[HN Gopher] M1 MacBook Air hits 900 GFlops in the browser with S...
       M1 MacBook Air hits 900 GFlops in the browser with Safari's
       experimental WebGPU
       Author : brrrrrm
       Score  : 82 points
       Date   : 2021-03-03 19:45 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jott.live)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jott.live)
       | sxp wrote:
       | What WebGPU API is this using? If I try on Chrome Canary after
       | enabling WebGPU under `chrome://flags`, I get an exception on the
       | `device.createBindGroupLayout` call because "required member
       | entries is undefined". The API call on the demo page doesn't seem
       | to match the spec at https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/#GPUDevice-
       | createBindGroupLa...
       | If I change to code to refer to `entries: ...` instead of
       | `bindings: ...`, I get further, but it fails on a missing
       | `createBufferMapped` function. Firefox nightly just crashes at
       | this stage.
         | brrrrrm wrote:
         | it's Safari's WSL API, which doesn't work on the other
         | browsers. There's a bit of a debate about the API (Spir-V vs
         | WSL/WHSL), you can find some context here:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22022962
       | remoquete wrote:
       | In 1996 you needed 1,600 sq ft of supercomputing hardware to
       | reach the same mark.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCI_Red
       | zimpenfish wrote:
       | The M1 MacBook Pro gets just over 1TFlops.
       | best: 1022.61 gflops         [numthreads(2, 16, 1)]
       | compute void main(constant float4[] A : register(u0),
       | constant float4[] B : register(u1),
       | device float4[] C : register(u2),
       | float3 threadID : SV_DispatchThreadID) {           [...etc...]
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | There must be some quantization happening here for us to both
         | get the same gflops to 6 significant digits.
           | brrrrrm wrote:
           | I looked into this in the past: it's the timing API (and the
           | fact that I'm not running that many iterations of the
           | kernels). Browsers restrict the resolution to prevent side-
           | channel attacks
       | andrewmcwatters wrote:
       | The only thing that upsets me about Apple's M1 performance is
       | that I don't think it's going to get any better from here in
       | terms of real everyday speed.
       | The phenomenon of everyone being blown away by the M1's
       | performance is based so much on the fact that developers haven't
       | built a lot of software on it yet.
       | Engineers all over the world will "figure out" how to take this
       | fast hardware and make it feel slow again.
         | tdsamardzhiev wrote:
         | Electron blows my mind every time I open Activity Monitor. How
         | on the Earth does Spotify manage to use 2GB RAM and 48 threads
         | for a music player?!
         | leokennis wrote:
         | In general, yes, a new laptop hits its peak performance on day
         | one. Software is most often written to perform well on the
         | "median machine", and today's top performing computer is
         | tomorrow's bargain bin underachiever.
         | However, the M1 is a huge leap forward. It gives you a maybe 3
         | year head start on all other computers.
         | So no, in a few years it won't be as revolutionary and fast as
         | it is today. But I think it's safe to say you can expect an M1
         | to last you a good few years longer than a similarly priced
         | Intel based laptop you can purchase today.
           | shakezula wrote:
           | Yeah I don't really understand what the parent comment is
           | trying to say. They wouldn't have this argument if it was a
           | new processor from Intel or AMD, just seems like the point is
           | moot - developers will _always_ utilize available resources,
           | it doesn't mean that the pursuit of more efficient resources
           | is not worthwhile.
         | uyt wrote:
         | This is just the unfortunate consequence of devs not bothering
         | to optimize something if it runs fast enough on their own
         | machine. Stuff that is just on the edge of human perception
         | (100ms or so?) might become a few times slower on an older
         | machine and become noticeably laggy.
         | I think there are now more tools to help with phenomenon. For
         | example for web dev, chrome has a built-in cpu/network
         | throttler so you can simulate a low-end device.
       | jeffbee wrote:
       | 1023 gflops on the M1 mini using the kernel in the blog post,
       | although if I let it run some more it discovers an 8-way unroll
       | that's a bit quicker (1073).
         | gerry_shaw wrote:
         | Ridiculous comparison but 4 Gflops on a 2017 12" MacBook....
         | Looking forward to an upgrade this year.
           | nknealk wrote:
           | I just upgraded from a 2017 12" macbook to an M1 air. It's
           | day and night in terms of performance across the board. I
           | love the fanless design and the M1 air runs cooler than the
           | 12". Also the keyboard is much better.
       | nodesocket wrote:
       | This is promising as Deno made a recent announcement[1] of full
       | WebGPU support.
       | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26323600
       | qeternity wrote:
       | I usually avoid hype. But the M1 is just unreal. I was back in
       | the office for the first time in months, and since getting my M1
       | MBP...my overclocked i5 hackintosh with 4x RAM just disappointed.
       | It didn't feel slow, but it stopped feeling fast.
       | SXX wrote:
       | Too bad it's also hit 200GBW / hour on SSD writes of my 16GB Air
       | when swapping even though memory usage only went as high as 13GB.
         | lunixbochs wrote:
         | Wait do you have an easy repro for this that doesn't go over
         | ~16GB total memory used? I'm not actually convinced it's caused
         | by swap.
           | SXX wrote:
           | I do have repro for MacOS swapping even though it's can just
           | be dropping filesystem cache. Obviously 200GBW / hours is
           | when Windows VM is running and there is 5GB of swap usage,
           | but again there is still plenty of unused memory.
       | nindalf wrote:
       | I'm a cynical bastard, but the M1 MacBook Air is the real deal. I
       | don't recall being so pleased with a laptop in a long, long time.
       | I'm yet to find something I could possibly gripe about.
         | _gtly wrote:
         | The one thing I'm concerned about are reports of potential SSD
         | overwear e.g.: [1].
         | 1. https://linustechtips.com/topic/1306757-m1-mac-owners-are-
         | ex...
           | stu2b50 wrote:
           | I think that's mostly FUD. It's just one tool that's
           | reporting those reads, and the reality is that with modern
           | storage hardware, the numbers they report can be very
           | misleading because of additional layers between the OS and
           | physical drive.
           | In practice, I can't imagine the SSD load to be particularly
           | worse than what the iPhones endure, and I have yet to hear
           | anyone complain about their iPhone dying from their flash
           | storage being overused.
             | lawnchair_larry wrote:
             | It's definitely not FUD, but it's probably a bug. I'm
             | surprised at how many people are in complete denial that
             | this could be happening and are assuming that people aren't
             | understanding the tooling or something, instead of the
             | obvious explanation, that it's actually an issue.
             | SXX wrote:
             | No it's not FUD and I can absolutely prove this to you.
             | Just open Activity Monitor -> Disk and then watch disk
             | writes. Then check how SMART report changes and you'll see
             | it's exactly match what MacOS itself reports.
             | MacOS is heavily rely on swap at least on M1 hardware for
             | absolutely no reason.
         | tamrix wrote:
         | These comments are just too generic and lack detail. Be
         | cautious of advertising.
           | Toutouxc wrote:
           | Apple, one of the most recognizable brands in the world, pays
           | people to go and tell the nerds at Hacker News that the
           | MacBooks are good?
           | That's way less probable than the machines being actually
           | good. Which they are.
             | stu2b50 wrote:
             | And also trusts the nerds to not immediately post the email
             | offering them this deal to their blog for the street cred
             | immediately.
           | LeanderK wrote:
           | it's not a new account. The amount of praise is too much to
           | pull off without being suspicious i think. A few fake
           | accounts will probably just get accepted, but the more you
           | use it the faster somebody finds something wrong is my
           | reasoning.
         | breck wrote:
         | I was an Air user for 10 years (2010 - 2020). Got the M1
         | MacBook Pro with TouchBar this time around and love it, and
         | wouldn't go back to Air (but haven't tried the Air M1). Also
         | got an M1 Mini and love that too.
           | lostgame wrote:
           | I have friends who have both due to being developers, and;
           | honestly - performance between the two is staggeringly
           | similar.
         | kelchm wrote:
         | Completely agreed. I've owned a lot of laptops and other
         | devices... There's no question at this point that the M1 MBA
         | has become my all time favorite.
         | The only complaint I have is that you can't run two external
         | monitors off of it, but I have no doubt that the next
         | generation will address that.
           | thebruce87m wrote:
           | A lot of people will still prefer/need two monitors I'm sure,
           | but if you haven't tried an ultrawide yet I would encourage
           | you to. I would always pick an ultrawide over two monitors.
             | function_seven wrote:
             | Any recommendations on software to tile the display? One
             | reason I like 2 screens is because things like maximizing
             | or full-screening still leaves me with the other display
             | for other windows.
             | A single ultrawide would be way better, if I could count on
             | having 2 virtual displays within.
               | theturtletalks wrote:
               | https://github.com/rxhanson/Rectangle works great for me!
               | ch4s3 wrote:
               | I'm a big fan of Spectacle App
               | https://github.com/eczarny/spectacle.
               | * Edit* Apparently Spectacle has been discontinued.
               | trashcan wrote:
               | Rectangle I think is very similar and actively developed.
               | Chernobog wrote:
               | While not a tiling WM, check if Divvy could suit your
               | needs. You can set up hotkeys to resize windows to parts
               | of the screen. The screen is divided into a grid.
               | tomduncalf wrote:
               | I use BetterTouchTool for this, it lets you set up
               | snapping so dragging the window e.g. to one side will
               | snap it to half the width, as well as setting up keyboard
               | shortcuts. It can also do a million other shortcut type
               | things which I barely scratch the surface of, cool app!
               | trashcan wrote:
               | Try Divvy. I mapped its hot key to option space and then
               | you can just move the currently focused app somewhere on
               | its grid.
           | aminozuur wrote:
           | Using a DisplayLink adapter, you can extend a second external
           | display. Still silly these machines they can't do it out of
           | the box.
             | herpderperator wrote:
             | Just be aware that DisplayLink uses the CPU to do this, so
             | it will increase overall CPU utilisation, and you'll notice
             | dropped frames occasionally.
             | SXX wrote:
             | I kind a like that I can run my primary display at 164Hz
             | via dedicated Type-C to DisplayPort adapter. Too bad
             | DisplayLink can't go beyond 60Hz on 2K screen.
             | agloeregrets wrote:
             | Bingo. I do this. It's a little buggy every now and then,
             | you lose unlock with Apple Watch and there is a small
             | performance cost on one core of the system, but they just
             | shipped a native driver too.
             | Compared to my coworker's 10 core i9 build with over 64GB
             | of ram, my base model Macbook Air builds our node app in
             | half the time.
           | [deleted]
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | It's like that on the server side too with ARM64. Using AWS
         | graviton 2 instances has been incredible--faster, cheaper, and
         | just better in every way for most of my workloads. I think ARM
         | caught nearly the entire industry flat-footed and asleep. It's
         | going to be wild to see all the big PC and server
         | manufacturers, the cloud providers, etc. scramble to have
         | similar ARM offerings. I can't believe Amazon is a year into a
         | solid v2 of ARM instances, while Azure and Google don't even
         | have a beta or v1 on the horizon.
           | vosper wrote:
           | We're busy moving stuff AWS stuff to Graviton, too. I'm not
           | directly involved, but my understanding is it's been all good
           | (except that not every instance type is available with
           | Graviton). We're going to save a whole lot of money (we spend
           | several million per year on AWS) and as far as I know there's
           | been no performance penalty or any kind of issue.
             | chubs wrote:
             | I would love to do the same, but i'm based on Lambda which
             | i believe is x86-only (would love to be proven wrong!)
         | jcims wrote:
         | I'm perplexed at the hot/cold stories of the M1.
           | smoldesu wrote:
           | Me too, I ultimately ended up quite frustrated with the
           | laptop. My suspicion is that it ultimately comes down to your
           | comfort with MacOS and your workflow. I spent a long time
           | trying to get my M1 Macbook Air to simulate my workflow on
           | Linux, but it was never _quite_ there. Sure the thing is
           | zippy, but it doesn't mean much to me without a proper
           | package manager or open operating system.
           | With that being said, I'm an old-school curmudgeon when it
           | comes to computers. I'm hard to please, and I don't
           | necessarily hold it against Apple that they didn't make "the
           | perfect computer".
           | As an aside, is anyone interested in an $850 8gb Macbook Air?
           | Lightly used with only 70tb written to the drive.
             | prewett wrote:
             | I'm curious, what is your workflow?
             | I'm asking because I'm assuming your real issues are with
             | your stated reasons, since MacPorts is a "proper package
             | manager" (being ported from one of the BSDs) and if you
             | don't like that one, Brew is certainly popular. And I've
             | never directly benefited from Linux being an "open
             | operating system", since I don't write code that interacts
             | with anything lower-level than the C API, but macOS' Darwin
             | kernel and many of the binaries are open source.
             | I'm kind of old-school (my intro to Unix was a DECStation),
             | and I find macOS to be plenty Unixy. If I'm not using Xcode
             | I'm using Emacs (in VI mode). I've never said "I wish I had
             | <Linux feature>"; actually, it's been rather nice that my
             | Wifi doesn't break, I don't have to deal with PulseAudio,
             | it goes to sleep--and wakes up!--when I open and close the
             | lid, the UI is unified, networking is easy to use, etc.
             | However, if you run the Linux GUI applications on macOS
             | it's a klunky experience, so you benefit from finding
             | native applications. Also, Docker wasn't very pleasant, but
             | that might have just been Docker; fortunately I've only had
             | to use it for one project.
             | As someone who loves the macOS + Unix experience, I'm just
             | curious what workflow it doesn't work well with.
               | smoldesu wrote:
               | Well, I write quite a bit of GTK, and as you mentioned
               | that's not necessarily a first-class experience on MacOS,
               | which I expected and was fine with. It was quite a bit
               | more frustrating to get the Rust toolchain working
               | though, and from what I understand it will be a while
               | before they iron out the issues on the M1. Another
               | papercut. Then I had issues with binaries disappearing
               | out of nowhere, similar to the aforementioned git
               | disappearance. My Rust programs automatically were
               | removed from PATH, and I still don't know what causes the
               | issue. As for the package managers, I think Brew and
               | Macports are both fine pieces of software, but they don't
               | even come close to how robust and compatible something
               | like pacman is. Working with the App Store is a
               | frustrating experience, and I'd prefer to have all my
               | software managed in one place.
               | Maybe it's just different strokes for different folks,
               | but I'd much rather just clone my dotfiles and have a
               | Linux workspace up and running in ~10 minutes tops.
               | Moving my workflow over to MacOS feels like trying to
               | board a plane while it's taking off, and it doesn't bode
               | well for my productivity when I can't rely on my tools
               | even showing up in the first place.
               | prewett wrote:
               | My experience (as a user) is that GTK on macOS is
               | functional at best, and I find it an unpleasant
               | experience, so macOS is definitely not ideal for that. No
               | experience with Rust, but it isn't the path the tools
               | expect, for sure. I've never had a problem with PATH not
               | working, maybe the new shell in Big Sur is mostly-but-
               | not-quite like bash? You could try changing your shell to
               | bash, if you haven't already.
               | If you really want an apt-get (never used pacman) kind of
               | everything-repository experience, though, you're going to
               | be disappointed on any system that doesn't prioritize a
               | centralized repository of software. In practice, this
               | eliminates a commercial OS, and probably commercial
               | software, since there's no effective way to get a central
               | repository. The App Store is the closest, but then you
               | get people complaining you're the gatekeeper, or you get
               | a free-for-all like Google Play. I think Linux manages
               | only because the number of people that use it are small
               | enough that bad actors go elsewhere.
               | smoldesu wrote:
               | Well, hopefully you understand where I'm coming from
               | then.
               | prewett wrote:
               | Yep, thanks!
             | stu2b50 wrote:
             | That doesn't seem to have anything to do with the M1,
             | though? It just seems you're uncomfortable with macos. A
             | new processor isn't going to change that macs run macos,
             | and if you don't like macos, then you're not going to like
             | the Mac.
             | As a chip, the M1 is an absolutely amazing.
               | smoldesu wrote:
               | I mean, I mostly agree with you. It is an issue with
               | MacOS, and the M1 is a pretty nice package for what it
               | offers. If I could reliably run Linux on it, I'd be a lot
               | more excited. Hell, if I could even drive my monitors
               | with it I'd be mostly satisfied. I guess I'm just one of
               | those "niche users" at the end of the day.
         | jedberg wrote:
         | At first I was skeptical, but I've seen nothing but good things
         | about the M1. I'm now desperately waiting for the 16" M1. My
         | 2015 Pro is starting to show it's age.
           | zoid_ wrote:
           | It all seems too good to be true, memory and ssd upgrades
           | aside, the M1 devices seem to be fantastic value for money.
           | Also waiting for a 16" M1, decided to order a mini in the
           | meantime.
             | stu2b50 wrote:
             | It definitely is. I'm daily driving a Macbook Air,
             | something which I never thought I'd say. Even beyond the
             | CPU crunching performance, I'm not sure what part of it is
             | causing this, but it's just so much smoother for a variety
             | of misc things. I suspect either better coupling with the
             | integrated GPU or the unified memory.
             | But many little things, like the smoothness of the OS, or
             | the way that the screen wakes from sleep instantly are just
             | superior to my much more expensive, and power hungry
             | desktop. Of course, my desktop can still cream it in a GPU
             | workload but for programming, it's amazing.
           | vmception wrote:
           | I wouldn't be surprised if Apple excludes a random feature
           | just because people won't need to buy again if they make the
           | device people actually want.
           | You see it in the iPhones and the variant SKUs, and Canon and
           | Nikon also had been doing this when there wasn't competition
           | eating their lunch.
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | There are just going to be more and more pushes to turn
             | your laptop into a subscription service. Pay apple $100/mo
             | and always have the latest hardware sent to you on release,
             | always have the latest version of the OS, always have a
             | store you can drop off a broken laptop and walk back home
             | with a perfectly working one that day no questions asked,
             | etc.
           | romanovcode wrote:
           | Same here, really hoping the removal of the touch-bar is not
           | a myth. MacBook with M1, good keyboard and no touch-bar would
           | definitely be the best laptop on the market for a looong
           | time..
             | darklion wrote:
             | Out of curiosity, if they kept the touch bar but as an
             | addition to a row of function keys, rather than a
             | replacement, would you still have an issue with the TB?
               | dbt00 wrote:
               | Personally I would rather it was gone. My fingers are big
               | enough that they brush the edge of the touchbar while I
               | type and volume/brightness/whatever just flaps endlessly
               | while I'm trying to get work done. I have to use an
               | external keyboard with that thing.
               | chrisco255 wrote:
               | For me, I think it's a novel concept, but it's rarely
               | used in practice. I like having it as a scrub bar for
               | video/audio apps or for fine-tuned volume control and
               | it's nice for emojis. But other than that, I rarely
               | interact with it.
       | aminozuur wrote:
       | I'm impressed by this minimal blogging platform. No author name,
       | no link to the main page with other blog-posts. Just the post.
       | Reminds me of telegra.ph. I like it.
         | dogma1138 wrote:
         | It's the demo website for Jott https://github.com/bwasti/jott
         | beervirus wrote:
         | It's minimal- _looking_ , but the formatting is broken without
         | Javascript.
           | bee_rider wrote:
           | What's broken? It looks fine with noscript blocking
           | everything.
             | [deleted]
             | beervirus wrote:
             | Comparison screenshot, Firefox on Windows:
             | https://i.imgur.com/NmToofC.png
           | brrrrrm wrote:
           | yea, I haven't spent too much time reducing the markdown
           | rendering overhead (just pulled a library off the shelf).
           | I basically just use this site to upload static text files.
           | The same text can be rendered a couple ways (e.g. as hmtl,
           | raw, as code with syntax highlighting)
         | usui wrote:
         | I like it too, but one thing that bothers me about online
         | articles in general recently is the way they hide publishing
         | date. If the date is there, then it's going to be purposely
         | bumped across many years to generate more SEO clicks
         | Too many times I have tried to look up more recent information,
         | but the article content clearly shows that it was written a few
         | years ago due to inaccuracy
         | Without reading the article content, I haven't found a way to
         | discern which articles are actually released recently. Google
         | Search filters for time does not seem to work as well anymore
         | as they have found a way around it, but Google Search quality
         | going down the drain recently and I ranted about it in this
         | post: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26202941
           | brrrrrm wrote:
           | oh this is an interesting concern. Perhaps I should expose an
           | endpoint to allow checking the "last edit" date of all notes.
           | I'll need to think through the privacy/security concerns
           | about that, though
             | shakezula wrote:
             | are you the maintainer of the platform? If so, props! I
             | also dig the minimal vibe to it, it's a really interesting
             | approach.
         | asciident wrote:
         | Unfortunately when I loaded it it had a major screen repaint
         | about half a second during load. It would be more minimal if it
         | didn't have that.
           | spullara wrote:
           | I saw that as well. I think it is loading a font.
       | mbroncano wrote:
       | iPhone 12 Pro - 397 GFlops!!
       | Sometimes it's just hard to realize that we're carrying a super
       | computer in our pockets ...
         | tablespoon wrote:
         | > Sometimes it's just hard to realize that we're carrying a
         | super computer in our pockets ...
         | I mean, that's probably been true since forever. A "super
         | computer" is only super relative to other machines from the
         | same era. If you can compare between eras, you could probably
         | call ENIAC a "supercomputer" and some early pocket calculators
         | "a supercomputer [ENIAC] in your pocket."
         | In other words "a supercomputer in your pocket" is marketing
         | nonsense.
           | theandrewbailey wrote:
           | Not to mention the API and computing model of a supercomputer
           | is vastly different to a phone.
         | gnatman wrote:
         | Twice as fast as the #1 supercomputer in the world 1994-1996,
         | the Fujitsu Numerical Wind Tunnel.
       (page generated 2021-03-03 23:00 UTC)