[HN Gopher] Toolz: A functional standard library for Python
       Toolz: A functional standard library for Python
       Author : optimalsolver
       Score  : 84 points
       Date   : 2021-01-21 08:10 UTC (14 hours ago)
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       | lysium wrote:
       | I prefer functional style whenever I can. I noticed that this
       | style slows Python programs down. It seems function calls are
       | rather expensive. Does anybody have a similar experience?
         | vmchale wrote:
         | They have to check a recursion limit, for one.
         | AlexCoventry wrote:
         | It's been a while since I knew those kinds of details, but it
         | certainly been the case in the past.
         | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22893139/why-is-a-functi...
         | heavyset_go wrote:
         | PEP 590[1] makes calling callables less expensive. It was
         | finalized for Python 3.9.
         | [1] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0590/
         | thisiszilff wrote:
         | Yes, I suspect it is a pitfall of a multi-paradigm language
         | that cannot assume so much about code in order to optimize.
         | Opinionated functional languages (ie clojure, haskell) can have
         | a lot more guarantees about what is going on in order to
         | optimize all those function calls, lexical bindings, etc.
           | vmchale wrote:
           | There's a bunch of oddities in Python, e.g. recursion limits.
       | vorticalbox wrote:
       | I've been writing functional code for a year or so now at work
       | with the help of ramda in nodejs, there is also a port for
       | python.
       | My colleagues don't like becuase it's so different to what they
       | are used to but I am putting out code faster and with less bugs
       | so I'm not going to stop.
         | archarios wrote:
         | Hell yeah me too! Some of my coworkers like it, but there are a
         | few out there who basically don't want to learn something new..
         | I have been using Ramda professionally for about two years now
         | and I love the heck out of it. My org is using more and more
         | TypeScript which makes using Ramda a little harder but it still
         | works pretty well in this context too. I have been working on a
         | test data inventory project with Ramda recently and it has made
         | the implementation so much nicer than it would have been
         | otherwise. I started using pipeP (by defining it with pipeWith)
         | and omg it's so great for dealing with a mix of async and non
         | async calls.
         | [deleted]
         | zelphirkalt wrote:
         | Why use a library for it? Can it not be done with just Python?
         | And if using the library is much different from normal Python,
         | does it mitigate Python's problems with functional programming?
         | (For example one expression only lambdas and no TCO.)
         | I also do use some functional concepts in my Python work, but
         | do not use a library for it. Only procedures or functions. No
         | additional dependencies.
           | gugagore wrote:
           | I think `grouby` is a compelling example:
           | https://toolz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/control.html#other-
           | pa...
           | > Most programmers have written code exactly like this over
           | and over again, just like they may have repeated the map
           | control pattern. When we identify code as a groupby operation
           | we mentally collapse the detailed manipulation into a single
           | concept.
           | If you don't use a library, then you have to re-write
           | something like groupby many times, I would expect. Or WORSE,
           | you don't even use the pattern, writing "code exactly like
           | this over and over again".
             | zelphirkalt wrote:
             | Huh, interesting. This does not remind me of the database
             | groupby operation, but rather of partition, like in SRFI-1.
             | I mean in natural language it is clear to me, why they'd
             | name it groupby, but in programming terms I think partition
             | is more appropriate, as groupby is already "blocked" by the
             | database operation.
             | Often one only needs one of the partitions though, which is
             | when filter is sufficient. Otherwise I guess one can easily
             | write partition oneself and then use that function over and
             | over again, without resorting to a library.
             | But perhaps it is a good example, so that you do not have
             | to write partition in every project and if the additional
             | dependency is OK to have, why not, if it is indeed a good
             | one.
       | seertaak wrote:
       | Functional programming in Python is severely hampererd by
       | Python's lambda keyword, which - simply put - sucks.
         | samasblack wrote:
         | I like the way the Functional Programming HOWTO in the Python
         | docs (https://docs.python.org/3/howto/functional.html#small-
         | functi...) puts it:                 Fredrik Lundh once
         | suggested the following set of rules for refactoring uses of
         | lambda:            1. Write a lambda function.       2. Write a
         | comment explaining what the heck that lambda does.       3.
         | Study the comment for a while, and think of a name that
         | captures the essence of the comment.       4. Convert the
         | lambda to a def statement, using that name.       5. Remove the
         | comment.
         | cabalamat wrote:
         | Given that Python allows unicode characters in source, I'm
         | surprised it doesn't allow lambda to be replaced by the l
         | character.
           | JNRowe wrote:
           | For those, like me, who get excited by this note that there
           | are restrictions on the Unicode categories that are allowed,
           | see the supported characters1 and gory details2. It is often
           | enough to write math-y code in a usable way, but occasionally
           | you'll find you can't use the character you want.
           | 1 https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#i
           | d...
           | 2 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3131/
           | alrs wrote:
           | I'm surprised that you're surprised.
         | vmchale wrote:
         | Also the recursion limit.
           | pansa2 wrote:
           | And no tail-call optimization.
             | xapata wrote:
             | Intentional to improve tracebacks. There's trade-offs with
             | every design decision.
         | heavyset_go wrote:
         | Yeah, Python would really benefit from multi-line anonymous
         | functions.
         | There was a limitation in Python where spacing and indentation
         | gets ignored between parentheses, which makes it impossible to
         | pass a multi-line lambda as an argument to a method or
         | function. However, given the new parser, that limitation might
         | be able to be mitigated.
           | pansa2 wrote:
           | I don't think this limitation is likely to change - the only
           | ways to allow whitespace-sensitive statements inside an
           | argument list are all really ugly.
           | scott_russell wrote:
           | Agreed. I suspect that most uses of python decorators become
           | moot with proper multi-line anonymous functions. I assume
           | some would argue that decorators create more readable code
           | but they seemed like a syntax hack to me.
           | fwip wrote:
           | You can do multiple lines, just not multiple statements:
           | >>> f = lambda x: x * \         ...  20         >>>
           | >>> f         <function <lambda> at 0x7f8b69f2c6a8>
           | >>> f(2)         40
             | [deleted]
             | pansa2 wrote:
             | In fact, no statements at all - just a single expression.
           | tutfbhuf wrote:
           | But you can define functions inside of functions
           | (recursively).                 def function1():
           | print ("hello outer")           def function2():
           | print ("hello inner")           function2()
           | function1()
           | Output:                 hello outer       hello inner
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | But you can't do that (or try/except) in an expression such
             | as a list comprehension or similar.
               | robertlagrant wrote:
               | Yes, because gross.
               | mumblemumble wrote:
               | I can't agree with this any harder.
               | I've spent the past few months familiarizing myself with
               | a legacy codebase in a functional language. If I could
               | pick a single thing about the code that is just the
               | absolute worst stumbling block, and that has made
               | learning understanding the code unreasonably difficult,
               | it's multiline anonymous functions. In general, if the
               | function is doing something complex enough to need
               | multiple lines, it's doing something complex enough to
               | deserve a name.
         | 0x2c8 wrote:
         | Can you elaborate on this? What is wrong with Python's
         | `lambda`?
           | rustyminnow wrote:
           | Like others have said:
           | - Can only have one line
           | - Can only use expressions, not statements. E.g. `print`s,
           | loops, conditionals are out.
           | - Overall just kinda clunky
           | Here's an SO post about lambdas where the answer is "Use def
           | instead." https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14843777/how-
           | to-write-py...
             | bobbylarrybobby wrote:
             | The lambda calculus is Turing complete, so in theory,
             | Python's lambdas should suffice...
               | jolux wrote:
               | Turing completeness is completely unrelated to whether or
               | not anonymous functions are easy to use in Python.
               | rustyminnow wrote:
               | I mean... You're right. They suffice. They're just less
               | friendly (i.e. useful) than lambdas in other languages.
               | zelphirkalt wrote:
               | Which of course says nothing about usability and
               | readability.
             | heavyset_go wrote:
             | print() is a function now and you can use it with lambdas.
             | diarrhea wrote:
             | This works for conditionals:                   In [4]: f =
             | lambda x: "Yes" if x else "No"              In [5]: f(True)
             | Out[5]: 'Yes'              In [6]: f(False)         Out[6]:
             | 'No'
             | It's Python's version of ternary operators, so not sure if
             | that counts as a "true" conditional; but it is one.
             | Loops don't work, but list comprehensions do, and they are
             | definitely the way to go here. Multi-line loops deserve a
             | `def`.
             | seertaak wrote:
             | Exactly. Kind of an own-goal too, from none other than ex-
             | BDFL. While not totally obvious, it's not impossible to
             | widen the syntax to allow multi-line lambdas, you just need
             | to ditch the stack-based lexer-integrated whitespace
             | sensitivity behaviour.
           | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
           | The use of lambda is becoming somewhat of a smell in Python
           | in general. PSF's own black code formatter will complain
           | about using it and pretty much always says to just use a def
           | instead
           | kissgyorgy wrote:
           | It can only have one line for example.
           | pansa2 wrote:
           | Python's `lambda` can only contain a single expression.
           | There's no good way to add support for full anonymous
           | functions to Python's grammar. One of the rules that makes
           | significant-whitespace work elegantly is that statements can
           | contain expressions, but never vice-versa.
           | ausjke wrote:
           | since lambda is for simple and short anonymous functions most
           | of the time why do I need type the whole word each time? can
           | they also do what javascript does(or similar):
           | x => x * 2
           | instead of                   lambda x : x * 2
             | cabalamat wrote:
             | I like:                   lx: x*2
             | pansa2 wrote:
             | Until very recently, Python's grammar was strictly LL(1),
             | so the parser couldn't handle, for example, `(x, y) => x *
             | y`.
             | Perhaps with the move to a PEG parser, this syntax could
             | now be supported?
         | AlexCoventry wrote:
         | Also by the lack of persistent data structures with structural
         | sharing. That forces you to take an expensive copy whenever you
         | want a modified version of some data, or bash it in place.
           | heavyset_go wrote:
           | There's Pyrsistent[1], which provides persistent data
           | structures.
           | [1] https://github.com/tobgu/pyrsistent
           | Iwan-Zotow wrote:
           | Isn't it a true functional way?
             | iimblack wrote:
             | I could definitely be wrong but I think most functional
             | data structures aren't fully copied. Instead, they'll
             | utilize something like a pointer to the data that stayed
             | the same so only the part that changes is "copied".
             | alentist wrote:
             | There are smarter ways to deal with data structures in the
             | functional setting than copying the entire structure over
             | and over again.
             | See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purely_functional_data_st
             | ructu... and Okasaki's book _Purely Functional Data
             | Structures_.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | I imagine it is problematic that Python is already very slow,
         | and then to pile up idioms with performance downsides on top of
         | that is kind of rough.
           | jolux wrote:
           | Functional programming doesn't have an inherent performance
           | downside, but it depends on specific optimizations in
           | compilers and runtimes to make it fast. Python doesn't really
           | optimize anything from what I know.
         | bj0 wrote:
         | This is one of the biggest reasons I really like (the python
         | superset) Coconut: https://github.com/evhub/coconut
           | refactor_master wrote:
           | It looks interesting, but I'm not entirely sold. All the
           | examples are about math functions, which is kind of stupid to
           | implement in Python.
           | How does this benefit "plumbing"?
           | My biggest problem with Python is that I either have to write
           | list(function1(*function2(len(obj.method())))
           | Or try to avoid all the variables by using classes... which
           | is fine... if it wasn't for self taking up roughly a third of
           | the word count.
       | Grimm1 wrote:
       | I had a bit of a derp here at first, I was like what, python
       | already has a functional (as in working) standard lib, then I
       | read the docs and was like ohhhhh that functional.
       | I think python made some half measures in regards to functional
       | programming, not a bad thing since python tends to blend the
       | different styles decently but at least for me it would be nice to
       | have a good library to extend the functional side a little more,
       | hopefully this scratches the itch.
       | jonmoore wrote:
       | Toolz, like seemingly everything Matt Rocklin is a major
       | contributor to, is something of a model library: cleanly designed
       | and coded, with strong documentation.
       | Although Python is not going to match a full Lisp, Haskell or ML
       | in all their strengths, using a functional style can be useful
       | and expressive. The toolz docs give some relevant background at
       | https://toolz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/heritage.html .
       | At a language level, Peter Norvig gave a lengthy comparison of
       | Python and Lisp at https://norvig.com/python-lisp.html in 2000.
       (page generated 2021-01-21 23:01 UTC)