[HN Gopher] Show HN: Endgame - An AWS Pentesting tool to backdoo...
       Show HN: Endgame - An AWS Pentesting tool to backdoor or expose AWS
       Author : kmcquade
       Score  : 284 points
       Date   : 2021-02-16 14:16 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | sdfhbdf wrote:
       | Anybody have a mirror? It seems to have been taken down from
       | GitHub.
       | Also I guess it might have been a not so nice from an almost
       | direct competitor of AWS - salesforce - to publish something like
       | that. Salesforce owns heroku.
         | 0xmohit wrote:
         | https://github.com/kmcquade/endgame
         | andrewjmyers wrote:
         | I don't know that I would call them a direct competitor. Heroku
         | uses AWS for a lot of it's infrastructure. They are a pretty
         | big AWS customer.
         | metallikop wrote:
         | The repo is gone but the code is still on PyPI:
         | https://pypi.org/project/endgame/
       | sodality2 wrote:
       | My first thought was "why is salesforce publishing essentially a
       | hacking tool? why can't they bring it up privately, surely a
       | large enough company will have some weight to their request?" but
       | then I remembered AWS...
       | >At the time of this writing, AWS Access Analyzer does NOT
       | support auditing 11 out of the 18 services that Endgame attacks.
       | Given that Access Analyzer is intended to detect this exact kind
       | of violation, we kindly suggest to the AWS Team that they support
       | all resources that can be attacked using Endgame
       | ...and it's not even a hacking tool!
         | kmcquade wrote:
         | Author here :) Endgame exploits/abuses features. If it was a
         | bug, I'd work with AWS to solve the problem, but with abusing
         | features - that would result in years of unsatisfied feature
         | requests. This should push the issue along.
         | >...and it's not even a hacking tool! It can be used to
         | backdoor resources to rogue accounts, so I'd say it's a hacking
         | tool and can/should be used on penetration tests. I'd certainly
         | use it on a pentest :)
           | Operyl wrote:
           | I'm impressed you were able to get your employer (Salesforce)
           | to actually let you publish this under their organization.
           | Kudos to that.
             | kerng wrote:
             | Yes, surprised also, given past stories around Defcon.
             | I think it's great to have audit tools like this. It makes
             | people realize how vulnerable their accounts are.
             | Does a similar tool exist for Salesforce and Heroku?
             | jasperran wrote:
             | Not sure what the shock is with seeing security tools like
             | this released, the vast majority of security tools are open
             | source, how is this different to what we have been seeing
             | the past 30 year?
             | Not to mention companies such as Google, Netflix and
             | Mozilla all release security tools just like this.
             | mushufasa wrote:
             | Salesforce also runs Heroku, which is one of the biggest
             | AWS wrappers around. I'm really glad they're active in
             | security auditing here, it's a real value add to customers
             | of Heroku / Salesforce services to see evidence of their
             | work to analyze security.
           | Blahah wrote:
           | Can you share the code somewhere else? It's been taken down
           | from github
             | cambalache wrote:
             | https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0c/f0/9eced7d6c5748
             | 3...
           | stjohnswarts wrote:
           | So did you just put this out there or did you give AWS
           | Security peeps a week or two notice?
             | jasperran wrote:
             | This isn't exploiting a vulnerability. This requires
             | authentication and uses AWS features. Why would they need
             | to alert AWS?
           | sodality2 wrote:
           | Well, you know the saying about eggs and omelettes. I wish
           | you luck with getting AWS to listen to you!
             | kmcquade wrote:
             | Thanks :)
           | denismurphy wrote:
           | you're an evil genius
       | nic-waller wrote:
       | Impressive tool, but the supporting documentation is what I
       | appreciate most.
       | I think the prevention guide could be improved by providing an
       | example service control policy that blocks known dangerous IAM
       | actions like ecr:SetRepositoryPolicy for all but a specific
       | security principal.
         | kmcquade wrote:
         | Great feedback! I will update the docs accordingly.
       | procrastinatus wrote:
       | Do analogous tools exist for GCP and Azure?
         | [deleted]
         | kmcquade wrote:
         | Not sure. I did uncover a ridiculously destructive approach to
         | abusing Azure Service Principals in CI/CD pipelines that deploy
         | infrastructure in Azure (Confused Deputy problem):
         | https://kmcquade.com/2020/11/nuking-all-azure-resource-group...
         | for sub in `az account list | jq -r '.[].id'`; do \ for rg in
         | `az group list --subscription $sub | jq -r '.[].name'`; do \ az
         | group delete --name ${rg} --subscription $sub --no-wait --yes;
         | \ done; done;
       | yevpats wrote:
       | Cool. Another tool in the space -
       | https://github.com/cloudquery/cloudquery open-source framework to
       | ask questions about your cloud infrastructure with SQL.
       | jarym wrote:
       | Something tells me this is not AWS specific - how do
       | GCP/Azure/Heroku stack up in comparison?
         | artful-hacker wrote:
         | I for one would specifically be interested in someone's review
         | of Azure Defender, since it claims to be able to handle AWS and
         | GCP
       | pachico wrote:
       | We use both AWS and Salesforce and I'm surprised about this tool
       | being developed by SF after all the whistle and bells about the
       | partnership between the two.
       | sk5t wrote:
       | So, this is essentially a script to mess up your AWS resource
       | permissions by using a privileged account to an extent that a)
       | might surprise folks who haven't thought too deeply on the
       | matter, and b) will be challenging to uncover using AWS's own
       | audit facilities, is that fair to say?
       | syntheticcorp wrote:
       | The main repository seems to have been taken down but it is still
       | available at https://github.com/kmcquade/endgame and on Pypi
         | arkwin wrote:
         | Thanks!
       | bwaine wrote:
       | It would be nice if this was the other way round :'''''(
       | # this will ruin your day
       | endgame smash --service all --evil-principal " _"
       | # This will show you how your day could have been ruined
       | endgame smash --service all --evil-principal "_" --dry-run
       | Looks like it can be reversed with --undo, but brown trousers
       | time if you groggily run it at 08:30am coffee in hand.
         | gchamonlive wrote:
         | dry run should be the default, and for you to actually do
         | damage, you should explicitly run with a flag like `--commit`
         | or `--deploy-evil-payload "yes I am certain of this"`
           | [deleted]
           | kmcquade wrote:
           | Dry run as default is a good idea. I'll open a GitHub issue
           | for that.
           | FWIW, if you run `endgame smash` with `--service all`, then
           | it spits out a huge "WARNING" in ASCII art with an
           | explanation and a confirmation prompt.
           | But I agree, we should have dry-run on by default.
             | Serow225 wrote:
             | Yes please, thanks!!
         | [deleted]
       | idclip wrote:
       | Seems to have been taken down. A shame id have enjoyed reading
       | that code
       | l33tman wrote:
       | Note that as far as I could tell, this is a tool to check which
       | unexpected AWS modifications can be done from API keys that you
       | do make public in the first place. It doesn't "hack" an account
       | per se.
       | So for example if you've created some IAM API keys and embedded
       | in an app for example, and you (incorrectly) believe the
       | permissions only grant the app to fetch some static media files
       | from an S3 bucket, the tool can discover incorrect configurations
       | that would allow someone who extracted the key to change
       | permissions of the bucket.
         | kmcquade wrote:
         | Yes, you'd have to leverage compromised credentials. That could
         | be obtained via SSRF, RCE on a privileged box, leakage of user
         | access keys, or other means. In the context of a penetration
         | test, it's more of a post-exploitation tool.
         | kmcquade wrote:
         | > the tool can discover incorrect configurations that would
         | allow someone who extracted the key to change permissions of
         | the bucket.
         | Nit: The tool can discover _and abuse_ excessive permissions.
         | urda wrote:
         | > First, authenticate to AWS CLI using credentials to the
         | victim's account.
         | ... right. This is just a glorified "what can this IAM user do"
         | tool. There is literally no actual pentesting done. Not much
         | different than having the key to your neighbor's front door and
         | seeing how many things inside their house are unlocked for you.
       | ManWith2Plans wrote:
       | I work with AWS a lot every day and lead a team responsible for
       | building workloads on AWS for some customers with very high
       | security requirements. This tool terrifies me.
       | The sheer amount of potential for misconfiguration of resources
       | that this tool can exploit with no effort whatsoever is
       | absolutely insane. I feel like every AWS environment I've ever
       | seen is suddenly at risk of some angry employee compromising
       | everything very very quickly.
       | I'm betting over at AWS they're almost as terrified by this as I
       | am.
         | [deleted]
         | stjohnswarts wrote:
         | Initially stuff like this is scary but it leads to good things
         | in the end. Tighter security, opening customers eyes. Etc.
         | Probably the better black hatters already knew about these and
         | your organization wasn't really worth anything to them so they
         | skipped it. At least tools like these help us security
         | neophytes have a little bit of a fighting chance out there on
         | the Wild Wild Web.
         | poxrud wrote:
         | There are a lot of other tools in this space and people that
         | specialize in AWS pentesting. Another popular tool is Pacu:
         | https://rhinosecuritylabs.com/aws/pacu-open-source-aws-explo...
         | cddotdotslash wrote:
         | I can almost guarantee you that attackers focusing on AWS
         | environments have all sorts of similar (if not worse) tools.
         | The fact that this is public hopefully terrifies AWS into
         | improving their security usability and making these kinds of
         | exposures more difficult. What's important to remember is that
         | there isn't actually any _vulnerability_ here (the tool still
         | requires valid authentication to work); it just makes it 100x
         | easier to automate.
         | xahrepap wrote:
         | The scary part is who has built tools like this before but
         | people didn't know they existed?
         | At least now we all have access to the same tool. Maybe this
         | one won't have everything the "secret" tools have. But it's a
         | good start!
       | simonebrunozzi wrote:
       | Make sure you check AWS' pentesting policy [0].
       | [0]: https://aws.amazon.com/security/penetration-testing/
         | jasperran wrote:
         | Given that they wrote a tool dedicated to pentesting AWS, I'm
         | sure the author is very familiar with that.
         | Also the pentesting policy explicitly states that customers can
         | pentest without approval.
       | tbrock wrote:
       | Can someone explain why you'd ever want to run this in the non-
       | dryrun mode?
       | I understand that if you have these problems you've already
       | effectively granted those permissions anyway but actually
       | executing them before someone finds them lowers the bar quite a
       | bit for other baddies to attack.
         | stevehawk wrote:
         | for me, my environments are in different AWS accounts and can
         | be torn down and stood back up rather quickly. so it wouldn't
         | be a big deal to let this destroy a dev environment in the name
         | of science so that i could implement improvements.
         | artful-hacker wrote:
         | Red team exercises come to mind.
         | ramimac wrote:
         | Exposing resources to a specific "evil principal" via Endgame
         | would be reasonable in some attack simulations/red team
         | engagements
         | hnjst wrote:
         | To test autoremediation and alerting. At least in the
         | environment I'm evolving these days it makes sense.
       | arkwin wrote:
       | It's gone now. :( I should have cloned it, anyone have a clone?
         | jaegerpicker wrote:
         | Not a clone but you can download the code from here:
         | https://pypi.org/project/endgame/#files
         | I was thinking about putting a new repo with the code in it but
         | I'd rather not risk the wrath of AWS since my job kinda depends
         | on the service. Which probably says something about the state
         | of Faang companies that I'm even concerned about it.
       | pachico wrote:
       | 404? someone got an urgent call from AWS and politely requested
       | to remove it since both companies are supposed to be partners?
         | grapes wrote:
         | Here's the source:
         | https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0c/f0/9eced7d6c57483...
         | poxrud wrote:
         | https://github.com/clintgibler/endgame
           | placebo wrote:
           | that's gone too :)
         | bdibs wrote:
         | It looks that way.
         | Looks like some of it was archived though at https://web.archiv
         | e.org/web/20210216153239/https://github.co....
         | Also still live at PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/endgame/
           | pachico wrote:
           | Of course this was going to happen. Who knows, probably this
           | way the author achieved what be wanted and those policy
           | exploits will be revisited, at last.
       | booleanbetrayal wrote:
       | It really seems that AWS cares more about the cadence of shiny
       | new managed solutions than they do about maintaining and
       | upgrading their existing solutions. I wouldn't characterize it as
       | willful negligence, quite yet, but some processes are definitely
       | broken.
       | Case in point, in the last week alone, I've discovered a Fargate
       | EKS managed platform upgrade getting botched behind the scenes
       | (unexpected containerd versions, etc), as well as a lack of
       | support out of RDS Proxy for things like the latest stable
       | default Postgres offering (12.5) in RDS. They released 12.0 to
       | the preview channel in November of 2019 ... how long does it take
       | exactly to get support for something like that?
       | All that is to say, I would not be expecting any improvements to
       | AWS Access Analyzer anytime soon, despite this tool's debut.
       | kapilvt wrote:
       | fwiw the opensource (and cncf incubator project)
       | https://cloudcustodian.io can detect and remediate these
       | modifications to embedded iam policies (across many resource
       | types) in realtime that share beyond an organizations/accounts
       | boundaries. its like access analyzer except its flexible enough
       | to understand internal org distinctions (dev/prod separation) and
       | allowed access to third parties.
       | robblbobbl wrote:
       | 404 now
       | [deleted]
       | sandGorgon wrote:
       | @kmcquade ur awesome ! we are users of
       | https://github.com/salesforce/policy_sentry and definitely
       | definitely https://github.com/salesforce/cloudsplaining .
       | If I could give you guys money, I would. You should totally build
       | a startup around it.
         | kmcquade wrote:
         | Aw, thank you. I really appreciate that.
       | sub7 wrote:
       | lol you're about to get a giant offer from Amazon. Tell them you
       | want 10x whatever they first offer and they'll say yes.
       | avi_vallarapu wrote:
       | It is great that it is Public because as it will create some
       | sense of urgency. Similar to how you expose a Bug on Aurora like
       | following, every such finding will directly/indirectly help a
       | user in making good decisions and understand how to be careful.
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26146440
       (page generated 2021-02-16 23:00 UTC)