[HN Gopher] How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70%
       How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70%
       Author : kuroguro
       Score  : 1078 points
       Date   : 2021-02-28 19:38 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (nee.lv)
 (TXT) w3m dump (nee.lv)
       | johnnyAghands wrote:
       | Face palm. Thanks for doing this, maybe Rockstar will finally fix
       | this bullshit.
       | ufo wrote:
       | The part that puzzles me the most was this comment about sscanf:
       | > To be fair I had no idea most sscanf implementations called
       | strlen so I can't blame the developer who wrote this.
       | Is this true? Is sscanf really O(N) on the size of the string?
       | Why does it need to call strlen in the first place?
       | mstade wrote:
       | This is some first rate debugging, and great writing to boot. I
       | hope Rockstar sees this, fixes the bug and then pays this fella
       | _something_. Great post, thanks for sharing!
       | JoshMcguigan wrote:
       | > Normally Luke would group the same functions together but since
       | I don't have debugging symbols I had to eyeball nearby addresses
       | to guess if it's the same place.
       | I really enjoyed this article, but I do have a question about
       | this part. Why would a single function be listed at mutliple
       | addresses?
       | will4274 wrote:
       | Doesn't surprise me at all. It's an O(n^2) algorithm (strlen
       | called in a loop) in a part of the code where N is likely much
       | smaller in the test environment (in-app purchases).
       | Overwatch is another an incredibly popular game with obvious bugs
       | (the matchmaking time) front and center. And gamers are quick to
       | excuse it as some sort of incredibly sophisticated matchmaking -
       | just like the gamers mentioned in OP.
       | It's easy to to say it's something about gamers / gaming / fandom
       | - but I have a locked down laptop issued by my bigcorp which is
       | unbelievably slow. I'd bet a dollar there's a bug in the
       | enterprise management software that spins the CPU. A lot of
       | software just sucks and people use it anyway.
         | jrockway wrote:
         | I am not sure Overwatch's matchmaking time is a bug per se. The
         | time estimates are bad for sure. But the matchmaker can really
         | only be sure of one state -- if you queue for a match, a match
         | will be made. The rest is predicting who will show up, along
         | with some time-based scale for making a suboptimal match in the
         | interest of time. Players absolutely hate these suboptimal
         | matches, so the time threshold ends up being pretty high. The
         | rest seems to just be luck; will the right combination of 11
         | other people be in the right place at the right time?
         | I think it could be improved, but it doesn't strike me as being
         | buggy.
         | (Overwatch itself, lots of bugs. Tons of bugs. If they have any
         | automated tests for game mechanics I would be pretty
         | surprised.)
           | will4274 wrote:
           | No, it doesn't add up. I can see dozens of groups filling up
           | and queueing at my groups level as I wait for matches. Worse,
           | many of my matches just aren't that evenly balanced. Even if
           | you believe the game is dead now, things were just as bad
           | (10+ minute queues for full 6 stacks) at the peak. They don't
           | do tight geographic bindings - I live on the US west coast
           | and regularly get Brits and Aussies in my games.
           | I guess what they are probably doing is batching groups of
           | games and then matching for the entire batch, to ensure
           | nobody gets a "bad" match. What they've missed is that well -
           | 5% of matches are bad baseline because somebody is being a
           | jerk or quits or has an internet disconnect or smurfs or
           | whatever other reasons. They could have picked an algorithm
           | that gave fast matches 99% of the time at the cost of having
           | bad matches 1% of the time and nobody would have noticed,
           | because their baseline bad match rate is so high.
           | Optimization from too narrow a perspective.
           | Honestly, the OW matches I get aren't any more balanced that
           | the COD matches I used to get, and I got those in a minute,
           | not 15.
         | qyi wrote:
         | It's certainly not unique to game consumers. People in general
         | just blame every fault on "it's physically impossible to
         | solve". One big reason why corporations get away with creating
         | non stop worse and worse products.
       | saagarjha wrote:
       | Reading things like these is bittersweet. One one hand, I am glad
       | to see that the art of figuring out "why is this thing slow" is
       | still alive and well, even in the face of pushback from multiple
       | fronts. On the other hand, it's clear that the bar is continually
       | rising for people who are looking to do this as a result of that
       | pushback. Software has always had a bottleneck of the portion of
       | the code written by the person with the least knowledge or worst
       | priorities, but the ability to actually work around this as an
       | end user has gotten harder and harder.
       | The first hurdle is the technical skill required: there has
       | always been closed source software, but these days the software
       | is so much more complex, often even obfuscated, that the level of
       | knowledge necessary to diagnose an issue and fix it has gone up
       | significantly. It used to be that you could hold and entire
       | program in your head and fix it by patching a couple bytes, but
       | these days things have many, many libraries and you may have to
       | do patching at much stranger boundaries ("function level but when
       | the arguments are these values and the call stack is this"). And
       | that's not to say anything of increasing codesigning/DRM schemes
       | that raise the bar for this kind of thing anyways.
       | The other thing I've been seeing is that the separation between
       | the perceived skills of software authors and software users has
       | increased, which I think has discouraged people from trying to
       | make sense of the systems they use. Software authors are
       | generally large, well funded teams, and together they can make
       | "formidable" programs, which leads many to forget that code is
       | written by individuals who write bugs like individuals. So even
       | when you put in the work to find the bug there will be people who
       | refuse to believe you know what you are doing on account of "how
       | could you possibly know better than $GIANT_CORPORATION".
       | If you're looking for ways to improve this, as a user you should
       | strive to understand how the things you use work and how you
       | might respond to it not working-in my experience this is a
       | perpetually undervalued skill. As a software author you should
       | look to make your software introspectable, be that providing
       | debug symbols or instructions on how users can diagnose issues.
       | And from both sides, more debugging tools and stories like this
       | one :)
       | EdSchouten wrote:
       | Both of these issues are good candidates for
       | https://accidentallyquadratic.tumblr.com
       | JyB wrote:
       | I am absolutely shocked about this finding. The amount of money
       | on microtransactions Rockstar lost because of this single issue
       | must be gigantic. The amount of people that got turned off by the
       | loading times over the years is massive. It's mind boggling.
       | w_for_wumbo wrote:
       | How many bets they'll leave it like this on the current version
       | and fix it for the PS5 version, to show how dramatic of a change
       | it is between consoles?
       | ksec wrote:
       | Even after cutting loading by 70% it still take a minute? I
       | haven't played any AAA titles for a long time. But even 30s is
       | way too long. Especially I used to play with HDD. Considering
       | modern SSD can be 30x Faster in Seq Read and Random Read up to
       | 200x.
       | Is 1 min loading time even normal? Why did it take so long? I
       | never played GTA Online so could someone explain?
       | awinter-py wrote:
       | woo open source
       | wun0ne wrote:
       | Incredible work. Hopefully R* acknowledge this and compensate you
       | in some way. I won't be holding my breath.
       | Maybe set up a donation page? I'd be more than happy to send some
       | beer money your way for your time spent on this!
       | raggi wrote:
       | Spicy hot take: the root cause here is the awful c++ library
       | ecosystem.
       | Aissen wrote:
       | It would make a great addition to the Accidentally Quadratic
       | blog: https://accidentallyquadratic.tumblr.com/ (haven't been
       | updated in ~2 years, but maybe the author is around).
       | capableweb wrote:
       | > the problems shouldn't take more than a day for a single dev to
       | solve
       | It bothers me that so many of us developers are annoyed by
       | managers saying stupid stuff like "shouldn't be too hard" about
       | things they don't understand, but then other developers walk into
       | the same trap.
       | Yes, it looks simple at the surface. It most likely isn't. The
       | problem is not that it looks simple, the problem is that you
       | assume it is simple, probably because you don't have the full
       | context.
         | asadlionpk wrote:
         | The person posted a PoC that works. Surely they have context
         | now?
           | capableweb wrote:
           | That's very true, and the PoC works for that person. It's not
           | that easy in real-life development though, you can't just
           | switch out the JSON parser and call it a day. Lots of testing
           | has to be done and you have to go through all the previous
           | changes to make sure you're not missing what the previous
           | maintainers did to fix some one-in-a-million issues.
           | I'm not saying it's impossible for this to be as easy as the
           | author claims it to be. I'm just saying that it might not
           | actually be that easy in reality, if you're on the inside.
             | segmondy wrote:
             | Let's say that JSON parser is used in so many other places
             | and we are afraid of regression. Guess what? We can make a
             | new one. Let's call it newImprovedJsonParser(). Use that
             | only at this spot, and you have fixed the issue without
             | breaking other parts. You can then replace the other's once
             | you vet that they are compatible.
             | jhncls wrote:
             | You seem to be hinting to Chesterton's fence [0].
             | [0]: https://fs.blog/2020/03/chestertons-fence/
               | resonantjacket5 wrote:
               | Accept in this case I don't really see why you'd want a
               | naive o(n^2) parser when it isn't needed. Well besides
               | for slow loading times.
               | asadlionpk wrote:
               | Thanks for sharing this, didn't have a name for this
               | scenario.
             | asadlionpk wrote:
             | But you do understand the ROI of this relatively simple
             | fix?
             | toast0 wrote:
             | OK, don't switch out the JSON parser. Just patch in the
             | caching strlen before parsing the json, and set it back to
             | normal strlen after; and fiddle with the hashmap stuff.
         | stevemk14ebr wrote:
         | it _is_ simple, as evident by the article if you read it in
         | full
           | capableweb wrote:
           | I _did_ read it. Did I miss the part where Rockstar confessed
           | it was a really easy issue to fix and they apologised or
           | what's your point?
             | stevemk14ebr wrote:
             | 'Yes, it looks simple at the surface. It most likely isn't'
             | my point is the issue is simple, as the article proves.
         | blt wrote:
         | I agree "shouldn't be too hard" should be avoided, but in this
         | case the developers should fix it even if it _is_ hard.
           | cma wrote:
           | Back of the envelope (and if the same problem applies to
           | consoles in addition to PC), the fix would save 30+ human
           | waking lifetimes per year.
         | bspammer wrote:
         | I hope you at least agree this isn't a bug that should go
         | unfixed for _7 years_.
       | trollied wrote:
       | Wow. I always assumed that profiling would be part of the pre-
       | release test processes for AAA games...
         | gbl08ma wrote:
         | I had heard about this giant JSON from friends in the GTA V
         | modding community. OP's idea of what it is used for is right.
         | My guess is that this JSON was quite smaller when the game
         | released and has been increasing in size as they add more and
         | more items to sell in-game. Additionally, I speculate that most
         | of the people with the knowledge to do this sort of profiling
         | moved on to work on other Rockstar titles, and the "secondary
         | team(s)" maintaining GTA Online throughout most of its lifespan
         | either didn't notice the problem, since it's something that has
         | become worse slowly over the years, or don't have enough
         | bandwidth to focus on it and fix it.
         | It's also possible they are very aware of it and are saving up
         | this improvement for the next iteration of GTA Online, running
         | on a newer version of their game engine :)
         | Negitivefrags wrote:
         | When it was released the game didn't have all the
         | microtransactions so it probably took no time at all to process
         | the JSON even with this issue.
         | Then over time they slowly add data to the JSON and then this
         | O(n^2) stuff starts to creep up and up, but the farther away
         | from release you are, the less likely that the kind of
         | engineers to who do optimisation and paying any attention.
         | They are all off working on the next game.
         | paulryanrogers wrote:
         | Could it be that MMO players are just more accustomed to long
         | load times? (Lack of loading patience is one of the reasons I
         | don't play SWOTOR.)
           | josephg wrote:
           | When I used to play world of Warcraft, it never took more
           | than 30 seconds or so to load. It got much faster over the
           | years - when I was playing a few years ago it was more like 5
           | seconds from character selection to being in the world.
           | Nothing like the 6 minutes people are talking about for GTA.
           | That's ridiculous.
         | jimbob45 wrote:
         | Same. I wonder if the dev didn't bother to fix it because they
         | assumed profiling would identify it as a non-issue.
           | bombcar wrote:
           | I wonder if the list was much shorter at release and wasn't
           | super slow on Developement systems.
         | yread wrote:
         | Could be that at release the JSON was just 200kb with 1000
         | entries or something and this quadratic "algorithm" wasn't the
         | slowest part of the process
         | IgorPartola wrote:
         | More importantly how do you release a game that takes 6 minutes
         | to load? This is why mobile gaming has the advantage. In those
         | 6 minutes I could have played a round of a game that's quite
         | satisfying and put it down already. This just seems sloppy.
           | Aerroon wrote:
           | I've actually opened a game with long loading times and alt
           | tabbed out, because I knew it would take a while. I booted up
           | another game to play a little bit until the first game
           | finishes loading. 3 hours later I was done playing and
           | realized that I was supposed to play game #1.
           | bluedino wrote:
           | It was only one minute at first. As the game had content
           | added, it got longer and longer and nobody cared.
           | superjan wrote:
           | It's quite possible that there were way less items in the
           | store on launch, or during testing. Then it could easily be
           | overlooked. Of course no excuse to not fix it later.
             | IgorPartola wrote:
             | OK but how come even without the store it took more than
             | 20-30 seconds? This was a beefy computer 7 years ago.
       | faebi wrote:
       | Wow, many people argue how optimized GTA was and then this. I
       | wonder how much money they lost because of this. I often stopped
       | playing because it just took too long to load.
         | formerly_proven wrote:
         | GTA V (the single player game) is quite well optimized and
         | needs a frame rate limiter on most newer systems because it
         | will run at over ~180 fps, at which point the engine starts to
         | barf all over itself.
         | GTA Online is a huge, enormously buggy and slow mess that will
         | generally struggle to run at 80 fps on a top-of-the-line 2020
         | system (think 10900K at over 5 GHz with a 3090) and will almost
         | never cross the 120 fps threshold no matter how fast your
         | system is and how low the settings are.
           | ecf wrote:
           | > at which point the engine starts to barf all over itself.
           | I'm really confused as to why games are determining anything
           | whatsoever based on the refresh rate of the screen.
           | Skyrim has this same problem and not being able to play over
           | 60fps is the reason I haven't touched the game in years.
             | gridspy wrote:
             | Because if you run the simulation at a different frame-rate
             | from the rendering it is a huge amount more work. Suddenly
             | you have to start marshaling data through intermediate data
             | structures and apply interpolation to everything.
             | If you then try to run the simulation in parallel with the
             | rendering (rather than between some frames) it is even more
             | work, since inter-thread communication is hard.
             | This stuff might seem easy for very good programmers,
             | however on a game you want to hire a wide range of
             | programmer skill and "game-play programmers" tend to be
             | weaker on the pure programming front (their skills lie
             | elsewhere)
             | megameter wrote:
             | It's a coding strategy intended to optimize around console
             | refresh targets first and then "do whatever" for PC build.
             | Generally, a AAA console game will target 30hz or 60hz.
             | Therefore the timing loop is built to serve updates at a
             | steady pace of 30 or 60, with limiting if it goes faster.
             | Many game engines also interpolate animations separately
             | from the rest of the gameplay, allowing them to float at
             | different refresh rates. Many game engines further will
             | also decouple AI routine tick rates from physics to spread
             | out the load. Many game engines now also interleave updates
             | and kick off the next frame before the first is complete,
             | using clever buffering and multithreaded job code. All
             | told, timing in games is one of those hazard zones where
             | the dependencies are both numerous and invisible.
             | When you bring this piece of intricate engineering over to
             | PC and crank up the numbers, you hit edge cases. Things
             | break. It's usually possible to rework the design to get
             | better framerate independence, but doing do would be
             | invasive - you'd be changing assumptions that are now baked
             | into the content. It isn't just fixing one routine.
         | eznzt wrote:
         | The 3D engine is highly optimised.
           | SteveNuts wrote:
           | They must have hired a Solarwinds intern to write the loading
           | screen.
         | alborzb wrote:
         | It always fascinates me how sometimes people defend things just
         | because they're a fan, even if the particular aspect they're
         | defending doesn't make sense!
         | I've seen this happen with some other games which are not the
         | best optimised for PCs, but the fans will still defend the
         | developers, just because they like the brand
           | comboy wrote:
           | They did some good stuff:
           | http://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2015/11/02/gta-v-
           | graphic...
           | And just thinking about the size of the game and popularity,
           | to make it work at all, requires some skill. Which makes the
           | OP even more unbelievable.
           | ip26 wrote:
           | It's part of social validation. You inherently want other
           | people to like the things you like, because it validates your
           | choices. This in turn means you'll defend things you like.
           | Even "rebels", who supposedly relish having fringe tastes,
           | want other rebels to approve of their tastes.
           | The more strongly you stake your identity as "fan of X", the
           | more social disapproval of X hurts.
         | c7DJTLrn wrote:
         | Yep, sometimes I feel like having a drive around, and then I
         | remember how long it takes to load and play something else
         | instead. If you end up in a lobby with undesirables and are
         | forced to switch, you've got another long wait.
         | connicpu wrote:
         | I'm willing to bet the developers who wrote the in game store
         | are not the same developers who optimized the rendering
         | pipeline
         | blibble wrote:
         | I tried GTA online once and indeed got fed up of the load times
         | jeroenhd wrote:
         | GTA, at least the core gameplay and the single player mode, is
         | quite well optimised. The game ran well even on the cheaper
         | side of gaming PC hardware.
         | This... this is GTA online. It's a cash cow designed to suck
         | cash out of your pocket. Ads for things you can spend your
         | money on are shown while "connecting", so if this delay wasn't
         | introduced intentionally, it sure isn't a high priority fix.
         | The code isn't part of the optimised, streamlined, interactive
         | part of the game, it's part of the menu and loader system.
         | Most of these online games/services have so-called "whales"
         | that contribute most if not all of the income the platform
         | makes. If these whales are willing to spend the wads of cash
         | they throw at the platform, they won't even care for another
         | five minutes of ads. The amounts of cash some of these people
         | spend is obscene; the millions Take Two profit from GTA every
         | year are generally generated by only a tiny (usually a single
         | number percentage) of the total player base.
         | In the end, I doubt they've lost much money on this. They
         | might've even made some from the extra ads.
           | jsheard wrote:
           | > GTA, at least the core gameplay and the single player mode,
           | is quite well optimised. The game ran well even on the
           | cheaper side of gaming PC hardware.
           | It's easy to forget that GTA5 was originally a _360 /PS3_
           | game, getting a game of that scope running at all on a system
           | with just 256MB of RAM and VRAM was an incredible
           | achievement.
           | The A-Team developers who made that happen were probably
           | moved over to Red Dead Redemption 2 though, with GTA5s long
           | tail being handled by the B-Team.
         | psyklic wrote:
         | I wouldn't be surprised if the long wait increases profits --
         | as you wait, Rockstar shows you ads for on-sale items.
       | ed25519FUUU wrote:
       | I love reading about this type of hacking/debugging, where they
       | disassemble the binary and patch it.
       | Can anyone recommend a youtube video where I can _watch_ (not
       | necessarily learn) people doing this sort of work? I 'm in the
       | mood for some vicarious hacking :-)
         | notriv wrote:
         | I highly recommend this forum :)
         | https://guidedhacking.com/
         | voltagex_ wrote:
         | liveoverflow and stacksmashing channels on YouTube.
       | dekerta wrote:
       | This article is great. As a developer, I've always been curious
       | about what the heck GTAO was doing that could take so long to
       | load
       | sim_card_map wrote:
       | Unbelievable.
       | Such silly mistakes causing such a huge delay for millions of
       | gamers over 6 years.
       | kevinventullo wrote:
       | I gave up on playing GTA:O because everything took so long to
       | load, having never spent a dime. I have to imagine there is so
       | much lost revenue because of this bug; I hate to be harsh but it
       | is truly an embarrassment that someone external to R* debugged
       | and fixed this before they did (given they had 6 years!).
         | ThomW wrote:
         | Load times is absolutely the primary reason I quit playing.
           | bouke wrote:
           | Same here, being slow as molasses really spoiled the game for
           | me. I wonder if the same software quality caused other
           | unnecessary in-game loading times. I felt that time spent
           | playing GTA:O was about 60% waiting in lobby/playing, and the
           | remaining 40% actual play time. Same with RDR2 by the way.
             | gridspy wrote:
             | These problems come down to which programmers were allowed
             | to remain on the team and how much they were allowed to
             | change. So all similar performance problems will remain.
       | josalhor wrote:
       | I have a friend who works at Rockstar. I have forwarded the blog
       | post to him.
       | ohwaitnvm wrote:
       | I haven't played GTAO in a couple years, but I vaguely remember
       | using the suspend process option of windows task manager to jump
       | into online much faster.
       | Googling gave me this result, which sounds about right for what I
       | remember. https://www.gfinityesports.com/grand-theft-auto/gta-
       | online-h...
       | I'm not certain it's still a valid workaround, and it's not
       | nearly as sophisticated as the OP method, but at least everyone
       | can do it :)
         | dEnigma wrote:
         | I had to use this trick to kick GTA Online back into action
         | when it got stuck forever on entering buildings (mid-2020).
         | Didn't know it could be used to cut the load times in general.
         | pityJuke wrote:
         | I remember doing this to create a private online session (i.e.
         | no other users).
       | powerfulclick wrote:
       | This is really cool - how did you develop the background
       | knowledge to solve this? I'm trying to learn more about low-level
       | stuff and I would have no idea how to approach solving a problem
       | like this
         | spuz wrote:
         | I'd recommend searching HN for threads about learning reverse
         | engineering. Here are a few that I've found:
         | Reverse Engineering Course:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22061842
         | Reverse Engineering For Beginners:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21640669
         | Introduction to reverse engineering for beginners:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16104958
           | the_only_law wrote:
           | I love it but I don't have the focus or patience to ever do
           | anything more than basic analysis.
           | A lot of the reverse engineers I know seemingly have deep
           | platform knowledge and can do things like cite Win32 docs
           | from memory.
             | mmastrac wrote:
             | I was a reverse engineer for years and never was able to do
             | anything like quoting docs. I'd be constantly googling or
             | using reference material. The only real attribute I'd
             | suggest is tenacity.
       | tyingq wrote:
       | _" They're parsing JSON. A whopping 10 megabytes worth of JSON
       | with some 63k item entries."_
       | Ahh. Modern software rocks.
         | LukvonStrom wrote:
         | why not embed node.js to do this efficiently :D
         | ed25519FUUU wrote:
         | Parsing 63k items in a 10 MB json string is pretty much a
         | breeze on any modern system, including raspberry pi. I wouldn't
         | even consider json as an anti-pattern with storing that much
         | data if it's going over the wire (compressed with gzip).
         | Down a little in the article and you'll see one of the real
         | issues:
         | > _But before it's stored? It checks the entire array, one by
         | one, comparing the hash of the item to see if it's in the list
         | or not. With ~63k entries that's (n^2+n) /2 = (63000^2+63000)/2
         | = 1984531500 checks if my math is right. Most of them useless._
           | tyingq wrote:
           | The JSON patch took out more of the elapsed time. Granted, it
           | was a terrible parser. But I still think JSON is a poor
           | choice here. 63k x X checks for colons, balanced
           | quotes/braces and so on just isn't needed.
           | Time with only duplication check patch: 4m 30s       Time
           | with only JSON parser patch:       2m 50s
         | bombcar wrote:
         | At least parse it into SQLite. Once.
           | tyingq wrote:
           | I think just using a length encoded serialization format
           | would have made this work reasonably fast.
             | hobofan wrote:
             | Or just any properly implemented JSON parser. That's a
             | laughable small amount of JSON, which should easily be
             | parsed in milliseconds.
           | brianberns wrote:
           | They probably add more entries over time (and maybe
           | update/delete old ones), so you'd have to be careful about
           | keeping the local DB in sync.
             | bombcar wrote:
             | So just have the client download the entire DB each time.
             | Can't be that many megabytes.
       | high_byte wrote:
       | this is amazing. good work! unbelievable
       | forrestthewoods wrote:
       | Super impressive. I am generally not impressed with community
       | hacks because, as every comment thread discusses, they are
       | generally hacks that do not support all players and thus can't be
       | shipped.
       | But this seems pretty damn clean. And it's egregious that no one
       | at R* took a week to investigate and fix "correctly".
       | sailfast wrote:
       | This is such an awesome article, and I love it. Thanks to the
       | author for the great digging and explanation.
       | dvdbloc wrote:
       | I bet if the devs did more leetcode this would have never
       | happened /s
       | z92 wrote:
       | Also note that the way he fixed it, strlen only caches the last
       | call and returns quickly on an immediate second call with the
       | same string.
       | Another reason why C styled null terminated strings suck. Use a
       | class or structure and store both the string pointer and its
       | length.
       | I have seen other programs where strlen was gobbling up 95% of
       | execution time.
         | ip26 wrote:
         | Could this be worked into a compiler/stdlib from the back-end?
         | Could a compiler/stdlib quietly treat all strings as a struct
         | of {length,string} and redefine strlen to just fetch the length
         | field? Perhaps setting a hook to transparently update "length"
         | when "string" is updated is not trivial.
         | Edit: hah, I'm decades late to the party, here we go:
         |  _Most modern libraries replace C strings with a structure
         | containing a 32-bit or larger length value (far more than were
         | ever considered for length-prefixed strings), and often add
         | another pointer, a reference count, and even a NUL to speed up
         | conversion back to a C string. Memory is far larger now, such
         | that if the addition of 3 (or 16, or more) bytes to each string
         | is a real problem the software will have to be dealing with so
         | many small strings that some other storage method will save
         | even more memory (for instance there may be so many duplicates
         | that a hash table will use less memory). Examples include the
         | C++ Standard Template Library std::string..._
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null-terminated_string
           | toast0 wrote:
           | I don't think you could do it transparently, because it's
           | expected to pass the tail of a character array by doing
           | &s[100] or s + 100, etc. I don't think that would be easy to
           | catch all of those and turn them into a string fragment
           | reference.
           | From c++ class, std::string was easy enough to use
           | everywhere, and just foo.c_str() when you needed to send it
           | to a C library. But that may drags in a lot of assumptions
           | about memory allocation and what not. Clearly, we don't want
           | to allocate when taking 6 minutes to parse 10 megs of JSON!
           | :)
       | ww520 wrote:
       | Yep, O(n^2) has the problem that no matter how fast you upgrade
       | your hardware it would still lag.
       | Another pet peeve of mine is Civ 6's loading time for a saved
       | game is atrocious. I'm sure there's a O(n^2) loop in there
       | somewhere.
       | thitcanh wrote:
       | This is why people should use commonly-available packages instead
       | of rolling their own version of whatever dumb algorithm they
       | think they can write. This happens all the time. Bugs have been
       | fixed by others, but everyone is too smart to use someone else's
       | code.
         | xyst wrote:
         | seems more like a bad copy and paste situation to me. it's sort
         | of what you get when you pay for the lowest bid for
         | contractors.
         | mixologic wrote:
         | Sometimes those commonly used packages end up being whatever
         | dumb algorithm the author came up with, and nobody spends the
         | time to verify if the package is worth it's popularity.
       | breakingcups wrote:
       | It is absolutely unbelievable (and unforgivable) that a cash cow
       | such as GTA V has a problem like this present for over 6 years
       | and it turns out to be something so absolutely simple.
       | I do not agree with the sibling comment saying that this problem
       | only looks simple and that we are missing context.
       | This online gamemode alone made $1 billion in 2017 alone.
       | Tweaking two functions to go from a load time of 6 minutes to
       | less than two minutes is something any developer worth their salt
       | should be able to do in a codebase like this equipped with a good
       | profiler.
       | Instead, someone with no source code managed to do this to an
       | obfuscated executable loaded with anti-cheat measures.
       | The fact that this problem is _caused_ by Rockstar 's excessive
       | microtransaction policy (the 10MB of JSON causing this bottleneck
       | are all available microtransaction items) is the cherry on top.
       | (And yes, I _might_ also still be salty because their parent
       | company unjustly DMCA 'd re3 (https://github.com/GTAmodding/re3),
       | the reverse engineered version of GTA III and Vice City. A
       | twenty-year-old game. Which wasn't even playable without
       | purchasing the original game.)
         | kuroguro wrote:
         | Small nitpick: I believe these are items/prices for the in-game
         | currency, not micro-transactions.
         | You can buy in-game currency for real world money tho:
         | https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Cash_Cards
         | Not 100% sure, never bought anything.
         | imglorp wrote:
         | > This online gamemode alone made $1 billion in 2017 alone.
         | There's the answer right there. They figure it's making $1B/yr,
         | leave it alone. Maintenance? That cuts into the billion.
         | Everyone moved onto the next project.
           | tyingq wrote:
           | Or they fix it, see that their "in game time" average drops,
           | and then back it out...
             | themeiguoren wrote:
             | I would not at all be surprised if the long load time made
             | for a sunk cost that kept people playing for longer
             | sessions rather than picking it up for less than half an
             | hour at a time.
         | Zak wrote:
         | I played through GTA V, enjoyed it, and tried out the online
         | mode afterward.
         | I've logged in exactly twice. Load times like that may be worth
         | it to a hardcore gamer, but I have no patience for it. There's
         | no shortage of entertainment available to someone with a PC, a
         | reasonable internet connection, and a modicum of disposable
         | income. Waste my time and I'll go elsewhere for my
         | entertainment.
         | Thaxll wrote:
         | It was probably fast 10years ago when the store had couple of
         | items, the dev back then never thought that it would grow to
         | 60k items. Classic programming right there.
         | As for profiling, Windows Performance Toolkit is the best
         | available no?
           | trulyme wrote:
           | Meh. It's ok to assume low number of items and code
           | accordingly. What is not ok is for the company to ignore such
           | a problem for years, instead if detecting and fixing it.
         | masklinn wrote:
         | > The fact that this problem is caused by Rockstar's excessive
         | microtransaction policy (the 10MB of JSON causing this
         | bottleneck are all available microtransaction items) is the
         | cherry on top.
         | For what it's worth, 10MB of JSON is not much. Duplicating the
         | example entry from the article 63000 times (replacing `key` by
         | a uuid4 for unicity) yields 11.5MB JSON.
         | Deserialising that JSON then inserting each entry in a dict
         | (indexed by key) takes 450ms in Python.
         | But as Bruce Dawson oft notes, quadratic behaviour is the sweet
         | spot because it's "fast enough to go into production, and slow
         | enough to fall over once it gets there". Here odds are there
         | were only dozens or hundreds of items during dev so nobody
         | noticed it would become slow as balls beyond a few thousand
         | items.
         | Plus load times are usually the one thing you start ignoring
         | early on, just start the session, go take a coffee or a piss,
         | and by the time you're back it's loaded. Especially after QA
         | has notified of slow load times half a dozen times, the devs
         | (with fast machines and possibly smaller development dataset)
         | go "works fine", and QA just gives up.
           | hanniabu wrote:
           | That QA bit is too true, "it works for me!" _shrug_.
           | ldng wrote:
           | But is quadratic the real issue ? Isn't that a developer
           | answer ?
           | The best algorithm for small, medium or a large size are not
           | the same and generally behave poorly in the other cases. And
           | what is small? Medium? Large?
           | The truth is that there is no one size fits all and
           | assumptions _need_ to be reviewed periodically and adapted
           | accordingly. And they never are... Ask a DBA.
             | gridspy wrote:
             | quadratic is a fancy way of saying "this code is super fast
             | with no data, super slow once you have a decent amount"
             | The problem is that when you double the amount of stuff in
             | the JSON document, you quadruple (or more) the scanning
             | penalty in both the string and the list.
             | Why quadruple? Because you end up scanning a list which is
             | twice as long. You have to scan that list twice as many
             | times. 2x2 = 4. The larger list no longer fits in the fast
             | (cache) memory, among other issues. The cache issue alone
             | can add another 10x (or more!) penalty.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | What is complicated about it is that an online modern 3d game
         | is huge, and there are 95,000 places where a dumb mistake could
         | hurt performance a lot for some customers. You catch 94,999 of
         | them and then "unforgiveable"
           | Plutoberth wrote:
           | If it was that way for a few months and then fixed... still
           | pretty shoddy but sure. However, it has been that way for
           | YEARS, and is one of the most common complaints among
           | players. I wonder how much of the remaining loading time
           | could actually be shaved off if someone with the source code
           | took a crack at it.
         | neatze wrote:
         | I am not saying it is the case, nor understand details of
         | solution in depth to comment on it, but in analogy, this reads
         | to me, like an yelling at person who figure out how to solve
         | rubix cube puzzle steps, because once steps are known solution
         | is simple.
           | burlesona wrote:
           | No, other people have pointed this out, this should have been
           | very easy to recognize as inefficient in the source code.
           | More likely the code was written hastily and only tested
           | against very small inputs, and then nobody ever actually
           | tried to improve the famously long load times.
         | moonchild wrote:
         | > salty because their parent company unjustly DMCA'd re3
         | Unjustly, but legally. The people you should be salty at are
         | the lawmakers.
           | bscphil wrote:
           | Why can't I be salty at both? People have responsibility for
           | their actions even if those actions are legal.
           | breakingcups wrote:
           | That still remains to be seen. A DMCA is not a court order.
           | Anyone can file one and take a repository offline for two
           | weeks.
             | moonchild wrote:
             | Yes but the code was clearly derived directly from a
             | decompiled binary; not 'clean room' reverse engineering.
             | Hence, illegal, regardless of whether a dmca takedown
             | notice is filed.
               | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
               | That doesn't make it illegal, there are plenty of
               | jurisdictions where non-clean-room reverse engineering is
               | perfectly legal.
               | nl wrote:
               | Deriving something from a decompiled binary isn't illegal
               | in itself.
         | oh_sigh wrote:
         | Maybe long load times are advantageous? Because it creates
         | longer user sessions on average? If you devote 10 minutes to
         | loading the game you will probably want to play for at least 30
         | minutes.
           | erik_seaberg wrote:
           | Wouldn't the most impatient customers be more likely to pay
           | for items, rather than earn them in game?
         | formerly_proven wrote:
         | Also: Rockstar being too cheap to implement anti-cheat on the
         | _by far_ most successful online shooter on the planet.
         | Also
         | > I don't think there's any easier way out.
         | lmfao
           | buzzerbetrayed wrote:
           | This may be obvious, but is GTAV the most successful online
           | shooter on the planet? (Never played it)
             | sickofparadox wrote:
             | Its the second best selling game of all time[1], and
             | because Minecraft doesn't have guns, I suppose that would
             | qualify it as the most successful online shooter (even if I
             | think another genre would be more applicable).
             | [1]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-
             | selling_video_gam...
         | zionic wrote:
         | I stopped playing GTAV online a few years back because of the
         | crazy load times, not only that but you have to go through 6+
         | minute load screens multiple times in many sessions.
         | This oversight has cost them millions of dollars easy.
           | wyaeld wrote:
           | If it made over $1b in a year previously, and had such insane
           | load times, its very plausible this bad coding has cost them
           | north of another $1b.
           | Probably ranks pretty highly up there in terms of damage to
           | company financials, due to a lack of care.
         | anoncake wrote:
         | I find it absolutely believable that a for-profit company does
         | not prioritize fixing a game that is already a cash cow anyway.
         | 0xy wrote:
         | Something I've noticed in highly successful companies is that
         | problems never get fixed because the sound of the money printer
         | from the core business is deafening.
         | Our customer portal loads 2 versions of React, Angular,
         | Knockout and jQuery on the same page? Doesn't matter, it's
         | printing billions of dollars.
         | Rockstar's money printer is so loud that they don't care about
         | problems.
         | Same thing for Valve, their money printer is so loud that they
         | barely bother to make games anymore and let the Steam client
         | languish for years (how did they let Discord/Twitch happen?).
           | LukvonStrom wrote:
           | Look at sharepoint. It's a total nightmare of a platform to
           | develop on, but the people just adapted and built their
           | businesses on it
             | passivate wrote:
             | What makes it a nightmare? Can you share a few issues
             | you've run into?
             | ip26 wrote:
             | I suspect sharepoint is the platform version of excel &
             | VBA. You & I might hate it, but it gets powerful
             | capabilities into the hands of regular people.
             | sharepoint is probably many non-engineer's very first
             | exposure to actual version control with checkouts,
             | checkins, version history, and merge.
           | Nexxxeh wrote:
           | >Same thing for Valve, their money printer is so loud that
           | they barely bother to make games anymore and let the Steam
           | client languish for years (how did they let Discord/Twitch
           | happen?).
           | Not sure that's a fair criticism.
           | Alyx was widely praised. Artifact... Wasn't. I don't know
           | about Dota Overlords. And that's just the last couple of
           | years.
           | They've also developed hardware like SteamLink, Steam
           | Controller, some high-end VR gear...
           | They develop a LOT. They just don't release a while lot.
           | I agree there should be a lot more work and effort in the
           | client. And they constantly fuck up handling their esports.
           | But I don't think "barely bother to make games anymore" isn't
           | one of them.
         | umanwizard wrote:
         | "worth their salt" is doing a lot of work here. No true
         | Scotsman fallacy?
         | I think you might be surprised by how few programmers even know
         | what a profiler is, let alone how to run one.
         | AnonsLadder wrote:
         | Does anyone have a link to a copy of re3? Iirc, there was a
         | gitrepo that kept a copy of all DMCA'd repos
         | xyst wrote:
         | is it really unbelievable? companies this big tend to
         | prioritize hiring a shit ton of middlemen (VPs, project
         | managers, developer managers, offshore managers) in order to
         | avoid paying out for talent to build and constantly maintain
         | the project. I guess paying a shit ton of money to 1 person to
         | manage 10+ poorly paid contractors works out for them,
         | accounting wise.
         | If one really examined the accounting for GTAO, I would bet
         | that most of the billions of dollars that were earned in micro
         | transactions went to marketing, product research, and to middle
         | management in the form of bonuses.
           | spuz wrote:
           | Even if you view this as a business decision rather than a
           | technical one, any smart project manager would realise a 6
           | minute loading time literally costs the company millions per
           | year in lost revenue. (How many times have you felt like
           | firing up GTA Online only to reconsider due to the agonising
           | load time). I would guess this was simply a case of business
           | folk failing to understand that such a technical issue could
           | be so easily solved plus developers never being allowed the
           | opportunity to understand and fix the issue in their spare
           | time.
             | somehnguy wrote:
             | The insane loading times are literally the exact reason I
             | haven't played in years. Every time I played I just ended
             | up frustrated and got distracted doing something else while
             | waiting, so I just quit playing altogether. I don't know
             | how people stand the loading times.
               | jonwinstanley wrote:
               | Totally agree, I loved the story mode and never got into
               | online due to the amount of time spent loading and
               | finding interesting stuff to do.
             | alien_ wrote:
             | The people who observe the slow loading time already paid
             | for the game, so I guess R* won't lose much revenue because
             | of this nasty bug.
               | bcrosby95 wrote:
               | The game has microtransactions. Coincidentally, also a
               | large reason why load times were so slow.
               | [deleted]
               | delecti wrote:
               | The online mode has microtransactions. People not playing
               | anymore aren't paying for microtransactions either.
               | [deleted]
               | [deleted]
               | AuryGlenz wrote:
               | I didn't buy the game to play with my friends because I
               | heard of how terrible the loading situation was.
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | It's kind of hard to believe. GTA5's online mode is their
           | cash cow, and _6 minute load times_ are common?! It 's kind
           | of amazing people even play it with those load times. It's
           | such a simple problem that one dev could have found and fixed
           | it within a day.
             | toast0 wrote:
             | It's not at all hard to believe if you've been playing
             | video games for a while.
             | Everything is getting slower and slower, and nobody cares.
             | When I played the Atari 2600, I had to wait for the TV to
             | warm up, but otherwise there were no games with anything
             | approaching load times (with 128 bytes of RAM in the
             | console, who would know). The NES didn't have much in the
             | way of load times either, but you did have to fiddle with
             | the cartridge slot. SNES and Genesis didn't usually load
             | (Air Buster being a noticeable exception). CD based systems
             | sure did like to load, but that's somewhat understandable.
             | In the mean time, more and longer boot screens. The Switch
             | uses a cartridge (or system flash/SD cards), but it likes
             | to load forever too.
             | PC Gaming has had loading for longer, but it's been getting
             | longer and longer.
             | Some arcade games have lengthy loading sequences, but only
             | when you turn them on while they read their entire storage
             | into RAM so they can be fast for the rest of the time
             | they're on (which in arcades is usually all day).
               | yoz-y wrote:
               | > Everything is getting slower and slower, and nobody
               | cares.
               | It really depends. The latest crop of games I've played
               | (Doom Eternal, Cyberpunk) loads way faster than games
               | from a few years back (aforementioned GTA-V, Shadow
               | Warrior 2...).
               | This is also on the same machine, so it's not the
               | hardware that makes it faster.
               | ubercow13 wrote:
               | Shorter loading times were one of the main selling points
               | of this console generation.
           | xyzelement wrote:
           | I am always amused by comments like this. You have no idea
           | what development practices they follow (neither do I) but
           | it's hilarious to read your tone.
           | GTA has achieved tremendous success both as an entertaining
           | game and as a business. It's enjoyed by millions of people
           | and generates billions in revenue. As per this article, it
           | has startup problems (which don't seem to actually really
           | hurt the overall product but I agree sound annoying) but the
           | bigger picture is: it's a huge success.
           | So - Rockstar has nailed it. What exactly is your platform
           | for analyzing/criticizing their processes or even having a
           | shot of understanding what they are? What have you build that
           | anyone uses? (not saying you haven't, but.. have you been
           | involved with anything remotely close to that scale?)
           | And if not, whence he high horse?
             | brokencode wrote:
             | Successful people and businesses can be wrong. You are not
             | making a case for why those development practices are okay,
             | but are simply appealing to authority.
             | I and most other customers would argue that 6 minute
             | loading times are atrocious, and if there is an easy fix
             | like this, it makes me lose a lot of respect for the
             | developer who doesn't fix it. It maybe would even make me
             | avoid them in the future.
             | A reputation is built over years, but can be lost pretty
             | much instantly. Companies have to continue serving their
             | customers to enjoy ongoing success.
         | nikanj wrote:
         | The old maxim of "Premature optimization is the root of all
         | evil" has over time evolved to "If you care one iota about
         | performance, you are not a good programmer".
           | [deleted]
           | vendiddy wrote:
           | And fwiw, the full quote is:
           | We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of
           | the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
           | Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical
           | 3%.
             | blowski wrote:
             | Also, it's not "never optimise". It's "only optimise once
             | you've identified a bottleneck". I guess in a profit-making
             | business you only care about bottlenecks that are costing
             | money. Perhaps this one isn't costing money.
               | skzo wrote:
               | ding ding ding ding
           | [deleted]
         | tamrix wrote:
         | Well this sprint we didn't release any new features but we
         | reduced the load.... Dammit hackernews!
       | luckystarr wrote:
       | Well, that's embarrassing. I can't even imagine the level of
       | shame I would feel if I had written the offending code.
       | But, you know, premature optimization yadda yadda.
         | whatever1 wrote:
         | Probably this was written under a very strict release deadline
         | and it worked ok at the time (less items for
         | microtransactions). The problem lies with the management that
         | never picked up the issue once it became a big problem. Pretty
         | sure that any developer in R* is capable of optimizing this
         | parser.
       | mekkkkkk wrote:
       | As others have pointed out, this is a good illustration of why
       | you need accurate data during development. I bet that the data
       | set used during development was dirty with duplicates and way too
       | small. It was faster and more convenient to just code defensive
       | garbage than to be the annoying one nagging to another team about
       | the state of data. So this was written, probably along with a
       | TODO comment, and then forgotten about, and ultimately shipped.
       | I've done this same thing. Not with any real consequences, but
       | still. It's what happens when time is of the essence.
       | How it remained undetected for so long is really weird though.
       | Surely they must've had a massive amount of complaints about the
       | loading times. I completely stopped playing because of them. How
       | could they not have investigated the root cause, atleast once, in
       | six years?
       | comboy wrote:
       | Holy cow, I'm a very casual gamer, I was excited about the game
       | but when it came out I decided I don't want to wait that long and
       | I'll wait until they sort it out. 2 years later it still sucked.
       | So I abandoned it. But.. this... ?! This is unbelievable. I'm
       | certain that many people left this game because of the waiting
       | time. Then there are man-years wasted (in a way different than
       | desired).
       | Parsing JSON?! I thought it was some network game logic finding
       | session magic. If this is true that's the biggest WTF I saw in
       | the last few years and we've just finished 2020.
       | Stunning work just having binary at hand. But how could R* not do
       | this? GTAV is so full of great engineering. But if it was a CPU
       | bottleneck then who works there that wouldn't just be irked to
       | try to nail it? I mean it seems like a natural thing to try to
       | understand what's going on inside when time is much higher than
       | expected even in the case where performance is not crucial. It
       | was crucial here. Almost directly translates to profits.
       | Unbelievable.
         | dan-robertson wrote:
         | I don't think the lesson here is "be careful when parsing json"
         | so much as it's "stop writing quadratic code." The json
         | quadratic algorithm was subtle. I think most people's mental
         | model of sscanf is that it would be linear in the number of
         | bytes it scans, not that it would be linear in the length of
         | the input. With smaller test data this may have been harder to
         | catch. The linear search was also an example of bad quadratic
         | code that works fine for small inputs.
         | Some useful lessons might be:
         | - try to make test more like prod.
         | - actually measure performance and try to improve it
         | - it's very easy to write accidentally quadratic code and the
         | canonical example is this sort of triangular computation where
         | you do some linear amount of work processing all the finished
         | or remaining items on each item you process.
         | As I read the article, my guess was that it was some terrible
         | synchronisation bug (eg download a bit of data -> hand off to
         | two sub tasks in parallel -> each tries to take out the same
         | lock on something (eg some shared data or worse, a hash bucket
         | but your hash function is really bad so collisions are
         | frequent) -> one process takes a while doing something, the
         | other doesn't take long but more data can't be downloaded until
         | it's done -> the slow process consistently wins the race on
         | some machines -> downloads get blocked and only 1 cpu is being
         | used)
           | petters wrote:
           | Is there some reason sscanf can not be implemented without
           | calling strlen?
             | ddulaney wrote:
             | It could be, and the article acknowledges that possibility.
             | For example, a cursory check of the musl sscanf [0]
             | suggests that it does not (though I may have missed
             | something). However, whichever implementation Rockstar used
             | apparently does.
             | [0]: https://git.musl-
             | libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/src/stdio/vfscanf.c
           | Nitramp wrote:
           | - do not implement your own JSON parser (I mean, really?).
           | - if you do write a parser, do not use scanf (which is
           | complex and subtle) for parsing, write a plain loop that
           | dispatches on characters in a switch. But really, don't.
         | mdoms wrote:
         | Me and my twice-a-week gaming group enjoyed GTA V but abandoned
         | it years ago simply because of the load times. We have 2x short
         | slots (90-120 minutes) each week to play and don't want to
         | waste them in loading screens.
         | We all would have picked this game back up in a second if the
         | load times were reduced. Although I must say even with the same
         | results as this author, 2 minutes is still too long. But I'll
         | bet that, given the source code, there are other opportunities
         | to improve.
       | sova wrote:
       | Really great work. Here's to hoping someone at Rockstar notices.
       | You didn't even need access to the original sourcecode to debug
       | it! Quite impressive my friend. Thanks for the great write-up!
       | 4cao wrote:
       | Excellent investigation, and an elegant solution.
       | There's a "but" though: you might end up getting banned from GTA
       | Online altogether if this DLL injection is detected by some anti-
       | cheat routine. The developers should really fix it on their end.
         | kuroguro wrote:
         | Yeah, there's some disclaimers in the PoC repo. Definetly use
         | at your own risk.
       | AJRF wrote:
       | There's one thing that made me curious. The author said the load
       | times when the game came out were awful as well.
       | So has that JSON always been 10mb or has it grown a lot over
       | time?
       | Has the load time crept up since launch or has it gone down?
       | oatz wrote:
       | Love performance issues like this, good read.
       | captain_price7 wrote:
       | I loved so much reading it, I was thinking that if someone were
       | to write _fictional_ , sherlock holmes like fantasy story where
       | our sherlock would take some (maybe fictional) widely used
       | software at each episode, investigate it like this, and reveal
       | some (fictional) grand bug in the end- I'd totally read it.
       | Yeah I know it sounds stupid, but I suspect real Sherlock Holmes
       | was inspired by a true story like this one too, and at least some
       | contemporary detectives started to enjoy reading them.
       | TamDenholm wrote:
       | The Github link is dead, DMCA or incorrect link?
         | sbierwagen wrote:
         | This link? https://github.com/tostercx/GTAO_Booster_PoC
         | Avery3R wrote:
         | probably just forgot to be unprivated. The blog post was
         | published today
           | kuroguro wrote:
           | yep, my bad
             | flumpcakes wrote:
             | Do you have any resources or advice to building up the
             | skills required to do something like this?
             | I like the idea of fixing up some older, unsupported, games
             | I have issues with but would like to upskill using some
             | structured resources first (books/videos/guided projects).
             | Great work! This is the kind of wizard-magic I wish came
             | naturally to me.
               | bluedino wrote:
               | Learn C and Assembly, learn how to debug your own
               | programs.
               | Then try debugging other programs.
               | kuroguro wrote:
               | ^ yeah that. I started with C so I always had decent low
               | level understanding. I've found I pick things up faster
               | if I'm doing stuff, not reading about it but YMMV.
               | I probably I picked up most of my reverse engineering
               | skills practicing on crackmes and reading/watching other
               | people's solutions on crackmes.de (now dead) but you can
               | try your luck in the successor https://crackmes.one/
       | xyst wrote:
       | not surprising - the game industry is absolutely notorious for
       | cutting corners. didn't know they cut corners this much though.
       | will r* fix it? maybe, especially since some person literally did
       | half of the work for them. But given R* is a large company, this
       | probably wont be fixed for a long time, and GTAO is probably
       | being maintained by the lowest bid contractor group.
       | They probably have all of their full time assets working on the
       | next iteration of GTA.
       | CTDOCodebases wrote:
       | Imagine all the time that people are wasting if they are sitting
       | there waiting for it to load. I wonder how many lifespans it adds
       | up to?
         | samhh wrote:
         | I wonder about the environmental impact of CPU cores churning
         | away uselessly on so many machines so many times. Probably
         | enough to power a home for a few years?
       | mattbillenstein wrote:
       | Christ.
       | holyknight wrote:
       | Thank god. I always suspected that those loading times were cause
       | by some retarded implementation detail. GTA5 is not that complex
       | to justify that kind of loading times. Even the hardware has
       | scaled massively since their launch and it doesn't even matter.
         | josephg wrote:
         | It so often is. This aspect of modern computing annoys me so
         | much - modern computers, networks and cdns are so fast nowadays
         | that most actions should be instant. My OS should boot
         | basically instantly. Applications should launch instantly.
         | Websites should load almost instantly. I'll give a pass for 3D
         | modelling, AAA video games and maybe optimized release builds
         | of code. But everything else should happen faster than I can
         | blink.
         | But most programs are somehow still really slow! And when you
         | look into why, the reason is always something like this. The
         | code was either written by juniors and never optimized because
         | they don't know how, or written by mids at the limit of their
         | intelligence. And full of enough complex abstractions that
         | nobody on the team can reason holistically about how the whole
         | program works. Then things get slow at a macro level because
         | fixing it feels hard.
         | Either way it's all avoidable. The only thing that makes your
         | old computer feel sluggish for everyday computing is that
         | programmers got faster computers, and then got lazy, and then
         | shipped you crappy software.
       | c7DJTLrn wrote:
       | Sad that the source
       | (https://github.com/tostercx/GTAO_Booster_PoC) has been taken
       | down, I wanted to give this a try myself. I imagine a lot of GTA
       | Online players would.
         | [deleted]
         | kuroguro wrote:
         | Author here, my bad, forgot to set it to public ^^;;
           | c7DJTLrn wrote:
           | Many thanks!
           | scrollaway wrote:
           | You should have a way to contact you somewhere on your site.
           | That blog post is an excellent stand in for a resume :)
       | polote wrote:
       | I have absolute respect for people who are able to do that kind
       | of things. A few years back I've tried to play with reverse
       | engineering but I never managed to get the skills.
       | pid_0 wrote:
       | Very cool analysis. Its unbelievable that this is still unfixed.
       | I don't play GTA anymore mostly because of the load times for
       | every single action.
       | segmondy wrote:
       | This is why I come to HN, I was going to skip this because I
       | thought it was about video games, but really glad to have read
       | it, and loved every line of the article.
       | So much to get from this.
       | Even if you don't have the source, you can make a change if you
       | are annoyed enough.
       | If you don't like something, and the source code is out there,
       | really go contribute.
       | Performance matters, know how to profile and if using an external
       | dependency, then figure out their implementation details.
       | Algorithms & Data structures matter, often I see devs talking
       | about how it doesn't matter much but the difference between using
       | a hashmap vs array is evident.
       | Attentive code reviews matter, chances are they gave this to a
       | junior dev/intern, and it worked with a small dataset and no one
       | noticed.
         | madeofpalk wrote:
         | > Even if you don't have the source, you can make a change if
         | you are annoyed enough.
         | Well, until you get flagged by the anti cheat and get your
         | account and motherboard banned...
           | zionic wrote:
           | Imagine getting banned for fixing their insane load times lol
         | bluedino wrote:
         | I always tell a story about an application we ran, it generated
         | its own interface based on whatever was in inventory. Someone
         | did something really stupid and duplicated each inventory item
         | for each main unit we sold...so you had recursive mess.
         | Assigning 100,000 items when previously it was 100-ish
         | Anyway, everyone just rolled their eyes and blamed the fact
         | that the app was written in Java.
         | It ended up generating an XML file during that minute long
         | startup....so we just saved the file to the network and loaded
         | it on startup. If inventory changed, we'd re-generate the file
         | once and be done with it.
         | closeparen wrote:
         | I think this is a perfect example of "algorithms and data
         | structures emphasis is overblown." Real world performance
         | problems don't look like LeetCode Hard, they look like doing
         | obviously stupid, wasteful work in tight loops.
           | nikanj wrote:
           | And trying to optimize them gets you stink eye at code review
           | time. Someone quotes Knuth, they replace your fast 200 lines
           | with slow-as-molasses 10 lines and head to the bar.
           | rictic wrote:
           | True that it's rare that you need to pull out obscure
           | algorithms or data structures, but in many projects you'll be
           | _constantly_ constructing, composing, and walking data
           | structures, and it only takes one or two places that are
           | accidentally quadratic to make something that should take
           | milliseconds take minutes.
           | The mindset of constantly considering the big-O category of
           | the code you're writing and reviewing pays off big. And
           | neglecting it costs big as well.
             | ilaksh wrote:
             | Except that you need to test your software and if you see
             | performance problems, profile them to identify the cause.
             | It's not like you have one single chance to get everything
             | right.
           | johnfn wrote:
           | Exactly - though to add a little nuance to your post, it's
           | about having a million loops in a 10M line code base and
           | exactly one of them is operating maximally slowly. So
           | preventing the loop from entering the code base is tough -
           | finding it is key.
           | segmondy wrote:
           | leetcode style thinking will allow you to spot obviously
           | stupid wasteful work in tight loops.
       | avar wrote:
       | GTA:O shows advertisements for in-game purchases on the loading
       | screen. How many advertisements you see is a function of how long
       | the loading screen takes.
       | Something tells me this "problem" was discovered long ago at
       | Rockstar HQ, and quietly deemed not to be a problem worth
       | solving.
         | softwhale wrote:
         | Could be, but I can imagine people giving up on GTA: Online
         | altogether because it takes too much time to load.
           | anonymousab wrote:
           | > Could be, but I can imagine people giving up on GTA: Online
           | altogether because it takes too much time to load.
           | Luckily for them, churn is usually a different problem solved
           | by a different part of the team/org with different priorities
           | and insights.
         | cmeacham98 wrote:
         | I was going to say surely this has extremely diminishing or
         | even negative return past 30-60 seconds, but then I remembered
         | lots of people are willing to sit through 10 minutes of
         | commercials to watch 20-30 minutes of TV. So I guess for the
         | right type of customer it works?
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