[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Do you think Agile/Scrum is beneficial for s...
       Ask HN: Do you think Agile/Scrum is beneficial for software
       what are the pros and cons of sprints and daily standups in your
       experience  Coming from old school 'non-agile' financial world
       focused on bottom line I was in a bit of a shock learning about
       this daily standup ritual.  Besides being a dream for
       micromanagers, it seems to be more about signalling progress vs.
       actually making progress.  Do these extra bureaucracy layers,
       meetings, checkmarks and vague "man-points" estimates actually
       bring any value.
       Author : andyxor
       Score  : 63 points
       Date   : 2021-03-04 17:28 UTC (5 hours ago)
       | domano wrote:
       | In my org dailies are mostly helpful and not a reporting tool. We
       | work in project teams for our customers and are about 300 people.
       | Also our agile approaches mostly work out well, but our whole
       | organization is structured in a way that facilitates this.
       | We have only 2 levels of hierarchy and crossfunctional groups for
       | arbitrary topics like "wage transparency", "consulting" or
       | "technology". Anyone interested can take part in those and they
       | get some budget too.
       | Every few weeks there are townhalls where economic development is
       | reported by the executives to the rest of the company and anyone
       | can ask questions. Since covid we do this via google meet with
       | great success.
       | All in all agile approaches only truly work if acceptance from
       | the higher ups is high. If agile is just used to get tighter
       | deadlines out of devs it is actively harmful.
       | corytheboyd wrote:
       | I'm a little less zealous in my dislike of it. It's not that the
       | process itself is "bad", the ideals behind it make sense. In
       | practice (my own experience) it easily degrades into what I call
       | "fake work"-- you feel like you're doing lots of productive
       | measurement and estimation by drawing nice little boxes around
       | projects, but projects rarely ever work this way. The one thing I
       | see constantly is moving on to the next project because we
       | checked off all the agile boxes, without giving much care to
       | maintenance. There is always maintenance work, and it's very easy
       | to turn a blind eye to.
       | Something I consider maintenance work is refactoring of systems
       | as new projects are planned/implemented. Everyone knows it's a
       | bad idea to just bolt on more and more "feature" work without
       | thinking systemically, then we all point at "systemic" issues in
       | retrospective meetings.
       | Again though, I'm not losing any sleep over this it's just an
       | observation from 9 years of experience as a web developer working
       | for mostly SV tech companies large and small. It won't be
       | everyone's experience, and in general the best advice I can give
       | is try to come up with solutions using your own experience and
       | opinions over those people implicitly/explicitly tell you to
       | follow because they are "good".
         | imbnwa wrote:
         | > Something I consider maintenance work is refactoring of
         | systems as new projects are planned/implemented. Everyone knows
         | it's a bad idea to just bolt on more and more "feature" work
         | without thinking systemically, then we all point at "systemic"
         | issues in retrospective meetings.
         | When the great CPU architect Stephen Keller was on Lex
         | Fridman's podcast, he made a comment that architectures should
         | be refactored every 5 years and I thought to myself, "Good luck
         | with that in Enterprise" as I looked over at the 10+ year old
         | legacy infrastructure holding back org-level velocity at work
           | corytheboyd wrote:
           | oof every FIVE years is an eternity in software years. Maybe
           | I have been working alone for too long while between jobs,
           | but it just feels so much better to listen to all of your
           | hunches about it being refactor time than to ignore them for
           | the sake of functionality. It's just not possible to act on
           | the hunch later when you have lost that important deep
           | context and hastily added twelve other things too.
             | imbnwa wrote:
             | Tbf he was specifically thinking of CPU archs but at
             | "Enterprise Scale" might as well be talking 10 years.
             | Personally, from your comment, I'm learning to just stop
             | giving a fuck and apply the (obvious, cause, you know,
             | you've been looking at it for 5 years at least) re-factor
             | regardless
       | mytailorisrich wrote:
       | The daily stand-up is about communication and fostering quick
       | information sharing and quick problem resolution.
       | That's also the reason they advocate that ideally the team should
       | sit all together. In that ideal work the daily stand-up lasts
       | only 5-10 minutes, it's not meant to be a dreaded status meeting
       | where you talk for 5 minutes then try not to fall sleep for an
       | hour...
       | kevin_nisbet wrote:
       | In my experience with old companies adopting agile, is I equate
       | it to a company wants to evolve it's culture, but in doing so
       | they start doing what they think the companies they want to
       | emulate do to succeed. I'd equate it to doing a cargo cult.
       | Doesn't mean there isn't value to companies that have succeeded
       | with it, or created a value culture around this coordination. But
       | my experience was a bunch of people sitting around talking about
       | what color paper should be used for a particular work item on the
       | sticky board, which I struggle to see the value of.
       | g051051 wrote:
       | There are no "pros". Agile was created by consultants to sell
       | consulting, and the so-called "Agile Manifesto" is nothing but
       | silly aphorisms unrelated to the task of developing and
       | delivering software.
         | buster wrote:
         | Did you even care to check who wrote the agile manifesto? A
         | good book about that might be clean agile by uncle Bob. It
         | should will your view on the origin and history of agile.
       | unethical_ban wrote:
       | I like the idea of Kanban and 3x weekly standups/status.
       | VS
       | Sprints and daily standups.
       | ---
       | Daily standups are too often, not enough updates, and it feels
       | more like pressure than utility for the engineers.
       | Sprints, while helping keep multiple teams working on a single
       | "epic" or "feature" in sync, also feel like an arbitrary slice of
       | time vs. letting people work on things at the pace they are
       | comfortable at. Finish early? Careful taking new work in, it will
       | look bad to bring new things into the sprint and not finish.
       | Take an extra day on a story due to some complications? That's
       | fine if it's middle of sprint. But rollover into new sprint? Oh
       | gosh, what will that do to our sprint report?
       | Time estimations, maintaining backlogs of work and prioritizing,
       | and documenting work done are all great. But some of it has too
       | much ritual to it.
         | natoliniak wrote:
         | > Careful taking new work in, it will look bad to bring new
         | things into the sprint and not finish
         | yep. Furthermore, there are many other perverse incentives that
         | I noticed, but one stands out: the incentive not to take on
         | risky or difficult stories out of fear that if it is not
         | finished by the "committed" date (end of sprint), you will be
         | tarred and shamed during the sprint review.
       | nihil75 wrote:
       | Yes, it's working for us, but not without cost.
       | It's a good way to set expectations for what will be/is to be
       | delivered in a Sprint, and limits going off-piste in too many
       | directions while not delivering functionality (which is a problem
       | for creative/broad-skillset developers at times).
       | It also limits the impact/waste in case the requirements change -
       | you only worked two weeks in the wrong direction. (and they say
       | changing requirements is the biggest problem in software projects
       | since ever)
       | However, I find that it often reduces developers to mindless
       | drones, just trying to satisfy acceptance criteria without
       | thinking about the big picture. (You know you're there when
       | Refinement meetings are very quiet and the Architect does most of
       | the talking).
       | As for estimation/scoring - I find that estimating "complexity"
       | is nonsense. Treating points as "days" is more realistic and
       | leads to better time management from everyone.
         | nihil75 wrote:
         | Oh and standups are not that bad!
         | We keep it small, team level (6 people), and they last 15
         | minutes.
         | No pressure to describe anything - you can say "I'm still
         | working on that thing" and that's that..
         | Honestly it's more of a social thing, especially while
         | remoting, and a chance to share thoughts and offer assistane.
       | danielovichdk wrote:
       | Sounds like you are not doing scrum. And I only know of the term
       | 'daily' being prt of the scrum process.
       | So. If you're not doing scrum you are not leveraging it's
       | potential and even more important, its rules.
       | The rules of a daily is non-disputable. It has a formula. If
       | you're not following the formula, it's not scrum.
       | A daily is not about progress. It's about communication. You
       | communicate what you did since the last daily, and what you
       | expect to do before the next.
       | But you're not being measured on what you communicated. You are
       | merely sharing what you' re doing.
       | If there is discussion in a daily, it's not a daily. If you're
       | not using a board for the baseline for communicating, you're
       | fucked.
       | The role of a scrum master is to take note of what is going on
       | and help out if she hears anything that sounds off. A good scrum
       | master is a bit like a dictator. Focused, on top of things,
       | helpful and listens to what is going on and does not bend to
       | outsiders.
       | Good scrum masters are hard to come by. That's most often imo,
       | why scrum had a bad rep in some places.
       | Also remember, agile is something that must happen on a top
       | level, otherwise it will not work very well.
         | logicslave wrote:
         | "But you're not being measured on what you communicated. You
         | are merely sharing what you' re doing."
         | This is never true. Its a daily confession of what you did. Its
         | micromanagement.
       | rukuu001 wrote:
       | A good team will produce good software, regardless of
       | methodology.
       | But a good agile team will be more responsive to changing
       | customer needs.
       | brailsafe wrote:
       | Every company fails in some respect with at least rate limiting.
       | The last thing you should do in software dev is introduce more
       | meetings, but that's how managers interpret agile. If I didn't
       | get anything done, or only a trivial part of a bigger picture,
       | the last hing I want to talk about or hear from anyone else for
       | 30 minutes first thing in the morning is that. Likewise with only
       | being able to the fastest things done in two weeks, or small
       | parts of them if the sprint schedule isn't adapted to the team
       | very well.
       | In most circumstances, one or two updates a week would be fine,
       | preferably followed by the rest of update meetings so more
       | contiguous hours of problem solving can happen.
       | geocar wrote:
       | Yes. They make it easier to co-manage larger teams with people
       | with drastically different philosophical opinions and can (if
       | well-trained and practiced) help avoid burning out your team.
       | That is to say, in a lot of ways a small clever theologically-
       | aligned team is going to be better. But if there's a good reason
       | you can't have that, scrum can help you make the most of it.
       | throwaway889900 wrote:
       | The incentives have changed. Now I just work to say something at
       | the standup, and standups are like 30 minutes long because people
       | keep turning it into classical waterfall style discussion
       | meetings between two people while everyone else listens. I hate
       | it and the fossils that perpetuate this.
       | comprev wrote:
       | It's all about cutting the time in standups down to a bare
       | minimum. I don't care what you did yesterday, I want to know in
       | one sentence what you're doing _today_ and if you're blocking
       | anyone.
       | dec0dedab0de wrote:
       | Sprints are nonsense unless they have gaps bewtween them, noone
       | can sprint indefinitely
       | Standups are good for small teams all working on the same thing,
       | and only if no managers are present. Unless the manager is
       | writing code too .
       | Kanban seems ok but i havent used it for any period of time.
       | The various tools are nice for remembering what needs to be done
       | and making shared checklists.
         | imbnwa wrote:
         | > Sprints are nonsense unless they have gaps bewtween them,
         | noone can sprint indefinitely
         | This is the crux of the nonsense. A high-level engineer can
         | work around this but for the mass of ticket punchers, it just
         | encourages non-thinking, risk aversion, and a lack of trust
         | between themselves do the pressure of velocity charts, which
         | translates into buggy code, mounting legacy blockers.
         | I know frontend engineers who didn't know what a finite state
         | machine was, nevermind how it was implicit in their business
         | code. For the mass of mediocre engineeers, sprints kill
         | incentive to learn and become a better engineer; no is
         | rewarding you.
         | Product doesn't care cause they're incentive structure is
         | advesarial to Engineering push-back on tech debt, refactoring,
         | etc. Sprints allow them to make sure their bonus is on time.
         | Then Product people quit when BS mounts, another round of
         | Product management shows up, and rinse, repeat.
         | I've seen this cycle happen three times in one org in just 5
         | years, the org where I started as a Junior.
         | And don't let DevOps also be working against sprints in a
         | mediocre org
         | Sprints have, for most of the industry, not the Top 10%
         | employers and what not, frankly regressed the industry.
         | Everyone stops working for the organization and starts trying
         | to figure out how to make the organization work for them, from
         | engineering to product to devops, etc. Good hiring is also a
         | factor in what you'll get out of your employers, but sprints
         | don't get you more at either rate.
         | mytailorisrich wrote:
         | 'Sprint' does not mean you have to push yourself to code as
         | fast as you can, nor does it mean that you have to start coding
         | straight away. In fact part of the work may not involve coding
         | at all (e.g. studies and architecture work) and these
         | activities can also be part of a sprint.
         | Sprints are just time-bounded units to plan and execute the
         | work with the stated aim of having working software at the end
         | of each sprint. You can do that indefinitely in the same way
         | you can follow another software development methodology
         | indefinitely.
           | booleandilemma wrote:
           | In my experience sprints just represent artificial constructs
           | that in the long run serve no real purpose. We end up saying
           | strange things like "I won't be finished with X until next
           | sprint", or "we took in 15 points this sprint". I've seen
           | people become more interested in Jira ticket engineering than
           | the actual work.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | > 'Sprint' does not mean you have to push yourself to code as
           | fast as you can, nor does it mean that you have to start
           | coding straight away. In fact part of the work may not
           | involve coding at all (e.g. studies and architecture work)
           | and these activities can also be part of a sprint.
           | I agree with this statement. However, I believe the term is
           | poorly chosen and, in my experience with managers, frequently
           | misunderstood.
           | There are two issues I have with the term. First, sprints, as
           | a physical activity, are about short, very hard, bursts of
           | work which are fundamentally unsustainable. Even an athlete
           | competing in sprints takes a good break between each one.
           | Second, "sprint" conveys a sense that the focus _is_ on speed
           | because that 's how we judge sprinters.
           | The first point suggests that Scrum needs a different kind of
           | interval than just a sprint. It needs something like a rest
           | period. Not a "sit down and do nothing" period, but analogous
           | to the "active recovery" that athletes often take part in
           | between exertions. Something productive, supportive, but
           | secondary to the principle objective (a runner isn't at the
           | race to stretch, but they stretch so they can continue to
           | race).
           | That second point is important, managers hear sprint and they
           | think speed. Any kind of slow down or delay makes them think
           | that the team is just dicking around. The idea that a sprint
           | could be spent on anything bringing indirect value (rather
           | than direct) like test and deployment automation, refactoring
           | and cleanup, or training is antithetical to this perception.
           | Consequently you cannot, easily, put those activities into
           | sprints, or you have to disguise them or mete them out over a
           | series of sprints so that enough "real" value is being
           | created from the management perspective.
           | Finally, "agile" is about responsiveness. The term was chosen
           | for the manifesto deliberately. We don't look at Usain Bolt
           | on race day and say, "Wow, that man is agile". But you
           | _would_ talk about the agility of a football player who
           | _loses speed_ dodging, avoiding, and leaping around a field
           | to get a 100 yard touchdown. The agile player is _responsive
           | to opposition and present conditions_. They do need to be
           | fast, but their ultimate speed isn 't just from raw speed but
           | from their ability to maintain progress despite adverse
           | conditions. A faster but less agile player could get lucky,
           | but more often will get blocked. The use of the term "sprint"
           | in Scrum conveys no real sense that adaptation and
           | responsiveness are important.
       | st3fan wrote:
       | Scrum is not agile. You really should not write scrum/agile. That
       | is just as bad c/c++ :-)
       | geocrasher wrote:
       | In a perfect world? Yes. On paper it is very good. And making
       | people accountable for their work is a good thing. So is
       | organizing work to be sure it gets done. I'm not a developer, but
       | my department is developing a product for internal consumption,
       | and using the Agile method is good for this purpose. I'm a
       | terribly disorganized person so I like the structure it brings.
       | Beyond that, it's just a way of doing things, much like an OS. It
       | doesn't matter if you're running W10, MacOS, or some flavor of
       | Linux. If it's the right tool for the job, then it's the right
       | tool for the job. But if it's not, then why is it in use?
       | jayturley wrote:
       | From my experience as a scrum master, if there is any micro-
       | managing going on, it's being done wrong. The standup should
       | literally be no more than a minute per person. Each person gets
       | 2-3 sentences: "I did this yesterday. Today I'm working on this.
       | I could use some help with X. (if applicable)"
       | It's meant to help keep the team aligned on what everyone is
       | doing at a higher level, not for any details at all. After the
       | standup, the team can address any requests for help that came up
       | as needed. But that falls outside of the standup.
       | Agile is meant to help empower teams and improve their velocity,
       | and that requires people to own their own stuff. So the standup
       | should be a purely informative, high-level overview of where the
       | team is so everyone is aligned. If it's anything more, it will
       | become a cumbersome, painful exercise in micro-management and
       | tangential discussions.
       | UK-Al05 wrote:
       | Compared to what? My experiance of traditional project managment
       | is we used to have milestones, write daily progress reports,
       | requirement anaysis meetings with BA's etc
       | In my mind scrum has less bureaucracy than that.
       | Scrum Meetings are best used as a way to come together as a team
       | to work how to make progress today.
       | For example:
       | I want to deploy this change to prod today, but one of the tests
       | is failing and I don't know why. Ok lets get a couple of people
       | to mob on the test to figure out whats going on after scrum etc
       | That's a good scrum meeting.
       | Bad scrum meeting. Person 1: I did x yesterday. Person 2: I did x
       | yesterday etc Person 3: I tried to get x done yesterday, but I
       | got stuck i'll try again today.
       | No value whatsoever.
       | The emphasis should be on problem solving as a team, and focusing
       | the team on pain points to get work across the finish line.
       | To that end i find "walking the board" far more valuable, than
       | status updates from each memeber.
       | cashewchoo wrote:
       | I've never felt like a stand-up with your manager-type-person
       | present is ever net helpful. Stand-ups just implicitly become
       | "what did you do yesterday that justified 10% of your biweekly
       | paycheck" at some level, and people end up talking to the manager
       | rather than to each other.
       | I'm sure some super special orgs out there can counteract this
       | with their incredible non-toxic culture and such. Most cannot.
       | Ones that explicitly think they can almost certainly actually
       | cannot.
       | If it's solely the IC's, I think that's where it _can_ be good.
       | People feel a lot more free to not say anything if they don 't
       | have any blockers and don't need to put anything to the team.
       | It's much easier to get in-and-out and have a high-bandwidth
       | discussion.
       | I've felt the most comfortable where we sat down once a week for
       | an hour, went over the last week, and thought about the next. And
       | we had an open-door policy (not literally/physically of course)
       | if you ever needed to discuss blockers or put things to the team.
       | "Standups" happened naturally, about once or twice as week, where
       | people would accrete into a standup in the middle of our pod
       | discussing something that was so interesting/relevant that it
       | naturally drew us out of our offices.
       | Maybe that was just the only time where we finally had the team
       | and the process mesh on a natural level, and it doesn't prescribe
       | this as "the way to do it" for anyone else. But damn did it work
       | for us, for at least two years, before the org changed enough
       | that our team didn't really exist as the same team anymore.
       | One thing I have _never_ enjoyed was the  "the big boss wants
       | this project done ASAP, have standups every day to make sure it
       | gets done as fast as possible". That and everything related to it
       | was awful.
         | 908B64B197 wrote:
         | Agile/Scrum is great if done properly.
         | Most of the industry is doing it wrong/cargo-culting the wrong
         | think. Non-technical managers, or worse, CS grads whose goal
         | was to stop coding 4 years into their careers, took the parts
         | of Agile they liked and made it into a micro-management
         | strategy to justify their work.
         | Agile was written at a resort by 10x engineers for 10x
         | engineers. Flat organization and high ownership (meaning these
         | guys have a stake in the company). Trying to blindly copy it to
         | highly hierarchical cost-center software shops is a recipe for
         | disaster where the only ones making money are the agile
         | consultants.
           | myth2018 wrote:
           | > Agile/Scrum is great if done properly.
           | and, I'd like to point out, Agile/Scrum is great IF applied
           | on suitable organizations/projects.
           | Some projects are too big by nature and, regardless of how
           | much resources are available, there are not enough 10x
           | engineers to be hired and trained to deliver the project
           | within a feasible time.
           | Some organizations are too hierarchical and there's no way to
           | change entire cultures based solely on software projects'
           | needs. By extension, its employees are unlikely to show the
           | level of ownership required by Agile.
           | Don't get me wrong, I like Agile and favor it over other
           | method families whenever I can, but I have a different point
           | of view when it comes to organizations "not well-suited to
           | Agile". I don't necessarily see them as limited solely based
           | on how well software projects can be carried within their
           | structures.
           | It's indeed advantageous to possess a software project-
           | friendly environment. That would provide them a good edge
           | over competition.
           | But there are so many other things beyond that, and so many
           | organizations being successful on their main goals despite
           | being Agile-hostile, that I'm more inclined to look for ways
           | to cope with their shortcomings.
           | I'm not implying you wanted to say that, but I see many Agile
           | enthusiasts classifying those organizations as "not prepared
           | to Agile" and I think this is so wrong. I see that simply as
           | a natural incompatibility and, if I had to elect a culprit
           | (which I don't think to be the case), then Agile would be the
           | party which is in debt.
             | 908B64B197 wrote:
             | > Some organizations are too hierarchical and there's no
             | way to change entire cultures based solely on software
             | projects' needs. By extension, its employees are unlikely
             | to show the level of ownership required by Agile.
             | These two issues can be solved by isolating the software
             | folks from the rest of the organization. Think of a company
             | within a company. That and fixing the hiring pipeline can
             | fix ownership: bringing a culture of stock based
             | compensation typically attracts high achievers and make it
             | important for the engineers to truly own the product.
           | hrktb wrote:
           | > Agile was written at a resort by 10x engineers for 10x
           | engineers.
           | Do these 10x engineers need Scrum ? I don't think flat/high
           | ownership organization have a strong need to be told how to
           | do things, or import some cookie cutter framework in their
           | day to day operation.
           | Getting inspired ? sure, but a lot of the ceremony parts of
           | Scrum don't make sense if people already communicate fluently
           | and organize seemlessly.
             | 908B64B197 wrote:
             | Nobody does the full Scrum.
             | It's more of a set of ideas that can can be applied to a
             | project (or not) and ways of thinking about the software
             | engineering process itself. It's not a magic recipe, just
             | like no programming language or framework will make
             | RandomCo. a unicorn.
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | One of the details of the manifesto is that it does _not_
             | tell you how to do things, and in fact discourages the
             | prioritization of  "processes and tools" over "individuals
             | and interactions" (doesn't remove processes and tools, but
             | it deprioritizes them). The manifesto was as much for the
             | developers as for their managers and customers. It
             | established the priorities of their work and relationship
             | with each other.
         | path411 wrote:
         | Honestly I feel like a team that communicates healthily in
         | channels on slack kinda defeats the entire purpose of stand
         | ups. At my current job, we even have the customers for my team
         | in slack channels and they are highly communicative, so
         | honestly it makes the whole scrum model seem just a waste of
         | time when I can start a question/thread right in slack with the
         | product owners/customers
         | matwood wrote:
         | A good team can make any process work, just like a bad
         | manager/team can destroy the best process.
         | I've done daily stand-ups/check-ins either end of day or first
         | thing in the morning for nearly my entire career. I've also
         | been fortunate enough to have good team members and technical
         | management (prior to being management).
         | I have always found them helpful, particularly when people get
         | stuck. Of course someone can always shout I'm stuck and hope
         | the right person hears, but I've lost count of the times
         | someone in the standup that likely would not have seen this
         | person's problem says 'oh, I've seen that - do this'. And that
         | includes possible management. Also, many people don't want to
         | say they are stuck or don't know something. While not
         | automatic, this does provide a scheduled block of time to speak
         | up.
         | I've worked with many great engineer people who had tendencies
         | to go down rabbit holes. A daily check-in made micromanagement
         | unnecessary because it forced someone to think about what they
         | accomplished and where was it headed.
         | Finally, it's ok to say nothing was accomplished yesterday.
         | Shit happens, we all know it.
       | angarg12 wrote:
       | What we think shouldn't matter, instead we should look at the
       | evidence to judge if Agile is beneficial for software delivery.
       | The problem is that research into software engineering sucks. The
       | silver lining is that some people have done small scale studies
       | on this subject.
       | The studies I've read range from no impact to a significant
       | improvement of using Agile methodologies over, say, waterfall
       | processes. This large variability is a hint of how inconsistent
       | these studies are, but I've seen more evidence piling up in the
       | "good" side of the scale.
       | However, from your loaded comment seems clear you aren't really
       | interested in data anyway.
       | tester756 wrote:
       | I see value of daily standups and planning next sprint e.g 2
       | weeks and I like them
       | but we dropped that bullshit like "story points" - you know,
       | abstraction over abstraction of time/effort whatever it is.
       | we estimate stuff in man hours.
       | l0b0 wrote:
       | > Besides being a dream for micromanagers, it seems to be more
       | about signalling progress vs. actually making progress.
       | There are two massive red flags in that sentence. If the standup
       | is being used as an excuse to micromanage something has gone
       | horribly wrong. And if people don't use it to make progress (that
       | is, asking for help and mentioning blockers) something else has
       | gone terribly wrong.
       | There are about a million discussions about how broken Agile is,
       | most of which discuss some abomination of a process with very
       | superficial similarities to Agile. It's not like _having a
       | standup_ is some sort of magically good thing on its own if
       | people just use it to do things the way they 've always done
       | them.
       | Cue the inevitable "If everybody is doing Agile wrong, maybe
       | there's something wrong with Agile?" response, to which I would
       | simply say that I've seen Agile work in at least two completely
       | different workplaces, and I've seen how terrible non-Agile
       | processes are in at least another two.
       | buster wrote:
       | Well, there is no mention of estimates in the manifesto. It's
       | just people want to know if the thing they buy might cost them
       | one million dollars or 100000 dollars. So giving estimates has
       | nothing to do with agile per se. You probably needed to tell your
       | customer or your boss how much time/money you think something
       | will cost before, didn't you? If you didn't, I don't see why you
       | should now.
       | Daily meetings are not to micromanage and show off that you've
       | done so much work yesterday, but to identify issues that need to
       | be resolved and a good place to ask the team for help if you're
       | stuck.
       | Unfortunately, agile nowadays is mostly scrum, following some non
       | sensical plan taught by some agile coach and too much management,
       | whereas agile was invented solely by and for developers (not
       | managers).
       | bern4444 wrote:
       | I hate the term sprints. The idea is good but the term is
       | horribly inaccurate. Sprint makes it seem like its a quick dash
       | to the finish line and then its over. But the work is never over.
       | One sprint ends and the next one starts immediately after. Work
       | is not a sprint, its a marathon.
       | Sprints conceptually make sense. We have 3 features we want to
       | develop. Lets aim to complete them in the next 2-3 weeks. I like
       | them so long as the goals are extremly well defined and managed.
       | Too many teams though forget the agile aspect of agile
       | development. If there's a change to the priorities, its often
       | poorly communicated or just added to the sprint without removing
       | anything.
       | Daily Standups, as practiced by most teams, are a waste of time.
       | They become status updates for the Project Manager or Team
       | Leader.
       | What would be better is for engineers to use the time to review
       | ideas, issues that have cropped up and ask questions about the
       | codebase or specific issues. This is probably what a standup is
       | supposed to be but when its mixed in with the context of status
       | updates, it always takes a back seat.
       | Pointing is a complete waste of time. I have no idea how long a
       | ticket is going to take until I start working on it. Estimations
       | are usually wrong anyway. If anything, tickets should be pointed
       | once the work is complete to track a teams acutal performance and
       | velocity (output).
       | Having the team review tickets for the next sprint (sprint
       | planning) is useful for inital discovery (so long as it doesn't
       | involve pointing). One person on your team might know how to
       | solve a bug ticket or know if a feature ticket is deceptively
       | difficult. That discovery process can be extremely valuable.
       | Overall agile ideas I think do help more than they hurt but not
       | always and not by much.
       | matt_s wrote:
       | Following any process to the letter by some text book is
       | problematic.
       | If you consider things in the Agile Manifesto and the spirit of
       | being agile, the pros are things like you don't waste time
       | building stuff nobody uses. Why gather requirements, design,
       | develop, test, deploy of features that have minimal or no usage.
       | I've seen many cases that by the time a feature gets out there,
       | its not needed/wanted any more. There are charts and stuff on
       | this regarding Lean Software Development. Another pro is barriers
       | are identified quickly and can be problem-solved quickly. Figure
       | out your unknowns really early and you can adjust what you're
       | building.
       | Over the last year with everything going on there were days where
       | at standup people said "got distracted" and that is perfectly
       | fine. I took that to mean they didn't get anything done during
       | the last day. There were some major life distractions this past
       | year. Those meetings aren't for management to keep tallies on
       | people for some fictitious scoreboard, they are there for the
       | team to identify barriers, ask questions, etc. so the work can
       | get done. Agile comes from lean principles from manufacturing,
       | its about eliminating wasteful steps in a process.
       | Some cons would be with the wrong culture you get micro-managers,
       | people measuring stuff that doesn't matter (ticket size,
       | velocity, whatever) and possibly people gaming whatever nonsense
       | you are measuring. If there is bad culture the project management
       | process being used doesn't matter really, its not going to be
       | pleasant working in that.
       | If there is high risk in what you are delivering, like if you're
       | building software for controlling a nuclear power plant, ICU
       | medical devices, etc. you may need a lot tighter controls around
       | the project process because software bugs can result in really
       | bad things. Maybe a waterfall process works better in those
       | situations, otherwise use agile that fits the people and
       | organization.
       | meheleventyone wrote:
       | Agile the stuff in the manifesto is pretty much spot on.
       | Agile the stuff people make you do in work is often pretty anti-
       | thetical.
       | Scrum as a process is basically poison.
         | jamesrr39 wrote:
         | Upvoted (although I'm not sure I agree with the last point, but
         | the top 2 are definitely spot-on)
         | The agile manifesto is tiny and a scrum guide like this one:
         | https://scrumguides.org/scrum-guide.html is readable in a
         | couple of hours. But the version of "scrum" forced on many
         | people is a far cry from that.
           | meheleventyone wrote:
           | For the last one, basically if a process is essentially never
           | implemented in a way that respects the principles it's
           | designed around something is very wrong.
             | jamesrr39 wrote:
             | Yes, I agree. But I'm not sure what you do about that
             | though. Stronger "dictacts" from an international "scrum
             | committee" putting out material telling you what is
             | "correct" scrum and what is not?
               | meheleventyone wrote:
               | The problem as ever is people and expecting that process
               | will fix them. Individuals and interactions over
               | processes and tools.
               | A dysfunctional team won't be fixed by a new process to
               | follow. It'll just warp to the dysfunctions.
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | Emphasize the principles more.
               | The one thing I've consistently seen absent in many Scrum
               | attempts is the sprint retrospective. When this is
               | included and is permitted to include not just
               | code/product issues but also _process_ issues, it has
               | worked very well even when they skimped out on other
               | elements of Scrum. But most often the retrospective is
               | absent or the process is not permitted to be included in
               | it. This makes you fundamentally anti-Agile as you
               | literally have a rigid, static process.
               | The one consistent element that I have found across
               | nearly every reading of Agile I've done and my
               | experiences over the past (now almost 20 professional)
               | years has been that the critical element of agile is its
               | responsiveness and introspectiveness. Lacking those two
               | things you do not have anything that can be called Agile,
               | at best it's an imitation, at worst it's SAFe and you
               | should run fast.
               | DevOps, Lean, Scrum, Theory of Constraints (realized in
               | software, at least in part, as DevOps) to the extent that
               | they have defined processes they are not the same. But
               | the consistent element is introspection and
               | responsiveness leading to adaptation to the team,
               | organization, customers, and systems being
               | developed/maintained.
               | This is the critical element missing from many
               | organizations and teams at the time of the manifesto. See
               | Waterfall, any CMMI office. They become static, they
               | delay their feedback loops to extraordinary time frames.
               | Waterfall (may it die a fiery death), in some spectacular
               | failures I've witnessed, had 5 years from start to
               | delivery for customer _test_ , not deployment. CMMI has a
               | strong association with Waterfall (unjust in my opinion),
               | but it still promotes a _static_ process that is only
               | reviewed when it 's time for your next appraisal
               | (technically it promotes continuous monitoring and
               | improvement, but like with Scrum everyone ignores it).
               | It's still a crucial element missing from many
               | organizations who have cargo culted their way into Agile
               | or adopted "Agile" processes (like SAFe, may it suffer
               | the same fate as Waterfall). If your processors ever
               | become truly static, you either found The One True
               | Process (for your team and situation) or you're failing
               | to recognize and adapt to your circumstances.
       | frugalmail wrote:
       | Scrum, and "certified" (or not) Product Owners, Project Managers,
       | Product Managers, Scrum Masters, Technical leads, architects,
       | engineering managers, and QA that don't come with years of code
       | slinging under their belt have no place in software development.
       | Kanban makes so much more sense when that kind of garbage is in
       | your work environment.
       | j4yav wrote:
       | I was a big believer 15 years ago, then became heavily
       | disillusioned, and now have a pretty pragmatic view of it. It can
       | help, if you don't know what you're doing at all it's a good
       | framework to start. I feel like the Kanban approach where the
       | team takes ownership of their process is a good one. There's a
       | lot of great stuff in there about communicating as a team, and
       | thinking about the customer.
       | Too often though in practice it devolves into a kind of cargo
       | cult and the apologists lean way too hard into the "if it isn't
       | working, you must not have believed in it hard enough" defense
       | which is a bit too easy in my opinion. It short circuits any
       | actual reflection and learning.
       | Basically, the agile manifesto is great.. the stuff agile coaches
       | try to sell you is hot garbage. Everything else is somewhere in
       | the middle, but Kanban is the closest because it preserves the
       | "we are uncovering" part of the manifesto.
       | smoldesu wrote:
       | no
       | nihil75 wrote:
       | Now I want to be devils advocate and give you the "corporate"
       | perspective -
       | You say Agile disrupts your "flow", makes you deliver buggy code
       | and just work to close tickets like a drone?
       | Good! Who said code needs to be perfect and bug-free? remember
       | Lean? Just get it out there! we can always fix things later.
       | From a business perspective - we are spending money to develop
       | functionality, not our peoples skills. Tickets and tasks should
       | result in adding value _to the business_ , not to our codebase.
       | This is a cruel and unsustainable way of thinking, which will
       | have your best developers leaving the company very quickly. But
       | if you're an enterprise corp - you see them as interchangable
       | "resources" anyway, and Agile helps you accomodate to them
       | leaving by splitting the work to small bits and having no single
       | owner.
       | This is also a way of looking at things...
       | k__ wrote:
       | Depends what you build.
       | For experimental stuff, agile could be good.
       | For product stuff, Scrum could be good.
       | For commodity stuff, six sigma could be good.
       | Using one of these for something it isn't meant to do will lead
       | to failure.
       | furstenheim wrote:
       | I find value in part of it. Dailies I find very beneficial. You
       | get to hear what other people are having problems with, and maybe
       | you already faced something similar. Or the other way around,
       | when you face it you remember that someone solved a similar
       | issue.
       | patmcc wrote:
       | If "Agile" results in _extra_ layers of bureaucracy and more
       | meetings, that 's a great sign that agile is being done terribly
       | wrong. Which, to be fair, is very very common.
       | Remember the manifesto:
       | We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it
       | and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to
       | value:
       | Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
       | Working software over comprehensive documentation
       | Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
       | Responding to change over following a plan
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I think when Agile is finally replaced by something else it
         | will be because of:                   Individuals and
         | interactions over processes and tools         Working software
         | over comprehensive documentation
         | Nothing in Agile has actually overcome the problems of
         | horizontally scaling a team, and things like this stand in the
         | way of scaling one vertically.
         | Scaling developers vertically requires having support tools,
         | processes, and people to get past the things that trip them up
         | and back to forward progress. They don't have to be big tools,
         | or big processes. In fact it's much more important that they be
         | reliable than that they have huge feature sets.
         | But Agile without tools and processes? Show me anyone who is
         | pulling that off, and I'll show you someone who has mislabeled
         | a bunch of things as 'not-tool' and 'not-process'.
         | ipnon wrote:
         | My thought to every line quoted is "why?" What are the actual
         | principles involved, and why don't we just jump straight to
         | those when making process decisions? Manifestos do more harm
         | then good because their vagueness enables reinterpretation.
           | patmcc wrote:
           | https://agilemanifesto.org/principles.html
             | [deleted]
           | unethical_ban wrote:
           | A manifesto _is_ a set of principles. Principles tend to be
           | vague.
           | myth2018 wrote:
           | > Manifestos do more harm then good because their vagueness
           | enables reinterpretation.
           | That totally relates to my experience.
           | I've seen this scene repeated over and over:
           | - project begins
           | - something happens and delays the project (arrival of new
           | team members who need some time to learn about the code base,
           | for instance; it's not even an issue, it's just a natural
           | consequence which makes the project go different than planned
           | and put certain kinds of managers in distress)
           | - project start to get behind of the schedule or whatever
           | tool in use to track progress
           | - "you are not a true Agilist"
           | I just can't understand why is it so easy to blame the old
           | methods while it's so hard to identify weaknesses in the
           | current ones.
           | Besides, the room they left for interpretation leads to a
           | good amount of bike-shedding and witch hunting as soon as
           | something goes wrong in the project -- if one assumes the
           | method is perfect, the only possible explanation for a
           | failure is that the method has been misfollowed.
       | closeparen wrote:
       | Considering that "old-school non-agile" can mean many different
       | things, it would be very surprising if Scrum were uniformly
       | better or worse than _all_ of them.
       | blablabla123 wrote:
       | Pros: if done properly it makes software delivery actually
       | predictable
       | Cons: everything else :-)
       | I enjoy the non-scrum world, but every time I try it, I realize
       | how bad it actually is for everyone involved, especially if there
       | are timelines. But also I think unless you're sufficiently
       | experienced, Scrum is micromanagement hell indeed.
       | kissgyorgy wrote:
       | A lot of people misunderstand it, but what agile says is
       | basically that "you should talk to each other more often" and
       | "you should make smaller steps". So it's a YES from me.
       | If you never seen this, you should read this ASAP:
       | https://agilemanifesto.org/
       | Because that's all there is to know about Agile. Obviously it
       | takes a bit more time to really grasp how can you translate that
       | to lines of code or building a deployment pipeline or shipping
       | features, but if you understand these couple of lines, you
       | already know enough about agile development.
         | laurent92 wrote:
         | I think Agile is best learnt by first failing a 1-million
         | dollars Waterfall project.
         | "Kids today don't know" what it feels like, explaining lawyers
         | how you didn't feel the wind turning after spending 9 months
         | delivering layer 1 and 2 and crossing your fingers that layer 3
         | will be a wrap-up. Once you have seen that, the "less
         | paperwork, more interactions", the "add value not layers"
         | become a relief ;)
       | djcjr wrote:
       | The opponent is software complexity. The task is iterate design,
       | to create a simple solution. Money will be made or lost depending
       | on whether the solution is both simple and useful enough.
       | Scrum, management, meetings distract at best, crush at worst,
       | this critical creative process.
       | mattzito wrote:
       | I've always been a fan of a light agile process - every few weeks
       | you sit down and come up with a target for the subsequent
       | interval - 2 weeks is a good start, shouldn't be more than 6-8
       | weeks. Within that, you define what you want to work on - could
       | be a particular milestone within the project. Could also be user
       | stories, doesn't really matter as long as everyone has a good
       | sense of what the next milestone is.
       | Then you check in as a group on a weekly, or maybe twice-weekly
       | basis, with an explicit goal of identifying risks and
       | uncertainties that have arisen during that timeframe.
       | The goal here is not to micromanage, but to give a sense of
       | progress towards a goal - whether a metric shift, a release, a
       | roadmap commitment, etc. If you don't hit your interval
       | milestones a few intervals in a row, your high-level thinking
       | about timing is wrong, and you need to adapt the project or the
       | timing.
       | tanseydavid wrote:
       | The definition is just too loose and what we seem to wind up with
       | in many cases is a Cargo Cult version of Agile/Scrum.
       | As an example, I have never had a PM/Team practice Agile/Scrum in
       | a manner where the total amount of Work-in-Progress is something
       | that gets paid attention to.
       | In my opinion this is a very serious error.
       | jimmyvalmer wrote:
       | Speaking as someone from the financial world who was shocked to
       | learn about daily standups, no, agile is complete * invented and
       | promoted by non-technical armchair lieutenants.
       | Mba-speak, translated:
       | Value prop = You don't really need this
       | Data Science = Not a Real Science
       | I have it more or less working = It's not working
       | I got it working = Please don't ask me about this anymore
       | Does this make sense? = Are you even listening?
       | Let's stop talking about talking about the issue = We're halfway
       | through this meeting
       | Please enter a jira estimate = I am or want to be your boss
       | Quick stand-up = I'm interrupting your flow
       | Daily stand-up = I'm interrupting your flow every day
       | PM = Tom Smykowski
       | Product = Paid Intern
       | Feature complete = See "I have it more or less working"
       | Deep dive = I have no intention of pursuing this
       | In-flight = I enjoy dramatizing the trivial (See "How Can We Land
       | the Plane")
       | This is not intended to offend anyone = This probably offends
       | everyone
         | mathgladiator wrote:
         | Let's take this offline = Well... It's complicated
         | pan69 wrote:
         | Time-box it = Same amount of work in less time
         | iab wrote:
         | More-or-less working, emphasis on "less"
       | master_yoda_1 wrote:
       | I am not even understand the purpose of manager in the team.
       | steerpike wrote:
       | Agile is the worst possible way to deliver software except for
       | everything else we've tried.
       | lawwantsin17 wrote:
       | The surface area of a project is a fractal. Don't rathole.
       | Writing tickets is the problem. Stand ups are so the mngr has
       | something to say to his boss at his stand up.
       | droobles wrote:
       | no
       | too much chin wagging, not enough building too much synchronous
       | communication
       | for being called agile you don't build software very quickly with
       | it
       | superbcarrot wrote:
       | The topic is kind of broad but to focus on standups, I have a
       | couple of firm beliefs:
       | - Standups don't need to be daily - it's too much. Twice a week
       | is okay (this can be adjusted depending on team/product
       | dynamics).
       | - They shouldn't consist of everyone telling everyone else what
       | they're working on. This practice is boring and useless to anyone
       | who is present. (If you want to check what I'm working on, log
       | into the issue tracking system and look at the tickets against my
       | name.) Instead, standups should focus on pieces of work that need
       | to be delivered or that need to change status.
         | rkv wrote:
         | > They shouldn't consist of everyone telling everyone else what
         | they're working on.
         | It's a common habit people fall into when transitioning to
         | scrum. An experienced scrum master should never let this happen
         | though.
         | res0nat0r wrote:
         | I've been at jobs now for ~7 years and subjected to this.
         | Everyone has to list what they're working on, everyone else
         | ignores what is being listed/talked about until it is their
         | turn and I feel like I'm repeating myself 10x a day. It sucks.
           | tanseydavid wrote:
           | This is the most common example of the Cargo Cult version of
           | Agile/Scrum.
       | giulianob wrote:
       | Definitely my biggest gripe is story points + estimations. It's
       | just completely flawed. We should be thinking more probabilistic
       | (i.e. there's an 80% chance we'll get this done in 2 weeks). We
       | should be doing that by running actual models on past work rather
       | than gut feelings.
       | If you want to listen to a couple of guys I used to work with who
       | really know what they are talking about, check out this series:
       | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC758reHaPAeEixmCjWIbsOA/vid...
         | frugalmail wrote:
         | That's why Kanban with throughput/cycle-time makes so much more
         | sense.
           | jimbob45 wrote:
           | https://owenmccall.com/high-performance-role-process-vs-
           | outc...
           | This article gave me clarity between the two philosophies.
           | Kanban is about perfecting the process and trusting that
           | results will naturally come as a result of that process.
           | Agile is about attaining the outcomes and then focusing on
           | what works for those outcomes.
           | I agree that Kanban makes more sense but Agile allows
           | managers to point the finger at devs instead of having to
           | point the finger at themselves.
         | matwood wrote:
         | I see probabilistic accounting for unknowns. An 80% chance
         | would have some a small amount of unknown, so if the task was 3
         | points, I would bump it to a 5 to account for the known. And,
         | since points are not linear, the larger task automatically
         | grows proportionally, i.e. 8 -> 13.
           | giulianob wrote:
           | Points are flawed. Whether you have them grow linear,
           | exponentially, or fibonacci doesn't make a difference. The
           | fundamentals are flawed. They cover it in their videos and in
           | more depth their talks/books.
             | UK-Al05 wrote:
             | Monte Carlo estimations and probabilistic estimates take
             | longer to do.
             | I don't know how they do it, but you used to have to group
             | stories to stories of similar effort done in the past in
             | order for the simulation to take into account story size.
             | Otherwise your model will be effected by things like
             | stories in different components taking more effort to do.
             | Putting stories into rough size pots is essentially what
             | pointing is.
         | imbnwa wrote:
         | I remember noticing this on my first frontend job 5 years ago.
         | How are in hell are they accurately measuring any kind of
         | performance? I'm sure it can actually be done but enterprise
         | half-asses even that, likely because keeping it all slightly
         | arbitrary allows for more ambiguity to leverage against workers
         | (keeps them paranoid rather than certain, elites don't like
         | safety amongst workers).
           | hinkley wrote:
           | > How are in hell are they accurately measuring any kind of
           | performance?
           | You aren't, and that's the grift.
           | I force developers to do something they are bad at. They get
           | better, but they're never 'great' at it. So I can withhold
           | raises they deserve because I'm punishing them for what
           | they're not good at instead of rewarding them for what they
           | are great at.
         | ipnon wrote:
         | I wonder how much more accurate estimations would be if we had
         | engineers actually draw probability curves that are then
         | aggregated and analyzed. As it stands now, having had some
         | experience getting burned, I always give my estimate that's
         | really at the tail end, and I have become exceedingly efficient
         | at explaining why that estimate is how long it will "really
         | take."
           | giulianob wrote:
           | Estimating a single task is only really important to keep
           | your cycle time in check and have the conversation about
           | "should this task be broken down?"
           | Estimations from engineers shouldn't be used to forecast when
           | a feature will really be done. That's where the model comes
           | in and probabilities comes in.
         | alephu5 wrote:
         | I understand your gripe but in a business setting you need some
         | estimate of cost, even if it's on the order of hours, days,
         | weeks etc. In my experience it's often cheaper to just get
         | stuck in rather than trying to accurately predict the effort,
         | since a single developer prototyping some solution for 10 hours
         | goes further than 10 developers in a meeting for an hour. I'd
         | say call a spade a spade, and put time estimates on these
         | tasks, and admit that velocity is a measure of your bias (if
         | you correctly estimate it will always be 1).
         | What really gets me about story points are the Agile folks who
         | say "story points are a measure of complexity not effort/time".
         | As if adding more complexity in the same amount of time were a
         | good thing...
       | serial_dev wrote:
       | One approach I want to try one day is described here in the Shape
       | up book. It's free and takes around 2-3 hours to read cover to
       | cover. The idea I liked the most is that it made me shift from
       | "How much effort and time we need to solve the problem" to "How
       | much effort we are willing to spend on solving the problem, then
       | find a solution that matches that 'hunger', 'willingness'". It
       | makes simplifications of solutions viable.
       | But the books is full of gems, so my two sentence overview
       | doesn't do it justice. Read it here https://basecamp.com/shapeup
       | With that said, I don't expect any manager to allow us to try
       | out. People love that they can hear people every day that they
       | are all very busy.
       | My current Scrum experience is from a large retail company. Our
       | mobile app team of ~8 devs tries to keep up with the web team of
       | ~50 devs (or even more, I just started and we work remote, I have
       | no clue about the exact numbers).
       | The schedule, roadmap is mapped out for at least the next year.
       | Then, the Scrum doesn't make any sense. We can't decide what's
       | important for the user. We can't work on bugs (that makes the
       | lives of our users miserable) because we work on big feature
       | launch X, and if we don't finish, it will jeopardize big
       | migration Y in 2 months, and then it'll make big relaunch in
       | Country Z impossible in 4 months.
       | It's waterfall with two-week crunch times and daily standups. And
       | our ratings in the app store are constantly declining. But hey,
       | at least we are on time, no matter how terrible our app is, in
       | Jira it says it's shipped so don't whine about software and
       | product quality.
       | During my whole career (about 5-ish years), I didn't find a place
       | where a standup every day made sense. I think two or three sync-
       | sessions per week would be perfect. Daily standups just made
       | anxious, nobody listens to the others, you either say too little
       | or too much, and the original promise of standups just didn't
       | match my every day experience: we never found blockers we
       | wouldn't have found otherwise, etc... In my opinion, pair/group
       | programming (2-3 ppl) is thousand times better.
       | mathgladiator wrote:
       | Fundamentally, it's about discipline. The problem is that people
       | don't know how to balance.
       | Management needs tools to detect (1) slippage, (2) true cost, (3)
       | emerging issues.
       | Engineers need to not silo, work together, make progress, and
       | share status.
       | Amazon would do it at 11am, and it would last no more than 10
       | minutes for a small team. Every two weeks, management and
       | engineers get in a room to holistically determine where things
       | are at, and then they go and report status up.
       | What I would tell teams that I bootstrap is that the process
       | itself doesn't matter, but the team needs a shared discipline to
       | be effective. Their team has desired outcomes and everyone needs
       | to be accountable for making progress.
       | myth2018 wrote:
       | The pros and cons are typically thought of as intrinsic
       | properties of Agile in general. But they are not.
       | Agile has a number of assumptions regarding organizational
       | culture and the people involved on the project. Those assumptions
       | are usually not discussed very often, which is bad, since I
       | believe they are typically related to those many cases of failed
       | Agile implementations that end up getting different explanations
       | depending on how one likes/dislikes Agile.
       | To summarize what I'd like to answer about your question:
       | Pros:
       | - They are great tools to break larger projects into smaller
       | chunks and to keep track of their progresses. Experience shows
       | that it's easier to reach success on smaller projects, and
       | sprints and daily meetings are ways of emulate such sort of
       | project even when working on larger ones.
       | - There's an opportunity of catching and fixing schedule
       | slippages, requirements misunderstandings and other sorts of
       | deviations before they get too expensive to fix.
       | Cons:
       | - You need a bigger deal of maturity and commitment of people
       | involved. As IT professionals, we usually complain about users
       | being unprepared for working on Agile projects, but we have to
       | admit that many professionals show a significant decrease in
       | performance when they are not under a certain level of healthy
       | pressure.
       | - When you favor people over processes and communication over
       | documentation, a higher level of mutual trust is required. You
       | can't find that everywhere, for a number of reasons. Some say
       | that such organizations are not prepared to work under Agile
       | rules. Some are more pragmatic and adapt. I stick with the
       | latter. Agile talks a great deal about embracing change on
       | requirements, and I don't see what is the point of being a purist
       | and refusing to adapt the method to deal with risks.
       | jimbob45 wrote:
       | What matters is critical thought in optimizing whichever
       | methodology you use for your team.
       | No methodology works right out of the box and it's insane to
       | think that any could. You have to look at your specific
       | requirements and mold Agile around your team. Agile literally
       | says to do this but most just ignore it.
       | The more thought you put into your methodology, the better it
       | will work. I know most want Agile to replace critical thought
       | because they don't want to have a target on their back if things
       | go wrong but there is no substitute.
       | mdlm wrote:
       | The daily standup is not part of agile.
       | Agile is defined here: http://agilemanifesto.org/
         | mytailorisrich wrote:
         | The manifesto lists principles. Principles must be implemented
         | and turned into processes in order to actually produce
         | software. Scrum's daily stand-up is a process, a tool, to
         | implement the following principle:
         | " _The most efficient and effective method of conveying
         | information to and within a development team is face-to-face
         | conversation._ "
         | And it also contributes to this one:
         | " _The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge
         | from self-organizing teams._ "
           | g051051 wrote:
           | _" The most efficient and effective method of conveying
           | information to and within a development team is face-to-face
           | conversation."_
           | That statement indicates just how broken the whole idea of
           | "Agile" is.
         | gijoeyguerra wrote:
         | I believe the daily standup is part of XP
         | (http://www.extremeprogramming.org) which is an Agile Method.
           | sli wrote:
           | It's part of Scrum, which itself is also an agile method.
       | [deleted]
       | timwaagh wrote:
       | Daily stand-up has the pro from a management perspective that
       | people feel pressure to perform. It does make sure people focus
       | on the things they should be focusing on. The associated con is
       | that not everyone performs under pressure.
       | The pro of having a sprint is that the team knows what they can
       | do in advance. I don't need to ask my boss for a new task, I just
       | pick the topmost of the board that's not been worked on. The con
       | is sometimes added pressure to finish a sprint (beyond normal
       | pressure and without real-world cause) and a lot of time wasted
       | in team wide meetings to plan a new sprint.
       | 'refinement' meetings as far as I understand are unfortunately
       | usually a waste of time.
       | Estimations in terms of 'effort' points are a recipe for failure
       | because ultimately they will be converted into man-hour units yet
       | were not supposed to think of them as time but 'complexity'. As a
       | result velocity and burn down tools are just a cause for strife.
       | I'd recommend using a normal time unit instead. Skip the
       | conversion.
       | The other way these things can possibly be made useful is if the
       | most important metric is not velocity but reliability (which most
       | teams don't use but is used in at least one team in my org).
       | Personally I don't like agile/scrum but if I'd have to do it
       | myself I would keep at least some elements, like the board you
       | can take tasks from. Standups I would like to see alternatives
       | for. Estimations I would try to do myself or maybe have a tech
       | lead do. I wouldn't even bother communicating it with the rest.
       | Ultimately I never learned anything besides agile scrum so I'd
       | have to adopt at least parts of it no matter that I dislike it.
       | dmead wrote:
       | No.
       | Agile/xp started at Chrysler as a way to push back on management
       | on give engineers a chance to pace/structure/set expectations for
       | their work
       | Modern agile is just a management framework used as an excuse to
       | micro manage the shit out of your work force.
         | imbnwa wrote:
         | Yeah, it's not complicated. What's crazy is the way lots of
         | engineers rationalize all this instead of just being empirical.
         | I think software selects for authoritarian personalities to a
         | degree, who are quite comfortable pretending to be avatars of
         | rule of law (they are merely messagers who can also disavow
         | merely being a messenger) rather than looking at what's
         | actually happening in front of their eyes, like the adversarial
         | nature of most Product teams in most mediocre orgs.
       | gijoeyguerra wrote:
       | Yes. If by Agile you mean development practices like continuous
       | integration (periodically integrating changes into a single
       | environment so that the system can be tested) and creating short
       | feedback loops like devs testing their code; and by Scrum you
       | mean creating team routines for reviewing assumptions and the
       | team talking directly to customers; and periodic reflection to
       | improve processes, then yes, I do.
       | Daily Standups are supposed to be Daily Planning Sessions for the
       | Team. But the common implementation has devolved into status
       | update meetings.
       | So the con is that, more likely than not, it will be a status
       | update meeting, in which case, a waste of most people's time.
       | If it's a Daily Planning Session, there are no cons, only pros.
       | The pro is team alignment, with each other and with project
       | objectives and goals, with only a maximum of 24 hours for
       | possible misalignment.
       | Misalignment is ALWAYS the problem. Daily Planning Sessions help
       | mitigate that ineveitability.
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2021-03-04 23:01 UTC)