[HN Gopher] GhostWriter is a distraction free Markdown editor
       GhostWriter is a distraction free Markdown editor
       Author : ekianjo
       Score  : 137 points
       Date   : 2021-02-24 17:11 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (wereturtle.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (wereturtle.github.io)
       | markosaric wrote:
       | GhostWriter is amazing! I use it on Linux and write all my posts
       | with it!
       | Simple, minimal, lightweight, has a dark theme. There's a
       | distraction free mode which basically fades out everything except
       | for the sentence you are writing. And a Hemingway mode which
       | disables the delete key :)
       | I've gotten used to writing in Markdown since I started using
       | GhostWriter as it makes that easy. For instance when I type "["
       | it automatically adds "]" as well. Worth a try!
       | bww wrote:
       | This is great. Non-programming text editors (along with task
       | management, notes, email, and others) belong to the broad class
       | of software for which the options available on Linux are
       | typically extremely unappealing. Especially in contrast to what's
       | available on other platforms (notably: MacOS).
       | Generally, your options on Linux consist of:
       | - A couple apps that have been around and remain essentially
       | unchanged since the '90s,
       | - Some recent, well-meaning but poorly executed programs, and
       | - A nice-looking but infuriatingly clunky and out-of-place
       | Electron app which I'm loathe to use on principle.
       | I'm very glad to see a first-class Linux app in this category.
         | captn3m0 wrote:
         | I've been happy with Notable, which is seeing rapid
         | development. It went closed-source a while back, but still has
         | decent linux support.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | There are always services like Notion to consider too. Cloud-
         | based web-app, always available with zero need to install
         | anything anywhere. Beautiful, mobile and tablet friendly
         | writing. Move effortlessly between writing the same doc on your
         | couch, desk, on the go, etc. Share and collaborate effortlessly
         | with other people.
         | A self-hosted open source option here if you can do some basic
         | web-app setup and maintenance is HedgeDoc.
           | mr-karan wrote:
           | Notion is anything but "always available". There's no offline
           | first mode available as of yet and within last 2 months alone
           | there have 2-3 incidents of downtime.
         | bachmeier wrote:
         | > Non-programming text editors
         | That's quite a qualifier you have there - there's no meaningful
         | distinction between a text editor and a non-programming text
         | editor. You have older options like Emacs and Vim, newer
         | options like VS Code and Atom, and a broad array in between
         | like Geany, Textadept, Kate, Pluma, and on and on.
         | In the non-programming text editor category you nonetheless
         | have things like Joplin, Obsidian, Notable, and Boostnote. And
         | of course web editors like Evernote, Notion, and Roam, plus
         | TiddlyWiki, Dokuwiki, PmWiki, and so on in the wiki category.
       | joelthelion wrote:
       | Ghostwriter is awesome. I use it frequently and absolutely love
       | it.
       | auraham wrote:
       | I just downloaded it a few minutes ago. Its GUI is clean and
       | sharp. I am a big fan of Typora. It is my favorite app for taking
       | notes and todo lists. I think GhostWriter is another good option.
       | There are a few features I miss from Typora:
       | - Creation of tables (CTRL + T) - Export to PDF - A bit of
       | vertical space between a title (# title) and the next line of
       | text. - Support for Latex equations
       | A few things I like about GhostWriter
       | - Support for multiple flavors of Markdown - Export to HTML -
       | Many themes
         | aidos wrote:
         | We've started using Typora at work and my big complaint is that
         | I can't pay them any money! I've sent them an email about it
         | (months ago); so far, ignored.
         | It's a bit crazy to me. As a business I want to know that the
         | tools I'm building on are going to survive. Take. My. Money.
       | purpmint008 wrote:
       | What do you mean it isn't available for macOS?!
       | I am an Apple user -- highest of all classes -- the whole world
       | is supposed to develop software just for me.
       | Oh well, I'll just have to SSH into my *nix box to test/use this.
       | Raphael wrote:
       | The cursor is blinking.
       | galaxyLogic wrote:
       | I recently discovered I can write great looking browser-ready
       | documentation easily by simply embedding the whole page in a
       | single PRE-tag and embedding a very simple style-sheet:
       | <style> pre { font-family: Verdana; } </style>
       | The reason it took me this long to not use HTML for writing
       | simple texts I think is that the DEFAULT font for PRE in browsers
       | looks terrible.
       | Whatever else I need are simple tags like <b> <h2>, <h3>, <hr>
       | and simple hyperlinks. I can omit <html> and <head> and <body>
       | tags totally it seems. No problem not having them. Just nice
       | simple MINIMAL MARKUP content-pages.
       | But I can easily use the full power of HTML when needed. No need
       | to rely on non-standard markdown dialects.
       | Is there a specific advantage of Markdown I am missing?
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Throw a CSS style tag in there pointing to a simple, semantic
         | HTML & CSS library and you'd be amazed how slick and polished
         | your page appears--try dropping in MVP.css for example:
         | https://andybrewer.github.io/mvp/
         | asutekku wrote:
         | The advantage is not having to write full html tags for example
         | for lists (<ul><li>hi<li><ul>), when you can just use a single
         | - to do the same thing and the text will also look readable on
         | both pure text and as formatted.
       | hughes wrote:
       | If you're wondering, this is unrelated to the Ghost blogging
       | platform, which uses a different markdown editor.
       | cercatrova wrote:
       | Anything different from using VSCode?
       | fingerlocks wrote:
       | Would love to try it. Am I overlooking the MacOS binary, do I
       | have to build it from source?
         | makeworld wrote:
         | The README gives instructions. It says it's experimental
         | though.
         | https://github.com/wereturtle/ghostwriter#macos
           | fingerlocks wrote:
           | Yeah I read that. Did you? It just says you can download an
           | Application bundle, but provides no link.
           | The only other reference to MacOS anywhere is how to build
           | from source.
             | Florin_Andrei wrote:
             | Ah, dang it. I need something that's cross platform. This
             | app is nice, but seems too Linux-centric.
             | I use Joplin currently, it's kinda ugly, but works on all
             | platforms including Android, and syncing it via Dropbox is
             | trivial.
           | sails wrote:
           | What is an installation bundle? (tried some of the unix
           | looking downloads but none seemed appropriate)
             | stonesweep wrote:
             | A bundle is basically what you see as an application in
             | macOS launcher; under the hood, each app is actually a
             | subdirectory with a bunch of things in it, which presents
             | as a single-clickable in the GUI. I would interpret this to
             | mean "manually sudo copy the (app directory) to
             | /Applications, there is no installer" (download, untar and
             | copy)
             | For the releases, I don't actually see a published tarball
             | for the bundle (on github) so I'm going to further think
             | that they mean "...first you have to follow the compile
             | instructions to create the output bundle (binaries)" - get
             | Xcode installed, etc. and follow the second macOS readme.
             | Better answer on bundles:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundle_(macOS)
               | sails wrote:
               | Thanks that made sense.
       | kartoshechka wrote:
       | goyo and limelight can provide (less dramatic) distraction-free
       | experience on vim, and even without searching I'm sure there's
       | something for previewing Markdown from vim.
         | ibraheemdev wrote:
         | Vim displays plaintext, so you cannot use it to preview
         | markdown as HTML. However, you can use a plugin such as
         | "markdown-preview" [0] to preview markdown in your browser.
         | 0: https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim
       | podiki wrote:
       | Looks nice! And I don't want to always be that Emacs guy, but for
       | anyone interested, you can (of course) have a similar setup,
       | here's some packages:
       | https://github.com/rougier/nano-emacs (haven't tried, but clean
       | look and defaults)
       | https://github.com/rnkn/olivetti (writing environment)
       | https://github.com/rnkn/fountain-mode (screenplay writing)
       | https://github.com/alphapapa/org-sidebar (sidebar)
       | https://github.com/jrblevin/markdown-mode (markdown, with preview
       | too)
       | https://orgmode.org/ (of course, org-mode for everything)
         | beshrkayali wrote:
         | Olivetti is fantastic, I mostly edit and write text in that
         | mode, even longish emails.
         | CarelessExpert wrote:
         | And I don't wanna be that Vim guy, but similarly a mix of these
         | plugins works well for me:
         | https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim (distraction free mode)
         | https://github.com/reedes/vim-pencil (better behaviour for
         | writing prose)
         | https://github.com/junegunn/limelight.vim (visual highlighting
         | of current paragraph)
         | https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown (better markdown
         | syntax)
         | https://vim-voom.github.io/ (outliner sidebar)
         | Edit:
         | BTW, for my truly favourite aesthetic experience, I like to
         | pair this setup with a nice dark theme, a high quality font,
         | and cool-retro-term (https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-
         | term/) emulating an old school CRT. Is this practical or
         | ergonomic? Nope! But I love it!
           | jyrkesh wrote:
           | It might be blasphemous, but I'd actually love a pretty,
           | distraction-free Markdown editor like this that supports Vim
           | keybindings, but isn't Vim.
           | Am I just being lazy in learning the Vim plugin system? Are
           | there pretty Vim frontends now that render all nicely like
           | Ghostwriter et al?
             | CarelessExpert wrote:
             | Well, without knowing what your definition of a "pretty"
             | frontend is, it's a bit tough to reply.
             | Go check out the screenshots for Goyo and Limelight and ask
             | yourself if it's pretty enough for you. Personally, I think
             | Vim can look as good as any modern editor with a couple
             | plugins and a decent theme and font, but we might not have
             | the same standards. :)
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | Most dedicated markdown editors all end up using the same
             | JS code editor components like Ace, CodeMirror or Monaco,
             | and those editors have great vim keybindings usually as
             | extensions or options. See if the tool you're using lets
             | you flip those vim bindings on. For some editors they
             | expose it as an option and for others you have to hack
             | around with the source (for example enabling it with
             | stackedit, a PWA markdown editor like ghostwriter, is
             | possible with some hacking:
             | https://github.com/benweet/stackedit/issues/254 ).
           | podiki wrote:
           | Haha fair enough! Retro term definitely looks cool.
           | (Of course could then use Evil in Emacs for Vim keys, or just
           | run vim in a terminal inside Emacs...)
             | CarelessExpert wrote:
             | Honestly, I've periodically considered heading back to
             | Emacs-land to see how things have changed.
             | I used to be an Emacs user back in the early 2000s but
             | Emacs pinky hit me something fierce (it's my own fault; I
             | have poor typing style so I never use the right control,
             | and I could never adapt to the control-capslock swap) so I
             | jumped into Vim and never looked back.
             | But I gotta admit, Orgmode, among other things, has me
             | feeling a bit Emacs-curious these days... ;)
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | Give Doom emacs or Spacemacs a shot too--it's the power
               | of emacs with an opionated vim style keybinding. They're
               | really slick in my experience.
         | elwell wrote:
         | I've enjoyed using this simple Emacs package:
         | https://github.com/shime/emacs-livedown
       | [deleted]
       | thangalin wrote:
       | My free and open-source KeenWrite text editor is comparable to
       | GhostWriter:
       | https://github.com/DaveJarvis/keenwrite#features
       | What sets KeenWrite apart is the ability to use (externally-
       | defined) variables within the prose, shown in this older demo
       | video:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_dFd6UhdV8
       | Also, variables work in diagrams, R expressions, and TeX
       | equations. For example, take a look at the following screenshot:
       | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DaveJarvis/keenwrite/maste...
       | The palette is defined in one spot, allowing colours to be used
       | by both diagrams and typesetting the final PDF. Further,
       | character names can be assigned and referenced within both the
       | prose and diagrams. Also, the variables are interpolated, which
       | allows variables to be defined in terms of other variables.
       | Are there any other text editors that have interpolated variable
       | references? (I looked, but didn't find any, so started developing
       | my own text editor.)
         | swirepe wrote:
         | This is beautiful. Well done.
         | >Are there any other text editors that have interpolated
         | variable references?
         | The closest I can think of are Frescobaldi's snippets[1], vim's
         | `!read`, or spreadsheets. Maybe light table [2]? I haven't seen
         | anything exactly like what you've made
         | [1] https://www.frescobaldi.org/uguide#help_snippet_edit_help
         | [2] http://lighttable.com/
         | breuleux wrote:
         | > Are there any other text editors that have interpolated
         | variable references?
         | I made my own markup language a while back that sort of has
         | that feature
         | (http://breuleux.github.io/quaint/syntax.html#variables). The
         | variables can be defined inline or imported from a JSON file or
         | whatever. It does reparse the whole thing on every change, so
         | I'm not sure it scales very well. The language should be
         | amenable to incremental parsing, though, I just haven't had
         | time to tackle that issue. It's far more extensible and far
         | better than Markdown IMO, but I suppose I'm biased.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Most people get this kind of logic from their CMS or publishing
         | platform. Jekyll, hugo, wordpress, 11ty, etc. all have various
         | external state stores (yaml files, JSON, CSV, calling a graphql
         | API, etc.) that you can query and interpolate or insert data
         | into your document using a bevy of different template
         | languages. Check out Gatsby or even Next.js for something
         | that's really pushing the boundaries of static + data-driven
         | content.
         | e12e wrote:
         | > Are there any other text editors that have interpolated
         | variable references?
         | Maybe Leo? I'm not sure if it qualifies as a (plain) text
         | editor, but then maybe neither does keenwrite.
         | http://leoeditor.com/
         | Or you could pair markdown with m4 - but I wouldn't really
         | recommend it.
       | underseacables wrote:
       | Another great editor is iA Writer which has a wonderful Focus
       | Mode and a color scheme that is rather pleasing and easy on the
       | eyes.
         | satysin wrote:
         | Yes iA Writer is great. I love the new Style Check feature. I
         | don't write much but when I do features like focus mode and
         | style check really help me output a decent to read document.
         | Something I like is that everything is in plain text and it
         | just uses iCloud for sync rather than trying to do its own
         | thing. Or you can just use Dropbox or whatever else you want as
         | it is just text files in a folder which I always prefer over a
         | database and proprietary syncing solution.
         | nafizh wrote:
         | Not available for linux sadly.
         | pierreyoda wrote:
         | The iOS version is also great!
       | r053bud wrote:
       | Just curious what differentiates this from the dozen others out
       | there?
       | Edit: Open source for one, I would say.
         | encryptluks2 wrote:
         | GhostWriter is more basic than others, which some may consider
         | a good thing. I tried it on Arch for a bit since there is a
         | package in the official repos.
         | I however prefer just using Atom with Markdown Preview Plus. It
         | has a ton of features built in with sane extensions, or you can
         | integrate it with Pandoc:
         | https://github.com/atom-community/markdown-preview-plus/blob...
         | I'm sure VS Code has something similar, but only from non-
         | trusted third parties.
       | schnable wrote:
       | Anything similar out there for Asciidoc? Currently using the VS
       | Code plugin.
         | recklessdemon wrote:
         | I believe you can use Pandoc with Ghostwriter. Pandoc has
         | support for Asciidoc.
         | dschuessler wrote:
         | Visual Studio Code has a Zen mode (Cmd+K Z) that should at
         | least give you the distraction freedom of GhostWriter,
         | regardless of the markup you use.
       | smusamashah wrote:
       | This looks great. We have too many markdown editors now BTW and
       | none of them provide WYSIWYG like Typora. We really need an open
       | source Typora clone.
         | svat wrote:
         | "Mark Text" (https://marktext.app/) seems to be one.
         | (HN thread from Nov 2019:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21462832 -- I asked for
         | other editors like this and got no other answers AFAICT. So
         | this Mark Text is still the only open-source "WYSIWYG" Markdown
         | editor I'm aware of.)
         | msoloviev wrote:
         | I'm actually working on one
         | (https://github.com/blackhole89/notekit). It's native
         | (Gtk+/C++) rather than Electron, too.
           | throwaway888abc wrote:
           | Looks very nice, will give it shot over weekend. Curious for
           | new GTK app and the tree/folder structure is helpful to me.
           | Thanks!
           | uneekname wrote:
           | This looks like the tool I've been looking for, and the
           | screenshots in your README are beautiful. Thanks for the work
           | you've done on this, I'm excited to try it out.
         | digitalsanctum wrote:
         | +1 for Typora. It's my go to for Markdown editing especially
         | when I'm authoring tables. I don't mind it being closed source
         | and it's free.
         | baby wrote:
         | What's the point of a WYSIWYG markdown editor? FWIW quip is
         | one. The only thing I can think of is that if you need to post
         | something you wrote on a platform that accepts markdown it
         | makes it easy. But in general I write markdown when I don't
         | have google doc or quip
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | It's a mindset change--make writing flow as freely and easily
           | as typing up a reply in gmail. Think about how many
           | paragraphs you can bang out quickly getting a point across in
           | gmail's editor. It doesn't feel like you're authoring content
           | in a CMS, but if you squint that's really what gmail kind of
           | is--just a CMS for writing content directed to a small (or
           | large) set of people through direct e-mail as opposed to
           | published on a web page.
           | You're not in a fancy CMS editor with all these whiz-bang
           | blocks and components--those are just noise that give you
           | more anxiety (should I be making this paragraph a hero/lead
           | element? wait no, what about a side-by-side with a graphic?
           | oh, but what graphic? ... hrm, time to go waste 30 minutes
           | looking at unsplash... oh wait, what was I writing again? oh
           | nevermind, I guess I'll come back to finish this tomorrow
           | when my head is clear).
           | You're not writing content in something that feels like a
           | programming language filled with special characters, an IDE
           | yelling at you for every little misplaced indent or space,
           | etc.
           | You're just writing text with some light formatting to
           | emphasize structure and key elements. Maybe some lists or
           | bullet points thrown in. A graphic figure or two. It's just
           | like composing an e-mail, something you've done thousands and
           | thousands of times already in your life. There's no pomp and
           | circumstance, no steep learning curve... just writing.
       | c-smile wrote:
       | Why it is so big? Download shows 79 Mb of compressed installer.
       | What's inside?
       | My html-notepad (https://html-notepad.com/) (Sciter based) that
       | allows to edit documents in as WYSIWYG as Markdown forms is just
       | 2 Mb ( also compressed installer ) - 40 times smaller.
         | rhn_mk1 wrote:
         | It seems to come with its own fonts:
         | https://github.com/wereturtle/ghostwriter/tree/master/resour...
           | sodality2 wrote:
           | Less than 200KB each, doubt that's the bulk of it
             | c-smile wrote:
             | I suspect that they package whole WebKit for HTML preview
             | and so it positions Qt not too far from ElectronJS.
       | baby wrote:
       | Now do the same for asciidoc as this is what book writers use,
       | and make it easy to export to epub, and you have a product that
       | will be used by the next generation of self publishers
       | Florin_Andrei wrote:
       | Any Joplin users here? How does this compare to Joplin? (besides
       | being less supported on different platforms)
       | stanislavb wrote:
       | And here it is a summary of the alternatives (there are plenty):
       | - Open Source https://www.libhunt.com/r/ghostwriter
       | - Commercial https://www.saashub.com/ghostwriter-alternatives
       | tyingq wrote:
       | Looks like the Windows support is provided by a third party that
       | isn't able to produce windows installers past the 1.8.0 version.
       | I had to search around a bit to find that one, so a direct link
       | for anyone that wants the 1.8.0 Windows x64 installer package:
       | https://github.com/michelolvera/vs-ghostwriter/releases/down...
       | He does provide a 7-zip portable binary for 1.8.1+.
       | I did download and try it briefly. It has a wordpad-like feel,
       | pulldowns for bold, italic, indent, lists and so on. Seemed
       | pretty nice to use.
       | ducktective wrote:
       | For anyone wondering, no, _not_ Electron this time! It uses QT5
       | actually so +1 there.
       | (Sad to see the state of desktop GUI has come to this...)
         | ghostbrainalpha wrote:
         | Is Electron falling out of favor?
         | It's been next on my "to learn" list for way way too long.
           | ngokevin wrote:
           | It's a great dev experience, and lets you build desktop
           | applications to users fast. Some purists on HN may jab at it
           | because they know the internals that it ships a whole browser
           | engine, and resource and performance-wise is not optimal.
           | It'll be the similar crowd of people who shun JS frameworks
           | for vanilla JS.
           | bayindirh wrote:
           | No, Electron is not falling out of favor, but there's a
           | strong opposition for it from some parties, which I'm a
           | member of.
           | Make no mistake, Electron is awesome stuff, but it consumes
           | too much memory and processing power for what it can do.
           | Atom, the poster child of Electron uses as much RAM as
           | Eclipse and can't do 10% of a stock Eclipse installation.
           | When I left it, Atom was unable to open large files, do lazy
           | loading or similar simple stuff.
           | Other Electron based software also wastes too much resources
           | for the functionality it offers. This is where it gets the
           | most flak.
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | I'd put up Slack or Discord as the modern exemplars of
             | Electron apps. As much as I loved Atom it has clearly been
             | de-prioritized and on the verge of being shelved by GitHub
             | & Microsoft. Yeah Slack and Discord take a few hundred MB
             | of memory, but for thousands and thousands of people they
             | sit there hanging out in their desktops all day every day
             | with very little fuss. You don't need to install a JVM to
             | use them, you don't need to worry about keeping it
             | updated... it just works. Whether you're on linux, mac or
             | windows... again, it just works. I can walk my parents
             | through installing and using Slack over the phone--I cannot
             | do that for nearly any other desktop app.
               | ducktective wrote:
               | So you are willing to trade ~1GiB of your RAM and ~5% of
               | CPU cycles just to be able to send/receive some text
               | messages? I use those services only in their webapp form
               | and even then, my laptop grinds to a very noticeable halt
               | as soon as they are loading in the tab.
               | Electron is a nice cross-platform solution until it
               | isn't. Imagine using VSCode, Discord, Slack, Matrix,
               | Spotify, some markdown editor and now you have 6 browser
               | instances chipping away your machine resources...not even
               | counting the actual browser.
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | We're living in a world where my 2 year old phone has 8GB
               | of DDR4 RAM. Even a $150 Chromebook has 4GB. RAM
               | consumption just isn't a realistic concern anymore for
               | office and communication work, much like hard drive space
               | is basically infinite for most people.
               | Mavvie wrote:
               | > So you are willing to trade ~1GiB of your RAM and ~5%
               | of CPU cycles just to be able to send/receive some text
               | messages?
               | Yes. Also, I'm curious, do you find the webapp forms use
               | measurably less resources than the electron version? I
               | would've imagined they're pretty close (with Electron
               | possibly even being lighter than a full browser tab), but
               | I am not confident and could be completely wrong.
               | > Imagine using VSCode, Discord, Slack, Matrix, Spotify,
               | some markdown editor and now you have 6 browser instances
               | chipping away your machine resources
               | I, and surely tons of others on this forum, am doing this
               | right now without issue.
               | Sure it's not perfect, especially if you're on battery,
               | but most of the time it just doesn't matter to almost all
               | of their user base.
               | ducktective wrote:
               | The reasoning is, since those are "web"-apps at the core,
               | I saw no reason to complicate my OS package manager with
               | a chrome-instance (bar VSCode). The whole install-use-
               | update could be replaced by opening a tab. I've used
               | Postman as a desktop app and the performance was subpar.
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | > I, and surely tons of others on this forum, am doing
               | this right now without issue.
               | I personally run Teams, Spotify, Evernote and Discord,
               | but I close them as soon as finish working with them. So
               | _without issue_ is a bit of a stretch. Also These
               | applications glitch in a funny, agonizing and obscure
               | ways. They are non-deterministic blobs and this is not
               | good.
               | > Sure it's not perfect, especially if you're on battery,
               | but most of the time it just doesn't matter to almost all
               | of their user base.
               | Actually, when computing is moving on portables in an
               | ever increasing speed, this sounds bad. "It's a nice
               | application, but it just kills your mobility. It's not
               | important anyway, eh?"
               | I don't think the approach of "we have a lot of
               | processing power and its processor is efficient anyway,
               | so let's abuse this" is a good way to approach software
               | development.
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | There is enormous pressure on web engines to improve
               | efficiency and decrease battery/power spend. With
               | browsers and JS sandbox VMs they are much better equipped
               | to actively manage and spin down idle tasks. Folks get
               | 20+ hours of battery now on M1 macs running tons of
               | Electron apps like Slack, Discord, VSCode, etc. all at
               | once.
               | The reality is it's far, far easier to write a bad Qt app
               | that sits in busy wait loops locking up an entire core
               | while refreshing UI and destroys your battery (this is a
               | knock on complex native app development, not Qt).
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | > There is enormous pressure on web engines to improve
               | efficiency and decrease battery/power spend.
               | Yes. However, these efficiencies are not always translate
               | to better Electron or WebApps on desktop applications.
               | > With browsers and JS sandbox VMs they are much better
               | equipped to actively manage and spin down idle tasks.
               | If your code doesn't allow these idle tasks to spin down,
               | all this work is effectively moot.
               | > Folks get 20+ hours of battery now on M1 macs running
               | tons of Electron apps like Slack, Discord, VSCode, etc.
               | all at once.
               | This is possible because of the process suspension
               | capabilities of macOS. Not efficiencies of the
               | applications themselves completely. Evernote is the 6th
               | most power hungry application on my M1 MacBook Air, First
               | two is Zoom and Skype. Third one is Safari. I run Teams
               | and Discord only on my desktop, so I've no 12hr power
               | statistics for them for now.
               | > The reality is it's far, far easier to write a bad Qt
               | app that sits in busy wait loops locking up an entire
               | core while refreshing UI and destroys your battery (this
               | is a knock on complex native app development, not Qt).
               | Qt's QML simplifies this stuff tremendously. You can
               | write a whole UI in Qt in five lines with QML, without
               | thinking about any of this stuff, while keeping
               | everything native and nice.
               | philote wrote:
               | What is there to gain using the Electron versions of
               | Slack/Discord vs the web versions?
               | omniscient_oce wrote:
               | They have access to the file system and OS apis
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | They sit in the background and pop up alerts in your
               | native OS notification center. They can start up
               | automatically when you login. You can't accidentally
               | close them when shutting down a browser. That's about it,
               | honestly (Discord is a little more special since it needs
               | native access to see and capture games being played).
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | There are some well optimized Electron apps, I agree
               | however, they can be implemented in a much better and
               | more native way, without being harder to install and/or
               | update. Qt is a possible alternative. Similarly WxWidgets
               | can do it.
               | As a big fan of compiled, so-called proper programming
               | languages (and high performance code developer to some
               | extent), I can tell that JVM is being bashed
               | unnecessarily. JVM _was_ heavy, I agree. Since the age of
               | Intel Core _i series_ , JVM is no longer heavy.
               | I use one of the heaviest JVM applications regularly:
               | Eclipse. It can run in circles around any of the Electron
               | apps with similar memory usage, and I get much more bang
               | per MB in Eclipse. In ~1GB I can keep 3 IDEs open with
               | plethora of files, daemons, tools and integrations. We
               | have in-place updaters for a lot of platforms. Mac has
               | sparkle. Linux's AppImage can update itself seamlessly.
               | There's no guarantee that an Electron application targets
               | everything out of the pipeline. We still don't have an
               | official Evernote client for Linux. Spotify for Linux is
               | a _volunteer project_ inside the company (which had a
               | very painful and bloody teething too). Slack just hogs
               | your computer. I didn 't look to resource usage of
               | Discord, but it's not light I presume.
               | On the update department again, I've found out that
               | Office for Mac has updated itself _again_ and I didn 't
               | notice. Same for Firefox.
               | So Electron is a nice solution, for some stuff, but it
               | leans too much on "Hardware is cheap, network is
               | reliable" paradigm, which is flat out wrong.
               | It's very cheap to build on Electron, but user pays the
               | price. There's always the price. It all depends who's
               | going to pay it at the end of the day.
             | purpmint008 wrote:
             | I just use Chrome's "Create Shortcut" feature to make my
             | web-apps instead of downloading a bloated Electron app for
             | the same thing.
           | geoelectric wrote:
           | It's been controversial from the start. It's essentially
           | using a browser engine in the same way as Java uses the JVM
           | runtime, so all the performance arguments against that apply
           | to Electron too--probably even more so given that the JVM is
           | specifically optimized to be used that way whereas Blink/V8
           | is not.
           | Personally, I think the idea of a cross-platform application
           | runtime with GUI capabilities is a good one, browser-based or
           | otherwise. The only real problem is every app needing its
           | own, rather than using some sort of shared (but partitioned)
           | app subsystem based around a central browser engine. I think
           | the Chrome apps were supposed to be essentially that, but
           | didn't work out. That said, Chrome basically treats every tab
           | as a separate browser instance, so Electron really isn't as
           | bad as all that compared to a browser-based app.
           | The problem is everyone compares it to native, not
           | acknowledging the dev's choice was probably Electron vs. no
           | support off the dev's main OS (usually Windows), rather than
           | Electron vs. native support for Mac or Linux. I still
           | remember when you had to have Windows to run most of the
           | interesting productivity and development apps, so I'm pretty
           | OK with extra overhead in exchange for the expanded support.
       | arkwin wrote:
       | I love this, I usually write my notes in Atom for school (I know
       | overkill) but I sometimes takes screen shots of slides for my
       | notes and never had a good way to view everything together.. this
       | works!
       | protomyth wrote:
       | What I would really like is an editor where I can fix the cursor
       | line on the screen and have the document move around that line. I
       | hate looking at the bottom of the window all the time when
       | writing long documents.
         | txutxu wrote:
         | Me too.
         | What I do in my ~/.vimrc is:                   " Number of
         | lines (context) around the cursor         " You may like 3, or
         | 5, or 10         " A high number keeps the cursor in the middle
         | of the editor         set scrolloff=999
         | Then... it's always in the middle of the screen/window, even
         | when working at really big resolutions.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | This is why I like rich text editors like google docs instead
         | of IDEs jammed with markdown extensions. Rich editors come from
         | a lineage of word-processing tools that are first and foremost
         | for writing paragraphs of text and content. They go out of
         | their way to make the experience of reading and writing
         | pleasant, not mechanical.
         | ducktective wrote:
         | In vim, set `scrolloff` to a large value.
         | https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Keep_your_cursor_centered_vertic...
           | protomyth wrote:
           | close, but I want it to stay about a quarter of way down the
           | screen.
             | txutxu wrote:
             | This can be done playing with a number of lines... like 10
             | or 15. And it will stay at such distance (in lines) from
             | the top or bottom...
             | Don't know a way to set it to a percent, but could be nice
             | too, indeed.
               | ducktective wrote:
               | I think the percentage is do-able with some autocmd
               | shenanigans...even the link I posted has a snippet for
               | it.
               | Changing that `/2` to a `*3/4` might work.
               | https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Keep_your_cursor_centered_ver
               | tic...
         | y2bd wrote:
         | iA Writer has a "typewriter" mode that behaves like that.
       | alphachloride wrote:
       | I personally think the point of markdown is that any text editor
       | becomes distraction-free. Everything to do with structuring
       | content is inline with the text. How that structure is displayed
       | is deferred to the rendering context.
       | I like the feature set, by the way.
         | c-smile wrote:
         | Well, Markdown is a form of WYSIWYG strictly speaking. Poor man
         | WYSIWYG if you wish.
         | This                   * list item 1         * list item 2
         | mimics final representation of bullet list and so do pretty
         | much all other syntax constructs of Markdown.
         | The only benefit it gives for the user (if to compare with
         | typical WYSIWYG) is a simplification of caret positioning.
         | Consider these MD construct:
         | _italics_**bold**
         | In MD you can easily put something in between these two words
         | or modify words themselves. But in case of "tru-WYSIWYG" you
         | will have this situation:
         | <i>italics</i><b>bold</b>
         | with just one caret position between italics and bold. In fact
         | there are three possible caret positions (on edges of words and
         | between) but no WYSIWYG editor allows you to do that.
       | napworth wrote:
       | Does it handle Fountain syntax too?
       (page generated 2021-02-24 23:00 UTC)