[HN Gopher] Esbuild 0.9
       Esbuild 0.9
       Author : swyx
       Score  : 170 points
       Date   : 2021-03-09 14:57 UTC (8 hours ago)
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       | FlorianRappl wrote:
       | I would love to switch to esbuild, but unfortunately some basics
       | are still not in there. I read some people switched, but I wonder
       | how they have projects requiring 30+ seconds when not utilizing
       | bundle splitting. Maybe I am missing something... Are you
       | outputting esm files or what?
       | Would be great to get some insights how people are mitigating the
       | lack of bundle splitting in non-esm output right now. Thanks!
       | uses wrote:
       | I tried this a week or so ago, and it was indeed 100x or 1000x as
       | fast as my webpack setup. Shocking, really. I couldn't get
       | dynamic imports / code splitting working, which seemed to not be
       | fully implemented yet. I also wasn't sure how to make polyfills
       | happen.
       | carwyn wrote:
       | How does this compare to https://www.snowpack.dev/ ?
         | picardo wrote:
         | Snowpack is a bundler, not a build tool. It works with a
         | variety of file formats, and it uses esbuild to compile JS/TS
         | assets.
         | bpierre wrote:
         | SnowPack is more of an all-in-one kind of tool (with dev
         | server, HMR, etc.). Also it uses esbuild internally :-)
         | https://www.snowpack.dev/guides/optimize-and-bundle#option-1...
         | [deleted]
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Snowpack uses esbuild internally now, there's a good rundown of
         | it and other awesome snowpack features like streaming imports
         | in their 3.0 release announcement:
         | https://www.snowpack.dev/posts/2021-01-13-snowpack-3-0
       | arcatek wrote:
       | We now use it to build Yarn, and it's been working very well.
       | Still some rough edges that prevent us from adopting it at work
       | (like the lack of dynamic imports when the import expression
       | references variables), but I'm slowly making progress in
       | implementing workarounds for that through loaders, and the first
       | results are encouraging. At its worst, with a Webpack/Esbuild
       | hybrid approach, we get at least 2x better perfs.
       | nicoburns wrote:
       | ESbuild is excellent for using with TypeScript and Node.js. We
       | were previously using Nodemon to restart the server on changes.
       | ESbuild is fast enough that rather than having to change our
       | workflow and run a tsc --watch process in addition to Nodemon
       | (which would be rather a pain given that we have 5-6
       | microservices), we simply use ESbuild to recompile the entire
       | service before restarting the code (it takes about 0.1 seconds to
       | compile everything, so it effectively doesn't impact our workflow
       | at all).
         | madjam002 wrote:
         | Amazing stuff, I was thinking of doing pretty much exactly this
         | this morning.
         | Out of interest, if you're bundling with Esbuild before
         | running, how do you cope with native dependencies?
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | We don't use esbuild's "bundle" (--bundle) option, which
           | means that our files get processed one-by-one and end up as
           | separate files in the `dist` directory that we output to and
           | that dependencies aren't processed at all and are just
           | `required` like normal by our transpiled code.
           | Our build command (in a bash script file to avoid string
           | escaping issues) is:                   find src -type f \(
           | -name '*.js' -o -name '*.ts' -o -name '*.sql' \) -print0 \
           | | xargs -0 ./node_modules/.bin/esbuild --platform=node
           | --format=cjs --outdir=dist --loader:.sql=text
             | madjam002 wrote:
             | Thanks for sharing, I've just given it a go with one of my
             | larger projects and WOW!! Typescript incremental
             | compilation was taking around 2 seconds on every save, then
             | Nodemon would restart etc.
             | I've plugged in Esbuild, I have used bundle mode though to
             | see what it's like, it works fine if I external all of my
             | node modules, it builds in 0.23 seconds (approx 350 source
             | files in my project).
             | Nodemon now watches for TS file changes and exec's the
             | esbuild on every start.
             | Thank you for the pointer to this as this will be a much
             | needed productivity boost!
             | I'll try bundling some node modules when I have some time
             | but it will take more work as I use Yarn PnP (I've found a
             | plug-in so will definitely try that)
         | Kaze404 wrote:
         | You can instruct nodemon to run "tsc" by itself when there are
         | file changes, so you don't have to separately run tsc in watch
         | mode.
       | scaladev wrote:
       | Hell yes, esbuild is an amazing tool. I not only use it in most
       | CRA projects (where it replaces webpack and builds everything at
       | least two times faster), but it's also easy to use for plain HTML
       | pages to add some interactivity without writing thousands of
       | lines of webpack black magic:                 esbuild App.tsx
       | --define:process.env.NODE_ENV=\\\"production\\\" --bundle
       | --minify --target=es6 --outfile=out.js
       | where App.tsx is your entry point. Include out.js into the page
       | and you're done.
         | akhilcacharya wrote:
         | This is exceptional - what's the downside when using it with
         | CRA?
         | lsmurray wrote:
         | do you have instructions for integrating with cra
           | scaladev wrote:
           | Unfortunately it's not officially supported (as usual in CRA
           | world), so you have to resort to one of the config rewriters.
           | I've been using this0 and only had one problem with numeric
           | enums in TypeScript. I don't remember the exact issue, but it
           | was caused by my own stupidity, and was easy to fix.
           | [0] https://github.com/pradel/create-react-app-
           | esbuild/tree/main...
         | picardo wrote:
         | esbuild can be a good alternative to Webpack in some cases, but
         | Webpack solves a lot of edge cases well. For example, just
         | today I debugged an issue where a library had used `require` in
         | an ES module instead of `import`, and that broke the build with
         | esbuild. So I had to fork the library to fix that issue.
         | Webpack handles that case without problems.
         | I can think of at least a few cases like that where Webpack
         | works better, but esbuild is (hopefully) going to catch up.
         | It'd be ideal if Webpack and other bundler tools ditched their
         | homegrown build tools and replaced them with esbuild.
           | earthboundkid wrote:
           | > Webpack solves a lot of edge cases well
           | I would quibble with the word "solves". Webpack is a tool
           | building tool. With Webpack, you can build a tool to solve
           | your edge case problem, as long as you're willing to spend a
           | lot of time and dig through random Github issues for your
           | dependencies. Webpack itself however does basically nothing.
             | [deleted]
             | connor4312 wrote:
             | > Webpack itself however does basically nothing
             | This is not the case. I love esbuild and hope to see it go
             | far, but Webpack does out of the box most of what esbuild
             | (today) does as well, with the notable exception of
             | TypeScript /jsx transpilation. For more advanced scenarios,
             | like dealing with css modules, you do need plugins -- but
             | esbuild doesn't support most of these scenarios today at
             | all.
             | It's like saying VS Code does nothing: you probably want
             | extensions to help you out and let you do more complex
             | things more easily, but it doesn't "do nothing" out of the
             | box.
       | encryptluks2 wrote:
       | Love how this is used with Hugo:
       | https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/js/
         | earthboundkid wrote:
         | Yes. When ESBuild came out, I made a feature request to get it
         | added to Hugo, and I was surprised at how well it has worked
         | out. Goes to show you should always open an issue!
       | AbuAssar wrote:
       | esbuild makes it pretty clear that writing the JS ecosystem in JS
       | is a bad choice*.
       | now we need to rewrite tsc/babel/npm/eslint/etc... in a language
       | that compile down to native binary that is also cross platform
       | (like go or rust),
       | to gain the same performance improvements across the entire JS
       | tool-chain.
       | * based on the benchmark on their landing page.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | One of the main benefits of Esbuild (if I recall correctly) is
         | that all passes share a single AST. Whereas in a traditional
         | setup your linter, transpiler, formatter, and sometimes even
         | bundler and minifier all do their own totally independent
         | passes on the source which means parsing it from scratch each
         | time. So this would be a classic case of integrating everything
         | into a monolith for a boost in efficiency.
         | afavour wrote:
         | I don't know about that. Just look at the performance
         | difference between NPM and Yarn: both built with JS, but for me
         | at least Yarn is way, way faster.
         | I'm sure it would make sense to rewrite certain things in Rust
         | or Go (then possibly pull them into Node as native modules) but
         | they're not magic. Good engineering will win out no matter
         | what.
           | earthboundkid wrote:
           | Good engineering is definitely key, but I think interpreted
           | languages are a bad fit for developer tools (though they are
           | extremely popular for writing developer tools). On the
           | surface, writing JS tools in JS is good because hey, you
           | definitely know JS, right? But in practice it is bad because
           | I don't want the JS I am writing in any way constrained by
           | the JS you wrote.
           | The problem with any interpreted language is that to run the
           | tool you need all the source and all the dependencies plus
           | the interpreter in something like their intended versions to
           | be present in the right locations on disk. This is a huge
           | PITA, and if you're say writing JavaScript targeting ES5 but
           | your tools are targeting ES2020 or vice versa, there can be
           | painful yak shaving sessions getting everything on the same
           | page.
           | Essentially all developer tools should be static binaries.
             | brundolf wrote:
             | Would I be right in guessing that most of your experience
             | with dynamic languages comes from Python?
             | 1) Modern JITed JS is fast. It's closer to Java than it is
             | to what we typically think of as "interpreted languages".
             | 2) "something like their intended versions to be present in
             | the right locations on disk"; Node packages really just
             | depend on the user having a new-enough install of Node and
             | NPM, somewhere in the path. Any dependencies that live on
             | npm will install to the local directory to ensure against
             | conflicts or permissions issues. The only exception I can
             | think of is that occasionally (looking at you, node-sass)
             | npm dependencies will have to do a native build of
             | something and require a local C/++ compiler somewhere in
             | the path. This is pretty rare in my experience, and isn't a
             | super brittle dependency anyway.
             | 3) "if you're say writing JavaScript targeting ES5 but your
             | tools are targeting ES2020 or vice versa, there can be
             | painful yak shaving sessions getting everything on the same
             | page"; this really doesn't happen in any distributed NPM
             | dependencies I've worked with. The great majority are
             | written for the least-common-denominator of environments;
             | if they use ES2020 internally, they'll do their own
             | transpilation step to make sure you can use them in older
             | environments. Also, "or vice versa" really doesn't apply
             | because all ES versions are 100% backwards-compatible. You
             | just need a Node version new enough to cover the newest
             | features that any of your code or dependencies is using.
             | Dependencies will be as compatible as they can be; your own
             | code is under your control. Virtually never an issue.
               | earthboundkid wrote:
               | 1. My complaint is not about speed.
               | 2. Node is much better than Python because the correct
               | location on disk is pretty much project/node_modules.
               | However, it is still that case that e.g. Babel was broken
               | by Node 12.17.0 [1] last year, which necessitates
               | something like NVM. I don't want to deal with that for my
               | build tools. I just want a binary that is known to work
               | to continue to work until it is replaced.
               | 3. Yes, conventionally everything in Nodeland was written
               | out to dist as ES5. This also sucks ass because now you
               | end up shipping a bunch of ES5 crap to your end users
               | even though you aren't targeting ES5. It is very hard to
               | build an actual ES2020 module unless you're willing to
               | not use external dependencies at all. Snowpack et al are
               | shifting this slowly, but it has barely even begun as a
               | trend.
               | [0] https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v12.17.0/ https://
               | www.google.com/search?q=babel+compat+data+corejs3+sh...
           | arcatek wrote:
           | Speaking of Yarn in particular since I maintain it, I
           | strongly believe that more than speed we (package managers)
           | need a good polish. And to do that, we need a community that
           | feels empowered to make changes when they feel frustrated
           | about something - which makes using JS / TS critical. By
           | contrast, the UX of a bundler / linter is fairly
           | straightforward (compared to Yarn's 46 builtin commands), so
           | making external contributions easier isn't really necessary.
         | deanclatworthy wrote:
         | I think this comment undervalues the quality of engineering
         | that Evan has put into esbuild. It's not only quick because
         | it's written in golang, but also due to the decisions taken in
         | architecture and an opinionated tool that does mainly one thing
         | well.
           | jakelazaroff wrote:
           | I don't read OP as devaluing Evan's work. Presumably the
           | TypeScript/Webpack/etc teams are also doing great engineering
           | work -- but because they're writing in JS, the performance
           | ceiling is significantly lower.
         | christophilus wrote:
         | I don't think so. I'd bet that a JS solution that followed
         | esbuild's architecture would be in the same order of magnitude
         | of performance.
         | Now, you could argue that JS encourages complex, inefficient
         | abstractions and over engineering and Go encourages the
         | opposite. That, I'd believe.
       | qbasic_forever wrote:
       | The JS & frontend world is _seriously fun_ right now. If you blew
       | it all off as a quagmire of complexity, sketchy engineering,
       | treadmill of tools, etc... it's time to re-evaluate everything. I
       | have more fun and feel more productive working on modern frontend
       | stuff with tools like esbuild than any other GUI programming I've
       | done in 30 years.
         | stefan_ wrote:
         | Drag&drop building UI in Visual Whatever was plenty productive,
         | hell they even had what the kids today call server rendering,
         | and if it didn't look right I could always press F5 and see the
         | result right there.
         | Scramblejams wrote:
         | Yep, I tried front-end way back and hated it. Can you mention
         | some other tech that should be covered in my re-evaluation?
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | React & next.js are worth evaluating. It's a super powerful
           | full stack with everything from server side rendered data
           | (REST APIs even) all the way to complete client-side SPAs,
           | all using the same react components. It's a slick little
           | swiss-army knife that can make anything from a basic blog
           | with markdown content, to a static marketing page, to a full
           | client-first PWA experience. There is sadly almost nothing
           | else really like it right now.
           | MDX is another neat step, it's markdown + react components
           | and fits in very well with next.js:
           | https://github.com/hashicorp/next-mdx-remote
           | Vue, and Svelte to just get an idea of what other components
           | systems are like. They're all equally capable and just have
           | different tradeoffs and styles. Keep an eye on Svelte in
           | particular as its next.js-like system (SvelteKit) is working
           | on a major revamp to be serverless-first and is quite
           | interesting. Once you learn one component system it's easy to
           | switch between them all--they're all cribbing and building on
           | top of each other's ideas. The whole space is innovating in a
           | great way.
           | Web components are good to learn and compare to component
           | frameworks above. It's still a changing space but points to a
           | nice future where we can all just publish and share
           | components.
             | pandemic_region wrote:
             | Yet none of the stuff you mention here will live beyond the
             | next two years. Fun is as much as i would describe the js
             | ecosystem, for more boring corporate use banking on these
             | is the equivalent of getting a trojan horse in the
             | application portfolio.
               | asattarmd wrote:
               | React was released in 2013, that's 8 years.
               | Chris_Newton wrote:
               | While that's true, code using React in 2021 often bears
               | little resemblance to code using React in 2013, and the
               | ecosystem around it looks very different too.
               | It's easy to forget that hooks were only introduced in
               | React 16.8, which was released just over two years ago.
               | And yet today, if you visit popular forums for React devs
               | like /r/reactjs, you'll find no shortage of people who
               | will tell you that class-based components are ancient
               | history and anyone who isn't using hooks for everything
               | today is a dinosaur.
               | This year, I've noticed a spate of online discussions
               | about state management within the React ecosystem. Just
               | like the hooks vs. classes debate of yesteryear, there is
               | a striking contrast between those forever keen to do the
               | new thing (sometimes using React's own context and hooks,
               | sometimes using relatively new libraries) and those who
               | prefer to rely on more tried-and-tested tech like Redux
               | and MobX.
               | In any situation like this, it's sensible to question how
               | much real progress is being made, and how much of the
               | change is just lost productivity due to churn in tools
               | and "best practices". If so many developers think it's
               | normal to swap out most of your tools and coding style
               | every couple of years or less, you have to wonder how
               | long they expect anything they ever build to be
               | maintained for or how often they think longer-lived
               | software should have big rewrites just to update the
               | tools...
               | In contrast, esbuild is shaping up to be an excellent
               | tool. There seems to be a healthy focus on doing one
               | common and important job well, it's _much_ better at it
               | than the popular tools it potentially replaces, and it
               | also seems designed to play nicely with others. It
               | reminds me of the early days of 6to5 /Babel, actually.
               | This is what we need more of in the front-end web dev
               | community right now.
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | And I personally can't wait to see what amazing things
               | the creators of these component systems will land on
               | next...
               | Next.js is pretty corporate-friendly. Very easy to split
               | things up and have many folks and teams working on
               | monoliths or services with it.
               | johnfn wrote:
               | React won't live past two years? What?
               | I'd be willing to stake money on React, Vue, next.js and
               | Svelte surviving at least 2 more years - roughly in
               | descending order of probability, though all three well
               | above 50%.
               | wishinghand wrote:
               | That's such an unqualified statement that I'd be
               | embarrassed to say it out loud. Angular 1 apps are still
               | in production. COBOL is still in production. I'd bet $100
               | that two years from this date, all three of those are
               | still popular, being used by enterprise, and have
               | tutorials written for them on blogs or produced on
               | YouTube.
           | teryyy wrote:
           | TailwindCSS, Svelte, and Snowpack are probably worth a shot,
           | all pretty much bleeding edge
             | 1_player wrote:
             | The problem with front end development is that it's all
             | bleeding edge and nothing that's stable and is improved for
             | more than one hype cycle.
             | Suggesting more bleeding edge tech is not a good argument
             | to demonstrate that front end development got better.
             | In my experience, it changed, it improved on many aspects,
             | but it's still a pile of unstable crap running on the power
             | of hype and over-enthusiastic junior engineers.
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | I get your frustration (and shared it a year ago), but
               | you're really doing something like react a disservice by
               | dismissing it like that as just hype. On the contrary
               | react has evolved significantly over the years,
               | introducing things like JSX (templating HTML + JS in the
               | same file, now standard in every other component system),
               | build tooling like create-react-app (zero config tooling,
               | now standard in every JS build tool), functional
               | component model with hooks (now copied by every other
               | component library), and on the horizon stuff like server-
               | side components. It has only gotten more stable, more
               | proven, and easier to use over time.
           | protoduction wrote:
           | I'm really biased as I am building it myself: Starboard
           | Notebook puts literate programming into the browser without a
           | lot of magic.
           | It's amazing what browsers can do these days without any
           | build step!
           | [0]: https://starboard.gg
         | matt7340 wrote:
         | I definitely agree with this in general, but there are
         | exceptions where it's still a quagmire. Angular, for example.
         | EMM_386 wrote:
         | I agree. I was a web developer in the 90s when stuff was
         | primitive, ugly and difficult.
         | I switched to desktop .Net development in 2001 did that for
         | almost 15 years.
         | Since then I have been back on the web. I am full-stack so I
         | find myself switching between front-end and back-end
         | frequently.
         | I am enjoying my time more in the world of TypeScript, VS Code,
         | and Angular than I am writing the back-end REST APIs in .Net
         | Core and Visual Studio.
         | I was dreading going back to web development when I switched
         | back again but recently it has turned out to be nicely
         | structured, performant, logical and enjoyable.
           | christophilus wrote:
           | My career sounds much like yours, and my conclusions are the
           | same. Typescript is a decent language. The tooling is
           | excellent. The old footguns are mostly behind us. It's
           | definitely a completely new ballgame vs the old hackery I
           | used to have to endure.
         | lame88 wrote:
         | Every time I am unfortunate enough to do something front-end
         | it's just as bad as I remember.
         | Edit: professionally, that is; when I do front-end related
         | stuff for myself, it's fine, but they are small and I keep
         | things simple - vanilla JS where needed, etc.
           | wishinghand wrote:
           | What do you remember? These days I'm no longer concerned
           | about `this` pointing to the wrong object. Importing files is
           | a huge step forward from when I started. The standard library
           | has grown; a bunch of Lodash isn't needed anymore because of
           | it. Promises and async/await. Even just template strings! So
           | glad I don't have to concatenate with pluses and watching my
           | double or single quotes.
         | swyx wrote:
         | totally! i have been developing a thesis around this I call the
         | "Third Age" of JavaScript - TLDR: the arc of history is toward
         | ES Modules, and polyglot tooling, like esbuild. Creating much
         | faster dev tools and user experiences.
         | http://swyx.io/js-third-age
       | anfrank wrote:
       | Release note says pinning version with "^0.8.0", should be
       | "~0.8.0" right?
         | machiaweliczny wrote:
         | ^ is for minor version, ~ for patch, you can pin exact version
         | without using anything, so "0.8.0"
       | dilsmatchanov wrote:
       | waiting for js bundler written in Rust
         | btd wrote:
         | you know about swc right? https://swc.rs/
           | wdb wrote:
           | Yes, but a bunch of the Typescript support is closed sourced
           | . No idea, if that's important for you.
             | searchableguy wrote:
             | Type checker, yes. I don't think esbuild comes with a
             | built-in typechecker either.
             | Is there anything else I am missing?
           | dilsmatchanov wrote:
           | omg lol
             | nicoburns wrote:
             | I'd recommend esbuild over SWC. It's much more mature.
         | [deleted]
       | snemvalts wrote:
       | For those who are actively using esbuild with TypeScript, how do
       | you check the types?
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | In 3 ways:
         | - Using the Language Server Plugin in editors
         | - `npx tsc --noEmit` in a pre-commit hook
         | - `npx tsc --noEmit` in CI
         | mceachen wrote:
         | I have a "lint" pre-test step that builds with tsc and runs
         | eslint.
         | I also have a `tsc --watch` running in a vscode window that
         | highlights syntax and typing errors as I develop.
         | emptysea wrote:
         | I run tsc with noEmit passed as a flag. Esbuild is replaces my
         | previous tsc, babel, uglify setup and is much faster.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | What some people do is use types purely for editor purposes,
         | and let the build process just throw them away. We did this at
         | my last company using Babel
       | bpierre wrote:
       | If you want to use config files with esbuild, esbuild-config is
       | for you:
       | https://github.com/bpierre/esbuild-config
       | (disclaimer: I am the author)
       | jmondi wrote:
       | I really really wish this supported experimental decorators with
       | reflection metadata so we could use this in our Angular and
       | NestJS apps.
       | privatenumber wrote:
       | esbuild has flipped the JS community on its head. Not only as an
       | impressive JS bundler, but through all the next gen tooling
       | esbuild is powering.
       | For example, you can now speed up your Webpack build with esbuild
       | by replacing babel-loader/ts-loader/Terser:
       | https://github.com/privatenumber/esbuild-loader
       | (It also blows my mind that Evan is the CTO is Figma. How is he
       | so productive!?)
         | capableweb wrote:
         | > (It also blows my mind that Evan is the CTO is Figma. How is
         | he so productive!?)
         | When Evan first joined Figma, he saw how much time the
         | engineers spent on waiting for webpack and fighting JS
         | configuration files. Then one time, during an outage, the
         | developers tried to push a fix but the build was failing
         | because babel-deduplicate-int had changed their API interface
         | but only did a minor version bump when published to NPM, and
         | Figma engineers are at the edge of technology so they use
         | version ranges, not fixed versions.
         | When Evan heard this he pored up some whisky and created
         | esbuild in two nights. And the JS developers rejoiced. Now the
         | developers were so productive, that Evan already had nothing to
         | do. No one was fighting, all engineers were happy and playing
         | ping-pong like any everyday was Friday.
         | So now the only thing keeping all the JS engineers happy at
         | Figma, is the continued success and improvement of esbuild. So
         | Evan just spends his time with esbuild now.
         | (This is all fictional, of course)
         | swyx wrote:
         | i said on twitter that esbuild is the best possible ad for
         | working for figma that they could have ever done. (if this is
         | what they do for _fun_... imagine what they do at work, etc).
         | arguably he's doing his job just working on this thing all by
         | himself
       | astashov wrote:
       | I switched my pet project (about 15000 lines of code) from
       | Webpack to esbuild, and reduced the build time from 30 seconds to
       | 2 seconds.
       | The trickiest part was to make Tailwind CSS work. I used to do
       | that via postcss plugin, but just running that plugin even
       | without Webpack takes 15 seconds. Finally, with some
       | modifications in my CSS I made it work, and purged the unused
       | styles just by using PurgeCSS API manually.
       | The setup got a bit hairier than with Webpack, but it builds damn
       | fast now.
         | deergomoo wrote:
         | I believe the Tailwind team are currently working on addressing
         | the performance issues. The project lead was recently tweeting
         | about the new approach [0]; instead of building a huge CSS file
         | and stripping out the unused classes, the new version will only
         | generate the used classes to begin with.
         | [0] https://twitter.com/adamwathan/status/1366514152517337089
       | threatofrain wrote:
       | How does Esbuild achieve such insane differences in speed?
         | wffurr wrote:
         | https://esbuild.github.io/faq/#why-is-esbuild-fast
         | amatic wrote:
         | It is written in go and compiled. Go is responsible for high
         | parallelism. The fact it is compiled is an advantage over
         | javascript-based bundlers because they are re-compiled every
         | time you start building the source code (did I get that
         | right?).
       | parhamn wrote:
       | As soon as esbuild gets react hot reloading capabilities I'm
       | jumping ship. Although that might be out of scope and there is
       | Vite. I'm hoping to avoid vite and go pure esbuild. Fantastic
       | tool. It will make JavaScript distribution a much more pleasant
       | experience across the board when it gets wider adoption.
         | ccmcarey wrote:
         | Think that's out of scope - doesn't snowpack (which uses
         | esbuild) cover this though? https://www.snowpack.dev/
           | keraf wrote:
           | Snowpack uses ESM for development which allows really fast
           | HMR. And ESBuild is used for production builds. Best of both
           | worlds.
         | lhorie wrote:
         | He said in the past that he's not interested in implementing
         | HMR[0]
         | [0] https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/97
           | parhamn wrote:
           | Makes logical sense from a library/unixy perspective. They
           | offered similar reasoning for not including a file watcher at
           | first but they eventually added that.
           | HMR is pretty much the last missing piece to make this the
           | only JS bundling and dev tool you need. It would be a bad
           | decision to omit it.
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | Check out tools like vite or snowpack, which use esbuild
             | internally. They're the HMR developer experience you're
             | looking for.
           | izelnakri wrote:
           | I'm actually very happy that esbuild doesnt have HMR by
           | default. Despite the fact that most frontend devs
           | loving/hyping HMR, I prefer live-reloads more because it
           | refetches data/makes network calls and run my route hooks
           | without any additional step. This is particularly important
           | when you run your application tests in the browser(thats
           | better than running app tests in CI btw) and change these
           | test files constantly. The fact that most frontend devs favor
           | HMR over live-reload signals something that I really dislike.
             | AltruisticGapHN wrote:
             | Agree I hope Vite has a way to easily turn it off. Never
             | understood the appeal. Way more fun to "see" what you're
             | going for in your mind and write more at once and see what
             | happens, then react compulsively to a tight feedback loop.
             | I think these features sometimes don't make us better
             | developers. I'm sure it has _some_ good uses, personally
             | never needed it.
             | nperez wrote:
             | I've been a f/e dev for around a decade and I don't trust
             | HMR. I end up refreshing manually anyway just so I know I'm
             | not seeing issues that don't exist due to event bindings
             | not refreshing properly, or app state getting messed up
             | between loads. It's fine for styling, but worries me when
             | there's too much complexity involved
               | AltruisticGapHN wrote:
               | That and the fact that unless you have two monitors often
               | as you save the refresh happens out of view, when you're
               | not seeing the page, so you lose the immediate visual
               | feedback of what actually changes. When you make minute
               | touches to a design it's annoying. When I hit F5 myself I
               | can look at exactly what I'm interested and see if it
               | shifted some pixels, if the font size is a bit better or
               | worse...
               | dota_fanatic wrote:
               | _> unless you have two monitors_
               | Or have your editor and browser window tiled next to each
               | other? Given how often FE development dabbles with
               | design, using at least one decently sized monitor seems
               | requisite.
               | And aren't FEers generally tweaking design in the DOM via
               | a browser's developer tools when they're not sure what
               | they want yet, copying back over into source once the
               | design is finalized? Seems downright unpleasant to modify
               | styling in the way you've described, and odd given
               | there's a fantastic IDE in every major browser for
               | styling exploration.
             | wishinghand wrote:
             | You bring up a good point. Wondering if there can be some
             | way to have both side by side. When I'm working on markup
             | or css I definitely want HMR. But when I'm in the script
             | section I've run into issues where I needed to reload the
             | page.
               | capableweb wrote:
               | > some way to have both side by side
               | Yes, just hook up to the reloading event of HMR on the
               | client-side and call `window.location.reload()` when that
               | happens, now you have traditional "live reload".
       | jayair wrote:
       | We love esbuild and we use it internally for SST
       | https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack.
       | The work Evan does is seriously impressive.
         | kraig wrote:
         | as a heavy user of CDK, sst looks pretty cool.
         | i'm curious why you didn't go the direction of adding this
         | functionality to CDK directly? i'd like to use some of the
         | functionality in here like live lambda development, but i also
         | don't want to take on converting my org's already built CDK
         | extensions and deal with migrations.
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