[HN Gopher] Local-First Software:You Own Your Data, in Spite of ...
       Local-First Software:You Own Your Data, in Spite of the Cloud
       (2019) [pdf]
       Author : JeanMarcS
       Score  : 95 points
       Date   : 2021-02-25 19:15 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (martin.kleppmann.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (martin.kleppmann.com)
       | jasode wrote:
       | The headline is about the _aspiration_ but not the
       | _implementation_.
       | Within the contents of the paper, it talks about CRDTs to
       | _technically implement_ it.
       | I'm not familiar with the technical tradeoffs but I bookmarked
       | some past HN threads mentioning CRDT did not fare as well as OT
       | (Operational Transform):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19886883
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19847622
         | josephg wrote:
         | Modern CRDTs like Automerge and Yjs should be able to perform
         | basically just as well as an OT based systems (like my own
         | ShareDB) now. I ran some benchmarks using Kleppmann's approach
         | a few months ago[1] and I think a well implemented crdt should
         | easily be able to do millions of edits/second. The thing that's
         | holding us back at the moment is the lack of good high
         | performance native implementations of these systems. But that's
         | being worked on.
         | This has only really started being true in the last year or so.
         | [1] https://josephg.com/blog/crdts-are-the-future/
           | WhatIsDukkha wrote:
           | I assume you are following
           | https://github.com/automerge/automerge-rs
           | I'm hoping this matures a bit more in the next months, seems
           | really promising.
           | tmotwu wrote:
           | If javascript/non-native CRDT implementations are responsive
           | enough compared to existing algorithms for collaborative
           | editing like OT, what incentives or cases exist to demand
           | high performance native implementations?
           | To be clear, I think this is exciting stuff and your article
           | is great. I'm just curious if there are any open research
           | problems in this area that would make them more appealing in
           | production.
       | maxrev17 wrote:
       | Even a lot of devs have turned to aws/azure/gcp.... Local first
       | is too much responsibility for some.
       | camnora wrote:
       | Local-first software feels underrated especially in the UX realm.
       | Peer-to-peer applications such as Manyverse load instantly due to
       | not being blocked by network requests. My hope is that more apps
       | are developed with a local-first mindset. CRDTs likely introduce
       | additional complexity around data storage, so this would
       | certainly be a drawback when considering local-first.
       | dvt wrote:
       | These kinds of ideas always get traction here on HN or similar
       | places (slashdot), but I think that ship has long sailed. People,
       | by and large, seem to be totally okay with storing data in the
       | cloud -- from Dropbox, to Google Docs, to InVision. All things
       | considered, data breaches are rare, and if they _do_ happen, they
       | 're usually to be blamed on configuration blunders, not the
       | services at large.
       | Other than a few highly-specialized niches (InfoSec, government,
       | military), the de-facto reality is that online-first
       | collaboration pros seem to outweigh the cons.
         | RedShift1 wrote:
         | People use the cloud because they are being forced through the
         | software user interfaces. Working with local files takes
         | increasingly more steps compared to cloud based solutions. So I
         | wouldn't exactly say that people are ok with it, it feels more
         | like they choice is being made for them.
           | jay_kyburz wrote:
           | If web pages could be more easily given access to a directory
           | on your filesystem, Google Docs could more easily show you
           | you files in your Documents folder.
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | 'Access to shared data' for proprietary, untrusted "apps"
             | is an anti-pattern that even iOS and Android are now
             | getting away from. If a JavaScript app needs to access some
             | sort of complex directory structure, that can happen within
             | current API's by locally "uploading" and "downloading" a
             | standard archive format, e.g. a .ZIP file.
             | southerntofu wrote:
             | Running code from untrusted sources (Javascript/WASM in the
             | browser) is an anti-pattern. It causes all sorts of
             | problems and vulnerabilities.
         | franklampard wrote:
         | > pros seem to outweigh the cons.
         | Exactly
         | pdimitar wrote:
         | You seem to underestimate the pressure from the market.
         | At one point the younger generation does not even _remember_
         | there was a local-first software.
         | Sadly the relentless efforts of the corporations are paying
         | off.
         | That doesn't mean people are okay with it. It means their
         | choice is made for them.
           | mvzvm wrote:
           | I disagree. I think HN is rabid about privacy and "owning
           | your data", but by and large, most people just don't care.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | There's a whole thing with growing or making your own food
             | as much as you can. We keep outsourcing food production. In
             | affluent areas that's a boon, in others it's an active
             | problem.
             | Probably we will see the same play out here.
             | codemac wrote:
             | Most that I talk to do - but it's similar to how they care
             | about the national debt.
             | There's nothing they can do, they have no realistic
             | expertise or control, and they vote with what - dollars
             | once every phone purchase?
               | mvzvm wrote:
               | I think this is a good analogy, because the national debt
               | is not a good measure of anything. People bring it up at
               | all the wrong times, and takes grandstanding postures
               | around it. Just like this, eh?
               | deathanatos wrote:
               | > _and they vote with what - dollars_
               | More and more, I am seeing many companies that realize
               | they can do both: take the user's money _and_ feed them
               | ads. After all, that 's more profitable than _just_
               | taking their money.
               | As examples, T-mo, Verizon, my local gas station, various
               | airlines all both take my money and give me ads. Some are
               | even known to sell my data.
               | So, _can_ I actually vote with my wallet?
             | ibeckermayer wrote:
             | Consider who taught them not to care.
         | eternalban wrote:
         | People have no clue as to how computers and networks work. In
         | fact, you may have even interviewed people for software jobs
         | who don't have a solid grasp on these matters.
         | This is good news, as far as system architecture is concerned,
         | as the opinion that matters is principally concerned with
         | utility, convenience, usability, etc.
         | Secondly, the ship may have sailed, but interestingly these
         | ships apparently are generational. There used to be a ship
         | called AOL. /g
         | (There is a reason every ideological effort for authoritarian
         | control heads straight for the school house and youth camps.
         | The reason is the said 'ship' that sails, on schedule, every
         | ~20 years.)
           | eternalban wrote:
           | To be constructive here, if you care about these matters and
           | have technical know-how, invest in the future and mentor the
           | younger generation on how to build decentralized systems.
           | Give them knowledge, blue prints, and tools. They'll crack
           | the generational social code on their end.
             | southerntofu wrote:
             | YES! Though why teach only the young? ;)
         | gobengo wrote:
         | > People, by and large, seem to be totally okay with storing
         | data in the cloud
         | It's simply not true, or if it is, it's only because of what
         | you're choosing to looking at to build your view of how it
         | 'seems'.
         | https://mydata.org/
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regula...
         | https://ethereum.org/en/ https://solid.mit.edu/
         | Meeting every week: https://identity.foundation/working-
         | groups/secure-data-stora...
         | > All things considered, data breaches are rare, and if they do
         | happen, they're usually to be blamed on configuration blunders,
         | not the services at large.
         | Did you work at Google? Do you know about PRISM?
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(surveillance_program)#C...
         | Can't tell if you're intentionally or accidentally misleading.
           | dvt wrote:
           | > Can't tell if you're intentionally or accidentally
           | misleading.
           | All I'm doing is looking at the market cap of companies like
           | Facebook and Dropbox. I mean, hell, Facebook literally _sold
           | personal data_ and sure, you occasionally see  "boycott FB"
           | movements, but they're all bark and no bite.
             | adkadskhj wrote:
             | This is sort of like saying people are okay with cancer
             | because they buy certain plastics in mass. The reality is
             | people are ignorant of what is good for them in a ton of
             | applications, including this one.
             | Only a handful really grasp the context of what is
             | happening with their data _and most importantly_ how their
             | data could affect them.
             | People routinely do things against their own interest. It's
             | up to the other people that care about this issue to make
             | competing products that don't harm. There's simply no way
             | to get everyone to _really care_ about an issue with nuance
             | and /or niche knowledge.
               | Spivak wrote:
               | I don't think you're giving people enough credit. It's
               | not exactly a mystery at this point that Facebook/IG make
               | their money by selling access to your information to
               | advertisers. People really just don't care which doesn't
               | make them ignorant and doesn't mean they're wrong to not
               | care. We're the privacy obsessed weirdos. I've been in
               | conversations where people talk about products they
               | "discovered" through IG ads.
               | The mindset where we're the only ones that _really
               | understand what 's going on_ and everyone else are just
               | sheeple -- sheeple I tell you is gross. This issue really
               | isn't all that nuanced. That's just the lie we tell
               | ourselves because we don't want to admit that we're the
               | nutters being like "they're watching you scroll through
               | Facebook and they're gonna use that to lower your credit
               | score. THE ALGORITHMS!!"
               | I'm proud to be part of this weird club but let's not use
               | it as an oppertunity to shit on our outgroup.
               | southerntofu wrote:
               | We may be interested in the deep details/debates the
               | general public has no knowledge about. However i can
               | assure you many people care about their privacy. They're
               | not all ignorant, but they're usually powerless.
               | Wanna keep in touch with friends? Gotta use facebook.
               | Wanna watch cool videos? Gotta use Youtube. etc.
               | But there's a very strong movement of non-tech persons
               | for privacy, decentralization and free software/culture.
               | In France, it's best exemplified by the Framasoft
               | association which started from a network of teachers :
               | https://framasoft.org/en/
               | jkepler wrote:
               | I'm in France, and have met some of the excellent folks
               | who help framasoft with their project to degooglize the
               | Internet.
               | I know a number of people who dispair, thinking they
               | can't protect their privacy. But gradually, those who
               | know a geek may be moving towards better software, as
               | privacy respecting options with decent UX get developed,
               | and as their FOSS-geek friend or family member patiently
               | points out tools they can actually use.
         | bachmeier wrote:
         | From a business perspective, it doesn't really matter. There's
         | still a large market of people that do care about it. Look at
         | the explosive growth of Obsidian in large part because it's a
         | local-first solution.
         | In addition, there's a difference between using those services
         | and being "totally okay" with it. If you like Evernote, then
         | sure, you'll be using the cloud. If you had a way to use
         | Evernote without storing your data in someone else's cloud, a
         | lot of people would be happy.
         | Even non-technical people talk all the time about not trusting
         | services because of data issues. Many will not use a new
         | service because they're worried about their data if the service
         | stops. It's a really big issue for businesses.
         | hemloc_io wrote:
         | I think you're mostly right.
         | However I would've said the same thing about
         | Telegram/Signal/Defi and other decentralized/privacy first
         | technology not too long ago.
         | I think there's a reasonable case for the idea that as the
         | conversation around censorship and data ownership evolves,
         | we'll see a restructuring of the market toward some level of
         | personal data ownership. We're probably far from that today
         | though.
         | [deleted]
       | Geee wrote:
       | You can own your data if you use client-side encryption with
       | cloud. When encrypted, you don't have to trust the cloud
       | provider. This opens up new possibilities such as P2P networks
       | with fair pricing, no provider lock-in, equal access and
       | censorship resistance. I'm excited about Sia / Skynet which
       | enables these kind of apps.
         | saurik wrote:
         | That works fine as long as you don't care that advances in
         | computers and cryptography would one day (maybe after you are
         | dead, and likely only with some notable effort) allow someone
         | to read your data and (much more practically) you are extremely
         | confident you can't lose control of your key somehow.
           | Geee wrote:
           | Managing and using private keys safely is still a huge
           | unsolved problem in general.
       | amadeuspagel wrote:
       | PouchDB/CouchDB is great for this kind of software. Shameless
       | self-promotion: I used it for thinktype[1], a note-taking app.
       | [1]: https://thinktype.app
       | pdimitar wrote:
       | I am completely behind the idea and would work full time on it
       | (if I had my time for myself) but all such documents or sites are
       | all talk and no code and it's getting tiring.
       | I get that they want to inspire, to show data backing up the idea
       | that people are open to that software model, and in general to
       | give hope and inform but... I am getting way too cynical and I
       | can't help but wonder if actually writing a tool that builds the
       | foundations of such a movement wouldn't have been a time better
       | spent?
       | I mean, at what point will _somebody_ do something about it? And
       | does it have to be your average overworked programmer who is
       | sacrificing their scarce free time? When will one of these
       | organizations that periodically toot their own horn about much
       | they care, will hire several hardcore programmers to do
       | something?
         | bhl wrote:
         | Have you seen Kleppmann's automerge library?
         | https://github.com/automerge/automerge
           | pdimitar wrote:
           | No. Checked quickly, looks good. Thanks for the link!
         | iamwil wrote:
         | James already has. https://actualbudget.com/
         | It's personal budgeting software that's local-first.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | > I am getting way too cynical and I can't help but wonder if
         | actually writing a tool that builds the foundations of such a
         | movement wouldn't have been a time better spent by the authors?
         | One of the authors wrote a book on this topic that gets high
         | praise and frequent recommendations on this site. Several
         | (all?) of the coauthors worked on prototypes on this topic that
         | they discussed freely in order to enable others to follow their
         | same path and explore it further. So yes, I'd say you're
         | getting way too cynical.
           | pdimitar wrote:
           | I'll immediately agree I am getting too cynical. I just wish
           | we had something more than inspirational articles about the
           | issue.
           | Didn't know about the prototypes. Good on the authors! I do
           | wonder why not one has been seen to completion though, do you
           | know?
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | I wish OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. had a notion of a Personal
       | Database File System, PDFS. With PDFS if they all shared the same
       | API then you could build a database ontop of the PDFS that syncs
       | to popular file systems.
       | If both of those things existed you would be able to build apps
       | like LinkedIn such that LinkedIn could just access your PDFS so
       | your profile is actually hosted directly on your PDFS - so if you
       | delete your profile info on your PDFS it's gone from LinkedIn. Of
       | course, this also depends on trusting LinkedIn to not just copy
       | over the contents of your PDFS but that could be handled as well.
         | southerntofu wrote:
         | So if it's just about protocol to exchange files, SSH and
         | webdav are the de-facto standards for that (FTP has declining
         | popularity).
         | If we're talking about the semantics of building desktop
         | applications, then i think you're looking for freedesktop.org,
         | although it quite POSIX-centered.
         | Higher-level, federated alternatives include ActivityPub (HTTP
         | signatures + JSON ActivityStreams), XMPP (XML stanzas), Solid
         | (HTTP + Linked Data).
         | All four of these standards could receive extension proposals
         | for more semantics for specific use-cases. However, Microsoft
         | (who owns linked in) and other evil tech-multinationals will
         | never adopt a standard because that would allow competitors to
         | walk on their turf. Remember when gmail.com chat was federated
         | with Jabber/XMPP until Google pulled the plug?
         | WrtCdEvrydy wrote:
         | You have to remember that all of these companies are either
         | part of a large company or a startup. Locking you in is the
         | reason they can justify their stock, their IPO, their exit and
         | their high developer salaries.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Microsoft was planning this 20 years ago with WinFS, to be
         | shipped in what became Windows Vista. For many political and
         | technical reasons it never came to pass. Some of the folks
         | working on it went on to work on what became OneDrive though.
         | jay_kyburz wrote:
         | Isn't the API the filesystem?
         | What happens if you set up OneDrive and Dropbox (and Google and
         | Apple) to sync the same folder.
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | > What happens if you set up OneDrive and Dropbox (and Google
           | and Apple) to sync the same folder.
           | Chaos, potentially. Think about deletes... delete a file from
           | the web UI of one service, its client deletes the file
           | locally, but that same instant the _other_ service sees the
           | missing file and happily restores it, the first client
           | deletes, the second client restores, etc. etc. until you've
           | blown gigabytes and gigabytes of network bandwidth.
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | In other words, ultimate control needs to be on the client
             | side. You delete from Dropbox, and the local machine marks
             | the file as no longer being backed up by Dropbox but does
             | not delete it. Some UI needs to present to the user: This
             | file is backed up in these services, but not the other one.
             | At that point, the user has the choice of fully removing
             | the file, restoring it to Dropbox, or leaving it alone.
             | They may even decide they don't want it backed up in _any_
             | service, but want it to remain on the filesystem.
         | snthd wrote:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_(web_decentralization_pr...
         | >Solid (Social Linked Data) is a web decentralization project
         | led by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web,
         | developed collaboratively at the Massachusetts Institute of
         | Technology (MIT). The project "aims to radically change the way
         | Web applications work today, resulting in true data ownership
         | as well as improved privacy" by developing a platform for
         | linked-data applications that are completely decentralized and
         | fully under users' control rather than controlled by other
         | entities. The ultimate goal of Solid is to allow users to have
         | full control of their own data, including access control and
         | storage location. To that end, Tim Berners-Lee formed a company
         | called Inrupt to help build a commercial ecosystem to fuel
         | Solid.
         | https://solidproject.org/users/get-a-pod
         | https://solidproject.org/developers/tutorials/getting-starte...
       | sjbrown wrote:
       | https://www.inkandswitch.com/local-first.html
       | HTML version here
       (page generated 2021-02-25 23:01 UTC)