[HN Gopher] Generate Flowcharts from Text
       Generate Flowcharts from Text
       Author : tonerow
       Score  : 324 points
       Date   : 2021-03-01 15:41 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (flowchart.fun)
 (TXT) w3m dump (flowchart.fun)
       | yubrshen wrote:
       | Very interesting. It might be very powerful to somehow integrate
       | with emacs/vim so that their wordsmith capability can facilitate
       | the little discipline in text editing.
       | How do I export the diagram generated?
       | MavropaliasG wrote:
       | I wish mermaid was as easy
       | jsmcgd wrote:
       | It would be great to have an option to be able to save the text
       | to a file, and load text from a file.
       | Also an ability to click a line and create a connected node.
       | Also it would be great to drive the app from the diagram, ie
       | generate text from the diagram.
       | Anyway I like it. I've used Linux Mint's built in Web Apps tool
       | to create an offline version.
         | yardshop wrote:
         | The text lines are just a single textarea element, you can copy
         | from and paste into it. But saving and loading files would be
         | convenient too.
       | bsldld wrote:
       | There is an option to draw diagrams with Markdeep:
       | https://casual-effects.com/markdeep
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | Very nice! I've just started playing with Kroki.io (a "universal"
       | API over many diagramming libs including mermaid and excalidraw).
       | einpoklum wrote:
       | This is silly, just use graphviz:
       | http://graphviz.org/
       | it's widely-used, more feature-full and more flexible, at the
       | price of perhaps a slightly less intuitive format (though even
       | that's debatable).
       | Online editing + rendering:
       | https://edotor.net/
       | or here:
       | https://dreampuf.github.io/GraphvizOnline/
       | IncRnd wrote:
       | This is a great idea! Thank you for sharing.
       | I noticed an issue for lines that are referenced by links. When I
       | insert a new line above the linked line, the diagram loses
       | linkages.
       | For example, in the example at flowchart.fun, inserting a new
       | line above the first will destroy the diagram.
       | boksiora wrote:
       | Really cool!! Can you post it on GitHub ? I can use it while
       | making documentation
       | xipho wrote:
       | I'm in love. I want this as part of an assertion workflow for
       | some of the graph building interfaces we're envisioning for
       | biological data. For example you could allow lines to call from
       | autocompletes, and store some metadata (e.g. extensions of
       | labels) so that the whole widget could be embedded in your tool.
       | augusto-moura wrote:
       | I would love to see this as a cli, I'm tired of PlantUML's[1]
       | document compilation time. Guess even the plain text tools are
       | made in React nowadays, sigh
       | [1]: https://plantuml.com/
         | pionar wrote:
         | I've had no problems with PlantUML's compilation time. How
         | large are these documents?
           | sorokod wrote:
           | There is a plantuml intellij plugin with split screen for
           | text || diagram. Changes in the text are rendered pretty much
           | instantaneously
           | augusto-moura wrote:
           | Pretty small actually, they don't take like hours, but just a
           | few seconds, the problem is the preview feedback, I like to
           | keep a entr and feh open while a edit the document to give a
           | live preview of my changes, the problem is that the 3-4
           | seconds latency really mess this up
             | touisteur wrote:
             | Are you thinking of the default java gui for previewing
             | plantuml docs? I think there's a timer down there to avoid
             | polling the FS too often. Using a simple editor where
             | everystroke recompiles, red warning in status bar while
             | syntax is not OK (while still displaying the last good
             | one), a 100loc canvas display window, done.
       | jazzex wrote:
       | I like excalidraw. https://excalidraw.com/
       | Exports to json or image.
       | chrisallick wrote:
       | Thats faster than Google Slides?
       | msci100 wrote:
       | This is really cool. I frequently have to build reference
       | architectures for work. I would love to add a feature where if
       | you put quotes around a word, it would search for a folder of
       | logos and add the tool's logo to the square.
       | For example, typing "Redshift" adds a Redshift db icon to the
       | box.
       | Tenal wrote:
       | 404.
       | josephjrobison wrote:
       | Love this interface, slight deviation but related question:
       | If I wanted to hire a web developer to build a web app that let
       | the user quickly build marketing funnels, what type of person
       | would I be looking for? Front end JavaScript developer?
       | Essentially like LucidChart lite
       | cced wrote:
       | I took a look at the demo of the graphing library that is used
       | and it seems there are some performance issues. Does anyone know
       | how these might be fixed?
       | https://js.cytoscape.org/demos/colajs-graph/
       | oneweekwonder wrote:
       | definitely cool for being a spa!
       | Alternatives is blockdiag[0] with a online demo[1], and then of
       | course graphviz[2] shipped with most distro(s).
       | [0]: http://blockdiag.com
       | [1]: http://blockdiag.com/en/blockdiag/demo.html
       | [2]: https://graphviz.org
       | tunesmith wrote:
       | How do I link two parents to a child? This didn't work:
       | node 1         child of node 1       node 2: (2)
       | tjoff wrote:
       | Just today I was browsing around for a while for something like
       | this.
       | But I just can't stand using a website for it, defeats half the
       | purpose of it. I want to be able to commit it to version control
       | and regenerate it on the fly if needed.
       | In the end I settled with latex+tikz. And was promptly reminded
       | of how clunky it can be, an unnecessary time-sink for a quick
       | sketch (but cool if you need something polished).
       | kowlo wrote:
       | Can achieve something similar in Jupyter Notebook with bockdiag
       | https://datacrayon.com/posts/tools/jupyter/block-diagrams-wi...
       | genericone wrote:
       | Unfortunately my corporate firewall/IT-Policy blocks this page,
       | possibly due to the *.fun domain. Any other way to try this out
       | for those working in an office? ( I know I'm an outlier at this
       | time)
         | anonu wrote:
         | setup a web-based proxy in the cloud - make sure its in front
         | of a .com domain (that does not have the word "proxy" in it)
         | and get your SSL certs right.
         | Here's a popular package: https://mitmproxy.org/ You might have
         | to add some basic auth layer to it so as not to make it open to
         | the world.
         | or just use your cellphone.
           | IncRnd wrote:
           | Are you seriously counseling someone to run mitmproxy in
           | order to puch a hole out of their employer's network?
         | tonerow wrote:
         | Here's the raw netlify domain - https://agitated-knuth-
         | acd401.netlify.app/
         | persedes wrote:
         | https://www.wikihow.com/Use-Google-As-a-Proxy ?
       | renlo wrote:
       | How do you have a self referential edge? (ie, an edge to and from
       | the same node)                 foo         (1)
       | looks a bit broken
         | tonerow wrote:
         | I agree, this could really be improved. I'm going to make a
         | github issue so I remember to see if there's a solution to this
         | in the coming days. Thanks for the feedback!
       | silasb wrote:
       | Would be cool if you modified the chart and it kept it's position
       | when editing.
       | awaythro15234 wrote:
       | There is also Pikchr, made by Richard Hipp (creator of SQLite).
       | https://pikchr.org/home/doc/trunk/homepage.md
       | miguelmota wrote:
       | Incredibly intuitive and simple. Bookmarked!
       | pstuart wrote:
       | Another somewhat similar tool (from the team at SQLite, and used
       | to make the diagrams contained therein):
       | https://pikchr.org/home/doc/trunk/homepage.md
       | jedimastert wrote:
       | I've often given nested bullet point lists as an example of trees
       | when I was tutoring freshmen-level CS. This is fun
       | smusamashah wrote:
       | A list I compiled of 40+ similar text to diagram tools.
       | https://xosh.org/text-to-diagram/
       | Input in this one is very simple and cool.
         | mysterydip wrote:
         | Is there a way to tell which are downloadable/usable
         | offline/locally vs which are websites without clicking through
         | each one?
           | smusamashah wrote:
           | I needed these tools for quick in-browser use so they are
           | mostly online. Only few of them can be used offline.
         | Veuxdo wrote:
         | Missing Ilograph: https://app.ilograph.com/
         | It's heavier-duty compared to most of the others you have
         | listed, but should appeal to engineers who want something more
         | robust.
           | smusamashah wrote:
           | This is amazing. Basically making architecture diagrams from
           | yaml.
           | yubrshen wrote:
           | It's much more sophisticated! It might be very powerful to
           | have some wordsmith support in the authoring of the text, for
           | example, in the org-mode of emacs, especially, the collapse
           | (folding) of sub-trees.
         | ciceryadam wrote:
         | One more to add: https://diagrams.mingrammer.com/
           | smusamashah wrote:
           | This needs to be installed and coded with a programming
           | language. This list isn't about drawing with programming
           | languages.
         | breck wrote:
         | I have some feedback. Would love to chat. My email is in
         | profile.
           | smusamashah wrote:
           | Mine is profile name
           | BTW mine is only a list and I won't mind any feedback here in
           | comments.
             | breck wrote:
             | One main idea that would make your list 3x better: add a
             | code snippet from each one.
               | smusamashah wrote:
               | This is a really good idea, thanks. Snippet won't be
               | enough to cover the usages though. Most of these tools
               | use varying syntax for different diagrams.
               | Anyone looking for a specific need can go through the
               | links to find out which one is better.
               | Go through some of them. It's hard to summarize a tools
               | function in a single snippet. Same goes for screenshots.
               | How would you do that?
               | breck wrote:
               | > Anyone looking for a specific need can go through the
               | links to find out which one is better.
               | 98% of people don't have time for that. If a snippet or
               | tiny screenshot can't reveal some of the essence of the
               | language it's probably not very good.
       | tijuco2 wrote:
       | I'd like to suggest this one here too https://asciiflow.com/.
       | I've been using it to share ideas with engineers and everybody
       | likes it
         | kleer001 wrote:
         | Gorgeous!
         | I bet there's a lost history (or oral history, but they're the
         | nearly same after 60+ years) of tools exactly like this that
         | goes back to the times of the PDP-1 and super early hacker
         | culture.
         | And I bet there's been a version of it written for every
         | operating system at some point. It just seems so necessary and
         | relatively straight forward.
       | bleepbaboop wrote:
       | Implementing the use of a '?' in order to generate a diamond
       | shaped "if/else" would be nice. For example:
       | Some text(2) Yes: (line num) No: (line num)
         | flanbiscuit wrote:
         | This would be nice.
         | You can do it now with full nodes but would be nice to have a
         | specific node type for that                 This is my chart
         | This is a conditional statement         Yes: Do thing A
         | No: Do thing B
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | A lot of my emails are becoming like this - structured, bullet
       | points, 'if-then-else' like statement although not that explicit.
       | This could be a nice way to add visualisation to it. Maybe -
       | although everytime I have tried to do something too different
       | with email it has failed.
         | robohoe wrote:
         | I've started doing the same. Folks' reading comprehension is in
         | the gutter these days. Bullet points help structure thoughts
         | and ideas.
           | enw wrote:
           | Is reading comprehension in the gutter, or are people more
           | resistant to emails full of badly-structured fluff?
       | layer8 wrote:
       | I'm surprised the line-number references don't auto-adjust when
       | inserting/splitting/joining lines. That's not very practical.
         | tonerow wrote:
         | I totally had this thought too when making it. The logic is
         | super simple as-is, so I was scared if I went down the rabbit
         | whole of trying to auto increment/decrement line numbers I
         | might muddy things up. I'll see if add that functionality
         | cleanly at some point (or if you'd like to feel free to take
         | out a PR!) Thanks for the feedback!
           | beaconstudios wrote:
           | alternatively you could link to nodes by referencing their
           | label? You might just also want an option to not render that
           | label (ie have it be for the writer's benefit only).
             | mooneater wrote:
             | like graphviz does
           | seph-reed wrote:
           | Id's would be more than good enough, and super easy to
           | implement. Something like this                  1. hello
           | 2.   [foo] This line is Foo        3.   This line is Bar and
           | connects to Foo        4.     (foo)
             | tonerow wrote:
             | Oh, I like this implementation a lot! I'll paste it into
             | github issue so I don't forget
           | monstersinF wrote:
           | Let the user create their own labels?
         | sixti60 wrote:
         | I disagree. The simplicity here is a cool and rare feature.
         | This tool is amazing, and its coolness comes from the fact it's
         | really simple. If you add "auto-adjusting" features that
         | rewrite the code for you while writing, you're on the road to
         | lose the simplicity and KISS aspect.
         | Please don't add new features, it's like gold as it is,
         | @tone_row. The beauty and magic resides in the minimalism.
       | splatzone wrote:
       | Very nicely done. I'll be using this a lot!
       | voxic11 wrote:
       | Another similar tool that I have used in the past is
       | https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/
         | flying_sheep wrote:
         | Did you find a better one? :p Or just no longer making
         | diagrams?
         | enlightens wrote:
         | I've been using that lately for project documentation. The
         | reduction of context-switching has been incredibly helpful.
         | https://www.luminoslabs.com/insights/text-based-charts-with-...
       | teabee89 wrote:
       | This is really simple but edge from 6 to 1 should not cross node
       | 4 in the visualization. Also it would be useful to show how to
       | escape or if escaping works at all: how to escape ":" or "(1)"?
       | multiline?
         | 4b11b4 wrote:
         | The nodes are free to drag around.
       | zupreme wrote:
       | Every so often a utility feels so intuitive that one thinks,
       | "They finally got it right".
       | Present feeling: They finally got it right. This is how
       | flowcharts should be made, by default.
       | vasergen wrote:
       | looks cool and easy, like it
       | lifeisstillgood wrote:
       | I have come to the conclusion there are two kinds of audience and
       | two kinds of diagram, abs they almost exactly overlap
       | 1. Engineering diagrams, explaining concepts to other engineers
       | who are using the diagram as a jumping off point to deeper
       | explorations
       | 2. "Business" diagrams - the sort of thing we want to see in a
       | Medium article or presentation. The style and correct placement
       | matters far more than engineering.
       | The first is very amenable to markdown style production - often
       | we want to spend no more than a few minutes creating the diagram.
       | We get (60?) 80% of the way there with 20% effort.
       | But with _every_ markdown approach I have tried the remaining 20%
       | is flat out days of work. There is almost always a need to place
       | _that_ box there and have this one below and to the right and
       | dammit the layout engine will not agree.
       | What I would ideally like is a combo - markdown to get me most of
       | the way there, and then drop into some vector format that lets me
       | tweak.
         | yubrshen wrote:
         | Have you tried PlantUML? It provides means of adjusting the
         | layout. I use it often, most of the time the adjustment is good
         | enough for engineering communication within minutes of
         | adjustment. It could be better if there is more cohesive
         | documentation of its support for the adjustment. I had to
         | search on Google many times to figure out how to add the
         | adjustment. The adjustment consists of directives of placement
         | and direction of links, the length of links, grouping of notes,
         | etc. I feel that it's very promising with more popular support.
         | orthoxerox wrote:
         | I agree. I looked at migrating our technical documentation out
         | of MS Office documents into some diffable format and it were
         | the diagrams that killed the initiative.
         | Tables are a pain, but most technical docs do not require
         | rowspan and other things that are impossible to maintain in
         | Markdown/reST/Asciidoc.
         | Diagrams are just a shitshow. PlantUML is the biggest player,
         | and it tries to do the right thing by separating semantics and
         | presentation, but kinda fails when your diagram grows too
         | large.
         | I wish there was some tool that you could feed three separate
         | human-readable inputs:
         | - styles, which let you define what your elements look like -
         | semantics, which let you describe your elements and
         | relationships - layout, which lets you manually rearrange the
         | elements on your diagram (and is generated by a WYSIWYG tool)
         | Pikchr generates nice diagrams, but it's an all-in-one dialect.
         | At least when I am reading well-written PlantUML I can
         | understand the meaning of the diagram without seeing the
         | rendered image.
         | The tool in the OP is nice, but it doesn't let you describe the
         | layout at all.
           | Veuxdo wrote:
           | Ilograph fulfills 2 out of 3: diagrams are broken up into a
           | model (resources) and perspectives (their relations). The
           | layout is always automatic, though. As a plus, though, this
           | allows them to be interactive and dynamic.
           | Disclosure: I'm the dev
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | I'm curious if you could get from an 80% solution to a 90%
         | solution by just adding some markup to say things like, "This
         | node should be to the left of this other one?"
         | Often I use invisible subgraphs to accomplish this sort of
         | thing in GraphViz, but the markup for doing so is complicated
         | and non-obvious.
           | yubrshen wrote:
           | PlantUML provides such extra "perusation" to the layout. It
           | works often.
           | But PlantUML's documentation is too scattered that it's hard
           | to know how much it supports.
           | Overall, to me, PlantUML is one of the more promising trade-
           | off for userability and sophistication.
           | I wonder if we could pool our resource together to help one
           | reach to more userability.
         | joshspankit wrote:
         | This kind of thing is exactly why we need to normalize complex
         | examples.
         | Have the simple ones front and centre, but also go full pedal
         | to the medal and show flesh out the really complex ones.
         | Recent and related shout-out: Neo4J has thankfully included
         | some on their API documentation.
         | plainoldcheese wrote:
         | agreed it would be nice if the markdown just generated a
         | standard svg that you could then edit, or even just an html
         | canvas where you can drag them around a bit more and add some
         | color before exporting as an image
           | jacobmischka wrote:
           | That is exactly what this link does, minus the color.
         | codeulike wrote:
         | diagrams.net (formerly draw.io) have an xml format that seems
         | fairly open and they can also read/write a bunch of other
         | formats (see here https://www.diagrams.net/blog/import-formats
         | ) so something that gives you their xml format as a starting
         | point might make sense.
         | discussion of format:
         | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59416025/format-of-draw-...
         | Looks like they have an api too:
         | https://jgraph.github.io/mxgraph/docs/js-api/files/index-txt...
         | vjeux wrote:
         | I would love to see an integration with excalidraw where you
         | write text to seed the diagram and then do the touch ups with
         | something like excalidraw. That would solve I think your
         | workflow.
           | stevesimmons wrote:
           | Please give me a combination between Excalidraw and Graphviz,
           | with stylesheets, and layouts generated via a straightforward
           | Python API, immediately displayable in a Jupyter notebook,
           | with a display widget having hooks to move items around,
           | giving auto-updating a Python property dict.
       | breck wrote:
       | Love it!!!
       | plainoldcheese wrote:
       | you can do a similar thing with PIC and groff, though thats not
       | always as convenient as having it right inside your markdown
       | document.
       | you can even define more specific placement if you need to.
       | webdevatlurk wrote:
       | This seems really nice as a sketchpad for small flowcharts. I'd
       | definitely use it to map out a small piece of work, because I'm
       | terrible at laying out flowcharts on scrap paper without wasting
       | space or painting myself into a corner.
       | One minor annoyance: I can't use tab/shift+tab to indent or
       | dedent lines.
         | tonerow wrote:
         | Thank you, that's a good suggestion. Making a note
           | z92 wrote:
           | Do it for all the selected lines, when multiple lines have
           | been selected and tab pressed.
       | bdorn wrote:
       | This is nice! Wish it took over tab key for indentation though.
         | tonerow wrote:
         | Someone just fixed this in a PR!
       | andy_ppp wrote:
       | Wow, the use of this as a Twitter bot could be both awesome and
       | horrendous...
       | namuol wrote:
       | Somewhat related: https://sketch.systems
       | "Markdown for State Machines"
       | zacharycohn wrote:
       | Yup, I love it.
       | Can you do a > relationship? Two boxes flowing into one.
         | zacharycohn wrote:
         | Figured it out! That was not super intuitive, but I've got it
         | now.
       | regus wrote:
       | I love this idea.
       | It would be great to have this as a command line tool.
       | I can envision a lot of cool features for this, like being able
       | to add color via text markup, or being able to use circles
       | instead of boxes for the nodes.
         | JustSomeNobody wrote:
         | Github link is at the bottom.
       | taylodl wrote:
       | I use Mermaid (https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/). The
       | killer feature for me - you can write Mermaid scripts in your
       | code comments and there's a plugin available for VS Code that
       | will render it. It's awesome!
         | naebother wrote:
         | And if you're using Sphinx to document, you can also just
         | inline the diagrams in your .rst docs:
         | https://github.com/mgaitan/sphinxcontrib-mermaid
       | beefman wrote:
       | These aren't quite flowcharts.[1] Still looks like a useful tool.
       | I like the syntax.
       | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowchart
       | Zhyl wrote:
       | I have now used this to explain some of our architecture to a
       | client over Teams.
       | If you guys haven't tried building up a diagram, live, step by
       | step like an ad-hoc slideshow, I _seriously_ recommend it.
       (page generated 2021-03-01 23:00 UTC)