[HN Gopher] Take a look at Nomad before jumping on Kubernetes
       Take a look at Nomad before jumping on Kubernetes
       Author : sofixa
       Score  : 133 points
       Date   : 2021-02-28 09:30 UTC (13 hours ago)
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       | kashif wrote:
       | Much better and easier to run/maintain than Kubernetes. I say
       | this after using it for 5 years.
       | ahachete wrote:
       | The absence of CRDs is a significant lacking. They enable
       | abstraction, composability and reusability. Even if Kubernetes
       | may be more complex, deploying complex jobs on Nomad may become
       | (much) more complex than CRD-powered complex equivalent on
       | Kubernetes.
       | I'm also not sure if Nomad has an equivalent of the listeners
       | that you have on Kubernetes to implement reconciliation loops,
       | i.e. the controller part of operators.
       | sdotsen wrote:
       | I looked into Nomad and my problem is having to run a minimum of
       | six machines in a cluster for a few microservices. The argument
       | could be made that we wouldn't need container orchestration for a
       | few, but if we plan on scaling I don't want to have to deal with
       | a fleet of servers. With ECS or EKS, I would only have to worry
       | about the worker nodes so it's less to manage
         | jiveturkey wrote:
         | why do you have a microservices environment for "just a few"?
         | core-questions wrote:
         | You can totally do it on three machines, each running triple
         | duty as consul, nomad, and worker machines.
           | sofixa wrote:
           | Or if reduced redundancy is accepted, on one/two ( either one
           | with everything running as server and client, or two with one
           | running Nomad, Vault Consul servers and the other clients)
       | markbnj wrote:
       | We're all-in on kubernetes and cri where I work, but Nomad is
       | cool and if we were starting out now we'd certainly take a close
       | look at it. We use other Hashicorp tools, terraform for example,
       | so we're already familiar with HCL (which I don't necessarily
       | prefer over yaml or json for declarative tasks but that's another
       | debate). Most of the simplicity argument comes from the single
       | server/worker binary and ease of deployment on the ops side,
       | which if you use managed k8s like GKE might not mean all that
       | much. If you're going to implement and run your own clusters
       | that's a bigger deal.
       | Looking at it from the consumer side and comparing like to like I
       | don't feel its a _lot_ simpler. Task groups and pods, tasks and
       | containers, config, networking, storage, it is all different on
       | nomad but not, imo, tremendously simpler. That makes sense given
       | the nature of the problem the systems are addressing. Over the
       | last five years kubernetes has grown horizontally a great deal to
       | encompass more and more enterprise features and use cases, and I
       | feel in general this is a repeating pattern: a thing is created,
       | it works well and becomes popular, more people use it and join
       | the community bringing their own use cases, which drives the
       | addition of features to the thing, which eventually gets
       | complicated enough that people are attracted to a new thing that
       | does largely the same stuff but hasn't had a lot of the new
       | features added yet. Rinse and repeat.
       | On a somewhat unrelated note: I'm not very attracted to server-
       | side features for tracking and manipulating versions of
       | deployments and their history. I'm a fan of git ops, and what I
       | want out of the server-side runtime is reliable, fast
       | reconciliation of the infrastructure state with the release
       | branch in my repo. If I want to roll back I would much rather
       | revert in git and redeploy. It seems troublesome and error prone
       | to rely on a cli command to force the server side state to a
       | previous iteration that is not in sync with what master in the
       | repo says should be the canonical release version. Interested in
       | others' thoughts, but maybe its a separate topic.
       | justinsaccount wrote:
       | I think nomad really needs a k3s equivalent.
       | The equivalent of k8s is not nomad, it's nomad+consul+vault
       | If you read through something like kubernetes-the-hard-way most
       | of the really tricky parts are setting up the PKI infrastructure
       | and bootstrapping etcd.
       | https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/nomad/security-enable-...
       | starts to look a lot like
       | https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way/b...
       | Vault is better than k8s secrets, but getting nomad working
       | doesn't magically give you a working vault cluster.
         | steeleduncan wrote:
         | > The equivalent of k8s is not nomad, it's nomad+consul+vault
         | This was my stumbling block.
         | Nomad alone is clearly easier than k8s, and if it alone will
         | suit your needs then you are in luck, but I didn't find
         | installing and configuring 3 separate services any easier than
         | k8s alone.
           | insanejudge wrote:
           | I've never seen a reliable, scaled and coherent k8s operation
           | without at least vault, and often consul as well, so that
           | argument never held any water for me
       | leetrout wrote:
       | I love nomad so much. It never really gets a fair shake IMO. The
       | world needs both k8s and nomad and I hope it continues to grow
       | and see more adoption.
       | And many years ago we used it as a feature in a product written
       | in Go. We could just tap in to the APIs directly. It is amazing
       | for batch jobs.
       | justinko wrote:
       | Or ECS for that matter.
         | sofixa wrote:
         | If you're on AWS and don't intend to move, yep, it's a decent
         | option.
       | rileymichael wrote:
       | If multi-region deployments weren't an enterprise only feature,
       | Nomad would be a lot more appealing for me since Kubefed is still
       | nowhere near ready.
       | jxf wrote:
       | The main advantage of Kubernetes isn't really Kubernetes anymore
       | -- it's the ecosystem of stuff around it and the innumerable
       | vendors you can pay to make your problems someone else's
       | problems.
         | orthecreedence wrote:
         | The main advantage of Nomad is Nomad. It strikes the perfect
         | balance between simple and capable, enough so that I don't have
         | to pay someone else. You can read the bulk of the docs in a day
         | or two and deploy it that afternoon.
         | Consul/Nomad deployment is easy and operation is a breeze. As
         | the sole ops person at my company, Nomad has made it possible
         | for me to scale our infrastructure without an entire team
         | dedicated to it.
         | I'm not saying that it's better than K8S, but for a small team
         | who wants to focus on _building things_ , it's an amazing time
         | saver. Obviously, read the docs and make your own decisions,
         | but there is a definitely an infrastructure void that Nomad has
         | filled perfectly.
           | peter_l_downs wrote:
           | As a counterpoint, everything you just said about
           | Consul/Nomad applies to using hosted K8s like GKE. I moved my
           | company's infra to it last year and now we barely think about
           | it. We're a small team, I'm the only person doing devops, and
           | there are very, very few problems requiring my attention.
           | I'm skeptical that anything allowing flexibility in this
           | space can ever be that simple because the domain is actually
           | pretty complicated. Networking, secrets, scaling,
           | healthchecking, deployment strategies, containerization --
           | you need to know something about all of these before you can
           | use Nomad or Kubernetes.
           | jxf wrote:
           | I think that is the point, though. If you're small and you
           | want to focus on building things, it doesn't matter very much
           | what it's running on; it's almost always going to be a better
           | use of your time to make it someone else's problem.
           | If you're doing your own bespoke ops or you need to own more
           | of the stack, then Nomad is a powerful choice.
           | rualca wrote:
           | > The main advantage of Nomad is Nomad.
           | Is it, really? It feels like it is it's main disadvantage, in
           | the sense that Kubernetes is a first-class citizen offered by
           | practically all major cloud providers, while Nomad... Is
           | anyone actually offering Nomad at all?
             | jamesog wrote:
             | Managed Kubernetes exists because Kubernetes is so mind-
             | bendingly complex.
             | Nomad, on the other hand, is pretty simple and easy to run,
             | and a single binary. There's probably no benefit to having
             | a managed offering.
             | That said, I wouldn't be surprised if HashiCorp add Nomad
             | to HashiCorp Cloud Platform, which currently lets you
             | deploy Consul and Vault to cloud providers via their
             | system.
               | jpgvm wrote:
               | Managed Kubernetes exists for the same reason managed
               | PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, ElasticSearch so on and so
               | forth exist.
               | Which is to say it's useful enough to a large amount of
               | people to make it viable as a product offering. Nomad
               | would fail as a managed offering here like like Deis,
               | Flynn, Convox and probably 100 other container management
               | platforms that came before.
               | As a niche tool to manage sub-1000 boxen it's probably
               | ok. But k8s has won the greater war.
               | Disclaimer: Worked on Flynn, still run it for my own
               | personal stuff by $DAY_JOB is all k8s.
               | tutfbhuf wrote:
               | If public cloud providers would offer Nomad, then it
               | would only be a question of time until managed Nomad
               | would be a thing.
               | Managed _something_ does not mean it's "mind-bendingly
               | complex", but rather that people don't want to take care
               | about it and focus on their own stuff like building
               | applications.
         | KaiserPro wrote:
         | or, just hear me out, not use k8s and avoid 90% of the problems
         | in the first place.
         | There are some specific places that k8s can shine, but easy
         | scaling(1000 nodes +) and low management overhead isn't one of
         | them.
         | ozim wrote:
         | Up vote because that really is the main thing to consider when
         | evaluating actual needs of a project.
         | My actual need is that I deploy my application and I don't care
         | where or how it is running. Most of people should not even
         | think about running k8s on their own. That should be job of a
         | service provider and there should be service provider for
         | running "Nomad".
       | joana035 wrote:
       | I don't get why people are so afraid of kubernetes, the thing is
       | pretty much hands off.
         | rualca wrote:
         | > I don't get why people are so afraid of kubernetes, the thing
         | is pretty much hands off.
         | To be fair, this time around the ones afraid of Kubernetes are
         | the companies trying to sell a Kubernetes competitor.
           | sofixa wrote:
           | To be clear, i ( the author of the article) am not affiliated
           | with Hashicorp in any way besides using some of their ( free,
           | open source versions) products.
           | I just used Kubernetes at work, inherited a poorly maintained
           | cluster, and when time came to change, due to very limited
           | time available, we opted for Nomad. Few years in, i'm telling
           | what i've learned ( while still running a k8s cluster for
           | home use, so i'm not entirely disconnected from the k8s
           | ecosystem)
             | rualca wrote:
             | I see, I apologize for the unintended misrepresentation.
             | However one of the things I jumped into the assumption that
             | the blog post was stealth advertising for Nomad was a few
             | exaggerated claims that feel quite a stretch to be able to
             | come up with anything in favour of Nomad over Kubernetes.
             | One of them, for example, is that
             | Nomad is supposed to be "significantly easier than microk8s
             | or minikube or kind" to run locally as a dev environment.
             | Well, anyone familiar with minikube is well aware that to
             | get it up and running you only need to install it and
             | kubectl, and quite literally just run 'minikube start'.
             | Nomad agent is not only far more convoluted to get up and
             | running according to Nomad's official documentation, but it
             | is also explicitly stated that it's use is highly
             | discouraged. Don't you feel that you're misrepresenting
             | Nomad's selling points?
               | sofixa wrote:
               | I see.
               | > Nomad is supposed to be "significantly easier than
               | microk8s or minikube or kind" to run locally as a dev
               | environment. Well, anyone familiar with minikube is well
               | aware that to get it up and running you only need to
               | install it and kubectl, and quite literally just run
               | 'minikube start'
               | It would appear that i wasn't up to date on minikube -
               | last time i installed it ( it was a few years back, and
               | since then i've switched to microk8s for local stuff), it
               | required a VM intermediary and driver, but that's no
               | longer the case, direct Docker being supported. That's
               | drastically easier than it was before, but there's still
               | a slight advantage to Nomad (see below).
               | > Nomad agent is not only far more convoluted to get up
               | and running according to Nomad's official documentation,
               | but it is also explicitly stated that it's use is highly
               | discouraged
               | How so? Download a binary, run `nomad agent -dev` and
               | that's it, there's nothing convoluted. It's highly
               | discouraged the same way minikube is - for production
               | use. With `nomad agent -dev` you get a local ephemeral
               | Nomad instance you can do whatever you want with, but
               | should never use it for production use.
               | The small advantage i talked about is that minikube is a
               | separate thing you have to download ( and there's
               | minikube vs microk8s vs kind); with nomad, it's the same
               | one as the CLI you need to interact with the cluster. So
               | i'd be like there was `kubectl minikube start`, and
               | that's it - you can go from working with a cluster to
               | having a local one for testing in a command. Very slight
               | advantage, indeed, but still one IMHO.
               | sgt wrote:
               | I think you have to ask yourself - why are you running
               | Nomad locally as a dev environment? It's indeed very
               | useful to test running jobs on Nomad just to learn it,
               | but to develop using Nomad would be defeating the
               | purpose. Just develop your own code as usual, e.g. with a
               | Python stack you end up with a docker container and on
               | Java you end up with a JAR file you can run from Nomad.
         | sofixa wrote:
         | Is it? If GCP are launching an even more managed version of
         | their managed Kubernetes because the current one is too complex
         | for some, i'd say it isn't that hands off, even with a managed
         | service.
         | It's gotten drastically better, but updates are still serious
         | work ( point in case, all cloud providers bar Scaleway are
         | usually multiple versions late)
         | tutfbhuf wrote:
         | It's a thing of personal preference and requirements. I can
         | easily see that there are requirements where Nomad is a better
         | fit. However, I also have to say that Kubernetes has clearly
         | won the battle a will be the safe choice for most companies for
         | the years to come. It will be much easier to find knowledgeable
         | DevOps and SRE workforce for k8s, than any other orchestrator
         | alternative.
           | atmosx wrote:
           | Any engineer worth his salt will be able to hit the ground
           | running on both systems pretty quickly. The concepts are
           | pretty similar.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | It's really only in the last couple years that kubernetes has
         | started to get tamed and be more approachable. For the longest
         | time the only way to get a simple dev cluster up on your laptop
         | was to make a VM with like 8-16GB of RAM and four cores
         | dedicated to it--it was pretty outrageous. Nowadays kind, k3s,
         | etc. make it a simple one line install and sip resources. But I
         | agree, there is definitely a misperception that k8s is too
         | complex.
         | corobo wrote:
         | Honestly my turn off was seeing Google Cloud and later
         | DigitalOcean providing managed versions of it. If they see
         | value in doing that I assume it's gonna be a pain in the arse
         | to solo sysadmin it.
         | I later realised my blog and little side projects do not need a
         | cluster but that's another story. I was mainly looking at it to
         | learn than to properly utilize
         | Completely off topic, sorry. Whatever happened to Flynn.io?
         | That was my favorite of the clustery things but it just sort of
         | fell off the internet
         | e: oh. Answered by visiting the site just now. "Flynn is no
         | longer being developed." that is a shame.
       | mrkurt wrote:
       | We use (and abuse) Nomad for Fly.io workloads. My favorite thing
       | about it is that it's simple to understand. You can read the
       | whole project and pretty much figure out what's going on .
       | We've written:
       | * A custom task driver to launch and manage Firecracker VMs
       | * A device plugin for managing persistent disks
       | The second is interesting - we looked hard at CSI, but the
       | complexity cost of CSI is very high. The benefit is pluggable
       | storage providers. We don't need pluggable storage providers,
       | though.
       | Likewise, we don't need pluggable networking.
       | Device plugins are a really nice way to extend Nomad.
       | junon wrote:
       | Neither have ever really made me happy as a systems designer.
       | They both have some massive drawbacks.
       | gravypod wrote:
       | I personally feel HCL (or any specific thing) is a large
       | disadvantage for any orchestration platform. Kubernetes is an API
       | for infrastructure. This is why it uses json/yaml. It doesn't
       | mean your configuration should use json/yaml natively.
       | You can easily write tools that generate json/yaml for you based
       | on your needs. For most applications you're deploying you'll
       | need:
       | 1. A Deployment
       | 2. A Service that points to that Deployment
       | 3. An Ingress or similar
       | In some cases you'll want to manage persistent state on disk and
       | you'll need a StatefulSet.
       | A good example of this can be seen
       | https://youtu.be/keT8ixRS6Fk?t=1317 and
       | https://youtu.be/muvU1DYrY0w?t=581
         | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
         | A thousand times this.
         | With Kubernetes, you can even use one of the many native
         | clients (and/or protobuf) which makes converting from something
         | else a breeze, avoiding the JSON/YAML entirely. You get static
         | typing, you can write tests, etc.
           | sofixa wrote:
           | Well, it's same thing with Nomad - there are native SDKs,
           | protobuf and a classical JSON REST API for everything.
         | sofixa wrote:
         | > You can easily write tools that generate json/yaml for you
         | based on your needs. For most applications you're deploying
         | you'll need:
         | Can you with yaml? Helm tries, but isn't that great, jinja (
         | depending on how its done ( jinja in yaml as in ansible or
         | jinja to yaml as in SaltStack)) does an ok job, but
         | fundamentally managing a language which uses spaces for logic
         | with code is hard, and certainly YAML wasn't created to be
         | managed that way.
         | JSON i agree, you can easily convert your language of choice's
         | data structures to it. But do you have to? It adds another
         | layer of complexity, and you can have unexpected bugs ( since
         | you have a logic layer that creates JSON, which could be wrong
         | due to a logical error).
         | HCL is a DSL that needs learning and few use outside of
         | Hashicorp products, but IMHO it's not that hard ( docs are
         | great, tutorials are plenty) and it's worthwhile to have
         | data+logic in the same human and machine readable layer.
         | In any case, Nomad accepts JSON for everything ( mostly for
         | when non-humans interact with it).
           | gravypod wrote:
           | Helm, in my personal opinion, is one of the biggest mistakes
           | of the kubernetes ecosystem. Not embracing Jsonnet, Cue,
           | Dhall, or even an in-language DSL like Pulumi has set the
           | usability of kube back quite far.
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | Helm isn't that connected to the broader Kubernetes system.
             | It was popular in the early days when Kubernetes knowledge
             | was sparse and things were still being figured out. None of
             | the official Kubernetes docs really mention or describe
             | using helm, and I see more getting started tutorials are
             | starting to avoid it too. The official kubectl tool
             | supports a -k mode which applies Kustomize logic and I'd
             | argue Kustomize is probably the official way forward with
             | app deployments by the Kubernetes project.
             | jpgvm wrote:
             | $DAY_JOB replaced helm with custom tool that does
             | equivalent of kubectl apply by uses Jsonnet as templating
             | engine.
             | I intend to write an OSS version of it because Jsonnet
             | really is probably the best fit here (though Cue/Dhall are
             | interesting I think Jsonnet is easiest to get others to
             | adopt).
               | gravypod wrote:
               | I've done the same in the past. The important thing is
               | making it so it's easy to build up abstractions and to
               | work in a sensible deployment flow.
               | kubectl is close but doesn't understand
               | secrets/variables, the concept of clusters, or changing
               | image tags programmatically. It's difficult to get right.
               | jpgvm wrote:
               | Yeah this is all stuff this tool understood, multiple
               | clusters, managing kube contexts, external secret storage
               | or k8s secrets, native git integration, etc.
               | Definitely agree that it's difficult to get right but the
               | authors of the tool definitely struck a really good
               | balance.
               | Hopefully if I implement it myself I can do their
               | original design and implementation justice.
               | mdaniel wrote:
               | > kubectl is close but doesn't understand
               | secrets/variables, the concept of clusters, or changing
               | image tags programmatically. It's difficult to get right.
               | Isn't that the problem kustomize (which kubectl now has
               | native support for applying) is trying to solve? I ask
               | that honestly, because I haven't used kustomize in anger
               | in order to compare its workflow to that of helm
               | gravypod wrote:
               | My mistake. I meant kubecfg which is built off of
               | jsonnet.
               | jpgvm wrote:
               | I did the full gambit of helm 1/2 tiller/tiller-less and
               | kustomize. Personally kustomize is only marginally better
               | than helm.
               | I need to check out kubecfg, I haven't used it yet.
               | etse wrote:
               | I also did something like this a few years ago (with Go
               | templating instead of Jsonnet), but we recently replaced
               | it with Kustomize (https://kustomize.io/) as it worked
               | quite well for the basic use case of getting shared
               | Kubernetes configs to deploy code to different
               | environments at different times.
               | atmosx wrote:
               | The fact that trivial things like ingresses don't have
               | transformers is a PITA.
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | No need to build it, there's already kubecfg:
               | https://github.com/bitnami/kubecfg
               | rickspencer3 wrote:
               | We use this heavily at InfluxData to manage multiple
               | clusters in multiple regions of multiple clouds. One of
               | the maintainers of kubecfg recently joined InfluxData as
               | well.
           | geofft wrote:
           | A team at my workplace uses Jsonnet for this problem and it
           | seems to work very well. It's a nicely human-readable DSL for
           | generating JSON in a way that respects JSON structures - you
           | can construct lists of objects (deployments, services, etc.)
           | by looping over templates and composing modifications.
           | That seems a lot better than either SaltStack's use of Jinja
           | (using text-based templating on a structured format) or
           | Ansible's (using YAML as syntax for an imperative programming
           | language that has Jinja-evaluation functionality).
         | nunez wrote:
         | Unless you start messing with Operators (which are hot right
         | now) for desired state configuration within your cluster, which
         | can, theoretically, be written in anything, but realistically
         | tend to be written in Golang.
           | gravypod wrote:
           | Yep, exactly. KubeDB is a great example of this.
           | tutfbhuf wrote:
           | I think operators are great and true to the k8s spirit. You
           | describe your desired state (e.g. a postgres database)
           | according to a CRD. And the operator will make your yaml
           | definition become reality. I think the declarative approach
           | is a big improvement over the imperative step-by-step setup.
           | I rather like to describe how I would like things to be,
           | instead of having to create the desired state myself.
         | okso wrote:
         | HCL is JSON compatible, and Nomad can load JSON natively.
           | mrkurt wrote:
           | It can only load json with the api, the nomad CLI can't
           | launch json jobs.
             | core-questions wrote:
             | But who would use the Nomad CLI for serious work? I use the
             | Terraform provider for Nomad to launch all my jobs.
               | mrkurt wrote:
               | Me? It's handy to be able to dump -> modify -> load jobs
               | when I'm poking at things. No one said anything about
               | serious work, though, they said "load json natively".
           | gravypod wrote:
           | I assumed that was a possibility but that still means "HCL"
           | isn't a benefit since kubectl can load json from the CLI and
           | from apiserver.
       | haolez wrote:
       | I'd consider Nomad if I'd need to manage my own orchestration
       | infrastructure somehow.
       | My first option would be to hire a managed Kubernetes service. If
       | that proves to be unreliable or not cost-effective in the long
       | run, I'd then consider making this in-house and use Nomad
       | instead.
       | nunez wrote:
       | I'm surprised that Nomad is gaining traction _now_, five years
       | later. Nomad has always been "container orchestration, the easy
       | HashiCorp way," but finding case studies from others using it has
       | been challenging
       | jokethrowaway wrote:
       | From my experience nomad and other hashicorp tools required more
       | learning how to use all the pieces together / figuring out edge
       | cases / debugging.
       | K8s was definitely easier to setup.
       | I feel like nomad is appealing to people who don't really need
       | orchestration but feel like they do.
       | It's perfectly fine to run apps with just docker. I have small
       | projects on the side which are just a couple of servers with
       | docker: one nginx container pointing at a few docker containers
       | containing some services.
       | Once my needs grow, I'll just roll them over to k8s.
         | sofixa wrote:
         | > From my experience nomad and other hashicorp tools required
         | more learning how to use all the pieces together / figuring out
         | edge cases / debugging. > K8s was definitely easier to setup
         | How so? I can't imagine any production setup of Kubernetes from
         | scratch ( not managed by a cloud provider) being easier,
         | initially or on day 2, than Nomad+Consul+Vault, but maybe i'm
         | missing something.
       | francis-io wrote:
       | As a cloud engineer in the UK, it's almost required these days to
       | know K8s in one form or another. I wish it wasn't the case, but I
       | think the battle is over.
         | sgt wrote:
         | Learning k8s is not a problem, but if you are faced with the
         | decision to implement either k8s or Nomad at a company, it's
         | worth evaluating both and what fits better for your team.
         | Recruitment should not be an issue since anyone who understands
         | k8s should be able to grasp Nomad, and vice versa (although in
         | the latter case, with much more effort).
       (page generated 2021-02-28 23:01 UTC)