[HN Gopher] Launch HN: Wyndly (YC W21) - Allergy relief through ...
       Launch HN: Wyndly (YC W21) - Allergy relief through at-home oral
       Hi HN,  I'm Aakash, and I'm a long time HN reader. My cousin Manan
       and I are excited to share our startup Wyndly
       (https://www.wyndly.com) with HN today.  Wyndly is focused on
       making long-term allergy relief convenient through at-home allergy
       immunotherapy drops and telemedicine. These personalized oral drops
       train your immune systems to stop reacting to allergy triggers like
       pollen, pets, or dust.  Manan is an ear-nose-and-throat surgeon and
       allergy doctor, and in his physical practice, he's treated
       thousands of patients with at-home allergy drops, a form of allergy
       immunotherapy. During allergy immunotherapy, you gradually
       introduce your immune system to your allergy triggers. Over time,
       your immune system learns to tolerate these allergy triggers and
       stops reacting to them. For patients, this means greatly reduced
       allergy symptoms and long-term relief [1] without any other
       medicine for years after patients finish their immunotherapy.
       While allergy drops are 80% of allergy immunotherapy in some
       European countries, in the United States, allergy drops are just
       5.9% of allergy immunotherapy prescriptions [2] and are really only
       available in university hospitals like Johns Hopkins, University of
       Pittsburgh, and West Virginia University [3] [4] [5].  Part of the
       reason for their limited availability is physician training, and
       another part is the health insurance system's incentives. Most
       allergy doctors were trained on allergy shots, and prescribe what
       they are most experienced with. Additionally, health insurance
       programs incentivize prescribing allergy shots.  In his medical
       training, Manan trained on both allergy drops and shots. When Manan
       gave his patients the choice between at-home allergy drops and
       allergy shots, his patients always chose drops, which are safer,
       convenient, and don't require needles [6].  When Covid-19 hit
       Denver in March 2020, Manan switched all of his allergy drop
       patients to online care to continue treatment. After shelter-in-
       place was lifted, his patients continued online care due to the
       convenience, which told us one thing--patients preferred and were
       comfortable with telemedicine for allergy care. And that's why we
       started Wyndly.  We're trying to make allergy immunotherapy
       convenient and affordable, so that any one of the 60 million people
       in America suffering from allergies has the opportunity to get
       lifelong relief--just like braces straighten your teeth and Lasik
       fixes your vision.  We've done our best to make our patient
       experience as easy as possible. First, we learn more about you and
       your allergy history. Then, our medical team creates a personalized
       treatment plan with treatment sent straight to your door. Most
       patients notice benefits at 6 months, and some patients have
       reported allergy symptom relief as early as 6 weeks [7]. Patients
       lock-in lifelong allergy relief after a few years [1]. Throughout
       this time, we stay in touch with the patient to work with them
       towards allergy relief.  Please let us know if you have more
       questions or feedback. We love talking about the science behind
       allergy immunotherapy, our treatment model, and what we're doing.
       We're happy to answer any questions!  [1] Long-lasting effects of
       sublingual immunotherapy according to its duration: a 15-year
       prospective study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20934206/  [2]
       Comparison of allergen immunotherapy practice patterns in the
       United States and Europe https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20084837/
       [3] Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) for Allergy Treatment: Johns
       Hopkins | Q&A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpWomI4iPLY  [4]
       Benefits of Sublingual Immunotherapy | UPMC
       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpP41WQ6pBc  [5] Sublingual
       Immunotherapy: An Alternative to Allergy Shots
       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THszgnYNM1I  [6] Efficacy and
       Safety of Subcutaneous and Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergic
       Rhinoconjunctivitis and Asthma
       https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28964530/  [7] Clinical improvement
       after escalation for sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT)
       Author : ahstilde
       Score  : 106 points
       Date   : 2021-02-22 18:00 UTC (4 hours ago)
       | ssully wrote:
       | Have you looked into doing drops for pets? Both of my dogs get
       | bad seasonal allergies. Their paws get so itchy they will lick
       | the fur off unless we get them help. The allergies start up in
       | July and persist until the first frost of the season (late
       | October or November).
       | We have done both shots and medications from our vet that help
       | alleviate the symptoms, but they don't have any long term
       | solutions. We've moved while having our pets, so we have had two
       | different vets for this issue and they basically say the same
       | thing and have similar treatments. They also say that it's a huge
       | problem to the point where during a bad allergy season over half
       | of their patient visits in a day are related to allergies.
       | bukhtarkhan wrote:
       | ayyy my boi going hard, go akash
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Hi there, Bucky!
       | lgg wrote:
       | Right before the pandemic started I went to an allergist and was
       | considering getting shots, but obviously the last year has put
       | many things on hold.
       | Avoiding weekly doctor's office visits (and all those shots) is
       | appealing. Would I need to do the take home test, or would it be
       | possible to have my doctor forward my existing results?
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | We can use your existing results. Email team@wyndly.com and
         | we'll collect your allergy test results in a HIPAA-compliant
         | manner.
       | deskamess wrote:
       | Are you able to service customers in Canada?
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | We only serve the United States right now. If you search around
         | Canada for a "sublingual immunotherapy allergist" you might
         | find a physician doing this in Canada.
       | Shoop wrote:
       | I would recommend toning back some of the emotional language in
       | your treatment comparison table -- things like "confusing
       | terminology", "Busy staff with no time to help", and "Unhelpful
       | Google searches". Your value prop of convenience of no shots is
       | super obvious to me but the biased comparison table is a turn-
       | off. It would give me a lot more confidence if the language in
       | the table were more scientific and clinical. Specifically, I want
       | to be able to look at the table and know for what type of person
       | In-office shots would be better than At-home drops instead of
       | being distracted by the language.
         | smt88 wrote:
         | Good marketing is emotional. Thr target audience probably has
         | very little overlap with the HN audience.
         | adkadskhj wrote:
         | Yea, the emotional tone has me thinking this is more "essential
         | oils cure all" than it is actual science.
         | My fear with something like this is that in a lot of other
         | cases - if it worked, it would be science. So it's difficult
         | for me to be an early adopter here.
           | ahstilde wrote:
           | If you have allergies and have doubts, you can speak directly
           | to a physician with a free visit:
           | https://www.wyndly.com/allergy-visit
           | We cite research studies whenever we can to demonstrate that
           | this treatment is medically sound and is used every day to
           | treat thousands in the US and millions in Europe.
           | What specific questions do you have that are holding you
           | back?
             | adkadskhj wrote:
             | No specific question. My comment was more a voice on my
             | thought process, not a critique; apologies if it came off
             | as a critique.
             | Rather, i'm just saying that as a layman in the medical
             | field i am definitely of snake oil - since there is so so
             | much on the market. I am a pretty bad pollen allergy
             | sufferer, fwiw.
             | Appreciate your work here, i hope to use this once i can
             | feel confident in it :)
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Thanks for your feedback! When we redo our site, we'll keep it
         | in mind.
       | reidjs wrote:
       | I have a dust mite allergy and have tried doing this in the past,
       | but had to stop because I moved away from my allergist. I would
       | be interested in this type of service, but $99/month is a bit
       | expensive for me. I have health insurance, is there any way I
       | could get them to pay for it for me?
       | I have had surgery for nasal polyps related to this twice if that
       | might help my case.
         | canada_dry wrote:
         | > $99/month is a bit expensive
         | $99/mnth for _possibly 5 yrs_ is a helluva commitment. Most
         | people are going to have difficulty with both the cost _and_
         | time IMHO.
           | yojo wrote:
           | Before starting SLIT I was unable to spend more than an hour
           | outside in the spring before I turned into a disgusting mess
           | (this is with daily OTC pills). Now I can go play with my
           | kids all day in the sun. $99/mo is well, well worth it.
           | I looked at the alternative (shots), but that's multiple
           | visits per week to the clinic, with 1 hour observation time
           | after each shot. Drops are so much more convenient.
         | yojo wrote:
         | I've been doing SLIT in the US for ~2 years. The drops
         | themselves are off label, and no insurance will cover it. I'm
         | allergic to basically everything and the drops are $250 for a
         | 90 day supply. So that's $1k/year already. After copays for
         | office visits I'm definitely in $99/mo territory.
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Unfortunately, we don't accept insurance right now because of
         | the complexities involved with insurance and telemedicine (the
         | laws are literally being written right now).
         | If you have an HSA or FSA, you can put it towards treatment
         | with us. Many of our patients have employer-funded HSAs that
         | they put towards their treatment.
           | Vaslo wrote:
           | I'd do this in a second if you accepted insurance. It's a
           | huge hassle to go and get shots especially given I have to
           | wait like I'm waiting on the doctor (sometimes it's 30 mins
           | then I have to wait around to make sure I'm ok.
           | But I just can't justify the 100 bucks out of pocket each
           | month when insurance will pay 100% for the shots. I know this
           | insurance situation is ridiculous and out of your control.
           | That said, I think it will be huge for you if you can work
           | that out. Good luck and I'll keep an eye on this for sure.
       | chumchum wrote:
       | Congrats on your launch!
       | thdxr wrote:
       | This is incredible, congratulations on your launch!
       | I'm currently working on a product for companies in your space.
       | I'm in the research phase - do you mind if I reach out to you for
       | a quick chat?
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Sure! Send a quick email to aakash@wyndly.com
       | dvfjsdhgfv wrote:
       | OK a few points from someone who uses oral drops for (strong,
       | class 6) dust mite allergy.
       | * the first dose MUST be administered by a doctor (so that they
       | can take measures if an acute adverse reaction happens) - for the
       | same reason you must not leave the doctor for some half an hour
       | after the first dose
       | * you must stick to the regime if it's going to be efficient
       | (i.e. no forgetting your dose)
       | * for dust mite allergy, it takes 3 years, lasts for 3 years, and
       | then you need to reepat it
       | * in general, its efficiency is measured by the amount of
       | medication you need daily - it should diminish with time
       | * it's not effective in all cases
       | * you can measure its efficiency also by a specialized blood test
       | * in Europe, the drops cost ca EUR70 for two months
       | WaitWaitWha wrote:
       | How will you deal with an anaphylactic shock when someone takes
       | too much of your therapy product?
         | mananatwyndly wrote:
         | The good news is the risk of anaphylactic shock with allergy
         | drops is incredibly low. The literature cites that risk as
         | 1/billion or 1/100 million which is thankfully very low.
         | Indeed, in 30 years of using allergy drops there has never been
         | a documented reaction that caused a death.
         | Like I do for all of my in office patients that also take at
         | home allergy drops we always educate our patients thoroughly
         | about the risks of treatment and the correct way to use it. We
         | also use the same emergency plan for our patients as we have
         | used in office.
         | Thankfully in the thousands of patients I, and most of my
         | colleague physicians, have treated this has not been an issue.
           | WaitWaitWha wrote:
           | I need a bit more clarification to
           | > .. risk of anaphylactic shock with allergy drops is
           | incredibly low. The literature cites that risk as 1/billion
           | or 1/100 million which is thankfully very low. Indeed, in 30
           | years of using allergy drops there has never been a
           | documented reaction that caused a death.
           | Can you point me to the specific literature? The reason I am
           | asking as the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of USA states 1 in
           | 50 for anaphylaxis (not the allergy drops). That discrepancy
           | is an incredibly large number.
           | (https://www.aafa.org/anaphylaxis-in-america/)
       | deskamess wrote:
       | How are oral doses tailored for regional pollen allergies? For
       | example, the US Northwest flora is different from the Tennessee
       | Valley flora.
         | mananatwyndly wrote:
         | Each patient's allergy drops are prescribed individually by
         | their physician based on their symptom history, allergy test
         | results, and region. So yes, the northwest patients typically
         | are treated for different pollens than those in Tennessee
         | valley, however, it is usually even more specific than that:
         | one patient in the same region will likely have different
         | sensitivities and thus a different prescription than another in
         | the same region. This is why the treatment has to be
         | individualized per patient.
           | deskamess wrote:
           | Ah... thanks for the answer. I also did not know that the
           | physician has to prescribe the plan. Makes sense now.
       | candiddevmike wrote:
       | General feedback:
       | - I want to try this but I'm not sure how much it will cost in
       | total. I see a lot of hints, but no clear pricing on the total
       | treatment cost. I know from experience with a local allergy
       | clinic, this treatment is ridiculously expensive.
       | - I also see no claims around how long the treatment will last
       | (on average)
       | - I'm not sure I understand how an at home allergy test works or
       | suffices for diagnosis. I'm also fairly skeptical on how
       | allergies are diagnosed in general--when I have had the skin
       | tests performed, they were highly "subjective" to the point of
       | lunacy--drawing circles, measuring with a ruler, etc.
       | - Can you treat food allergies?
       | - There are quite a few UI issues--lack of borders, padding, and
       | clutter. You're going for trust here, you should make sure your
       | website looks the part.
       | - I also keep getting a cookie request thing from a separate
       | domain, wtf?
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Thank you for the feedback!
         | On total cost: We charge $99/mo. It's hard to give a total cost
         | without knowing more about each person's specific allergy
         | triggers and how well immunotherapy takes for them. Generally,
         | we expect patients to be with us for up 5 years.
         | On how long treatment lasts: I spoke to this in the total cost
         | section, but it's hard to make a blanket statement.
         | On our at-home allergy test: We use a CLIA-certified allergy
         | test which is used by allergy doctors across the United States.
         | Specifically, we test for allergen-specific immunoglobulin E
         | (IgE). IgE antibodies are normally found in small amounts in
         | the blood, but higher amounts can be a sign that the body
         | overreacts to allergens. This can lead to an allergic reaction.
         | We don't treat to the test, however. Every patient shares their
         | personal allergy history with their doctor, and the doctor uses
         | both the allergy test and reported allergy history to create
         | the personalized allergy treatment plan.
         | On food allergies: Wyndly only treats environmental allergies
         | like pollen, pet dander, and dust. We do not treat food
         | allergies. There are a number of promising therapies currently
         | undergoing clinical trials for food allergy oral immunotherapy,
         | and we are optimistically awaiting the results.
         | UI issues: You're absolutely right, we need to establish trust,
         | and a shoddy website does not help us. We're always trying to
         | improve the UI and UX.
         | Cookie request: I'm not sure what this is. Can you share a
         | screenshot? It is possible it is from our HIPAA-compliant
         | scheduler which is embedded through an iframe.
           | helios_invictus wrote:
           | So I think being up front that you think it will take 5 years
           | to complete the therapy is a good idea. That this isn't a
           | quick fix is key. But for people with bad allergies or long
           | term users of OTC treatments this might be clarity they need
           | for long term treatment. Also you might want to compare it to
           | other long term life therapies, like braces..which are almost
           | as expensive. I like the idea..I think the $99 price tag a
           | month for 5 years might be a sticker shock though.
           | mastermojo wrote:
           | I'm trying to interpret this statement. Are patients paying
           | for therapy for 5 years before seeing effects, or is a course
           | of treatment valid for 5 years?
             | ahstilde wrote:
             | Sorry about that! I'll try to be more clear:
             | Patients see improvement in symptoms after 6 months, with
             | some patients reporting improvement as soon as 6 weeks.
             | If patients stays on drops for 5 years, they can expect
             | significant decrease in allergy symptoms for decades, even
             | once they have stopped taking a daily allergy drop.
             | If the patient stops taking their allergy drops, they will
             | still see a reduction of their allergy symptoms, but it
             | won't last for decades -- it may only last a few months.
           | pedalpete wrote:
           | Here's an image of the cookie pop-up.
           | https://imgur.com/tu2flYc
           | It's annoying. It disappears when I go to a different tab.
           | Before that, it blocked any scrolling on your page in Brave.
           | The "schedule your free online visit" section is empty. I'm
           | assuming because I didn't click "ok".
             | ahstilde wrote:
             | It looks like Brave browser blocks our HIPAA-compliant
             | scheduling software, Cogsworth. I'll look into this.
             | Thanks for flagging it!
           | whymauri wrote:
           | How effective is this against eczema? Without proper
           | insurance, this is a better deal than medications like
           | Dupixent, right?
           | Shoop wrote:
           | Is IgE present in the bloodstream if I have not been exposed
           | to the allergen recently? E.g. will I show as positive for a
           | pet dander allergy if I have not been around pets for many
           | years?
       | djyaz1200 wrote:
       | Congrats on your launch! This sounds really promising!
       | How do you deal with the risk of severe reactions? Is that risk
       | diminished with drops instead of shots?
       | I'm undergoing shot therapy now and had a life threatening
       | anaphylactic reaction to a shot just a couple months ago. I'm
       | concerned if I had been by myself at home I may have died?
       | I was at the doctors office but they still called 911 for
       | "backup" because I got so sick so fast. What struck me about the
       | experience was the speed of the whole thing. I was fine one
       | moment, the next moment I didn't feel great, then I started dry
       | heaving, then I got upset with the staff as I was insistent I be
       | allowed "just lay on the floor" which they wouldn't allow. This
       | whole deterioration took maybe 5 minutes? I felt very very tired
       | like I wanted to sleep. When they gave me an EPI injection it
       | didn't just magically fix everything right away. I was still very
       | sick for another 15-20 minutes. I never had any breathing
       | distress I was aware of and had I been alone I don't think I
       | would not have injected myself with EPI, I think I would have
       | just gone to sleep and not woken up.
       | I presume you all have thoughtfully addressed this risk but I
       | didn't see that in my quick skim of your materials/website so I'm
       | interested in how you handle it?
         | Shoop wrote:
         | Based on this video [1] linked in the OP, it seems like one of
         | the big benefits is that anaphylaxis is not a side-effect of
         | the drops.
         | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpP41WQ6pBc
           | djyaz1200 wrote:
           | Indeed, thank you!
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | I'm sorry you had to go through that experience. I've fainted
         | in a doctor's office and woken up in an ambulance. It was a
         | very unpleasant experience.
         | The risk of severe reaction is much less with allergy drops
         | compared to allergy shots [1]. Allergy drops expose the patient
         | to less allergen and in a less invasive way at any given time
         | compared to allergy shots. Allergy drops are much less
         | concentrated (because they're used daily), and they deliver the
         | allergens to the body through a mucosal membrane. Allergy shots
         | are more concentrated (as they're used weekly or even monthly),
         | and the body reacts to an injection much more aggressively than
         | something taken orally.
         | Still, we offer every patient an EPI pen to give them peace of
         | mind. Patient comfort is of utmost importance.
         | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpP41WQ6pBc
           | djyaz1200 wrote:
           | Unpleasant indeed, I'm delighted to hear your whole approach
           | reduces that risk! Seems like you have far better approach,
           | congrats!!
       | daemonk wrote:
       | I have mixed feelings about at home allergy testing. I know that
       | various clinical labs may have their own reference ranges for
       | IgE/*. Combined that with a low amount of blood collected and
       | sampling exposure time, the data would seem very messy unless you
       | have a high quantity of samples.
       | Are you recommending people to collect the blood sample right
       | after exposure to the allergen? How is that used in your dosage
       | recommendations?
         | mananatwyndly wrote:
         | This is a great question!
         | To start, our goal isn't home allergy testing- our goal is
         | convenient and accessible immunotherapy for all.
         | We will work with patients as long as their testing is valid
         | and from a reliable source.
         | For some patients this means using their existing allergy
         | tests. For other patients who want testing through insurance we
         | will prescribe them a prescription for an immunocap allergy
         | test through a local lab like quest diagnostics. But many
         | patients want the convenience of a home test so we've partnered
         | with a highly reliable and clia certified allergy lab to supply
         | home allergy tests. I didn't just trust the company's word for
         | it, in fact, many of my friends and family members volunteered
         | to be tested both ways when we tested this out for use in our
         | office and we found the results of the home test to be reliable
         | and accurate.
         | Unlike allergy shots where the skin testing results affect the
         | initial dose, for sublingual allergy drop immunotherapy the
         | initial dose is incredibly small for everyone for safety, and
         | then escalated up. This is why the combination of symptom
         | history, geographic area and testing can be combined by an
         | experienced doctor to tailor a therapy for you.
       | macintux wrote:
       | One gap in the website that may be deliberate: I don't see any
       | "how long will I be using the drops?" information. You posted it
       | here, but not on the site (or if it's there, it's not obvious).
       | While I've suffered from allergies my entire life, I don't think
       | I care enough to spend several thousand to probably cure it.
       | However, it's certainly interesting. Thanks for the information.
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Every patient is different, so we've not made a blanket
         | statement on our website saying "you're with us for 3 years!"
         | You're right that it needs to be addressed.
         | If you have an HSA or FSA, you can put it towards treatment
         | with us. Many of our patients have employer-funded HSAs that
         | they put towards their treatment with us.
       | Pfhreak wrote:
       | My allergies are seasonal and pet related, and they provide me
       | some nuisance every year but aren't generally debilitating. That
       | said, itchy eyes and a nasal drip are annoying and there's
       | probably some amount I'd pay to just not have to deal with them.
       | I think my worry is that I'd start something like this and
       | experience the same low grade symptoms (e.g., a treatment like
       | this might improve my symptoms, but only take them from low-grade
       | to low-grade.) As someone who does take an allergy med during
       | seasonal allergy seasons but is able to function without them, is
       | there much benefit into looking into SLIT? Or is this something
       | that's designed to treat folks who are experiencing a certain
       | level of quality of life impairment?
       | Sasha914 wrote:
       | As a life long sufferer of cold/flue (once every 3 months bout
       | lasting for over a week), I tried various natural things on
       | myself. I probably have found solution that works for me.
       | Allergy/cold free from 2015-6 ( go only when I deliberately tried
       | to get it to find out if it works) and worked during 2020 too.
       | Even worked for my family too. I even wrote to CDC director about
       | it (but no response). How does one go about does one go about
       | finding efficacy on others? I'm into software so have no clue.
       | tia.
       | alexanderrofail wrote:
       | This sounds incredible.
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Thank you! It's unbelievable that so many people struggle with
         | managing their allergy symptoms instead of trying to take care
         | of the root cause. We're hoping we can change that.
           | criddell wrote:
           | What is the root cause?
             | ahstilde wrote:
             | Allergic reactions begin in your immune system. When a
             | harmless substance such as dust, mold, or pollen is
             | encountered by a person who is allergic to that substance,
             | the immune system may over react by producing antibodies
             | that "attack" the allergen. The can cause wheezing,
             | itching, runny nose, watery or itchy eyes, and other
             | symptoms.
             | Antihistamines and nasal sprays handle the symptoms, but
             | they don't try to correct your immune response, which is
             | the root cause of the symptoms. Allergy immunotherapy
             | trains your immune system to not attack the harmless
             | allergens and not trigger the allergy symptoms.
       | unamashana wrote:
       | Congrats on the launch! I live with two cats and sadly I am
       | allergic to cats. It's not super bad but certainly noticeable.
       | Will your treatment work for people like me?
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Yes, Wyndly at-home allergy drop immunotherapy does help with
         | cat and dog allergies! Many of our patients come to us because
         | of a small baseline allergy that impacts their quality of life.
       | tmaly wrote:
       | Aakash, what is the intended age for this product? I am asking
       | because I have two younger children with food allergies.
         | morpheuskafka wrote:
         | OIT (oral immunotherapy) and SLIT (sublingual) is still in a
         | clinical research stage for food allergies; however, a small
         | subset of doctors do currently offer it in their own practice
         | outside of the research setting (see oit101.org). Some of these
         | practitioners do tell patients at some point that they have
         | achieved "sustained unresponsiveness." Most allergists do not
         | yet offer it as there is no standardized protocol for it, it's
         | not considered "standard of care."
         | The first food allergy OIT product, Palforzia, released last
         | year. It's claim to fame (and competitive moat) is the
         | combination of them sponsoring a series of large trial using
         | the same, standardized protocol which now has become part of
         | the drug labeling, so physicians don't have to decide
         | themselves, as well as a exclusive supply agreement for peanut
         | flour that is characterized so each pre-measured capsule has a
         | known amount of protein rather than just a known amount of
         | flour.
         | From what I remember, SCIT (sub-cutaneous allergy shots) have
         | generally not performed very favorably in research for food
         | allergies; they cause too many severe adverse reactions and
         | they are not anyone's favorite anyway.
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Hi! Children as young as 4 can start on allergy drops.
         | However, Wyndly only treats environmental allergies like
         | pollen, pet dander, and dust. We do not treat food allergies.
         | There are a number of promising therapies currently undergoing
         | clinical trials for food allergy oral immunotherapy, and we are
         | optimistically awaiting the results. Here's some trials from
         | the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy & Asthma Research at
         | Stanford University:
         | https://med.stanford.edu/allergyandasthma/clinical-trials.ht...
       | salimmadjd wrote:
       | We've been trying to find a suitable partner in this space. Email
       | me salim at AsthmaMD.org
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Will do!
       | orliesaurus wrote:
       | A couple of friends and I (back in London) tried to work on this
       | exact same problem, we built an allergy-log app which in theory
       | was going to sync with the doctor's office so that they could
       | recommend a therapy (or even skip the visits with docs and
       | specialists). Our monetizing strategy was to ship you the
       | "therapy" and take a cut - we worked on it for 6 months and
       | then..life threw us some lemons. Definitely a good idea and a
       | missed opportunity!
       | As an allergy sufferer, I am super happy that you're pursuing
       | this, going to bookmark it - good luck!!
       | TurkishPoptart wrote:
       | I'm so dependent on Singulair and Zyrtec daily but it's so hard
       | to get actual allergy treatment. I'm so excited to hear about
       | this treatment because even with great insurance in the USA the
       | doctor experience has been abysmal. How can I get started?
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | The fastest way to get started is to share your allergy history
         | for one of our physicians to review:
         | https://form.jotform.com/210268541588057
       | vonsydov wrote:
       | Great YC idea, 99/month is expensive, you'll be priced out. Look
       | at channel selling/private labeling through primary care.
       | dataminded wrote:
       | I really want this. Any plans to address shellfish allergies?
         | ahstilde wrote:
         | Right now, Wyndly only treats environmental allergies like
         | pollen, pet dander, and dust. We do not treat food allergies
         | because oral immunotherapy for food allergies is still being
         | researched.
         | Stanford has a shellfish clinical trial going on right now. See
         | https://med.stanford.edu/allergyandasthma/clinical-trials.ht...
       (page generated 2021-02-22 23:00 UTC)