[HN Gopher] Why isn't Godot an ECS-based game engine?
       Why isn't Godot an ECS-based game engine?
       Author : nafey
       Score  : 212 points
       Date   : 2021-02-27 11:30 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (godotengine.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (godotengine.org)
       | samwestdev wrote:
       | I don't really understand what's the advantage of ECS compared to
       | OOP composition. Anyone here can shed some light on the matter?
         | hertzrat wrote:
         | Basically, in game dev, small differences in performance lead
         | to a very noticeable effect on frame rate. In this case, cache
         | misses are a big deal and their impact really adds up. ECS is a
         | way structure your data to minimize cache misses and to
         | theoretically make your multithreading easier too - in both
         | cases by putting the data in one place (ie, removing state
         | elsewhere), and making it easier to control when and how data
         | gets modified
         | EamonnMR wrote:
         | Here's a real example from a project I worked on in my homebrew
         | ECS framework and later implemented in Godot: a guided missile.
         | In the ECS project the notion of 'thing that can run into other
         | things and do damage' so totally separate from the notion of
         | 'thing that is driven around by AI.' So adding guidance to an
         | existing projectile wasn't too much of a pain. In the Godot
         | project I'm dealing with networking as well, so the division is
         | between fire-and-forget projectiles (derived from Bullet) which
         | know about hitting things and doing damage, and AI driven Ships
         | with AI or player driven movement which needs to be synced over
         | the Network. In that case I had to copypasta the AI driven
         | movement code into a 'guided' class under Bullet. That said,
         | for almost every other task, Godot's composition first model
         | has been way easier to work with, especially because it lets
         | you test elements in isolation. Here are the two projects if
         | you'd like to compare the code:
         | Homebrew ECS framework on top of the babylonjs engine:
         | https://github.com/EamonnMR/Flythrough.Space
         | Godot with networking: https://github.com/EamonnMR/mpevmvp
         | DominikD wrote:
         | Short story: data is aligned in a way that favors batch
         | processing. Less branching, great setup for SIMD or GPU
         | processing.
           | gurkendoktor wrote:
           | I've heard this so often, and I still don't quite get it.
           | Let's say most of my game objects have a "Position"
           | component, and all the X/Y coordinates are now in one big
           | integer pool. With this setup I can now add 5 to each
           | object's X position really efficiently. But what's the use
           | case for that? Particle systems, and what else?
           | My game objects always look more like Celeste's Twitter-
           | infamous Player class: https://github.com/NoelFB/Celeste/blob
           | /c32f134d210fcf710d750...
           | Say about the length of the file what you want, but isn't it
           | actually better for caching that all of the Player's instance
           | variables are in one object, and not stored in components
           | somewhere else?
           | (Now, maintainability is another issue. But I've always found
           | Ruby-style mixins much easier to reason about than the toy
           | ECS systems I've seen.)
             | bogwog wrote:
             | > With this setup I can now add 5 to each object's X
             | position really efficiently. But what's the use case for
             | that? Particle systems, and what else?
             | Physics, AI, animation, etc.
             | A player controller is not a good candidate for that type
             | of optimization because they tend to have very complicated
             | logic that needs to interact with many different game
             | systems. Also, you don't usually need to have more than one
             | or a few.
             | That class you linked to is a mess because it seems like
             | all state is mashed together into a single class. One way
             | to clean this up is to implement an object-oriented state
             | machine, so that state variables and logic are organized
             | into classes instead of being a conditional soup in a giant
             | update function. Here's a good article on that:
             | https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/state.html
             | But that game shipped and it worked, and that's really all
             | that matters.
               | gurkendoktor wrote:
               | > Physics, AI, animation, etc.
               | That sounds good, but how would this look like in
               | practice? For the sake of simplicity, let's assume I
               | write a 2D game with classic spritesheets for animation
               | frames. With an ECS, I can pool the animation state of
               | each object into the animation system, and basically
               | execute "anim_frame = (anim_frame + 1) % num_frames" for
               | all objects in one speedy loop.
               | But game object animations are tied to game logic, and as
               | soon as an object depends on its anim_frame in logic that
               | is outside of the animation system, the cache benefits
               | are moot.
               | Maybe I'm not thinking big enough in terms of how many
               | "dumb" objects are in the game in proportion to the ones
               | that have lots of logic (like the player).
               | rahkiin wrote:
               | The player can be just one component, until you split
               | things to reuse them.
               | But imagine a simple 2d game: whag are you reusing on a
               | lot of entities? - collision size - sprite to render and
               | render properties - position on grid - maybe also a
               | velocity, maybe an acceleration
               | With ECS it becomes trivial to make a system that
               | iterates over all entities with a sprite and a position,
               | and draws them. Another system can adjust the position
               | with the velocity. Notice how we can create non-moving
               | entities by not having the velocity component at all.
               | Also notice how we can easily add a rendered sprite to
               | any entity without changing any code.
               | I know this scales well as it gets more and more popular
               | also for larger games.
               | Bonus: This data is all located together so iterating
               | over Sprite+Position is very cache friendly. And if a
               | system only reads and writes data to the entity jt can
               | also be parallelized.
               | [deleted]
           | [deleted]
           | sitkack wrote:
           | It also translates to a relational model, selection, join and
           | projection.
       | willvarfar wrote:
       | I first met ECS when modding an RTS called Tiberian Sun. The
       | units were all defined in ini files and you specified the
       | components for each unit eg the difference between a building and
       | a moving piece was whether there was a movement component etc.
       | And a small but vibrant modding community grew up around it.
       | Everything was dynamic, read from data definitions when the game
       | loaded.
       | One downside to godot's inheritance is everything is set up in
       | code and decided at compile time instead?
         | benjaminjackman wrote:
         | > One downside to godot's inheritance is everything is set up
         | in code and decided at compile time instead?
         | That's not really the case because Godot can load scenes at
         | runtime. The scene format itself (.tscn files) is text based[1]
         | (which is also nice for version control) and could be edited by
         | hand, then loaded into the game at runtime. Though since the
         | Godot editor is open source and totally free it would probably
         | be better just to ship that with the game. It's also really
         | easy to extend so custom game centric plugins that modify the
         | editor itself are also easy to write.
         | 1: Here is a sample scene file, just to give a sense of the
         | format:                   $ cat
         | enemies/bandit/BanditSpread.tscn              [gd_scene
         | load_steps=2 format=2]              [ext_resource
         | path="res://enemies/bandit/BanditBase.tscn" type="PackedScene"
         | id=1]              [node name="BasicBandit"
         | instance=ExtResource( 1 )]         fire_period = 0.85
         | [node name="VK-001" parent="Sprite" index="6"]         visible
         | = true              [node name="LG-Anger" parent="Sprite"
         | index="8"]         modulate = Color( 1, 3.1875, 6, 1 )
         | [node name="ProjectileWeapon" parent="Hardpoints" index="0"]
         | projectile_spread_degrees = 60.0
         | projectile_variance_degrees = 0.0         num_projectiles_min =
         | 6         num_projectiles_max = 6
         | SigmundA wrote:
         | Many engines have scripting languages allowing modding using
         | full turing complete languages rather config files LUA is a
         | common one in games.
         | Its kinda like the config file vs code as config debate. If I
         | where modding something I would rather have a full programming
         | language than just a config file, but the config file does make
         | it easy to do simpler things without breaking stuff, the more
         | complex the config becomes the closer to a full blown DSL it is
         | and you might as well just use a mature scripting language
         | instead.
           | jacques_chester wrote:
           | A nitpick: "Lua". It is not an acronym.
           | RMPR wrote:
           | > Its kinda like the config file vs code as config debate
           | I had trouble parsing this because I was reading "vs code" as
           | visual studio code.
           | > If I where modding something I would rather have a full
           | programming language than just a config file, but the config
           | file does make it easy to do simpler things without breaking
           | stuff, the more complex the config becomes the closer to a
           | full blown DSL it is and you might as well just use a mature
           | scripting language instead.
           | I think using a mature scripting language is just a matter of
           | transferable skills. People may be more reluctant to learn
           | yet another language just to mod your engine. Especially if
           | it's a one-time thing.
           | dagmx wrote:
           | To note though is that those config files aren't meant for
           | modding. They're meant as easy ways for the gameplay
           | designers themselves to tweak things without needing to
           | rebuild the whole game each time.
           | They just usually ship as side effects of that process,
           | because no body really cares that much for single player
           | games.
             | SigmundA wrote:
             | Usually scripting engines in games are there for the exact
             | same reasons, moddability again being a side effect.
         | CyberDildonics wrote:
         | Are you asking if that is a downside? Yes, it is a significant
         | downside since fundamental parts of a game would need
         | recompilation which means slow iteration on things that need to
         | be iterated on a lot.
         | EamonnMR wrote:
         | Tiberian Sun's technology is really unique and cool and I wish
         | they'd open source it so I can see how they did everything. The
         | 2d lighting really have it a distinct atmosphere.
           | sitkack wrote:
           | Approach it like a mid 90s demo coder. Alphas, light maps,
           | shadow casting.
           | The coolest 80s trick was rotating the palette to get moving
           | water.
         | Vaskivo wrote:
         | While ECS means you're using a "data driven" approach, you can
         | have a "data driven" approach without having to use ECS.
         | It's all about having configuration data separate to the logic.
         | And use this data to setup and build the game elements.
         | Here's a couple of videos I created:
         | How to start with Data Driven Development in Godot:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG__fXSp74c
         | What I can do with it in my game, One Way Dungeon:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqZwKahZ3cU
           | Jasper_ wrote:
           | ECS is commonly described as "data-oriented", not "data-
           | driven". It's confusing, yes, but the have separate and
           | unrelated meanings in the game development space.
           | The former is a methodology for building engine systems that
           | are cache-friendly, the latter talks about workflows that are
           | more flexible to artists and developers.
           | You can use ECS without "being data-driven", and you can use
           | data-driven workflows without ECS.
             | Vaskivo wrote:
             | > You can use ECS without "being data-driven", and you can
             | use data-driven workflows without ECS.
             | True, I've read about ECS being used for one or both of
             | those purposes.
             | My first contact was ECS was as a composability pattern.
             | So, in a "high level" purpose, as an alternative to
             | inheritance. It was also described as "Game Object - Game
             | component" pattern.
             | See http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/component.html,
             | specially the sidenote in
             | http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/component.html#no-
             | bj%C3%B....
             | There's the "performance" ECS, where it tackles data
             | locality.
             | And the "game element definition and configuration" ECS,
             | where it solves a high level problem of building game
             | elements. On the "game developer" level, Unity works like
             | this.
       | WhatIsDukkha wrote:
       | If you are making a game, instead of a game engine, you can have
       | your cake and eat it too -
       | https://godot-rust.github.io/
       | Allows you to pair Rust with Godot comfortably via gdnative.
       | Then use one of the good ECS systems in Rust like -
       | https://github.com/amethyst/specs
       | or (archetype style ECS)
       | https://github.com/amethyst/legion
       | To get spun up on ECS in Rust I suggest -
       | http://bfnightly.bracketproductions.com/rustbook/chapter_0.h...
       | This won't get you a godot project but will get you a basic
       | concepted game you can then port into godot-rust.
       | fartcannon wrote:
       | Good news, there's an ECS plugin written by a brilliant Swiss (I
       | believe) programmer Andrea Cantania. Check it out:
       | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zxW_xxDuVC0
       | TillE wrote:
       | ECS at the game engine level has never been particularly
       | interesting to me, but it is a good way to structure complex game
       | logic. This shouldn't be tightly coupled with the game engine
       | anyway, so I don't find the different architectures awkward.
       | Godot's node-based structure makes a ton of sense for what it
       | does.
         | jeremyjh wrote:
         | The main reason ECS became popular is because of the
         | performance benefits, and the tasks that get the most benefit
         | from that are the ones core to the engine such as the rendering
         | pipeline and physics engine. Personally I think Godot's system
         | is much easier for the end user than an ECS. I am not much of a
         | fan of OOP (I use a functional language at work) but I do think
         | OOP is a good fit for games and UIs.
       | Jare wrote:
       | I'm a bit confused between there's a hugely popular place between
       | inheritance-based entities and ECS (Entity-Component-System),
       | which is what you could call a "Entity-Component system) (notice
       | spelling) or perhaps a Component-based entity composition system.
       | Inheritance based: you derive Vechicle, then derive Tank, Car,
       | etc. This was most used from 95 to 2005 as teams moved to C++.
       | Component based: you create a TreadsMovement component, a Turret
       | component, a Wheels component, a Chassis component, etc. Each
       | contains the data and behaviour for what they represent. You
       | compose them together at runtime inside Entity objects to create
       | tanks, cars, etc at runtime. Popularized by Scott Bilas' engine
       | for Dungeon Siege. This is classic Unity. Most used from 2005 to
       | today.
       | ECS: data-oriented where components are data-only, and behaviour
       | logic lives in systems that act on a set of instances that
       | contain certain subset of components. Entities are just ids for
       | the set of components that make up the data for a given active
       | object in the game. Entities and Components are best understood
       | as a database which systems query and select from.
       | I don't know enough Godot to be sure if it's Inheritance or
       | Component, but I know I left "classic" inheritance based behind
       | almost 20 years ago and would never want to go back. Even back in
       | 1997, the Commandos 1 engine was already half Component-based
       | (but it took us a while to refine the Component model and
       | intercommunication).
         | hertzrat wrote:
         | Not about ECS, but speaking of components: I'm developing an
         | unreal engine game and component based programming has been a
         | dream. You end up with the opportunity to create so many pieces
         | of code that are able to be dumb and that don't need to know
         | about the rest of the system. Then you add come control code
         | that is also as dumb and blind (in a good, decoupled sense) as
         | possible and the whole application comes together in 1/10th the
         | effort of a more coupled and fragile inheritance heavy
         | approach. You can actually change things without breaking
         | everything and you can actually understand what something does
         | by reading 1-2 source files instead of 40.
           | apineda wrote:
           | I'm curious about emergent problems that are difficult to
           | diagnose with many systems operating seemingly independently.
           | Systems interacting in odd ways, and ordering of systems
           | (dependency ie one system MUST run before another). Do these
           | come up?
         | remram wrote:
         | I think Godot is both. A lot of built-in nodes are meant to be
         | extended (like KinematicBody) and a lot of them provide
         | features via adding components (like RayCast or Area or Timer
         | or AudioStreamPlayer).
         | an_opabinia wrote:
         | > I'm a bit confused between there's a hugely popular place
         | between...
         | Godot is a Unity clone. Unity has copied a lot of things,
         | including Flash (and therefore Shockwave), where this "attach
         | scripts to stuff" architecture actually came from.
         | meheleventyone wrote:
         | Godot is node based so you compose an Entity out of nodes. It's
         | a slightly more flexible version of an Entity Component model.
         | bogwog wrote:
         | I know what you mean, and that confusion is 100% Unity's fault,
         | because they call their data-oriented entity system "ECS".
         | Back in the day, composition was referred to as "component-
         | based entity systems", which makes perfect sense.
         | But then Unity came in and called their data-oriented one
         | "entity component system" for reasons I will never understand.
         | Why not just call it "data-oriented entity system" or something
         | like that?
         | So nowadays when you hear "ECS", it's not clear what people are
         | talking about anymore.
           | CreepGin wrote:
           | I'm not sure Unity is at fault here. Most people in the game
           | dev business knew about what ECS is (Entities + Components +
           | Systems) long before Unite Austin 2017 (when Unity first
           | announced their upcoming entities package).
             | Jare wrote:
             | It would be fair to attribute the ECS naming (specifically,
             | making "Systems" an integral concept to the, ahem, system)
             | to this from 2007:
             | http://t-machine.org/index.php/2007/11/11/entity-systems-
             | are...
           | Athos_vk wrote:
           | I would say it is 100% not Unity's fault. As someone else
           | posted, there's a t-machine blog posted and that entire blog
           | has been filled with ECS with that specific term for years.
           | But aside from that it has been a heavily discussed thing for
           | many years in the gamedev scene. There's a wikipedia page on
           | it, showing a bit of history from well before 2017, but you
           | will find most on it on gamedev.stackexchange and
           | gamedev.net. It probably predates the start of Unity in its
           | entirety.
           | Also, to be fair, they really do refer to it as DOTS -> Data
           | Oriented Technology Stack (granted, it includes more than
           | just that), but I'm not sure if and when they changed that.
           | Their community just seems to keep calling it ECS regardless.
             | w_t_payne wrote:
             | DOTS is not ECS. "Unity Classic" is ECS. DOTS is a more
             | cache-efficient architecture designed to support larger
             | numbers of entities.
           | djur wrote:
           | The confusion is worsened by people interpreting it as "[an]
           | (entity component) system" or "[an] ((entity) (component))
           | system", when it's actually "[an] Entity-component-system
           | [architecture]". That is, it's not a system of entities and
           | components, it's an architecture comprising entities,
           | components, and systems.
             | beaconstudios wrote:
             | it's not surprising given that "entity component system" is
             | synonymous with "thing behaviour environment". It's using
             | the most meaningless generic terms possible. It's like when
             | companies use a tagline like "using innovative practices to
             | deliver results for our clients".
         | jasonwatkinspdx wrote:
         | Cosigned. I did level design on a game in the Unreal 1 era. The
         | cosmic inheritance hierarchy was a regular annoyance.
         | vvanders wrote:
         | Yup, this is spot on(with a mix for some systems that did a bit
         | of data only components for the real perf critical stuff
         | together with the more business logic components).
         | Your dates are right too, at least from my experience during
         | '04~'12. Being on the tail end of that inheritance based
         | approach was brutal and was so happy to leave it behind.
         | georgeecollins wrote:
         | I think it is more inheritance than ECS, but not religiously
         | OOP.
         | Having used Unity and Godot, I really like the architecture of
         | Godot. But Godot is not nearly as fully functioned (yet).
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | As a beginner not thinking too much about performance, ECS is
       | beautifully elegant and easy to reason about.
       | However I found it nearly impossible to integrate into
       | libraries/engines that aren't made for it.
       | I really wanted to use React for my complex RPG UI and PhaserJS
       | or Pixi for I/O, but the state management paradigms just didn't
       | work together (for me at least).
         | mmis1000 wrote:
         | If your problem is "you can't mutate state of a react app
         | easily because they decides to make their own state management
         | system that can't mutate by part out of the app directly".
         | Probably you can give vue a try. It is designed to work like a
         | plain object. And mutate the data belongs to it from outside of
         | a vue app also reflect to the view instantly. (Just alter the
         | property of the vue component, that's all you need to change it
         | from outside)
         | ralusek wrote:
         | Do you mind elaborating a bit? My understanding is that ECS
         | would be providing data in a way not unlike most web
         | applications do, such that building a React UI over that data
         | model should be quite easy.
         | monocasa wrote:
         | One of the nice things about ECS is how easy it is to integrate
         | into an existing structure. In the engine case you just make
         | your existing object hierarchy one component type, and whatever
         | subsystem you're making ECS into its own component. At a
         | library level you just wrap that library's per object state in
         | its own component.
         | What issues did you have?
         | EamonnMR wrote:
         | I feel your pain. I wanted to combine AngularJS and BabylonJS
         | for a GUI heavy RPG but it proved impractical.
       | cztomsik wrote:
       | TLDR the article says that nodes are just a "frontend" and the
       | real work is done by backend which is data-oriented anyway.
       | tensorflow has python frontend and that is "slow" too, yet it
       | doesn't matter because most of the work is done in C++ and python
       | just compiles that graph to something lower-level
       | Kiro wrote:
       | I'm a novice JavaScript game developer and I'm currently using
       | OOP for my entities. E.g. each NPC is an object with an update
       | method inherited from a base class that gets called every tick.
       | What benefit would ECS actually give me? Isn't the NPC data still
       | just an object but instead of using a shared prototype update
       | method on the object it would be a separate component function?
       | What is the actual difference?
         | Tyr42 wrote:
         | Hmm, if you only have one system, then yes, those are the same.
         | But if you have multiple systems (say collision detection,
         | physics, damage/health, control(ai or player)) you can then
         | build things up lego brick style.
         | For example, a basic wall will just participate in the
         | collision detection system and nothing else, but now it's easy
         | to add in breakable walls by giving them a hp value and defence
         | value for the damage system.
         | Does that help?
           | Kiro wrote:
           | Yes, thank you! It certainly seems like a good and flexible
           | way of structuring your game but I still don't understand
           | where the performance benefits the article speaks of come
           | from.
             | bogdanoff_2 wrote:
             | Computers are much faster when they operate on things that
             | are laid-out contiguously in memory, instead of jumping
             | around following pointers.
             | You need to use a programming language like C++ to be able
             | to this. In JavaScript, all objects are pointers, so
             | there's no way to do this.
             | Google "data-oriented design" to learn more.
             | fhools wrote:
             | My understanding is the performance benefits come from the
             | locality of the data. Usually in an array for each
             | component. Whereas in a OOP system, your objects would be
             | scattered throughout the heap.
             | hypertele-Xii wrote:
             | JavaScript gains no performance benefit from ECS because JS
             | arrays are dynamic and sparse. The performance benefit
             | comes from dense, contiguous data (structures of arrays,
             | instead of arrays of structures) in languages that allow
             | that.
             | Consider the difference between:                 object 1
             | property A         property B       object 2
             | property A         property B
             | and:                 property A of object 1       property
             | A of object 2       property B of object 1       property B
             | of object 2
             | If you need the property A for all objects, in the first
             | example we have to jump over the property Bs. In the second
             | example all property As are next to each other.
               | turndown wrote:
               | In this context, what do you mean by sparse? Simply that
               | similar data is not packed together?
             | Jasper_ wrote:
             | The performance benefits comes from the "Systems", which is
             | very infrequently talked about. Most uses of the term "ECS"
             | are actually "Entity-Component" (EC), which has been around
             | for a long, long time.
             | The goal is to have "Systems" which operate on
             | "Components", and "Entities" are completely out of the
             | picture. The idea behind Systems is that they operate on a
             | continuous block of memory:                   for (auto
             | &damagable : damagables) {             damagable.hp -=
             | damagable.damage_this_frame;
             | damagable.damage_this_frame = 0;             if
             | (damagable.hp <= 0)                 damagable.dead = true;
             | }              for (auto &movable : movables) {
             | movable.position += movable.velocity_this_frame;
             | movable.velocity_this_frame = vec3(0);         }
             | Simple toy example, but by splitting up the data based on
             | what acts on them, we have two loops that are very cache-
             | friendly. Each of those two loops is called a "System".
             | The System is the _key_ part of ECS that makes this work.
             | Just splitting off components and still using a virtual
             | update function isn 't going to get you any performance
             | benefits, but it's still most of what I see when I see
             | "ECS" talked about online. In fact, making components
             | contiguous while leaving your updates to be whole-entity-
             | at-a-time is going to make your cache coherency _worse_!
             | Entities, then, are actually not "container objects", but
             | often just uint32's -- _all_ of their data is inside the
             | Components. The database analogy: The Entity is just a
             | primary key tying together a database of tables
             | (Components). The tables can be acted on, sometimes in
             | parallel, by Systems (UPDATE queries), regardless of the
             | originating Entity.
             | Actual Systems in practice have dependency chains and other
             | things, to make sure that updates are done in the right
             | order, scheduling mechanisms, and ways to make cross-
             | component talking safe, and performant.
             | Unity's GameObject is not ECS, despite it being an "Entity-
             | Component" model. Their new DOTS stack _is_ , but it has
             | tradeoffs for that performance.
             | Put simply, "EC" is a way of structuring your data classes
             | to not rely on inheritance, "ECS" is a way of structuring
             | your algorithms that act on those data classes to not
             | require virtual methods.
             | The rest of this thread has similar misconceptions, and
             | even the original post makes some errors too. Sadly, this
             | misinformation is widespread, and it's not really
             | correctable at this point. Oh well.
               | HelloNurse wrote:
               | Entities aren't out of the picture: those
               | "damagable.damage_this_frame" and
               | "movable.velocity_this_frame" attributes need to be
               | assigned in a previous step, with lookups from component
               | to entity and from entity to component. For example, a
               | collision detection and handling step could iterate over
               | all physical objects and, in case they collide, assign
               | damage to the damageable component of the same entity
               | and/or alter velocity of the movable component of the
               | same entity (if appropriate).
               | Pulcinella wrote:
               | Yeah there is definitely some mental namespace pollution
               | between EC and ECS where, as you described, you have "EC
               | systems" (Entity-Component systems) and "ECS systems"
               | (uhh "Entity-Component-System systems").
               |  _Actual Systems in practice have dependency chains and
               | other things, to make sure that updates are done in the
               | right order, scheduling mechanisms, and ways to make
               | cross-component talking safe, and performant._
               | Do you know if there is a formal term for this kind of
               | dependency chain and update order scheduling is called?
               | I'm interested in ways this kind of checking can be done
               | at compile time, or at least a run time guarantee that
               | things won't be done in the wrong order and fails to
               | compile/generates run time errors when you have a cyclic
               | dependency rather than having to map that all out by
               | hand.
               | Twisol wrote:
               | > Do you know if there is a formal term for this kind of
               | dependency chain and update order scheduling is called?
               | ECS might make this an independent-enough concern that
               | techniques from build systems would be applicable. See
               | "Build systems a la carte" [0], for instance, which
               | captures the (an?) essence of build systems as managing a
               | graph of dependent dataflow processes. (In ECS, the
               | dataflow would be mediated by the database of component
               | tables, just as in Make the dataflow is mediated by the
               | filesystem.)
               | [0] https://www.microsoft.com/en-
               | us/research/publication/build-s...
               | cma wrote:
               | To go along with the parallel thing, you can imagine both
               | of those loops are much easier to vectorize too compared
               | to if each a was acting on objects with the damage stuff
               | and position stuff combined in one structure.
       | jbluepolarbear wrote:
       | I don't like ECS because it always conflates to using components
       | as messages for systems that have nothing to do with Entities. I
       | much prefer using a message system. A message system can quickly
       | abstract the engines view from the core logic of the game and
       | allow for the messages to be dispatched across network making
       | networked games easier to work with.
         | drawkbox wrote:
         | I agree and like your style.
         | Messaging is ideal for decoupling, sending/receiving data and
         | it makes networking parts of the game much easier.
         | Every game engine or system I use I set it up this way. I
         | always make my components or entities data backed so when
         | people say you can't have data-oriented in GameComponent
         | systems it seems they haven't done much game development. I
         | usually have most of it in JSON and in previous engines INI was
         | popular (Unreal still uses this for some and lots of custom
         | engines). I have always separated data from the objects, lots
         | of people do not and that is why this is a major debate along
         | with all the talk around it due to Unity adding their ECS. Data
         | should always be separate from code and hopefully merged at
         | runtime.
         | The benefit of ECS is performance alone and usually only really
         | needed for high performance real-time or physics heavy games
         | for parallel performance and essentially pre-optimized for
         | batched mutations or changes, everything else can be done
         | across the same from messaging to data backed
         | entities/objects/components and more.
         | I do wish engines were better as abstracting these elements
         | away. Lots of the systems start leaking into the engine which
         | is supposed to abstract these elements away in a good
         | pluggable/versioned/atomic game engine.
         | Like what Garry said about Unity [1], too many things are
         | leaking up to the game developer creating all these debates and
         | issues and incompatibilities. The fact this isn't just a switch
         | or setting to switch from GameComponent to ECS is a problem.
         | Same with incompatible renderers and more, those should be
         | wrapped and pluggable with the same surface level method
         | signatures and objects. Underneath is where all the tech needs
         | to go. Leaky abstractions are a problem across the software
         | world right now.
         | Atomic systems with facades that wrap complexity and are able
         | to be swapped beneath the surface are fading and making things
         | more complex than needed. The job of engineering is taking
         | complexity and making it simple, not the other way around.
         | [1] https://garry.tv/unity-2020
         | johnnycerberus wrote:
         | Can you give an example of a message system for game dev? Do
         | you mean something similar to message passing in Erlang?
       | MikusR wrote:
       | Based on their previous opinion on Vulkan, in 4 months they will
       | announce moving to ECS.
       | Wesxdz wrote:
       | I'm developing a mobile game in Godot that would require
       | thousands of nodes. The lowest hanging fruit optimization is
       | simply ditching GDScript and nodes altogether for a C++ module or
       | GDNative. ECS imo is a requirement for non-trivial games, and I
       | don't think any game editor has it together here because of the
       | tendency to prioritize accessible fast iteration in early stages
       | over performance and scalability. So they stay in the comfort
       | zone of scene tree hierarchical representation. I'm planning to
       | move to Jai or build a PureRef-like visual ecs editor with
       | libclang ast reflection and hot reloading so I can escape.
         | zemo wrote:
         | > the tendency to prioritize accessible fast iteration in early
         | stages over performance and scalability
         | well, I'm glad you're describing the way you see the tradeoffs,
         | I just have a hard time seeing how hanging your hat on the
         | ability to eek out every little bit of resource optimization at
         | the expense of early iteration is a worthwhile tradeoff for the
         | majority of gamedevs. Running the game at a worse framerate or
         | render setting so that you can tune the gameplay early, get
         | through many different gameplay design iterations, and get the
         | artists and sound people working sooner seems like it would be
         | of value to more teams than something highly performant that
         | makes it harder to experiment and iterate. (on the ECS vs
         | inheritance point I'm in agreement.)
           | tpxl wrote:
           | That counts for nothing if you have to rewrite everything
           | from scratch 3/4 of the way in. Don't get me wrong, I like my
           | iterations, but if your game runs at 20 fps it's simply not
           | going to be good.
           | ratww wrote:
           | The performance advantages of ECS are a bit of a red herring.
           | There's not much of a tradeoff when it comes to speed of
           | iteration.
           | The origins of ECS are in the work of Scott Bilas and Adam
           | Martin, who weren't seeking performance improvements, but
           | rather a way to allow non-technical teammates to iterate
           | faster. This thing was revolutionary in the late 90s/early
           | 2000s because suddenly you didn't need an army of
           | increasingly expensive programmers just to get simple things
           | done.
           | The performance boost was discovered much later when people
           | found out that ECS could naturally benefit from data-oriented
           | design. Performance is a nice-to-have but is far from being
           | the raison d'etre of ECS. It still makes sense to to have ECS
           | or EC (or even just non-inheritance-component-based, like
           | Unity) without the performance advantages of data-oriented
           | design.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | ECS like systems were well known in CS even before that.
             | "Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming",
             | 1998
             | https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0201178885
       | jvanderbot wrote:
       | Personally, deep object ontologies make my eyes glaze over. Its
       | not like these objects evolved in the wild and their ancestry is
       | somehow interesting. Give me interface definitions any day. ECS
       | is nicer for that.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | there is avoiding object trees, there is ecs, then there is not
         | doing either of those things, which is often the best and
         | simplest option. no need for a fancy ecs system if you have
         | like five entities
         | vvanders wrote:
         | Yup, "has a" vs "is a". From my experience in gamedev the
         | former is a lot more common than the latter.
         | Had an engine where each entity could only have one mesh object
         | since it was a part of the base entity type rather than a
         | component. Led to a lot of multi-entity shenanigans that were
         | brutal from a sync/off-by-one-frame perspective.
           | ephimetheus wrote:
           | Might be wrong here, but isn't that also a limitation for
           | most component column based ECS implementations? (I mean each
           | entity can have only one instance of each component)
             | vvanders wrote:
             | Depends on the ECS, most systems I've worked in will let
             | you do two addComponent calls of the same type and then
             | they'd just get added to the array of components to batch
             | process. This is really common for mesh components
             | (although there's usually mechanisms to specify
             | dependency/ordering to avoid off by one frame issues).
         | jvanderbot wrote:
         | Gotta thank @cjhandmer for that rant, but it really stuck with
         | me.
         | Shorel wrote:
         | From the article:
         | Using ECS
         | Nothing prevents you to use an ECS solution in Godot. In fact,
         | I strongly suggest to check Andrea Catania's fantastic work on
         | Godex, which aims to bring a high performance ECS pluggable
         | implementation.
           | yellowapple wrote:
           | That paragraph really should've been the focus of the
           | article, front and center - and from there an explanation on
           | why it ain't built-in.
             | UnpossibleJim wrote:
             | I'm a fan of Godot, so I'll state that in the beginning, so
             | I'm biased. But I took a look at her(?) GitHub page and
             | wondered why there isn't more effort being put into this
             | branch. Even from his own words, ECs is a more efficient
             | style when a large number of objects/nodes are involved, or
             | when optimization becomes important.
             | At the moment Godot is really only viable as a 2D engine,
             | as it tends to bog down when used as a 3D game engine even
             | though it has all but replaced the default Blender engine
             | (their recommendation). So in order to get a viable 3D
             | project, a user would have to use an experimental ECS
             | version (no offense to the creators, they are working hard
             | and I do have high hopes for this project. I'll most
             | certainly be experimenting with it) using the C# version,
             | which is still fairly new.
             | Now, the fact that a small group of devs can make an indy
             | project/proof of concept with Blender and Godot, or
             | students can make a group portfolio that is viable - these
             | things are AWESOME. Granted. But it still comes out of a
             | quasi Frankenseinian lab as they have chosen to go with OOP
             | instead of ECS, it seems, even though a path does seem laid
             | out before them.
             | P.S.
             | here's the link to the ECS project:
             | https://github.com/GodotECS/godex
       | bogwog wrote:
       | I'm going to have to give a hard disagree. I've been making my
       | own engines for a long time, and have used many different engines
       | for a longer time. Inheritance-based entity systems are often a
       | pain in the ass to work with, a massive pain in the ass to debug,
       | and tend to invite shitty hacks to get around the shortcomings of
       | the inheritance model.
       | The article says that "Godot does composition at a higher level
       | than in a traditional ECS", but I don't get what he means by
       | that? Combining nodes with incompatible hierarchies is hardly
       | composition, and is just what you typically have to do when using
       | inheritance.
       | Inheritance-based entity systems are not always terrible, and
       | even though I tend to hate them, I use them quite a lot in my
       | projects where an ECS would be overkill. If designed for a
       | particular project, you can usually be more productive, and write
       | cleaner and less code with inheritance.
       | However, for a general purpose engine like Godot, that's a bad
       | choice IMO. The flexibility offered by an ECS far outweighs all
       | benefits of an inheritance-based system.
         | dexwiz wrote:
         | Composition does not strictly imply inheritance. A DOM tree is
         | a perfect example of composing nodes without inheritance.
         | lxdesk wrote:
         | Godot doesn't expose inheritance to scripting AFAIK; it's
         | strictly a convenience used internally to describe the core
         | nodes. When you script Godot to make complex entities, it's
         | through composition of arbitrary nodes in arbitrary
         | hierarchies, often encapsulated as scenes. References are
         | mostly done by relative path, and the scripting language has
         | sugar to make this a convenient process.
         | So, yeah, try it. It's the best system I've encountered for the
         | general-purpose use-case, and I've designed a fair few myself.
         | mhh__ wrote:
         | So what does Jai do that is different?
         | For performance at least my focus is usually on eliminating
         | information-lossy interfaces i.e. try to keep the hot loops
         | where the compiler can see them
           | JesseMeyer wrote:
           | Jai is a programming language and not a game engine.
       | Agentlien wrote:
       | The article makes more than a few baffling statements beyond the
       | core argument regarding ECS.
       | The claim of Godot having similar tools as other engines
       | certainly caused me to raise an eyebrow.
       | The strangest in my mind, however, is trying to downplay the
       | importance of the performance advantages by claiming games with
       | many objects are rare. I currently work on optimising a game
       | which falls somewhere between indie and AAA. We have thousands of
       | objects active at any given time.
       | I also dislike the statements regarding compute. I love compute
       | shaders and use them whenever I can, but they're basically
       | unusable from a performance perspective on both mobile platforms
       | and Nintendo Switch.
       | (Edited from a Reddit comment I made regarding this article)
       | gugagore wrote:
       | I might have an easier time following if there were some small
       | code examples.
       | For example, the article mentions that for simplicity some
       | components require other components to exist. That sounds like
       | something that cannot be encoded in the type system of most
       | languages, whereas the fields present in classes within a class
       | hierarchy are encoded in the type definition.
       | A code example would help me figure out if I'm following or not.
         | linkdd wrote:
         | In C# and Unity, you have the class attribute
         | "RequireComponent" which will automatically add the dependent
         | "MonoBehaviour" when this one is added:
         | [RequireComponent(typeof(RigidBody))]       public class
         | MyObject : MonoBehavior { /* ... */ }
         | This is not really _in_ the type system, but still, if your
         | language provide some meta-programing features, it can help the
         | developer makes sense of your code.
         | This kind of dependency is not a "type dependency" IMHO, since
         | the data are independent of each other. It's more like a "logic
         | dependency", where the logic of one System requires the logic
         | of another System.
         | It is the systems you want to apply to an entity that will
         | dictate what components it needs.
         | Since it can change during runtime, this cannot be statically
         | typed.
           | gugagore wrote:
           | I think I know the answer, but I'll ask explicitly.
           | Suppose we have two components: A and B. A is defined to
           | `RequireComponent` B. If I do `has(object, A) && has(object,
           | B)` then can the C# compiler compile away the check for B
           | given the check for A, turning it into just `has(object, A)`?
             | linkdd wrote:
             | Unfortunately no.
             | IIRC, all "RequireComponent" does is allow you to omit the
             | "add(object, B)" when you "add(object, A)".
             | A simple example of this is when you add A to the object,
             | then edit A to require B. The Unity Editor won't add B
             | automatically (which is in fact a pain).
             | NB: removing A will not remove B, and B won't be replaced
             | if it existed before.
             | I usually use "RequireComponent" whenever I have a
             | "GetComponent<...>()" in my behaviour just to make sure I
             | have an initialized value.
       | hn8788 wrote:
       | At the last godotcon, someone gave a presentation on an ECS[1]
       | they're making for godot. It's not an official project, but it's
       | cool to see that it is possible if people want to develop that
       | way.
       | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjuUtddnUok&t=12370s
       | johnnycerberus wrote:
       | All this hype around ECS started when Minecraft, Factorio and
       | They Are Billions proved that the paradigm works, though that is
       | just a small percentage of games that can benefit from ECS. The
       | rest should use the classic OOP model. I really don't see how a
       | game like Dota, CSGO or your average Battle Royale will be better
       | with ECS. I agree with the article.
       | There are libraries enabling ECS for you if you are not looking
       | for an engine like Unity:
       | C++: https://github.com/skypjack/entt (Non-Java Minecraft uses
       | this)
       | Java: https://github.com/libgdx/ashley
       | Rust: https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy (it's still work in
       | progress, not battle-tested and a moving target)
         | pcstl wrote:
         | I believe ECS is in fact quite a bit older than that. As far as
         | I can tell, ECS first started being talked about by AAA
         | developers who were trying to find efficient ways to deal with
         | the memory hierarchy in modern computing platforms (it got
         | quite big specifically with the PS3, which had a very hard to
         | deal with memory layout that could totally kill game
         | performance). ECS allows data to be processed in a very cache-
         | effective manner.
         | bogwog wrote:
         | Entity component systems are nothing new, I remember reading an
         | article about it from Valve back in like 2007.
         | The recent hype comes from Unity, because they very
         | unimaginatively misappropriated the term.
         | diegoperini wrote:
         | Overwatch is done with ECS, there are GDC talks from the devs
         | explaining the tech behind it.
           | johnnycerberus wrote:
           | That's cool, I didn't know that. I've found the presentation:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3aieHjyNvw
         | k__ wrote:
         | I had the impression this was already state of the art in 2007
         | when I started my CS degree.
           | johnnycerberus wrote:
           | Kind of providing an ECS-based game pre-2016, before
           | Factorio, Minecraft Non-Java, They Are Billions and Overwatch
           | (as I was told in a comment) got released?
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Not a game, but standard software models,
             | "Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming",
             | 1998
             | https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0201178885
             | dkersten wrote:
             | Dungeon Siege, although the slides where this was revealed
             | seem to no longer be online. Additionally, here is the blog
             | post from 2007 that largely introduced the concept in the
             | form we know now, based on the Dungeon Siege talk and
             | others: http://t-machine.org/index.php/2007/09/03/entity-
             | systems-are...
             | Although, arguably, Dungeon Siege's component architecture
             | is different from what we call ECS today.
             | EDIT: I found the slides:
             | https://www.gamedevs.org/uploads/data-driven-game-object-
             | sys...
               | johnnycerberus wrote:
               | Thanks, I will check them out. I'm out of the loop when
               | it comes to older games since for me game development is
               | only a recent hobby. I'm developing Big Data stuff mostly
               | with Java and Scala, but I have been playing with data-
               | oriented stuff in Clojure, hence my interest.
               | dkersten wrote:
               | Funnily enough, I came to it in reverse: I learned about
               | ECS years ago (from the tmachine series of posts, posts
               | about Dungeon Siege, and others I can't remember) and
               | became interested in Clojure's data-oriented stuff
               | because of my interest in ECS. Although, I became
               | interested in and used Clojure already, due to its focus
               | on immutability and functional programming, before people
               | really started pushing the data-oriented aspects, so it
               | was an easy evolution for me.
             | jonhermansen wrote:
             | For anyone curious to know more about usage of ECS in
             | Overwatch, check out this GDC talk from one of the
             | developers: https://youtu.be/W3aieHjyNvw
               | dividuum wrote:
               | Awesome talk. Thanks for linking.
         | vvanders wrote:
         | Sorry but we were doing ECS long time before that in the
         | industry. I remember doing it back on the PSP with Lua(meta-
         | table -> component mapping) and a backing in house C++ runtime.
         | It was pretty widely known in industry as a way to have cache
         | locality and made it out to the broader dev community a good
         | while after.
           | jmiskovic wrote:
           | Could you elaborate the way your system worked in Lua? Was
           | the table itself an Entity, and which meta-methods would link
           | with component? What kind of querying capabilities did a
           | System have?
           | I've seen metatables used often to implement inheritance, but
           | not the ECS yet.
             | vvanders wrote:
             | It's been over a decade now but if I remember right yeah
             | the entity was a table, meta-table would do a lookup for
             | the related component(ex: table.mesh would give you the
             | mesh component) and each entity also had an optionally
             | available coroutine for AI logic. Components were batch
             | processed by type for the performance sensitive areas.
             | The coroutines there was incredibly useful, our designers
             | could write AI that was almost literate programming(yield
             | value was number of frames to wait to re-eval coroutine).
             | Something like: Walk to point A, yield until at A, turn,
             | walk to point B, yield, check for nearby entity of type,
             | yield, etc.
             | Oh and it also ran the whole game state in a 400kb
             | preallocated block in a system than only had 8mb of
             | accessible ram(rest went to vram).
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | As I mentioned in another thread,
           | "Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming",
           | 1998
           | https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0201178885
           | johnnycerberus wrote:
           | That's nice, but why all the game engines and libraries
           | introduced it only recently? Defold, Unity ECS, etc.?
             | vvanders wrote:
             | Because not every engine slaps a fancy ECS tag front and
             | center, the pattern evolved concurrently in industry (and
             | we all had games to ship).
             | If you look really carefully you'll find structured column
             | databases have similar properties since when you optimize
             | for speed cache misses are your number one enemy.
               | johnnycerberus wrote:
               | Yes, I understand that ECS is probably good for more low-
               | level stuff like particle-like systems. But what about
               | gameplay-code? Unity ECS is mostly about that, to think
               | in a data-oriented way about your gameplay programming.
               | The thing that bothers me is why huge commerical engine
               | like Unreal Engine or idTech don't even lift a finger
               | about that?
               | About structured column databases, the same thing could
               | be said about Lisps like Clojure which match the RMDB
               | data model. But people still find it hard to grok it,
               | hence the low adoption rate.
               | teamonkey wrote:
               | > why huge commerical engine like Unreal Engine or idTech
               | don't even lift a finger about that?
               | https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-
               | US/ProgrammingAndScripting/...
               | johnnycerberus wrote:
               | But according to the documentation, that is just a OOP-
               | hierarchy in which they separate the concerns, they miss
               | the S in the ECS.
               | teamonkey wrote:
               | Not so. The physics system works on all physics
               | components. The renderer system works on all rendering
               | components. The networking system work on all components
               | that are enabled for network replication.
               | vvanders wrote:
               | https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-
               | US/ProgrammingAndScripting/...
               | The "S" in unreal is a tick. It's been about a decade
               | since I last worked with Unreal but there was very much
               | the concept of systems that processed batches of things
               | in areas where performance was a concern.
               | Keep in mind that ECS is a design pattern and just like
               | any design pattern applied blindly you can end up in a
               | worse place than you started. A
               | FactoryDispatcherQueuePatternImpl helps no one despite
               | using many design patterns. When it comes to ECS it's
               | much more about the spirit than the letter of the law.
             | dralley wrote:
             | You mean the big commercial game engines? They took a while
             | time to adjust because, by definition, they're big. Harder
             | to move the entire ecosystem at once.
             | But that's hardly "all the game engines"
         | DominikD wrote:
         | Total Annihilation (1997), Thief (1998), Dungeon Siege (2002),
         | and many others used ECS and their developers wrote about it
         | long, long before Minecraft and others.
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