I was trying vimtutor in a CLI interface I was less
       | curious and more WTF F... this is pure madness kind of mood.
       | Dunno if I'll subscribe but nice first experience through this
       | demo.
         | sodapopcan wrote:
         | HJKL also allows you to keep your fingers on the homerow at all
         | times which is really great. I had issues with RSI that when
         | away when I started using Vim properly. Travelling to the arrow
         | keys now feels like a painful task to me! Of course, as a
         | sibling comment mentioned, hjkl is the worst way to move
         | around--"power users" generally only use them to move a
         | char/line or two.
           | pandemic_region wrote:
           | Not when using Dvorak, here's how it maps from Qwerty: H->J
           | J->C K->V L->P
           | Still works pretty well, i've gotten used to it.
             | mynameisash wrote:
             | Fortunately, j & k are next to each other, and I never
             | noticed any disconnect in vim w/Dvorak. I never use h & l
             | -- mostly space, w/W, or b/B. But I also learned Dvorak
             | before vim, so I never got used to hjkl.
           | arendtio wrote:
           | On the other side, it is probably the most unnecessary
           | inflicted pain for beginners. Even after years of using vim
           | on a daily basis, I can't get used to hjkl and still use the
           | arrow keys. I tried a few times with different approaches,
           | but it never lasted more than a few days. So pushing someone
           | new to use hjkl for navigation is so unnecessary and just
           | kills a lot of motivation for very little value.
           | Starting with deleting, yanking and pasting would be a lot
           | more fun. Even navigation with gg and G plus numbers would be
           | a lot more useful too. Like when you get an error message
           | that is caused by line 42, you know why you want to use vim
           | next time.
             | montalbano wrote:
             | The way I got used to hjkl home row was by completely
             | disabling the arrow keys in my vimrc file (in normal and
             | insert modes). I was struggling before that though.
             | cptnapalm wrote:
             | Opposite problem: I get so used to hjkl, I screw up
             | everywhere else for awhile.
               | rtlfe wrote:
               | I got a fancy keyboard with layers and set one to have
               | arrow keys on hjkl so I can use them everywhere.
               | bdamm wrote:
               | Yup, I wish all text fields had a vi mode.
         | fantod wrote:
         | The most shocking thing to me was that after weeks of
         | struggling to get used to hjkl for navigating in vim, I
         | realized that I had already been using jk for navigating up and
         | down on numerous sites (reddit, gmail, twitter) for YEARS.
         | tasuki wrote:
         | > " by the way why on earth does this monstrosity want me to
         | use hjkl? That don't make any sense!!!!"
         | Indeed, why? Using hjkl is about the worst way to move around
         | in vim...
           | runeb wrote:
           | When you consider the concept of home row keys and touch
           | typing I find it very natural, actually. Its ergonomic and
           | very fast if you get into the habit of resting your fingers
           | on the home row.
           | Though you may have been alluding to more powerful movements!
           | X6S1x6Okd1st wrote:
           | /%<CR>qqnxq19@q is clearly the solution to the "navigate to %
           | and delete it"
             | drKarl wrote:
             | Or f%x
               | X6S1x6Okd1st wrote:
               | That doesn't finish the challenge
               | bdamm wrote:
               | It does, actually. But you have to precede the command
               | with <num>G to go to the correct line.
             | biohax2015 wrote:
             | lolwut
         | enriquto wrote:
         | > the nice point of doing excercise in a web browser is that
         | you can quickly switch to another tab and search for daring
         | questions such as (...)
         | On the contrary... I'd say that if you are _outside_ a browser,
         | it is somewhat easier to have a browser window side by side and
         | ALT-TAB between both. Having two tabs visible at the same time
         | is a bit cumbersome.
       | Deivuh wrote:
       | Is there anything similar for emacs?
         | teddyh wrote:
         | Maybe this: https://www.masteringemacs.org/
       | xwdv wrote:
       | But why? Vim comes with a tutorial: vimtutor
         | kaladin_1 wrote:
         | It's "gamefied" vimtutor... Also, he must have learned a tonne
         | of vim building the game.
         | Though, I totally agree with you, haven't seen anything that
         | beats vimtutor, except maybe for a vim cheatsheet as reference
         | material.
       | mihaifm wrote:
       | If you're looking to practice the h,j,k,l keys in a fun way,
       | simply play Nethack or other roguelikes that support these
       | movement keys. In 2-3 hours you'll be flying around the map and
       | you won't even know how you're doing it.
       | amelius wrote:
       | Is there an easy way to kill another vim instance if you open a
       | file for the second time in another window, preserving the edit
       | buffer?
       | Syzygies wrote:
       | I liked the first exercise, then I had to use the mouse to
       | dismiss my success dialog! I thought the whole point of vim was
       | ...
       | (That's up there with Haskell package management depending on
       | "global variables" in a fixed settings file.)
       | 0xTJ wrote:
       | It seems cool, though I agree that not knowing
       | DeanWormer wrote:
       | I like how this uses repeated actions to help learn.
       | A free resource I really like is simply running `vimtutor`. It
       | gives you a text file with exercises and you edit that text file
       | directly.
       | fokinsean wrote:
       | Does anybody have recommendations on how to go from "comfortable"
       | to "expert"?
       | I've been using vim as my daily driver via the intellij plugin
       | for a few years. I mostly just navigate and never do anything
       | complicated, it gets the job done.
       | For example I mostly use w, d, o, hjkl, y, p, w, b, t and
       | recently discovered the `c+i` combo which is awesome.
       | But I feel like there's still a side of vim I haven't conquered.
       | Any tips?
         | brianvli wrote:
         | I use vim as my main driver at work. Some things that helped me
         | out personally:
         | - Playing some vimgolf and seeing what neat tricks people used.
         | This is where I learned about "."
         | - Going into the deep-end of just using vim (or just vim in
         | IntelliJ without the mouse) will make you notice all the issues
         | that make you unproductive with only vim e.g getting around
         | with only hjkl is really slow so you might investigate other
         | ways to navigate or deleting a word always involves getting to
         | the end of the word and using lots of backspace may make you
         | wonder if there are more efficient ways to do the same thing
         | - if you decide not to go into the deep-end, just being more
         | picky about how much you're spamming certain keys may help you
         | gradually incorporate new commands into your flow
         | westoque wrote:
         | yes! my path to "expert" was more in the lines of questioning
         | my commonly used editing functions:
         | 1. how to delete text inside a double quote and go to insert
         | mode? - c+i+"
         | 2. how to move to the end of line? - $
         | 3. how to delete everything before "x" character and go insert
         | mode" - c+t+x
         | ...
         | EDIT: updated mistakes.
           | nsomaru wrote:
           | > 1. how to edit words inside a double quote? - "ciw"
           | ciw will change inner word, ci" will change inside quotes
           | > 2. how to move to the end of line? - "g_"
           | $ is generally used as the noun object to represent "end of
           | the current line"
           | > 3. how to delete everything before "x" character" - "ctx"
           | dtx would delete everything before the next x. ctx would
           | delete and then put you in insert mode :)
             | westoque wrote:
             | thanks for correcting my mistakes :)
         | phonebucket wrote:
         | > For example I mostly use w, d, o, hjkl, y, p, w, b, t and
         | recently discovered the `c+i` combo which is awesome.
         | In addition to these, I've found (my personal experience,
         | ymmv):
         | 1) f/F to jump to next/previous occurrence of character to help
         | navigating within a line very effectively, in conjunction with
         | ; and , to jump around within these occurences. 2) use relative
         | line numbers in conjunction with your hjkl.
         | E.g. jump up 5 lines and go to the start of a bracket is
         | '5kf('. If it's a nested bracket you want, then '5kf(;'.
           | fokinsean wrote:
           | nice, thanks for the tips
         | jchook wrote:
         | Maybe try vim golf for fun.
         | I would recommend using vim in the console without the mouse
         | because your editor will always give you a way out of learning.
         | Every time you get stuck or feel inefficient, do a web search
         | and learn one thing.
         | Learn to use and love :help.
         | I think a few plugins can really improve the experience such as
         | coc, ultisnips, vim-surround. Also set some settings like
         | relative number and highlighted yank.
         | Some other stuff to investigate... zz and scrolling, folding,
         | G, macros, registers, f, $ and ^ and 0, %, }, ctrl-o, ctrl-]
         | and ctags, formatting gq = etc
         | Edit: also remembered enable set hidden and use buffers and
         | splits (eg :sbp). Use markers. Also I like the fzf plugin for
         | quickly opening files etc.
         | blueagle7 wrote:
         | Mayte try learn vim the hard way?
         | https://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/
           | fokinsean wrote:
           | This looks great! Thank you!
         | RMPR wrote:
         | Practical Vim by Drew Neil is definitely a way to go. It
         | teached me stuff I wouldn't have discovered otherwise.
         | colinbartlett wrote:
         | I've been using Vim for many years and felt like there was
         | constantly stuff to learn. So a partner and I started an email
         | newsletter that sends tips twice a week:
         | https://vimtricks.com
         | The idea was that by forcing myself to write about Vim
         | consistently, I would learn and absorb more and boy has it
         | worked.
           | clashmeifyoucan wrote:
           | thanks for making this! The undo from insert mode1 one sold
           | it for me :)
           | [1] https://vimtricks.com/p/undo-from-insert-mode/
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | Um. I think that's wrong, though. Pressing c-u just erases
             | to the beginning of the line in insert mode, it's not an
             | undo.
               | clashmeifyoucan wrote:
               | Ah, I guess should've tried before saying. Just excited
               | there's a way.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | Oh, I was excited too:) So excited that I immediately
               | tried it...
               | colinbartlett wrote:
               | Updated the post, thanks!
           | fokinsean wrote:
           | Looks great, subscribed!
         | clashmeifyoucan wrote:
         | As an aside, I love the vim keybinds with IntelliJ combo, vim
         | makes it so easy to navigate and perform operations, eg. the
         | one I use most being dt<some char> to delete until a char.
         | Never can seem to get vim selections and deletions right
         | though, because it deletes the character after the cursor as
         | well so the mouse comes clutch there.
         | ttt0 wrote:
         | RTFM. Seriously.
       | leokennis wrote:
       | Hate to be a negative Nancy, but on a bog standard Chrome on a
       | bog standard Windows 10, in the first exercise the HJKL keys do
       | nothing. The arrow keys do work...
         | CoffeePython wrote:
         | Oh strange, I haven't had anyone report this bug yet. I'll look
         | into it. Thank you for letting me know!
         | cbm-vic-20 wrote:
         | noremap <Up> <Nop>         noremap <Down> <Nop>         noremap
         | <Left> <Nop>         noremap <Right> <Nop>
         | There, now your arrow keys do nothing, too! (This is a good way
         | to "train" yourself to not depend on the arrow keys.)
       | password321 wrote:
       | Or just use vim adventures, vim tutor for free...
       | godot wrote:
       | A tangential question, why is .so the new cool TLD to use for
       | tech startups/projects?
       | I know the lack of availability of .com/other common TLDs is a
       | problem. I understand the reasoning behind using .io to represent
       | software/saas startups (stands for inputs/outputs). I don't
       | understand .so though. From what I remember, Notion was probably
       | the first high profile startup using it, and it just kinda took
       | off. Searching "why .so domain" comes up with nothing except a
       | Reddit thread with the Notion founder saying it was mostly
       | because it was just an available TLD for "notion" at the time.
       | ketanmaheshwari wrote:
       | Just last week we took a detour from our normal project that I am
       | doing with my daughter and started teaching her vim. We used
       | vimtutor and found it quite useful. I will definitely give this a
       | fair trial.
       | chris_wot wrote:
       | Can I get a list of the areas you cover?
         | CoffeePython wrote:
         | There are 10 exercises and 1 video that shows how I use vim in
         | my normal development workflow.
         | The lessons are:
         | - Basic Navigation
         | - Command Basics
         | - Insertion
         | - Append
         | - Deletion
         | - Word Level Navigation
         | - Select Mode
         | - Advanced Word Level Navigation
         | - Yanking/Putting
         | - Matching within tags {} () "
       | chdlr wrote:
       | Or maybe just read/bookmark this single post:
       | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1218390/what-is-your-mos...
         | Havoc wrote:
         | That's neat. Inspired me to give it another go. Thanks
       | farbrortumm wrote:
       | Quick tip, this would make a great gift for people. Would be nice
       | to have a "Send this as a gift to someone" option.
       | ilaksh wrote:
       | I know I felt a constant social pressure to learn vim or emacs
       | over the years in order to fit in with those religions.
       | I gave in to that social pressure early on. But even 30 years ago
       | in the early 90s when I started learning vim (and Linux), vim and
       | emacs were very dated programs.
       | Over the course of thirty years I have managed to finally learn
       | how to set up syntax highlighting, terminal colors, and spaces vs
       | tabs and do a basic cut and paste operation. But the cut and
       | paste never works in a sensible way for me and I always end up
       | having to fix something after pasting. So I am probably still
       | doing that wrong after thirty years. Lol.
       | I suggest using sshfs or Docker and then you can just use a
       | graphical client. Even gedit is a huge advantage over vim in my
       | opinion (especially if you also have fish in another window). I
       | like how lightweight and simple it is and I think it's really
       | underrated. But also VSCode, Sublime, maybe Atom. Maybe WebStorm.
       | There is nothing wrong with using nano in the terminal. It's more
       | modern than vim and probably going to be much more productive. I
       | recommend if you are embarrassed about using nano and someone
       | asks, think of it as if someone asked you if you are Christian or
       | Jewish. You can just say you are agnostic about editors, and use
       | a modern tool.
       | Also take a look at TextAdept in the terminal. It is customizable
       | with Lua.
       | I really like Jupyter Notebooks for lots of things. It's a great
       | implementation of literate programming, especially if you take
       | advantage of the markdown to explain things thoroughly. Of course
       | a lot of teams are not going to like that but there are projects
       | where you can.
       | Back in the early 90s there was this thing called Borland Turbo
       | Pascal which had things like mouse usage, automatic syntax
       | highlighting, F1 for instant contextual help, an integrated
       | debugger. Those were the days. Lol. You can configure vim to do
       | all of those things in kind of a janky way, but it's so
       | convoluted, I feel like they should award a PhD if you achieve
       | that. And they don't. So it's not worth it.
       | People love to glorify the "power" of vim commands. But it's not
       | that way because the original author knew some secret to power
       | editing. It's that way by default, because when it was created,
       | commands and modes were the paradigm by default because of
       | historical terminal limitations. A few people were still using
       | Teletype at that time. Real-time editing was not even a thing.
       | The terminal they initially developed vi on did not have separate
       | cursor keys. That's why it doesn't use cursor keys, not because
       | it's some deliberate choice they made to save time and be more
       | "advanced".
       | http://xahlee.info/kbd/keyboard_hardware_and_key_choices.htm...
       | I just feel like not only are people repeating the mistakes of
       | their fathers, but even their grandparents at this point. It's
       | not 1978 anymore. It's 2021.
         | necrotic_comp wrote:
         | That's fine!!! I don't think vim (esp. neovim) is janky at all,
         | but part of it is how your brain works. If you want to use nano
         | or vscode or whatever, there shouldn't be any social pressure.
         | I think it comes down to how people like to use their tools and
         | how they like to shape their working environment. I've gotten
         | my vim/linux machines into a place where editing code is
         | comfortable, and I'd love to share it with people, but I
         | understand that they may not want to do it. And that's fine!
         | Use what works for you to get your work done!
           | ilaksh wrote:
           | Also I actually use vim a lot more than VSCode which I have
           | not used much.
           | But I also think I wasted a lot of time over the years
           | figuring out how to use it and how to set it up. I am trying
           | to save some people a lot of time. I actually think I am
           | still wasting time with it and its because of social pressure
           | to use an outdated program. Its like some kind of
           | psychological thing that has me compelled to be irrational to
           | fit in.
           | ilaksh wrote:
           | It's not something about "how my brain works". That's a
           | sneaky way of accusing me of being too dumb to use those
           | editors. But the user interfaces from 35-40 years ago are
           | bad. Objectively. Unless you are using them on the terminals
           | from the 70s or 80s.
             | necrotic_comp wrote:
             | I am absolutely not calling you dumb! Emacs doesn't work
             | for my brain at all, but Vim does. There are lots of tools
             | that are made for different kinds of people and they all
             | help us towards getting to a certain result.
             | I don't think it's fair to say that the user interfaces are
             | bad, though. The defaults may be bare bones, but the point
             | is that they are programmable environments that allow you
             | to tailor them to your needs if you want to.
             | That's it.
               | ilaksh wrote:
               | Ok, I'm sorry but I believe you are incorrect. People do
               | not have different brains that way. Just like they don't
               | have different 'learning styles'. That sort of thing is a
               | discredited myth.
               | I also think that it is objectively true and not only
               | fair but also important for people to start to point out
               | how bad these interfaces are. At some point traditions
               | start to become a drag on society.
               | One of the core principles of user interface design is
               | useful defaults. And there are many better modern editors
               | with equal amounts of programmability as well as useable
               | and useful defaults.
               | necrotic_comp wrote:
               | I don't understand that line of reasoning, and it seems
               | like you're being obstinate for the sake of being
               | obstinate. I hope you understand that even though you
               | might feel one way, other people may think another and
               | there's no orthodoxy.
               | Have a good day.
               | ilaksh wrote:
               | Of course people have different opinions.
               | That's not what you said though. You said brains work
               | differently.
               | necrotic_comp wrote:
               | Brains do work differently - if they didn't, everyone
               | would learn at exactly the same pace if given exactly the
               | same input, and people would all have the same
               | preferences. There's a reason why the term "neurotypical"
               | exists.
               | You don't like what I like, and that's fine, but I can
               | tell you that I _like_ the design of older computer
               | systems more than I like the design of modern computer
               | systems. There 's a reason why I use the tools I do and
               | why I can write really good software really fast with
               | them.
               | You can argue that they're dated, and that's fine, but
               | you're arguing that if we like them that we're wrong, and
               | that's not okay.
               | I'm realize I'm shouting at the wind, though.
         | AlchemistCamp wrote:
         | I don't think calling the subject matter the OP is trying to
         | teach "a religion" or predicting downvotes on your comment is
         | productive.
         | The 2nd is definitely against the site guidelines.
         | To address your other comments, I can share a personal
         | anecdote. When I started programming, I basically just learned
         | the bare minimum VI commands to get around. I didn't see it as
         | "a religion" or a relic from the past, but I saw a fairly steep
         | learning curve that wasn't a high priority for me to tackle at
         | the time.
         | Years later, I did get into it. It's been good for me in terms
         | of efficiency, but much more importantly, it's been good for my
         | health. At the end of 2017, I had severe RSI and from working
         | an extreme schedule on a startup and a poor ergonomic setup. My
         | wrists were so injured that it hurt to even brush my teeth.
         | I got an ergonomic keyboard, and made a concerted attempt to
         | use the mouse as little as possible (and balance that little
         | bit between both hands). I made VIM my primary driver,
         | regardless of what other editor I was using. Even on web pages,
         | I attempted to use keyboard navigation where feasible,
         | especially in email and similar apps.
         | As a result, I've no healed to where I do full-time weeks at
         | the keyboard again and I will probably always be grateful to
         | VIM (and Kinesis!)
           | ilaksh wrote:
           | I'm not allowed to predict the downvotes? I'm just supposed
           | to "take it like a man"?
           | It absolutely is like a religion and an enormous amount of
           | time has been wasted with people feeling they need to learn
           | how to use these extremely outdated programs with user
           | interfaces invented 40 years ago.
           | I am trying to save some people some time. The fact that you
           | are trying to stop me from doing that indicates to me that I
           | have committed heresy. That is why you want to have my
           | comment declared invalid. It contradicts your worldview.
             | Zababa wrote:
             | > I'm not allowed to predict the downvotes? I'm just
             | supposed to "take it like a man"?
             | In the guidelines
             | (https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html):
             | > Please don't comment about the voting on comments. It
             | never does any good, and it makes boring reading.
           | ilaksh wrote:
           | Okay, if someone shares the same specific type of disability
           | due to repetitive stress injury, then yes, that is a good use
           | case for vim.
         | cupofcoffee wrote:
         | Lots of people use vim just to appear hardcore and not because
         | it confers serious editing advantage.
         | Vim itself is a really really bad editor. It's so obvious that
         | it was written by a programmer with commands like 5dd, 6gg etc.
         | I find it so ridiculous that a computer program can be that
         | much loved and yet it doesn't even provide line numbers out of
         | the box nor indentation. Does a person really need to spend
         | half an hour googling just to tell vim to indent Java code as
         | they type.
           | __m wrote:
           | I think it does offer editing advantages, though they don't
           | matter that much unless you work in a sweat shop. For me it's
           | just fun going like "look mum, no mouse"
       | Bluecobra wrote:
       | Thanks for posting this. I have been using vi(m) for at least 15
       | years and finally got the hang of yy only recently. I used to
       | work at a Solaris shop a long time ago and had to learn vi to get
       | anywhere. I wish I had this then!
       | jehlakj wrote:
       | This is neat but newcomers beware. This is the easy part. Setting
       | up your config and plugins is why most people go back to ides
         | triangleman wrote:
         | Aren't you supposed to avoid plugins and config so that vi/m
         | will be familiar everywhere you go? That's the advice I've
         | gotten on this board.
           | bdamm wrote:
           | My approach is to just use all the tools. I use clumsy IDEs
           | when I really need powerful debugging. I use vim when I need
           | powerful editing/macros. Sometimes I do code browsing with
           | ctags. Sometimes I do code browsing with Eclipse. There's no
           | need to be a purist.
           | Except vim. No plugins into vim. That is sacrilege.
       | qwerty456127 wrote:
       | Does it include practical use cases demonstrating how vim tricks
       | can really come in handy in real life? This probably is the
       | hardest part for me - I can't imagine a case where I would like
       | to use any of them I've ever read about (yet I still feel
       | interested).
         | corytheboyd wrote:
         | Not a mega power vim user, but maybe this qualifies. I use vim
         | as my git editor. When doing interactive rebase, if I want to
         | squash/fix commits, for example, I go to the first commit I
         | want to change the command for, 'ciw' to change the command,
         | 'esc' to exit exit, then for the subsequent commits I want to
         | squash/fix, just use '.' to replay those same commands to the
         | new line. Works very well! I love using vim as the git editor,
         | it's stupid fast, and doesn't take you away from the command
         | line
           | julianlam wrote:
           | That's a neat tip, thanks for sharing that, this is the exact
           | use case I was looking for.
           | I was hoping to kick the can on learning vim macros down the
           | road, and so here we go...
             | corytheboyd wrote:
             | No problem! Happy to help with things I wish people told me
             | long ago :)
         | CoffeePython wrote:
         | Yes it does, all the exercises past the basic navigation one
         | are real life use cases for how it can be used.
         | I need to add some better copy and examples on the landing page
         | so people will know what they're getting.
         | Here's a video on twitter that demonstrates one of the
         | exercises
         | https://twitter.com/KennethCassel/status/1351178904686514178...
       | h2000 wrote:
       | Nooooooooooooooo!
       | ryeguy_24 wrote:
       | I never buy things but this just hit on my exact pain point of
       | trying to get good at VIM. The one thing that's holding me back
       | is understanding how much content there is behind the 15 dollars.
       | I really liked the demo exercise but are there only 10 more
       | behind that?
       | Deivuh wrote:
       | I'm considering learning more vim besides "esc /insert and :q :w"
       | and this might be a great start.
       | As an emacs user it's frustrating having to install emacs to do
       | some config editing whereas in my experience vim is included
       | anywhere. e.g. my router.
         | swirepe wrote:
         | You've also got "u" for undo. That's another one for you.
       | corytheboyd wrote:
       | This looks great! Do agree with others though, that you should
       | expose the course sections. I don't use vim as my main IDE but I
       | still do use it for quick edits and commit messages, so I don't
       | know nothing about it. Would be great to see if the course is
       | more/less/same as my current working knowledge. But also a one-
       | time $15 isn't bad at all, thank you for not trying to make this
       | a subscription :)
         | __m wrote:
         | Most IDEs have a vim extension that gives you the basic vim
         | editing behavior. It's great to get into it without having to
         | dive into plugins, buffers, windows etc.
       | viach wrote:
       | The typical conversion rate is ~1/100, so you'll need 10000
       | visitors to earn 1500$ this month (optimistically). The next
       | month you'll need another 10000 to earn the same amount. Taking
       | into account the amount of work put into this project, what's
       | your marketing strategy besides Show HN posts?
         | CoffeePython wrote:
         | I worked on this for 3 days. I've been getting around 1k on
         | average visitors from direct traffic and twitter since I
         | launched it into access around 10 days ago.
         | I'm going to work on SEO next for it :)
       | heroHACK17 wrote:
       | This is great!
       | Another great resource I gotta plug is
       | https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/vim-be-good. Essentially the same
       | but it's a native vim plugin. It's free, doesn't require a login,
       | and did I mention it's a native vim plugin?
         | cbm-vic-20 wrote:
         | This guy also streams on vim topics frequently on Twitch.
         | https://www.twitch.tv/theprimeagen
           | andai wrote:
           | Also YouTube!
           | https://youtube.com/channel/UC8ENHE5xdFSwx71u3fDH5Xw
         | CoffeePython wrote:
         | Oh this is neat! I haven't seen this one around before :) I'll
         | have to check it out. Thanks for sharing
       | wes-k wrote:
       | I'm tempted to buy it, but I don't know what I'm getting. What
       | will this teach me? Do I already know it?
       | ctrlp wrote:
       | I you want to learn vim movements quickly, start using a browser
       | plugin with vim keybindings like VimFX it Vimium. Stop using the
       | mouse to browse the internet. You'll get hours of practice doing
       | something you'd do anyway. The muscle memory will be there when
       | you open vim. Also, turn off arrow keys in vim. Vim is keyboard
       | and home row centric, all else follows. Also doing dojo exercises
       | like on commandlinefu.cim helps.
       | rohithkp wrote:
       | Need something like this for Emacs/org-mode
       | claytongulick wrote:
       | My (issue?) with vim is that I've been using it so long, all day
       | every day, that I can't remember any of the commands - I only
       | have muscle memory.
       | If someone asks me how to do something, I have no idea, I have to
       | physically pretend like I'm doing it on a keyboard to figure out
       | the command.
       | andreygrehov wrote:
       | Pro tip to exit vim: Shift+Z+Z
       | i_am_andy wrote:
       | I have to recommend this too:
       | https://vim-adventures.com/
       | I used it to get to grips with vim
         | buzzerbetrayed wrote:
         | I love vim-adventures. It was the only way I was able to stay
         | motivated to learn vim well enough for it to "stick". I just
         | hate that you can only buy 6 month access to it. I'd happily
         | pay 2-3x the price for lifetime access, but the fact that I can
         | only buy 6 more months makes me pretty sure that they won't be
         | getting any more money from me. I think I would still hop on
         | for a few minutes every few months to practice up on some stuff
         | that I forgot.
           | ignitionmonkey wrote:
           | Have you tried contacting the developer?
       | greenbay20 wrote:
       | Awesome idea, gamifying learning vim seems the way to go.
       | Minor detail: I would recommend you set up the keyboard focus on
       | the game as soon as the page loads. Saw a comment mentioning that
       | the HJKL keys were not working and the same happened to
       | me...right until I clicked on the command-line box in order to
       | have my keyboard focus it.
       | slowhand09 wrote:
       | $15 for lifetime access... rubs chin... I'm old. Would you take
       | $5 as my life is 2/3 gone?
         | tux1968 wrote:
         | No offence to OP intended at all, but as these things often go,
         | you're paying for the lifetime of the site, not your own.
         | simonebrunozzi wrote:
         | Even though, admit it... If the course is really good, the
         | extra $10 are nothing compared to the several hours of
         | frustration that you could save.
           | irrational wrote:
           | Or save all frustration and just don't use vim ;-)
             | pc86 wrote:
             | It seems one of these vim tutorials comes up every 6 months
             | or so, and the one thing they're all missing is a
             | convincing explanation of why someone should learn all the
             | esoteric incantations of a 30-year old text editor.
             | pletnes wrote:
             | If you think vim is frustrating for a beginner, you have no
             | idea what it feels like to edit text in non-vim for a half-
             | assed vim user. Really, I don't master vim after >1decade,
             | but that's not necessary.
               | NovaDev wrote:
               | Pair programming is a real pain for me when most of my
               | colleagues just don't use Vim.
             | ranit wrote:
             | irrational indeed :-)
             | chongli wrote:
             | I've used vim for many years now. It is true, learning vim
             | makes it very frustrating when you find yourself having to
             | use another editor. Luckily, vim is pretty much everywhere
             | so those situations are rare.
               | maskedoffender wrote:
               | I find that vim really shines in editing text on touch
               | screens with on-screen keyboards. I can do complicated
               | commands without doing too much typing out digging
               | through menus or using ctrl alt whatever keys.
         | stingrae wrote:
         | it's actually the lifetime of your email address
         | medecau wrote:
         | you're going to outlive the site
       | shafin_ wrote:
       | Easiest way to learn vim is to force yourself to use vim
         | noarchy wrote:
         | The only time I use vim _is_ when I am forced to use it.
           | bdamm wrote:
           | Then you will never learn vim. Which is fine, not everyone
           | needs to be a vim ninja.
         | Vaslo wrote:
         | In the same vein, we learned excel shortcuts by unplugging the
         | mouse
       | vz8 wrote:
       | Show HN: I built an online interactive course that helps you
       | learn vim* faster
       | *You have a small typo in your title: should be spelled "emacs"
       | ;)
       | Kidding aside, the course is fun, nice work.
       | Per other comments in the thread, if you want to integrate vim
       | muscle memory and browsers, check out the Vimium extension for
       | Chrome (granted, I've overwritten the defaults with emacs, but
       | the idea has still been helpful and minimized mouse use).
         | SiteRelEnby wrote:
         | Emacs tutorials can be one line: "ctrl-x ctrl-c".
           | mettamage wrote:
           | So can vim by typing: vimtutor
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | That's, ah, not the same joke:)
           | vz8 wrote:
           | An Ode to Quitting Vim:
           | ESC
           | Ctrl-C
           | ESC
           | Ctrl-Q
           | ESC
           | Ctrl-Z
           | * dangit, suspended *
           | fg
           | ESC
           | :q
           | E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)
           | !
           | E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)
           | !:q
           | E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)
           | @!&^#!&!!:q
           | E477: No ! allowed
           |  _Reboots Server_
             | dubya wrote:
             | Teach a man to fish:                 Ctrl-Z       kill -9
             | %1
       | geordigeordi wrote:
       | I've been considering Vim for a while now.. If I do choose to
       | pick it up this will definitely be my first choice! Looks great
       | :)
         | CoffeePython wrote:
         | Wow thanks! Learning vim is fun :) I'm glad to see so many
         | people interested in it
       | unwoundmouse wrote:
       | Do macros -> delete % break it? I tried to race the first
       | exercise by setting up a macro to speedrun the first example and
       | i got something where multiple % showed up
         | CoffeePython wrote:
         | I guess it does! Haven't seen anyone do this before. I'll look
         | into fixing this though!
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