[HN Gopher] SVG: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
       SVG: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
       Author : davebloggt
       Score  : 142 points
       Date   : 2021-02-12 15:43 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.eisfunke.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.eisfunke.com)
       | Jestar342 wrote:
       | Recently switched from SVGs to PNGs because the toolset the
       | designers are using means every SVG has the same HTML ID
       | attribute value. So when rendering >1 SVG on a page, they all
       | render the same as the last one in the dom.
         | nness wrote:
         | Magnifying the SVG as part of the workflow, svgo for instance,
         | is a life-saver for all these edge-cases.
           | Jestar342 wrote:
           | Noted, thanks.
             | mchusma wrote:
             | I use this for most SVGs:
             | https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/
             | "SVGO's Missing GUI". Give it to the designers and they can
             | make sure to give you the smallest possible file that makes
             | sense. I find that some files look great at "0" precision,
             | some require "1" or "2".
           | city41 wrote:
           | Especially considering the svg that a design tool produces is
           | often gigantic. FWIW I have found svgcleaner to be better
           | than svgo. svgo seems to have more bugs and chokes on svgs
           | more often in my experience.
         | SigmundA wrote:
         | Just use img tags pointing to SVG's?
         | jansan wrote:
         | Take a look at SVG Injection. This may solve your problems, as
         | the injector will add a unique id to your SVG:
         | https://github.com/iconfu/svg-inject
       | cooperadymas wrote:
       | The real ugly with SVG is how frequently we request SVGs from
       | designers or companies and they hand us an SVG file that contains
       | nothing but a base64 encoded PNG image.
         | jansan wrote:
         | Lot of vector editing programs just cheat when things get
         | difficult. I have seen drop shadows as bitmaps, path
         | intersections that become polylines with zillion line segments,
         | elements that are just missing, you name it. Doing vector
         | graphics is hard beyond basic shapes, and I have the feeling
         | that some developers and companies underestimate what they are
         | trying to do at the beginning and then have to rely on
         | workarounds for some features.
       | mumblemumble wrote:
       | > Maybe JSON-based, definitely not XML-based.
       | If we're going to start over, let's create a new syntax that's
       | purpose-built from the ground up. JSON doesn't replicate all of
       | the drawbacks of XML for this kind of purpose, but it replicates
       | a lot of them. Like, all the forces that lead major XML formats
       | to embed their own little mini-DSLs inside of strings are present
       | in JSON as well.
       | There's this tradition in our profession, perhaps born of a
       | reaction to the "not invented here" syndrome of the '90s, to
       | habitually hack things together out of bits and pieces that
       | already exist. Seemingly for no reason other than because they
       | already exist, and they can be hacked. I've recently started
       | calling it "Wallace and Gromit engineering."
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Article mentions svg supports <script> tag... Coolest use of it:
       | https://www.xul.fr/svgtetris.svg
         | kgwxd wrote:
         | Is that an example of SVG including a script tag or just
         | manipulating the SVG DOM through javascript? I think that's 2
         | separate concerns. Browsers already understand both, I think
         | the article puts it under "The Bad" category because if you're
         | building a renderer from scratch, you'd need to also handle
         | javascript and DOM stuff.
         | [deleted]
         | dallamaneni wrote:
         | Wow this is super amazing (and little horrifying). Never knew
         | SVG can contain Javascript. Always thought of it as just a
         | little safe vector graphics markup.
         | nayuki wrote:
         | Less impressively, a clock: https://www.nayuki.io/res/full-
         | screen-clock-javascript/full-... (50 lines of code)
         | Eisfunke wrote:
         | Wow. I'm unsure whether I should be impressed or horrified.
         | I've added the link to the article, thank you.
           | ROARosen wrote:
           | I'm both
         | sjbrown wrote:
         | Here's a full-on dice roller / Virtual Tabletop that takes
         | advantage of this: https://github.com/sjbrown/togetherness
         | schaefer wrote:
         | Tetris in an SVG?!? I am in awe.
         | I'm feeling equal parts: "this is beautiful", "this is
         | perverse", and "I want to do this too"
           | marcodiego wrote:
           | Cool? Take a look at this:
           | https://www.scriptol.fr/xml/code/invaders.svg
             | ComputerGuru wrote:
             | It seems like the French have a passion for dynamic SVGs.
             | edoceo wrote:
             | Space Invaders! Amazing!
       | flowerlad wrote:
       | If you're looking for a machine-readable vector graphics format
       | that has an SVG-like imaging model, there is such a format
       | already: AI4
       | AI4 stands for Adobe Illustrator 4.0. Gnuplot and Mathematica can
       | produce AI4 files. Most vector graphics programs can open AI4
       | files too.
       | Here's the documentation:
       | http://www.idea2ic.com/File_Formats/Adobe%20Illustrator%20Fi...
       | Grimm1 wrote:
       | I wanted to just write a page of screaming sounds but I figured
       | that wouldn't go over well here.
       | "Why am I still struggling with browsers having different SVG
       | implementations 18 years after the initial implementation?" is
       | something I had to ask my self two days ago when the comma in our
       | logo magically shifted to the left only on Firefox.
       | It looks like the spec here is partially to blame because 800
       | pages is something that even the most meticulous team of devs
       | would have a hard time implementing without some divergence from
       | other implementations.
       | I decided to switch to a high quality PNG and call it a day since
       | we had other more important things to be focusing on.
       | wrnr wrote:
       | There is already ivg https://github.com/reactivego/ivg
       | matchbok wrote:
       | Unrelated. But why does this site need a sticky header? Such a
       | waste of space on a small monitor. Stop designing for 30" screens
       | people!
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | Good, bad, or ugly, I'm happy I can embed SVG directly in html
       | files and then manipulate it with Javascript. Life is easier when
       | you're teaching and you put everything in one file that students
       | can open in a browser.
       | kstenerud wrote:
       | SVG was actually one of the first topics I'd planned to tackle
       | once https://concise-encoding.org/ and the reference
       | implementation is finished.
       | You definitely don't want to solve SVG's bloat problem by moving
       | to another text-based format.
         | prideout wrote:
         | Do you still plan on tackling it?
           | kstenerud wrote:
           | Yup! It's just that CE spec has taken much longer than I'd
           | anticipated ;-)
           | The CE spec is for all intents and purposes done (I don't
           | anticipate any more changes), and the reference
           | implementation is in the final stages. After that comes the
           | schema format, then the official V1 release, and then I can
           | move on to technologies built upon it.
           | From some back-of-the-envelope calculations I made recently,
           | I should be able to represent the same vector graphics in the
           | same basic structure (such that you could convert between
           | them), but in about 1/3 the space (not including the crazy
           | stuff like CSS and JS).
       | hctaw wrote:
       | SVG is another chapter in the long and storied history of
       | engineers attempting to the question, "How hard can 2D graphics
       | be?" And if you look at the industry standard answers (from
       | PostScript to AutoLisp to Gerber to SVG) the answer is, "pretty
       | damn hard."
       | I don't know if you can slim down vector graphics successfully.
       | Every SVG renderer in existence slims down SVG to some degree.
       | The ones that do it the most are used the least because they
       | can't sufficiently express the intent of the designer.
         | jansan wrote:
         | 2D vector graphics look easy at the beginning. There are some
         | shapes, some paths, some affince transforms. But if you start
         | to caclulate the length of a cubic bezier or try to find
         | intersections between two cubic bezier curves, things start to
         | get interesting. Then try to implement a solid and fast
         | algorithm for boolean path operations. Next level of difficulty
         | is to offset an arbitrary path, maybe with parametric offset
         | for extra challenge. I have done all of these, and boy, I did
         | not expect the rabbit hole to be that deep.
         | qwertay wrote:
         | I have to wonder if the author is not understanding the hidden
         | complexity of rendering graphics. They make the claim that svg
         | would take over a month to implement which sounds accurate, but
         | then they claim that it could be replaced with a new format
         | which could be implemented in a few days.
         | Surely SVG does not include months of work which is entirely
         | useless. What features are we giving up for this simplicity?
       | hasahmed wrote:
       | I really appreciated this article. It would be great to see a
       | smaller svg graphics standard. I think SlimSVG is a bad name
       | because it implies its still SVG. It should set its self apart.
       | Just my 2 cents.
         | makapuf wrote:
         | In my opinion, what makes SVG bloated is not the fact that it's
         | for humans or machines, this is mostly irrelevant compared to
         | the ability to have filters, CSS animation, interactivity,
         | advanced rendering options on different contexts...
         | Concerning the simple use of standard shapes, you could
         | restrict yourself to simple shapes within SVG : thus youd
         | already have myriads of existing implementations and tooling,
         | it would be mostly understandable by humans, short and writable
         | by hand/simple scripts.
         | You could even call them mobile SVG Tiny and Basic : it exists
         | since 2009. https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-SVGMobile-20030114/
         | . That would be a good start.
       | irrational wrote:
       | >like to write it by hand
       | I'm honestly horrified that someone out there is writing SVG by
       | hand.
         | icefo wrote:
         | Being able to open a file to quickly change the fill color of a
         | figure for example is nice.
         | I first did it with inscape and the file size of the simple
         | logo I was editing went up by 6x due to the inscape metadata so
         | I did it manually.
         | hanche wrote:
         | I have done it, but only for some very simple stuff like a logo
         | constructed from a small handful of coloured circles. I
         | certainly would not recommend it for more complicated work.
       | agleason wrote:
       | I think this article totally misses out on the UI/UX benefits of
       | an SVG. For example, I've been able to implement amazing
       | animations that require little effort from me and allow designers
       | to really show off their talents.
       | SVGs may not be perfect, but the pros definitely outweigh the
       | cons. When I work on the frontend, I think there are very few use
       | cases where I have to worry about the readability of an SVG. The
       | author also kind of lost me at JSON-based graphics.
       | steerablesafe wrote:
       | My two gripes with SVG I bumped into (although the second one is
       | more to browser implementations).
       | 1. It doesn't support premultiplied alpha interpolation mode. If
       | you ever import partially transparent rasterized images then it
       | can cause visible artifacts at the edges of opaque regions.
       | 2. Last time I checked no implementation supported interpolation
       | in linear colorspace (linearRGB [1]).
       | So even though it's bloated it still misses features. And even
       | though browsers are good fit for supporting it, they still don't
       | bother implementing the full spec. And they implement PDF with
       | vastly more gradient elements and color interpolation modes.
       | [1]
       | https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/painting.html#ColorInterpolation...
         | jansan wrote:
         | Other stuff that is missing:
         | - Relative coordinates. You can hack around this by using other
         | SVG documents inside an SVG document, but this is really just a
         | hack.
         | - Conic gradients. Even CSS has them.
         | Also, there are still a few implementation bugs for SVG. The
         | Chromiums and Firefox teams have done an outstanding job at
         | fixing bugs over the last few years, but if you do advanceed
         | stuff, you will inevitable bounce into one of them. Also,
         | Safari is not really good at SVG, but honestly, who cares.
       | anderspitman wrote:
       | SVG is my favoriate web language. It's good, and _so close_ to
       | being great. Honestly I think if it was almost anything other
       | than XML that would push it over the top.
       | exabrial wrote:
       | > Maybe JSON-based, definitely not XML-based
       | No.
       | Strong schemas are _why_ it's supported across a multitude of
       | platforms. JSON because "it's got JSON, what plants crave" is an
       | absolutely dumb argument. And the see article "parsing JSON is a
       | minefield". I can't think of a way to make the standard worse
       | than re-implementing in JSON.
       | There are some legit missing features from SVG as other
       | commenters have pointed out. To me, it sounds like the tooling is
       | actually what's lacking. The equivalent of minifying or even the
       | option to render xml to a binary representation is probably what
       | is actually lacking.
         | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
         | I have worked with XML since it was a wee laddie. I generally
         | prefer using JSON, but all my SDKs emit BOTH XML and JSON (and,
         | occasionally, CSV).
         | XML Schema is the main reason I use XML. I hate Schema. Hates
         | HAAATESSSS NASSSTY SSSSCHEMA..., but it is ironclad. If it is
         | described in Schema, then it is guaranteed (or not; in which
         | case Schema also accounts for that).
         | JSON Schema is a non-starter. No one ever seems to use it, and
         | I don't think it ever made it out of committee. It pretty much
         | goes against why JSON is popular.
         | If anyone wants REAL pain, then we should go back to BNF:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backus-Naur_form
         | I worked with a BNF compiler, and I still wake up screaming.
           | com2kid wrote:
           | > JSON Schema is a non-starter. No one ever seems to use it,
           | and I don't think it ever made it out of committee. It pretty
           | much goes against why JSON is popular.
           | My company heavily uses JSON schema.
           | The OpenAPI project uses JSON Schemas, and AWS also allows
           | for their usage in places.
           | And finally, there are a couple good projects that
           | automatically generate JSON Schemas from Typescript
           | definitions, which is my preferred way to go. :)
             | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
             | This is nicely done: https://json-
             | schema.org/specification.html
             | But note _" draft."_
             | Compare to: https://www.w3.org/standards/xml/schema
               | com2kid wrote:
               | It's been "draft" for years.
               | Hasn't stopped tooling from being built around it.
               | riedel wrote:
               | https://www.w3.org/XML/Schema
           | todd8 wrote:
           | BNF is just a notation for describing a formal language.
           | Although there are many slight variations of BNF in use, BNF
           | is generally used to describe very precisely the exact
           | syntactically legal sentences (that is, sequences symbols)
           | that belong to a formal language.
           | Some languages are simple, for example the language that is
           | any sequence of one or more 'A'.
           | A, AA, AAA, AAAA and so forth are all valid sentences in this
           | language. This is a particularly simple language, but it
           | could be described in BNF:                   <S> ::= A | <S>
           | A
           | This language could also be specified as { A^n | n >= 1 }
           | using a set notation or as a regular expression like A+
           | A slightly more complex language is the language of all
           | sentences made up of a sequence of A and B in any order
           | followed by a sequence of C exactly twice as long as the A's
           | and B's together:                   <S> ::= <X>CC | <X><S>CC
           | <X> ::= A | B
           | Legal sentences look like: ACC, AACCCC, ABCCCC, BABCCCCCC,
           | etc. Such a language can't be described by classical regular
           | expressions, but can be described by the _context-free_
           | grammar expressed in BNF above.
           | There are alternatives and generalizations of BNF notations.
           | Wirth used railroad diagrams to describe the syntax of PASCAL
           | in the Pascal Report describing his language. This are more
           | visual, but not more powerful.
           | BNF might be a pain, but there is generally no simple way to
           | express complex syntax requirements for programming
           | languages. BNF isn't used to solve the same problem being
           | addressed by XML or JSON which are methods to encode data.
             | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
             | BNF is an archetype of declarative language.
             | But I used to work on an X.400 system, and we would have to
             | map out data structures in BNF, pass it through a BNF/X.409
             | compiler that _always_ hashed things up (often our bad, but
             | that was back in the  "big iron" days, when we would have
             | to arm-wrestle for compiler passes), then, once we fixed
             | the X.409, we'd need to pass it into a X.409/C compiler.
             | And fix it again...
           | riedel wrote:
           | Hedge grammars have really nice features, which can be parsed
           | by a class of pushdown automata. However, my experience is
           | that not many people understood and valued those features in
           | the XML ecosystem (see SVG but also Xpath). Would be nice to
           | see actually a schema first language that has a good binary
           | and human readable representation. IMHO we can do better than
           | zipped JSON even if is hard.
           | Symbiote wrote:
           | I think, when developers don't like working in XML, it's
           | because the tool forces them to _do the job properly_.
           | That's work for whoever is producing the document, but
           | wonderful for all the consumers.
             | Snitch-Thursday wrote:
             | > because the tool forces them to do the job properly
             | I'd argue the same restrictions on "setting handwave to
             | maximum" and "XHTML doc has one missing brace, no web page
             | at all now" are two extremes that have their parallels in
             | the 'dynamic vs static typing', 'immutable pure vs mutable
             | impure functions', 'XML vs JSON (oh wait!)', and 'web app
             | vs native program' arguments that we HN readers love to
             | debate.
             | The trick is finding the happy medium between both
             | extremes. Training some 'slackers' to "do the job properly"
             | and convincing some 'purists' to be more pragmatic to the
             | limitations of the world around them.
             | After all, we need something to occupy us during this
             | Eternal September.
               | dschuessler wrote:
               | It's a trap. You only need to find the happy medium if
               | you accept the constraints that generate the trade-off in
               | the first place.
               | And in at least three of the four antagonisms you list,
               | it comes down to the DX of the tooling. Static typing
               | isn't so much of a pain if your type errors are helpful
               | and descriptive. The missing brace in the XHTML doc is
               | easily found when using proper and easy to use XML
               | linters. And I don't see why writing native apps
               | shouldn't be as simple as writing web apps. At least
               | there are attempts that seem to get some mileage out of
               | the idea (e.g. Revery, Flutter).
               | The trick is to make the toolset more approachable.
           | UncleEntity wrote:
           | > If anyone wants REAL pain, then we should go back to BNF...
           | Ironically, if one wants to implement a SVG reader they have
           | to use the BNFs provided in the spec (for paths and whatnot).
           | Though the SVG 1.1 DTD is pretty nice to work with, I've
           | built a SVG DOMish generator for both c++ and python (which
           | takes forever to compile) so one, err...me, doesn't have to
           | deal with all the underlying XML craziness. One of these days
           | I'll get around to finishing the path parser, color parser,
           | transform parser, &etc...
           | cpill wrote:
           | what's wrong with BNF? as a language descriptor it's simple
           | and concise, isn't it?
             | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
             | It's a great data description language, but was NOT fun to
             | work with, semantically.
         | kumarvvr wrote:
         | JSON is a really poor format for anything but simple data.
         | XML may be verbose and not readable, but it is an excellent
         | format for describing and storing data.
         | One alternative for SVG could be an SQL table like datastore,
         | similar to sqlite. I would love yo have the ability to query
         | data, rather than parse through XML. I do understand that
         | transferring such data blobs over networks is an issue.
           | mywittyname wrote:
           | The biggest issue I have with XML is the ambiguity between
           | attributes and child elements. The distinction makes sense in
           | an abstract perspective, but real-world implementations
           | rarely use them in a consistent manner.
             | Groxx wrote:
             | One's a dictionary (unordered, simple unique keys), and
             | one's a list (ordered, arbitrary contents, no uniqueness
             | constraints). Schemas may enforce more, but those are the
             | intrinsic qualities.
             | I agree that use varies widely, but the difference is
             | fairly clear. The existence of nonsense doesn't mean one
             | can't make good decisions.
               | qwertay wrote:
               | Is it more logical to have a point tag which has the
               | attributes x and y or have x and y as their own tags and
               | values? Its not clear to me which makes more sense and it
               | seems the spec writes using xml didn't know either.
               | Groxx wrote:
               | since x and y are simple names, have simple values, and
               | are unique pairs that apply only once to a point:
               | attributes.
               | to use anything else means relying on an arbitrarily-
               | complex custom schema rather than the much-simpler-and-
               | far-more-standard schema of the language itself. similar
               | to how we use datatypes in programming languages rather
               | than just strings everywhere. both work! one is clearly
               | giving up a lot, and gaining little.
         | Eisfunke wrote:
         | Obviously, if you just reimplement SVG in JSON it's not going
         | to get better, there would be far more to it. And I'm a big fan
         | of strong schemas, it's the best part of XML.
         | prideout wrote:
         | While JSON is far from perfect it is a lingua franca; humans
         | and computers all over the world are very familiar with it. I
         | think this is one of reasons for the growing popularity of the
         | glTF format for 3D models, which also has a binary variant.
       | Ashstar wrote:
       | https://www.applianceindia.in/2020/11/03/top-10-best-inverte...
       | lawwantsin17 wrote:
       | how did a medium article end up on HN?
       | datavirtue wrote:
       | SVG is a solution to a big problem and it is widely adopted, no
       | matter how ugly. We generally use a tool that writes it for us.
       | Why not just write a new language that is easier to script and
       | compile to the nasty XML?
       | simias wrote:
       | >Furthermore the XML-based syntax is pretty ugly and needlessly
       | verbose. It's tiring to write by hand and just as tiring to parse
       | or generate automatically.
       | What's even worse is that because XML is a garbage fire of a
       | format, SVG actually builds its own micro-DSL to work around
       | limitations.
       | So for instance you have something like:
       | <circle cx="10" cy="10" r="2" fill="red"/>
       | Ok, fair enough. Readable, self-describing.
       | But then you have:                    <path d="M 10 10 H 90 V 90
       | H 10 L 10 10"/>
       | Oh. You can almost hear the designer saying "well fuck it, we'll
       | just jam it all into a string.
       | The fact that SGML-based formats managed to become as popular as
       | they are is really proof that there's something fundamentally
       | rotten in software engineering.
       | I do quite like SVG though. I mean, if the alternative is drawing
       | with CSS, it's pretty amazing. I don't really agree that it's
       | hard to generate programmatically either, you just have to decide
       | what subset of the format you need, look at what inkscape
       | generates and go from there. If you need to generate basic shapes
       | it's fairly straightforward.
         | tannhaeuser wrote:
         | Agree a vector graphics format isn't the use case for markup
         | languages. SVG's saving grace, though, is that's designed to be
         | embedded in HTML.
         | Abhinav2000 wrote:
         | There's nothing wrong with xml or other SGML based markups.
         | They are meant to be written by a computer, not by hand.....
           | tannhaeuser wrote:
           | Maybe holds for XML, but not SGML. Its features such as
           | SHORTREF and tag inference for eg parsing Wiki and other
           | custom syntax into canonical angle-bracket markup (aka XML)
           | are pretty much designed to be typed ergonomically and
           | minimalistic, as popular as ever with markdown, etc.
           | qwertay wrote:
           | XML is not an ideal format for computers.
         | gibolt wrote:
         | You don't edit raw png values either, with rgb/index values in
         | a list. SVGs are meant to be created and used like any image
         | file.
         | The fact that they are almost human-editable and can be inlined
         | means we are bound to be disappointed when working with them in
         | this manner
           | Eisfunke wrote:
           | Yes, but SVG is not good as a machine-focused format as well,
           | that's kind of the point.
           | wtetzner wrote:
           | > SVGs are meant to be created and used like any image file.
           | Then why bother with the XML? And why use the embedded DSLs
           | in strings instead of the more verbose XML-way.
           | dillondoyle wrote:
           | I like this kind of compromise where illustrator etc
           | generates the SVG but you can read elements in the actual
           | text so you can animate or transform with css or js.
           | Fir example I recently made this 'hack' for gradient
           | transform. even 'hacking' that was easier than maintaining
           | and understanding complex canvas JS - at least to me.
           | https://4degreesdigital.com
             | ROARosen wrote:
             | Love it! I'm just wondering, aside from the animation part
             | do you ever need to edit an Illustrator-generated svg?
               | nikkwong wrote:
               | I do personally for color control. You can see my heavy
               | use of SVGs here at a site I'm in the middle of
               | implementing [0]. For example, if you look in the :root
               | {} you will see a lot of CSS variables that are declared
               | and which manipulate their HSL value based on base
               | variables like --hue. The SVGs implement these. So you
               | can change the global --hue, and the hue of all the SVG
               | elements on the page will change. I've modified output
               | SVGs from figma/illustrator to reference a variable
               | rather than a hardcoded fill i.e. <path fill="red">
               | becomes <path fill="var(--base)"> That's a simple
               | example, you can go further to change relative saturation
               | and lightness as well, which I also do with CSS calc().
               | It's fun!
               | [0] www.holysnacks.us
               | dillondoyle wrote:
               | i like the sun rays!!
               | I do love the mix of css vars into SVG. it makes a lot of
               | sense to me too.
           | simias wrote:
           | I disagree, I routinely manually mess with SVG (even SVG
           | generated with a program like inkscape) because it lets me
           | add interactivity and animations. That's the killer feature
           | for me: you can draw arbitrary vector shapes in a website,
           | then hook into them using javascript the way you would any
           | DOM element. There are a few subtleties to make it work well,
           | but it's pretty straightforward.
           | Here's an example:
           | https://svkt.org/~simias/up/20210212-185105_svg.png
           | All the elements and paths are SVG generated from some
           | javascript. You can interact with the various elements, move
           | them around and the paths are updated in real time.
           | Of course you could do the same thing with a raster format by
           | using a canvas and drawing a bitmap for instance, but SVG
           | works at a higher level and lets you do these things a lot
           | faster and probably with better performance. You can use CSS-
           | styling, you can register javascript event callbacks etc...
           | Or to put it another way: if SVG was meant as an opaque
           | machine-to-machine format, why even bother with the insane
           | overhead of XML instead of using some dense binary format?
             | runarberg wrote:
             | Getting your hands dirty by manually messing with SVG
             | elements allows you so much freedom while plotting in D3,
             | it is amazing. If you do any sort of advanced data
             | visualization on the web, being able to read and write
             | parts of SVGs is essential.
         | jansan wrote:
         | I do not see what is wrong with the path string, which btw. is
         | the same in HTML Canvas. I am using SVG on a daily basis and
         | encountered many issues that annoyed me, but path data was
         | never one of them.
         | thangalin wrote:
         | > If you need to generate basic shapes it's fairly
         | straightforward.
         | You'd think so. While integrating TeX into my editor[0], using
         | JMathTeX[1] as a starting point, I wanted to convert font
         | glyphs to vector paths. At the time, every Java-based SVG
         | renderer (Batik, JFreeSVG, SVG Salamander) suffered from the
         | exact same performance problem: they all used Java's
         | DecimalFormat class to convert floating point numbers to
         | strings. These strings were then concatenated as paths into the
         | output document. Sometimes the strings were re-copied numerous
         | times because of buffer re-allocations and other reasons. (Part
         | 5 of my series[2] on developing a TeX-oriented text editor
         | covers this in depth.)
         | To get great performance---in Java, at least---even for basic
         | shapes requires a sufficiently large, reusable buffer that
         | doesn't incur memory re-allocations and an efficient algorithm
         | to convert floats to strings---such as Ryu[3]. See my
         | implementation that converts glyph paths to vector paths for
         | details[4]. With these two changes I was able to improve upon
         | JFreeSVG's implementation four-fold.
         | [0]: https://github.com/DaveJarvis/keenwrite (my editor)
         | [1]: https://github.com/DaveJarvis/JMathTeX/ (my fork)
         | [2]: https://bell-sw.com/announcements/2020/11/02/TeXnical-
         | Writin... (my blog series)
         | [3]: https://github.com/ulfjack/ryu
         | [4]:
         | https://github.com/DaveJarvis/JMathTeX/blob/d2d678717505765b...
         | colllectorof wrote:
         | Can't wait for the improved JSON version:
         | {"path": {"d": ["M", 10, 10, "H", 90, "V", 90, "H", 10, "L",
         | 10, 10]}}
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | path:             d:                M: 10, 10
           | H: 90                V: 90                H: 10
           | L: 10, 10
           | Just beautiful.
             | progval wrote:
             | Nope, it should be an array. You use a hash so order isn't
             | preserved and duplicate keys are removed. (Assuming that's
             | Yaml)
               | misnome wrote:
               | Well clearly it'd be part of the specification to say
               | that it's ordered and non-unique, it's obviously your
               | fault if you expected standard yaml!
           | goto11 wrote:
           | Since this is HN I will point out that s-expressions are
           | vastly superior:                   (path (d (M 10 10) (H 90)
           | (V 90) (H 10) (L 10 10)))
             | kazinator wrote:
             | You probably mean                 (path d M 10 10 H 90 V 90
             | H 10 L 10 10)
             | Shore up some nesting for the commands with pattern
             | matching, returning a path struct:                 This is
             | the TXR Lisp interactive listener of TXR 251.       Quit
             | with :quit or Ctrl-D on an empty line. Ctrl-X ? for
             | cheatsheet.       Garbage collection is on Tuesdays: bring
             | unwanted pointers to curb by 7:30.       1> (defstruct path
             | () name args)       #<struct-type path>       2> (defun
             | parse-path-args (args)            (match-case args
             | ((M @x @y . @rest) ^((M ,x ,y) ,*(parse-path-args rest)))
             | ((L @x @y . @rest) ^((L ,x ,y) ,*(parse-path-args rest)))
             | ((H @x . @rest) ^((H ,x) ,*(parse-path-args rest)))
             | ((V @x . @rest) ^((V ,x) ,*(parse-path-args rest)))
             | (())              (@else (error "bad path arguments: ~s"
             | else))))       parse-path-args       3> (defun-match parse-
             | path            (((path @(symbolp @name) . @args))
             | (new path name name args (parse-path-args args)))
             | ((@else) (error "bad path syntax: ~s" else)))       parse-
             | path       4> (parse-path '(path d M 10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 L
             | 10 10))       #S(path name d args ((M 10 10) (H 90) (V 90)
             | (H 10) (L 10 10)))
             | Error cases:                 5> (parse-path '(path d M 10
             | 10 H 90 V 90 X 10 L 10 10))       ** bad path arguments: (X
             | 10 L 10 10)       ** during evaluation of form (error "bad
             | path arguments: ~s"
             | else)       ** ... an expansion of (progn (error "bad path
             | arguments: ~s"
             | else))       ** which is located at expr-2:2       ** run
             | with --backtrace to enable backtraces       6> (parse-path
             | '(paath d M 10 10 H 90 V 90 X 10 L 10 10))       ** bad
             | path syntax: paath d M 10 10 H 90 V 90 X 10 L 10 10
             | ** during evaluation of form (error `bad path syntax:
             | @else`)       ** ... an expansion of (progn (error `bad
             | path syntax: @else`))       ** which is located at expr-3:1
             | ** run with --backtrace to enable backtraces
               | dan-robertson wrote:
               | I think that's too flat. There's no easy place to put the
               | width and suchlike. I think you'd want something like:
               | (path (M 10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 L 10 10) :color red)
               | Though probably I would prefer something more nested if
               | possible, so you have a list of instructions rather than
               | needing to parse them out of a flattened list. And I
               | would likely use an alist rather than a plist for
               | attributes like colour or stroke width.
             | lifthrasiir wrote:
             | Even superior:                   path 10 10 M 90 H 90 V 10
             | H 10 10 L #000 stroke
         | paul_manias wrote:
         | > Oh. You can almost hear the designer saying "well fuck it,
         | we'll just jam it all into a string.
         | I'll throw in my 2 cents here because the responses aren't
         | addressing why the path descriptors are stylised in this way.
         | Whether SVG's underlying document format was XML, JSON, SGML,
         | CSS or whatever is irrelevant. However else you did it, any
         | alternative would be more verbose because the 'd' tag already
         | offers the most compact way of describing vector paths in text
         | form.
         | And that's the point - it's small. Even in this compact form,
         | it's not unusual for path strings to reach kilobytes in length
         | when floating point numbers are catered for. Thus we need the
         | path descriptions to be as small as possible for optimal
         | parsing of the file and keeping the file size down.
         | As a side-note I disagree with the author's conjecture that SVG
         | doesn't succeed as a machine-focused language or a human-
         | focused language. I think it serves both sides of the coin
         | quite well in practice (certainly more-so than HTML) and a
         | pared back version already exists in the form of SVG Tiny.
           | felixfbecker wrote:
           | I wonder though why does that matter for a web format that
           | can be served with GZIP encoding? Wouldn't GZIP eat the
           | duplicative <move-to /> tags for breakfast? It would be so
           | much easier to write, read, manipulate and animate.
         | goto11 wrote:
         | > The fact that SGML-based formats managed to become as popular
         | as they are is really proof that there's something
         | fundamentally rotten in software engineering.
         | HTML is a pretty good syntax though. SGML-like syntax is just
         | less appropriate for formats which are not text-centered, since
         | the element/attribute distinction becomes superfluous noise in
         | the syntax.
           | simias wrote:
           | I agree, HTML is _fine_ (still a bit too verbose IMO, in
           | particular having to repeat the tag to close it always felt
           | useless and very noisy).
           | But HTML is a markup language, the problem is that for some
           | insane reason a big chunk of the industry at some point
           | decided that XML was a reasonable serialization format.
           | That's where it went really wrong IMO.
         | cdrini wrote:
         | How is XML a garbage fire? In comparison to what? Also,
         | representing paths succinctly as text is inherently
         | complicated. You're trying to represent a very 2D thing in a
         | linear 1D syntax. It's not a limitation of XML, it's a
         | limitation of text being 1D.
         | XML/SGML are a very effective way of representing tree data
         | (again, non-1D data) in 1D strings. And they're wonderfully
         | extensible, while still keeping a well defined schema. Is there
         | an alternative language that is better? How is it better?
           | simias wrote:
           | SGML (and descendants) is a markup language. It's in the name
           | really.
           | >XML/SGML are a very effective way of representing tree data
           | Completely disagree:
           | - It's not effective density-wise because the format is very
           | verbose
           | - It's not effective parsing-wise because the format is very
           | complicated.
           | - It's not effective human-wise because you have meaningless
           | distinctions between attributes and child nodes which makes
           | sense for a markup language but not for a serialization
           | format. It's also very verbose which makes it annoying to
           | read and write.
           | Imagine that you have an object like:                  struct
           | Object {             name: "foo",        }
           | Should you serialize like:                  <object
           | name="foo" />
           | Or:                  <object> <name>foo</name> </object>
           | And to be clear, that's a rhetorical question. My point is
           | that this distinction doesn't make a lot of sense for a
           | serialization format and forces the developer to make
           | pointless decisions. Here you might say that an attribute
           | makes more sense, but then if later you realize that you can
           | have several names you're screwed, because you either have to
           | come up with your own custom format to store those in an
           | attribute (coma-separated? But what if there's a coma in the
           | name?) or split them off into child nodes.
           | It makes perfect sense for a markup language though, because
           | there's (usually) a clear distinction between the textual and
           | metatextual content. The stuff between the tags is meant to
           | be displayed to the user, whereas the attributes are meant to
           | be interpreted by the machine.
           | runarberg wrote:
           | Exactly, in the canvas API this is written like:
           | <path d="M 10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 L 10 10"/>
           | ctx.moveTo(10, 10);         ctx.lineTo(90, 10);
           | ctx.lineTo(90, 90);         ctx.lineTo(10, 90);
           | ctx.lineTo(10, 10);
           | Not much better.
             | simias wrote:
             | I disagree, the JS code is immediately understandable
             | without having to lookup anything. You could do it in pure
             | XML but the result would probably be much more verbose.
               | runarberg wrote:
               | To be equivalent the SVG `<path>` element would probably
               | need to take an idref to something like a `<draw>`
               | element. This is how I would guess the equivalent would
               | be:                   <draw id="my-path">
               | <move-to x="10" y="10" />           <line-to x="90"
               | y="10" />           <line-to x="90" y="90" />
               | <line-to x="10" y="90" />           <line-to x="10"
               | y="10" />         </draw>              <path draw="my-
               | path" />
               | EDIT: Come to think of it, the above is probably a lot
               | easier to animate using CSS or SMIL. Animating the `d`
               | attribute on `<path>`s is theoretically possible but in
               | practice weird at best or browser inconsistent or simply
               | impossible at worst.
               | EDIT 2: In D3 it is not uncommon to draw area graphs with
               | a thick border on top. The only way to do this is with
               | two `<path>`s with almost identical `d` attributes.
               | Allowing drawings to be strung together with multiple
               | idrefs could solve that:                   <draw id=line-
               | path><!-- ... --></draw>         <draw id="area-box-
               | close">           <line-to x="100" y="100" />
               | <line-to x="0" y="100" />           <end />
               | </draw>                  <path draw="line-path"
               | class="line" />         <path draw="line-path area-box-
               | close" class="area" />
               | Maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | The presentations/articles on how to unambiguously decode the
           | XML Signature Spec are almost as long as the spec itself.
           | When it was my turn to parse it, I found a couple of cases
           | they missed.
           | In XML ID fields are supposed to be unique to the document.
           | Nobody enforces this. Instead getByID returns the first ID.
           | Which means if you ask a DOM element and the root element for
           | an element by ID, you can get two different answers.
           | Composing multiple schemas into the same file is a wordy,
           | confusing mess, DTDs are straight up broken, and the only
           | time I ever saw someone generate a Grade A XML Schema was by
           | feeding examples into XMLSpy instead of writing their own.
           | XML asks a question we already knew the answer to: What if we
           | made everyone into a programming language designer? And the
           | answer was "anarchy" because we know that many people cannot
           | design a syntactically consistent language, and hardly
           | anybody can design a semantically consistent one.
           | James Strachan, as I recall, retired from Groovy before they
           | ever figured out an unambiguous grammar for it. There comes a
           | point where you realize you've made a mess that you are not
           | qualified to clean up (Kernighan's Law). You can either do
           | the very hard work of maturing into the responsibility, or
           | bow out. Strachan is no different than a dozen people I've
           | worked with and countless people I've heard about second or
           | third hand, who I'm more than a little glad moved on.
           | The guilt is not theirs alone. Part must fall to this shared
           | delusion that you can do anything with software if you only
           | put your mind to it. We have mathematical proofs that tell us
           | that's not true, and yet we still believe in the power of
           | belief. Unfortunately if we didn't believe it a little, then
           | we'd probably never write anything at all, so I'm not sure
           | there's so much a cure as a condition that has to be managed.
           | A little bit can go a long way, and most of us take it too
           | far, sooner or later.
           | eek04_ wrote:
           | Tagged interchange formats like
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interchange_File_Format were
           | IMO much better to work with than XML from a programming
           | point of view.
           | If I want something free-form text based, I've been more
           | happy with e.g. YAML based formats.
           | michaelt wrote:
           | _> How is XML a garbage fire?_
           | If you decided to go fully XML on "<path d="M 10 10 H 90 V 90
           | H 10 L 10 10"/>" it would probably look like this:
           | <path>         <point>           <x>10</x>
           | <y>10</y>         </point>         <point>
           | <x>90</x>           <y>10</y>         </point>
           | <point>           <x>90</x>           <y>90</y>
           | </point>         <point>           <x>10</x>
           | <y>90</y>         </point>         <point>
           | <x>10</x>           <y>10</y>         </point>       </path>
           | Some would say the fact the designers of XML went for "M 10
           | 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 L 10 10" instead shows they thought XML is
           | too verbose.
           | simias likely agrees that XML is too verbose - and wonders
           | why they used XML _at all_
             | crazypython wrote:
             | Alternatively, with SGML:                 <path>
             | <point x=10 y=10/>         <point x=90 y=10/>
             | <point x=90 y=90/>         <point x=10 y=90/>
             | <point x=10 y=10/>       </path>
               | ognarb wrote:
               | Same as other commenters, you removed the information
               | about that this coordinate means. Does <point x=10 y=10/>
               | means I will trace a line to 10,10, move to 10,10, trace
               | a bezier curve, ...
               | This could be a better format, but still a lot heaver in
               | term of bandwidth.                 <path>         <move
               | x=10 y=10/>         <line x=90 y=10/>         <curve x=90
               | y=90/>         <end/>       </path>
               | Groxx wrote:
               | This is pretty clearly a more accurate "xml-ification" of
               | a bunch of points. X/Y are un-ordered attributes of a
               | point, not part of an ordered list of things contained
               | within a point.
             | pwdisswordfish6 wrote:
             | Because it was popular, especially in web-development-
             | adjacent circles back then. And there weren't many open-
             | standard extensible general-purpose structured data
             | formats. (There are a few more now, but still not that
             | many.) JSON technically did exist (as a subset of
             | JavaScript), but it wasn't until Crockford named it that it
             | became widely known.
             | And it's not like XML has _no_ good ideas in it either. You
             | may disagree about the execution, but the idea of
             | seamlessly mixing structured data defined by independent
             | standards in a single document is pretty damn powerful.
             | Also, your example is rather strawman-ish: there is no
             | point in using separate elements for individual
             | coordinates, and anyone designing the format would know
             | this. A more realistic example would have <path> contain an
             | ordered sequence of <move-to x="..." y="..." /> and <line-
             | to x="..." y="..." /> elements. (In fact, SVG already
             | contains <line /> and <circle /> which use roughly this
             | structure.)
               | michaelt wrote:
               | _> Also, your example is rather strawman-ish: there is no
               | point in using separate elements for individual
               | coordinates, and anyone designing the format would know
               | this._
               | You say that - but here's some real world XML from the
               | widely used 'GPX' file format[1]
               | <trkpt lat="47.644548" lon="-122.326897">
               | <ele>4.46</ele>
               | <time>2009-10-17T18:37:26Z</time>           </trkpt>
               | The truth is I could have put the X coordinate as an
               | attribute and the Y coordinate as a child element and it
               | would still have been a fair representation of real-world
               | XML documents.
               | And GPX is one of the better XML formats! You want to see
               | nightmare XML? Go look at SAML.
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format#Sam
               | ple_GPX...
               | lolinder wrote:
               | These are still examples of crappy DSLs that use XML
               | syntax, not specific problems with XML itself. Designing
               | good DSLs is a hard problem, but is it any less hard in
               | JSON or YAML? If so, it would be helpful for me if people
               | could provide specific examples of why XML itself leads
               | to poor DSLs. As it stands, I'm left wondering if there
               | are so many bad XML DSLs simply because XML is (has been)
               | a popular format.
               | gugagore wrote:
               | Pertinent to this specific discussion is that XML
               | distinguishes syntactically between "elements" and
               | "attributes", but it's often not clear what the purpose
               | of the distinction is (search for "elements vs
               | attributes").
               | JSON and YAML do not make such a distinction.
               | wtetzner wrote:
               | > And there weren't many open-standard extensible
               | general-purpose structured data formats.
               | The thing is, just having an XML parser isn't enough to
               | parse SVG. You _also_ have to parse a DSL. So I _think_
               | the argument is  "why not just use _only_ a DSL, that
               | does a good job of describing the data model? "
               | pwdisswordfish6 wrote:
               | Because then you'd have to define its syntax and
               | extension points. XML and namespaces solve that problem
               | for you, so the only thing left for you to design is the
               | actual structure of your data.
               | wtetzner wrote:
               | Except that's not what happened. They also had to define
               | new syntax for the DSLs they embed in strings.
               | pwdisswordfish6 wrote:
               | True. But it would have been much harder if they had to
               | define a syntax for the entire document.
               | I imagine they thought that the path DSL is simple enough
               | to parse (and I seem to vaguely recall PostScript has
               | something similar), while the overhead of representing
               | path nodes as XML elements would be too high.
               | wtetzner wrote:
               | I'm not arguing against using an existing format, BTW,
               | just seems like a weird mixture here.
               | I can't help but think s-expressions would have been a
               | better choice.
               | gugagore wrote:
               | The boundary where the XML ends and the DSL begins is at
               | least a little arbitrary, but it does have important
               | ramifications. By using XML, you can use the XPath query
               | language to index down to a `path` (the end of the XML),
               | but not within a `path` (the beginning of the DSL). That
               | means, at least conceptually, you can attach colors, and
               | events, and such to a path. And the fact that you cannot
               | do it within a path (not without introducing a query
               | language for the DSL) is inelegant, but also might not
               | have much bearing in 99% of applications.
               | foolmeonce wrote:
               | I think its relationship with HTML, JavaScript and CSS
               | would be a lot worse if it didn't reuse XML to the extent
               | that it did.
             | SquareWheel wrote:
             | Someone complained about JSON above, but I think it does a
             | nicer job here:                 {        "path": [
             | [10, 10],         [90, 10],         [90, 90],         [10,
             | 90],         [10, 10]        ]       }
             | No need for the x and y, really. And it's still quite
             | legible on one line.                 {"path": [[10, 10],
             | [90, 10], [90, 90], [10, 90], [10, 10]]}
               | ognarb wrote:
               | You clearly didn't understand how the path element in SVG
               | works. The M, L and other characters contains valuable
               | information. M stand for move, L for trace a line, but
               | you can also have instructions for bezier curve or Z for
               | closing a path. Your json format by removing this
               | information is useless.
               | climech wrote:
               | I believe something like this would work (excuse the
               | comments normally not allowed in JSON):
               | {           paths: [             {               points:
               | [                 [10, 10],  // 0                 [90,
               | 10],  // 1                 [90, 90],  // 2
               | [10, 90]   // 3               ],               lines: [
               | [0, 1, 2, 3, 0]  // connect point 0 to 1 to 2 to (...)
               | ],               curves: {                 0: [5, 15, 15,
               | 5]  // bezier control points for point 0 (x1, y1, x2, y2)
               | }             }           ]         }
               | The downside (other than the bloat) would be when writing
               | the code by hand, you'd have to keep track of the indices
               | in the `points` array.
               | mrmonkeyman wrote:
               | How is this better?
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | i'd much rather have                   [ { line: [10, 10]
               | }, { cubic: [ 5, 15, 15, 5 ] }, ... ]
               | or even                   [ ["line", 10, 10], ["cubic",
               | ...], ... ]
               | - anything as long as there's a way to stream the data
               | (which is not possible with your format as you need to
               | receive the whole object before being able to do
               | anything).
         | drewcoo wrote:
         | Those things are not equivalent.
         | The circle has unordered properties.
         | The path has ordered commands. I suppose those commands could
         | be separated and numbered, but isn't that a lot more verbose
         | and less readable?
         | hinkley wrote:
         | > "well fuck it, we'll just jam it all into a string.
         | This is an almost universal disease of people trying to write
         | XML grammars (or database schemas before that). Everyone thinks
         | they can unambiguously decode multiple pieces of data stuffed
         | into the same fixed-width field, and pretty much all of those
         | people are wrong. Over, and over again.
         | That they never learn is a testament to the developer's ability
         | to make fixing their Kruger-Dunning moments Someone Else's
         | Problem. Get promoted or switch teams before the consequences
         | are unavoidable. You can make an argument that even Tim Bray
         | did this.
         | There are a lot of reasons XML was never going to succeed, and
         | this is far from the most important, but it's a substantial
         | contributing factor.
           | pwdisswordfish6 wrote:
           | So one reason for XML failing is that people who nominally
           | used XML didn't fully use its capabilities to capture data
           | structure and kept their habits from the days of representing
           | all data by fixed-width records?
             | hinkley wrote:
             | XML and Java both come out of the same era. Java was
             | supposed to be Object Oriented, but what we got instead is
             | stringly typed code.
             | Array literals in programming languages are pretty much as
             | compact as you can get (start, end, one character element
             | separator), and the type system or a little code often
             | allows you to fix a 1:1 mistake after the fact. This
             | attribute is now a number or an array of numbers.
             | In XML if you want a properly formatted list you have to
             | use child elements, which gets expensive really quickly so
             | people balk. Especially if you already failed the
             | attribute/child test by mistaking the value for 1:1 when it
             | turned out to be 1:many.
             | We also already have HTML class, style, and on* attributes
             | as prior art that we use to convince ourselves that one
             | more will be okay. Basically XML gets it from both ends.
             | XML makes entity relationships and irreversible decision,
             | in an era where UML existed and harped constantly on it.
             | I don't know if there was any fixing it at that point. What
             | I do know is that a lot of us shot meaningful glances at
             | each other and tried as hard as we could to find something
             | else to do until the dust settled. But you really could not
             | avoid XML in the 00's.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | Using D3 to draw plots and other data visualizations is really
         | golden. Next to other good plotting libraries (such as ggplot2)
         | having SVG as my canvas really gives me the feeling that I can
         | do everything that I want.
           | qwertay wrote:
           | Its good if you need dynamic charts in JS but if you just
           | want a graphic or a logo I wouldn't use it. Its also a huge
           | pain to maintain, they update the library once a year with
           | breaking changes and then it takes me a day or 2 to work out
           | how the old version worked, how the new one works and how to
           | move all my graphics over.
       | tln wrote:
       | SVG is preceded by and informed by postscript and PDF.
       | The postscript language reference manual is 912 pages.
       | https://www.adobe.com/jp/print/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf
       | The PDF reference is 978 pages.
       | https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/pd...
       | SVG, if it's less than either is actually doing well...
       | IMO these three technologies and the accompanying docs are
       | masterpieces, despite bloat. Digging in to those reference docs
       | can almost be fun
       | The author's idea of SlimSVG sounds interesting, but I think
       | focusing on the file format isn't enough -- one powerful feature
       | of SVG is that it's part of the DOM. Can there be a better system
       | than the DOM+JS for allowing a dynamic document?
       | EG, document object model in JSON (maybe with JSON schema) and
       | allow updates with JSON patch, with a client/server model for
       | updates. (There's more to DOM)
       | Personally I think XML is well suited to this task, and am glad
       | to have learned of SVG Native from this thread
       | tabtab wrote:
       | Web "standards" are majorily screwed up. We can't build tools
       | like interactive charts, such as an ERD editor, because the
       | charting and drawing tools are separate from the data entry tools
       | (INPUT tags etc.). And they still don't directly support rich
       | GUI's. Thus, a lot of common UI idioms have to be reinvented via
       | bloated buggy slow JavaScript libraries.
       | I propose web standards be refactored and split into 3
       | categories: A) Art, media, & entertainment. B) Documents and
       | brochures, and C) CRUD, GUI, Data, productivity
       | They would overlap as much as practically possible, but could
       | also specialize in their respective niche better.
       | [deleted]
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | I have been interested in the "low code" problem, in particular
       | the kind of advanced parsers that were used in the 1990s to
       | attempt things like "edit the UML diagram in a GUI and change the
       | Ada source code the way a professional programmer would".
       | Dreamweaver used to do this for HTML, sometime before it got
       | bought by Adobe. Today Dreamweaver seems like it would be usable
       | on a 90 THz computer but I can do 10 push ups waiting for the UI
       | to settle down after typing "Hello World".
       | A split-screen SVG editor would be particularly good, since so
       | much of editing an SVG file is getting the numbers right. You'd
       | face many interesting problems, such as exposing decimal math to
       | the user (whatever iffy floating point is used, your git commits
       | are going to be awful unless you "snap to grid" in factors of 1/2
       | and 1/5.)
       | What I'd particularly like to do is have control of the structure
       | of the document so I can group elements with the discipline of a
       | programmer.
       | A tool like that still might not be satisfying because Bezier
       | curves were made to make people feel like they were bad at
       | computer graphics and took over instead of better alternatives
       | that were patented at the time. I was shocked to find that my
       | favorite character designers don't know how to draw anime
       | characters with Bezier curves.
         | Eisfunke wrote:
         | Author here, for editing SVGs by hand I use VSCode (or VS
         | Codium to be precise) with the SVG Viewer add-on in split-
         | screen:
         | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=cssho.vs...
         | Works pretty well as split screen editor. The preview refreshes
         | on save with ctrl-S.
         | ahartman00 wrote:
         | Is this what you mean by groups?
         | "The <g> SVG element is a container used to group other SVG
         | elements.
         | Transformations applied to the <g> element are performed on its
         | child elements, and its attributes are inherited by its
         | children. It can also group multiple elements to be referenced
         | later with the <use> element."
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/g
       | textman wrote:
       | Wasn't XML developed for documents, i.e., text that is mostly
       | words, like technical manuals? Isn't that why an xml file is
       | called an XML document. Seems to me anyone that uses it to store
       | data is using the wrong tool.
       | gardaani wrote:
       | W3C is defining SVG Native [1], which is a subset of the full SVG
       | spec. The plan is to use it in font files and it should be a nice
       | format for native apps. It removes support for CSS, the style
       | attribute and lots of extra syntax. Even the XML parsing is made
       | simpler by not requiring support for XML entities. Compression
       | with gzip should create fairly small files.
       | By reusing the SVG format, it is still compatible with existing
       | tools, such as Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape (meaning that they
       | can open SVG Native files).
       | Adobe even has an open source renderer for SVG Native [2].
       | [1] https://svgwg.org/specs/svg-native/
       | [2] https://github.com/adobe/svg-native-viewer
         | vesinisa wrote:
         | They have also defined SVG Tiny, which is basically SVG without
         | CSS and scripting support. Which seems to be more or less what
         | OP is calling for in the blog post. Why the need to reinvent
         | the wheel? For once, we have massive industry-wide momentum
         | behind a unified vector graphics format. It can be very hard to
         | swim against that current.
         | masklinn wrote:
         | > W3C is defining SVG Native [1], which is a subset of the full
         | SVG spec.
         | Cool, that's only the third time they do that (after Tiny and
         | Basic).
       | atum47 wrote:
       | I thought about migrating Radial Menu [1] to SVG once, after 1
       | hour fiddling with the code I kinda gave up. What a mess. I
       | remember reading somewhere "if you are coming from canvas
       | programming, you might find drawing a circle counter intuitive" -
       | yeah, I did.
       | 1 - https://github.com/victorqribeiro/radialMenu
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | I came here to share my all-time favorite resource on SVG:
       | http://slides.com/sdrasner/svg-can-do-that
       | Sarah Drasner is awesome, and even though the preso is 4 years
       | old(!) it's still relevant and inspiring.
       | jerf wrote:
       | Even JSON is going to be "bloated". This cries out for a well-
       | done, well-thought out binary format. While binary formats have
       | certain disadvantages that never go away, a lot of the worst ones
       | that we associate with them are the result of older standards
       | that failed to contain enough extensibility. But there's a lot of
       | good prior art to look at now. Heck, nowadays you could probably
       | just define something as Protobuf (or your choice of similar
       | standard, don't want to go too far into the weeds on the exact
       | choice here) and be 95% of the way towards done.
       | Even just a linearization of most of SVG into the obvious layout,
       | simply dropping any problematic features (script, XLink,
       | namespace extensions) would probably be a pretty good start that
       | you could churn out in a week as a prototype. You'd get an
       | efficient binary format, an obvious mechanism for translating
       | existing SVG into it (with equally obvious mechanisms for warning
       | users about the existence of untranslated features in the output;
       | also an easy mechanism for scanning sample SVGs and getting a
       | statistical idea of how many fit into your new scheme), an
       | obvious mechanism for translating your format back into SVG, and
       | serialization support as cross-platform as your choice of
       | serialization mechanism right out of the box. If this is your
       | goal, this has a pretty hard to beat bang-for-the-buck.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | > that failed to contain enough extensibility
         | Or too much abstraction and extensibility leading to excessive
         | complexity!
         | hinkley wrote:
         | There are tools for shrinking SVG that do some of what you say.
         | One advantage of the text format is that you can reduce
         | precision of the path data to a couple of significant figures.
         | That would be hard to do with a binary format. You'd have to
         | decide up front on 8 bytes or 16 bytes per coordinate pair.
           | jerf wrote:
           | There's existing variable-length binary number formats [1]
           | that already exist. SVG already has so many variable-length
           | things in it that the downsides would probably be
           | insignificant.
           | I don't know if any of the existing Protobuf-like things have
           | these built in, though. I know some of them have variable
           | _integers_ in them but I don 't know about variable floats.
           | This is kind of what I was getting at in that we have a lot
           | of prior art now. Someone putting variable ints or floats
           | into SVG no longer has to create their own bespoke format,
           | and proceed to fall into the various traps themselves and
           | accidentally write it forever into the spec; there's a lot
           | more of these sorts of pieces that you can pick up off the
           | shelf than there used to be.
           | [1] https://github.com/regexident/var_float
             | hinkley wrote:
             | I don't see how var_float lets you detect the length of a
             | number field from the input. It seems to be designed to
             | take arbitrary input from another function (which has
             | already decided how big the data is out-of-band).
             | Am I missing something, or can I not read 2 bytes from a
             | file and detect if that's the end of the number or I need
             | to read the next 2 bytes?
               | jerf wrote:
               | I dunno if that specific library has that feature, but it
               | is certainly something that can be implemented. It's just
               | a matter of programming.
           | Someone wrote:
           | Binary formats need not use fixed-length fields. You could
           | use a format that stores small integers in 8 bits, yet allows
           | for larger ones. See for example
           | https://developers.google.com/protocol-
           | buffers/docs/encoding....
           | You don't even _have_ to use byte-sized fields, but doing
           | that makes encoding and decoding harder, and the overhead of
           | also storing the actual lengths in bits of variable sized
           | fields may be too much to make it worth that.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | I think you missed my point. SVG coordinates are
             | effectively arbitrary precision. 3.5 bits per byte of
             | arbitrary precision, but arbitrary precision nonetheless.
             | There are no small integers, only scalar or vector values.
               | kevincox wrote:
               | varint style encoding is also arbitrary precision
               | (although protobuf doesn't support arbitrary precision)
               | It is trivial to get 7 bits per byte and you can do even
               | better for large values by encoding the length upfront
               | (this also makes decoding faster).
       | GnarfGnarf wrote:
       | I love SVG. I use it to make neat interactive genealogy charts
       | (clickable URLs):
       | https://progenygenealogy.com/Portals/0/images/charts/Kennedy...
       | and Fan charts:
       | http://findyourfamilytree.com/images/131.html
       | intrepidhero wrote:
       | > Decide whether a language is for humans or for machines and do
       | one of those things. And do the one thing well instead of both,
       | but badly.
       | The thing is all these languages (ASM, C, XML, JSON, Python, etc)
       | are fundamentally about communication between a human and a
       | machine. We make tradeoffs between making them easy to parse (for
       | the machine) or easy to read and write (for the human) but they
       | all must address both needs. And when you have a problem domain
       | as large as "2D Vector Graphics" or worse, "The Web", complexity
       | is unavoidable.
       | I'm not saying we can't do better than SVG. I agree with many of
       | the author's points and would love to see a minimal subset of SVG
       | that is easy to write by hand. The tradeoffs are engineering
       | decisions and important. But don't pretend that you can pick a
       | goal such as, "easy for humans" and ignore all the other
       | dimensions of the language design problem.
         | Eisfunke wrote:
         | You're absolutely right, it is always a trade-off. I've added a
         | paragraph at the end of my article focused on that particular
         | problem to address that:
         | https://www.eisfunke.com/article/language-design-machine-or-...
         | andrey_utkin wrote:
         | > fundamentally about communication between a human and a
         | machine.
         | True! And we should not postulate who is at both sides of the
         | communication - machine or human. It's like postulating that a
         | hammer is a tool which must be held by a human hand, which then
         | precludes robot-operated hammers.
       | pwdisswordfish6 wrote:
       | This doesn't read as very well-argued. This post, and the human-
       | versus-machine-readability one which precedes it, makes a number
       | of general claims without pointing at any examples. I don't feel
       | like it will convince anyone who isn't already familiar with the
       | relevant issues.
       | Which is a shame, because I actually agree with a lot of it.
       | draw_down wrote:
       | I'm BEGGING you guys to use a different word than "bloat". That
       | does not mean anything.
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