[HN Gopher] Finding Mona Lisa in the Game of Life
       Finding Mona Lisa in the Game of Life
       Author : mseri
       Score  : 351 points
       Date   : 2021-03-08 11:02 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (avinayak.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (avinayak.github.io)
       | jansan wrote:
       | It never fails to amaze me what an infinite number of monkeys
       | with keyboards are able to achieve if you give them enough time
       | :)
       | enriquto wrote:
       | > Running ~1000 iterations for a 483px wide Mona Lisa on the
       | google colab GPU runtime only takes around 40 seconds!. Compared
       | to the CPU version which takes several hours to do the same for a
       | smaller image
       | Isn't this excruciatingly slow? I remember my old 486 computer
       | did run life at full-screen full-resolution in realtime (probably
       | 25fps at 800x600 ?) How it has come to that after 20 years? How
       | can a 20 year old CPU outperform a modern GPU by one order of
       | magnitude? Is it all fault of lots of useless intermediary
       | language layers?
         | xaedes wrote:
         | Regarding the speed of GoL itself:
         | The JAX implementation of GoL he used should be able to do 10
         | billion cells / second
         | http://www.bnikolic.co.uk/blog/python/jax/2020/04/19/game-of...
         | > Speed of execution
         | > Looking into speed of execution was not a primary goal, but
         | in case people are interested initial: study suggests this code
         | will do about 10 billion cells / second on the Google Colab GPU
         | runtime.
         | For comparision this simple numba optimized GoL propagation
         | function achieves roughly one billion cells per second on CPU
         | (i7-9700K):                   @numba.jit         def
         | propagate_jit(arr, result):             h, w = arr.shape
         | for y in range(1,h-1):                 for x in range(1,w-1):
         | result[y,x] = arr[y,x]                     num_neighbors = (
         | arr[y-1,x-1] + arr[y-1,x] + arr[y-1,x+1] +
         | arr[y,x-1] + arr[y,x] + arr[y,x] +
         | arr[y+1,x-1] + arr[y+1,x] + arr[y+1,x+1]                     )
         | if num_neighbors == 3:                         result[y,x] = 1
         | elif num_neighbors < 2 or num_neighbors > 3:
         | result[y,x] = 0              arr =
         | np.random.randint(0,2,(700,480))         arr2 = arr.copy()
         | %timeit propagate_jit(arr, arr2)         # 333 us +- 2.64 us
         | per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
         | 700*480*1e6/333         # 1009009009.009009
         | Btw: The not numba optimized implementation will run in 806ms
         | on my system. The optimization gives a speedup of over 2400.
           | UncleOxidant wrote:
           | Not entirely sure what @numba.jit is doing here as I haven't
           | used numba - is it compiling to native CPU code? Another
           | approach to speed up GoL would be to use a lookup table. 2^9
           | entries. It's kind of like having the sum pre-calculated.
           | Using the lookup table approach with @numba.jit would
           | probably be even faster yet.
         | zbendefy wrote:
         | probably 99% of time shuffling data around, 1% of time
         | calculating
         | Marazan wrote:
         | That's not 1000 iterations of GoL. That's a thousand iterations
         | of trying to find the best seed.
           | enriquto wrote:
           | I stand corrected. The numbers were too way off to make sense
           | at all!
         | [deleted]
       | 7373737373 wrote:
       | For a similar challenge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_game
       | xirbeosbwo1234 wrote:
       | This is of something I've often seen in GPU-accelerated code:
       | people get really amazing speedups _because they 're comparing to
       | something that started out dog slow_. Every example given is 10
       | generations or fewer, so 1000 iterations is probably not more
       | than 10,000 generations. That should _not_ take several hours to
       | run.
       | The code looks reasonable enough to me, so I assume this is just
       | Python being Python.
       | davguerrero wrote:
       | This could be useful using least significant bit steganography to
       | embed the start state and maybe a QR code as the end state, or
       | something else able to withstand the noisy output.
       | lubesGordi wrote:
       | So my understanding is that the Game of Life is an undecidable
       | system, so you basically can't write a solvable system of
       | equations that will tell you that your initial state will produce
       | a Mona Lisa. Even after reading the article I don't really
       | understand what he's doing to make this happen. And especially
       | after stating that most states are Garden of Eden states! Can
       | anyone ELI5?
         | OscarCunningham wrote:
         | It's a decidable problem to evolve the Game of Life fowrard a
         | fixed number of generations. The undecidable thing is to
         | determine the eventual fate of a pattern, e.g. 'does it ever
         | die out completely?'. Even then you can answer this question
         | for large classes of patterns, just not all of them.
           | aflag wrote:
           | Moreover, it is just like any other code you write. It's
           | undecidable whether a function you write will ever stop in
           | the general case, but I'm pretty sure you are able to easily
           | prove most of your functions are going to finish.
           | lubesGordi wrote:
           | Okay well you can 'simulate' the GoL forward and see what
           | it's going to be in a few fixed number of generations. That's
           | basically how you do anything with these undecidable systems.
           | I'm not clear on how he got some state that looks like a Mona
           | Lisa when most or almost all states that look like a Mona
           | Lisa are Garden of Eden states, and then from there worked
           | backwards (I'm not clear on if/how you can go backwards in
           | GoL).
       | ris wrote:
       | I suspect slightly better (or faster) results would be achieved
       | if instead of comparing against a specific dithering pattern
       | nominated by the author, they instead compared downscaled
       | candidate patterns against the greyscale target image.
       | sethbannon wrote:
       | This comment may be too meta but this post just made me
       | appreciate Hacker News so much! Classic creative hacking guided
       | by nothing but pure curiosity. Love it!
       | jphoward wrote:
       | My understanding is Conway's game of life can be done by simply
       | convolving a 3x3 array of all ones (except a central 0) through
       | every pixel, and then looking at the results of that convolution
       | to see if the pixel is dead or alive, e.g.
       | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46196346/why-does-my-gam...
       | If that's the case, would a nice solution be to model it as a
       | recurrent neural network, e.g. pytorch or jax, with a single
       | convolutional layer, with a single kernel, which you don't
       | backprop to, and then try to minimise to loss with reference to
       | the target image, by backpropagating to the input image?
       | It then becomes highly analogous to Google's deepdream, but
       | instead of optimising the image for the output class, you
       | optimise it to the output image.
         | [deleted]
         | PartiallyTyped wrote:
         | What you are suggesting is the idea behind StyleTransfer. Given
         | two images, A, B, and a neural network F, you repeatedly modify
         | B using [?] L(F(A),F(B))/[?]B, where L is the loss function, A
         | contains the style and B is the input image.
         | andersource wrote:
         | That's an interesting approach. The problem is that the
         | function to be applied after the convolution is binary, hence
         | not differentiable. You could replace it with a soft variation,
         | my (wild) guess is it would still be difficult to converge:
         | * If the transitions are too sharp it will behave like the
         | stepwise, non-differentiable original
         | * If the transitions are too soft, the optimization will
         | converge to some middle-state compromise that will not behave
         | as desired when binarized
         | But that's just speculation. Also interesting to note that in
         | the very relevant Kaggle competition [0], top solutions don't
         | mention differentiable approaches (as far as I've seen, I admit
         | I haven't looked too deeply).
         | [0] https://www.kaggle.com/c/conways-reverse-game-of-
         | life-2020/d...
       | jpalomaki wrote:
       | As a next step: how simple can you make the initial state. Can
       | you have something that occupies much less space, but then grows
       | to something that resembles the target image.
         | fxj wrote:
         | Isn't this the goal of an image compression tool? Can we have
         | efficient lossless compression with GoL? That would work with
         | any data. Would it be better than bzip2 or png?
           | cnity wrote:
           | This is a fascinating idea. Using some kind of sufficiently
           | chaotic (and deterministic) process shared among two people,
           | one could simply reference a time and region of the state of
           | that process that contains the data to be sent.
             | npteljes wrote:
             | This is I think what cryptographic hashes are meant to
             | achieve.
             | PartiallyTyped wrote:
             | This is part of modern encryption. To be more specific, we
             | have blocks and a deterministic cryptographically secure
             | rng, we seed the rng with a public key that is broadcasted,
             | we then encrypt blocks and then combine them together with
             | the number produced by the rng and create the next block of
             | encrypted data.
             | You may be wondering, why do we even do this? The answer is
             | simple, "the image is encrypted, but everyone can see the
             | penguin". In a less cryptic manner, encrypting blocks
             | simply maps them from one space to another, but is a
             | reversible operation and, as any function does, is
             | deterministic and returns the exact same value every time.
             | The consequence of this determinism, is that identical
             | blocks will always produce the same value and thus, the
             | content is still somewhat visible and in some cases it
             | could leak information. By combining blocks together along
             | with a PRNG, we hide the mapping by requiring that the
             | recipient solves the first block before decrypting further
             | data and we don't end up leaking information.
             | jmiskovic wrote:
             | This is same as giving starting digit in p, right? Not
             | usable for compression, and encryption folks would file it
             | under security-by-obscurity.
             | shawnz wrote:
             | Imagine the "sufficiently chaotic process" is simply
             | listing out all the possible data sequences in order, for
             | example 0 1 10 11 100 etc.
             | Then, "referencing a region" of the state is basically the
             | same as just giving the value. The nth value is just n
             | itself.
             | So clearly that doesn't give you any advantage. Why would
             | randomizing the data sequences make it any more efficient
             | on average?
             | Although if you specifically choose the ordering of the
             | sequences so that common sequences are easy to represent
             | and uncommon sequences are hard to represent, then you
             | basically have Huffman coding/arithmetic coding.
               | cnity wrote:
               | Because you can bias the process to be more likely to
               | represent data relevant to your domain.
               | Note: I'm not in any way a compression expert, so while
               | it may be obvious to you/others, it's a little
               | interesting for me to think of compression in this way
               | (sending parameters to a shared process, instead of
               | sharing the raw data).
           | 1-more wrote:
           | I've often thought of that, a compression thing that says
           | "start with this small board state, run for so many
           | generations, go sample this area of the board, and maybe
           | apply this run-length-encoded binary patch" but computing
           | that initial state is, uhhhhh, a lot. A huge amount. Too
           | freaky. But maybe there's a cellular automaton that is easier
           | to run in reverse to find such a thing? This becomes a
           | question for the real computer scientists.
           | altgoogler wrote:
           | The approach described here is very lossy, and very
           | inefficient since you have to search a huge number of
           | permutations to find reasonable results.
           | It would be an interesting experiment to implement lossless
           | compression, but it likely wouldn't achieve high compression
           | ratios or be nearly as efficient as a purpose built
           | algorithm.
           | jerf wrote:
           | The problem in general with this approach is that the amount
           | of bits it takes to identify the correct decoded value
           | exceeds the amount of bits it takes to simply write down the
           | correct encoded value.
           | People have been proposing similar algorithms for the last
           | few decades. It's really become the "Free energy is being
           | suppressed by the man!" of compression algorithms. One of the
           | more popular is "just identify where your value is in pi!",
           | which fails for that reason.
           | One problem is that in order to analyze such algorithms you
           | really need to count your bits carefully. For instance in the
           | pi case people sometimes think "well, I just need two
           | numbers, the distance into pi and the length", but those "two
           | numbers" may need arbitrarily unbounded numbers of bits to
           | represent.
           | GoL has its own problem which is that if you construct a
           | "random" state that didn't start "naturally" the odds of it
           | being a Garden of Eden state are essentially 1. Can you even
           | call it an "image compression" tool when it can't represent
           | an image of any pure color _at all_ , let alone in a
           | compressed format?
             | alpaca128 wrote:
             | Exactly, I know first hand that it's easy to believe in
             | such admittedly creative ideas. But thinking it through was
             | fun and cleared up my misunderstanding; in the end the
             | information itself cannot be compressed, one can only
             | reduce redundancies. And an arbitrarily chosen algorithm
             | tends to do a really bad job with that on average.
             | dcanelhas wrote:
             | Haha that's really creative though. Makes me wonder if
             | there is anything useful "stored" in pi that could be
             | represented with, say, 2 64-bit integers.
               | klyrs wrote:
               | Further "compression" -- you only want the index of the
               | first occurrence of a given string. Thus, you create a
               | table of offsets for each string length, where index 0 is
               | the first unique string of length n, index 1 is the
               | second, etc. This allows you to elide the issue that
               | indices can be arbitrarily large. Of course, the table is
               | hard to compute for large n, and the resulting
               | "compression" has indices at worst the size of the
               | original data... so it's gonna be super efficient at
               | compressing the bits of pi, and no worse than unity on
               | average.
       | ismail261 wrote:
       | https://bit.ly/3qq4iAX
       | atum47 wrote:
       | Some years ago I did a similar thing using genetic algorithm. I
       | was researching it's use in generative art.
       | Here's a video of it in action: https://youtu.be/xgAigVfpIYc
       | sjg1729 wrote:
       | The parenthetical "(Consider a loaf of bread, with each slice
       | being dithered Mona Lisa)." is one of my favorites of any
       | technical article
       | matsemann wrote:
       | Gotta be used for some capture-the-flag or so, where after
       | running it a clue to the next step is revealed.
       | I also wonder how effective this would be as a compression
       | algorithm (just for the fun of it). Are the black&white spots too
       | noisily distributed to make it compressable, or better than the
       | resulting image after running GoL?
       | Also interesting that so little data is needed for my brain to
       | understand it's a picture of the David statue.
         | alpaca128 wrote:
         | > I also wonder how effective this would be as a compression
         | algorithm
         | My guess is it would be the opposite of compression in many
         | cases, due to the number of required cells you need to store.
         | Using weird, creative ways of encoding data tends to be bad for
         | compression, and in the very best case you'd have something
         | that competes with JPEG but is much slower.
         | It's an enticing idea, just like that concept of encoding
         | arbitrary data by looking for the exact same bit pattern in
         | decimal places of Pi and then storing that position. But
         | reality is often disappointing, and it doesn't really work
         | because more often than not you'll need more space to store the
         | decimal position than the original information.
       | lnyan wrote:
       | A similar post can be found here (2020, implemented with
       | backsearch):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22552006
       | https://kevingal.com/blog/mona-lisa-gol.html
       | andersource wrote:
       | Kaggle recently hosted a very relevant competition - "Conway's
       | Reverse Game of Life" [0]. A write-up of the 1st place might be
       | an interesting read [1].
       | [0] https://www.kaggle.com/c/conways-reverse-game-of-
       | life-2020/o...
       | [1] https://www.kaggle.com/c/conways-reverse-game-of-
       | life-2020/d...
         | bondarchuk wrote:
         | Very nice! Some states have multiple ancestors, some have none,
         | so these are "dead ends" when going backwards. But when you are
         | just looking for an approximation of the final state, as in
         | TFA, you can probably accept quite some perturbation, which
         | could make it significantly easier to go backwards in a naive
         | way and sometimes miss a few cells in the process.
           | andersource wrote:
           | Yeah, I think it's very interesting because there's a lot of
           | freedom in measuring the similarity and also other aspects of
           | the process, for example optimizing for a "simple" starting
           | configuration as mentioned in other comments.
           | UncleOxidant wrote:
           | > Some states have multiple ancestors, some have none
           | Yeah, this is what I didn't understand about that particular
           | Kaggle competition. It doesn't seem possible that you could
           | learn some general set of rules that would allow you to
           | predict previous states with much accuracy.
         | UncleOxidant wrote:
         | I read the writeup where someone applied a genetic algorithm to
         | this problem and I guess what I found disappointing was that it
         | wasn't a general solution that could learn any general cases or
         | rules, it was just very specific for each example provided.
         | It's not like you could train it on a set of examples and then
         | give it a new example and it would be able to do it any quicker
         | or more accurately.
           | adenozine wrote:
           | Well, that's sort of the case for genetic algorithms.
           | You might be aware of genetic programming? There may be
           | papers already out there, but the idea is representing a
           | programs source as a genome, and then performing the familiar
           | processes (mutation, crossover, selection) on those.
           | Anyhow, that would produce something more general. A genetic
           | algorithm is traditionally a single shot thing.
             | UncleOxidant wrote:
             | > You might be aware of genetic programming?
             | Actually been playing with Cartesian Genetic Programming
             | (CGP) recently.
             | > Anyhow, that would produce something more general.
             | Not really, at least as far as I can tell with CGP. I was
             | evolving a circuit to solve the 8-bit parity problem (kind
             | of the 'Hello world' of CGP - it solves this problem
             | surprisingly quickly). There wasn't any way to use that
             | information to evolve a circuit to solve the 16-bit parity
             | problem - you've gotta start again from scratch. There may
             | be some proposed solutions to this kind of issue in CGP -
             | I'm still reading papers.
       | ineiti wrote:
       | Did you consider something like the following to speed up the
       | calculation? This method can go forward _really_ fast. Not sur e
       | if it can also go backward...
       | https://pzemtsov.github.io/2015/04/24/game-of-life-hash-tabl...
         | ineiti wrote:
         | In fact I wanted to point to the following... Googling 'hash'
         | put me to the wrong page.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashlife
       | montebicyclelo wrote:
       | I did the same thing, but with gradient descent. You can create a
       | soft version of the game of life, that is differentiable. Here is
       | my messy collab notebook: [1]
       | [1]
       | https://colab.research.google.com/drive/12CO3Y0JgCd3DVnQeNSB...
       | Edit: only 1 step though, not 4, as in the OP. I couldn't get my
       | differentiable version to converge more than 1 step into the
       | past.
         | hardmath123 wrote:
         | See also, a post from mid-2020 that does something similar with
         | a "softened" Life: http://hardmath123.github.io/conways-
         | gradient.html
           | montebicyclelo wrote:
           | That's a really nice write up. It's insane how similar our
           | approaches are.
           | Could it be a case of [1] (but on a non grand scale) :P? I
           | can list my sources of inspiration: [2] [3] [4].
           | I also tried training convolutional networks, using the soft
           | life set-up, but failed to get them to converge.
           | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_discovery
           | [2] https://kevingal.com/blog/mona-lisa-gol.html
           | [3] https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.00935
           | [4] https://nicholasrui.com/2017/12/18/convolutions-and-the-
           | game...
         | montebicyclelo wrote:
         | Note, skip to the bottom to see the resulting plots.
         | Here gradient descent is used to try and predict random game of
         | life games [1]
         | [1] https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1NKWRarxM-
         | ar18x1ON71...
       | hardmath123 wrote:
       | Similar post from mid-2020, using PyTorch instead of JAX, and
       | using a "continuous" (gradient-based) hill-climbing:
       | http://hardmath123.github.io/conways-gradient.html
       | And the HN discussion from the time:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23095190
       (page generated 2021-03-08 23:00 UTC)