[HN Gopher] No code is a lie (2019)
       No code is a lie (2019)
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 32 points
       Date   : 2021-02-14 21:15 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (webflow.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (webflow.com)
       | bmgxyz wrote:
       | When I started my last job, I thought I was going to be writing a
       | lot of Python and C. It turned out that the position had a lot
       | more React and TypeScript than I expected, and at first I was
       | annoyed and afraid. I wasn't a frontend developer---or worse, a
       | _designer_ ---but I didn't have much of a choice, so I dug in and
       | learned the stack.
       | At first I resisted every change. What good is VS Code when I
       | have Vim? Why would I learn TypeScript when vanilla JS has
       | "worked" for me for so long? _What 's a Webpack config?_
       | Once I began using the tools that my coworkers recommended, I
       | started treading water and even swimming with purpose in the
       | ocean of Web UI technology. I still have a lot to learn, but I
       | probably would have kept on avoiding this area if my situation
       | hadn't forced me into it. Letting my guard down and following the
       | trends in my group helped a lot in this case.
       | The best lessons I learned during that period are that learning
       | can't kill me and using good tools doesn't make you a bad
       | engineer.
         | j-pb wrote:
         | I'm glad that you had such a positive experience! After years
         | of web development I'm just burnt out by the tooling.
         | Layers upon layers, just make debugging so unnecessarily hard.
         | The tooling is brittle and buggy.
         | I've seen typescript compiler bugs, webpack segfaults, and
         | whatnot. I've started to ban typescript and jsx from all future
         | projects, and it's better, but still a nightmare.
           | jspash wrote:
           | I'm on the fence but painfully with both feet on the ground.
           | However it wouldn't take stiff wind to knock me back on to
           | the plain ol JS side.
           | I'm currently "rewriting" a vue.js app for the sole reason
           | that we've just lost a senior dev who was the only one who
           | could stomach the thing. We've taken on two juniors in his
           | place and there is absolutely no way they would be able to
           | dig into this thing.
           | The process has been quite enjoyable and we're just about at
           | feature parity at 1/10 LOC. And the juniors are quite keen at
           | picking up typescript and lots of other useful things along
           | the way.
           | Had they just been dumped into the vue pool, things would
           | have turned out much differently.
           | I await the day a few months from now when they "discover"
           | this new thing called vue and want to rewrite the entire
           | thing!
           | Xevi wrote:
           | As a mainly frontend developer, I agree. I've spent more time
           | configuring tooling, than writing code, in this new project
           | I'm starting. I don't want to write plain JS, but the top
           | used frameworks have strayed so far from basic JS that it's
           | getting a bit ridiculous.
           | Svelte appears to get rid of some of the boilerplate and
           | verbosity stuff you find in other frameworks, though it's
           | still a pretty magic framework. Looking forward to trying out
           | SvelteKit.
       | wwww4all wrote:
       | Everyone should google MS Frontpage. And COBOL.
       | As the saying goes, "What has happened before, will happen
       | again".
       | Soon enough, there will be a new scripting language to simplify
       | managing all no code services from the terminal. NoBash.
       | cortesoft wrote:
       | Isn't this all on the same spectrum as all programming? Every
       | programmer is using someone else's code at all times. Even if you
       | are writing in assembly, you are still relying on a compiler to
       | turn your written words into machine code.
         | zabzonk wrote:
         | > Even if you are writing in assembly, you are still relying on
         | a compiler to turn your written words into machine code.
         | To nitpick, an assembler.
         | erikpukinskis wrote:
         | It's sort of a spectrum yes... (or, really, there are infinite
         | spectrums like the one you are imagining,) But there are also
         | discontinuities on all of those spectrums.
         | The ergonomics of a declarative API are not continuous with the
         | ergonomics of a procedural one. There's just a gap there which,
         | when you cross it, you lose a bunch of things, and get a bunch
         | of other things for free.
         | There'a also a huge discontinuity when moving from code to
         | point-n-click, which is what the article is about. Many of the
         | affordances of code cannot be replicated in a GUI, with ANY
         | amount of effort. And vice versa.
       | yoz-y wrote:
       | I spent the first years of my career writing "no code" signal
       | processing platform. It had it's ups and downs. We indeed had a
       | lot of non-coder users and it made prototyping simple to
       | moderately complex pipelines quickly. However relatively soon for
       | anything actually useful we had to write more components, some of
       | which were not really reusable because it's non trivial to hide
       | the complexity. At some point most workflows ended up in a
       | "python script executor", because in the end code is always more
       | expressive.
       | Also, no version control. Or, in our case since we used XML for
       | output: poor version control. Reading horror stories about Excel
       | also confirm this, it is hard to do correct complex programs in
       | visual environments.
       | BatFastard wrote:
       | I hate to be the guy who say back in my day... but back in the
       | 90's there was a tool by Borland (anyone remember them?) who
       | created a no-code, low-code tool called Delphi. It was awesome, I
       | used it on a few front end projects and it active data source
       | tools made laying out complex UI's so painless. Of course this
       | was back before Rest APIs and the internet for most part. But it
       | kicked some serious ass.
         | ant6n wrote:
         | I found Jetbeans was somewhat similar, about 15 years later.
         | ekianjo wrote:
         | Delphi still exists:
         | https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi
         | adjagu wrote:
         | Unless I have stumbled across something different it appears as
         | if this is still being developed. I have no idea if what I have
         | linked is even remotely close to what you remember it being.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delphi_(software)
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Delphi_(software)
       | breck wrote:
       | What you want is "low code". Or less rhymey but more accurate:
       | "minimal code".
       | Historically visual programming tools did not create this. In
       | fact they generated very bloated code. So visual programming
       | tools got a bad rap.
       | But there's no inherent reason why they need to generate bloated
       | code. And if well done they can indeed generate minimal code (and
       | program synthesis advancements will help a lot here).
       | We worked on this from ~2010 at Nudge and we eventually solved it
       | with the discovery of Tree Notation.
         | k__ wrote:
         | Why does it have to be visual?
         | If I can use a library or a framework that saves me from
         | writing thousands of LoC, that's low-code too.
           | iamacyborg wrote:
           | Visual inherently opens the product up to non-developers,
           | which is where a lot of the commercial opportunity lies.
             | josho wrote:
             | Visual vs code masks the real concern which is people that
             | can analyze a problem, decompose it to smaller parts.
             | I'm not convinced that the new tools make that problem any
             | easier except for the most trivial problems.
             | the_af wrote:
             | If they are going to write non trivial code, they better be
             | developers.
             | Corollary: all trivial code expands, little by little, into
             | a non trivial beast. Years later, developers dealing with
             | the mess are going to ask why things are the way they are,
             | and they are going to be told "this was started by people
             | with little coding experience, it was supposed to be a
             | throwaway minor thing..."
         | auggierose wrote:
         | Discovery of tree notation, are you kidding me?
       (page generated 2021-02-14 23:00 UTC)