[HN Gopher] R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
       R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
       Author : Koshkin
       Score  : 82 points
       Date   : 2021-02-03 18:26 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (bookdown.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (bookdown.org)
       | melling wrote:
       | I recently discovered R Markdown. Started doing the ISLR examples
       | with it.
       | https://github.com/melling/ISLR/blob/main/chapter08/08_Lab02...
       | https://github.com/melling/ISLR/blob/main/chapter08/08_Lab02...
       | I need to figure out how to better fit images so I don't have
       | pages with large gaps
       | Also, you can now embed executable Python in the files.
       | bnj wrote:
       | Tangentially: Reading [0] from Stephen Wolfram yesterday got me
       | digging into Wolfram notebooks. Does anyone have experience or
       | reflections on using R Notebooks as the main way to keep track of
       | notes?
       | I don't see the Wolfram products talked about very much here
       | [0]: https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2019/02/seeking-the-
       | prod...
       | mespe wrote:
       | I've been using Rmarkdown and knitr for a long while, and have
       | watched its evolution over the years (roughly 8 years now). As
       | someone who does not use RStudio, it's become a bit of a pain for
       | me to use. The authors seem to expect it is being used from
       | RStudio, and using it in a different environment has become a bit
       | fragile.
       | It's also a bit telling that this "definitive guide" does not
       | include any troubleshooting/debugging sections - the expectation
       | seems to be that it "just works" so long as you use it in
       | RStudio, but otherwise you are on your own.
       | Not sure that I am aware of many other R packages with this
       | mentality, but I am personally not a fan.
         | ska wrote:
         | I haven't used it for a few years, but I have previously set up
         | some purely command line tooling for this (autogenerated
         | verification reports) which worked well. Is this getting harder
         | to do?
           | mespe wrote:
           | Some functionality has been tied to RStudio's concept of a
           | "project" (https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-
           | us/articles/200526207-Usin...). I have had several documents
           | authored by others which would not build on my system without
           | some intervention due to this.
             | ska wrote:
             | Interesting. Thanks.
       | runningmike wrote:
       | Jupyter Book is more flexible, simpler and tested to death since
       | it is build upon Sphinx and docstrings. Since jupyter uses pandoc
       | for converting notebooks, pandoc is the power tool for
       | publication creations nowadays.
         | spinningslate wrote:
         | Jupyter has downsides too, e.g. version control. An R Markdown
         | document "in the raw" is just a text file.
         | For info, Rmd also uses pandoc under the covers. Agree it's the
         | power tool, quite a wonderful thing.
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | Jupyter Book (and the larger jupyter ecosystem now) are
           | starting to standardize on MyST notebooks as a version-
           | control friendly all text notebook format. It's similar to r
           | markdown and uses fenced code blocks to represent code cells.
           | You can diff them, edit in any text editor, etc. See:
           | https://myst-nb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
         | closed wrote:
         | I'm familiar with both Rmarkdown and Jupyter Book. Rmarkdown
         | also uses pandoc. Both are very flexible.
       | minimaxir wrote:
       | R Markdown/Notebooks, IMO, has evolved to be the key value
       | proposition of RStudio over the years. From a productivity
       | standpoint when both working with R and publishing pretty
       | reports/PDFs it has been incredible. (that said, if VS Code gets
       | more robust R Markdown support, I may consider switching from
       | RStudio)
       | I wrote a blog post a few years ago comparing R
       | Markdown/Notebooks to Jupyter Notebooks:
       | https://minimaxir.com/2017/06/r-notebooks/
         | mespe wrote:
         | Funny thing is this has actually motivated me to move away from
         | using rmarkdown. To the point that I went "backwards" and wrote
         | several reports and an academic paper in Sweave after using
         | rmarkdown for years. My primary motivation was that I needed to
         | know the documents could be built by any R session, not just
         | from within RStudio. I didn't want to be in a situation where
         | my "reproducible" document relied on a specific IDE to build
         | correctly.
           | phillc73 wrote:
           | I'm all for finding alternatives to RStudio's dominance in
           | the R space. No doubt they do some excellent things, but I
           | also have a vague uneasiness at the cultishness surrounding
           | some of their products. It sometimes feels like if you're not
           | using the 'tidyverse', you're viewed as doing it wrong.
           | Anyway, this feeling set me off on an exploration of
           | alternative tools and packages. Instead of rmarkdown I'm now
           | exploring the pander[1] package, which seems to do most of
           | what I'm looking for, perhaps only a little limited in output
           | formats.
           | Edit: The Pandoc.brew examples might be most interesting from
           | a direct alternative to rmarkdown for document creation
           | context.[2]
           | [1] http://rapporter.github.io/pander/
           | [2] http://rapporter.github.io/pander/#examples
           | vharuck wrote:
           | Which parts don't work outside of R Studio for you? Is it
           | something recent? I usually create my single-page and
           | bookdown documents as one step in a separate R script, and
           | haven't found any problems beyond the rmarkdown package's
           | poor documentation (I really wish the R Studio developers
           | would write in-package documentation with as much care as
           | with their online documentation).
             | mespe wrote:
             | If I recall correctly, I had issues primarily with more
             | complicated documents, and mostly due to some RStudio
             | "project" and file path configuration issues - I would have
             | to look to see what the specific issues were. Simple, one-
             | file .Rmd docs are typically fine either way.
         | [deleted]
       | halfeatenpie wrote:
       | I've always been a big fan of R Markdown. For me and my work,
       | there's always been a fine line between R Markdown and R Shiny,
       | with certain limitations (or something I felt was a limitation)
       | in R Markdown could be overcome by building it in R Shiny.
       | andylynch wrote:
       | Very nice to see this here. R Markdown is a great tool on is own
       | and working with it in RStudio is a superpower, plus the clean
       | format is really nice in version control.
       | kasperset wrote:
       | This has been discussed before but I am watching the development
       | of https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl so that it can provide some
       | solid alternative.
         | phillc73 wrote:
         | If you're interested in Pluto.jl, I recently saw an
         | announcement about Neptune.jl[1], which appears to remove some
         | of the reactive nature of Pluto. It's a fork of Pluto and
         | executes code sequentially one cell at a time instead. An
         | interesting read anyway and maybe worth trying.
         | [1] https://github.com/compleathorseplayer/Neptune.jl
           | tfehring wrote:
           | Huh. I wonder what the impetus for that was and what the
           | purported advantages over Jupyter are, since reactivity seems
           | like the main value add of Pluto.jl - and a significant one
           | at that.
       | nojito wrote:
       | Using RMarkdown effectively pretty much tripled my salary. It's
       | an amazing tool that is wholly underappreciated in the "data"
       | space.
         | quantstats wrote:
         | Could you expand on what you mean by using it effectively? I've
         | just started using RStudio and any tips/ways to use it more
         | efficiently are welcome! Thanks.
           | ct0 wrote:
           | I could imagine the time invested on making the same report
           | in another language takes 3x.
       | randomfool wrote:
       | Plug that if you're a Jupyter user to chime in on the survey at
       | https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LCB7GBF.
       | Background: https://blog.jupyter.org/survey-jupyterlab-and-
       | beyond-88c7fb...
       | RobinL wrote:
       | As an occasional R user, I think R markdown one of the things
       | that R does really well. For data scientists who want to output
       | reports (mix of text and calculations), I haven't come across
       | anything as mature or easy to use in the Python ecosystem. I'm a
       | big user of Jupyter notebooks, but version control issues put me
       | off, and I've never got to grips customising the formatting of
       | jupyter nbconvert.
       | It's worth highlighting that R Markdown actually supports a
       | number of languages including Python - for instance see here:
       | https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/language-engines.html
       | For example, I am currently considering using R markdown to
       | author the documentation for one of my Python packages. Currently
       | my documentation is written in markdown, but I keep having to
       | copy and paste calculations and tables into the markdown. When
       | things change, it would be nice to just be able to re-run the R
       | markdown, converting Rmd -> md and thereby interpolating the
       | latest version of all calculations into the final markdown doc.
         | spinningslate wrote:
         | I'd strongly agree with this. I use R Markdown with Python in
         | the Rstudio IDE, and prefer it to Jupyter. The publishing
         | pipeline is really flexible, e.g. with one-click deployment to
         | RStudio Server [0] (which is a paid product).
         | No affiliation to RStudio, just a happy customer.
         | [0]: https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download-server/
         | gpoore wrote:
         | For the Python in markdown case, you might be interested in one
         | of my projects that allows executable Python code (including
         | optional Jupyter kernel support) in Pandoc markdown:
         | https://github.com/gpoore/codebraid. Pandoc does all the
         | document parsing (there is no regex preprocessor for extracting
         | code), so converting markdown to markdown often works
         | particularly well.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2021-02-03 23:00 UTC)