[HN Gopher] Citus 10 brings columnar compression to Postgres
       Citus 10 brings columnar compression to Postgres
       Author : whitepoplar
       Score  : 133 points
       Date   : 2021-03-06 18:16 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.citusdata.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.citusdata.com)
       | nwatson wrote:
       | Sensage/Addamark was too early to the columnar storage game in
       | 2001-2003 ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensage.
         | atombender wrote:
         | Sybase/IQ (now SAP IQ, originally acquired from Expressway) was
         | launched in 1995.
         | There are other old column databases, such as kdb, but I
         | believe Sybase/Expessway was the first commercial product.
         | jacques_chester wrote:
         | I think the claim here is that Citus added it to PostgreSQL.
         | Depending on how one defines that claim, Greenplum may have
         | been first.
         | Disclosure: I work for VMware, which sponsors Greenplum
         | development.
           | clairegiordano wrote:
           | Definitely not intending to take credit away from any other
           | teams. There are so many good Postgres extensions and forks
           | in this ecosystem.
           | What we've done is add a Columnar storage feature into the
           | Citus open source extension to Postgres, as part of Citus 10.
           | One way to think of it: Citus 10 now gives Postgres users
           | (those who are also using the Citus extension) a columnar
           | compression option, for use on a single node and/or a
           | distributed Citus cluster.
             | jacques_chester wrote:
             | Thanks. Regardless of who did what, columnar stores are
             | non-trivial engineering and anyone who produces a
             | production-ready one is worthy of admiration.
           | asah wrote:
           | Greenplum was founded in 2003, A/S was 2001.
             | jacques_chester wrote:
             | Again, my qualifier is "to PostgreSQL". I couldn't see such
             | a connection on a brief skim of the A/S wikipedia entry.
       | gigatexal wrote:
       | Great start! Keep in mind the limitations:
       | What are the Limitations?
       | These limitations are not set in stone, and we look forward to
       | working on them in the future:
       | No UPDATE or DELETE support No index support No logical
       | replication or logical decoding support See more limitations in
       | the columnar README
         | tpetry wrote:
         | cstore_fdw had the same limitations, so even if they say these
         | limitations may not persist forever, i am not very hopeful they
         | really want to solve this problem.
         | But they could solve it with just a little bit of work: *
         | Create a hidden bitmap information to store whether the ,,row"
         | of the columnar table is still valid * When updating/deleting
         | values only set the bitmap information to zero to indicate the
         | value is no longer valid * Every updated ,,row" is added into a
         | special chunk at the end of the table in uncompressed format *
         | When vacuuming the table the old rows with bitmap=0 are deleted
         | and the values from the special chunk are merged
         | So you would have same performance if update/delete is never
         | done as the complete bitmap index is filled with 1. And every
         | update/delete will make it just a little bit slower, as most
         | often only old date is stored in compressed format not much
         | uncomprossed values will be stored. And a vacuum full would
         | optimize these old tables again.
           | [deleted]
           | jeff-davis wrote:
           | Thank you for the suggestions! We are interested in
           | UPDATE/DELETE.
           | Can you describe you use case for columnar update/delete in a
           | little more detail? Is it a few random updates, or bulk
           | updates, or something else?
       | BenoitP wrote:
       | So are they using Parquet, ORC or Arrow under the hood; or do
       | they have a custom format?
         | mslot wrote:
         | It is a custom format that was originally derived from ORC, but
         | is very different at this point. For instance, all the metadata
         | is kept in PostgreSQL catalog tables to make changes
         | transactional.
       | jfbaro wrote:
       | I am glad to see Postgresql ecosystem growing. It gets better by
       | the day. Thanks to all people involved!
       | znpy wrote:
       | since we're talking postgresql:
       | i recently started diving into postgresql and it seems to me that
       | there is a patchwork of HA solutions (with patroni being the most
       | feature-full) but no real multi-master solution for postgresql
       | released under an open source license.
       | There's BDR (bi-directional replication) but apparently
       | 2ndquadrant pulled it back under a proprietary license, am i
       | right?
       | what's the current status of postgresql multi-master HA?
         | merb wrote:
         | > i recently started diving into postgresql and it seems to me
         | that there is a patchwork of HA solutions (with patroni being
         | the most feature-full) but no real multi-master solution for
         | postgresql released under an open source license.
         | true multi master is barely needed. but there is citus which
         | uses the gpl, which can be run in multi master. and yes patroni
         | is really really awesome.
           | znpy wrote:
           | Thanks, I'll look into that!
         | whitepoplar wrote:
         | Not multi-master, but pg_auto_failover looks to be a very nice
         | solution for HA, and one that is operationally simple to
         | manage: https://github.com/citusdata/pg_auto_failover
       | teej wrote:
       | One of the gotchas of columnar storage (coming from Redshift) is
       | that you lose all of the compression benefits if you have just
       | one column that's fat or hard to compress.
       | In Redshift columns are stored in blocks. You want to fit roughly
       | the same number of column values per block across all your
       | columns. But if you have one column where a small number of
       | values can fit in a block, the rest of the columns end up leaving
       | most of the block space unused. The result is wasted disk space
       | and poor query performance.
       | This Postgres extension has similar-sounding storage ideas with
       | stripes, but it's not clear to me if it suffers from the same
       | issue.
       | My first test to vet this would be a table with 50 columns of
       | ints and one column of md5 hashes stored as varchar.
         | mrits wrote:
         | Several different compression algorithms would do very well for
         | this. E.g dict compression for low cardinality wide columns.
         | I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with a handful of
         | different encodings for columnar data stores before you give up
         | on the idea.
         | georgewfraser wrote:
         | Do you have a source for this, or a code sample that can
         | demonstrate it? This would be an extremely naive implementation
         | of columnar storage. There are some truly hard cases around
         | long variable-length strings, but any halfway decent columnar
         | storage engine should be able to handle columns with different
         | widths.
           | zten wrote:
           | https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-redshift-
           | utils/blob/master...
           | The compression actually works as advertised, but that
           | document outlines why you don't want to have the sortkey skew
           | from other columns. The disk I/O balloons as it goes and
           | fetches a larger number of blocks from the other columns that
           | match what you're filtering in the sortkey.
           | teej wrote:
           | They call this issue out in the docs specifically when the
           | fat column is a sort/distkey. rsbb in the Intermix slack has
           | studied this in the most detail I know of outside AWS but
           | they haven't published their book yet.
         | jeff-davis wrote:
         | In citus columnar, stripes/chunks are variable in size. If you
         | have one large column that doesn't bloat the other columns.
           | teej wrote:
           | Cool! So if I select two columns with a predicate in the
           | first, does it scan all stripes for the second column?
             | jeff-davis wrote:
             | Stripes aren't really "scanned". They are more of a logical
             | concept that tracks where the physical data for each column
             | is, and only fetches what it needs.
             | If I understand what you are asking, let me restate: "can
             | you apply a predicate first on column A before reading
             | column B, so that you can avoid reading column B if the
             | predicate on A doesn't match?".
             | The answer is: "sometimes". Predicates match some rows and
             | not others, so matching rows may be mixed in with non-
             | matching rows, so it's not always possible to avoid the IO
             | to read column B. _However_ , if the matching and non-
             | matching rows happen to be separated (e.g. if your table is
             | naturally in time order and you have a time-based
             | predicate), then it's able to do this optimization. Please
             | see the section on "Chunk Group Filtering".
               | teej wrote:
               | Thanks for the in depth explanation! I look forward to
               | exploring it more.
       | brightball wrote:
       | Awesome news! After seeing the benefits with the cstore
       | extension, I assumed this was only a matter of time.
       | georgewfraser wrote:
       | Beware that simply adding a column-oriented storage engine to a
       | row store like Postgres is not going to get you anywhere near the
       | performance of a ground-up columnar system like Redshift or
       | Snowflake. This paper explains why [1]. Short version: most of
       | the benefits are in the column-oriented execution engine, which
       | differs in every aspect of its implementation from a row-oriented
       | execution engine.
       | [1]
       | https://stratos.seas.harvard.edu/files/stratos/files/columns...
         | mslot wrote:
         | Correct, though it depends whether you are CPU-bound or
         | I/O-bound. We see the latter a lot more often for large data
         | sets.
         | Columnar storage for PostgreSQL is especially relevant in cloud
         | environments. Most database servers in the cloud use managed,
         | network-attached disks because of durability, availability, and
         | encryption-at-rest requirements. However, those do come with a
         | performance penalty compared to local SSDs. The VMs also have
         | IOPS and bandwidth limits, partly to manage capacity within the
         | IaaS platform.
         | If you can reduce the data size by 10x, then you are
         | effectively increasing your disk bandwidth by that much as
         | well. Moreover, you can keep more data in memory, so you will
         | read much less data from disk, plus you'll only read the
         | columns used by the query. Hence, you're likely to see speed
         | ups of more than 10x for some queries, even without column-
         | oriented execution.
           | glogla wrote:
           | That's exactly what we've seen. I don't know how Citus
           | exactly stores data, but we found difference of 30x between
           | gzipped Parquet and "generic Oracle table".
           | There's a huge difference whether your analytical query is
           | scanning full 30 GB or 1 GB (or maybe even half that or less
           | if you need to scan just some columns).
         | dang wrote:
         | Some past threads on that paper:
         |  _The design and implementation of modern column-oriented
         | database systems_ -
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18076547 - Sept 2018 (42
         | comments)
         |  _Design and Implementation of Modern Column-Oriented Databases
         | (2012) [pdf]_ - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11803299 -
         | May 2016 (9 comments)
         | GordonS wrote:
         | I agree,l that it's never going to be as effective as something
         | built from the ground up as a column store. But the performance
         | and storage improvements can still be immense over standard
         | Postgres. And if you're already using Postgres, it means one
         | less service to configure and maintain, and means you can
         | easily combine both standard relational data with columnar
         | data. For a lot of folks, that a huge win.
       | wyck wrote:
       | Amazon really missed the boat on Citus, a few more great
       | acquisitions like this and Azure is going to look great (yes I
       | know it can be still self installed on AWS).
       | biggerfisch wrote:
       | I'm curious to see how this compares in real life to TimescaleDB
       | hypertables with compression - which to me, reads as much the
       | same thing. I'm wondering if Citus is bringing a lower level
       | implementation of idea possibly?
         | LogicX wrote:
         | Came here to say this - I was looking to see how compression
         | compared to timescale's stated 91% compression.
         | https://docs.timescale.com/latest/using-timescaledb/compress...
           | atanasovskib wrote:
           | There are a lot of differences that need to be taken into
           | account before making a comparison.
           | 1. TimescaleDB implements the compression on a hifher level,
           | the underlying table storage/access method remains the same
           | 2. TimescaleDB doesn't compress latest data, allowing you to
           | keep fast writes and edits for recent data, but also allows
           | you to benefit from compression on row based data
           | 3. Although not currently available, it is possible to have a
           | TimescaleDB hypertable with a column based access method
           | 4. Comparing would have to take into account the data model,
           | access methods (types of queries), ingestion vs query
           | comparison (batch vs real time), backfilling and editing, etc
           | I agree that this (Columnar) would be closer to Parquet.
           | mslot wrote:
           | It always depends on the data, but we've seen 92.5% and more:
           | https://twitter.com/JeffMealo/status/1368030569557286915
             | akulkarni wrote:
             | (TimescaleDB person)
             | TimescaleDB users have seen 98% (ie over 50x) compression
             | rates in some real-world cases (e.g., for some IT
             | monitoring datasets), but compression ratio will definitely
             | vary by dataset. (For example, a dataset of just 0s will
             | compress even better! But that's probably not a realistic
             | dataset :-) )
             | The reality is that Citus and TimescaleDB [0][1] take very
             | different approaches to columnar compression, which result
             | in different usability and performance trade-offs. In
             | reality one should choose the right tool for their
             | workload.
             | (As an aside, if you have time-series data, no one has
             | spent more time developing an awesome time-series
             | experience on Postgres than the TimescaleDB team has :-) )
             | Kudos to the Citus team for this launch! I love seeing how
             | different members of the Postgres community keep pushing
             | the state-of-the art.
             | [0] Building columnar compression in a row-oriented
             | database (https://blog.timescale.com/blog/building-
             | columnar-compressio...)
             | [1] Time-series compression algorithms, explained
             | (https://blog.timescale.com/blog/time-series-compression-
             | algo...)
         | mslot wrote:
         | The access method approach followed in Citus is indeed lower
         | level and more generic, which means it can be used on both time
         | series data and other types of data.
         | For time series data, you can use built-in partitioning in
         | PostgreSQL. It's not as easy to use as TimescaleDB, but
         | pg_partman goes a long way, see:
         | https://docs.citusdata.com/en/latest/use_cases/timeseries.ht...
         | You can then use the columnar access method to compress old
         | partitions (see the end of the doc), and use distributed tables
         | to shard and parallelize queries and DML.
         | bradleyjg wrote:
         | This reads to me more like parquet.
       | simonw wrote:
       | Reassuring to see big new features like this coming out after the
       | Microsoft acquisition, a healthy sign that this open source
       | product continues to see serious ongoing investment.
         | ablekh wrote:
         | Technically, Citus _product_ is open core, not open source.
         | Though open sourcing shard rebalancer is a recent welcome step.
         | merb wrote:
         | well because they are the only cloud vendor with a HA master-
         | master postgresql database (citusdb managed) it probably is
         | also a selling point.
           | pm90 wrote:
           | Wait... they have 2 read/write masters? And you can
           | read/write from either master at the same time?
             | merb wrote:
             | yes but its more like vitess. which is basically more like
             | sharded masters, but most of the time this works way better
             | than something like galera or bdr.
       (page generated 2021-03-06 23:00 UTC)