[HN Gopher] -2000 Lines of Code
       -2000 Lines of Code
       Author : pcr910303
       Score  : 394 points
       Date   : 2021-03-08 16:07 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.folklore.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.folklore.org)
       | methyl wrote:
       | If you want to read about flawed metrics, how they affect the
       | production and what to do about it in a form of interesting novel
       | - check out The Goal by Elijjahu M. Goldratt. It's a classic, but
       | gets recommended seldom for how good it is.
       | meepmorp wrote:
       | There are some fascinating stories on the site, including some
       | ones about Bill Atkinson (the programmer here) that really help
       | to flesh out the sheer absurdity of asking him, in particular, to
       | fill out a sheet like that. I believe he personally wrote
       | something like 2/3 of the original Macintosh ROM.
       | edit: here's one that I find to be an interesting character
       | study:
       | https://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?story=Round_Rects_Are_...
       | Twirrim wrote:
       | Years ago I worked for an ISP & managed hosting company as third
       | line support. 1st and 2nd line support were pretty good, and
       | would handle a lot of the cases that came through.
       | Generally by the time it'd reach us, it was something requiring
       | more in depth troubleshooting.
       | They introduced a metric to measure ticket performance. The rough
       | idea was "faster it's resolved, the better" (reasonable measure,
       | if you're also tracking customer satisfaction), combined with
       | "fewer interactions with customer the better" which was an
       | absolutely stupid way to measure performance.
       | About a month after it came out, we were getting chewed out for
       | our "conversion score" being low. Too many interactions with
       | customers, and tickets taking a while to handle. No shit, we're
       | the top tier of support. If it got to us it was _bound_ to take
       | time to resolve, and almost certainly involved a lot of customer
       | interaction.
       | One of the engineers in the team managed to dig up how to get a
       | "conversion" rate report up for any support engineer, though not
       | the code that generated the figures, and very quickly realised
       | that the way to get 100% conversion rate was just to resolve and
       | immediately re-open the ticket as soon as you picked it up. We
       | all promptly started doing that, and they stopped chewing us out.
       | If you incentivise the wrong behaviour, you're going to get
       | results you likely don't want.
       | sanj wrote:
       | I once removed 4 lines of code.
       | The change, annualized, was somewhere around $12M in profit.
       | I'm still pretty proud of making -$3M/LOC!
       | cbsks wrote:
       | One of my most proud accomplishments was reducing the size of a
       | driver from ~3000 lines of code to ~800. The file was 15 years
       | old and had been modified by many people since. There were
       | conditionals that were impossible to hit, features that had been
       | abandoned years ago, duplicate code, and lots of comments that
       | didn't match the code anymore. After my changes and a few new
       | tests, the driver had full MCDC code coverage and the code
       | actually matched the device specification!
         | Zelphyr wrote:
         | > There were conditionals that were impossible to hit
         | The number of times I've seen:                 if (my_var ==
         | 'some value' || true == false) { ... }
         | Why do people do this instead of commenting out the code?!
           | xdavidliu wrote:
           | Just to clarify, what do you mean "instead of commenting out
           | the code"? The above is equivalent to                 if
           | (my_var == 'some value') { ... }
           | which is not the same as commenting it out entirely.
           | giomasce wrote:
           | Because if you comment out the code you don't benefit any
           | more from the compiler checking that the inner block is still
           | legal, or from your IDE to do the refactoring operations you
           | want. The code would bit rot much faster in a comment (or
           | removed from the code base altogether).
           | The thing I really can't understand is why you would compare
           | a boolean condition to `true` instead of checking the
           | condition itself (in other words, writing `false` instead of
           | `true == false`). Also, let me suggest to use `&&`, not `||`.
           | And while we're at that, I would actually write:
           | if (false && my_var == 'some value') { ... }
           | just in case operator `==` can have side effects or relevant
           | computational cost in your language.
           | [deleted]
           | klyrs wrote:
           | I have used constructs like this in debugging / exploration
           | phases (especially in languages without good debuggers, when
           | print debugging is unavoidable or just faster). I'd be
           | horribly embarrassed if they got committed. But... the
           | snippet you posted isn't equivalent to a comment; `x or
           | false` is equivalent to `x`. So it's actually equivalent to a
           | commented-out short-circuit                   if (my_var ==
           | 'some value' || true == false) { ... } //if (my_var == 'some
           | value') { ... }              if (my_var == 'some value' ||
           | true == true) { ... } //if (true) { ... }              if
           | (my_var == 'some value' && true == false) { ... } //if
           | (false) { ... }
           | That said... I would never use the comparisons `true == true`
           | and `true == false`... that's just silly
             | drewzero1 wrote:
             | > that's just silly
             | Right? Wouldn't it be more readable to use just 'true' or
             | 'false' instead of the comparisons, or is that not a
             | feature in some languages? I don't understand what might be
             | gained from the extra comparison, besides confusion.
             | if (my_conditional || true) { etc }
           | teolandon wrote:
           | That's not equivalent to commenting out the code block, it's
           | just equivalent to                 if (my_var == 'some
           | value') { ... }
           | ulucs wrote:
           | Why even comment out? We have version control for a reason
             | Zelphyr wrote:
             | I guess I've been assuming they did that because they
             | wanted to temporarily disable whatever was within the
             | conditional block but, yeah, you're right. Just delete it
             | if you don't want that to run. Either way, that code should
             | never be committed.
             | slaymaker1907 wrote:
             | Version control is not immediately visible to future
             | developers. You need to know that there is something to
             | look for, particularly if it is a frequently changed file.
               | gregmac wrote:
               | Really the only time a future developer will care about
               | the old code is when there's a bug in the current code.
               | (Or maybe an edge case like a request to "make it work
               | like it used to in v1.0").
               | Looking at history via "blame" is useful to see why a bug
               | was introduced (was it fixing another bug, and if so, is
               | your fix going to break that bug again?), and how long
               | it's existed for.
               | Leaving old code commented out doesn't help either with
               | of those things. Unless maybe it's accompanied by lots of
               | comments and date stamps, in which case you've not only
               | re-invented a very crappy, half-baked version control
               | system, but also made the code hard to read and work
               | with.
         | JoeAltmaier wrote:
         | That is a win for everybody!
         | My similar story was removing a 10,000 line module that built
         | hundreds of different packets for sending over a mailbox to a
         | wifi module. Each method was almost identical, with the
         | exception of building a slightly different header.
         | I replaced it with a template that given the structure, built a
         | packet to send it. Less than 1 page of code.
         | jjice wrote:
         | There is nothing more satisfying than refactoring code to
         | something nice and condensed, but still very readable. A lot of
         | my personal favorite experiences come from working with trees,
         | since recursive code can be so lean and beautiful. I write a
         | 5ish line function to generate a graphviz file to render by AST
         | once and I still look back on that as beautiful code.
         | hctaw wrote:
         | The tricky side of this is languages that encourage terseness
         | through "clever" syntax.
         | But that's arguing syntax instead of principle, I think
         | generally "less code" means "fewer expressions to evaluate"
           | noveltyaccount wrote:
           | +1 to this. Code is fundamentally harder to read than write.
           | If I use clever syntax, my plain-English comments make up the
           | difference for characters saved :)
         | apozem wrote:
         | That's awesome. Clearing out cruft without breaking anything or
         | losing functionality is tricky, but man does it feel good.
       | Zelphyr wrote:
       | I had a manager once tell a co-worker (who is easily one of the
       | best programmers I have ever worked with), "There's no way this
       | can work. There's not enough code."
       | Why we keep promoting these people into positions of management
       | is beyond me.
       | beaconstudios wrote:
       | This take is probably going to be controversial here, but I
       | suspect that most metrics don't accomplish anything beyond giving
       | control freak managers a sense of control or insight.
       | Most complex processes can't be reduced to a handful of simple
       | variables - it's oversimplification at its worst. The best you
       | can do is use metrics for a jumping-off point for where something
       | /might/ be going wrong and thus start engaging with actual humans
       | (or reading code/logs/some other source of feedback). Too often
       | I've had to deal with management who go straight from metrics to
       | decisions and end up making bad decisions (or wasting everyone's
       | time shuffling paper to generate good looking metrics).
         | munk-a wrote:
         | I don't disagree that metrics can cause problems - but they
         | could also helpful when working on difficult problems. I don't
         | know of one that exists but there are times that a really tough
         | nut lands on my desk and I can't bring back a solution for a
         | few weeks A good metric would highlight the fact that, a week
         | in, while I may have no solution to the problem, progress is
         | being made.
         | Right now our metric is basically - talk to the developer and
         | try and see if he's BSing you and goofing off, that's super
         | subjective and very vulnerable to personal biases, but, it is a
         | metric - it's just not an objective metric.
         | I don't know what it is - I've never seen evidence of a good
         | one out there - but I don't begrudge managers trying to find
         | new objective measures for productivity. I'd be quite excited
         | to see one myself.
           | beaconstudios wrote:
           | The mistake is in trying to quantify a qualitative issue.
           | Trying to reduce progress building a program to the number of
           | lines and such. It inherently doesn't make any sense and it's
           | not possible to accurately represent such things as a number
           | or collection of numbers without losing all the detail (and
           | thus, being wrong).
           | The idea that only truths expressable in abstract equations
           | are objective and thus true is exactly the kind of false
           | belief that gets us in trouble.
           | > Right now our metric is basically - talk to the developer
           | and try and see if he's BSing you and goofing off, that's
           | super subjective and very vulnerable to personal biases, but,
           | it is a metric - it's just not an objective metric.
           | That isn't a metric. Metric, having the same root as metre,
           | is about measuring. What you're talking about there is a
           | heuristic, and they're much more effective for tracking
           | qualitative issues.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | It gets even worse, the metric can _harm_. As suggested in the
         | OP, if the number of lines of code you wrote was supposed to
         | show your productivity, programmers will start optimizing for
         | maximizing lines of code, which will make their code worse.
         | Goodhart's law rephrased by Marilyn Strathern: "When a measure
         | becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure"
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law
         | Campbell's law: "The more any quantitative social indicator is
         | used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to
         | corruption pressures and the more apt it will be to distort and
         | corrupt the social processes it is intended to monitor"
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campbell%27s_law
           | beaconstudios wrote:
           | Yes precisely this, because you close your feedback loop not
           | over the actual result you wish to achieve, but a crude
           | numerical reduction which probably won't correct your actions
           | effectively (as per your example, optimising for lines
           | written rather than features shipped).
         | andrewflnr wrote:
         | > This take is probably going to be controversial here, but...
         | You then state what seems to be the mainstream view on HN.
         | Certainly I don't see it as controversial, just kind of obvious
           | beaconstudios wrote:
           | I figure it to be controversial because I see the HN crowd as
           | leaning more towards maths/reductionism/measuring than
           | intuition/holism/feedback and while I'm specifically levying
           | the anti-quantification argument against managers in this
           | case it also applies to that approach in general.
             | SamBam wrote:
             | A large percent of HN are software developers, and no
             | developer wants to be held to some metric by some non-
             | developer boss.
             | andrewflnr wrote:
             | Yeah, but OTOH we're mostly software people who have seen
             | first-hand what happens when you try to apply naive metrics
             | to software. In other fields you're more likely to be
             | right.
         | bawolff wrote:
         | I'm not sure why you would think this is controversial. Fot
         | example, Goodhart's law is commonly cited around here and its
         | saying roughly something similar.
           | beaconstudios wrote:
           | Goodharts law applies to using a metric as a target. I'm
           | talking about metrics being bad for measuring because they
           | inherently overgeneralise.
         | AmericanChopper wrote:
         | In order to get any insight into whether a chosen course of
         | action is working or not, you need to be able to perform some
         | type of measurement. All of these measurements are called
         | metrics. The default single metric that every company has
         | available to them is revenue, but really you want to have
         | feedback loops that provide insight prior to performing a
         | measurement to determine whether you're bankrupt or not. The
         | more precisely you try to measure something, the more
         | uncertainty and error you're going to introduce to your
         | measurements, something that's true for all forms of empirical
         | measurement.
         | If you point was that companies are generally bad at doing
         | this, or that they often measure the wrong things, or that the
         | process can be abused, or that you should not attempt to
         | measure something beyond a certain level of precision, then I'd
         | agree with you. But to write the entire process off as useless
         | is just as unproductive as the problematic situation you're
         | criticizing.
           | beaconstudios wrote:
           | There's measurements (say, increase in customer retention as
           | a % after a new feature is deployed) and then there's
           | heuristics (discussing the feature with customers to gauge
           | sentiment, being careful not to fall prey to bias or lead the
           | customer's answers).
           | My point is that an obsession with empiricism can make you
           | think that only #1 is valid evidence and thus use it for
           | qualitative analysis where it should not be used.
           | Only using metrics for feedback is giving yourself tunnel
           | vision.
         | zeroxfe wrote:
         | So, what would you do differently? Say you run an organization
         | with 200 engineers all with different levels of skill. You have
         | a budget, maybe a year of runway, and a set of deliverables.
         | How would you, as a leader, keep track of how your organization
         | is running?
           | [deleted]
           | beaconstudios wrote:
           | By implementing a systems solution similar to Stafford Beer's
           | VSM (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viable_system_model). Or
           | to ovrrsimplify the idea, self-managing teams which integrate
           | with their environment for feedback and management for
           | direction (which I believe is the agile/lean practices done
           | properly).
           | The specific approach to metrics I was referencing as being
           | better is known in cybernetics as an algedonic alert. It
           | doesn't seek or claim to provide information, it only rings
           | the bell of "investigate this area", like a CloudWatch alert
           | for your organisation.
           | Using metrics to make decisions is the mistake in my mind.
           | Ma8ee wrote:
           | The Streetlight effect [0]. Just because you think that it is
           | the only place that you can see anything doesn't mean that it
           | is meaningful to look there. A number with high precision
           | doesn't mean it will tell you anything meaningful. Some
           | problems just don't have any easy solutions.
           | So in your example, you just have to rely on the judgement of
           | all your professional project leaders and architects and what
           | they tell you.
           | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetlight_effect
       | protomyth wrote:
       | Say what you want about Steve Balmer but he had the right
       | attitude towards that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHI7RTKhlz0
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | The best code is the code I don't write.
       | As a manager, I would value a developer that spent a week,
       | refining a small, high-quality, robust and performant class, than
       | one that churned out rococo monsters in a short period of time.
       | I tend to write a lot of code, and one of the things that I do,
       | when I refactor, is look for chunks I can consolidate or remove.
       | OO is a good way to do that. It's a shame it's so "out of
       | fashion," these days. The ability to reduce ten classes into ten
       | little declarations of five lines each, because I was able to
       | factor out the 300 lines of common functionality, is a nice
       | feeling.
       | An interesting metric for me, is when I run cloc on my codebase.
       | I tend to have about a 50/50 LoC (Lines of Code) vs. LoC (Lines
       | of Comments).
       | fredley wrote:
       | I am a staunch code minimalist. Less code is (almost?) always
       | better. The best, fastest, cleanest code is the code that doesn't
       | exist at all. Always aim to write the least code. Less code is
       | less maintenance, it's less to grok for the next person to read
       | it.
         | computerex wrote:
         | I agree with this, with the side note that simple code is
         | better than clever code when working with a team of people for
         | most things. Barring performance constraints, I'd choose the
         | code that's easier to grok/simpler even if it's more LOC.
           | fredley wrote:
           | Yes. Code is read many more times than it's written, so
           | optimise for the common case.
         | jugg1es wrote:
         | I think there is a big difference between the the amount of
         | code versus the number of decisions a piece of code has to
         | make. When I think of 'code minimalism', I think of it along
         | the lines of reducing the number of decisions made, but that
         | doesn't always track with the amount of code. Bugs are always
         | going to increase as the number of decisions are increased.
           | [deleted]
           | jackson1442 wrote:
           | Exactly. You can get to the goal of less lines rather easily
           | but it results in absolutely disgusting code since you're
           | doing things like creating overly complex lines with nested
           | ternary expressions.
           | Easy to read code with fewer decisions should be the goal of
           | a code minimalist.
         | dnautics wrote:
         | I don't think this is always true. For example, if you are
         | writing tests, the DRY rule of three doesn't apply. It's very
         | okay to repeat code if it prevents a layer of indirection for
         | the person who is reading the test.
           | dang wrote:
           | I puzzled about that for years and concluded that tests are a
           | completely different kind of system, best thought of as
           | executable requirements or executable documentation. For
           | tests, you don't want a well-factored graph of abstractions--
           | you want a flat set of concrete examples, each as
           | independently understandable as possible. Duplication
           | actually helps with that, and since the tests are executable,
           | the downsides of duplication don't bite as hard.
           | A test suite with a lot of factored-out common bits makes the
           | tests harder to understand. It's similar to the worked
           | examples in a math textbook. If half a dozen similar examples
           | factored out all the common bits (a la "now go do sub-example
           | 3.3 and come back here", and so on), they would be harder to
           | understand than spelling out the common steps each time. They
           | would also start to use up the brain's capacity for
           | abstraction, which is needed for understanding the math that
           | the exercises illustrate.
           | There are two different cognitive styles: the top-down
           | abstract approach of definitions and proofs, and the bottom-
           | up concrete approach of examples and specific data. The brain
           | handles these differently and they complement one another
           | nicely as long as you keep them distinct. Most of us secretly
           | 'really' learn the abstractions via the examples. Something
           | clicks in your head as you grok each example, which gives you
           | a mental model for 'free', which _then_ allows you to
           | understand the abstract description as you read it. Good
           | tests do something like this for complex software.
           | Years ago when I used to consult for software teams, I would
           | sometimes see test systems that had been abstracted into
           | monstrosities that were as complicated as the production
           | systems they were trying to test, and even harder to
           | understand, because they weren't the focus of anybody's main
           | attention. No one really cares about it, and customers don't
           | depend on it working, so it becomes a sort of twilight zone.
           | Bugs in such test layers were hard to track down because no
           | one was fresh on how they worked. Sometimes it would turn out
           | that the production system wasn't even being tested, because
           | the monster middle layer did so much magic.
           | An example would be factory code to initialize objects for
           | testing, which gradually turns into a complex network of
           | different sorts of factory routines, each of which contribute
           | some bit and not others. Then one day there's a problem
           | because object A needs something from both factory B and
           | factory C, but other bits aren't compatible, so let's make a
           | stub bit instead and pass that in... All of this builds up ad
           | hoc into one of those AI-generated paintings that looks sort
           | of like reality but also like a nightmare or a bad
           | psychedelic trip. The solution in such cases was to gradually
           | dissolve the middle layer by making the tests as 'naked' as
           | possible, and the best technique we had for that was to
           | shamelessly duplicate whatever data and even code we needed
           | to into each concrete test.
             | ketamine__ wrote:
             | https://mobile.twitter.com/dhh/status/1368957511118843908
             | True?
           | rkangel wrote:
           | I used to think this and have come to realise that this is
           | definitely not true. The problem that a thorough automated
           | test suite can cause is that it becomes very painful to
           | refactor code.
           | As you add code, the best structure for that code changes and
           | you want to refactor. I'm not just talking here about pulling
           | some shared code into a new function, I'm talking about
           | moving responsibilities between modules, changing which data
           | lives in which data structures etc. These changes are the key
           | to ensuring your code stays maintainable, and makes sense.
           | Every unit test you add 'pins' the boundary of your module
           | (or class or whatever is appropriate to your language). If
           | you have lots of tests with repeated code, it can take 5
           | times as long to fix the tests as it can to make the actual
           | refactors. This either means that refactors are painful which
           | usually means that people don't do them as readily (because
           | the subconscious cost-benefit analysis is shifted).
           | If - on the other hand - you treat your test suite as a bit
           | of software to be designed and maintained like any other,
           | then you improve this situation. Multiple tests hitting the
           | same interface are probably doing it through a common helper
           | function that you can adjust in one place, rather than in 20
           | tests. Your 'fixtures' live in one place that can be updated
           | and are reused in multiple places. This usually means that
           | your test suite helps more with the transition too - you get
           | more confidence you've refactored correctly.
           | The other part of this problem (which is maybe more
           | controversial?) is that I try not to rely too much on lots of
           | unit tests, and lean more on testing sets of modules
           | together. These tests prove that modules interact with each
           | other correctly (which unit tests do not), and are also
           | changed less when you refactor (and give confidence you
           | didn't break anything when you refactor).
         | sneak wrote:
         | I used to have this approach, but when you start to take deps
         | into account, it is often preferable to have a medium amount of
         | code in your own codebase (that eliminates some bulky deps) to
         | a small, fast, clean/easy to read in full codebase that depends
         | on some large external libraries that bloat the overall size of
         | "lines of code in use in this application".
         | Now I am a dependency minimalist (as much as is practical, it's
         | a continuous gradient trade-off and naturally YMMV) more than I
         | am a pure code-written-here minimalist.
         | I'll happily double my SLOC for most small apps if it means my
         | app can be stdlib only.
           | fredley wrote:
           | Yes, fully agree. The only thing worse than code you have
           | written is code you haven't.
             | folkrav wrote:
             | To a point. Some things are complex enough that relying on
             | a well tested and supported third-party makes way more
             | sense than re-inventing the wheel.
               | colejohnson66 wrote:
               | I think a great example of that is GUI toolkits. If your
               | program is supposed to be cross platform, using something
               | like Qt, GTK, wxWidgets, etc. is generally preferred to
               | writing your own GUI code.
               | srgpqt wrote:
               | Those GUI toolkits only look and behave acceptably on
               | linux, because every other linux app uses those toolkits.
               | They look horrible and incredibly jarring on windows and
               | mac.
               | Can still be fine for opensource/hobby work, anything
               | professional needs better integration with the individual
               | platform native UI apis.
               | Which is one of the reasons Electron became so popular --
               | nobody has any expectations from a webapp UI, yet they
               | still look better than Qt/GTK/wx on average...
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | Shouldn't you be counting the lines of code in the
           | dependency?
             | tyingq wrote:
             | I imagine the trouble there is that you often pull in a
             | library for some smallish, but suitable subset of what it
             | can do.
             | colejohnson66 wrote:
             | A big problem with that is: what counts as a dependency? If
             | I pull in Qt, am I supposed to add how many lines of code
             | are in the parts I'm using? Many would say yes. But does
             | using the Win32 API count? glibc? Where is the line drawn?
               | toast0 wrote:
               | Every piece of code you rely on is a dependency.
               | You may not be able to count lines of win32 code, and its
               | awfully hard to make a patch, but if it's broken and you
               | depend on it, your product is broken.
               | There's also a multiplier that should be attached though.
               | Most products don't have developer time or skills to
               | write their own OS, so there's value in using someone
               | else's even if it's probably more code than a custom
               | built one that only satisfies the needs of the product.
             | renewiltord wrote:
             | The real reason objective measures don't work is that this
             | is a subjective thing. When you think about the good things
             | about code (readability, maintainability, extensibility)
             | they don't lend themselves to mechanical analysis.
             | We can proxy a little but the core problem is that the
             | function that spits out your metrics for those actually has
             | a hidden parameter of the audience you are writing for and
             | the purpose it is for.
             | So when the audience is highly familiar with Linux (the
             | kernel and platform) idioms, you could choose an exotic
             | microkernel with far fewer SLOC and actually have true
             | lower score.
             | Of course that's pointlessly edge case, but the natural
             | simple easier to understand version of that is just using a
             | different utility library instead of the one currently used
             | in the codebase. This one could be smaller by far and still
             | be worse in truth.
           | lstamour wrote:
           | Another way of looking at it is that your dependencies are
           | still part of your code and to minimize those as well. It
           | can't easily be taken literally because who really wants to
           | consider the Linux kernel and glibc as part of their everyday
           | app dependencies unless writing code very close to the metal,
           | but at the same time it can be a very useful perspective to
           | have. Especially when you consider that you might (for
           | security) need to code review all those dependencies as they
           | change over time.
             | vidarh wrote:
             | A reasonable approximation, to me, is whether or not
             | another developer should be expected to have at least a
             | reasonable understanding of the API of that dependency.
             | E.g. we don't generally count (g)libc because a
             | C-programmer should be familiar with the C API. We don't
             | count Linux syscalls for the same reason, generally. But we
             | might want to keep in mind that many APIs have dark corners
             | that few users of the API are aware of, and so we may make
             | exceptions.
             | But the more obscure the API, the more important it is to
             | count the complexity of the dependency as well.
             | Both because it increases the amount of code your team must
             | learn to truly understand the system, and because if it is
             | obscure it also reduces the chance that you can hire
             | someone to compartmentalise the need for understanding that
             | dependency as well.
       | Havoc wrote:
       | You can tell it's folklore by the part where they stop making him
       | fill out the form
       | 3/10 for realism
       | mynameisash wrote:
       | "It seems that perfection is attained not when there is nothing
       | more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove." - Antoine
       | de Saint Exupery
       | noarchy wrote:
       | There are still companies trying to impose metrics on software
       | development. It isn't just lines of code, it may also include
       | commits per day. And this isn't even taking into account various
       | "Agile"-related metrics, like story points per sprint and the
       | like.
       | I wonder if we should name the companies who do this, or if it is
       | fighting a losing battle? In the end, some management just wants
       | to look at charts.
         | Zelphyr wrote:
         | One of the greats is "number of bugs fixed". You're practically
         | begging your less-than-ethical programmers to create silly bugs
         | so they can "fix" them and get a cookie.
         | Edit to add: This happens outside of programming as well. I
         | know a guy who worked at AT&T as a DSL Installation & Repair
         | tech. They had such a focus on how long techs spent on a given
         | job (less time was encouraged, more time was penalized) that a
         | lot of his co-workers would go to the DSLAM and snip a wire so
         | that they would be called out the next day to fix the problem.
         | He pushed back so heavily on the poor incentive of "getting
         | your numbers up" that he eventually got written up for
         | insubordination. We need a larger eye-roll emoji.
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | Of questionable ethics, at one office there was no _reward_
           | for finishing a large number of tasks. But there was an
           | implicit _penalty_ for delays and the tasks were not properly
           | segregated by effort. One of the testers had something like
           | 300-400 test cases he was automating. The majority were
           | simple, minutes to an hour of work, and easily sharing common
           | code. 50 or so were large, taking several days or even a
           | couple weeks of effort. Even though he, technically, could
           | have finished the majority of test cases in a couple weeks,
           | he knew that they 'd expect that pace to continue.
           | Consequently, he left all those small cases for later. It was
           | simpler this way than fighting the misperception that all the
           | work was of similar effort. If he ever seemed to be falling
           | behind, he'd churn out 20+ test cases on Friday and the
           | reports for the week looked good to management.
           | I've never done this myself, but I've seen developers do
           | similar things rather than fight management. Measuring and
           | rewarding the right things is important.
           | quercusa wrote:
           | There's a old Dilbert to that effect. Wally: "I'm going to
           | write myself a minivan!"
       | einpoklum wrote:
       | More than the story itself, the website:
       | https://www.folklore.org/
       | is packed with stories which will make you smile, cry, or more
       | enlightened. Or all of the above at the same time.
       | josalhor wrote:
       | Just the other day I was in my logistics class and the professor
       | started deviating into something that I believe was pure
       | nonsense.
       | He started the lecture by analyzing how many pieces a machine
       | could manufacture per day. Fair enough. He extended the model to
       | measure different ratios of capacity. Makes sense.
       | Then he tried to extend the model to all machines, including
       | humans. His example was: "How do you measure the capacity of a
       | legal team?". I thought it was a trick question, so I answered
       | (paraphrasing) "You can't answer that question the same way you
       | answer for the machine. You can't give a single metric." He told
       | me I was wrong and that the _right_ measure would be (total
       | number of working hours/day).
       | I was tempted to try to convince him otherwise. The analogy was
       | deeply flawed. He certainly measured the machines in (number of
       | pieces / day) but measured the legal team in (hours/day). So, in
       | analyzing a machine, you take into account its efficiency, but
       | you don't do the same thing for humans.
       | I believe that is exactly the same thing that is going on in the
       | post. Managers/Logistics/Economists are very susceptible to this
       | kind of generalization pitfalls.
       | Edit: Given that this answer has generated some discussion I feel
       | the need to expand on it. The legal team was not expected to sell
       | their services "by the hour". In fact, any discussion about how
       | their services were sold was shut down by the professor. From his
       | point of view, the lawyers were machines and he was asking the
       | question "how much can this machine produce?"
       | Yes, other students also suggested taking the number of billable
       | hours/revenue into account, but that's not the answer the
       | professor was looking for.
       | I don't criticize whether his answer is not _technically_ right,
       | but I feel it holds no real-world meaning. It was a purely
       | academic question that leads nowhere instead of having a debate
       | about how you measure the productivity of a group of human
       | beings. And on top of that, his final answer was definitive and
       | (from his point of view) was irrefutable.
         | rebuilder wrote:
         | Well, lawyers are famously expensive. And time is money. So
         | presumably a sufficiently expensive legal team will actually
         | produce hours, and the measurement is perfectly reasonable.
           | [deleted]
         | program_whiz wrote:
         | There's a simple mathematical argument to thwart your prof.
         | Imagine an equation of two or more variables (such as
         | "capacity"). For example the "capacity" of a storage unit is an
         | equation relating height, width, and depth to volume (3
         | independent variables).
         | Any such equation can only be represented by a single number
         | ("capacity" or "productivity") if all variables are dependent
         | (and therefore, there is only one independent variable in the
         | equation).
         | So the assertion your professor is making is that the
         | "capacity" of a team is always exactly dependent on hours
         | worked per day, and any other proposed dimension of capacity
         | (such as years experience, field of study, languages spoken,
         | cases won, relationships with judges) are dependent on "hours
         | worked per day". If he agrees any one of those variables
         | affects capacity, but does not depend on "hours worked per
         | day", then a single number can never reduce the dimensionality
         | of the output (you need at minimum 2 numbers to represent two
         | independent variables, you can never "collapse" the data).
           | thaumasiotes wrote:
           | > Imagine an equation of two or more variables (such as
           | "capacity"). For example the "capacity" of a storage unit is
           | an equation relating height, width, and depth to volume (3
           | independent variables).
           | > Any such equation can only be represented by a single
           | number ("capacity" or "productivity") if all variables are
           | dependent (and therefore, there is only one independent
           | variable in the equation).
           | This doesn't seem right. You can have storage units with
           | varied combinations of height, width, and depth, sure. But
           | whether that matters depends on what you want to use them to
           | store. An example of an approach that doesn't work would be
           | storing unboxed fragile antique dollhouses. They have weird
           | shapes, so you can't fill the floor area, and you can't stack
           | them, so adding height to the storage unit doesn't add any
           | capacity.
           | Except that of course you wouldn't just toss them into a
           | garage and call it a day. (They'd break!) You'd keep them in
           | boxes. Those pack and stack perfectly. Suddenly volume is
           | what matters again, and increasing the width, length, or
           | height of the unit by 10% will increase the amount you can
           | store by about 10%.
           | This is even more obvious if you're storing water or oxygen.
           | Fluids take the shape you give them. Your unit might have
           | length, width, and height (though it really shouldn't... you
           | want to store fluids in cylinders), but the only thing that
           | matters for how much water you can put in there is volume.
             | Retric wrote:
             | The Knapsack problem is arguably a counter argument to
             | measuring storage space by volume.
             | However, air freight is a much more direct one. You have 2
             | largely independent measurements for weight and volume with
             | either being the limiting metric for each load.
               | thaumasiotes wrote:
               | Yes, in air freight weight and volume are independently
               | significant.
               | But the point of my comment is that it isn't true that --
               | as the parent comment asserted -- it is impossible to
               | usefully report multidimensional data with a one-
               | dimensional value. To the contrary, it is quite possible
               | that the multidimensional data adds zero value over the
               | one-dimensional summary.
             | Akronymus wrote:
             | If you can barely store a box in a storage slot, increasing
             | the space doesn't allow you to store more boxes.
             | You can't really assume a 100% packing rate along with
             | increasing x dimension by y% meaning you can store y% more
             | stuff
               | thaumasiotes wrote:
               | You can as long as the size of your box is significantly
               | smaller than the size of your warehouse. This is in fact
               | the general case.
               | It's even truer if you're considering larger expansions;
               | increasing the length of your warehouse by 200% will mean
               | you can store 200% more stuff regardless of how awkward
               | the original fit was.
         | Viliam1234 wrote:
         | how many pieces a machine can manufacture = output
         | working hours = input
         | Would the professor be okay to pay me for the time I spend
         | reading web? I mean, from his perspective, it is the time I
         | spend that is important, not what I do.
         | lmilcin wrote:
         | There is certain need for people to be able to simplify
         | problems in terms that they can understand an manage.
         | This is necessary, because humans have very limited capacity to
         | understand world around them and otherwise it would not be
         | possible to make _informed_ decisions, as gathering all
         | relevant information would necessarily take practically
         | infinite amount of time.
         | From that point of view I understand people like your professor
         | is mostly result of bias also called Dunning Kruger effect.
         | This is basically lack of education in a given area. You need
         | at least some knowledge in an area to be able to appreciate
         | complexity and unknown unknowns.
         | If you don't want to be that guy, the best medicine is first to
         | learn to be self aware, second to be aware of various biases
         | (including Dunning Kruger effect) that you are subject to and
         | third to get some knowledge/experience in an area you are
         | trying to make decisions in.
         | ulucs wrote:
         | The underlying question is: what is the firm's utility from the
         | lawyers? If the firm is not doing anything themselves but
         | outsourcing the team, person-hours is the correct answer.
         | If the team is doing work for the firm, but you don't want to
         | complicate the model, you can stick a labor-enhancing constant
         | (to allow for heterogeneity between workers) and use "work" as
         | a unit. Sure this model is wrong, but all models are wrong.
         | We're just trying to create some useful ones.
           | program_whiz wrote:
           | See my response above, but this suffers the same problem.
           | Economics people talk about "utility" as a single number,
           | when in reality its a multi-dimensional (perhaps infinitely
           | dimensional) number. Because it depends on a multitude of
           | independent variables (age, health, experience, intelligence,
           | expertise, efficiency, relationships, persausion / charisma,
           | etc.), it can never be simplified. This also makes it
           | impossible to compare two utility values, because there's no
           | way to strictly order variables in many dimensions (without
           | arbitrary reduction in complexity that loses information like
           | calling "cost" or "hours worked" the primary axis and sorting
           | on that).
             | ulucs wrote:
             | You're right that the map is not the territory, but it
             | doesn't change the fact that you need a map to navigate. No
             | science is comprehensive enough to fully model the
             | territory (even physics)
         | kortex wrote:
         | Turns out, machines also have some sort of duty cycle. Most
         | mechanical contraptions can run faster than spec, at the
         | expense of wear, heat, jams, and ruined parts. So you can't
         | even measure machines in widgets/hour without more info.
         | 908B64B197 wrote:
         | Really curious what school is this?
         | > Edit: Given that this answer has generated some discussion I
         | feel the need to expand on it. The legal team was not expected
         | to sell their services "by the hour". In fact, any discussion
         | about how their services were sold was shut down by the
         | professor. From his point of view, the lawyers were machines
         | and he was asking the question "how much can this machine
         | produce?"
         | Pricing the value of in-house counsel is an interesting problem
         | in itself (because they typically don't bill by the hour). One
         | could use an insurance policy pricing model (the worst that
         | could happen is a very costly loss in a lawsuit) to determine
         | what's the counsel protecting the company from.
           | josalhor wrote:
           | > Really curious what school is this?
           | My local university. If you want the specific school, my
           | handle is associated with my real-world identity. It won't be
           | hard to figure out.
           | > Pricing the value of in-house counsel is an interesting
           | problem in itself (because they typically don't bill by the
           | hour).
           | Absolutely!
           | > One could use an insurance policy pricing model (the worst
           | that could happen is a very costly loss in a lawsuit) to
           | determine what's the counsel protecting the company from.
           | Also true. The lack of cost analysis in my classes worries me
           | very much.
             | 908B64B197 wrote:
             | > Also true. The lack of cost analysis cost in my classes
             | worries me very much.
             | Time to transfer somewhere else?
               | josalhor wrote:
               | I am fine where I am. I will graduate next year in
               | Computer Science and Bussiness Management with good
               | grades. I thought about quitting and enrolling in
               | Computer Science and Mathematics when I started. But I
               | think I can make a bigger impact in the world by staying
               | in my current program.
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | Responding to your edit: It's ironic that your professor seems
         | to have taken pains to rule out all of the framings that would
         | render their assertion correct, in (I presume) an effort to try
         | and come up with some sort of universal rule that works in any
         | industry and any context.
         | I'm pretty sure it's due to exactly that sort of hubris that
         | business school folks have invited so much disdain. The domain
         | in which you're operating simply cannot be dismissed as an
         | inconsequential detail.
         | Tangentially, there is a subset of law firms that do operate as
         | if total hours worked is the only thing that matters. Over the
         | past decade or so, they've been _rapidly_ losing ground to law
         | firms that, by not thinking that way, manage to do a better job
         | of producing the kinds of output that clients actually want.
           | josalhor wrote:
           | To be fair to my professor, the question does make sense in
           | the context of the subject. That is, the subject focuses on
           | answering questions like: How much I am producing? How much
           | could I produce? How do I measure that? Etc. The subject
           | intentionally ignores business models.
           | So, the question "How do you measure the capacity of a legal
           | team?" (note it says capacity), makes sense. It's the answer
           | I disagree with.
             | AlexCoventry wrote:
             | But doesn't capacity imply some kind of fungible unit,
             | whereas outputs of intellectual labor tend to be non-
             | fungible?
               | josalhor wrote:
               | My professor thinks otherwise
               | As for my personal opinion, I haven't reflected on it too
               | much, but I think capacity implies a quantitative (edit:
               | measurable may be a better word?) output, but not
               | necessarily fungible.
               | mumblemumble wrote:
               | Some legal work product is reasonably fungible,
               | especially at the level of corporate law.
               | What I think that a lot of management type folks fail to
               | realize, though, is that both the quality of knowledge
               | workers' output and the rate at which they produce it
               | tends to drop precipitously when they are tired. I
               | wouldn't be at all surprised if a lawyer who works 35
               | hour weeks can get more done in a given calendar period
               | than one who works 90 hour weeks. Big name law firms,
               | though, bill by the hour, and, even if they share this
               | conviction, they know that their clients went to business
               | school, and have therefore been trained not to understand
               | it.
           | Gibbon1 wrote:
           | I can see why, my limited experience with white shoe law
           | firms was they billed us 100 hours for the 10 minutes it took
           | a legal secretary to do a search and replace on another
           | contract they did for someone else.
         | samwillis wrote:
         | No, I think he is right. Assuming the aim is to optimise for
         | profitability, the machines output items are chargeable but it
         | is a lawyers hours that are chargeable - so optimise (and
         | measure) hours!
         | (There are obviously some "jobs" a lawyer does that tend be
         | charged at a fixed rate such as conveyancing, which you would
         | want to optimise for throughout)
           | josalhor wrote:
           | > No, I think he is right. Assuming the aim is to optimise
           | for profitability, the machines output items are chargeable
           | but it is a lawyers hours that are chargeable
           | I have updated the post to expand on your observation.
         | appstorelottery wrote:
         | It seems to me that one measure of productivity in a law firm
         | is billable hours, however in the case of a litigator - it's
         | also successful case outcome. Again, it's billable hours
         | towards an outcome. So I can understand this heuristic based
         | approach, on the other hand it seems like you're tending
         | towards the quantitative side?
         | Generalizations or rules of thumb can actually outperform
         | complex quantitative approaches to decision making. Look at the
         | 1/N heuristic for portfolio management for example.
         | Anyhow just my opinion - something for your curious mind to
         | consider !
         | legulere wrote:
         | This way of thinking has originated with scientific management,
         | also known as Taylorism.
         | nickelcitymario wrote:
         | You were both right, and it all depends on your definition of
         | productivity. In economic terms, I believe the standard way of
         | looking at this is to consider how much economic activity
         | resulted.
         | For lawyers, most of them sell hours. The more hours they bill,
         | the more productive they are.
         | Most businesses who hire programmers do not make their money by
         | billing programmer hours. So that metric wouldn't work. Lines
         | of code seems reasonable until you think it through. Honestly,
         | I don't know that anyone has come up with a good solution for
         | measuring programmer productivity.
         | But lawyers? They're in the business of selling time in 15
         | minute increments. Their productivity is simple to measure in
         | this respect.
           | ncallaway wrote:
           | What about the general counsel of an in-house legal team?
           | Surely they care about their underlying activities and not
           | just number of legal hours worked, right?
           | I have to believe there is a legal team somewhere in the
           | world that is measured on productivity beyond just "number of
           | billable hours" generated.
             | nickelcitymario wrote:
             | I imagine an in-house team is being paid a salary or a
             | retainer, in which case their work hours are moot. (Not a
             | lawyer, so I could be wrong.)
             | I think the problem is the word "productivity". When we say
             | that word, we're implicitly suggested there's a simple
             | integer or decimal that can capture whether a person's
             | wages are money well spent or not. For most professions,
             | programming included, I am highly skeptical of the
             | existence or even potential for such a number.
               | tetha wrote:
               | > I imagine an in-house team is being paid a salary or a
               | retainer, in which case their work hours are moot
               | I would not call it moot, but opportunity cost - and
               | opportunity cost is very hard to measure. Technical debt
               | is similar.
               | If you have current lawsuites to handle and avoid cost,
               | their hours are better spend doing that than dishes. If
               | you have future law suites to avoid... that get's even
               | more tricky.
               | nickelcitymario wrote:
               | I meant "moot" only in so far as it's a useful measure of
               | productivity.
               | If the hours aren't tied to either the cost or the price,
               | then I don't know how they can be tied to productivity in
               | an economic sense.
               | ncallaway wrote:
               | Sure, I wasn't disagreeing with your overall point. I was
               | just pushing back on the last sentence:
               | > But lawyers? They're in the business of selling time in
               | 15 minute increments. Their productivity is simple to
               | measure in this respect.
               | I don't think all lawyers are in that business. There are
               | plenty of in-house counsel that aren't in that business.
               | Just as there are plenty of engineers and software
               | developers that _are_ in the business of selling time in
               | 15 minute increments.
               | I just don't think the productivity question actually
               | breaks down along professional lines, but rather on
               | business model lines (which, again, I think we're in
               | agreement about your main point)
               | nickelcitymario wrote:
               | I was going to say "I didn't say all", but you're right,
               | I didn't qualify. I meant the majority of lawyers, which
               | I think is still accurate.
               | I also agree it doesn't break down along professional
               | lines. Just used lawyers as an example, but I shoulda
               | been clearer about my intent.
               | ncallaway wrote:
               | Ah, sure, makes sense. Lawyers do skew more into service
               | providers rather than in house, so make sense as an
               | example of that.
               | program_whiz wrote:
               | Can you represent all the values in an equation of two
               | variables using only a single variable? Only if the two
               | are completely dependent (and therefore its actually an
               | equation of just one variable). If the 2nd variable
               | contains any information, its an impossible ask (and
               | therefore the worth of people can only be boiled down to
               | "productivity" if literally every measurable dimension of
               | worth is 100% dependent on productivity).
           | planet-and-halo wrote:
           | Well this gets back to the question of the output. For the
           | law firm itself, this might be a valid approach. For the
           | client, though, this is a terrible way to measure
           | productivity. At a certain point hours may even be inversely
           | proportional to productivity (assuming the client's output is
           | desirable legal outcomes). This works very much the same as
           | software engineering, except that usually (ignoring the case
           | of consulting firms) all of the work is done in-house.
             | nickelcitymario wrote:
             | Completely agreed.
             | PeterisP wrote:
             | But the question in the grandparent post was about capacity
             | - and in this regard, if some customer needs "X much" of
             | legal services performed, then it's reasonable to state
             | that if your legal team that can devote twice as much hours
             | to that customer, it has twice as much capacity.
           | JoeAltmaier wrote:
           | This may explain why lawyers are motivated to stir things up,
           | rather than settle them. They're motivated by the wrong
           | metric.
           | As an Engineer, I sell my time by the hour too. No different
           | than the lawyer. Yet I try to finish things efficiently. Huh.
             | nickelcitymario wrote:
             | > As an Engineer, I sell my time by the hour too.
             | As in you literally bill for hours, and the more hours you
             | work, the more you get paid?
             | Most programmers that I know (which is obviously not a
             | great metric) either get paid a salary (which is divorced
             | from actual hours worked) or they get paid by the hour but
             | have no say over how many hours they will. In both cases,
             | time is independent from productivity. Therefor, there's no
             | harm (and really only benefits) to coding efficiently.
             | But if you a) control how much time you work (like lawyers
             | do, to an extent), and b) get paid for your time, then yes
             | the incentives are setup to encourage you to be
             | inefficient. Completely agreed.
               | the_only_law wrote:
               | I'm guessing they're an independent contractor or
               | freelancer of some sort.
               | JoeAltmaier wrote:
               | Yup
               | nickelcitymario wrote:
               | And that's great! But there's a reason I used qualifiers
               | like "most", not "all".
               | If you bill by the hour, there's a reasonable (but not
               | necessarily correct or optimal) case to be made for
               | measuring your productivity in terms of billable hours.
               | But it makes zero sense to do so if your hours are
               | disconnected from the economic activity that results from
               | your work. In such cases, it would be completely
               | arbitrary to measure hours and call that a measure of
               | productivity. Just as arbitrary as lines of code.
             | smabie wrote:
             | I'm sure lawyers think they try and settle things
             | efficiently as well.
             | The software engineering profession is riff with wasted
             | work: rewrites, new bullshit services and tech, insanely
             | complex clustering and cloud deployments, etc.
             | wahern wrote:
             | > This may explain why lawyers are motivated to stir things
             | up, rather than settle them. They're motivated by the wrong
             | metric
             | Most lawyers I know have many clients and are swamped with
             | work. They have little incentive to "stir things up". It's
             | similar with accountants and plumbers in my city. They
             | aren't trying to make more work for themselves because they
             | already have their hands full.
             | But in regional markets where supply isn't so constrained
             | relative to demand then, sure, there's an incentive to
             | make-work once you've wrangled a client, just as with any
             | other profession.
             | tibbar wrote:
             | Paradoxically, if you optimize for billable hours on your
             | first job, you might never get to that highly-compensated
             | 100th job. A selection effect of sorts.
           | frenchy wrote:
           | > You were both right, and it all depends on your definition
           | of productivity
           | Sure, but at some point, you can pick a definition that is so
           | far removed from what was intended, that this exercise is
           | utterly meaningless.
             | nickelcitymario wrote:
             | > Sure, but at some point, you can pick a definition that
             | is so far removed from what was intended, that this
             | exercise is utterly meaningless.
             | You could say that anytime there's any lack of clarity
             | about what is meant by any given term,
             | With "productivity", you could reasonably mean any number
             | of things.
             | It's not like someone said "pizza" and I said "that depends
             | on what you mean by pizza". You _could_ say that (is a
             | calzone a pizza?), but it wouldn 't be reasonable to do so.
             | In the case of productivity, I think it's reasonable to
             | clarify what is meant.
             | P.S. Was your use of "utterly meaningless" an intentional
             | pun?
         | mesozoic wrote:
         | The real answer is revenue generated/hour
         | rkagerer wrote:
         | Wow. Even with such a basic analogy, there are still more
         | useful metrics you could pick... contracts closed, cases won,
         | client files completed, cigars smoked.
         | [deleted]
         | csours wrote:
         | Even in terms of widgets per hour, you need to be VERY careful
         | to include measures of quality.
         | 1 - Underlying defects will absolutely sink your downstream
         | production rate.
         | 2 - If you only measure widgets per hour, the machine will make
         | more, but smaller widgets (See Soviet Nail factory story -
         | https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/22375/did-a-sov...
         | )
         | 3 - Quality has a quantity all it's own. Many times, better
         | widgets will improve efficiency many times over their own cost
         | of production.
         | 4 - Your professor was real dumb.
         | jacobwilliamroy wrote:
         | Your professor clearly knows nothing about legal work. Don't
         | tell him that though, you'll just piss him off.
         | Thank him for his "wisdom" but make sure you do it in a
         | convincing way. Finish the class, get your A, move on with your
         | life. You don't need him to acknowledge he's wrong, you just
         | need him to give you good marks.
         | niccl wrote:
         | This makes me think of something that's intrigued me for a
         | while: what's the productivity of a yacht racer? The better
         | they are, the less time they spend actually racing in
         | competitions.
         | Doesn't this mean that by your professor's metric they are
         | becoming less productive?
           | wiml wrote:
           | I would say that a yacht racer, or other athlete's, "output"
           | is their wins/ranking in competitions. There are devils in
           | the details of how you assign a simple number to that, and
           | Goodhart's law is always lying in wait, but that seems to be
           | the right kind of thing to measure.
           | More cynically, you could measure a racer by the amount of
           | revenue generated by sponsorships, ad placement on the yacht
           | hull, endorsement fees/kickbacks, etc.. If you have two
           | equally competitive racers, but one is more mediagenic,
           | perhaps that one has higher "productivity"? If a racer often
           | loses, but does so in engaging, nailbiting ways that create a
           | following, perhaps that one is "productive"? A wrestling
           | "heel" may lose their bouts but be a successful character,
           | say.
           | jetrink wrote:
           | You would be interested in Sabermetrics, which is the use of
           | statistics to quantify the contribution of baseball players
           | to the outcomes of the games they play in. Yacht racing is
           | also a competitive team activity and you could define the
           | productivity of a racer in terms of how much that person's
           | efforts contributed to the position or time their yacht
           | finished a race in. It's a relative measure and would have to
           | be defined relative to other racers or to a fictive
           | 'standard' racer.
           | minitoar wrote:
           | For something high risk like that it might be you only
           | "produced" something if you placed.
       | csours wrote:
       | Disclaimer: I work for GM - this is solely my own opinion.
       | Whenever I hear people in the automotive industry boast about the
       | complexity and lines of code in vehicles I weep and shake my
       | head.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | It happens in aerospace as well. I had a manager boasting,
         | once, about the skill of his people and the product with
         | something like, "This was 100k lines of code!". In working with
         | some of those people (a couple specific individuals) later I
         | realized that the 100k lines of code was probably reducible to
         | 10-20k lines of code if it was anything like their later work.
         | The code they wrote worked, but was not extendable or
         | comprehensible by anyone but them, and I spent more time
         | refactoring and shrinking their work than actually extending
         | it.
       | tregoning wrote:
       | Related :)
       | https://twitter.com/tregoning/status/1286329086176976896
       | dhosek wrote:
       | I track my progress on the novel I'm writing by word count. I've
       | had more than a few days of negative word count writing days
       | which have invariably been some of my more productive days.
       | hinkley wrote:
       | Sometimes I wish I kept a better count of my deletions, because
       | the 'best' I ever recorded was just under 600 lines and I
       | honestly feel a little regret that other people are managing much
       | bigger deletions.
       | I think the real reason is that as I moved to refactoring (as
       | part of that 600 LOC experience), my deletions per year went up
       | but my deletions per story regressed toward the mean.
         | closeparen wrote:
         | There are various ways to extract this from Git, see for
         | example: https://shinglyu.com/web/2018/12/25/counting-your-
         | contributi...
       | dang wrote:
       | If curious, past threads:
       |  _-2000 Lines of Code_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10734815 - Dec 2015 (131
       | comments)
       |  _-2000 lines of code_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7516671 - April 2014 (139
       | comments)
       |  _-2000 Lines Of Code_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4040082 - May 2012 (34
       | comments)
       |  _-2000 lines of code_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1545452 - July 2010 (50
       | comments)
       |  _-2000 Lines Of Code_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1114223 - Feb 2010 (39
       | comments)
       |  _-2000 Lines Of Code (metrics == bad) (1982)_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1069066 - Jan 2010 (2
       | comments)
         | pvg wrote:
         | Looks like you have a small quoting problem in the query you
         | generate with the 'past' link and -2000 blows it up.
         | jansan wrote:
         | Was there really a 5+ year gap since the last thread? We should
         | not let this happen again.
           | dang wrote:
           | Perhaps someone will find other cases of this story showing
           | up.
           | utopcell wrote:
           | (-:
           | taneq wrote:
           | So you're saying the last thread was -2000 days from now?
       | TheDudeMan wrote:
       | > they stopped asking Bill to fill out the form, and he gladly
       | complied.
       | Compiled with what? Can one comply with an absence of request?
       | JoeAltmaier wrote:
       | Consider the cost of lines of code in a solution. Double the
       | lines means double the time spent to simply type them in. Double
       | the time later to read them. Probably many more times than double
       | to re-understand them. Double the time to explain them. Double
       | the compile time. Execution time is probably around double.
       | It's not just twice as good to write shorter code. Its something
       | like 64X as good. By some ways of thinking.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | It's definitely a compounding issue as you grow and shrink
         | SLOC.
         | One bit of code I received was somewhere in the range of 5-10k
         | SLOC when handed to me. I reduced it to around 1k SLOC.
         | The original included numerous duplications, had a function
         | that was itself on the order of 1-2k SLOC, was miserable to
         | extend (which path do I need to follow to insert this new
         | conditional? which paths will be impacted if I remove this
         | conditionals?). Fortunately it wasn't _shipped_ code, but it
         | was useful for testing the embedded system.
         | My refactoring involved, first, re-coding one of the larger,
         | outer if-else-if sequences as a simple switch/case. This
         | quickly revealed which variables were common to a large number
         | of the branches and could be brought to a higher level of
         | scope. Then common series of statements were parameterized and
         | extracted to functions (preambles and postambles, setup and
         | teardown, if you will). Several hundred lines were replaced
         | with something like one 20-line function which took a single
         | parameter and one call to it with the parameter that was
         | previously evaluated through some hairy if-else-if sequence.
         | Once completed, new test sequences could easily be coded up or
         | were available because there was already a path that led to it,
         | you just had to feed it a different value or series of values
         | to trigger that path. Then we could automate the whole thing
         | because we knew what the parameters were that clearly led to
         | each branch.
         | In the end the code was 5-10x smaller, but immensely more
         | valuable.
       | carapace wrote:
       | > My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we
       | should not regard them as "lines produced" but as "lines spent":
       | the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that
       | count on the wrong side of the ledger.
       | ~Dijkstra (1988) "On the cruelty of really teaching computing
       | science (EWD1036).
       | https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Edsger_W._Dijkstra
       | mangomania wrote:
       | Good job!
       | khaledh wrote:
       | My favorite quote about this topic:                  Measuring
       | programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft
       | building progress by weight.  - Bill Gates
       | My personal point of view is that: every line of code you write
       | is a liability. Code is not an asset; a solved problem is.
       | Edit: To clarify, I'm definitely not encouraging writing "clever"
       | short code. Always strive to write clear code. You write it once,
       | but it will be read (and potentially changed) many, many times.
         | Waterluvian wrote:
         | Some take "line of code" literally. Others see it as a stand-in
         | for complexity. Because one can certainly make a short program
         | that's far more of a liability than a long one.
         | I'm wondering if there's a quality term for a "unit of
         | complexity" in code? Like when a single line has 4 or 5 "ideas"
         | in it.
           | segfaultbuserr wrote:
           | There are many metrics for measuring the logic complexity of
           | code. An early and best-known one is _Cyclomatic Complexity_
           | [0] - The more possible execution paths, the higher the
           | score. You can find more at _Software Metric_ [1].
           | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclomatic_complexity
           | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_metric
             | LanceH wrote:
             | The real measure you want is the cyclomatic complexity
             | divided by the complexity required by the problem. The
             | problem with line counting (or cyclo counting) is that it
             | assumes a constant ratio.
               | Hammershaft wrote:
               | It is not trivial to understand the necessary complexity
               | of a problem. In SICP, there's an early practice problem
               | that asks you to turn a recursive number pattern
               | generator into an iterative generator. What the problem
               | doesn't tell you is that the generator obscured by
               | complex recursion is actually creating a tribbonaci
               | number sequence. This hidden insight turns a difficult
               | problem into a trivial problem.
               | LanceH wrote:
               | I certainly didn't mean to imply it was trivial (or even
               | possible). I'm just pointing out that assuming increasing
               | LoC implies an increase in necessary complexity is just
               | wrong.
             | agustif wrote:
             | For VS Code have used this on the past: https://marketplace
             | .visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kisstkon...
             | and this one https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?ite
             | mName=Stepsize...
             | These two haven't tried before but doing it now:
             | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=selcuk-
             | u...
             | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TomiTur
             | t...
             | Waterluvian wrote:
             | Perfect. This is what I was curious about. Haven't heard of
             | either. Thank you.
             | gurkendoktor wrote:
             | If there is a useful metric, then I haven't found it yet.
             | The data on cyclomatic complexity[1] does not convince me,
             | and in practice, the linters I've seen have complained
             | about boring code like this:                   switch (foo)
             | {         case KIND_1: return parseObjectOfKind1();
             | case KIND_2: return parseObjectOfKind2();         case
             | KIND_3: return parseObjectOfKind3();         ...
             | case KIND_15: return parseObjectOfKind5();         case
             | KIND_16: return parseObjectOfKind16();         }
             | There are 16 paths and yet this code is easy to follow.
             | There is no substitute for human judgement (code reviews).
             | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclomatic_complexity#Cor
             | relat...
               | colonelpopcorn wrote:
               | Except it's not easy to follow. Why does kind 15 return a
               | parsed object of kind 5? That's not counting the
               | complexity of each function called, either.
               | johncolanduoni wrote:
               | I think they were using the numbers as stand-ins for what
               | would be in reality names be descriptive names (foo, bar,
               | etc.).
               | gurkendoktor wrote:
               | Ouch, sorry for the typo. But I'll double down on this:
               | The fact that the typo is so obvious underlines that the
               | structure is easy to follow :)
               | wvenable wrote:
               | > case KIND_15: return parseObjectOfKind5();
               | I don't like this type of code for exactly this reason.
               | Twisol wrote:
               | The association between the two has to be written
               | somewhere. Can you provide an alternative approach that
               | isn't vulnerable to typos?
               | wvenable wrote:
               | This is basic DRY violation. The number is duplicated
               | twice and that can get out of sync (as in the example).
               | I think everyone has coded this way out of expedience and
               | some of us have eventually messed it up too. But you
               | could, for example, use a macro in C to only list the
               | number once. It might not be a trade-off worth making
               | though.
               | Personally, I've used reflection to do this kind of
               | mapping of enums to functions in a language that supports
               | reflection.
               | Twisol wrote:
               | > This is basic DRY violation. The number is duplicated
               | twice 2 and that can get out of sync (as in the example).
               | I think it's pretty clear that the number is a
               | placeholder for something reasonable, e.g. making an
               | association between two distinct sets of concepts. You'll
               | still be vulnerable to copy-paste or typo issues.
               | > Personally, I've used reflection
               | Now you have _two_ problems (and still have to maintain
               | an association between two sets of concepts).
               | wvenable wrote:
               | I don't think most enum-to-function mappings are distinct
               | sets of concepts.
               | In my own code, I have used the enum name to map to a set
               | of functions related to that enum value. The association
               | is implicit in the name of the enum value and the name of
               | the functions. No way to mess that up like this.
               | If it was:                   case: KIND_BOX: return
               | parseObjectOfKindBox();
               | It's no difference. Still repeating "Box".
               | gurkendoktor wrote:
               | The code was inspired by a piece of Java code that
               | rendered geometric primitives. It was basically case
               | "box": return parseBox(); as you suggested in your other
               | post.
               | Turning "box" into "parseBox" using string operations and
               | then using reflection to call the right method is an
               | approach I'd consider in Ruby, but definitely not in
               | Java. It breaks IDE features like "Find Usages" and
               | static analysis, and the code to dynamically invoke a
               | Java method is more annoying to review than the boring
               | repetition in my posted snippet.
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | Their point seems to be in the mismatch of names. Imagine
               | seeing this sequence, with names instead of numbers:
               | switch(HTTP_METHOD) {         case PUT: processPut(...);
               | case POST: processPost(...);         case GET:
               | processDelete(...); // wtf         case DELETE:
               | processGet(...); // mate?       }
               | To the reader that appears to be an error even if it is
               | precisely the thing you want to happen.
               | Leherenn wrote:
               | Depends on your language, but you could use the type
               | system instead; e.g. the function is chosen by the
               | compiler based on the type of the value.
               | In more dynamic languages, you could probably use
               | introspection.
               | Lastly, this does not alleviate the association issue,
               | but I prefer the alternative of declaring the
               | associations in an array/map somewhere, and using
               | map[enum_value]() instead of the switch.
               | slaymaker1907 wrote:
               | In a lot of ways, I think the map solution is actually
               | worse. There isn't an easy way to figure out what code is
               | used for a given enum value with the map alone. The
               | searchability depends on how the map is initialized. Not
               | to mention a map will always introduce null or option
               | types that you have to handle.
               | A map can be a good solution though, particularly if it's
               | something like mapping enum values to strings that is
               | constructed via EnumClass.values().map... or something so
               | that you know the map is a total function.
               | gurkendoktor wrote:
               | Using a map also completely sidesteps the point of
               | cyclomatic complexity because there are no code paths to
               | count anymore; now they're data. And even though the
               | function does the same as before, the linter will
               | congratulate you on the low complexity.
               | nawgz wrote:
               | I mean, hilarious point, but I'm not sure it's valid.
               | Clearly he's numbering things here, but I am guessing in
               | the real world you're far likelier to see tests of typing
               | or some not-numerically-indexed value rather than
               | literally numbered ENUMs
               | wvenable wrote:
               | This can happen with any enum to function mapping. You
               | cut and paste and forget to change one or the other.
               | In C, you could use a macro in this call to make sure
               | that the name/number is only specified once.
               | nawgz wrote:
               | I mean, this can happen with any code by that logic if
               | you're cut and pasting.
               | I think the real issue is types aren't included in the
               | example. I work in much higher-level languages, but if
               | you are passing strongly typed objects thru and your
               | switch is derived on this typing, it's probably going to
               | be illegal in your type system to return certain results.
               | If your type system doesn't validate your results, then
               | you'll be prone to the class of error you are discussing.
               | Maybe that's common in C.
               | oftenwrong wrote:
               | This is one of the benefits of Cognitive Complexity:
               | https://www.sonarsource.com/docs/CognitiveComplexity.pdf
               | >Switches
               | >A `switch` and all its cases combined incurs a single
               | structural increment.
               | >Under Cyclomatic Complexity, a switch is treated as an
               | analog to an `if-else if` chain. That is, each `case` in
               | the `switch` causes an increment because it causes a
               | branch in the mathematical model of the control flow.
               | >But from a maintainer's point of view, a switch - which
               | compares a single variable to an explicitly named set of
               | literal values - is much easier to understand than an
               | `if-else if` chain because the latter may make any number
               | of comparisons, using any number of variables and values.
               | >In short, an `if-else if` chain must be read carefully,
               | while a `switch` can often be taken in at a glance.
               | slaymaker1907 wrote:
               | Great paper! I particularly liked how they treat boolean
               | expressions. It kind of has a mathematical justification
               | as well since a series of only && or || is trivial for a
               | SAT solver.
               | I disagree with them on assuming method calls being free
               | in terms of complexity. Too much abstraction makes it
               | difficult to follow. I've heard of this being called
               | lasagna code since it has tons of layers (unnecessary
               | layers).
               | Maybe the complexity introduced by overabstraction
               | requires other tools to analyze? It's tricky to look at
               | it via cylcomatic complexity or cognitive complexity
               | since it is non-local by nature.
               | Waterluvian wrote:
               | That's what I was thinking about when I used "ideas". To
               | me there's one main idea in all that code: "we are
               | returning a parsed object of a kind"
               | Not that I'm trying to sell "ideas". I don't even know.
               | But it's this very loose concept that floats around my
               | mind when writing code. How many ideas are there in a
               | stanza? Ahh too many. I should break out one of the
               | larger ideas to happen before.
               | segfaultbuserr wrote:
               | Speaking of measuring "ideas", the holy grail of
               | complexity metric is Kolmogorov complexity -
               | theoretically, the inherent complexity of a piece of data
               | (including code) can be defined as the shortest possible
               | program that generates it. For example, 20 million digits
               | of pi or a routine that uses 20 branches to return the
               | same object has low Kolmogorov complexity, because it's
               | easy to write a generator for that, meanwhile a parser is
               | more complex.
               | But it's only a mathematical construction and is
               | uncomputable, just like the halting problem. In real
               | life, for some applications a good compression algorithm
               | like LZMA is sufficient to approximate it. But I'm not
               | sure if it's suitable for measuring computer programs -
               | it would still have a strong correlation to the number of
               | lines of code.
               | nitrogen wrote:
               | It kind of encourages you to use a lookup table or
               | polymorphism, which isn't far off from what the compiler
               | is likely to do with that switch statement.
               | As for correlation to number of defects, another
               | important factor is maintainability (velocity of new
               | features in growing programs, keeping up with
               | infrastructure churn in mature programs). If reducing
               | perceived complexity improves maintainability, and if
               | measuring cyclomatic complexity despite its flaws helps
               | reduce perceived complexity, then it's still a useful
               | metric.
               | Waterluvian wrote:
               | Feels like one of those classic, "no one tool gives you
               | the one correct answer. They all give you data and you
               | come to an informed conclusion having utilized one or
               | many of them."
           | Twirrim wrote:
           | My IDE spits out a warning when I reach a certain level of
           | complexity in a method, using Mccabe's Cyclomatic Complexity
           | as a measure. It roughly maps with "too many if statements"
           | in my case.
           | khaledh wrote:
           | I'm definitely not encouraging writing "clever" short code.
           | Always strive to write clear code. You write it once, but it
           | will be read (and potentially changed) many, many times.
           | As for complexity metrics, this is a contentious topic. It's
           | hard to quantify "ideas" or "concepts". I think this is the
           | part where technical design reviews and good code reviews
           | help keep in check.
           | WorldMaker wrote:
           | Developers have tried to build metrics for "complexity" over
           | the years. Cyclomatic Complexity is often pointed to as one
           | of the more successfully deployed:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclomatic_complexity
           | As with any metric, it's something to take as useful "advice"
           | and becomes a terrible burden if you are optimizing
           | for/against it directly. (Such as if you are incentivized by
           | a manager to play a game of hitting certain metric targets.)
           | It's also interesting to note that a complete and accurate
           | complexity metric for software is likely impossible due to it
           | being an extension/corollary of the Halting Problem.
         | stocknoob wrote:
         | "My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we
         | should not regard them as "lines produced" but as "lines
         | spent": the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to
         | book that count on the wrong side of the ledger." -E. Dijkstra
           | jjice wrote:
           | I'd expect nothing less wise from Dijkstra. I feel like every
           | week I learn something new from that man.
           | mumblemumble wrote:
           | I prefer the Gates version. Dijkstra's implicit premise
           | rather naively assumes that it is somehow less expensive to
           | produce fewer lines of code. It's arguably such an absolute
           | statement that it subtly encourages people to engage in
           | undesirable behaviors such as playing code golf at work.
           | Gates's, on the other hand, accurately captures the reality:
           | while, all else being equal, a lighter-weight design is
           | preferable to a heavier one, it takes some skill and effort
           | to actually produce the lighter design. Which leaves open the
           | possibility that doing so may not actually be worth the
           | effort.
           | msla wrote:
           | The relevant metric isn't lines but concepts: Which code does
           | it in the fewest new ideas? Generally, that's the best, where
           | "new ideas" would be ideas new to a domain expert. For
           | example, in a video game, each of the specific monster types
           | is an idea someone who is an expert in that game would know.
           | The ideas in the memory management code are new. You can't
           | remove all code relevant to a specific monster without
           | removing that monster, at which point you're no longer
           | implementing the same game, but slimming down the number of
           | new concepts in the memory management code is not directly
           | relevant to gameplay.
           | In short: Make program logic similar to business logic.
         | [deleted]
         | rakoo wrote:
         | To be more precise, every line of code is debt. You get
         | immediate benefits (working software) but you need to pay
         | recurring obligations (bugs).
         | Just like debt, there is a right amount to have: too much and
         | you are incapacitated because you owe more than you can
         | produce, too little and you don't have enough runway to produce
         | what you want. Note that I'm talking about from a company's
         | point of view.
         | ragnese wrote:
         | I agree. But, like everything, even this concept gets abused.
         | Example: "Zero code solutions". Hell, we even had that back in
         | the old days with Java frameworks doing a ton of configuration
         | via XML files. Sure, it's not "code", but it's basically the
         | same thing and still a liability. Especially if there's a very
         | steep learning curve to all of the features/configurations that
         | you'll never use.
         | A more subtle problem with abusing this idea is the over-
         | dependency on third party code. Sure, it might _look_ like you
         | haven 't written any code when you do `npm install foo`, but
         | really, you've just placed a bunch of trust in some other
         | person. Do you vet your dependencies' authors the same way you
         | vet potential employees at your company?
         | There's a fine line and it's an art form figuring out when to
         | bring in outside code or to NIH it. IMO, of course.
           | richardwhiuk wrote:
           | > Sure, it's not "code"
           | I utterly reject this assertion.
           | [deleted]
           | mikepurvis wrote:
           | I'm hitting this right now with having just inherited
           | maintenance of a complicated CI pipeline with a lot of
           | intermediate containers based on generated Dockerfiles, all
           | of which runs by bind-mounting docker.sock-- basically stuff
           | that might have been best practice 3-4 years ago, but for
           | which there are absolutely better solutions now.
           | Anyway, it's interesting evaluating those potential
           | solutions, because certain things like going to a daemonless,
           | rootless, bind-less build based on podman/buildah is a no-
           | brainer, but the next frontier beyond that has a bunch of
           | tools like ocibuilder, cekit, ansible-bender, etc which want
           | to establish various ways of declaratively expressing an
           | image definition, and although the intent is good there, it's
           | absolutely not worth getting sucked into long-term dependence
           | on pre-1.0 tools with single-digit number of contributors and
           | an uncertain maintenance future.
         | jaylo2015 wrote:
         | Agree. But then the problem becomes how to count solved
         | problems. One equally terrible practice is to count number of
         | tickets solved. I found this is somewhat true in my career: bug
         | fixes == job security. I cannot morally accept this but I have
         | seen this again and again.
         | Cd00d wrote:
         | I think it's in the application for DE Shaw that you're asked
         | to number the lines of code you've written in your career in
         | the various languages you claim to have experience in.
           | asdff wrote:
           | I wonder if they then normalize this by years of experience
         | klingon78 wrote:
         | This is great. Another thing is that sometimes leaving things
         | as-is can be better than making changes.
         | The problem you might be avoiding is change.
         | Things that are bad should probably be fixed, though.
         | AnimalMuppet wrote:
         | > My personal point of view is that: every line of code you
         | write is a liability.
         | Very true... but also false in a way.
         | Here's a little bit of functionality that has to be in there to
         | implement the way we're solving the problem. That code is a
         | liability; it would be better to solve the problem in a way
         | where we don't need this bit of code.
         | But given that we're solving it this way, let's say that this
         | little bit of functionality may be implemented in one line,
         | which is almost unreadable, or in five very clear lines. That
         | one line is far more of a liability than the five lines are.
       | sdevonoes wrote:
       | Nowadays that should be phrased as: fewer features is better. But
       | management doesn't understand. They always want more features to
       | be delivered (and faster than our competitors!), and so we end up
       | with more code to maintain and in the need of hiring more
       | developers (that's actually another excuse as well to migrate our
       | stuff to microservices!).
       | Companies only want to grow, they don't care anymore about
       | polished products.
       | Of course, I'm generalizing, there are some few companies that
       | care about the product, but they are just a few.
       | neha555 wrote:
       | RSMSSB Stenographer Admit Card 2021
       | https://karnatakastateopenuniversity.in/rsmssb-stenographer-...
       | jansan wrote:
       | Aaah, now I understand how people came up with the strange idea
       | to place opening curly brackets into a new line. Suddenly this
       | all makes sense.
       | Scarblac wrote:
       | Those few days that I managed -1000 lines of real code are among
       | the happiest work-related days I had. It feels so good to find a
       | simple solution that enables you to remove so much.
       | lambda_obrien wrote:
       | Is there anywhere which optimizes for LOC count today? I figure
       | everyone knows by now LOC is a bad metric.
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | Folklore.org is full of fascinating anecdotes.
       | I'm starving for more stories of this size from CS history. PARC,
       | Bell Labs, wherever! I'm sure there's thousands of fun little
       | stories out there.
       | everybodyknows wrote:
       | The management psychology side of this wants a sequel from some
       | veteran who was in the meetings and is now ready to confess:
       | > ... wrote in the number: -2000.
       | > I'm not sure how the managers reacted to that, but I do know
       | that after a couple more weeks, they stopped asking _Bill_ to
       | fill out the form, and he gladly complied.
       |  _Bill_ -- but what about the rest of the team? The devil's
       | answer: They were expected to keep supplying the number, because
       | line management was forwarding the stats up, having previously
       | "sold" upper management on their value. And to admit error on
       | such a fundamental is career-threatening.
       | mshockwave wrote:
       | It's crazy that even in 2021, I know some of the teams are still
       | measuring productivity by LOC _only_. People just never learn the
       | lesson since '80
         | adolph wrote:
         | Ssh, this may be a feature, not a bug.
         | See CIA (OSS) manual for details.
         | https://www.openculture.com/2015/12/simple-sabotage-field-ma...
         | newlisper wrote:
         | Use Java, problem solved.
         | goostavos wrote:
         | I'd be happy if lessons from the '60s-'70s(ish?) could be
         | applied. Despite Mythical Man Month being 'required reading', I
         | still sit in planning meetings where management discusses how
         | they'll make a baby in 1 month because they're putting 9
         | "resources" on it.
         | segfaultbuserr wrote:
         | > Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like
         | measuring aircraft building progress by weight. - Bill Gates
         | (alleged)
         | According to Wikiquote there is no primary source to show he
         | really said that. Nevertheless, Steve Ballmer did,
         | > "In IBM there's a religion in software that says you have to
         | count K-LOCs, and a K-LOC is a thousand line of code. How big a
         | project is it? Oh, it's sort of a 10K-LOC project. This is a
         | 20K-LOCer. And this is 5OK-LOCs. And IBM wanted to sort of make
         | it the religion about how we got paid. How much money we made
         | off OS 2, how much they did. How many K-LOCs did you do? And we
         | kept trying to convince them - hey, if we have - a developer's
         | got a good idea and he can get something done in 4K-LOCs
         | instead of 20K-LOCs, should we make less money? Because he's
         | made something smaller and faster, less KLOC. K-LOCs, K-LOCs,
         | that's the methodology. Ugh anyway, that always makes my back
         | just crinkle up at the thought of the whole thing."
         | Not really a fan of either of them, but we can all agree on the
         | quote.
         | asdff wrote:
         | Must be great for those teams. Want to make an argument for a
         | raise to non-tech management? Start writing paragraph comments
         | and flowery code.
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