[HN Gopher] Wheel: Navigation framework for Vim
       Wheel: Navigation framework for Vim
       Author : tambourine_man
       Score  : 37 points
       Date   : 2021-02-26 11:53 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | dbalatero wrote:
       | I've looked at this repo multiple times recently and can't figure
       | out what it does. Am I missing something? Can someone help
       | explain it?
         | aasasd wrote:
         | Looks like a buffer list, i.e. a list of open files in the vein
         | of tabs in mainstream editors, but with groups for those
         | buffers. Visually reminds of Helm/Ivy's buffer list in Emacs.
         | And then the whole thing got on amphetamines and the author was
         | carried away, so now it has multilevel organization and a bunch
         | of other features that even in Emacs are supplied by separate
         | packages with _some_ integration maybe.
         | Edit: actually it's mentioned that the author has previously
         | written about the same thing for Emacs--borrowed from someone
         | else but rewritten from scratch.
         | layer8 wrote:
         | It seems like tree tabs in browsers, except limited to three
         | levels.
       | pjs_ wrote:
       | This seems like something created by a genius mind but honestly I
       | don't want to think about topology when I'm navigating files in
       | vim. Ctrl-P is about as fancy as I can deal with I think...
         | demosito666 wrote:
         | My thoughts exactly after I tried to read the readme for second
         | time.
         | However, thinking a bit more about it, I simulate something
         | like author's kind of hierarchy with vim+tmux: for each
         | distinct activity I usually start new tmux session (e.g.
         | frontend, backend, terraform, etc.). For each project inside
         | the activity I usually have 1-2 tmux windows with vim opened in
         | the root of the repo, e.g. in the backend I'd have vim with
         | microserviceA, vim in microserviceB, vim with shared library
         | and a shell with REPL and docker logs. So it goes tmux session
         | -> tmux window -> file in vim. Switching files in vim within a
         | project is a solved problem (fzf and language servers).
         | The downside of that is that it's not always possible to jump
         | from a file in one vim into another within a session, I have to
         | manually switch windows. But most of the time `gd' works if you
         | have import paths set correctly.
       | kludgeon wrote:
       | i wish i knew about this much earlier in my vim days. there's a
       | catch 22: on the one hand, this single plugin solves a ton of
       | problems for the advanced vim user; on the other, advanced users
       | have likely already stitched together a patchwork of plugins,
       | scripts, and configs that accomplish most of this one's
       | functionality. So a new user does not understand how this plugin
       | is truly invaluable, but the value proposition to the experienced
       | user is mitigated by the drastic rewrite and relearn for a
       | potentially marginal benefit.
       | but if you throw the word lua in the description somewhere
       | that'll net you a couple hundred stars from the nvim people.
       | edit: i am an nvim/lua person.
       (page generated 2021-02-28 23:01 UTC)