[HN Gopher] A Framework for Writing Better Documentation
       A Framework for Writing Better Documentation
       Author : omginternets
       Score  : 340 points
       Date   : 2021-02-02 16:08 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (documentation.divio.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (documentation.divio.com)
       | austincheney wrote:
       | Quad charts are used extensively in the US military.
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quad_chart
       | Examples: https://www.rechargecolorado.org/army-quad-chart-
       | template-pp...
       | spratzt wrote:
       | This is excellent. It looks like jupyterbook!
       | jerkstate wrote:
       | I saw this talk at pycon a few years ago and it changed how I
       | think about documentation, great concepts!
       | TameAntelope wrote:
       | I love stuff like this. Folks can argue the specifics on their
       | merits and they're welcome to (and should!), but really, having
       | _any_ system that takes the meta-thinking out of the equation is,
       | IMO, a helpful improvement.
       | It's kind of like fitness -- you can do a million different
       | things, but doing _something_ is better than doing nothing at
       | all. Just pick that something and go!
       | milani wrote:
       | This is very useful and practical. I never thought about
       | documentation in this way.
       | acemarke wrote:
       | I've been working on an ongoing rewrite for the Redux core docs
       | [0], including writing a couple brand new comprehensive tutorials
       | from scratch [1]. In the process, I collected a bunch of notes
       | and resources on useful docs writing advice [2]. My two favorites
       | by far are this Divio docs writing guide, and the Vue docs
       | writing style guide [3]. Excellent resources!
       | [0] https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/issues/3592
       | [1] https://redux.js.org/tutorials/index
       | [2] https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/issues/3609
       | [3] https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/contributing/writing-guide.html
         | jayparth wrote:
         | In the past the Redux docs were something that was really hard
         | for me to follow. I can't be super precise with my feedback,
         | but the docs weren't able to cleanly explain the concepts and
         | the React example was hard to follow. I had to learn from
         | Youtube tutorials.
         | Thanks for rewriting them!
           | acemarke wrote:
           | You're welcome! We've actually gotten many compliments about
           | our docs over the years, but per that "Overview" issue,
           | there's a lot of improvements that can be done. Also, "modern
           | Redux" code with Redux Toolkit and the React-Redux hooks API
           | is very different than the Redux code you'd have written even
           | just a couple years ago, and we wanted to teach those
           | approaches as the default. We also added a "Style Guide" page
           | [0] that lists our recommended best practices, and that's
           | been a big help for a lot of people.
           | Sadly, we can't do anything about the tens of thousands of
           | existing Redux tutorials out there, and I keep seeing people
           | post new Redux tutorials even now that don't make any mention
           | of RTK at all. Kinda frustrating, but all I can do is keep
           | trying to improve our docs, answer questions, and let people
           | know that it's a lot easier to learn and use Redux today.
           | [0] https://redux.js.org/style-guide/style-guide
       | lars_francke wrote:
       | I have a semi-related question: I'm looking for a customizable
       | documentation system.
       | I'd like the typical docs in Markdown or Asciidoc in flat files
       | like a static CMS but within a page I'd like to have
       | customer/choice dependent blocks.
       | So some free form text and then a block with instructions that
       | are different per environment or customer or whatever. So based
       | on a selection I'll only show the parts for Debian or Red Hat or
       | whatever or I'll pull customer information out of a CMS system to
       | show the customer only the parts relevant for her environment.
       | I know this exists but I can't find an example now. This is what
       | I'd like to avoid: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-
       | guide/installing-nginx/in... I don't want to show a Debian user
       | all the stuff she's not interested in.
         | blt wrote:
         | Pytorch has a really good one for installation, but it seems to
         | be handcrafted JavaScript. I would love if .rst on readthedocs
         | offered some declarative way to do it.
         | ldes wrote:
         | One way to achieve this is using Sphinx (documentation
         | generator based on reStructuredText https://www.sphinx-
         | doc.org/en/master/) in combination with the Contentui extension
         | (https://sphinxcontrib-
         | contentui.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tab...).
         | stsewd wrote:
         | Another way to achive this is in sphinx is using
         | https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-tabs
           | formerly_proven wrote:
           | sphinx-inline-tabs is probably better for this use case
           | because all tabs with the same label are synchronized on the
           | page. So if you want to offer different instructions for a
           | number of environments, you only need to select it once per
           | page.
           | Example:
           | https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/#installing-with-
           | ge...
             | stsewd wrote:
             | Sphinx tabs supports that
             | https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-tabs#grouped-
             | tabs, haven't used sphinx-inline-tabs
       | xixixao wrote:
       | Let's say I want to write a "best practices" guide - where does
       | it fall? Should each topic contain all 4 quadrants?
       | Example topic is "Explicitness vs conciseness in naming" (it
       | could be (over)simplified to "prefer explicit over concise
       | naming").
         | DanieleProcida wrote:
         | Perfect example (in the scheme) of an
         | explanation/background/key concepts/discussion/whatever you
         | call it document.
         | That's where you weigh up options, discuss alternatives, etc.
         | If it's something you could read about in the bath or talk
         | about over dinner, it goes there.
       | RandomWorker wrote:
       | Just spent 2 months refactoring the documentation on
       | besos.readthedocs.io after this talk (watch the YouTube video
       | attached to the article) I want to go back and restructure it
       | again! Love talks like this, I always had a sense that one part
       | of my documentation is different from other part. I did
       | understand purpose of these parts of the documentation but there
       | was and is a lack of structure. This talk gives me the
       | definitions and vocabulary to articulate that sense of
       | frustration and some tools to solve it. Thanks for sharing!
       | kaycebasques wrote:
       | I review a lot of technical software documentation. This is one
       | of my go-to resources for explaining how docs should be
       | organized. These ideas are generally accepted among software
       | technical writers; you may just hear them use slightly different
       | words for each doc type. E.g. I use "overview" instead of
       | "explanation". I'll also mention that this framework isn't
       | comprehensive; there are other types of critical documents that
       | aren't explained here, such as release notes. I think the key
       | breakthrough with Divio's framework is getting authors to think
       | about docs in terms of desired goals and outcomes: learning-
       | oriented, problem-oriented, etc.
       | Edit: I suppose you could argue that release notes fall under the
       | category of reference-oriented, but when I look at the guidelines
       | for reference docs it's clear that the Divio people were thinking
       | about API references.
         | k__ wrote:
         | _" this framework isn't comprehensive; there are other types of
         | critical documents that aren't explained"_
         | Do you have more examples for things missing here?
           | hyperion2010 wrote:
           | Implementation experience reports come to mind.
           | twinprime wrote:
           | Also curious myself..
           | kaycebasques wrote:
           | Introductions. The Divio site itself starts with an
           | introduction yet it's not listed as one of the content types!
           | You could argue that introductions fall into the
           | understanding-oriented category but when I read the
           | guidelines about explanations it's not particularly clear how
           | to write a good introduction, and the goal feels somewhat
           | different. I think the principles of information foraging [1]
           | are probably most helpful towards understanding how to create
           | a good introduction.
           | Announcements (similar to release notes but focused on a
           | single topic). We do these a lot on web.dev. Journalistic
           | principles can help a lot towards creating useful
           | announcements: answer the 5 Ws [2], inverted pyramid [3],
           | etc.
           | Case studies. In this case the goal is to persuade the reader
           | to make a change and to do that you need to focus on what's
           | in it for them. The journalistic principles mentioned earlier
           | are also very helpful here.
           | Code samples. How do you organize a big collection of code
           | samples for easy discoverability? Some projects make small
           | code samples in the spirit of how-to guides (i.e. the code
           | samples only show how to do one particular task), other
           | people do them more in the spirit of tutorials (i.e. it shows
           | you a working end-to-end realistic application). The best
           | approach is probably to do both. Again I think the Divio
           | framework can help guide these decisions, but looking at the
           | Divio framework narrowly, there's nothing explicitly focused
           | on code samples. One might argue that code samples aren't
           | documentation, but in my experience a single good code sample
           | sometimes gets the job done much better than any of content
           | types that Divio mentions.
           | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_foraging
           | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Ws
           | [3]
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_pyramid_(journalism)
             | DanieleProcida wrote:
             | Thanks for the kind words!
             | You are quite right, there are various things that aren't
             | included in the scheme, that ought to be included in a
             | complete set of documentation.
             | Other examples could be: release notes (though you could
             | include them in reference), contribution guide (though it
             | could be part of how-to) and of course, the Introduction
             | you mention.
             | Mostly I think that these things probably belong outside
             | the scheme, in the same way that say an appendix or an
             | introduction falls outside main body of text in a book.
             | An introduction (in documentation) is basically marketing:
             | a reason for someone to keep reading.
             | For me the scheme is not so much a complete list of every
             | kind of thing that must be written (I think it goes without
             | saying that you need to create useful contents tables for
             | example) as a guide to how I should be writing and a
             | reminder why I am writing.
             | dvaun wrote:
             | Thank you for your summary of these items and for providing
             | references.
             | ericholscher wrote:
             | You should submit a talk to one of our Write the Docs
             | conferences (https://www.writethedocs.org/) -- this is a
             | great start to a talk abstract :)
       | miller_joe wrote:
       | This looks like a great resource, thank you for sharing.
       | One trick I learned many moons ago from a tech writer was what he
       | called the "SEE" method - statement, example, explanation. I've
       | never found any references to it. I've found it effective for
       | simple cases such as helping engineer's "just get started" to
       | break writer's block. It's not a grand theory covering all doc
       | types.
       | jzer0cool wrote:
       | Technical documentation is so underrated. I find it is a make or
       | break situation and should be as important to the software
       | development cycle. Maybe a SWE and good technical writer is hard
       | to find? A lot of times we are pressured and rewarded for code,
       | bug fixes, etc., rather than to document. I find often the
       | reverse to be true although not proven. If documentation is well
       | kept and maintained, I wonder how much time is given back over
       | it's course? Just like code, documentation is also iterated and
       | improved upon.
       | As food for thought, what changes would occur if documentation
       | must be created first before any coding takes place? How about if
       | produced in parallel? Too often, it is an artifact at the end.
       | nmg wrote:
       | Thanks, I do think it's useful and practical to think about docs
       | this way in four quadrants, and identify where your current
       | document should live on the plane.
       | FastAPI's docs (recently front page on HN) are a great example of
       | focused, concise documentation that knows exactly its purpose.
       | dang wrote:
       | A large related thread from 2019:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21289832
       | wyck wrote:
       | Thanks for this, can anyone recommend what actual tool they
       | prefer to write, publish, and manage documentation with? I'm
       | aware of Sphinx, etc but I'm considering just using one of the
       | many markdown related static generators, is something with a
       | back-end(cms) better?
       | afterwalk wrote:
       | I really like the system and it seems there's also a temporal
       | order to the learning path:
       | 1) Tutorials <- starting point 2) How To <- intermediate 3)
       | Reference <- comes back to it regularly 4) Discussion <- final
       | step to understanding
       | However as the video mentions, it's all connected in a circle, as
       | perhaps having some discussion up-front(why, context,
       | alternatives) is useful for newcomers to evaluate whether this
       | project is worth diving into.
       | Curious as to whether the author(and everyone) thinks on how much
       | "discussion" should be put into the "Getting Started" page.
       | eandre wrote:
       | This submission comes at the perfect time. I've been working on
       | improving the docs for Encore for the past week, and while I was
       | aware of different types of documentation, this does an excellent
       | job breaking it down and making it concrete.
       | sambroner wrote:
       | I'm currently rewriting (maybe just "writing", it's pretty
       | sparse) the documentation for FluidFramework.com and I can't
       | believe I just found this incredibly useful resource!!
       | Some of it is intuitive, but it's just great to have such a
       | structured perspective.
       | jmalin wrote:
       | I'm a technical writer. The framework not only captures the
       | modern thinking about documentation, it expands upon it by using
       | a 2-dimensional approach. Nearly all TWs use a variation of this
       | framework.
         | formerly_proven wrote:
         | It's interesting to see how classic MSDN documentation from the
         | 90s is structured quite literally like this.
         | - xxx: One to two paragraph introduction
         | - About xxx: Generally explanation
         | - Using xxx: A bunch of how-to's
         | - xxx Reference: (id.)
         | The Tutorials quadrant is notably (and noticeably) absent and
         | is what was then supplied by so many other places.
       | ericholscher wrote:
       | A lot of the origin of this work is from Jacob Kaplan-Moss who
       | did the original refactor of the Django documentation. He wrote
       | up the concepts here in 2009:
       | https://jacobian.org/series/great-documentation/
       | Daniele Procida built on this and formalized it through this
       | resource, which is really amazing and definitely the best
       | resource for writing docs that I know of.
       | dnmfarrell wrote:
       | > It doesn't matter how good your product is, because if its
       | documentation is not good enough, people will not use it.
       | Eh docs aren't that important; we've all used badly documented
       | libraries before. Would better docs help? Sure, but let's not
       | overstate their value.
       | The framework looks like a useful writing aid though.
         | kaycebasques wrote:
         | I agree that it's overstated: people will use it if forced,
         | even if the docs are terrible or non-existent. Companies like
         | Stripe are examples of how transformative a good docs
         | experience can be, though.
         | paul_manias wrote:
         | You say that like someone that is yet to experience the
         | absolute hell that is OpenSSL 'documentation'.
         | jmalin wrote:
         | Depends on the product and the competition.
         | If no other library suffices, then customers will use yours.
         | But they'll hate you. Over time, they might stop using your
         | other contributions, even if they don't have any other choice.
         | In other words, would better/faster/more easily modified code
         | help? Sure, but let's not overstate its value. We've all used
         | badly designed code before. /s
         | FriedrichN wrote:
         | >we've all used badly documented libraries before
         | Sure have, way too often. But if there's a choice, I'll pick
         | the one with proper documentation every time (unless it's
         | absolutely inferior of course).
         | hrktb wrote:
         | The interesting part to me is the notion of cost for the
         | product: how much you pay upfront, or how much you intend to
         | pay in integration work etc.
         | With cost in mind, documentation quality brings the total cost
         | up or down and can change the calculation entirely. It's also
         | implicitly taken into account when a team builds a POC and
         | reports the time spent on it. Depending on if it took 3 weeks
         | or 5 days, it will be a completely different perspective.
       | calcsam wrote:
       | This framework is both very insightful and quite actionable. In
       | December we explicitly restructured our documentation to follow
       | this pattern: https://gatsbyjs.com/docs
         | DanieleProcida wrote:
         | That's really great to see it used in Gatsby's documentation, I
         | wasn't aware of that. And I like the way you say e.g.
         | "Practical step-by-step guides to help you achieve a specific
         | goal. Most useful when you're trying to get something done."
         | under each heading, it hadn't occurred to me that it would be
         | good to state that explicitly like that.
         | To complete the circle, https://divio.com is built in Gatsby
         | (not the documentation though; that's in RST/Sphinx and
         | published on readthedocs.com).
       | LockAndLol wrote:
       | I'll try this out, thanks. Never gave it real thought and have
       | always tried to somehow organize my documentation. Maybe this
       | will get it right.
       | eloycoto wrote:
       | Woww, this is great, thanks for sharing
       | tomd wrote:
       | Daniele Procida - the author of this framework - is giving a talk
       | about it at the start of Wagtail's documentation sprint on
       | Thursday:
       | https://wagtail.io/docs-sprint-details
       | Do join if you're interested, even if it's just to hear Daniele's
       | talk.
       | [deleted]
       | mratsim wrote:
       | I love this framework and I have been using before the website
       | redesign when it didn't have a dedicated subdomain.
       | I have convinced my colleagues at work to use it as well:
       | https://nimbus.guide/
       | steveklabnik wrote:
       | Chiming in with the "as a documentation writer, this seems great
       | to me." I gave a talk at the Bay Area Rust Meetup in 2013 that
       | laid out a similar framework, specific to Rust.
       | http://steveklabnik.github.io/rust_documentation/#/
       | This is much cleaner and not specific to a programming language.
       | Gonna save this link for sure.
       (page generated 2021-02-02 23:00 UTC)