[HN Gopher] Git is my buddy: Effective Git as a solo developer
       Git is my buddy: Effective Git as a solo developer
       Author : vortex_ape
       Score  : 298 points
       Date   : 2021-02-23 16:19 UTC (6 hours ago)
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       | remram wrote:
       | > What if I told you Git can be a valuable tool without ever
       | setting up a remote repository?
       | Even if you don't set up a public repository, having a remote one
       | can be a good idea. The .git folder is surprisingly easy to
       | trash. Any box with SSH access works, and GitHub/GitLab offer
       | private projects that you don't have to configure further than a
       | name.
       | My latest mistake was running 'rclone sync', which it turns out
       | deletes files missing from the source without confirmation
       | contrary to rsync.
       | antipaul wrote:
       | GitHub too is useful for solo work: you can code review your own
       | code.
       | I've found it useful because it's in a separate context/UI
       | (GitHub web view) as opposed to your code editor or even git diff
       | on command line.
         | WorldMaker wrote:
         | I tell people all the time not to underestimate the value of
         | PRing your own code even if you are the only one reviewing the
         | code. You can still use GitHub's merge time checks (including
         | setting up your CI/CD builds and PR integration), even if it is
         | just a solo project. You can use PR merge commits as your
         | "clean level" instead of worrying as much about rebase/squash
         | (and tools like --first-parent in git log and git bisect from
         | your main branch).
           | SilverRed wrote:
           | I always do a file by file sweep of my merge requests on
           | gitlab before sending them to peer review. Usually it only
           | finds commented code or console logs but its worth it and
           | pretty fast to do a final check.
       | phailhaus wrote:
       | As others have mentioned, trying to keep your commits atomic
       | while simultaneously working on several features at once is
       | basically impossible since they're immutable. And given that
       | modern source-control platforms (e.g., GitHub) support squashing
       | on merge, it's pretty much unnecessary. You get "atomic commits",
       | "every commit has tests", even "clean git history" just by
       | squashing your PR's on merge, so PR's become atomic units of
       | work. Which makes sense! Every PR is an incremental addition to a
       | project that is reviewed as a unit and committed all at once.
         | nine_k wrote:
         | Small incremental commits on a feature branch, which allow for
         | fine-grained development and review.
         | Large squashed commits on the main branch, each representing an
         | approved and merged PR, which allow for a reasonable history of
         | features and fixes.
           | paledot wrote:
           | Nothing says "readable history" like 1000 lines in a single
           | commit.
       | Sodman wrote:
       | As somebody who will occasionally have a spurt of 2 weeks hard
       | work on a side project in the evenings, before putting it back
       | down for 3 months, I think branches and tests are well worth it.
       | As the saying goes, there's nothing worse than reading code you
       | wrote a year ago.
       | Having every _commit_ in a branch pass all tests is a little
       | overkill, but gating merges to master /main on tests passing and
       | then having branches squash before merging seems like a happy
       | middle ground. At least that way every commit in master/main has
       | passed tests.
       | zippergz wrote:
       | I'm happy for this person if this works well for them. For me, no
       | thanks. One of the reasons I feel much more productive as on my
       | solo project than at work is that I don't have this kind of
       | overhead. I don't need to write tests for everything (I write
       | them just where they add value). I don't need to follow some
       | strict branching standard. I can commit in chunks that make sense
       | to me, and adjust as needed for the situation.
       | From my perspective, a lot of this kind of rigid process is
       | important and valuable when you are working with a team, but is
       | counterproductive when it's just me. I know the tradeoffs of the
       | corners I cut. I have the experience to know, for example, that's
       | it's not a safe assumption that I will understand my own code a
       | year (or even a month) from now. But the solution to that is to
       | throw in some freeform comments that jog my memory; not to
       | implement a heavyweight documentation system.
       | Everyone should work in the way that makes them the most
       | productive and happy, but I don't think it's a good idea for solo
       | developers to bring in practices that are designed for team
       | collaboration without really understanding what value they will
       | get from the extra effort.
         | allenu wrote:
         | I was going to post that on my personal projects I'm
         | intentionally fast and loose with git and then saw your post
         | which sums up my thoughts.
         | With personal projects, the most important thing to maintain is
         | interest and momentum. Best practices aren't so useful if you
         | end up hating working on your project because of self-inflicted
         | process.
         | Certainly, if you are using your project to improve best
         | practices or learn "correct" ways of doing things for some
         | other long-term career benefit, go for it. What I've learned,
         | however, is that personal projects where I've spent more time
         | doing "meta-work" were the ones where I never shipped anything
         | or just spun my wheels feeling proud of the form of the
         | project. The projects where I just threw caution to the wind
         | and cut corners strategically (not everywhere, mind you) were
         | the ones where I ended up shipping something.
         | GordonS wrote:
         | I used to feel the same way when working on solo projects,
         | eschewing tests, build automation, and even source control.
         | It wasn't tool long before source control was missed - at it's
         | simplest, it acts like a backup, but having the full history is
         | really useful. Once familiar with SVN (this was 15 or so years
         | ago), it really didn't add any overhead at all.
         | I thought tests would he too much work to maintain - but
         | looking back, it was clear that it was my lack of experience
         | and understanding that was the problem. The _way_ I was writing
         | tests, laden heavy with mocks, and brittle as a result, was
         | resulting in crap tests. Much later, when I 'd finished making
         | terrible mistakes, but had learned a lot from the process, I
         | realised how helpful tests were. I believe they are usually a
         | net benefit - the number of times where I write a test for
         | something that seems really simple, and it fails, is higher
         | than I'd like to admit. Failing fast during dev is _far_ prefer
         | to having to diagnose production issues. And it also means I
         | can refactor with much more confidence. Also, for OSS projects,
         | I think the presence of a good test suite inspires confidence
         | in users.
         | When working solo, the time taken for manual tasks also irked
         | me - especially when preparing final releases, where I was
         | anxious not to get things wrong - building for different
         | platforms, creating installers, putting together configs,
         | putting together docs, code signing, running things through
         | Virus Total, publishing binaries... it took soooo long, and was
         | error prone. In the beginning, automating this kind of stuff
         | seemed like a mountain, but again with experience came
         | competence and confidence. And the time savings were great, and
         | the extra confidence around releases was huge.
         | Each to their own of course, but for anything non-trivial I
         | wouldn't be without source control, tests or build automation.
         | twodave wrote:
         | Definitely--when working solo I tend to only write tests for
         | things I actually want to run in isolation (and usually just to
         | save time running the full codebase) or to establish some
         | concrete expectations that I need to be aware of changes to
         | (e.g. specific user scenarios that are critical to the thing
         | working). These tend to overlap a lot.
         | at_a_remove wrote:
         | I agree wholeheartedly.
         | I was a solo developer. We "transitioned" rather abruptly to
         | the kind of workflow you would expect from an organization with
         | hundreds of developers once we hired a couple more programmers,
         | despite it being a poor idea, because we were still spread out
         | among so many different projects. In retrospect, all of this
         | turned out to be resume-polishing and practice runs for one of
         | the developers and my manager; they blasted off to large
         | organizations rather promptly.
         | All of it left a bad taste in my mouth and some rather negative
         | feelings associated with git, which certainly are not helped by
         | git's porcelain. There's an element of cargo culting against
         | the practices of big SV organizations, but there's a very long
         | tail of solo developers out there, and figuring out where you
         | sit and what tradeoffs are required can be tough against the
         | constant din of The Way Things Are Done.
       | yboris wrote:
       | Relevant useful tool: _diff2html_ - a CLI that lets you quickly
       | see an HTML output of all uncommitted changes you 've made (or
       | compare against a branch).
       | https://diff2html.xyz/
       | I have an alias `alias diff='diff2html -s side --ig package-
       | lock.json'` which shows a side-by-side comparison of my changes.
       | Highly recommend!
         | remram wrote:
         | FYI Git has a difftool setting/feature specifically for doing
         | diffs through an external command.
       | rrosen326 wrote:
       | I'm also a solo developer and use git in a much less
       | sophisticated fashion. I tend to use it as, "freeze my code here,
       | so in case I f something up, I can get back to a _moderately_
       | clean state. " It's kind like a snapshot-based local history.
       | And, quite frankly, I rarely revert one, but it makes me feel
       | safer. I don't care if I have a lot of commit messages that say,
       | "interim". The good ones are clear.
       | Is this a terrible coding practice? I don't have enough non-me
       | experience to know what an anti-pattern this probably is. I
       | probably won't change my process, but I'm curious.
         | Semaphor wrote:
         | I do the same. I use branches almost exclusively for features
         | that won't be done for a while and won't make it into
         | production until then.
         | kop316 wrote:
         | That has been my pattern for some hobby projects, however it
         | quickly becomes a mess to keep track of what you have done over
         | a period of time (I have the same bad habit, I commit things so
         | I can freexe my code in case I mess something up).
         | My hobby project has been to extend a program with a new
         | plugin, but then along the way I found bugs in the core code,
         | and I wanted to upstream the fixes (and the plugin). I am very
         | glad I knew what the fixes where, becasue I more or less had to
         | rebase to the original code in order to untangle the mess of
         | commits I made.
         | I have also found other folks wanting to use my code, so it
         | also made it much more helpful if ourside folks can see how I
         | altered the original program.
         | bluetwo wrote:
         | As a solo developer who works across several machines, I still
         | use subversion to coordinate code. I have yet to see the
         | advantage of using git in this situation.
           | gmfawcett wrote:
           | As long as you're not still using CVS -- that would just be
           | masochistic. :)
           | If it's working, stick with it. Most people use Git as a
           | centralized RCS anyway. I like the decentralized features of
           | Git (darcs, fossil, hg, whatever), but mainly for short-term
           | problem solving -- on any project, eventually an official hub
           | emerges.
         | [deleted]
         | w0mbat wrote:
         | Absolutely. This guy has too many rules.
         | When I work alone I'm climbing a mountain, and Git is the rope.
         | I can fall, but I won't fall far. I commit as often as I want
         | to. The log is not a story for someone else to read later, it's
         | the way I get to the top.
           | jeremyjh wrote:
           | I find commit logs useful even if I'm the only person ever
           | reading them. I like to be able to git blame on a line and be
           | reminded of the context in which I did something and what I
           | was trying to solve. I don't bother to pretty up my feature
           | branches though, I just squash them so that master has a
           | clear story
             | SilverRed wrote:
             | How we do it at work is every single commit message must
             | have a ticket number in it. This is super easy to do and
             | super useful. Even if the commit message is "fix exception
             | #1823" you can go and look up #1823 and see what that issue
             | was to make sure you don't reintroduce it with your change.
             | You will always find more info and context in the ticket
             | than in git commit messages.
           | mplanchard wrote:
           | This is an excellent metaphor, thank you. I'm going to add it
           | to the bag of metaphors I use when explaining git
         | BrandoElFollito wrote:
         | > Is this a terrible coding practice
         | It is not. I do the same.
         | I tried to use git the way OP describes and I was taking more
         | time to manage the logistics than to code.
         | I then hit the "I can obviously call a function in a new commit
         | from one in a previous one". Handling this gracefully means
         | full time work.
         | My code works 70% of the time anyway si I ended up making
         | efforts to move it up a few percent points than to have a
         | byzantin git tree.
         | mellavora wrote:
         | Some of the sophistication you are 'missing' is there as a
         | solution to scaling problems, to business problems (do you need
         | to track/fix customer/client issues?), or to other problems
         | that _may_ not be as critical for solo devs.
         | Some of the other is best practices which you are missing out
         | on.
         | You might want to take a look at what some 'best-practices' are
         | and see which might improve your coding.
         | Simple things like tagging a commit as
         | "feature/fix/refactor/chore" might make you think differently
         | about your programming workflow. Or you might find it more of a
         | distraction and limitation than a help.
         | and yes, sometimes you certainly need that 'interim' tag to
         | freeze work. For those rare cases where you run out of time or
         | inspiration before you get to a natural end point of a task.
           | sebmellen wrote:
           | For me, those cases of running out of time or inspiration
           | before I get to the end of the task are incredibly common
           | (basically a daily occurence). I understand it might be rare
           | for you, but for me (and I would think others) it's the
           | default state of programming.
           | When I'm really getting going I flow through a ton of work
           | and only stop when I hit a time limit, so I expect to finish
           | in the middle of a task whenever I start coding.
         | ChuckNorris89 wrote:
         | I thought I was the only one using guy like this.
         | tux1968 wrote:
         | Rebasing private code to clean up WIP commits and break it into
         | logical steps is healthy and a very good practice. But as Linus
         | himself says in the linked mailing list post[1], just don't
         | rebase public code.                    "In other words, you
         | really shouldn't rebase stuff          that has been exposed
         | anywhere outside of your own          private tree. But
         | *within* your own private tree, and          within the commits
         | that have never seen the light of          day, rebasing is
         | fine."               -- Linus Torvalds
         | [1] https://yarchive.net/comp/linux/git_rebase.html
           | frant-hartm wrote:
           | This applies mainly to projects with kernel style of
           | development. There are not many of those. In centralized repo
           | style (GitHub), it's fine to rebase, even force push as long
           | as you know exactly what you are doing and coordinate with
           | your colleagues.
             | jeremyjh wrote:
             | In a lot of projects topic branches generally have a single
             | owner and are not used as the basis of other people's
             | branches, even if they are technically public they are not
             | public in the same sense that he is referring to. If you
             | aren't going to be getting PRs on your branch you can
             | consider it private and rebase all you like IMO.
             | edit to add: I generally prefer people not rebase after
             | they've asked for a PR review just because the reference
             | for comments will be lost. If they want to, maybe do it
             | after all the reviews are approved.
             | matwood wrote:
             | I'm going to disagree, unless your are a solo developer
             | (and even then it's bad practice to rebase commits that
             | have already been pushed). Allowing rebase on shared
             | branches just opens the door to too many possible
             | catastrophic mistakes. When I make a new repo the first
             | thing I do is disable history rewriting.
         | prpl wrote:
         | If using this pattern it helps to split out your commits, i'd
         | possible. I do this with changelists in intellij/pycharm.
         | philote wrote:
         | Even when I use git by myself, I like to use branches. This
         | helps me keep my work separate, and avoids issues if I'm
         | working on one thing but need to do a quick fix elsewhere. I
         | also tend to have anything in master set to go to live, so
         | branching helps keep things that aren't ready from going live.
         | Even if you don't have a "production" environment you push to,
         | making sure your master branch is only code that works well is
         | a good idea IMO.
         | And as another reply mentioned, squashing commits is good for
         | keeping your history cleaner. My branches tend to have a ton of
         | "fix" commits that get squashed out when merging into master.
           | ZephyrBlu wrote:
           | Another reason I personally like branches is because it gives
           | me confidence to make breaking changes without immediately
           | having to worry about regressions.
         | [deleted]
         | matwood wrote:
         | > Is this a terrible coding practice?
         | Not at all. Copying folders with names like code1, code2, code3
         | is terrible practice. Using SCM and committing as checkpoints
         | while you work is _good_ coding practice. You have a process,
         | and it works for you.
         | lamontcg wrote:
         | Yeah I'm 13,000 lines into a solo side project and haven't
         | bothered with a single branch+merge. I've got a bunch of tests,
         | but I don't test everything, I don't make sure every commit has
         | tests. Commits are mostly checkpoints of when major feature
         | achieve some kind of initial stability where I want to be able
         | to diff back to last-known-working. I try to do better commits
         | than "WIP" but they're something like "such and such feature
         | now seems to actually work (lots of buggy edge conditions)".
         | I'll throw in a lot of unrelated code cleanup that happens into
         | single commits as well. I focus on moving the needle on the end
         | results though and not having perfect process. Many bits of
         | code that I have which work well enough don't have any tests at
         | all. As I hit bugs I drill into code and fill out the tests
         | that I didn't do. Simple code that is used all over the place
         | and doesn't cause issues may not have any formal tests at all.
         | I rarely actually bother to go back into my own git history,
         | mostly I just use it like a quicksave in case I wind up dying
         | at the next bossfight.
         | I think what'll get you in trouble more than having perfect
         | process is writing spaghetti code that violates separation of
         | concerns. If things are separated well, you should be able to
         | come back and test it easily if it causes issues. Test the
         | stuff that is complicated and obviously will cause issues if
         | its not perfect. Test the stuff that is found to be buggy or
         | needs to be proven to be not buggy in order to track down bugs.
         | Don't bother with perfectly testing everything.
         | I've been adding a threaded AVL tree implementation lately. I
         | definitely tested that extensively and did a savegame when the
         | AVL tree was written and passing tests properly, and then added
         | threads and did another couple of savegames. I'm going to build
         | on top of that, and I need to be able to trust it without
         | falling back into debugging it. I've got a Clamp01 function
         | though which takes a double and ensures it is within 0 <= x <=
         | 1 and I don't have that one tested. I'm pretty confident it
         | works though.
         | CalChris wrote:
         | Yeah, I'm pretty much the same. Still, there are elements of
         | the article's approach that I follow.                 Principle
         | 2a: Every commit must include its own tests       Principle 2b:
         | Every commit must pass all tests
         | But otherwise, I don't create branches. My commits are medium
         | sized, one big thing, and to the trunk. My commit messages are
         | at best ok.
         | After a commit, I git --amend _liberally_. It 's never really
         | clear in my mind when a commit ended and the next one starts.
         | This wouldn't fly in a group.
         | The one think I'd recommend is _Never Type git_. That 's
         | overstating, but basically git's command line syntax is just
         | terrible AND thus dangerous. I think my one moderate sized git
         | screwup was due to the command line syntax. So now I hide (most
         | of) it behind shell aliases. This guy goes a bit far but you
         | get the idea:
         | https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Cheatsheet
         | I pull rarely enough that I prefer to type it out.
         | Also, configure a good diff tool (although Apple seems to
         | reject kdiff3 for now). And .gitignore goes without saying.
           | dotancohen wrote:
           | Regarding diff tools: suggestions welcome. I've used VIM's
           | three-way diffs, and would prefer to stay in the CLI. But the
           | Jetbrains IDEs come with a great GUI diff tool for Git merge
           | conflicts. I'd love to find something comparable on the CLI.
         | NortySpock wrote:
         | I think what you're doing is fine especially if you're just
         | coding for yourself. I'm perfectly happy with slightly more
         | expressive commit messages like "LoadData appears to be
         | working; still hacking away at TransmorgifyData", followed
         | eventually by "stabilized TransmorgifyData".
         | I think it's when you start syncing with other people over
         | multiple days that people start insisting that a commit should
         | (compile), be atomic, tested, etc. What they're really looking
         | for at that point is that incoming changes be easy to
         | understand and modular and possibly easy to omit if some code
         | change is causing them trouble for a moment.
         | scaladev wrote:
         | Just squash the junk commits with rebase when you are done. It
         | keeps the history clean and you have many points to revert to.
         | edu wrote:
         | If it works for you it's fine. I used Git in different ways
         | depending on the projects, on some solo projects I do like you
         | say (similar to saving a game to be able to go back). For some
         | other solo projects (with a longer lifespan or more critical) I
         | follow Gitflow and I am more strict with the process.
         | Ajedi32 wrote:
         | Pretty much what I do too, even working in collaborative
         | projects. Once nice thing about git is that it makes it easy to
         | go back and clean up your history with rebase before publishing
         | it to others, so you can make as big of a mess as you want in
         | your local branches without anyone else having to see it.
         | So yes, having "interm" or "wip" commits would be an anti-
         | pattern in a shared repo, as it makes it harder for others to
         | see what changes you made. For a local branch though; not a big
         | deal.
           | rrosen326 wrote:
           | So maybe that's the idea for my projects that I make
           | available to others. Be a bit more deliberate with branches,
           | allow them to be junky, and clean up when I merge to master.
           | That seems like the best of both worlds with minimal effort.
           | I think I'll even try it.
             | kop316 wrote:
             | That has been how I have started to do it. I make a new
             | branch, make a mess of it (until I am finished), then merge
             | it back into the original "golden" branch.
         | seanwilson wrote:
         | Yep, small disciplined commits take valuable time. If you
         | rarely revert or get other benefits from them they might be a
         | net loss for you. Especially in solo projects when you can keep
         | a lot of what's going on in your head.
         | It's a bit like testing - there's a lot of posts about where
         | you need them and not many discussing where you don't.
           | oivey wrote:
           | If you use "git add -p" it makes small commits pretty
           | painless. I still like small commits in repos I work alone on
           | because it makes reading the history during future debugging
           | easier.
           | JoblessWonder wrote:
           | It is funny because I use git (and commit messages) to help
           | me keep track of what I was working on since I'm a solo
           | developer but also an entire IT department so coding is only
           | a portion of my time. Sometimes I'll just be starting to
           | implement a major feature when something else will come up
           | and I'll have to put it on hold for a few days/weeks. Having
           | the quick little commits helps me figure out where I was and
           | helps me get back into the flow.
           | japhyr wrote:
           | Side conversation because I recognize your username. I've
           | been playing wordoid every day since you posted it three
           | weeks ago. You made a comment about having heard that someone
           | scored 3000, and I think that's now in my mind as an end
           | goal. I've gotten to about 1800 and can't quite let go yet.
           | :)
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25999655
         | jidiculous wrote:
         | I don't think it's an antipattern if you're working by
         | yourself. As you said, it's a safety net that helps your
         | confidence in case something does go wrong. The only thing I'd
         | recommend changing might be to make your commit messages a tiny
         | bit more detailed, even for the interim commits - that way you
         | know what's going on at each commit if you do have to
         | eventually do a `git bisect` to hunt down a regression.
         | Going a step further and rebasing interactively to tidy up your
         | logs would also accomplish the same goal, but if it's just for
         | your own eyes, it's probably not worth the time.
         | stevecat wrote:
         | If you work with branches, can you merge with the --squash
         | option? This makes one neat commit on your default branch. You
         | could even then commit without the -m option, and type a more
         | descriptive multi-line commit message detailing the changes
         | you've made.
         | I only work on little solo projects and this is what I'm doing.
         | It makes a very readable history, and helps me answer "why on
         | earth did I do that?", but it's harder to revert small changes
         | later.
         | If I'm working with others, I try to match my committing style
         | to the project.
           | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
           | Squashing makes tools like git blame or emacs's vc-annotate a
           | lot less useful: with small commits, I can reconstruct the
           | code as it was when a particular line changed; with a squash,
           | the coordinated changes are a lot less useful.
             | jeremyjh wrote:
             | Without squashing git blame has too much noise in it for my
             | taste. I don't want to see 90 different commits in a single
             | file's blame, when they were actually related to 9
             | different features. If each topic branch has a reasonable
             | scope then the squashed changes I think are more useful
             | than each little tweak or fixup.
               | SilverRed wrote:
               | If you really want to do it nice, you get to the end and
               | then move all of the commited changes in to the
               | uncommited state and then recommit them in to logical
               | steps and commit them piece by piece with well written
               | messages.
               | But at some point you are spending more time bookkeeping
               | than the actual value you will get from it. If its a
               | personal repo, don't bother. If you are sending a patch
               | to Linus, tidy your commit messages.
         | gopalv wrote:
         | > It's kind like a snapshot-based local history.
         | You can extend it to remote-history too, because git makes it
         | almost trivial to create a repo that you want to work over the
         | network (without a running server of any kind).
         | I use git as a fancy rsync sometimes.
         | I do most of my work on a remote box, but I still like to edit
         | locally in an IDE, but occasionally I make a change on the
         | remote side.
         | On the remote side, I do
         | git init --bare project.git
         | git remote add clusterx remotebox:dev/project.git
         | Then do a git clone on the remote box from that repo, then I
         | can push changes back to that local repo and when I'm done with
         | the day, I can just pull it all back to my laptop with a git
         | pull.
         | This used to be full of patch + diff + rsync in the past, but
         | when you build stuff remotely and do diffs, but add new files
         | to the codebase, it is so much easier to just use git.
         | For my personal projects, I think CSS files are the most common
         | things I've edited in this sort of loop - my web-app folders
         | are generally just git clone --depth 1, which also takes care
         | of the other loop where I edit locally and deploy to remote.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | Is it "terrible"?
         | If it's working for you to produce software how you need, then
         | it's working.
         | But I would say it's building up habits of using git that would
         | _not_ transfer well to a multi-person team. That may or may not
         | matter to you.
         | OP's usage is interesting, I think by and large they are
         | transferable to a multi-person team, they are still good
         | habits, or on the _way_ to good habits or _similar_ to good
         | habits with a multi-person team. The one difference is how much
         | easier it is for a solo developer to "rewrite git history"
         | without disrupting others, in OP we see it done with abandon.
         | But in general the way OP is thinking about things -- what they
         | are trying to prioritize how -- are things that apply to a
         | multi-person team too. Keeping commit history readable, keeping
         | branches cohesive, etc.
         | Your practices are... not. Which doesn't make them terrible,
         | but it means you are developing habits you'd probably have to
         | revise when/if working on a multi-person team.
         | sodapopcan wrote:
         | Absolutely nothing wrong with this if you are developing solo.
         | As suggested by a sibling comment, you can always squash if you
         | are looking for a cleaner history, though this is probably
         | isn't necessary if you are never going to share your code. If
         | you are going to share and your important commits are clean,
         | then it's easy to squash.
         | Another good trick trick is to simply stage things to "freeze"
         | them--You can then `git checkout` any changed files if you want
         | to revert to the staged state. This is useful if you are in
         | working state without a lot of changes but want to run a quick
         | experiment before committing.
         | gregmac wrote:
         | > it makes me feel safer
         | This for me is one of the biggest things I like about working
         | under version control, even solo. It gives me the freedom to
         | explore some crazy idea or refactor without having to think
         | about the way back if it doesn't pan out. If it turns out to be
         | more complex than I am willing to do now, I can stash or
         | branch.
         | If I think back to my pre-source control days, I used to leave
         | commented code everywhere, or just make a full copy of the
         | folder. It doesn't take long before this becomes an absolute
         | mess. Copying in particular was a barrier: you had to realize
         | it was necessary then interrupt your flow to do something that
         | would take a several seconds. (By contrast, if you commit as
         | you go - especially everytime you get to a working "checkpoint"
         | - there's zero extra effort needed.)
           | jonwinstanley wrote:
           | Yes totally. It gives you freedom to try things you don't
           | fully understand in your IDE or framework too then decide
           | whether you want to revert everything afterwards.
           | Debug_Overload wrote:
           | Yeah, writing code without source control sounds horrible.
           | Can't imagine what it must've been like for those who had to
           | suffer through such time.
             | ska wrote:
             | We've had effective source control since the 70s, latest
             | 80s; for the most part working without it was self
             | inflicted.
               | [deleted]
           | colllectorof wrote:
           | Modern IDEs often ave basic source control baked in. You
           | don't even need to commit anything. I wonder whether there is
           | any point in using Git for basic version control if those
           | features are already available.
             | majormajor wrote:
             | At least in IntelliJ, I find using the local file history
             | stuff painful. With explicit source control, I'm making
             | specific decisions to check in known states. When I have to
             | resort to the local file history stuff, there's a lot more
             | of "oh, here I undo'd a typo" and so on type of things.
             | That said, it can be a lifesaver when I didn't make an
             | explicit commit, then started doing stuff, then realized
             | "ok this got out of hand AND I wish I could go back five
             | minutes but it's gonna be annoying."
               | hinkley wrote:
               | The intellij local history works best when your code is a
               | raging monolith. It punishes you when you find coupling
               | in otherwise uncoupled code, and that punishment is there
               | whether you leave the coupling or try to fix it.
               | One of the failure modes for people leaving a mess is if
               | it's too hard to fix it they give up. So that's no good.
             | dimitrios1 wrote:
             | Yes: you like the interface for git already and are
             | productive with it versus learning how to achieve the same
             | productivity while learning the idiosyncrasies of your
             | chosen IDE platform.
               | hinkley wrote:
               | I'm butchering something someone said here about a month
               | ago:
               | Some people cut a trail through the jungle, others just
               | push the branches out of the way and expect everyone
               | behind them to do the same.
             | dpedu wrote:
             | Committing aside, git also has stash. Many people prefer
             | using one consistent tool (git) over the variety of IDE's
             | equivalent features available.
             | coding123 wrote:
             | Most IDEs that have basic source control baked in typically
             | means it has a git client and UI. I know that years ago I
             | used Netbeans local history but it's a per-file history and
             | does nothing to keep a set of files at a specific "save
             | point" together.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | Exploratory refactoring turns out to be very close to an
           | exercise in creative writing, as I learned one day
           | accidentally from my lit major friend.
           | Take the section you are stuck on, print it out, cut it up
           | into sentences or phrases, and just rearrange them until
           | either it makes sense, or you figure out where you went
           | wrong.
           | Rearranging code statements until something makes sense is
           | exactly what refactoring is.
             | systemvoltage wrote:
             | I beg to differ.
             | Refactoring is not merely rearranging code statements.
             | Refactoring is _restructuring_ of the code starting from
             | the architectural and abstract goal and then looking at how
             | pieces of existing code would fit. Sometimes, that requires
             | writing new code and tests. Refactoring by definition also
             | means not breaking the user space.
             | I've never heard of any serious writer printing out their
             | prose and cutting it and rearranging it. That just sounds
             | absurdly unnecessary to me.
               | hinkley wrote:
               | > code starting from the architectural and abstract goal
               | you are either using a different definition of
               | architecture or this is wrong. Refactoring is bottom up
               | construction. Most of the time when I see people
               | frustrated or struggling (including myself) it's because
               | they have forgotten this and need to take a break.
         | Groxx wrote:
         | > _Is this a terrible coding practice?_
         | Are you the only consumer of the practice? And do you like it?
         | Then no, it's not terrible at all, it's useful. Git will
         | function just fine for this. I do similar things with my
         | "experiment" repos, they're practically "streams of thought
         | saved to disk" and they contain a ton of digressions and
         | occasional breakages and that's totally fine. I have zero
         | complaints after several years of doing this.
         | The major benefits to much-more-structured approaches come in
         | the form of automated tooling that's really only useful when
         | you have large repos or many contributors (git bisect is a
         | perfect example), or external automation (ci/cd pipelines,
         | etc). For those kinds of repos, yeah, I'd say it's a terrible
         | practice, and it'll cause some easily-avoided pain. But even
         | then: work however you like on a branch, and merge (or squash)
         | when you have "good" stuff, and it generally works well.
         | j7ake wrote:
         | I mostly do solo work too and for me the main goal is less to
         | make code readable for other people, but for code to be
         | readable for myself in a year from now.
         | I've definitely had situations when I had reverted code to a
         | year back to check if there was a bug. Git was very helpful
         | from that point of view.
         | zeta0134 wrote:
         | For my solo projects I break the "don't code in master" rule
         | because there is nobody else to coordinate with, and I usually
         | only work on a major idea at a time. However I still use
         | branches, usually if I want to quickly test out a breaking
         | change, or if I start something I don't anticipate being
         | finished with in a long time, so that my master branch remains
         | usable for other side tangents.
         | The branching strategy means that it's pretty important that my
         | commits are small, the brief commit message is accurate (even
         | if I occasionally commit too many changes at once) and the
         | description explains my train of thought. Nearly every time, I
         | am communicating those changes to _myself in 6 months_ when I
         | switch into that branch randomly and wonder what I was in the
         | middle of doing.
         | dilawar wrote:
         | I do the same if I am doing assignment or writing a single
         | script.
         | I'd prefer something close to his if I am writing a library or
         | a small app.
         | GuB-42 wrote:
         | Same thing for me.
         | Generally I am against rewriting history unless there is a big
         | mess to fix. For me, git is my work process, and bugs, typos,
         | bad merges and code that doesn't compile is part of it and I
         | don't try to hide it. Personally, I value historical accuracy
         | more than cleanliness.
         | But some people have compelling arguments for the opposite,
         | like the author. These people tend to view git as a release
         | schedule where every commit is workable code. It is good for
         | bisecting, and git log is your actual changelog. But you lose
         | information about how you solved problem, when you did what,
         | etc... it is also more time consuming to maintain.
         | You can use a hybrid solution with two parallel branches and
         | merge commits, or you can just use tags.
         | Git is not very opinionated on how you should work. Merge or
         | rebase, clean or historically accurate, push or pull, etc...
         | There is more than one way to do it.
         | khalilravanna wrote:
         | I don't think it's an anti-pattern but you might just need some
         | sort of backup tool with incremental backups and rollback.
         | Sounds like it would likely suit your needs with less overhead.
         | pkulak wrote:
         | I do that on shared projects too. I absolutely will not end my
         | day with work that exists only on my machine, and git is a fine
         | place to put it, as far as I'm concerned. I routinely make a
         | branch called "phil/stash" that I will commit totally broken
         | code to at the end of the day. Then I rebase/ammend it into
         | shape when I'm ready to PR.
         | gmfawcett wrote:
         | Quite a few people are suggesting that, when it's time to share
         | your code with others, maybe you should squash/rebase it to
         | clean things up. That's totally up to you... but just know that
         | not everyone thinks rebasing is a good idea. See [1], for
         | example.
         | [1] https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/rebaseharm.md
         | I think we often feel the urge to rebase and squash not because
         | it actually makes our code changes easier to understand, but
         | because it makes us feel better about ourselves. That's a red
         | flag. Understanding how you got to the goal -- encoding all the
         | fumbles and disoriented thoughts right in the commit history --
         | that can be a genuine benefit to the reader. Who do we really
         | help by pretending that we're more organized, coherent, and
         | linear than we actually were?
           | cesarb wrote:
           | > Who do we really help by pretending that we're more
           | organized, coherent, and linear than we actually were?
           | You help the reviewer.
           | To understand why git is the way it is, you have to
           | understand the workflow of the original git-using project
           | (other than git itself), the Linux kernel. Whenever someone
           | proposes a change to the Linux kernel, it's sent as a
           | sequence of patches. Each patch should contain a single
           | logical change, and will be reviewed individually. For
           | instance, suppose you want to change the way a field in a
           | particular structure is stored. The first patch of your
           | series might introduce a couple of helper functions to access
           | the structure fields. Patches 2-5 might each change a
           | separate subsystem to use the new helper functions, instead
           | of accessing the field directly. The next patch changes both
           | the field and the helper functions to use the new
           | representation. When reviewing this sequence, it's easier to
           | see that each patch is correct. And that was a simple
           | example; it's not rare to have patch series with over 15
           | patches, and even longer patch series are not unheard of.
           | I've seen patch series which refactor whole subsystems, where
           | each patch in the series was an obviously correct
           | transformation, while the final result was completely
           | different.
           | lamontcg wrote:
           | My commit history is often a descent into profane madness.
           | nemetroid wrote:
           | > Who do we really help by pretending that we're more
           | organized, coherent, and linear than we actually were?
           | We're helping the future reader who's reading the history
           | because they want to understand why a change was made - and
           | "because the author of the branch initially had the wrong
           | idea" is almost never the answer they're looking for.
           | I sometimes enjoy reading stream-of-consciousness writing,
           | but most of the time (especially when reading code) I'm more
           | interested in the point itself. The same applies to version
           | history. It _can_ be used to tell the raw story, but there 's
           | usually a more useful and interesting story to be told.
             | Wowfunhappy wrote:
             | As a much newer developer, the biggest problem I have with
             | git is that I rarely end up _actually_ making one change at
             | a time. I 'll be working on some larger thing, and in the
             | process I'll notice and quickly fix a smaller thing before
             | returning to the original task. This might be a typo in a
             | code comment, a poorly named variable, or a block of code I
             | realize is dead.
             | I suspect this is the type of tendency which goes away with
             | experience, but it makes git a lot less useful. My commits
             | won't really tell you what changed; the most they can tell
             | you is the _primary_ change I was working on.
               | jpitz wrote:
               | With the add command's interactive mode, it is often
               | possible to selectively stage and commit individual
               | patches in a file.
               | https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Interactive-
               | Staging
               | bentcorner wrote:
               | Look at `git add -i`. You can commit just part of a
               | change to a file. So if you notice a small problem and
               | already have a bunch of changes made, you can still make
               | those changes, and commit them separately.
               | Up to you if you wanted to rebase those changes back onto
               | main.
               | I don't use it often and find it's kind of painful to
               | use, but if you're in the position where you've already
               | saved two different things in your IDE and need to pull
               | them apart for commit, it's a useful tool.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | Many of us do that, and it's not just a new developer
               | thing. Git actually _enables_ this, because you get to
               | pick and choose what to add to the index (`git add`)
               | before committing. So that little tweak you made in the
               | unrelated function? -- no problem, just `git add` that
               | later, and commit it under a different message. Not all
               | SCM tools give you that kind of flexibility.
               | On the other hand, there's a diminishing return to
               | placing every tiny change into a separate commit. Commit
               | messages like "Fixed multiple small things" might make
               | some people clutch their pearls, but sometimes you just
               | need to _get shit done_ and move on to solving bigger
               | problems.
               | My suggestion is to consider breaking your commit into
               | two: one for "fixed this big issue that everyone cares
               | about", and one for "a bunch of tiny cleanup stuff that I
               | happened to notice." (Maybe call that second one
               | "refactoring" -- it will go over better with your
               | audience.)
               | Wowfunhappy wrote:
               | > Git actually enables this, because you get to pick and
               | choose what to add to the index (`git add`) before
               | committing.
               | That assumes the changes are in separate files though,
               | right? I know you can do use the "-i" flag, but it's
               | fairly labor intensive.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | That kind of depends on your tooling. e.g., I use Magit
               | (an Emacs front-end for git) which makes interactive mode
               | really, really easy.
               | (But easy or not, other version control systems such as
               | Subversion don't offer the feature at all. We kind of
               | take Git for granted these days, but it wasn't always
               | like that.)
               | FrancoisBosun wrote:
               | That is what OP was talking about: after you've done the
               | change, make a commit with just that tiny refactoring.
               | Once you're done and ready to review your work, you can
               | cherry pick just that fix and move it to main / master /
               | it's own PR. Since it is self-contained, it can be
               | processed by itself only.
               | foldr wrote:
               | Have you tried using 'git commit --patch'? It makes it
               | easy to separate out unrelated changes when committing.
               | You can precede it with an invocation of 'git reset
               | $HASH' to restructure your last few commits.
               | In general, more experienced git users aren't actually
               | working on one commit at a time. They're just comfortable
               | enough with editing history to make it look that way.
             | zoomablemind wrote:
             | > We're helping the future reader who's reading the history
             | because they want to understand why a change was made...
             | "Change" is a subject to interpretation. Most of the time
             | it's the scope that the change belongs to is what has the
             | meaningful value.
             | Say, changes made in connection to fixing an issue are
             | logically tied for inclusion as well as for potential
             | unwinding.
             | Some tangent changes technically should not be casually
             | folded in, just in case this changeset will need to be
             | propagated or rolled back.
             | Thus this elaborate muli-staged commit management in Git.
             | Many projects don't have such need to manange the change
             | flow, so Version control is used as a kind of undo buffer.
             | Which is fine, in such cases the meaning is tied to release
             | states.
             | If anything, it makes more practical sense to preserve only
             | commits with a buildable state, not just some transitional
             | changes.
             | acemarke wrote:
             | Exactly. I want to "tell a story" with my commits, and that
             | story is really more of an idealized retelling of what I
             | actually did.
             | Five years from now, no one needs to know that I forgot to
             | add that one line to a prior commit and had to add it
             | separately, or that my first attempt didn't quite pan out
             | as expected.
             | What that future person _will_ care about is:
             | - What final changes actually got made?
             | - What task was I working on?
             | - What was the reason for any of these changes in the first
             | place?
             | - Why did I make some of these changes specifically to
             | implement that task?
             | - What additional side info is important context for
             | understanding the diffs?
               | fao_ wrote:
               | > or that my first attempt didn't quite pan out as
               | expected.
               | Actually that's still important, it's just important from
               | an architecture perspective.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | I understand that you want to tell a story. But as
               | someone examining your code, I also want to know how you
               | got there. While you're throwing out your junk, you're
               | also throwing away valuable information. If I'm taking
               | the actual time to review the code history, then let me
               | play it out in real-time, mistakes and all. I know how to
               | step back and summarize, I don't need you do do that for
               | me.
               | This is especially true if your code is _clever_. I 'm
               | much more likely to understand your polished gem if I can
               | see all the things that you bumped into while you were
               | discovering it.
               | Groxx wrote:
               | While I understand and somewhat empathize with this
               | desire (I'd use it all the time for personal repos, for
               | example)... current VCS systems are _terrible_ at
               | supporting it.
               | What you probably want in this case is something like
               | "automatically commit on every change (possibly recording
               | every keystroke)" + "automatically tag based on
               | tests/builds passing or failing" + "allow manual comments
               | at any time, whether based on files changing or not". All
               | of that is _technically possible_ with git
               | /hg/fossil/etc, but it's so much work for both the
               | recorder and the viewer that it's infeasible.
               | mathstuf wrote:
               | That is what comments and commit messages are for. I
               | trawl history all the time. Running into an unbisectable
               | mess of a branch (because a bug that was introduced in
               | commit X~15 is fixed in X on the same branch) is a
               | complete nightmare. I have to discect the branch history
               | and understand what is because of the branch and what is
               | debugging/review/CI cycle cleanups. Commit messages for
               | fixups also tend to be 100% terrible and utter trash.
               | "Fix review comments". Thanks. If we're doing that, let's
               | copy _what the comment was_ in too and why it fixes it.
               | The problem with your request is that 90+% of the time
               | (with the way I develop), the dead ends are on MRs that
               | got closed or code that never got pushed in the first
               | place. So again, comments as to why this approach is used
               | is _way_ better than hiding it in the history because
               | someone coming to  "clean up" code _sees_ the thought
               | process instead of having to remember to search for it.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | I don't do much work like that -- I suspect you're part
               | of a much larger developer team -- but I think I
               | understand the problem you're describing.
               | Couldn't you simply review/bisect at the fork/join
               | points? i.e., take the commits at which forks began or
               | ended, ignore any intermediary commits, and run the
               | bisect (or, read diffs) across that subset? That way
               | you're only comparing at the chapter-markers of the
               | story, so to speak, and not getting mired in the gory
               | details.
               | mathstuf wrote:
               | Yes, `git bisect --first-parent` was a feature I wanted
               | for a long time. It finally exists now, so yes that
               | _helps_ , but is not a complete solution.
               | Even with `bisect --first-parent`, I _still_ want useful
               | commit messages which  "fixup" commits, again, are
               | uniquely terrible at being on the whole.
               | I do software process and other things, so some of my
               | branches tend to be gigantic (e.g., revamping the build
               | system) and can be 200+ commits because one cannot
               | meaningfully land a build system rewrite incrementally.
               | That one in particular was meant to be bisectable because
               | when rebasing on top of new development, I wanted fixes
               | to be in the "port this library over" commit instead of
               | after some random merge commit based on when I decided to
               | sync up that week (it took a year to do it). So once I
               | get it down to a particular MR, being able to inspect
               | that topic is still a useful property.
               | Note that this only works with a `merge --no-ff` workflow
               | too. The `rebase && merge --ff-only` pattern and `merge
               | --squashed` are both terrible, IME, at making useful
               | history. The force-rebase workflow is just as confounding
               | to me as the no-rebase workflow (the former de-
               | parallelizes your MR merge process and the latter tends
               | to make a terrible commit history).
               | Note that even for single-developer projects I run, I
               | tend to make PRs even for my own changes (once it's
               | gotten off the ground).
               | SamBam wrote:
               | Exactly. It's also great to compartmentalize different
               | aspects of your change.
               | Often my changes are
               | 1. Refactor the existing code to support the new feature
               | 2. Add the new feature
               | It's great to keep these separate, because someone can
               | look at number 1 and see that the two versions of the
               | code ought to be functionally the same (same tests pass,
               | app looks the same, refactor is easy-to-understand), and
               | look at number 2 and see the new feature.
               | There are countless other times where you want to tell
               | the "story" in a logical fashion.
               | (Honestly, I expect that there is a significant
               | correlation between being a good git committed and being
               | a clear story-teller.)
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | This is great, except that we're often bad at recounting
               | this idealized history without lying in ways that make
               | later maintenance more difficult
           | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
           | I have found this works a charm, if I want to present a clean
           | repo (for things like tutorials and classes):
           | https://24ways.org/2013/keeping-parts-of-your-codebase-
           | priva...
           | But basically, I let things "all hang out."
           | Tools shouldn't really be running the show.
           | dtech wrote:
           | The advantage if that you get a more usable and
           | understandable list of historical changes. "You wouldn't
           | publish the first draft of a book" [1]
           | A squashed merge or rebased and cleaned set of commits gives
           | a very clean overview of which changes where made, at what
           | point, why they were made, and what together. That picture
           | tends to get utterly lost in the "set up X", "make test Y",
           | "fix typo", "wip" and "change error handling" commits a
           | feature branch typically has.
           | Additionally I'm not really interested in that my colleague
           | started change X yesterday before lunch, I'm interested in
           | when it went live and became visible for the all developers
           | when it was merged into the main branch.
           | [1] https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-
           | Rebasing#_rebas...
             | professoretc wrote:
             | You wouldn't publish a first draft, but neither would you
             | burn it once the final draft was off to the printer.
             | Personally, I'd prefer it if "squashing" commits was purely
             | a UI thing; the underlying commits were all still there,
             | but grouped together and _displayed_ as a single big
             | "virtual" commit. That way you could still drill down to
             | the real history if you needed to.
               | chrisweekly wrote:
               | Pull requests can serve the same purpose; messy feature
               | branches and a clean main trunk.
               | JonathonW wrote:
               | The only way you get that in Git is if you squash-and-
               | rebase before merge, though. Which is fine if that's the
               | process and end result that you want, but does (if you
               | keep feature branches "messy") disconnect feature
               | branches from their related merges into trunk from Git's
               | point of view.
               | mikepurvis wrote:
               | Yeah, you're reliant on Github metadata to make those
               | links for you; there's nothing natively in git itself
               | doing it. It's also an all-or-nothing affair, where the
               | whole PR becomes a single squashed commit. To get
               | anything in between ("here's my single large PR which
               | I've rebased into N incremental commits, but you can also
               | dig in and see the work that actually led here"), you
               | really do need first class support in the tool.
               | I suppose the Github answer to all this would be "just
               | make separate PRs", but going that way asks a lot more of
               | the developer in terms of how polished those incremental
               | states need to be.
               | xorcist wrote:
               | Why would you want to see every typo that was corrected?
               | Every little test that was changed erroneously and then
               | backed out again?
               | That may be an accurate representation of the order
               | savepoints were made, but it's not an accurate
               | representation of how the software evolved. It is noise
               | that needs to be discarded if a reader would like to know
               | what change was _really_ made. It also makes if difficult
               | or impossible to use tools like git bisect.
               | Is the argument really that a more detailed history is
               | always better? In the trivial case every keypress could
               | be a savepoint, and every savepoint a commit.
               | One does not always know in advance that a commit needs
               | to be split in two. The only way to produce readable
               | commits without rebasing them in that case is to work
               | with local _backup files. A version control system does
               | this much better.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | In fairness, you're only seeing 5% of the typos. We
               | caught the other 95% before committing. :)
               | I love your question, "why not a commit per keypress?",
               | because it raises an interesting follow-up: why not
               | squash and rebase entire _months or years_ of project
               | work into single commits? If squashing is so useful, why
               | do we only apply it at low-grain scales? Could we read
               | and understand massive projects quickly and easily, if
               | they only had a few commits to them?
               | I'm sure that we don't _experiment_ with larger-scale
               | rebases because of the limitations in the technology --
               | we all know that we 're not supposed to 'git rebase' in
               | public, and why that is. But suppose those obstacles were
               | lifted. Now that we can rebase and rewrite at any time
               | scale, which scale(s) is the right one(s) to choose?
               | anaerobicover wrote:
               | > it raises an interesting follow-up: why not squash and
               | rebase entire months or years of project work into single
               | commits?
               | That's effectively what happened before version
               | control/before the small-scale rebases we enjoy now were
               | possible. And the reason is that it's hugely valuable in
               | certain circumstances to be able to see some granularity
               | of the history. (Though clearly people disagree about
               | what the grain size should be.)
               | > Could we read and understand massive projects quickly
               | and easily, if they only had a few commits to them?
               | I don't think so. The current state is visible at the top
               | of the git tree regardless. History comes in when you are
               | trying to understand _why_ the state is what it is.
               | Usually this is for troubleshooting in my experience, but
               | sometimes also when doing a refactor. Meaningful commit
               | messages attached to meaningfully-clumped patches are, in
               | my opinion, absolute gold in those cases.
               | xorcist wrote:
               | > why not squash and rebase entire months or years of
               | project work into single commits?
               | The argument here is that one should rebase and carefully
               | craft commits that isolates each functional change into a
               | separate commit, where each change is motivated and
               | builds on previous, before pushing anything. Every commit
               | should build cleanly, preferably even pass tests. That
               | makes changes easier to reason about, and enables the use
               | of tools such as bisect. Look at git itself for an
               | example of this type of history.
               | The counter argument to that was that it presents a false
               | view of history. Maybe there were false starts and
               | mistakes made along the way. Without preserving these to
               | history the reader is left without understanding these.
               | This is not an uncommon argument. Some people argue
               | rebase should never be used.
               | This view suggests that a more detailed history is
               | preferable. Taken to its logical extreme, that would mean
               | every keypress and editor command.
               | But "why not delete all of history" is not an example of
               | "carefully crafted commits" taken to an extreme. Quite
               | the opposite.
               | BeetleB wrote:
               | Mercurial does this with the Evolve extension.
               | https://www.mercurial-scm.org/doc/evolution/user-
               | guide.html#...
               | It still has the individual commits, but the interface
               | will make it appear as if it's just one commit.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | The Fossil designer agrees with you:
               | "So, another way of thinking about rebase is that it is a
               | kind of merge that intentionally forgets some details in
               | order to not overwhelm the weak history display
               | mechanisms available in Git. Wouldn't it be better, less
               | error-prone, and easier on users to enhance the history
               | display mechanisms in Git so that rebasing for a clean,
               | linear history became unnecessary?"
               | mikepurvis wrote:
               | I'm not a user of it myself, but I believe this is the
               | philosophy behind how Fossil approaches it:
               | https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/rebaseharm.md
               | ulisesrmzroche wrote:
               | The real history is useless. Especially if we have tests.
               | In that case it doesn't matter how often we make changes.
               | I do think this is because I prefer to think of code as a
               | black box. No one should need to figure out how my
               | functions work. Someone should just need the name of the
               | function, what inputs it receives, and what output does
               | it return. If someone actually has to read my code,
               | that's a failure.
               | gmfawcett wrote:
               | > If someone actually has to read my code, that's a
               | failure.
               | I can't tell if you're being serious, or are a brilliant
               | troll. :)
               | Assuming you're serious, Hyrum's Law is one reason I
               | might need to see your code (https://www.hyrumslaw.com/).
               | The signature of your function is not the whole
               | signature, it's just a sketch of the high points.
               | [deleted]
               | ulisesrmzroche wrote:
               | You really should just need to read the code in case
               | something goes wrong, but otherwise, no. You need to be
               | more careful with your time.
           | aspaceman wrote:
           | I think that's a pretty valid argument about just wanting to
           | rewrite history.
           | I'll offer an alternative. I love having every commit
           | buildable. When I'm drafting, this isn't going to happen. I'd
           | like to save my work and move between machines more
           | frequently than that. But after a rebase, it's great to only
           | have compiling commits. It makes doing a bisect a lot easier
           | when you're hunting for something.
           | [deleted]
       | Droobfest wrote:
       | Yea... no.
       | An overly clean git history for me is a sign of too much
       | perfectionism and greatly reduced productivity.
       | When I code I usually have a general idea of the stuff I want to
       | include in my branch, but then I stumble upon bugs or code
       | couplings which I need to fix for my feature to work. And then I
       | include the fix into my feature branch, because it's just tedious
       | to switch all the time and create 5 interdependent branches that
       | need to be merged together anyway. Also as long as the feature
       | branch itself is fairly clean then I don't give a rats ass about
       | atomic commits.
       | And commits having to pass tests is just ludicrous. That's what
       | the tests are for, so you can fix it before merging the branch.
       | Don't go crazy on the commit level..
       | It depends a bit on the project, and how public it is. But in the
       | end your git history never provides any benefit to customers and
       | doesn't make your code better by itself. I hardly ever rewrite or
       | rebase commits unless there's a good reason for it.
         | SilverRed wrote:
         | The easy mode is just doing the work in another branch/merge
         | request and then ticking the "squash on merge" checkbox. You
         | may or may not want this depending on how important the
         | individual commits are but sometimes you end up with 50 "fix
         | it" commits that add no value.
         | lwall wrote:
         | Kind of disagree.
         | As a developer who works with code base that's got a git
         | history going back over a decade and lot of legacy parts that
         | haven't been touched in a long while, written by devs who've
         | long since left, I fairly frequently wish they'd been more
         | careful with the commit history.
         | You do mention project context as being relevant, but if bug
         | fixes and refactoring _can_ be decoupled, it's a kindness to
         | pull-request reviewers (if there are any) to do so and keep PRs
         | small. It's also helpful if something needs to be rolled back
         | if the commit history is fairly coherent.
           | Droobfest wrote:
           | Well I'll admit there is still a balance to it.
           | I'll just say that the emphasis should be on clean branches
           | and PR's _much_ more than clean individual commits. And on
           | good code _much_ more than clean git branches.
           | If there's too much ceremony around branches and pull
           | requests I tend to avoid small fixes because it's just much
           | work and that definitely doesn't improve the quality of the
           | code.
         | rob74 wrote:
         | As long as the bugfix is at least in a commit of its own so it
         | can be cherry-picked into another branch if needed, that should
         | work too...
       | dukeofdoom wrote:
       | Just curious, I'm also solo developer. I push my local
       | development to git (bitbucket), then do a git pull in production
       | server to sync the two. Is this how most people do it?
       | The only downside I found, I need to reboot the server for the
       | django app to update to the changes. So I take my site offline
       | for 3 minutes or so.
         | mustak_im wrote:
         | I used to do that before the introduction of docker+kubernetes.
         | Once you've incorporated this into your solo workflow, you will
         | never look back.
         | jedimastert wrote:
         | It's not necessarily bad, but there's plenty of steps to
         | automate away, with two ideas:
         | * You can use your production server as a "git server" without
         | basically any overhead
         | * You can set up scripts that run on git events.
         | Basically, you can push directly to your production server and
         | then deploy using that those event listeners
         | Here's a better explainer
         | https://tqdev.com/2018-deploying-with-git-push-to-production
         | As for having to reboot your server every time, I have no idea,
         | although that seems like a long time. I'd expect less than a
         | minute, but I don't know much about django
         | matwood wrote:
         | Other comments mention Docker and Kubernetes which feels like
         | overkill for what you describe. Especially Kubernetes.
         | Check out bitbucket pipelines that trigger on a commit which
         | should be able to build/run any tests, copy the code to your
         | server, and then restart django.
         | From there you can later build a docker image and copy it to
         | run wherever, etc...
         | cashewchoo wrote:
         | I use docker extensively, personally. Modern web app
         | frameworks, especially those in python and ruby, are super
         | annoying (imo/ime) to operate on a bare metal host, because how
         | pip/gem install dependencies by default is just a mess that's
         | impossible to isolate. Pre-docker, I had no end of headache
         | where touching any deployed thing broke all the other sites due
         | to dependency garbage. Rbenv/pipenv/etcetc are language-
         | specific, non-trivial band-aids and I don't like wasting brain
         | cycles on them.
         | Docker makes it so easy to deploy and operate programs that I
         | even use it for ecosystems that don't "need" it, like Java.
         | Also makes backups super easy because it's just backing up the
         | docker volumes.
           | SilverRed wrote:
           | Agreed, I once worked at a place that used saltstack to
           | manage rails servers and it would take me an entire day to
           | set up a new server with the tools it needs and getting the
           | app running. Now with docker its so trivial to get something
           | running on the server and even multiple versions of ruby for
           | different apps.
         | twodave wrote:
         | Most decent CI tools will just clone the one branch needed for
         | deploying and build/deploy from there. Cloning it fresh each
         | time can rule out artifacts from past builds having an impact
         | on the current deploy.
       | yummybear wrote:
       | You really need to be in a git-first mindset to follow these. Not
       | saying that's a bad thing, but for me at least as a solo dev it
       | often comes as an afterthought and breaks pretty much all the
       | rules.
       | When developing only with yourself, git quickly ends up becoming
       | a cloud backup. It shouldn't but...
       | moosebear847 wrote:
       | Anyone know a clean way to have nested git projects? Every time I
       | make a commit in B (the nested git project), there are changes in
       | A. Previous searching of a solution was hard to understand..
         | WorldMaker wrote:
         | Perhaps you would like one of the monorepo management tools
         | like Lerna?
         | In general, the best advice is to avoid nested git projects as
         | much as possible (even though tools like git submodules exist,
         | they are more footguns than you want them to be). You either
         | want to reorganize your folder tree so that your git projects
         | are only ever side-by-side rather than nested, or that there is
         | only one repo for all of them ("monorepo"), depending on your
         | preferences and when/how you expect to share them.
         | sebmellen wrote:
         | Perhaps you're looking for something like submodules?
         | Just create a Git submodule, and then push from within the
         | submodule, like so: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5814351.
           | MaxBarraclough wrote:
           | I've not used them myself but a lot of people strongly
           | dislike git submodules. A recent thread on the topic:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26165445
           | ctb9 wrote:
           | Ten years ago I was told to never use Git submodules.
           | Five years ago I inherited a project that had four repos
           | sharing a Git submodule.
           | Now I tell people to never use Git submodules.
             | sebmellen wrote:
             | I think it very much depends how you use them. A great
             | option to manage submodules is TwoSigma's "git-meta"
             | https://github.com/twosigma/git-meta.
             | There's also just "meta" which is a cleaner way to approach
             | the functionality of submodules
             | https://github.com/mateodelnorte/meta.
         | PeterWhittaker wrote:
         | I've some ideas based on recent work, but I want to make sure I
         | understand your use case: should changes to A and B be
         | independent, but A and B require each other to do useful work?
       | twodave wrote:
       | The "every commit must be independent" ideology sounds nice when
       | you write it down, but often you'll have such large changes that
       | in order to make them independent you'd have to basically finish
       | an entire feature. In those cases I tend to just indicate WIP
       | (work in progress) in my commit messages with a brief snippet
       | about what progress was made.
       | This way, if you skip all the WIP commits you'll have mostly
       | runnable code, and if you want to review a PR commit-by-commit
       | it's easier to see what was being attempted in each commit than
       | to only look at the feature as a whole.
       | olav wrote:
       | Some developers favor tools other than Git. For example, D.
       | Richard Hipp, the developer of SQlite, uses the Fossil
       | Distributed SCM to some success https://fossil-scm.org/
       | dmitryminkovsky wrote:
       | When I was a new developer and first learned Git, I felt
       | compelled to use Git the "right" way. That is... small commits
       | with clean messages, things described in this and other posts.
       | But, as I spent more time programming, I developed different Git
       | habits for different situations:
       | - Solo explorative work: working on a feature, many small commit
       | messages create nothing but noise. Trying to come up with wording
       | for these commit messages is mostly a drain on my mental energy:
       | there is an infinitesimal chance I'll need these commits later.
       | In such cases, I prefer to maintain large "checkpoint" work-in-
       | progress commits that are the result of near-continuous `git
       | commit --amend`s so that I can use `git status` to see what's
       | changed since my last checkpoint, and easily revert to the last
       | checkpoint. If this fails me, I can almost just as easily refer
       | to the reflog to find some changes. The reflog, in my opinion, is
       | an extremely under-utilized tool. `git diff HEAD@{2}..HEAD@{0}`
       | allows me to see what's happened in the the last two times that I
       | updated my checkpoint. Since this is active work I'm doing right
       | now, I have a good sense of what happened and when, all without
       | tiresomely writing commit messages that will be a bunch of
       | gibberish in two days. When I'm satisfied with with the work on a
       | checkpoint commit, I reset the branch to the previous real
       | commit, and then incrementally create real, meaningful commits
       | from the accumulated work, that have some chance to be useful to
       | me in the future.
       | - Working on patches and bug fixes for live systems or production
       | libraries: small, atomic commits that include tests for the patch
       | are the only way to go. I believe the "correct Git" approach that
       | is widely espouses is targeted to this use case, but not
       | explorative feature work. Or maybe that's just me.
       | Wondering if anyone else codes like this.
         | symlinkk wrote:
         | What's the point of using the reflog? Just make multiple
         | commits instead of amending a single one
         | froseph wrote:
         | I do lots of small commits as save checkpoints and new branches
         | for each point of exploration. Rebase/reset to create clean
         | commits. Each final commit is a complete thought.
       | mustak_im wrote:
       | This is a nice blog post and it may make you an effective Git
       | user as a solo developer and that's about it.
       | I'm sorry when I have to squeeze as much as possible into the
       | limited time I get for my side projects after a long day of work
       | as a professional developer - I have one rule: get stuff (that
       | matters) done.
       | tonymet wrote:
       | Git is designed to make it easy to restructure commits (rebasing,
       | resetting, selective adding ) . Don't be so obsessive with it .
       | Track your work and at the end of the day , restructure your work
       | so that you can manage it well (for posterity or collaboration )
       | bogwog wrote:
       | When I'm working solo, the only reason I use git is to sync my
       | code between my desktop and laptop, and to "back it up" to my
       | remote server for peace of mind.
       | I have never in all of my years working solo on projects needed
       | to revert my history to debug a problem (excluding CTRL+Z of
       | course!). If I am experimenting with something that I don't think
       | will work, then I use a branch.
       | The amount of work to maintain a clean history and disciplined
       | git practices is not worth it. For non-solo projects with even
       | just 1 extra developer, then totally. Otherwise, you're just
       | wasting your time...IMO.
       | But honestly, the nice thing about solo work is that you can do
       | whatever you want, and confidently ignore people who think they
       | know how you should work better than you do. If this helps you be
       | more productive or organized, then go for it. And worst case
       | scenario, you're less productive with your project, but you
       | become a git wizard.
         | cashewchoo wrote:
         | +1 to the sentiment. I will say I've occasionally used git-
         | revert, but it's usually when I'm half-expecting to revert it
         | but want to see how it behaves in prod.
         | warmwaffles wrote:
         | I try to keep my commits as compact as possible instead of just
         | saying "yolo here is 9000 lines of code". But, there are times
         | when I am just crushing through the initial bits of a project
         | where it just keeps getting in the way.
       | tpmx wrote:
       | Git is way too complicated for a solo developer. It's great for
       | Linus' Linux code management - that doesn't mean it's great for
       | every single developer situation.
       | As a solo developer/potentially newbie, I think it's better to
       | spend brain cycles on actually learning programming, than to
       | learn the idiosyncrasies of some crazily complex tool like git.
         | offtop5 wrote:
         | git init git add . git commit . -m uh git push
         | Doesn't look too hard to me. Particularly when I'm going to
         | rewrite my system, I'll go ahead and check out a new Branch so
         | I don't freak out when I break everything. Infact I tell a
         | developer to learn git first.
         | The only time git becomes an issue is when you have large
         | binary objects, like with a video game. Git LFS is pain.
           | tpmx wrote:
           | I figure it takes 3-4 weeks for a typical newbie developer to
           | learn git in depth. That's too much compared to the benefits.
           | Git is way too complex and the CLI is badly designed,
           | especially for a solo developer.
           | The crux with git is that you really do have to learn it in
           | depth, if you want to be self-sufficent in the end.
             | golemiprague wrote:
             | Learning to commit and push doesn't take that long, that's
             | enough to maintain history and backup, which is what most
             | sole developers need from git in the beginning. Then you
             | learn branch or diff for cases when you need it. Then when
             | you need to revert back to some older version you learn
             | that. Then when you need to automate deployments you learn
             | a bit about tagging or some branch structure for
             | development, bug fixing, deployment whatever. You don't
             | have to learn it all from the beginning, you learn as you
             | go, that's at least how it works for me. Then you might
             | learn bits and pieces for one time use and forget it later
             | because you don't need to use it again for a year. It is
             | just the normal pace of learning git, you don't have to
             | grok it all at once
             | SilverRed wrote:
             | >The crux with git is that you really do have to learn it
             | in depth
             | You don't though. I was using git for years at a 2
             | developer shop and I don't think I used anything but
             | commit, pull, push, add. It was very trivial, never even
             | made a branch.
             | Then when I moved to a bigger place I had to learn about
             | cherry-pick, revert, reset, bisect, checkout, etc but every
             | single one of those things I learned was immensely useful.
             | offtop5 wrote:
             | You can use GitHub when you're getting started.
             | I found get to be an extremely useful tool when I needed to
             | go back and look over some of the changes I made.
               | tpmx wrote:
               | No, that doesn't help much in understanding git to the
               | level that you're self-sufficent.
               | offtop5 wrote:
               | It's enough to back up your work and send the code to
               | potential employers
       | acemarke wrote:
       | Heh. On my teams, I _am_ "that one guy who knows more about Git"
       | :)
       | I recently wrote an extended post that aims to help devs
       | understand how Git works, available Git commands, and techniques
       | for using Git effectively:
       | https://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2021/01/coding-career-git-...
       | strzibny wrote:
       | This is a good idea how to do git in a team. For solo use, you
       | can actually give yourself a little bit more slack.
       | pizza234 wrote:
       | I have a quite strict solo-SCM workflow as well (including PRs!).
       | The reason is that the SCM is not just a tool - the history of
       | the codebase follows the thought process of the developer.
       | More structured history == more structured thinking. Cleaner
       | history == cleaner thinking.
       | Documentation (traceability etc.) is certainly a benefit, but in
       | this sense, it's part of the smaller picture.
         | mettamage wrote:
         | This comment reminds me of writing structured articles: writing
         | structures your thinking. I guess having things in a clear
         | workflow does the same thing.
       | freedomben wrote:
       | I do a lot of solo development and I _always_ use git. I 'm
       | definitely a lot less disciplined about small atomic commits than
       | I am when collaborating, but Git is still very valuable to me.
       | I use it for a few things:
       | 1. As a collection of notes describing what was in my mind when I
       | wrote that code 2. To allow me to work on different machines. For
       | example I have an app where some of the work I do is directly on
       | my staging server (long story). It's nice to be able to commit
       | and pull there and to my local workstation 3. So I can rollback
       | to known good states. Doesn't happen often but has saved me a few
       | times over the years!
       | sillycube wrote:
       | As a solo founder, I only use git add, commit, push, pull, clone.
       | That's all I need
       | PeterWhittaker wrote:
       | Whether a branch should do one thing or a collection of things,
       | for me, depends on how big/complex is the thing.
       | If I'm making a very small change, e.g., a fix, I'll work on
       | master directly (personal work only! Shared work always uses the
       | way we've agreed to work!).
       | A slightly more complex change or an exploration or experimental
       | change will get its own branch.
       | A very complex change will have a base branch and feature
       | branches off that base, possibly with issues, one per feature,
       | merged into the base branch, which will eventually be rebased on
       | then merged into master.
       | Ericson2314 wrote:
       | My very first programming project, porting
       | https://github.com/ericson2314/voxlap, was rebase-heavy git to
       | always be able to bisect my many mistakes. Other people tried to
       | contribute but it didn't go too well!
       | yters wrote:
       | One of the neatest aspects of git that I never see used is delta
       | debugging, where git automatically finds the code that introduced
       | a bug through binary searching the commit history. This requires
       | many small commits, which is tedious.
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